Furs OF QUALITY Made to" Special Order PAGE TWO rs a } [ave ENLISTED WITH "C* BAN | TERY, KINGSTON, | Rowe, Junior, Have. Arrived Here From Toronto--Both Will Make Excellent Soldiers. "Stand not upol'the order of your going, but go at onke." a quotation from Macbeth, tas Brought*in many recruits for overseas service, and two of the most interesting vet re- ceived In the ¢ity are Thomas Rowe, | senor; and THomas Rowe, junior, both of Toromto. * The elder Rowe, or, as he is now designated, Driver Rowe, is by profession a "shoeing- smith, and lived at 100 Caroline ave- he. should do his daty, offered his services, His next act was to bring [down his'son to the recruiting office, and he too was accepted. Now fa- ther and 50% are members of "C" Battery, and they are two of the best men under Capt. W.E.Steacy. Driver Rowe, senior, as he is an expert shoeing-smith, will likely he made a non-commissioned officer, wr while his son will also be given any 13 | appointment: he 'proves himself wor- ét thy of. an e This is the first case that the | Whig has heard of in which father | and son Rave enlisted on the same day for overseas service. The father was born at Bryan, Lancashire, Eng- { ana, and the son was born in Can- { hue, Toronto. Battery Sergt.-Ma jor | | Pepptatt i§ recruiting men for "C" { Battery Mm that city, and when the | | call came Driver Rowe, realizing that | ! Limited, . 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. Ontario. The name and address of any person who is desirous of using a CHEAP, CLEAN, and CONVENIENT method of COOKING. Call 197, or drop a card to the Office of Works, on Queen Street,and have the GAS installed in in your home. TWO FINE ROADWAYS. and Upped William Streets Are Completed. The residents of Aberdeen street | and of Willlam street between Divi- | sion and Univergity,are holding their | heads high, andSperhaps they have | réason todo so, for théy have the Thomas Rowe, Senior, and Thomas ' , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, IN MARINE CIRCLES. TH FATHER AND SON Water Todo Ridenw & Hins Risen Due { lng Past Weeks. | Rideau Points state that the water | has risen-three-or four {inches during the past few days. On accavst of the low water the Rideau passenger | boats hart to be taken off the route a few weeks agv. To relieve the situation the s*cam- er Buena Vista, which has beea on the rodte néar Ottawa, nas: been brought up oh thé Kingston run so | 48 to carry the cheese which is made at the factories along the Rideau to the city for shipment to Mantreal. The schooner Ford Rives cleared for Charlotte with feldspar. The schoemer Merrill will arrive to-day to load feldspar for Char lotte. 7 Ihe schooner Isabella H. i$ un- loading gravel at Soward's whar( The beén at sea for two months, is ex- pected at Baltimore on Thursday. | to-day. | "Phe steamer Wahcondah left the Kingston Shipbuilding dock at five | o'clock on Tuesday evening, an | cleared at-tem o'cloek for points | down. the St, Lawrence River. i The Montreal Trausportation { Company's barge Selkirk went into | drydock on Wednesday morning fe- | repairs. | The steamer Samuel Marshall passed up at 5 a.m. Wednesday. | Steamer Natironco, up 9 p.m.Tues | day. : | Steamer Beavertod, down 3 a.m | Wednesday. / | dr ------ a WAR PRISONERS WORKING 14 Repairs: To The. Interior Of Fort Rev. B. BE. Rutzky, Ottawa, who {each mbnth' conducts divine service | for: the Gertaan plisoners-of-war at { Fort Heénry, was in the city on Tues- | day and Wednesday. He conducted {his usual service on Tuesday after- Repokis téeetved from * diferent eamer Fairmount, which nas Steamer Windeor is expected down | Light, Heat, Water Depts. C. C. Folger; General Mgr. | finest pieces of fi a - Power and p e of residefitial rosa pave. meat in Kingston. = The work of oon. constructing asphaltic macadam with In conversation With a Whig' re- concrete bake has just been complet- | resentative; Mp Rutzky Spayed a to City Engineer McClelignd. They | Fae, Commandant, who he says is a are splendidly built, and add greatly" to the appearance of those two new thuroughfares, which have ben com- pletely built up of late. Enquiry of the City Engincer elic ited the information that the road ways cost §1.50 a running foot. Tar- via on a macadam bage, as compared t0 a concrete hase on Aberdeen and William streets, would tost $1.40°a runing foot. Asphalt like that on Princess street would cost around $4 a foot, . The Aberdeen and William street rondways are constructed of the same surface material as on Barrie street, bat the asphaltic macadam is better 1aid, and has a concrete base, whereas Barrie street was re-surfaced. After examining the 'above two new roadways, the opinjon is ex- pressed that the residents of Univer- sity avenue may compromise by ae cepting asphaltic macadam. r------ ---- MILLINERS MADE MERRY At Lake Ontarld Park on Tuesday To Night. The first annual outing of the United Millers" Association, Kings- ton, was cfowned with the test success at Lake Ontario Park on Tuesday aftefnoon and night, Some out-of-town. gu , Were among the Soman the Midas Rose Fun lly Gananoque; Edythe Snow- ofohto; Georgia and Margaret Nicinrian. Mo i Miss Walker, rved We have the very bestn Gooked Hams, Jellied Tongue, ied Hacks, Pressed Ham and Veal, Bologna and Head Cheese, ' P.8.--All our meats are kept ice cold in our modern refrigerator coun- ter away from flies and dust, simply Many handsome designs in the show in the poft, pretty colors for bed- rooms. Oriental - and ' Conventional designs for living rooms and +dining rooms, infact for any part 'of the A' good, serviceable, hard wearing Rug. Specially Low Prices: 9by 1012 ft. ..$ breaking up, and an- | ers to thelr respective homes. 9 by 124%. ..... $14.00 ria he Fics of : "1 want men to All the 5 the {army f county, get them," nal the statem oth -- migration Officer George 'Hanter to the Whig on ednesday Col. Hunter states t oy a lot of "floaters," but they are of no 'use 10 the as the majors ity only stay untii they get enough money to get "tight.* ? Thi ve gotten to such a state that Hunter has been asked on the "price of a drink." tl reap He: Was: Let Gou « Robert MoOlenan appeared 'befdbe Mayar Sutherland in the Police Onna: & - ~ " | asked 1h acting hd ee - a has He Tey, | ed His Worship. bi about 6.30 o'clock, | tomobilea conveyed the merry-mak- | are | Court on Wednesday, charged weit | 4 1 ed, and the new roads are a credit | Fos. Comm to Lieut.Col. J, H. H. strong mh and In the right place. The prisoners are being giyen some work in Tegponse to | their reuest, and the interior of the fert is being repaired. The men sometimes are allowed out of the grounds under cover, as far as the water, Promin- ent sympathizers, Mr. Rulsky said, are trying to persuade the Govern- ment to give the prisoners work on the road between the« Cataraqui bridge and the camp grounds. - This piece of road lias hgen taken over by the Government - for' maintainance, and' as #nother plece, that between the old toll gate on the Bath road to Heathfield oh the York: roa will be macadamized by convidl labor, this will be used gs an argument. The only reason it 'Is unde¥stood, the Government will not allow the war prisoners to do the, work is be- cause 'it might intesfere with labor conditions here: ; y z Brookiyn; 3: il FY Pittsburgh, «87, York, 2. Shitengo, 9: Philadélphia; 4. Detroit," 8; Waslimgton, '2; New York22: Cleveland, 3. St. Louis, 84; Bestom, 2-10 Kansas Dity; 39 Brookiyn, Chicago, 7; Newark, 0. : League: Providence, 3; Richmond, 1. Toronto, 4-8; Rochester, 2-2. Tokens. Of Regard. | field on 'Monday 'morning, ~Camon the service. The Beautiful and 'Wreaths=--Mother, : Mr: ahd Mrs. Carey; 'Mt. and" Mrs.' Plymouth, aust 1 Beh: $2,900 buys a stone, 7 | room residence; hot | water lieating, open | it - 132, King St. West. | $2.900 for a stone resi- [fil i dence; 9 rooms, with [i god stable. amd why! lected $5. The funeral of 'the late: Florence] "Mrs Be ;"Mve. M. Rosomond, Corp! Mrs. Mis. L. Kel re a i BU Likes several occasions' by immigrants for |' { Results Tuesday Evening--Standing| td Of Rinks. | Three-bowling games were played' on Tuesday evening, the results be-| (ing as. follows: 0. 0. Boyd, E. Williamson, Dr. Young and W. M. Campbell (skip) H, F. Price, F. Crozier, L. Sleeth {and J. F. McMillan (skip)--9. J. A. Mortimer. T. Lambert, W. R. Givens and H. W. Newman (skip)! --12, J F. 8. Keene, J. C. Gwilliam, J. | Jamieson and W. G. Ferguson tskip) | --11, i V. Bryant, N. Munsie, H. D, Bib- by and W. H. Montgomery (skip)-- 2. F. Kinnear, W. F. Iaman, Dr. | Sparks and J. W. Corbett (skip)--i 10. | All entries for the bowling club's] i singles and doubles had to be in| | last might. ! | It is expected that the local club | | will play friendly games with| | Brockville rinks in Brockville short- | by. { | The standing of the bowling rihks| | is as follows: { |J: Leckie . ... | W. G. Ferguson *. McMillan . Jackson . W. Newman . W. Corbett . B. Bibby . A. Turcott % . F. Smith H. Montgomery R. J. McKelvey WwW. C." Grozier | ITTLE GIRLS COLLECT MONEY. OTT nO i i 00 00 60.00 CO 00 C0 CO BO In Aid of Queen's Stationary Hos pital Corps. Being "unable to go to the front and do their bit for their King and country{ five or six girls, ranging from six to ten years. of age, who reside jn vicinity of Queen and Wel- lington streets, have decided to make a canvass of their friends to raise funds for Queen's Stationary Hospital. One day recently while the child- ren were playing "war" on the streely one of them was seized with the idea that they could do some thing, When she told her chums| what she was thinking about they immediately got busy. All the girls got small aprons similar to those worn by the nurses and made a nur- ses cap. Then they prepared a list and started out to canvass. After being out for a few days they col- One of the children has two brothers at the front. Where Is the Garbage Man? What has become of our garbage man? This is the question which the police are asked to amswer on numerous occasions. During the past few days complaints have been pouring into the Police Station. In some cases citizens claim that there has been no' collection for almost three weeks, While the Whig represemtative was in the police rooms on Wednes- day morning Police Constable Cot- ter answered the telephone mine times in about twenty minutes. All were complaints about the non-ap- pearance of the garbage man. } A ------ Nurses All Rejoined Corps It was reported that some of the 's Stationary Hospital nurses who have been gent to France late in May had been left therec Dean Connell when asked by the Whig stated that all the nurses who aft 'had rejoined the corps in England and had proceeded to the With advancing years comes con- stipation. Rexall Orderlies are a peop Be d only Go WM le. Sel 80. . Ma- hood, The Rexall Store, 10¢., 25e¢. and G9c. bayes, A woman's idea of a satisfactory husband. is one she an make jealous. * BS a We have just received aw interesting assortment of books for reading--Ilight, entertaining, diverting stories, the kind you'll want to read Don't forget to pack a few in vour while lying comfortably in the hammock. grip before you leave. - - BOOKS AT 20c. A selected line of Fiction, former- ly issued at $1.25 and up. By the best of Englisli' and Ameriean au- thors. Cloth bound. Poeeket size. The ters. BOOKS BY MARK TWAIN AT 35¢c. Information Wanted, The New Pilgrim's Progress, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper, Jumping Frog, A Tramp Abroad, Roughing It. | . | 160 Princess Street If You Are Needing | Anything in the Way of Summer Wearables, it Will Pay You to See Our Range and Take Advantage of the Big Reduction in Prices LADIES' MISSES® LADIES' LADIES' MIDDY BLOUSES LADIES' FANCY PARASOLS CHILDREN'S PARASOLS LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS HOSIERY, GLOVES UNDERWEAR PICTORIAL MAGAZINE FOR SEPTEMBER, 15¢ PICTORIAL QUARTERLY FOR FALL Book and any Pattern, both for 25c. SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER DRESSES WAISTS British mall closes irregular- ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally ., 1.00 pm. " Grand Trunk, going GABE (yiicvievocenss 1050 pom. Do. (lnclu@'ng Eastern 8 y svver newness os BLE Sm © Grand Tuak, FO WeBE i.ciivsanesns 1050 am Do. (ir-'uding Westérn © Bes) ..iciveseees 10.80 pam i. Grand Trunk and all west of OMY tiie. 230 pan "CO. P. RR. 1015 am. end 4.30 pm LC Ny My savnaesensaas 230 pi In these, thé ensilage packs tightly, seldom freezes, and keeps well, The staves are made of Hemlock, Spruce, or Pine, tongued and grooved. Buy the lumber in the white, - baint it" yourself. Do mot wait until the corn 4 is ready to cut. Order now. BOOKS AT 25¢. London War Series by the best Enelish wri Instructive Cloth bound. The College Book Store Open Nights 1 Cor. For one week we Books summer $ Daily Telegraph's and interesting. Pocket size. The Celebrated Phone 919 Watches With Expanding Brace: lets. We have without ex- ception, the smallest, thinnest, best Wrist Watch in expanding bracelet for $15.00 that we ever had. Both wateh and wear- ing qualities of bracelet are fully guaranteed. | Smith Bros., TEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses es ~aB he of REMODELLED ' Gourdier's Phone 700. $1,500 Buys a Detached Jame Dweling Division street. $500. for a mice building lot on Birch Avenue (near Albert St.) HOUSES TO RENT, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. Come tn office and get list of bar~ EW. Mall and Son The Home of Real Estate Bargains, ohnson and Division Sts. 539 and 1456.