5 os THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. THE FALL FASHION BOOK PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS now ready for you. ; A (f Walst 6362 Waist 6356 Costume Skirt 6341 Skirt 6345 5 8370 . 5 cents for each of the above numbers, 'We urgently Jecommend to you, beforé deciding on your Fall Dresses, to procure a copy o THE FASHION BOOK It costs only ten cents when purchased with ome 15 cent pattern. : SEPTEMBER PATTERNS on sale now. Costume 6381 Above Patterns can be obtained from NEWMAN & SHAW, Princess Street. ONE CAN SAVE ENERGY AND TEMPER BY USING ONLY EDDY'S MATCHES THEY DO NOT MISS FIRE IF PRO- PERLY STRUCK -- EVERY STICK IS A MATCH -- AND EVERY MATCH A SURE, SAFE LIGHT. Prd. Collis Browne's PFT 7 JME ORIGINAL 2Np ONLY GENUINE. ® Acts like as Charm in 'DIARRHOEA... .. «. speane « CHOLERA ... . ~ DYSENTERY: - Checks and arrests those too often fatal disenses-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. = The best Remedy haown for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. ®s dhe only palliative is NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE. \Mlorodyne is a taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. Dre Fn pg op Ay od no bad effects ; and can Os taken when no medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. --Every bottle of Genuine Chiorodyas bears on the stamp the same'yof the investor, Dr. J. Wholesale Agent, Lyn ¥ Our August Sale Will furnish your house 20 to 40c. Y & o.- a Spesial, $ | bia Gramophone. viy Yon THE NEW 33RD BATTERY There Were 740 the Ro | on Wednesday. A RIDE TO BROCKVILLE | MAY BE TAKEN BY THE STH OC. M.R. | Preparations For the Ne; {Officers Go | Py Instruction. | The 33rd Battery under Major. W,. Sears Is getting along splendidly |. and will soon be up to strength. On Wednesday the roll-call showed sev- | enty-four men on the strength and | they are seventy-four of the best | men in camp: Recruits are being | taken on the strength in different | parts of the division, and it will not be long before the 33rd Overseas | Battery is up to full strength. If | theré are any Kingstonians who have not yet applied it 'would be advisable ng Made At Camp Battéries,--Two 8th Ottawa For Musket- _|:to_see Major, Barrett at his recruit: ing office on Market street immedia- tely as the 150 men necessary to bring the battery up to strength will, not be long getting together, Li&ut.- Col. W. J. Malley, brigadier of the 9th Artillery -Brigade, was a visitor {In the artillery lines on Wednesday | afternoon and paid Major Sears a deep compliment on the appearance of the men. A few days ago there | were no tents, nothing but a broad | open field across the creek at the east of the camp. To-day there are four long lines of white tents with marquees. at the north ends where the cooks are very busy. The mess- ing, despite the fa¢t that the camp has only been organized a few days, is splendid. « Lieut. Huycke acting instructor of the battery and has the men out ev- ery day on foot-drill physical drill and for other elementary work. They are trying hard and doing well. Major. J. Hamilton, A.D. of S. ana | T., is in Ottawa, on military busi- | ness. | Lieuts. H. G. Rogers and H. L. | Manguy, 8th C.M.R., left on Wednes- | day to attend the school of musketry | at Ottawa. | Overseas Battéry in a few days. | The men of No. § Field Company, | | Canadian = Engineers, are always | hard at work looking aftér the many | alterations necessary in a camp of { 2,000 men. On Wednesday they Uniform will be issued to the 33rd. ABOUT HALF RECRUITED | in North Bay by were recruited | Lieut. Dowling. Major. H. R. Wilson is in Si on duty. | | Five recruits for the 59th Battal-!| fon arrived from the 41st' Regiment | en Wednesday afternoon. { , -- | | 'An interesting game of baseball] | was played in which the N.C.O.'s ot | the headquarters stalf defeated the] | officers of the Provisional School of { Infantry by a score of 11 to 10. The! | line-up was: { | Staff N.C.O's--Gilliece, 1st; Wal-| { ker 1f; Orr ss; Reid, 2nd; Harte p; | { Dow, 3rd; Graham c; Noble rf; Mar-| | tin and Moran cf. | | Officers of P.B.I---MecConnell 17; | { Schiagt, ss; Mason 2nd; Crowe, Pi | Willams, 3rd; McPherson c; Gomme | Ir; McDonald cf; Latourney, 1st. i | Score by innings: : vod | Staff NC.O's--8110801.¢:11] Offers PSI --26501002...10] | -- ! The results of the games on Wed- | nesday evening were: mal ! "©" Squadron, 8th C. M. R., de- feated "B" Company, 59th Battalion, Lby-4 to-0. potter a aoe | "A" Company, 69th Battalion, played the overseas draft, and the ame resulted in a draw. In baseball, "'C"" Squadron, 8th C. M. R., defeated "B"" Company, 59th Battalion, by 21 to 5. The M. Gp S., 8th C. M. R., defeated "A'" Com- pany, 59th Battalion, by 16 to 4. Capt. W, F. FitzGerald and Capt. Milton, staff chaplains, were in charge of the meeting in the Y. M. C. A. tent on Wednesday evening, each of-the chaplains giving a short address, followed by the singing of illustrated songs. These meetings will be held every Wednesday. .This evening a baseball game will be played between the N. C. O.'s of | the headquarters staff and the men | of No. 6, F. C. C. E. | Pte. G. E. Doxsee, 59th Battalion, is in the Field Hospital. He is a brother of Lieut. Doxsee, Campbell- ford, who was killed at Langemarcke by a sniper. J. W.r Patterson, physical director | of the Y. M. C. A, leaves to-night for | his home in Hamilton, and P. K. | Haywood will look after the work in future. | "A" Squadron, 8th C. M. R., will | play "D" Company, 59th Battalion, Company, 59th Battalion, "B"" Squadron, 8th C. M. in the baseball series this even- {and "C" | will play I R., | ing. Abernethy's Shoe Store. Friday Will Be Clean-Up Day At The Big "Black Arrow" Sale Women's Gun Metal Colonial Pumps-- Women's Kid Button Boots, cloth tops-- Women's Gun Metal, Patent and Vici Kid Oxfords, regular $3.00 Women's White Canvas Button Boots, regular $3.00, Small lot Men's Me- dium weight Boots; all clearing Friday at $1.95 Come to the "Black Arrow' Sale and get a Bargain. Abernéthy's Shoe Store We close at 6 o'clock. | were busy building shower-baths for! Thirteen recruits arrived on the men of the 33rd Battery, extend-| Thursday morning fof the 34th Bat- ing a drain in the 50th Battalio | tery at Barriefield. lines and making a concrete base fo | | an engine being installed at the wire- | Tpr. Fairbairn, 8th C. M. R., is in | less plant. | the Field Hospital with a sprained | ankle, There are now twenty-four men in| nih - | the 34rd Battery at the camp. This | i " | battery is at the extreme east of the| {At Tete de Pont Barracks. | camp opposite Cartwright's gate and| . All the examinations in foot-drill { is temporarily in command of Lieut. and about half inthe harnessing drill | dur ak the. Balmoral Rug 8 ft. % 12 ft. Mishts, reg. $18.5. | Johnston, "C" Battery, * R.C.H.A. | Major. Massey, O.C. of the battery is away on recruiting duty. Major. McKenzie, O.C.,- of the 32rd Battery, arrived at the-camp on | Wednesday afternoon and will look | after the erection of tents and ai | ranging for the reception of the re- | cruits who are expected | from Ottawa tifis week. : | | The 59th Battalion is holding a | route-march-to Kingston Mills to- day. It is planned to serve dimmer | from the field-kitchens at the Mills. | The remainder of the men of the | 8th C.M.R., were paid on Wednesday | afternoon by Capt. Ferguson. {| The officers of the' 8th C.M.R. | wish fo express their thanks to Mes- { srs. Reid and Macfarlane, annon- | ville, who were responsible for giv- ing the men of the regiment thé best "feed" they have had in many { days. ° The farmers from all over | the- country donatéd food and the lunch proved to be a full course din- | ner. The information was given out on | Wednesday that it was quite possible | that, the 8th Regiment would take & two weeks. Arrangements are be- ing made. Lieut. Col J. R. Munro realizes that route-marches are splen- did for training the men both in equitation and in - discipline, and breaks the monotony of camp life. To say that the men énjoyed the Belleville trip is putting it mildly, The announcement that thé next trek would be to: Brockville had found favor with the men. It is reported that "'Tps. "Paddy" Walsh was discovered at Napanee on ay morning tied.to the bed and he is still wondering who did tins mean trick to him, : A long list of men who have been given regimental numbers and as- signed to compan was issued on Wednesday in the 58th Battalion or- ders, SE 0. 1. Evans, R. Li:Lucas, and A. to arrive; not £80 to the front before Novem- © ber. ' .jelers. They were not over success- | route-march' to Brockville in about 1 | for the men taking the Royal School | of Artillery course, have been com- | pleted | Gunner Dechantall, R. C. H. A., { has received a letter from his bro- | ther in the signalling section of the | 21st Battalion, which states that | camp rumor has it the battalion will A ------ { --- | __H. A. Pearson, J. W. Anson and C. | Worth have been given positions as {drivers in "C" Battery. All three are sons of men who have seen a great deal of service, and are at pres- ent in uniform . | Promotions caused by the drafting | of men for overseas service were an- | nounced in "C" Battery orders this morning. : KINGSTON BOWLERS LOST. In Games Played In Brockville On Wednesday. The Kingston bowlers are getting a reputation of not being good trav- {Tul at Prescott nor were they at Brockville on Wednesday afternoon and evening, where they made a to- tal of 120 whereas Brockville scored 32. The results by skips in the afternoon were: W. R. Sills, 15; Price, 15. J. M. Elliott, 12; Cryslar, 16. mul H. Wormwith, H. W. Newman, 13; White, 20. The eveniug scores were: W. R. Sills, 1® McClelland, 14: J. M. Elliott, 11; Collins, 21. W. H. Wormwith, 13; Craig, 16. H. W. Newman, 27; Cryslar, 10. The players on the K: agston rinks were: To Bibby, skip.) »: A. Givens, W. Jackson, W. R. ven: u | 0) ARE YOU REAPING THE BENEFIT - OF OUR $1.00 Hat Sale w In addition to our big Straw Hat, Sale, wé. of- fer scores of fine $2.50 Soft Felt Hats, broken lines from our Spring and Summer stock) for $1.00. SEE OUR WINDOWS CAMPBELL BROS. . Kingston's Largest t Dealers. 13; Downey, walter WR 23 McKelvey, Dr. atson, W. R. (skip.) Trot. Duy. 5 MeMittaa, HD." . M.. Elliott (skip.) - AUGUST FURNITURE SALE. Everything Reduced. Price's : : Phone 845 akell's Pure Ice Cre Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. + We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or bricks : SAKELL'S Next Opera House. Phone 640 4 ' » o, Boys' School Suits | Our Norfolks, two-piece Suits, are | just the thing for that boy of yours. Motor Oil, Cup Grease and | pre comers loos "oll And Fiber Grease for sale at | H. MILNE 5-5 Also Phone 543. - 272 Bagot Bt |Caps, Shirts, etc. all oils delivered on short- ISAAC ZACKS est notiee. 271 PRINCESS STREET. Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges in all styles; sizes 24 to 36; priced from $3 up to $10, See our Special Extra at $4.50. for boys, CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale st All Grocers. MILK THESE HOT DAYS VS. | You Cannot Be Too Careful | HOT WEATHER| = = With Your Milk. Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, proper- ly cooled, and delivered in sealed bottles. EON ""KITCHENER® | SL Sgn ge oo we yw the new