. THOMAS COPLEY | Telephone 987. Prop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything done in the . tery line. Estimates given on all Kinds | of repairs and new work; also . -wWeood floors of all kinds. All orflers will receive prompt sttention. Shoy "" treet. nm. | { i Queen { -- | OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced, NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery COAL The kind you are 1ook- ing for is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de- pret CO. Cooked Meats We have the very best in Cooked Hams, Jellied Tongue, Jellied Hocks, Pressed Ham and Veal, Bologna and Head Cheese. - P.5.--All our meats are kept ice - cold fn our modern re coum- ter away from filles per. dust. No mussing -- no Orders sent to any part of city. Pron GB ema sree Nh cet TSE STE CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. Cooked and Smoked Meats. JOS. AHEARN, JR, 279 1-2 Mo | 8t., Phone KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCT tles, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap per Blocks. We also make Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates ;iven for all kinds of Cement Work, Office and Factory Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 730. MGR. H. F. NORMAN. 'Notice! To The Public Finkle & Com having installed a mew engine n their Motor Bus, will run it in connection with trains No. 6, 4, 1, 7 and 15 for Outer Sta- tion, leaving and Princess streets at 12,15 p.m, 1 p.m., 8 p.m., and 7 pm. Fares each way, 10c. Any part of city, 26c each. Oars will leave 120 Slarence street . 2 p. m. for Cataraqui ery on Tutudage 'Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day Sundays. Return fares, 25c. for Ta attended to. gage Transfer promptly . Attentions to weddings and fun- erals a specialty. Finkle & Co.' Odds and Ends Sale Cut price in Ladies' Pumps, in Patent, Gun Metal, Suede and Can- vas hy APRs Canvas Pupe IBC, Ladies' Patent and Gun vans .... $1.48 Ladies' Pu ; : umm $1.98 75c. & Child's Strap delight The use of Lifebuoy Soap makes the bath asuprémely soothing pleasure as well as a health insuring delight. The cream of pure oils gives a velvety lather that is cleansing and healing. The very mild carbolic' solution means a perfectly healthy skin. Theodaqr vanishes in a few seconds after use. Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS Will L MORE 5S THAN $8 WORTH ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER hl "The Beverage that Benefits" Not simply a thirst quencher, not merely a stimulant, but just the purest; most health infusing spirit that has ever been produced. Wolfe nh PP (woLLanos am) Excellent as a "pick-me-up" tonic and most beneficial in its effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs. Vastly superior to ordinary gin. Obtainable at all Hotels and Retail hy! Bees, Salutes Holand, a Ho WMePariand, + " pisiributor. IN ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOOD There Is Hardly A Woman Rely Upon i Veg: Princeton, TIL --*1 had Sod by 212 Princess Street. Phone ches in the back of hard headahes tn the by noes all CI x | ton, at C. ~ IDA HILL. Aug. 16.--Farmers are harvest- ing their grain, which is in very bad shape on account of heavy ° rains. The Presbyterian Sunday School ple- nic will be held Wednesday in Me- Callum's Grove. Frank Pollard, who endisted in the 39th Battalion, has arrived at Shorncliffe, Eng. Mrs. A. E. Webb, who has been seriously ill, is improving. BREWER'S MILLS, Aug. 16.--The many friends of James McKendry, Joyceville, shocked to hear of his sudden death this morning. Miss"A. Roach has returned home after an extended vis- it with friends in Marysville. Mr. and Mrs, Urban Mangan have gone to 'their home at Sudbury. Miss Josie Milne, attending the summer model school at Sharbot Lake, is' spending the holidays at her home: Mr. and Mrs, D, Murphy recently vis- ited friends in Lansdowne. Miss Ethel Milne, Toronto, is visiting her uncle, P. McKenna; Mr. Poulie is at D. Murphy's. GODFREY - Aug. 17.--~Thé rains are delaying the farmers a great deal with their work, and much grain is lying in the fields. ~ The roads too are in a mud- dy conditign. A number from here intend . taking in 'the western excursions. The baseball team played a friendly game with the team from Oak Flats, resulting in a win for the home 'team. The lawn social at Piccadilly on Friday evening was a success. A large crowd was present and a goodly sum realized. Misses M. Giles, I."Kennedy, A. Hill and M. Goodfellow have returned from their course at summer model. Migs Mat- tie Giles is visiting friends in Cole- brooke. Roy Godfrey is at home after a lomg-abséence. Miss Edna McMahon, visiting at Hartington, has returned. Miss Annie Hill spent Sunday in Roblin. ; PLEASANT VALLEY Anug. 12.--The recent heavy rains have seriously retarded harvesting operations. Lewis Boyce has pur- chased an Overland touring ear. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradford visited at T. A, Kerr's. Miss Lizzie Ellerbeck paid a visit to friends in this vicin- ty recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson paid a flying visit to friends at Mountain Grove. Misses Gretta and Ada Whitty were recent visit- ors at T. A, Kerr's. Miss Violet Sigsworth is visiting friends at Rey- noldston. Charles Freeman and sons, Yarker, a by Master Stewart Whitty, Kingston, spent a recent Sunday at Edward Whitty's. Verna Huffman is at M. N. Brad- {ord's, Morley Ellerbeck spent a recent Sunday the guest of Goldie Whitty. Melborne Moore is'at R. El- larbeck's; Mr, and Mrs. H. Watson at M, Bradford's. Noble Ellerbeck motored to Glenvale recently. Miss Beatrice Freeman was the guest of Miss Lillian "Ellerbeck. ' , ELGINBURG. Aug. 16~~Rev. J. E. Lidstone, Kingston, preached an interesting sermon on Sunday night. He was pastor here twenty-eight years ago. His old friends were glad to hear him again. Rev. W. Shortt, Kingston, will preach on Sunday morning next. The young ladies' Patriotic Club will { have a tea on Wednesday night, 26th inst, on John Silver's lawn in aid of the Red Cross Society. Mrs. John Irwin has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Barclay, Toronto. Miss Edna Harte is home from the Hotel Dieu where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Miss Beatrice Gra- hame is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. B. Day, Sydenham. Miss L, Tolles spent & week at Inver- ary. H. Bearance is remodeling his barn, A baby girl has come to stay at Herbert Rickart's. Miss V. Leth- erland spent a comple of weeks with her brother, Dr. A, Letherland, Ben- son Mines, N. Y. Visitors: Mrs. A. Cranston and Miss Gretta Cranston, Watertown, F Y., at J. Porter's; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Danby and little daughter, Smith's Falls, at C. Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. John Cordukes, Ottawa, at W. Corduke's; Mrs. Ewing grand- daughter, Miss Oameron, Westport, at C, Ewing's; S. Guess, Kingston, at A. Smyth's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mec- Neely and spn Harry, Kingston, at J. Reid's; Miss L. Counter, Kingston, at 8. Jackson's; Francis Tolles, Kingston, at her grandmother's; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clos, Feronte. at Mise Julia SAnley, 5 : 3 Miss Tae ny 8 J. Clogg's; Smith, Westbrooke, at B, Jackson's, were | ing a little too much rain. in while, the sun shines. Hugh Days The cheese factory is receiving a and pastures are looking fine and many of the farmers anticipate cut- ting the second crop of clover, J. P. Ferris is cutting a little of his marsh grass. The wells and cisterns have received a good supply: of water. Quite a large number of children in this vicinity are suffering from whooping .cough. Miss Lottie Hy- land spent Sundey with Mr. and Mrs, Cornélius Bridge and Mrs, 8. J. Gar- diner, who will.soon be leaving for Trenton. 5 YARKER, Aug. 17.--Mrs. 'S. Winter has re- turncd from Watertown where she has Deen for a long visit, seeing her daughter who was very ill She was accompanied. home by iss Pauline Smith, Watertown, wha in- tends to make her a visit. Mrs. (Dr.) Walsh and daughter Helen, Toronto, are spending their holidays with Mrs, John Watt. Misses Stella Storms, Teena Stewart and Madelon Foster, who were attending Sum- mer Model at Sharbot Lake, have returned home for the remainder of the holidays. Mrs. Wales and daughter, Toronto, are holidiying at 8S. D. Babcock's, Mr, and Mrs, A. Smith and daughter, Odessa; ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. John Wright and. children, Jean Muriel and Allan, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murriel, Cobourg. Misses Carmel MeNeil, - Napanee, and Allie. Prout, Amherstburg, spent a few days with Migs Madelon Foster, Mr, and Mrs. D. Stewart and son Harry, spent a Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Han- nah, Camden East. Miss Flo Peters, Sydenham, has returned hdme after a visit with friends here, Mr, Dav- ison and Mrs. Sanderson spent a day recently in Napanee. Mrs. Edward Joyper and daughter Leona are spending a short timé at Sydenham. Messrs. Howard Holland and Andrew Warner spent Sunday night in Syd- enham. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter, Moscow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, Frank Deare, Bethel, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Quite a few from here: intend going to the West this week. The mew bridge which is be- ing constructed over the "Branch" is almost completed. Miss Nellie Matthews, "Erinsville, called on a friend, Mise Madelon Foster. ~'Thé recent rains make things rather dis- agreeable for the farmer. The roads are also very muddy for travelling. Edgar Walker has gone %o Lindsay to visit his parents. Clinton Smith and Tom Warner spent Sunday in Moscow. Mrs. Leggett and children, Kathleen and Frank, spent the week end with. Mr. and Mrs. Salisburg, River Road. Harry Babcock has se- cured a position on the steamer To- ronto for the remainder of the sea- son, . Leeds MORTON Aug. 16.--The meeting of the Bible Society, held here on Friday evening, was well attended. Mrs. Olson and two children, Williston, North ota, spent a couple of days in this village last week, the guest of 'her brother, P. McMachen, Mrs. W. Sweet and children, Amsterdam, N.Y., spent last week the guest of A. E. Stevens, Mrs. E. McIntyre and son Ernest, East Albany, N.Y., spent a couple of days last week the guests of R. Laming. Miss Amy Coon 'has gone to Kingston to at- tend Model which opens on Tuesday. r. apd Mrs, Burns Simpson, Jones' alls, spent Sunday at J. Stewart's. The services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening was well attended. Miss Bell Simpson, Seel- evs Bay, spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. R. Wills, WESTPORT. Aug. 16.--Miss Marie Whalen {is gerfously ill in St. Vincent De Paul hospital. Wallace Palmer, who has been seriously ill, is much improved. The Misges Bilton left on Tu for Calgary, Alta., where they intend making their home. A. C, Brad Willian J. Kilpatrick. Mrs. H Wallace has returned froni Belleville after attending the fumeral of her brother. J. C. MecCullouch, who. has been suffering from blood poison- ing, has again resumed his autiss as conductor on the B. and W.. John Garvin, who spent the past three years home. : turned home to Ottawa Friday after spending a short holiday in Harry visiting friends In town. A. spring street to A. C. Bradley. potatoes may rot as they report hayv-! The | farmers are hoping to get their grain ¥ threshed 220 bushel of fall wheat. | large supply of milk. The meadows | Ie | spending a few days with his par- | Jaying Wilh his aunt, Mrs, ley has sold his residence and hip » $ in Edmonton, has ret | Mr. and Mrs, K. Wi re- Deacon, South Porcupine, wl Glenn has sold his fine residence on} The New York psan, Brockville; Sea- man and Bvalena. PLUM HOLLOW Aug. 16.--Mr. and Mrs. W. Coon, Elgin, spent the week-end at D. M.| { Kilborn's, Quite a number from | bere attended the Baptist soeial at! | Athens on Tuesday last. Mr. and | Mrs. Byron Blancher, Jonson, Sask atchewan, are visiting their yy | Mrs.. Alfred Kilborn. Guests at] | Murril Stevens' this week are: Miss Ophelia Brown, Brockyille,; Miss Edith Brown, New York; Mr. Grac- | e¥, Fort William, and Mr. Grant, { Broekville,. The Baptist mission | eircle met at the home of Mrs. D. M. | | Kilborn on Wednesday last. The | Misses Sweet, Brockville, who have { been visiting their sister, Mrs. J. R. Wiltse have gone to Lyndhurst. The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the | home of Mrs. J. R. Wiltse on Thurs- | day last, Miss Hazel Greenham { Fruit Store. Red Cherries, 11 quart baskets Black Sweet Cherries, 11 quart baskets Cantalonpes Watermelons Grape Fruit Tomatoes Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Phone 1405 When You Need Electric Fans Irons, Toasters, cal, phone 94. Halliday's 'Electric Phone 94 : 3. "3 Mazda Lamps, or anything Electri- Shop, 345 King Street ~w=> PAGE ELEVEN 'spent Sunday with Miss Susie Palm- er, Miss Laura Stewart, Cobourg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Barber. | MACINTOSH MILLS. | Aug. 18,--The farmers are having |a hard time harvesting their grain, {owing to so much rain. Mrs. D. Leeder and family, Carthage, N.Y., {are visiting friends. Mrs. Sunder- {land and family have returned to | Montreal after visiting her sister, | . Leeder. Miss 8S. Trusdell, Lansdowne, spent a few days last {week at D. McClary's. Master Wil- {liam Kennedy, Portsmouth, is holi- B, | Leeder. Mr. and Mrs, John Steacy, (Lyn, spent Saturday at David Leed- {er's. Miss Nellje Leeder left on | Monday to attend Model School at ingston. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Leeder visited at D: Leeder's on Sun- day. E. Armstrong motored to Smith's Falls on Sunday. Dr. Pa- tience and E. Dobbs, Lansdowne, called on friends Friday evening. CHARLESTON son and family received a' sudden call from their cottage on Monday last informing them of the death at Brockville of the former's mother, Mrs, David Thompson. Mrs. C. F. Yates and daughter, Athens, were guests of Mrs. Judson at the cottage. Mr, and Mrs, K} C, Berney, Hamilton were visitors to the lake on Satur- day. Dr. Nash and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon and family, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Beach and Mrs. Slack, Athens, were together at the lake on Monday last and spent an enjoyable day. Miss Campean, At- hens, is the guest of Miss Flossie Heffernan. : Edward Webster is quite ill. The people of Charleston received a treat on Friday evening at a lawn party given by Mrs. H. W, Beecher at her island home, which presented a beautiful appearance, being illu- minated. Before the close, ice creamh and cake were served. Quite a large crown assembled on Sunday afternoon to witness the Daptism hy immersion when Rev. Mr. Bebe, Athens, Penticostal minister, baptized three cahdidates. A num- ber of persons from Lansdowne mot- Aug. 17.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp-|* INDIA PALE ALE Not a Useless Intoxicait, but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal uses =~ MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT -- Jf not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write .+ JOHN LABATT, LIMITED QUEBEC ON TENTERHOOKS QURBEC, Aug. 18.--All night it has rained Question Marks and small Figure Ts report black phantom with green **7"° on chest dancing on the St. Lawrence River. All Quebec is asking, "What is that 7th point?" 'PEPPERMINT AND CINNAMON FLAVOURS Made in Censde 1--Crowded with flavor 4--Sterling purity 2--Velyety body--NO GRIT 5--From a daylight factory $--Crumble-proof 6--Untouched by hands > ored to Charleston on Sunday and had dinner at R.Foster"s. Mrs. Beale and little: granddaughter, Toronto, are visiting relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Milwaukee, are ho- lidaying at M. J. Johnson's cottage. | Township Councils i JOUGHBORO, Sydenham, Aug. 16.--Council met .. Minutes of previous adopted. Accounts paid: Edwa Sis overseer constructing sidewalks, $295.27; C. N. R. Co., freight on tile, $18.20; R. Btokes, $4 John Johnston, F150. bonus on re fences; J. 8. R s, supplies ta O. aol, 1.87; A.J. Kitkpat. rick, blacksmith account, $7.60; E. Brawley, cement - for sidewalk, $105.80; Beecher Darling, job on Perth Road, $5; John Henderson, work on north shore, $65; William Koen, job on north shore road, $5. Moved Walker-Harker that William ¢ $400 on note wit! En a8, tha these to = . that rates levied for the year: For county Re poses, 12 mills on the dollar; town- TRie."3 Salis, and provrermi hoo) 3 a province tax, 1 mill. Carri colle ter than Sej 1915, Coun an to meet at 1 p.m. Handay, Shot 6th. A ---- I t-- ro Dane Jottan, Toronto, and rri street. Jean fy. are rs. Gordon, 'Mrs. W. G.