-- - THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1915. PAGE FIVE THE ON DIREcToRY BARRIEFIELD CAMP AGAIN LNA RAIN-SOAKED AND MUDDY... ually) enabl t ty ighout the World | t e direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS fern me ene Kingston Ladies Send Flow- mercla to L« Directory con : of EXPORT MERCHANTS ers to Field Hospital. BAGGAGEMAN ENLISTS WITH wis. Besides be L he the they ship, and Markets goods they and Foreign STEAMSHIP LINES ranged under the Torts 40 which } wall, and indicating the approxim ings, PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES leadlhg Manufacturers' Merchants s principal provincial town intriab centres of the United LIEUT. DAWSON'S S5OTH BATTALION There Are 200 Recruits Ready .At Smith's Falls For Either The 59th Or the 77th Battalion, COL » Sail tion will be of of the ourre nt edi ,.. On receipt ng jes" pan adver trade cards for #5 or larger ertisements from $I5. THE LONDON DIRECTORY CO, 17D, 25 Abehurch Lane, London, E. C, | Rain, mud and then some more seems to be the way the weather man has decreed that Barriefield camp shall suffer. For the last two weeks .the grounds have been mud- dy, no sooner starting to dry up from the effects of one down-pour {than another comes with equal vio- | lence to cause inconvenience, There is an opening for a. staff chaplain at | the camp who has enough influence] (to make the weather man behave himself, The men are acting splen-| didly through it all and they are en- titled to the sincere sympathy from the citizens who are able to travel] in automobiles and street cars while) the men who are training to fight| No Trouble to Keep Skin Free From Hairs (The Modern Beauty) There is no need for any woman to, countenance superfluous hairs, because with a paste made by mix- ing seme powdered dalatone with water it is easy to get rid of them. The paste is applied for 2 or 3 min utes, then rubbed off and the skin | washed, This treatment will rid | the kin of hair without leaving a blemish, but care should be taken to see that you get real delatone. RAILWAY 3 NO TRUN AEA HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS TO Winnipeg $12.00 Via through mud up to their ankles. | Major. Sears and Major. Barrett, | 5th Kingston Field Battery, were in| | militia bukiness. Lieut. C narieson, C.A.8.C, | has been in the hospital for the last | {six weeks with pneumonia, has fully | recovered and reported for duty on | Monday. M. Ryan, baggageman at Sharbo | Lake, has enlisted with the 59th Bat- talion at Barriefield. Several Kingston ladies are send- {ing flowers to the Field Hospital at the camp and the staff are deeply grateful for their kindness. If any- one of a charitable disposition has either flowers or magazines which he or she could spare, the donations would be gratefully received at the | Field Hospital. New Transcontinental Route. 120 Per Mile West of Winnipeg. * Retreat this week is being sound- ed at' 7.30 p.m. Going Dates: August 19th and 26th. Lieut.-Col. Balderson 'and Major. de Hertel, 42nd Regiment, Smith's Falls, were at the camp on Monday. The officers report that the 42nd Re- giment has 200 recruits for overseas service which will either be sent to | the 77th' Ottawa Battalion or the 659th Kingston Battalion. For full particulars apply to J. P.| HANLEY, C. P. &T. A w~Car, John- | son and Ontario streets, A CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS FROM MONTREAL. Missanable Metagama Missanable Metagama {of the fifty men of ' the overseas | draft from the 8th C.M.R., are Can' | adians, All are splendidly built mep as well as belng very intelligent and will be the equal of any men who have so far gone over. Lieut. H. Stethem, O.C., School of | Machine Gunnery, réturned on Mon- | day from Alexandria where he ad- | dressed a meeting held to stimulate recruiting. Heularsy from ONWAY PA, Pads Oly Ticket Office, coriier Prin: i J 8. wean Wellington Streets. Phone Hamilton, A.D.. of in Toronto on military Suther- \ Major J. and T., is business and Lieut. J. T. Nn, Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted For Harvesting In Western Canada. "Going Trip West" "Return Trip East" $12.00 to Winnipeg. $18.00 From Winnipeg. GOING DATES > August 0h and Torm-- From Kingston, Tichborne Jet. Shatbot Lake, Renfrew and Maat in the Provinces of Ontario and = Quebec, Including intermediate : stations and branches August 21st and 26th-- From Toronto, Sault Ste. e, Ont, and East the Province of gntarle, ine ding intermediate stations and branches, but not East of or includ ne plngston, Tichborne Jet; Sharbot Lake or Renfrew. Augunt 24th and Hh-E rom Toronto and stations West and North in the ovince of Ontario, but net including stations od line North of Toronto oo, Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Particulars from CONWAY, C. » A, City Ticket Office, corner Prin {cess and Wellington Streets. Phone 1197. | Battalion, who| It is interesting to note that thir- | i Ny lds ictbempens adjutant, is acting A.D. , in his absence. of The officers and N.C.O's attending the School of Machine Gunnery have finished trenches for the accommo- dation of a machine-gun. The condi- tions were made by Lieut. H. Stet- hem as near as possible to those which the men would meet with on the firing line and a trench complete even for sleeping quarters for the men was dug on Monday morning As rock was met with a few feet be- low the surface, sand-bags were us-| ed to bring the height of the excava- tion up fo the necessary number of feet so that the men could work at firing the gun and on active service. and not be hit by snipers. The camp dentists, Capt. A. W. Winnett and Capt. 8. H. Simpson, treated 174 soldiers for dental trou- ble last week. Sauve, "B" company, 59th] brought in twenty-nine} recruits from Cambeliford on Mon- Capt. day afternoon. After being outfitted | they will be taken on the strength of | Company being form-| | the new "B"" "6d to take the place of the overseas] draft, Pte. Fournier, tal on Monday. L. Dine has been Squadron Sergt-Major. C. nes, 8th Regiment, C.M.R., the camp on Monday afternoon on promoted to the rank of Regimental | the city on Monday, the 2 | Sergeant- Major. The 8th C.M.R,, men were engag- | co | bi ed in. rifle and fire discipline on Tues- day. The recruits are showing up | splendidly. Two squads who have | | been receiving recruit drill for the] | two weeks they have been in the re- t| giment were dismissed | afternoon and will now on Monday take their places with the regiment. The recruits of the 8th CM.R., re- | celved their first lesson in equitation on Tuesday morning. Tpr. Fraser, 8th CMR. was trans | ferred to the Kingston General Hos- pital on Monday suffering from diphtheria. Tpr. Brown, 8th C.M.R., and Pte. Cross, 59th Battalion, are in the Field Hospital with slight cases 9 bronchitis. Driver Grady, C.A.S.C., in Hospital with an abscess on i shoulder. The sports as announced in Mon- day's issue will be run off to-night. Sydenham Street Church will give a concert in the Y. M. C. A. tent to- night. Major G. L, Starr will make a presentation of prizes during the evening. Capt. the Rev. A. E. Runnels,chap lain of the 4th Hussars,gave a splen- did address in the Y. M. C, A. tent on Monday evening. There was a very large number of soldiers pres- ent, who very much appreciated the address. He will give addresses on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. At Tete de Pont Barracks. With the draft of fifty men and the number of recruits lately receiv- ed, "C" Battery is now over full strength. The pleasant surprise that the officers have received is the splendid type of men who are being taken on as recruits. On Monday afternoon fourteen men were re- ceived from Toronto. B. 8. M. Pep- piatt is recruiting officer, and al- though he has only been there a few days, he has sent down thirty men, and all are of fine intelligence and physique. 4 The N. C. O.'s 'taking the Royal School of Artillery receive their phy- sical drill on the market square. This takes place every morning be- twene 6.30 and 7 o'clock. The N. C. 0.8 are quartered in the Richard- son building. Gunner Beauchamp is employed as medical orderly at Tete de Pont Bar- racks. G. Kerr, J. Holman and E, Brown have béen taken on the strength of "C" Battery. In Marine Circles. Steamer Buena Vista passed here on her way to Rideau ports. The tug Emerson arrived with two light barges from Montreal. The tug Emerson cleared with the barge Melrose to load coal at Port Col- Tne. Mr, and Mrs, Patrick Hawkins and ~ {Misses May Cushing ahd Esther Kane, Rochester, N.Y., are spending | e summer at Wolfe "Island. | home, | cartier he instructed the 59th Battalion, was | the Empire's battles have to wade| discharged from the General Hospi | Southey, No. OFFICERS OF THE 21ST RECEIVE APPOINTMENTS SO LETTERS ANNOUNCE J. Edwards Made Brigade -- Mac hine Gun Officer-- Lieut. Sou- they Appointed Bomb Officer. Word-was received in the Monday afternoon that Lieut. J. Ed- wards, who went overseas as ma- chine gun officer of the 21st Battal- ion, had been appointed brigade ma- chine gun; officer. The brigade, to which he #4will be posted, is made up of the 18th Battalion, London, 19th and 20th Battalions, Toronto, and! the 21st Battalion, Kingston. p: Lieut. Edwards belonged to = the School of Musketry and was attach- ed to the Third Division as an in- structor with the rank of Sergt-Ma- jor. As soon as war was declared he made an application to go to the front, but was informed that his ser- vices were very badly needed at and for that reason he was, sent to Valcartier camp where he] had charge of some of the musketry | instruetion. Returning from Val- 21st here. Shortly before the battalion left the | eity, Lieut.-Col. Hughes found him- self in need of a machine gun officer | and he secured for Sergt.-Major Ed- wards a commission. Since his ar-| rival at Sandling camp the officers | saw his worth and for that reason he| was appointed to this new post.! | Lieut. Edwards was formerly a mem- | ber of the Imperial Army. It is also announced _ that Lieut.| 2 Company, 21st Bat | talion, has been - appointed bomb-| throwing officer of the 21st. He is a | Throwing { eity on | South African veteran, According to letters received in! 21st has not | about leaving front. They are drilling] stantly' and appear to be. in the t of spirits. received any orders for the Letter From Sergt. K. Mundell, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock | | street, on Monday afternoon received a short letter from their son, Sergt. Kenneth Mundell, with Lieut.-Col. A. E. Ross' Ambulance Corps at the | front. Sergt. Mundell tells of the | corps being inspected by" Premier | Borden, who shook hands with all | the officers. The Premier told the | corps that 16,000 © Canadian | forcements were on the wdy, but did| not say as to whether the Ambulance | | men would be rested after their long { and arduous labors. The 21st Copped AllL | Mrs. J. «| ton street, Watertown, N.Y,, received | |@ letter from her nephew, liam Bowman, jr, a resident of Kingston, who went overseas with | the 21st Battalion. The letter is | { dated July 14th, and is stamped with | la maple leaf. He said: | great day in the afternoon of | 10th of July, i our brigade, consisting of the 18th, { 19th, 20th and 21st Battalions, were {all in it, but the 21st copped it all. | They took the majority of the first and second prizes, The day was an | ideal one for the sports." Mrs. Lamontagne has received sev eral postcards fram her nephew. These are embossed with colored silk, that has been sewn upon the cards by hand. They are very beau- tiful, Private Bowman's 'father is in active service in the Dardanelles, the VAUDEVILLE AT THE GRAND, A Splendid Entertainment Offered This week. The Grand Opera House was filled to capacity last night and the audi- ence witnessed oné of the best enter- tainments of vaudeville and pictures ever presented at this popular thea- tre. The feature picture was Rita Jolivet in "The Unafraid," the ro- mantic. adventures of an American girl who 'became a captive bride in the mountains of Montenegro. This, picture is one of the best seen here The other pictures shown were a two-reel Universal photoplay, "Rene Hasgard Journeys on," a comedy pic- ture, "Love, Fireworks and the Jani- tor," the Pathe News of the latest events of the war, and the Pathe col- ored pictures. The vaudeville consisted of Ed- ward and Helen LaNole in a comedy acrobatic and tromboline aet that proved to be a hit with the audience. Both did some very clever work on the trapeze and were warmly ap- plauded. The same bill will be repeated to- night and on Wednesday afternoon and evening... Grain Crops Are Grand. J. R. Donaldson, mail clerk, says he never saw such grain crops as those along the K. and P. this year. In some places it is down but farm- ers are always pleased enough to "lodge." Pastures are as green as in May live stock's are rolling fat. If ) only get a week or so of the bank. rein- | Lamontagne, 907 Washing- | Pte. Wil-| It was field day, and | . -- Gi bof er Rideau, od Watch for Announcement of a Great Sale--This Space in To-morrow's Whig. win 3 { Sakell s Pure Ice Cream Our Ic :e Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by.Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or ~ SAKELL'S {Next Opera House. One Dollar Hat Sale In addition to ouibig Straw Hat Sale,we offer scores of fine $2.50 Soft Felt Hats. Broken lines from our Bpring and Summer stock, for $1.00. See Our Windows. Phone 640 Ss -- nnn AAA A NI AAA AAA Ae 'Second Hand dl Automobiles For Sale 1 1914 Ford, 5-passenger, fully equipped with shock absorbers, demountable rims, newly painted; all in first class order. «1 Maxwell 25, B-passenger, fully equipped with self starter, electric lights, mohair top, new tires; in perfect running order. 1 1914 Indian Motor-cycle, with side car, run 500 miles; splendid condition. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-214 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 454 ot "We had al | PRINTERS " BOOK-BINDERS LOOSE LEAF DEVICES EMBOSSERS ENGRAVERS iN Rt KINGSTON ONT. 1 Campbell Bros. For Hat Bargains. Aca mn TROUBLE WAS CAUSED By Old Regulation Regarding Wives' And Parents' Consent. The regulation providing for wives' and parents' consent being necessary before husbands and sons would be accepted for active service, | and which the Acting-Minister of Mi-! litia has now abolished, produced]| considerable hard feeling. A good | many men eager to take service have failed to obtain the consent of their wives, In many cases, where they enlisted without their consent, wives have written protests to the depart- ment and the men immediately have | been sent home. With minors there has been even | more trouble. * Boys of eighteen are; | ever burning to enlist have failed to obtain the consent of parents. Num- bers have run away and enlisted un- der fiictitious names and incorrect ages. Time after time regiments in| training have been combed far fugi-| tive, junior patriots. Many boys have been found and sent home. Many have not, a few fathers and! mothers grieving for missing sons! and wondering whether they ag} in' Flanders or under the sod. know the boy wanted to go and Thal | where you tan permission was withheld, that one vacation. day he disappeared and search| Consult failed to discover him; there has been no card from Salisbury or France for the boy feared recall. So| to-day many parents are wondering if their missing boy is alive or has died under a fighting name. | Twenty pretty designs in Brush Amn nas | 200 Velvet finishes, FROM CAPE VINCENT New $10.80 ROUND TRIP + Going Thursday, Augus Numerous beaches { | t 12. | near New York, -spend a salt Mattrasses with a wearing quality. wates | Return Hmit August 21. local ticket agents for time of trains and other information. - ---- ---- Water In Harbor Higher. During the past week or so the level of the water in the harbor has risen slightly over four. inches, As yet it is still much too low and if it would rise another eight fnches mar- iners would be extremely grateful. The steamer Rideau Queen had to be taken off the Rideau course and laid up on account of the low water. The time is now approaching when Otta- 'wa's fair will be aad th the The instrument that is 'always ready to- oblige with the best dance music; that plays itself and per- mits every one to dance; that keeps right on playing as long as you want to "dance - awaiting to see if the rise a few You can 'get a Victrola 'right away by our plan of easy terms. $21 to $255 'or a Victrola." ¢31 to $78 for a Victor.