THE DAILY BRITISH ¥ WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. PAGE SEVEN EE Fatablished 1855 BANKING SERVICE A prompt and dependable banking serviee is provided for busi- ness men carrying thelr.accounts at The Bank .of Toronto. The reputation, resources and facilities of this Bank are a guarantee of satisfactory service to the business community. Capital Heserved Funds ", FRO...£NAC ST.--9 roomed, solid brick house, all modern, with aeep lot «oe 88 BARREIE ST.--9 roomed frame house, bath and closet "THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56. BIIOCK STREET, J. DRIVER, Representative. Phone EVER*-10C EYE-GLASS AND SPECTACLE MOUNTINGS, This mouniing reduces Bren kage to the minimum because it does away with either holes or s wg through the Jensés The lenses are always tight when in the 'F r-Loect, will always remain correct gdjustment, J. J. Stewart, Oph.D., will be glad wyer-Loet. Sold exclusively in Kingston by R. J. RODGER, 25am ras, groves Ne Loose Eye. Glass Lenses. 75 pee. Le: and the the in to show i ST. KINGSTON. "Where the clock In on the walk)" oS or 874 FOR SATURDAY 1,000 1bs. of Choice Anything you may want in the| §l Dressed Fowl, Highest KODAK LINE from us. We carry a cash price paid. "et stoek of Kodaks, Cameras, n - Rims, Photographic Papers and! 8) 3 oa ANDERSON BROS. We Develop and Print with care H RES St Prin d Divisi oag"s g Store ncess and Division 'Opp, Y.M.C.A. Phone 258, pho. a0 KINGSTON, ONT. Automobile "For Hire (1915 REGAL) WebpiNGS A Seciavry, RLM Special Rates for all Kinds of. Drives. Russians. for overseas service. Prompt Attention. to Boat and Train NTS OF THE DAY |LMAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST. ! Hagpenings in the City and Vicinity | ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Beaders of the Whig, | Capt. J. H. Stothers is bringing | | sixty men from Ottawa for the new | batteries in Barriefield Camp. | |+ A trogper with the 8th C.M.R, had | _ | the top of ome of his fingers bitten | {off by a horse. | i "Zoc baby cough syrup" lie, Gib-| , son's, { Sweet potatoes at Carnovsky's. { Mr. and Mrs. William Close, | | Frontenac street, left on Thursday | | for Winnipeg. i "25¢ baby cough syrup" 15e¢, Gib-| | son's. { H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 | King street. Leave orders at McAul- ' ey's Book Store. | Major the Very Rev. Dean Starr left to-day for Newcastle where he t night. { _ Farmer's Butter prints, 28¢. Jas. Crawford. *'25¢ baby cough syrup" lie, Gib- son's. On Monday the annual retreat of : | will speak at a recruitig meeting bo- $2,200 | the priests of the archdiocese of Kingston will open at St. Mary's Ca- | thedral, "Huyler's Bon Bons" at Gibson's. A. C. McPhail, wife and little Miss Florence Jean, left the city on Wed- Dairy Butter while it lass, only | 28¢, J. Crawford. "Huyler's Bon Bons at Glbson's. Miss Stella Doughty, Peterboro, | returned to her home on Monday, af- ter speading the past two weeks with Miss Etia Cassidy, James street. "Page & Shaw Bon. Bons," Gib- Gibson's, N R. J. Reid is after the party who | opened the gate where he was pas- turing his horse, mare and colt at the Outer Depot and allowed them to wander away. "Page & Shaw Bon Bons," Gib. son's. ....dhgPe was a small market on Thursday morning with the follow- ing prices: Potatoes 50c to 60c a Jmshel; apples, 20c- a peck; blye- bérries two boxes for 25¢; eggs. 26¢ a dozen; butter, 32¢ to 35¢a Ib, "Page & Shaw Bon Bons," Gib- (Son's. Read all the néws in the Whig's second section. cial and telegraphic news in abun: dance. U.S. Consul F. 8. 8. Johnson reports that applications are still coming in for information about Canadians ho are missing from the firing ne. in France and Belgium. "Page & Shaw Bon Bons," Gib- son's, A plucky trooper on the ride to Belleville held his frisky mount un- til his trousers were glued to his legs by blogd. Hot water was used to get the cloth away. The trooper is now in hospital. Dairy Butter while it lasts, only 28c, Crawford's. Cape Vincent Eagle: "Claytoh peo- ple are now seeing aeroplanes, at least it is so reported in the papers. This may be taken as a fairly sure indication that Clayton's liquid booths are not dispensing a superior brand at present." Special sale of shaving brushes at Gibson's Regd Cross Drug Store. Carl Goldman is still bringing in He brought in two on Wednesday and sacks were accepted, and two Cos- facks were expected to arrive Thurs- | day. "Shaving brushes" at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Roland Hewgill, Brock street, aged 340 Johnsow >i 'eel noive years, fell off a fence om Second Hand Automokbiles. For Sale with. Reni y equipped all in first class order, 1 Maxwell S-pussongor, fully equipped with self starter, electric lights, mohair top, new tires; in erfect, order, 1 1914 Indian Motor-cycle, with ie Sar ran «miles; in splendid condition. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Hoa14 WELLINGTON STREET, 1 1014 Ford, 5-passengen, demountable rims, newly painted; , _ At Our Great Rebuilding Sales of eo Moat Eraedian Furniture Which will last about two weeks longer. All the goods which remain in stock during building oper- ations will be given an extra reduction'of. 5 per cent. additional to present discount. Vol Bog time to procure a bargain in h ursday morning and received a badly gas] right arm. The lad was endeavoring to walk across the top of the fence and slipped. Mrs. E. G. Mackenzie, sister of the late Sir George Ross, died on Tuesday at the home of her stepson, Hugh F. Mackenzie, East Williams Township, in her seventy-fifth year, She was aunt of Mrs. C. W, Belton, Alfred street. "Cancelled. library books," 26¢c Gibson's. The editor in a neighboring town threatened to publish the name of a ad certain young man who was seen In hugging and kissing a girl, unless his subscription was paid within a week. Fifty-nine young men Sol ed the next day and paid up, whi two even paid a year in advance, Fallis-Wilmot h In St. Mark's Church, Barriefield, on Wedn: poring: the mar- riage was solemnized ween Mil- dred Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. After the ceremony bof the the happy couple left to visit thro ape 'Ontario an ugh [the toma going to their new in Alberta. . There is local, s0- | Bou of beginni to] Ax Fight » way as descr. Lake Ontario 'ARK TONIGHT and Evéry Night at 8.30 MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 330. FREE Show Select V Acts FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS Free Admission te Park by Street Cars | only, Wednesday, ChilGren Ic on Cars. I ---------------- tra DELICATE DELICIOUS CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, | ~~ | First losertion, 1¢ a word. Each econ. FEMALE FOX { i FOR SALE, TERRIER, ALMOST PAESE EEFECTIVE ADVTS, UOoST little. Once, 26c; three times, S00; one week, "$1.00, white, with sume brow: spots on head. Answers to name of "Trixie." Liberal reward if returned to 136 University Avenue, secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for one fusertion, 20ec; three imsertions, | 50c; wix, $1; one month, $2 HELP WANTED. | SULKIES, H0-CARTS AND CAR, i > p ' ices, a [$5.00 REWARD FOR INFORMATION rages, at reasonable prig that would lead to the finding of Trrk's. Phone 208. : AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. GIRLS * IN GOOD com ing to name of "Muc Lost three . ; l he Broosh weeks ago. Apply 239 Clergy St on ARbLy Arnisl, the groper, { es-- i i a. small black, curly dof, answer: APPLE BARRELS, | Apply at the Randolph Hotel i West. and Alfred streets, WANTED AY IMPERIAL | woRMW ITH UPRIGHT PIANO, LOIS 5 oN. 4 p v q Laundry, Berrie street, at once. | STOLEN. { « Style, nearly new Owner EXPERIENCED' SEWING MACHINE (SOOUT BICYCLE, BLACK, NO. 418,180 | leaving city. Apply 232 King Ht, SEVEN ROOM. BRICK HO INE, ; modern, No. 180 Montreal street, with 22 in. Trame: rim light, linings. Stolen night .of with A a operators. Apply Kingston Hosiery | Co. ¥ 15¢ per Tin. The Finest Produced. IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL FIRST-CLASS | August 10th, 1816. Reward' if re- turned to 60 O'Kill street { 70 LET. Easy terms. Apply AF Bond, 26 Frontenac street. phone 743 NE LAUNCH, 25 ¥9 LONG, . ZL | fully equipped and fh first class { running order; also lease of boat | servant. References required. Ap-| ply 'to Mrs. M, MacGillivray, 151} University Avenue. DRESSMAKER TO | take charge going business, Write | at once The E. Maddeck Co. | as GASOL STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC, lean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock house, price $150.00. Apply 147 © Street. Division street. X [LIFE PRESERVERS FOR © ADULTS Napanea. *-- | DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. Me-| and children; folding boat seats; NOTICE I wish to netify the public that I have purchased the barber business from . Deline--known as Antiseptic Barber Parior--185 Wellington street, and extend a cordial invitation 10 Me: 's customers and the public to ASH FRY PREIOP ~d--tmrATron= dition and up-to-date in every respect. FRANK RONHS. BANDSMEN SISO MAY Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82! camp outfits: fishing tackle a Ape- REN ly haan MAY Nrock Street. i clalty, : Frank Ww. Oacke, 39 Clar- or a spapera; ae poanvassing. | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM oT hi : nd for particulars. ress Syndl- P) "8S IN CL ENCE ST. - ar . 5 y cate, $1368 Lockport. NT pore. Apts Mio Chantngham &| MOTOR CYCLE "WiTH SBR OAR Riad ne | Mudie, 79 Clarence St. * rary np | y s ¥O TEN OVERSEAS | t everything in ast Sass order; - py er ee CR RR a rn SDE PH AB Ci Aen Re apphe stating instr OURE ON CHATIIAM STRIERT; 10s] Ltd, Wentnaton street. Phone 454, ment to Lieut. J. M. Hrown, 5: Me provements. . Apply David Mar- Eo a ars Laren street, Ottawa, >, B.~In-| shall, 101 Queen. street. ToT > - y 3 s 1 i ¥ VICTROLA AND TWELVE SELEC. siruments furnished by regiment. | tong $28.50, Terms $5.00 cash and NO ADVANCE IN PR ZIG-ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents Equalled by few Excelled by none FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. ; (Distributors. ) LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND | HOUSE, Apply CENTRALLY | FURNISHED $1.00 month, Just the thing for Box "810, Whig } located. your camp. CC. MW. Lindsay Co. office. Lad, 121 Princess street. * SALE OF BICYCLES w SCOUT Bie cyales, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $38: Perfect Rigid Frame, 340; Perfect Cushion Frame, $60; fitted with 8. Spesd gear, $80. Geo, Muller, 37% 'King street: light sewing at home, spare time; good pay; work sent | any distance; charges pald. Send stamp for full particulars: Nations| al Manufacturing Company, Moni: | rea | whole or! STORAGE FoR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 209 Quéen St. Phone 526b, | ete tts ---------------- rm MY RESIDENCE~OPPOSITE. "GRANT Hall," Neo. 122 University Avenue, ternt of ars. Apply direct 79 Clarence St. {MY RESIDENCROPPOSITE "GRANT | Hall" Ne. 122 University Avenue. Terms: One-third cask and balance on mortgage at six pér cent Ap- ply direct to Thomas Mills, 59 Clarence street, WANTED Auionetile Slosen -- ply at ve Bros., Kingston, Ont: IA LARGE BRICK HOUSE, 8S ROOMS; { electric Yights, gas, all modern im- provements. «Rent $16.00. Apply 27 Nelson street. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW, AND SEC- ond-hand stoves, furniture, pdd dressers, Iron beds, ete. We also MODERN ELREVEN-ROOMED HOUSE: furnace, e trie light; large enough for two families; 465 Albert street, buy all kinds of new and second- near Princess." Apply M. Richard- hand furniture. J. Thompson, 383 IF YOU WANT THE BEST, 5 Try Gordon's Special Blend Teas and Coffee, 80c, 35¢, 40c per 1b. GORDON'S GROCERY 149 Montreal St. Phone 88. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ist at 11 am, | On Market Square. Heorge, about 1200; -1 buggy, wagon and harness. n Wo. MURRAY, Auctioneer. To Contractors Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 3 pan. of August 28rd for the installation of a hot water heating apparatus in a resi- dence on Princess street. Any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at my office. w= THOMAS R. P. POWER, A -------------------------------------- WE WANT TO BUY SECOND HAND son, 194. Division streét. Princess street, phone 1600, $6,000-BRICK HOUSE ON PRINCESS street; all -. improvements; " nice location, $2,700-BRICK HOUSE, PRINCESS street; 6 rooms; all latest improve- KNTRAL RENT, FURNISHED--"CALDER- WANTED G wood," the property of Col. and Mrs. Giles, will be let furnished to a desirable tenant. Apply to Wal- eese feathers. Apply" Kingston Kem and Walkem, 93 Clarence St. ttress Company, 556 Princess St. 500 FEATHER BEDS ANY KINI) ANY CUSTOMERS, I PAY T) BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MOD. ern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streéts. Apply J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine, or Mr. Pringle, next door, Division street. ments. $650--LOT ON LIVINGSTON AVENUE; - full size. | BLACKSMITH FURNISHED HOUSE--THAT SPLEN. Stock. : didly equipped new residerice, 153 dwelling. University Avenue, Every conven!- ence; modern furniture. Near Queen's University. Apply at 125 William street for terms, ete. age. The very Juxhost cash price paid, Phone 865. Ontario Fea. ther Co. 208,210 Division street. HIGHEST Rimiturc" "wats Pega rn : x thing, Spin Sodls, ete, to 1 Hrob a card and I will call Shapiro. 45 Princess street, 'TEACHER WANTRD. SHOP, TOOLS AND Good trade, also good' Will be sold cheap, TO RENT, HOUSES FURNISHED AND unfurnished. GG. A. Bateman, 67 iarence street, Kingston; phone UNIVERSITY AVENUE FACING University grounds: brick resi- BOAR AND ROOMS, FOR $.8. NO. 8, 080, dence, ten 'rooms, hot water heat- ing, at present occupied by Profes- sor Skelton Rent $36. ~ Pogses- salon November 1st, Apply to 1. 8 RO MeCann, 82 Brock street, FIRST CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveniences. ADDY 24% Brock street. ALARY sis referred. to come. y tember 1st, Apply to A @ it, Secy oy 8, Clarendon Sta., Ont 3 on Female mence QUALIFIED PROTESTANT Ti, 3 for 8.8, No, 'artland, TEAC FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; 'ncorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued" on city and farm BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START @ mall order business at home; ne canvassing; be your own boss east of Yarker; salary' $400.00 to to M.. H a" 2 Kiatrowainyeh, A PROTESTANT PRIMARY TEACHER TEACHER sh 8end for free booklet; tells J Heacock. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. how 1 BUSINESS NOTICE. ee WM, EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNOR that he has purchased roperties, munic'pal and country epentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest ol. lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE { Fire Insurance Smpany. Avaliable assets $61,187,216. In addition to which the policyholders have security the unlimited ability of eity pProverty, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or Eiving new business get rates from trange & Agents. Phone 325, Tor the Portsmouth Public School. Initial salary $450 Applicants to state qualifications and give refer- ences on or before August 25th, to Thos. F. Grabam Sec, FOR 8. 8S. NO. I. TOWN ip of Clarendon. county of Fron. tenac. Duties to begin immediately after holidays. Salary $325 Ap- ply, stating expegience and quali- fication, t0'J. G. Fraser, Sec.-Treas,, Ardoch, Ont. and pressing. Also make | for 0 suits from your own cloth | orkmanship guaranteed. 181! Brock street, * | DENTAL Architect. 160 Earl Street. Advertisement of Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be of- fered for sale by publi auction, on Saturday September 4¢ hour of 12 o'clock noun Square In the City of Kinagton, William Murray, Auctioneer, the fol. lowing, property, namely:~In the City of ston, commencing on the north side Princéss Street at a point where the westerly boundary of sald ands meets the northerly boundary Princess Street, thence easterly Tecne fleet nine inches more or less along the northerly side of I'rin- Sons Sirese t Bs Joint, thete Abrtherly ng the dividing line between é Driok houses ereéted on said land and known as Nos. 473 and 475 Princess Street and parallel to re aStor]y boundary of said land 152 feet 7-10 inches to 3, Doint on_ the northerly boundary of 'said land, the 1 E ence southerly along said westerly 152 feet 5 7-10 inches to the them with a d mort- e. Sn the property 1s located a solid brick dwelling house con ming about eleven rooms. Terms: Ten per cent. pu money. to be paid at Tha iy "i Pg ln Be ; y days. or further rtioulars conditions of sale ap- wo A. nningham, 78 Clarence t, tof for the mertg: ated this 16th day of Au 915. y . a - List, 191 i TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL FEMALE TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO, T HAIR, MOLES, A. n SuNNINGHAM, A. E. KNAPP, BA. LD. MEDIC. moved to | 5) JCAL. i D. E. BELL, M.D, CM, LM.C.C., SUR. Ti 138 Wellington street; phone 2 Pye! ection No. 8, at a salary of $325 258 Princess street. & year. Duties to commence 1st September, 1915; Apply, 'statin experience and salary required, And giving references to EK in Martin, Sec.-Treas., Fernleigh. Ont. DR. ©; 0. NASH, DENTIST, Renton, assistant. Street. Phone 735. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 169 ellington Leonard Walsh, DDS s'stant. Phone 346. OR. T. B. | S, D.D.S,, we. | i 133 Princess | HA. BOYCE, M.D, CM, LATE M cal Superintendent Kingston Gener- al Hospital. Surgery and resident 93 Wellington street. Phone 964. UPHOLSTERING, W. Il GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work and mattress renovatd¥g. Drop a eard ar call 216 Bagot gtreet, PERSONAL. MDLLE. IRO, WORLD'S GREATEST Dr. mind reader, now stopping in the ase, city. Readings §0c Tours, 2 to 258 9. 263 King street. -- ab WE © TO. PARTI ALLS, [CAPABLE DOMBRSTICS, ENGLISH, we kfasts, i] LA Trish and Seotch, arriving Septem. also rent dishes, table linens and ber: also number of Old Country silverware. Reid and Hambrook girls with Canadian references hedd, 30 Uni 8 F. suitable Tor city places. ABBlv The G G reat Lk DEN- street; J. dvy Lea, holding second class cer. LDS, as- tificate; duties to commence Sep. tember 1st, 1915. Apply, statin oxperience and salary required, and giving references to Hugh Turkington, Ivy Lee, Ont wa. NEWLANDS & ws tects, ete. SON, ARCHI- Offices, 258 Bagot St POSITION WANTED. Phone 51. WARTS BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanenity, with. out soar; 30 years' experience. imer J. Lake, Hye, Rar, hroat and Skin Specialist, Bot street. . LEGAL, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Panty Bank CL | | Building, corner Wellington streets, BARRY an citor: Law office, 70 Clar- rs ton % a 4 ORDER ow 25 cehts per ton extra if coal Bs { to be carried in. "OUR FRESH GROUND COW. i] FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be GROCERY,