THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, EE i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LJ)OAL NOTES ANI AND ITEMS OF B ARBING,.. GENERAL INTERKST. SERVICE Hagperiings in the City and Vieinity -- What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. like rain. Sweets," It begins to look a little "Fresh Page and Shaw Gibzon's. A British mail will close at the post office on Friday at noon. Miss Lillian Wood, Féld's Mills, N.Y. is visiting friends in the city. America to Picton, Wednesday, August 18th. Fare 50c. Bruce Platt has returned to Co- bourg after spending the last two weeks in Kingston. "Ice Cream Bricks" | Red Cross Drug store. It is estimated that the recent heavy rains raised the water in the | St. Lawrence five: fuches. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 ! King street. Leave orders at McAul- iey's Book Store. "Fresh Page Gibson's. A son was born in London to Cap- tain H. S. Wartele, Royal Artillery. $3,500 a Royal Military College graduate. The R. C. H. A. band concert will A prompt and dependable banking 88 HIen carry their accounts at reputation, ur f erviee is provided for busi- Thé Bank of Toronto." The this Bank 4 guarantee of community, ing 1d to the ioe acilities of are satisfactory gervies busines: Capital $35,000,000 Reserved THE "BANK or TORONTC I AA AA Al AA Alt At A AAA ra Bc FOR SALE NT.--9 roomed, solid brick house, all Funds $6,402,810 at Gibson's and Shaw Sweets," FRY... £NAC aeep lot . BAREIE ST.--0 roomed "frame house, modern, with bath 'and closet . THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY,' 8 BROCK STREET, J. DRIVER, Representative, Phase 88 or 874: | night, but on Friday.night instead. Shaving Lotion at Gibson's. The Donnelly Wrecking Cd, is to lay the mew intake pipe for Brockville Mrs. C. J. I Ss Tourists + You are invited to-call and- look over our Novelties, Jewelry, Diamonds, etc. A pleasure to show our goods. R. J. RODGER, 347 KING ST. KINGSTON. "Where the clock Is on the walk." Hinckley, 185 sity avenue, left by boat for Mon- treal, with her two lady visitors, on | Tuesday morning. "Fresh Page. and Shaw Sweets," Gibson's. Miss Laura Begg, 430 street, left Thursday for Free Port, Long Island, N. Y., spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Mullingér daughter, Irene, together 'with their Camp, Wulfe Island. "Unbleached Tooth Brushes' Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. The steamer New Castanet reached Itica, N. Y., from Kingston. She has been re-named the City of Ithica, and will ply on Cayuga Lake. Charles H. Haystead, erstwhile] theatrical manager and tobacco tra; veller, has been appointed mahager of the Welland Hotel, Montreal. "Foot Powder" at Gibson's Cross Drug store. Prof. W. E. Macpherson gave the last lecture for this term before the Queen's Summer School on, Wednes-| day afternoon on "The Schools of To-morrow." Shaving Lotion Cross Drug store. The steeple of Sydenham Street! Methodist Church is being painted by Frederick Young, contractor. The steeple has been badly in need of paint for some time, W. J. Clarke, Wellington street, received a card on Thursday from Gunner George Manning of the R.C. H.A. The card states that the bat- teries arrived in France on the 20th. Page and Shaw week-end Sweels at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. Frederick Best, WANTED FOR SATURDAY 1,000 1bs. Dressed Fowl. cash pride paid. ANDERSON BROS, Princess and Division Streets. SN Phone 458. Red of Choice | or ES] Anything you may want in the Highest KODAK LINE from us, We carry a | full stock of Kodaks, Cameras, F "ilms, | Photographic Papers and Supplies, We Develop and Print with care! and despatch. at Gibson's Red | 1 Hoag's Drug Store Opp. YM.C.A. Phone 258. KINGSTON, ONT. | Co. . the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mathewson, Simcoe street, has left for Dallas, Texas. "Jee Cream Bricks" Red Cross Drug store. Near Clayton, N. Y., 'the steam yacht Indienne, chartered by James! K. Hackett, the well known actor, and his party, ran aground on Tues- | day, but was soon pulled off. "Unbleached Tooth Brushes' Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. Drs. A. and A. Snedden, Miss Lil- ian King. Miss Lyle LeGerow, To-| ronto and Mrs. 8. Trebilcock, Hamil- | ton, have been with Mrs. T. Mullin- | ger, Brock street for a few days. "New Tooth Brushes' at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. | M. E. W. 8. Murch, Kingston, Grand First Principle of the First Chapter of Ontario has been in 4 Montreal attending the annual as- sembly, Sovereign Great Priory of | Canada, held in the Windsor Ho- | tel. There. was: a fair-sized market on | Thursday morning with the follow- ing prices prevailing: Lamb, 16c to! 20c a 1b.; pork 10¢ to 12¢ a ib.; but-| ter 32c¢ to 35c a Ib.; eggs, 25¢ a dozen; raspberries, 10¢ to 13¢ a box; | | potatoes, 50c a bushel. IF YOU WANT THE BEST at Gibson's at At Robt. J. Reid's Now Going On | The entire stock of high grade Furni- ture must be sold without reserve, rather than have it damaged with falling plaster and lime dust in the rebuilding. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer 230 PRINCESS ST. Telephone Ambulance 577 Try Gordon's Special Blend Teas and Coffee, 80c, 35¢c, 40c per 1b. i GORDON'S GROCERY 149 Montreal St. Phone 88. not be given in MacDonald Park to-| the | Waterworks Department, | Univer- | Princess | where she will | and visitors are now at John Rawley's| at| has | | CRAWFORD'S SHORTCAKE, OPERA GRAN HOUSE TONIGHT And Every After- noon and Evening | CONTINUOUS PERFORM ANCE, At 2.30 p.m. vii FEATURE VAUDEY LLE Famous Players Flims, 5 Reels. Alice Dovey in "The Commanding Officer."| N imme Monday and Thursday | 10c, any seat. reserved be extra. iat. Evening, 10¢; P 'TO-NIGHT and Every Night at t 830) Conn MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT FREE Show Select Vaudeville Acts, FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS Free Admission to Park by Street Cars Wednesday, Canitren 1c on Cars. wien insertion, lc a word. Lake Ontario! ARK AUGUST 19, _1915. PAGY SRURN | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | = ------ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, TO LET. FOR SALE. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for one iusertion, 235¢; three Insertions, 50¢; six, $1; ome month, $2 STORAGE clean Street. FOR ETC, and FURNITURE, } Brock dry. McCann, DW BL LINGS, OFFICES, « Real Estate 3ro ck Street, STORES. Me- Agency, 82 # HELP WANTED. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED. McCann's Real Estate Agency, Bro Kk street. {GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 143 a2 { PHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Htetle. Once, 260; three times, one week, '$1.00. COs? b0e; C AR- at SULKIES, riages, Turk's. GO-CARTS AND Spi Sasguale prices, one SEVEN ROOM BRICK megdern, No. 180 Montreal Easy terms. Apply A: F. Bond Frontenac street phone 743. HOU SE, street 26 King street CABIN MAID FOR SS, CASPIAN. AP. [CARRY Canada 88. Lines office, foot op) Brock street OFFIC ES IN CLARENC E ST. CHAM. bers Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence St { lore CLASS E | lathe hands. HOUSE ON CHATHAM provements. Apply shall, 101 Queen street AND TURRET Westing- Hamilton, STREET; IM. David Mar- NGINE Canadian house Company Limited, Ont. WAGSTAFFE'S | t ABSOLUTELY PURE W. 0. W. EXCURSION. Moonlight Excursion under of "Waodmeyr of the Thousand Islander, THURSDAY EVENING, AUG. Orchestra on Hoard. Boat Jeaves foot of Brock street ut | 7.45 pm sharp. Tickets 35c. and bring 4d friends NOTICE wish to notify the public that purciiagsed the barber business Come | 1 have from Barber -Parlor--185 Wellington street, and extend a cordial invitation to Mr. | to | Deline's customers and 'the publ visit my pariei=which is in. Al -con- ditjon. and. ugisto-date in every respect FRANK ROBBS. WANTED. if my wife, living in Kingston, ic INFORMATION want to know Gamweoll, 8 tario. Her Mary Jane married at ter, N.Y. in 1900 Our daughter, ir alive, would be fifteen yéars of age am very anxious to know about her information i tha ankfully i Wads- Crawford's Faney English Mrs On- Horton Farley, 223 North We we street, Roches- For the home, For the picnic, For the finish that much to the afternoon tea. CRAWFORD'S CREAM PUFFS. |{CRAWFORD'S LEMON PUFFS. ICRAWFORD'S CURRANT PUFFS, [CRAWFORD'S BUTTER PUFFS. | CRAWFORD'S BOURBON, CRAWFORD'S WHOLEMEAL, They are 'delicious, For sale at all grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Distributors. ) N.B.--See the name CRAWFORD is on each biscuit. . o Voters' List, 1815 Municipality of the T irl eo Froatenac --. Notice 1s hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons Battery, An exceptional opportunity for men to enlist in the most desir- able branch of the wl opportunity 1 young Pay and separation allowance from date of enlistment; share f Patriotic Fund. Appl alge 2 MAJOR W. ¥: MAJOR E. C ET CARTERS. Amiory Pak, Oppeci Ava P a I in section 9 of the Ontario Fréphing Ladst 3 ithe copies required hy section be so transmitted or de. Kored 2 of the Hst, made pursuant ie Fo AL persons appearin, od 5 ised Assessment Roll of fotpality te to ie otitle to vos at elections re of | the! Merial tive Assem- Hlecti and ons; hoy rrp wo upon all voters to 1 to ha ong corrected acs WM. YOUNG, 'of Ramerie. 7th day of August, 1915. auspices | Werld, on Steamer | 12th. | I | Deline--known as Antiseptic name before marriage was | | FURNISHED located office HOUSE, WOMAN FOR-KITCHEN WORK FOR Apply | Gananoque Inn. Apply Hotel Frontenac Box $10, Whig | fa BOY TO DRIVE DELIVERY WAGON, Steady work Apply in evening after o'clock to 306 Umversity avenue STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own loek and key, Frost's City Storage, 208 8 Quéen St 526b. | Phone IPPOSITE "GRANT ' 2 niversity Avenue, a term of years. Apply direct Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St EXPERIE single, ment g MARRIED OR Yearly employ- ete. Apply MY RESIDE N, Hal farm house CE 122 for o Free Whig. etme bien -- GIRL, ABOUT 14 YEARS or to assist with light house-! keeping. Apply at once to 15 Markland street. te ONCE--TH AT CENTRALLY LO- cated house, 7 rooms; B. and OC, gas, electric Hght; near City Park Rent moderate. Apply to 72 Stree t BrauT RooM® » HOUSE, WITH ern Improvements, corner Divi and Quebec streets. Apply J. Boyd, "106 Ine, or Mr. Prin door, Division street LAT ONCE, GENERAL SERVANT, WITH réferences; no washing Apply to Mrs. I. R. Maguire, corner Johnson and Collingwood streets D gle, next |SPEEDER TENDERS, ners and weavers for cotton mill; will take on learners. Apply Do- mrinion Textile, Co, Cataraqui St RING SPIN- FURNISHED HOUSE--TH didly equipped new residen 3 University Avenue ry i enc modern furniture Near Queen's University. Apply at William street for terms, et Ar ArasN, 1 125 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndl- cate, 3.969 Lockport, N.Y. FURNISHED HOUSES, tion, §3% GOOD LOCA and $40 per month 87, $10, GENERAL small family Must plain cook Refer Apply afternoon er Bowie, 320 Earl St TEACHER WANTED, | FOR 8.8. NO. 8, 080. Fe le preferred. Duties to com- mence September 1st. Apply to Archie Campbell, [YOUNG ~ WOMAN FOR housework, be a mood, ences required evening, Mrs UNFU RNISHE, D HOUSE $13, $15, $18 and up. FOR SAL TRICK HOUSES, 82,100, 5 $2,700, $3,100, $4,300, GOOD FRAME 500 | HOUS { and $5,800; 1 real "estate , 67 Clarence Phone 3%6 Geo and street, A SALARY $325. Kingston CENTRALLY Hark! hi wd iS, GOOD LOCA-| tnsur-1 GASOLINE LAUNCH, 235 FT, LONG, fully equipped and in. first class running order; also lease of boat house, prive $150.00 Apply: AT Division street. PRESERVERS FOR ADULTS and children; folding boat seats; camp outfits; fishing tackle a spe- clalty. Frank W. Cooke. 39 Clar- ence street. 'Phone ¥91 LIFE | MOTOR COYOLE, WITH SIDF. CAR complete. Elaotricdlight and horn; everything in first class order; ry chelp. Porritt's Garage Co. . Wellington street. "hone 454. Lt SOME CHOICE, HEAVY WINTER ear-oldsBbhode Island Reds; #t class faving condition evenings, 1068 Victoria St (near Karl) SALE OF BIOYOLES .. SO0UT Wi. evcles, $27; P Perfect Rigid 3 Cushion Frame, $60; fitted with 3- gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 378 Ing street. MY R SIDE N¢ E--OPPOSITE GRANT Hall" No. 122 University Avenue Terms: One-third cash and balance on mortgage at six per cent Ap ply direot to Thomas 7 Mi i Clarence street ils {AT ONCE (OWNER SICK) room house, barn, é¢ight acres of good land, garden planted. A bar- gain One mile west of Brockville, on Kingston road, next Country Club. golf links Apply A Brophy, general delivery, Brockville Ont EIGHT. TWO HOUSES, CHEAP, GOOD TERMS. One § rooms, gas, RB and ¢ One 11 rooms, gas. hot water heating, B. and C. This would he suitable For large family or boarding house both withing three minutes walk Apply Box -118,. Whig BOARD AND ROOMS, Secy.-Treas., Clarendon Sta., Ont. i | TO LET. Seven roomed 'brick house, WM modern improvements; good locality. - Rent $9 per 'month, Apply Box 811, Whig office, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR £CHOOL Section No Township of Port- land. Apply, ating qualifications and salary, to ©. B, "Henderson, Sec.-Treas, R.R. No. Harrow- smith, Ont PROTESTANT TEACHER . 2; Portland, two miles r, sdlar $400.00 fo ake, |QUALIFI for £ east of $450.00. oi D N { 1 I Bec.- Harrowsmith, Apniy A BUSINESS OHANOES -- rr -- a mall order business at home; no canvassing: be your own boss Send for free booklet; tells Heacock. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. {A NORMAL TRAINED MALE TEACH. er for Roman' Catholic séparate school: No. 4, Wolfe Island. Duties to commence September 1st, 1915 Apply, stating salary and experi- ence 'to James Hulton, Sec.-Treas., Walfe Island, Ont. i LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. ence St, | A. Law office, 70 [TEA THER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL Kingston. ction No. 8, at a salary of $325 a year. Duties to commence Ist September, 1915. Apply, stating experience and 'malary required, | ond giving references to Ervin ag Martin, Sec.-Treas., Fernleigh, Ont. POSITION WANTED. WOMAN WISHES POSITION AS GEN- eral servant or ceok. an furnish Apply Box AB, BUSNIESS NOTICE. | WM. EGAN 'WISHES TO ANNOUNCE | that le has purchased the tallor | pairing and pressing. Also make Ww sults from your own cloth orkmanship guaranteed. 131 Brock street. DENTAL BA. LDS, D.BS., RE. 68 Princess street. sod references. Whig office. wa ED AT ONCE, BY EXPERIENC- ed man, work on farm, with ¢ tage. Apply W. Clarke, Collin's Bay Post Office. A. E. KNAPP, moved to 2 PR. ©, ©, Renton, Street. assistant, WANTED GENERAL Phone 738. A ROOM, WITH TUVATE FAMILY; home comforts. Apply Box 813 WE WANT TO BUY SECOND HAND weesa feathers, Apply Kingston Mattress Company, 558 Princess St. { 133 Princess DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 169 Wellington Leonard Walsh, s'stant. Phone 346. street; J. ARCHITROY 500 FEATHER BEDS ANY KIND, ANY age. The very a hest cash price paid Phone Ontario Fea. ther Co., 208+ 310 Division street. ANY PERSON HAVING SEO- ond-hand furniture and stoves to dispose of, let me know. . I will pay good Prices Jd. Thompson, 333 Princess street, phone 1600. WM. NEW tects, ete, Phone 61. me | POWER & SON, ARC chants' Bank rock and Drop a card Bullding, Wellington Y. THE HioBnsy rices for new and second-hand Wrnigiize. bn ay of futniture, clo ng, of 00 le, 0 fe Dro, card and I will-edil. 8 NE, U y and carpet Shagiro. AS Princess street . Mattress renovating. or call 216 Bagot street. "work and Drop a card 'Split 25 has to FRONTENAC | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN at] how | | BARRISTER Clar- | shop formerly run by Thos. 'Gallo. , way and will do all kinds of re- | NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. RB. | DEN-=- | D.D.8., L.D.8, as-| ARCHI- | 58 Bagot St | "HITECTS, MER. | corner Streets, | FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveniences. Apply 243 Brock street. | FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. ment Boclety; 'ncorporated 1568; fresident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued op city and farm properties, mufilc'pal and country depentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al lowed. 8. .C. McGlll, Manager, 87 Clarence Street, | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR rire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition Py. which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habiiity of : A poverty. insured at lowest ssible rat ore renewing nar or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 385. | | | CARPEMERING. KELLAR, 10 PATRICK ST, wanting oarpenter work done. Prices moderate. Satisfac- tory work guaranteed. Jobing a rpecialty Phone 1268. | TRY C. when MEDICAL. 0, E. BELL, M.D. CM, LMOC,, SUR. id 138 Wellington street; phone | : ja. A. BOYCE, MiD., €M,, LATE MEDI. cal Buperintendent Ingston Gener- al Hospital Burge and residence 93 Wellington street. Phone 964 PERSONAL. RO, WORLD'S reader, now stopping t Readings 50¢ 9 to 263 King street I MDELE. GRY 'EST mind city 9. in Hours, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. out scar: 30 years experience. Dr Elmer J. ke, Eye, Kar, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot street. OATERING {WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, wedding bLreakfasts, banquets, ete. also rent dishes, table linens and silverware, teld and Hambrook M. P. leld, "230 Unlon Street; ¥. OC, Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street ORDER COAL NOW Is our advice. Prices: Furnaee Size Range Size Pea Coal Pea cents per ton extra if coal be carriedsin, oal JAMES SWIFT & 0 CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. For Sale ot All Grocers. i