THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1915. PRINTERS BOOK-BINDERS " LOOSE LEAF pevices! EMBOSSERS ENGRAVERS treet, enter fea hour on . Mrs. Russzell Hale formerly | Kingston, now in Quebec, and Miss "Helen Hale, will sail for England on August 21st to join Captain Hale at Folkestone, Jeffrey 'Hale, Capt. and Mr Hale's second son, mit Ir av the Citadel, NAA an on I, TWO NEW REO CARS PURCHASED FOR HIRE, GEO. W. BOYD, 89 Earl Street. Phone 1177; Large and Roomy Cars. Camer is taking a tary course Wile Miss Glady . | the guest of street Mrs, Le Cronler, | guest of Miss May | street. Dr. Wells, Mra ille 1~ Kari Jelley Anderson, the Brock Toronto, Bolger, and Mrs. Scott and little Mis a Hospital after visiting Mrs, Felix Johnston, | King street Mrs. Baynes Reed returned to Brockville after visiting Mrs. Nor man. Fraser. Earl street Mrs T. Medd and children have returned from Peterboro to spend rest of the summer at sidence." Fxpert mechanics make re pairs to all makes of Cam eras at Best's, For minor re pairs no charge is made All cranky eameras made to take good pictures, The Best Films. We sell you the best films you can buy and guarantee all rolls sok, 20,000. The fact that we aim at fin- ishing at least twenty thou= sand rolls of film this year shows you who is doing the finishing 'of snap shots in this town. Good, 'quick, reasonable ser- vice, At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. the « + + = Mrs. Clive Betts, Calgary, is in | Bowmanville with her father, Major King. Mrs. G. F. Emery, Miss Florente Emery and Miss Ruth Henderson ¢ | were in town from Thousand Island { Park on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McK. Robert- son; Union stréeét, . are spending a few weeks at Wolfe Island Mrs. D. M, Fraser, Union street, [left td-day to visit her sister, Mrs W. B. Hart, at her summer home on the Rideau. Miss Margot and Mis» Isabelle Fraser will spend the next few weeks in Pembroke. Prof, S. F. Kirkpatrick, Gore | street, returned from Bay View, Maine, on Friday, where he spent the past few weeks with his famiiy Mrs. Mackay and Miss Minnie Mackay, Smith's Falls, were guests this week of Mrs. Jack, University Avenuz. SP A TS A aassaassanan de MODED Vv EYE GLASSES The kind you want--the kind most everybody wants *. - - - Miss Alma Price and Miss Marjor- {ie MeMahon have returned from the | west, - Mrs. | Bagot | with | Herbert tobinson, street, is &pending this week Mrs. H. Tandy, Wolfe Island. | Miss Kathleen Daly, Albert street, has returned from Maynoath. Miss Mildred Jones, King is home from Brockville, Miss Ada Bates returned | Thursday after spending ten with Miss Constance Cooke, St Mark's Rectory, Barriefield. | Miss Florence Horsey, who spent! [a few days with Mrs. 'W. G0. Anglin, 8 , has returned to Cressy Nora Macnee is spending a few days in Montreal with Miss Eve lyn Woods. Mrs. . Wells and little daughter, | street, on Aays ODEL glasses acientificatty ground. N ODEL adjustment insuring perfect comfort. MODEL shapes that add dig- nity to the face, MOPEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. ODEL methods lowest prices, KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street 3 doors nbove the Opera House insuring Gananoque | iti. Aug' 14. ---Another of the series of weekly dances under the auspic es of the Gananoque Yacht Club was | held last evening. Music was fur- nished by the Citizens' band orches- tra. SA AA imo mmememememe | InVitations have beef issued for " y 4) the marriage of Miss Margaret Grace | Wilkinson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ° « E. P. Jenkins |W. H. Wilkinson, 43 Niagara street, | | St. Catharines, to George Yark- | house, the ceremony to take place - | Rev. Mr, Cox had the honor of elec-| | tion to the Grand Chaplain of the! | order, | | Mr. and Mrs. John LaRose, Jr. | Toronto, are guests of the former's | parents, Mr. and Mrs. John LaRose,! | Rover street. Miss Lehigh, Brock-| ville, is the guest of Miss Essie De- Long, King street. | THE DENTIST. { Betty have returned to Scranton, Pa., | "Thd Re- | | ana town to of gpenm week in th rou from Barrie Iroquois to aftend the wedding Lieat. John Longman, of the School of Instruction Barriefield, and Miss Isabella which. takes place the the bride to- day, Mr. Walter Macnee, Union street, returned yesterday from Mere The Bishop of Ontario and Lennox Mills, "Bishop's Court," are at Caledonia Springs. Miss Dorothy Storey, Brooklyn, N. | Y., arrived to-day to visit Mrs George Mahood, Gore gtreet. | Mrs. Frederick Birkett and little Miss Vera came from Echo Lodge on Friday and are guests of Mrs. Chas Taylor and Mrs. Hugh Fraser, King street, Bedford. Jones,, summering a» Rockport, near Brockville, returned | {to Toronto on Wednesday. . . - |" Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fairlie { guests of Rev. John Fairlie, Brock street, left to-day for Toronto tc spend a short time with Mrs. Her bert Wood, before returning to Co balt. Miss Flora Stewart, Harrowsmith is the guest of Mrs. H. S. Richardson Johnson street, y Mrs. Frank Hodgins, Toronto, | | visiting heér father B. M. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong. . Miss Dorothy Burton came fron Belleville early in the week and i with Mrs. Maclean at Cartwright's Point Gordon Smith, Johnson has returned from Montreal. Mrs. F. Conway and Miss Sophia {and Miss Georgie Conway, Union |street, are spending a couple of weeks at Muskoka. Mrs. P. E. Prideaux is the guest (of Mrs. R. Scott, Shorncliffe, Eng land. Misses Muckleston, | are en at home of street, Union street visiting friends in Montreal Miss Winifred Claxton, Union street, in England for the past few months, arrived home this week. . . . . Mr. Ward, McGill College, Mon treal, is the guest of his mother, Mrs John L. Whiting, Clergy street, Kerr Skinner, McGill College Montreal, spending the summer with his aunt Miss Nan Skinner, a! Cataraqui Lodge, ending a few days with the Mi Shaw, Clergy street. v Mrs. Muirhead,» Mies Fanny Chown, Miss H. L Chogn and Mas ter Gerald Muirhead has returned from a camping trip up the Rideau Mrs. KE. V, Lesslie spent a day at Jones' Falls with Mrs. Cornelius Bir mingham and her camping party. Mrs. A. 8, Oliver is cnpension at i8 108 TEN YEARS' IMPRISONMENT. He Pulled Off .un Explosion in Walk- erville. WILLIAM LEFFLER Windsor, Aug. 14.-- Ten years' imprisonment was imposed on Wil- liam Lefler, Detroit, convicted ~ of causing an explosion in the Peabody { Mrs. | Mrs. J Y. W and C. A., Johnson street, Mrs. J. K. Robertson, Al- t soe, will go to Perth to the Mr. and Mrs. A. Strachan, street, are In Ely, Mi: and Mrs. Bru Harry A King 1, visiting Mr e Strachan 1 Istine, Montreal, of weeks parents on tari reet. Mi Mollie Saunders visiting her int, Mrz. Hawley, Napanee, is now Roset the guest of Mr. and Gerald Saunders. Miss Grate Martin, Clergy s expected home to-morrow after spending past three months 'In St. Louis, the guest of her aunt, Mrs G. Sutherland. wil! be ac companied by Miss Rita Sutherland | who will be the guest of the Misses Johnson, Earl street, for a few weeks. [ J is with his in ank Mr street] the She . . W. Elliott, Brock street, | has returned from a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Thomas W. {| Moore, Detroit, Mich., and at Mount Clemens, Mich, Mrs. Pinney and Miss Ufford, Lon-| don, are visiting Mrs. Annie Wark, Barrie street. Mrs. Ernest Malone, Ottawa, Miss | Reid and Miss Hunter, Galt, are with Mrs. James Reid, Earl street Mrs. Van Camp returned to Water- town on Thursday after visiting Mrs. J. M. Hughes, University avenue. There will be a dance at the Gan-| anoque Inn to-night. { Miss Jessie Dickson, spending the] past two weeks in Sydenham, return home on Monday. - * * * Miss Susie Welsh, Picton, is visi ing her cousin, Miss Marjorie Ho land, Kingston, | Leslie Laing, Kingston, is spend- | ing his holidays at his home in| Woodstock Miss Mary Robinson, Kingston, is | visting her aunt, Mrs. Gorsline and | other friends in Prince Edward county. | Mrs. Dunning and little daughter | and Mrs. Mills, Kingston are the | guests of Mrs. Markland, Picton. | Misses Ruth and Kathleen Lyons, visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Petingill, Picton, the | past two weeks, have returned to Kingston. t- 1 « oo | Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tisdale, of St, | Catharines, are visiting in Kingston. | Miss Flora Fair, Brock street, and | Miss Carrie Hazlett left on Friday | for a'trip to Montreal and Quebec. | Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moore and sor, Maynard, Division street, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Little, '36 Harvard avenue, Montreal. the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Day, Frontenac street, | Misses I. L. and B. B. Miller, Earl street, left on Saturday for a week's visit at Evans' Mills, N.Y, | Mrs. W. G. Bradshaw, Miss Myrtle | Bradshaw, Miss Elsie Ludlow and J./| V. Bradshaw have returned from a| lwo weeks visit at "The Cove," Syd-{ enham. | Miss Muriel Metcalfe, and Misses | Anita-and Ethel May Sutherland left on Saturday for a vacation at Stella. { (Continued on Pige 10.) | ma ou CHLORINE GAS hi EASY TO MAKE. Manufacturing "Chemist Make Enough In a Day To Kill Army. Whether we are justified in copy ing the German example in regard to the use of asphyxiating gases is a matter on which the British Army! will soon give an answer to the Huns in the field. It is interesting to note that there is no difficulty about producing chlorine gas -- which is| that mainly employed by the Ger-| mans -- and discharging it at the. enemy's trenches when the wind is favorable. Any British manufac turing chemist could produce enough chlorine in a day or two to suffocate! the whole German 'Army from the Yser to the Vistula, for chlorine Is familiar to English chemical manu-! faeturers, who, until a few years ago, were the only makers of this! chemical. | Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas| with a peculiarly unpleasant and suf- focating smell, and with those terri-| ble effects on the lungs, throat, and} membranes of its vietims which have! been described by Dr. Haldane and | Sir John French: The cost of suffocating our troops | by the Germans is not heavy. Liquid chlorine costs about £25 a ton, con-| taining 170 gallons, and this wil | Any Can PAGE THREE Probs: Light winds, fair and warm to-day and Sunday. rT Saturday Night Specials Boys' Jerseys 15 doz. long and short sleeved Summer Jersevs sizes, from 22 to 32. Girls' Vests 10 doz. Cotton-Lisle Vests--sized up to 1 and To-Night, 15¢ all" colors 9 regular 15e. To-Night, 6¢ Men's Summer Underwear 10 doz. short sleeved and knee-length, Shirts and Drawers: reg. $1.00 suit--all sizes. ~ To-Night, 25¢ Garment New York Waists 10 doz. Awning Striped and Novelty Cglored 38, 40 and 42 only--reg. $2.00 each. vears Waists--in sizes To-Night, 69c "Dollar Day Specials" All on sale until closing time at 9.45 o'clock. Davies' Co. - Limited, Phone 6597. A RELATION OF BALKANS TO EASTERN BATTLE LANE. The relation of the Balkan states to the eastern arena is daily becom- ing more important. The map shows the eastern hattle line, the flitctua- tions of which are being watched by the statesmen of the Balkan nations, | whose entrance into the conflict on the Allies' side would be of great value as shown on the map, A ER A AR A A tra A tA A Stab i ie tn | GERMAN LIAR IS . {eight francs. The Brjtish are also | WORKING OVERTIME, | completely clothed and fed by the | French, Amazing Untruths about Britain! Manufactured to Deceive Ger- G. E. MARRISON, Photographer. (Successor to Mrs. M, Henderson) min ---- A gg HIGH CLASS POR TRAITS AT NIGHT Our powerful new §46000 ¢. p Nitrogen Magda Lighting Bys- tem enables us to give you first class service at night or dark days Office Houps: H.00 p.m.; 7.00 | A dentist's ways are rough | Overall factory and attempting to produce a large volume of deadly | 9.00 p.m. Wed. and Sat. He keeps you wondering still find your mouth is big enough To hold a rolling mill ' "<3Washington Star. | To on Monday, September 6th at 8 a.m. - | Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinsen were resi-| dents of Gananoque for many years, | The shapes are just new enough Rev. Walter Cox, James Karr and/| F. J. Lloyd, W. J. Young, George S.| t to place the old one on the shelf. Masten, Mrs. R. J. Webster and Mrs. | {John LaSha, attending the sessions Lot the 1.O.O.F, Grand Lodge in Strat-| | ford this week, have returned home. » - Phit-eesie and Re- gent, $200 Arrow, $2.50 Bennett, $3.00 { 1 | | Before he's got your stumps ground down And got your crowns to fit] He's got your mouth stretched big | enough To hold a plumber's kit. ~Houston Post. { | And ere he gets the plugs plugged in, I Why, this has come to pass; | You feel you have the jawbone of-- (I needn't write it out.) --Memphis Commercial Appeal. | Ana when the crown work is com- plete, Another job he tries, | And with his hammer, drill and lathe Constructs a bridge of size. --New York Sun. " | Otte thing about the dentist mwukes Us mad as all cre 3 He fills our mouth with funny fakoe Then hogs the conversation. ~Youngstewn Telerrat And when his job is at Its wor -- . You think he means to kill-- He tells a funny story to Offset his fiendish drill. 9g ¢ nd $1. Ena ¢ 75¢ a E. P. --Judgn | | Pickering's. { Robe: 1 ex-mayor ey is dead aged se ili ol venty | The best bistuits in the city' atie blow up the Windsor armouries. The Peabody factory was making military clothing at the time. Turn It Off Anyhow. An angry man entered the water works office the other day, and fier | cely announced to the clerk: "Sir, you can send up and tak: | your old gas-meter out of my house.' { "This is not the gas office." | "It isn't?" { "No, sir; this is the water-work: office." : "Oh, it is! Well, then, send a mar up to my house at once and turn the water off! I'm not going to walk mile and a half for nothing!" | i ! WAR BULLETINS. Desperate fighting has been # resumed on the Gallipoli Pen- # insula, Pete rate sam * It is believed in Vienna that the Austro-Germans will not & attempt to reach Petrograd. | [ 8 4 Italian troops have repulsed heavy Austrian = counter-at-'# & tacks. le Ge {® The 'Allies have made a mot | & ab gas. It is interesting to note that the idea of "gassing" an enemy was sug- gested nearly half a century ago by four Frenchmen, but at that time it was thought that the invention was too horrible to be allowed in field op- erations, although it was agreed that it might be used by sma)! storming parties at close quarters, when the gasses might be compressed in shells and flung by catapult. According to 'Truth,' however, the invention tame to nothing. Surprise Came Last. A man.who was something of a gourmet ordered a dinner for him- self and his party which, from the menu, should have been very palat- able, but apparently it was not so. Course sueceeded course, and toward the end of the meal the host couN restrain himself no longer. He ecall- ed up the waiter, and expestulated: "I ordered a good dinner, and we % | have walted patiently, for some sat- | isfactory dish. The soup was a fail-| ure, the fish was a disappofatment, the entree uneatable, and I am sorry to tell you that during the whole nner there has been nothing worth g at." The waiter looked trou- 'bled for an instant, and then bright- ening up said: "Hf you wait a mo- 'ment, #'r, I'N bring you the bill." Si ne War munitions stocks in New York closed weak on Friday on ru- mors that peace negotiations are likely soon to take place. Ser- : le win at the Dardanelles, ex man People. The most amazing untruths con- cerning Great Britain are daily cir- | culated in Berlin for the purpose of | deceiving the German public into the belief that Great Britain is in a state of panie. Here are a few of these gems which make up in humor what they lack in veracity: | "Sir John Jellicoe is to be tried for! Incapacity." i "The organ of.the Labor party de- | mands that the whole Cabinet shall be impeached for participation in an { i { 1 | | i war." "The Indian troops in France were told before leaving India that they were Béing taken to Europe for ex- hibition purposes." "Half of London is burnt down, and Zeppelins are always hovering over it Plymouth has also been destroyed by fire caused by bombs from the air." - "Mr. Asquith has fled from Eng- land, and is hiding in Ireland." "The citizens of London now hurry, hither and thither like seared mice because their battalions of foetball- kicking loats are melting a be- fore the fire of the German artillery." "Instead of bloying their victims from the . mouths of ' gun they did in the ¥ Gi { British now employ truly humane i i | and gently acting dum-dum butets, | | with the approval of Lord Kitenen- jer". : "The French Government pays {OF | the support of British troops, so that {each man draws on a day on which | there is no fighting four francs, while Farm Laborer's Excursions To Western Canada via the Can-| un adian Pacific Railway Co., will leave Phone 1318, Kingston, August 19th and 26th. see Full particulars at City Ticket Of-| fice, corner Princess and Wellington | streets. Phone 1,197, | -- Three Prince Edward County | owners of automobiles have been | recently fined $1 and costs each for | neglecting between dusk and dawn | to keep their rear lights burning, as ! provided by statute. A, Foot Specialties Have you tired, aching feet? If so, vou need us. We carry a full line of *""Scholl" and "Arrowsmith" foot Specialties. In us for enlarging and copy- ing. 90 PRINCESS ST. Arch Supports, from $1.50 up; bunion rights, beel pads, ete., always in stock. foot troubles now. AR SN Nui LR PIE! pads, toe Bring up your HY FAVEE 5 ; 4d J | on each fighting day he is entitied t¢'