-- BANKING SERVICE A prompt and dependable banking service is provided for busi- ness men carrying their accounts at The Bank of Toronto. The reputation, resources und facilities of thi Bank are a guarantee of satisfactory service to the business community. o / Capital $5,000,000 Ileserved Funds Tue | | BANK or TORONTO Parc A SA tt Pll tat FOR SALE 9 roomed, solid brick house, all $6,402,810 FRE ...€NAC acop lot ............ ' BAREIE ST.--9 roomed frame house, bath and closet THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, STREET, J. DRIVER, Representative. modern, with . $3,500 86 BROCK women _. sow wm * Tourists You are invited to call and look over- our Novelties, Jewelry, Diamonds, etc. A pleasure to show our goods. R. J. RODGER, M7 KING ST, KINGSTON, "Where the clock is on the wa 1000 1bs. of Choice Dressed Fowl, Ilighest cash price paid, ANDER SON BROS. Princess and Division Anything you may want in the KODAK LINE from us. We carry a full stock of Kodaks, Cameras, Films, | Photographic Papers and Supplies. | We Develop and Print with care | and despatch, } | | Phone 88 or 874 | 6, 1915. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 1 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY ~YpLake Ontario PARK 'TO-NIGHT and Every Night at 8.30 MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT. 3.50 | L)OAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST. Hagpenings in the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. FREE Show Select Vaudeville Acts | FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS IL "Hudtut s Toilet Water" at Gib~ Free Aduilssion to Park by Street Cars | son's. Donald Smith, Napanee, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ¥. W. Coates, | Princess street, on Sunday. "Viclet Cream" at Gibson's. . | Mr. afd Mrs. Lawrence Ireland, Stratford, have come to Kingston to | only, CONDENSED ADVERTISINGARATES, | Wednesdas, Children le on Cars. | RH First iasertion, lc a word. Ench con- | secutive insertiom thereafter, Ralf! | eemt m wird. Minimum charge for | one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, | { a WAGSTAFFE'S FOR SALE. BLLE SERGE SUIT COAT white collar and military It, bearing Baton label: lost S 1: nighit between Cataragui Finder to Whig office and re LADIES with e i HES B® EFFECTIVE ADVTS. 00s® Uttie. Qpde, 2§c; three times; §0c; one week, $1.00, GO-CARTS AND CAR. at reasonable prices, at SULKIE: reward riag reside in future. ! In the ahsence of Miss L. Walker, | Bert. Couper very ably presided at | the organ in Cooke's Church on Sun- | day. ! | A cOmplaint has been made by a | local officer that men of 'the per-| | manent R.C.H.A. do not salute offi-| cers attached to other corps. | Misses Jessie and Grace Gorrie] | Gore street, left yesterday to visit | friends in Rochester and Batavia, | IN.Y., for two weeks. "Violet Cream' at Gibson's. Thomas M. Flynn, attendance offi- cer of the Board of Education, Ro- ,N.Y., was in the city en Goce; six, $1; one month, $3 ! HELP WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBER MALD. | Apply 2 the Randolph ilotel A GENERAL SERVANT. MUST HAV EK! references Apply at 189 street { SEWING MACHINE) Kingston Hoslery| | HOD Brock EXPERIENCED S operators. Apply Co. | KITCHEN WOMAN WANTED. APPLY ta Hotel Royal 342-3 Princess | street l FIRST CLASS ENGINE AND TURRET | lathe: hands, Canadian Westing- | house Company Limited, Hamilton, Ont | chester | Monday. | "Violet Cream makes the skin soft las velvet." Sold at Gibson's Red | Cross Drug Store. John C. Flynn, representing the Roman Catholic Journal of Roches- ter, N.Y., was a visitor in the city on Monday. The wife of Capt. Maclean, of | Barriefield Camp, was removed to the Kingston General Hospital. She was quite ill. "Violet Cream Gibson's. Read - every page of the second section of the Whig. There is much entertaining local and telegraphic news on them. Mr. BE. L. Frazer and daughter, Iona, Vancouver, are visiting Mr. dnd Mrs. Willlam J. Towers, Wil- liam street. "New Razor Strops" at Gibson's. The Utilities Commission will likely meet some time this week to take up the question of street rail- way power. * New Razor Strops" at Gibson's. Prof, James Small, who spent | three weeks in the city visiting | friends, returned to Montreal on Sat- |urday. Mrs. Small will remain an- other week. The first full carload of tomatoes to come to Kingston reached here | Monday morning from Essex county, I was consigned to R. H. Toye & Jo { A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. ONE] with Knowledge of plain cooking. | Apply efter 7 pm. to 139 William | street | wok ir | T, SMART BOY. ONE 'le preferred Must bel Apply College Book | nt aerate stssiriere GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; MU ST be experienced and give good ref- ferences. Apply 6 and 7, at 2001 William street GOOD BRI with b e recogrménded Store. ABSOLUTELY PURE EE -- I wish to notify. the public have purchased the barber from W. Deline--known' as Antiseptic Barber Parlor--185 Wellington stheet, and extend a cordial invitation to Mr Pellne's customers and the public to 1 parlor, 'which is in Al con- dition dnd up-to-date in every respect FRANK ROBES, Crawford's Fancy English Biscuits For the finish that weans so much to the afternoon tea. that I business for rough skin," EXPERIENCED MAN, MARRIED OR siogle, for farm Yearly employ- ment Free house eto. Apply Box -99, Whig. | INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earu $190 monthly corresponding | for newspapers; no canvassing. Bend for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. | BANDSMEN FOR 77 Battalion Apply ment to Licut. J. M Laren stgeet, 'Ottawa struments furnished stating Brown 1 OR hl --------------r-- " AGENTS: "LITTLE GEM" AUTOMATIC | gas ligh'«rs meet Instantaneous | sale. Newest agents' article. Over | 150 p.c.. profit; pet busy now. Pos-| tal brings valuable proposition. Automatic Gas AppMance Co., (Inc.), 1 Uni Square, New York LADIES WANTER TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing ¥t home, whole or! spare time; good pay; work sént| any distance; charges paid. Send stamp for full particulars. Nation | al Manufacturing Company, Mont David Bene, Montreal street, left real. on Saturday for Colborne to visit evenings between In- FURNISHED HOUSE--TF Tur Phone 708. SEVEN ROOM BRICK modern, No. 150 Montreal Easy terms. Apply A. I. | Frontenac street ph ENTY-TWO FOOT M( first ciass running order linder 'Brockville en varaish ed hull, with skiff lines, at a bar gain. Wpply Box 28, Whig oftive, GASOLINE Gol ENGRAVED will be leave cal HOUSE, street. fond, 26 } LOCKETT, B HR. sn face Suitable to finder. office en Please A TO LET. ih BOAT: woo ey FOR FURNITURE, ETC, clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock | Street. | ™ STORAGE | DWELLI NGS, OFF Catn"s Real Brock Street. | ICES, STORES, Me-| Estate Agency, $2] LAUNCH, 25 FT. LONG, fully equipped and in first class running order. also lease of boat house, price $150.00 Apply 147 Division street OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. | ers Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence St, | LIFE ---------------- > a PRESERVERS FOR ADULTS nd children; folding boa® seats; camp « : fishing tackle a spe- W. Cooke, 39 Clar- Phone 891 STREET; IM- David Mar- HOUSE ON CHATHAM provements Apply shall, 101 Queen street THREE UNFURNISHED u A Apply MOTOR OYCI complete everything very cheap Lid, Wellingto WITH SIDE CAR ctric light and horn; first class order; Porritt's Garage Co. n street. Phone 454. ms : re Rideau } | { in CENTRALLY | Box 510, Whig HOUSE, Apply FURNISHED heated office Sa - ren - SALE OF RICYCLES « SCOUT Bi. cycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $35; Perfect Rigld Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $60; fitted with 3. speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 378 ing street, . STORAGE FOR FURNITUR dry, alry rooms; your own key Frost's City Storage, Phone (26h, CHomel 129 vb LEAN, | ck and | 299 | WPPOSIPE "GRANT University Aveitte, for a term of years Apply direct to Thomas Milis, 79 Clarence St TH "GRANT versity Avenue third cash and balance at six per cent Thomas Mills MY RESIDENCE Hall." No Terms: One on mortgage ply direct to Clarence street | Ap : Po CENTRALLY LO« 4 cated house, 7 rooms; B. and gasy electric light; near City Park Rent moderate. Apply to 72 Earl street ONCE--THAT | A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SHC. ! ond-hand stoves, furniture dressers,_iran beds, gt 'buy all kinds ©f new hand furniture "J. Thompse Princess street, phone 1600 ES EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MOD. ern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply J. D.| Boyd, 106 I'ine, or Mr. Pringle, next| __ door, Division street | [SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE; ARO 170 acres, 20 sugarbush: unfailing wells windmills; i Ings, barn 90x40 adjoins villa IAT SP didly equipped new r d University Avenue. Every ence; modern furniture 1 Queen's University Apply at Willlam street for terms, ete. wa UNIVERSITY University grounds; brick dence. ten rooms, hot water 1 at present oceupied by Profes- | Skelton '0 n Novem- | Ist. Apply R. McCann, | pra Brock street i | | | | BRICK { all 148 AVENUE, FACING rest impro $2,000 Avenue; heat- Snap ston nice sor ber 82 to J. CcKsMrrn wi SHOP, o Goo trade dwelling Will be sold TOOLS AND vso good cheap BUSINESS CHANCES. iD AND hig son, David. Mr. Bone, who is seventy-five. years of age, intends to remain a couple of weeks to help his son with the harvest. 'Violet Cream' at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stewart, Fairmount, Minnesota; Mrs. Jennie Kelly, Toronto, and Laura Stewart, | fnstructor of Home Economics, Uni- CRAWFORD'S SHORTCAKE, CRAWFORD'S CREAM PUFFS, CRAWFORD § LEMON PUFFS. CRAWFORD'S CURRANT ! P CRAWFORD'S BUPTER PUFFS CRAWFORD'S BOURBON, CRAWFORD'S WHOLEMEAL, They are delicious. WANTED Automobile salesmen -- Apply at Angrove Bros., Kingston, Ont. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. YM.C.A. ' Phone 258. KINGSTON, ONT. Second Hand Aitorohils For Sale 1 1914 Ford, 5-passenger, fully equipped with shock absorbers, demountable rims, newly painted; all in first class order. 1 Maxwell 25, 5-passenger, fully equipped with self electric lights, mohair top, new tires; 1 1914 Indian Motor-cycle, splendid condition. PORRITT GARAGE CO 210-214 WELLINGTON STREET. The New York Fruit Store. Red Cherries, 11 quart baskets Black Sweet Cherries, 11 quart baskets Cantaloupes Watermelons Grape Fruit Tomatoes Streets. | SP starter, in perfect running order. with side car, run 500 miles; in .» Limited ++. .10c and 15¢ each 75¢ - each tesie..8 for 5c and 4 for 25¢ Great Sale of Furniture ! At Robt. J: Reid's ~ Now Going On 0 The entire stock of high grade Furni- ture must be sold without reserve, sather than have it damaged with falling plaster and lime dust in the rebuilding. : Kf do nly Undertaker and Furniture Dealer | | versity of Wisconsin, at Madison, | are guests of their mother, Mrs. | Sara Stewart, and Mr. and Mbs. George Burton, 432 Alfred stréet. "Hudnut's Toilet Water" at Gib- son's. | A large number of Kingston boys | | are enlisting in the 33rd Battery in | command of Major Sears. On Mon- | day 'morning Edward MeCutcheon, | tormerly employed' with Joseph Cui- | len, grocer and Elliott Irwin, of the American and Canadian Express | | Company office, enlisted. | | "Hudnut's Toilet Water" at Gib- | son's, | John A. Cooper Canadian Courier, | Toronto, and "Reddy" Griffiths, St. | Catharines, were in the city on Sun- day evening en route home . They have been on a fishing expedition, the guests of George H. Gooderham, M.P.P., on his yacht. They found many" bass on the -outside of Am- herst Island. 4 For sale 4t dll grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, (Distributors, ) N.B.--8¢e the name CRAWFORD Is on each biscuit. AUCTION SALE Furniture, 153 Montreal Street, Tues- day, August 17th, 10 am, Walnut = Parlor Pieces, Tapestry, Rugs, Morris Chair, Brussels Mats Lace Curtains, Pictures, Extension and other Tables, Rockers, Drop Head Singer A hine, Oilcloth, Happy Thought Range, Art Garland Heater, Gas Plate, Iron Beds, Springs, Mat- tresses, Tidividual Dressers, Child's Cot and Sleigh, Gem Jars, Crockery and Glassware. ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER. Groceries WANTED GENWRAL WE WANT TO BUY eese feathers. attress Company, 6 OND HAND Apply Kingston 56 Princess St. WANTED TO PURCHASE, GROCERY business; send .at once particulars as to lorat'on, stock and terms to Box 716, Whig Office 500 FEATHER BEDS ANY KINI, ANY age. The very highest cash price aid. Phone » 665. Ontario Fea- ther Co. 208-210 pPivision street. CUSTOMERS, | PAY THE HIGH prices for new and second- furniture. All kinds of fur clothing, boots, Jools, 3 1 w Drop a card an Shapiro, 45 Prince IED TEAC CATHOLIC, for 8S, 8. No. 5, edford Apply, stating salary and experience, to Stephen J Hickey, BSec.-Treas., Burridge, Ont BIG STORM AT OSHAWA. | ANYONE TO RENT, HOUSES FURNISUHE unfurnished a A Batem Clarence street, Kingston! 306 an, 67 ANYWHERE rhone a mall order busine canvassing: be. you wn boss Bend for free booklet; tells Heacock. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor ence St, CAN START | home; no | FOR SALE OR TO LET. | iceman - datas - MODERN ELEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE; furnace, elertric light; 465 Albert street, near Princess Apply M, Richardsan, 194. Division street BARRISTER Law office, 70 Clar- Kingston - | BOART™ AND ROOMS. | WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE! FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, that he has purchased the tallor Good location, anodern convenlences, shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo. Apply 243 Breck street. way and will do all kinds of re-| pairing and pressing Also make | W¥ sults from. your own cloth. | orkmanship ' guaranteed. 131 Brock street. DENTAL . KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, RE- moved to 268 Princess street. | DR. C, C. NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. B, Renton, assistant 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. BUSINESS NOTICE, FINANCIAL ONTENAC LOAN AND ment BSoclety; 'necorporated president, Colonel Henry R. Smith, Money issued on city and farm roperties, munic"pfl and country on: mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al- lowed. 8 C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,157,215, In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. fore renewing old or givin new business get rates from Strange & Btrange, Agents. Phone 325. MEDICAL. | PR DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- | tists, 159 Wellington street; J Leonard Walsh, D.D.S, LD.S., as-| s'stant. Phone 346, ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI-| tects, etc, Offices, 258 Bagot St. Phone 61, FOR S88. NO. 8, 080. Female preferred. Duties to com- mence September 1st. Apply to Archie Campbell, Becy.-Treas., Clarendon 8 Ont. SALARY and Meats This hot weather you want the very best. Our stock is of the best quality and prices right at C. H.! Pickering's 0 PRINCESS ST: PHONE 5% ~~. -- Water Flooded Houses And Put Town In Darkness, (Special to the Whig.) Oshawa, Aug. 16.--While Oshawa worshipped last night the town was plunged into darkness. Congrega- tions going home there discovered the cause. They found the streets impassible owing to a torrent of wa- ter several feet in depth rushing along. The torrent rapidly grew worse, crossing the dip in the main street. It flooded out all the houses in its path and the factory of the Oshawa Canning Company, bursting | the doors and w.ndows in the low- er stories and carrying all the cons tents with it, Barrels of eanned produce, pianos, furniture and articles of every de- | scription. were gaught in the flood. | So large became its size and the! danger of spectators being drowned that the local fire and police depart- ments were called upon to rope off the dangerous district and hold the people in safety." -- Enlisted With the 33rd Battery. Un Monday morning 8. 8. Corbett, undertaker, parted with ome of his highly prized employees; in the per- son of William Bourke, who had been with 'him for several years. Mr. Bourke has enlisted with the new 33rd Battery at Barriefield, and there is no doubt he will be as efficient a defender of his country as he was an employee of the abo firm. Two brothers have already gone overseas, Frederick and Ed- ward Bourke, making three out of one family, OE Girl Started 14 Fires. : Alexandr:a, Aug. 16.--Fourtesn fires which took place im the Kirk- hill Presbyterian Church and manse ESTANT TEACHER Portland, two miles salary $400.00 to to M. V. Lake, Sec.- 0. 2, Harrowsmith, UAL D PR for 8.8. No. 2, east of Yarker; 450.00. Apply reas, RR. N Ont. FEMALE TEACHER FOR S$, 8. NO. 7, €F Lea, holding second class cer- tificate; duties to commence Bep- tember 1st, 1915. Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references to Hugh Turkington, Ivy Lea, Ont. TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL Section No. 8, at a salary of $325 a year. Duties to commence 1st S¢btember, 1915. Apply, stating experience and: salary required, and givipg references to Ervin Martin, Sec.-Treas., Fernleigh, Ont. IF YOU WANT THE Try Gordon's Speeial Blend Teas and Coffea, -80c, 3c, 40c, per Ib. GORDON'S GROCER 149 Montreal St, y Phone 88. -------- LAD, FELL UNDER WAGON... a Wheel Passed Over His Arm. and Fractured It. Frederick Harland, fifteen years of age, while assisting George Lapier to serve milk, met with a painful ac- cident Sunday morning on Orchard street. In his attempt to Jump from the door-way of the milk wag- on with a can of milk, his foat slip- ped, causing him to be throws back against the revolving wheel .of -the wagon. He was forced to way and the wheel passed left arm resulting in a bad fracture above the elbow. $325. | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- PD, E. BELL, M.D. OM, LMC.C., SUR. Building, corner | gery, 138 Wellington street; phone 115. chantg' Bank B Wellington - streets, | | rock and Drop a card. PERSONAL. A. BOYCE, M.D... C.M., LATE MEDI- cal Superintendent Kingston Gefer- al Hospital Surgery and residence 93. Wellington street. Phone 964 GREATEST now stopping in_the| Readings 60¢ Hours, J to] 263 King sireet. DOMBSTION MDLLE. TRO, WORLD'S mind reader, city 9. CAPABLE UPHOLSTERING. : BNGLISW, | w, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- irish and Scotch, arriving Septem- | pairing and carpet work and ber; also number of OM Country mattress renovating. Drop a card girls with Canadian references | or'call 216 Bagot street suitable for city places Apply | - The Guild, 500 Guy street, Montreal | POSITION WANTED. OATERING --i---------- Ar | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTHMARKS WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, | and all growths and skin blem wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc. | ishes removed permanenliy, with. also rent dighes. table linens and | out scar; 30 years' « Dr sliverware. eld and Hambrook | Eimer J. Lake, Nose, M Unlon St R 3 held, 30 reet. ¥. C | Throat and Skin Specialist 25% 176 Alfred Stree' | Bagot strdet Hambrook, ORDER COAL NOW Is our advice. Prices: 25 cents per ton extra if coal has to be earried in, within a period of 48 heurs, throw- ing the whole neighbogh into a State .of feverish exci t. haye 'been accounted for by the admission I a twelve-year-old who. has Beer living on the chu premise uring absence on vaca of the por Rev. A. Morrison. ---------------- Whoa Emma! Stop at Carnovsky's Yor a big bas- ket' of yellow triumph peaches, on- ly 50c, all this week. Mr. Lapier placed him in the milk}. wagon.and had him quickly taken to the Hotel Dieu where Were dressed. : & Lm sn In His Right Leg From a Steam Edward Radwell, a middle-aged a Beall. 4 oitdieaged Shay. at the Locometive Works on Kt % TE of stee) from the wound. Anglo-Ambrican Hotel where jo the : was reported. that he was resting Monday afternoon, stitches to close. ~The doctor in at- | oe extracted a good-sized plete | Mr. Radwell was taken 10 his room a mes Grade Black Tea of 60c per 1b. : For Sale at wis REED, %