: & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 1915, PERT CITIZEN DEAD UTILITIES. COMMISSION; i {THE LATE JOHN GRAY BELL, AGED so a -- |e ie : | Probs: Sunday showery. CAMP-| CONSIDERING THE STREET RAN! old In : WAY POWER QUESTION "Twilight ROYAL YEAST CAKES The best, yeast in Father Of dohn Campbell and Mrs. | To Have Another Conference----Com-! John' Macgilliveay, Kihgstop--A | mission Objects To Fire Under. *$4680954 hdbhbbbbh ! x Sketch Of His Career, : writers' Statement About Water-| 4 » Perth Courier. { = @ {| . Mrs. E. Van Leslie<received on On Monday last, 1§th inst, John! Works Boilers. ------ | Thursday and Friday at the home uf Cray Campbell, of this Sgn, passed The Utilities Commission has Tow | her mother, Mrs: Fred. 'Brownfield, throligh the portals of death to the! before it all the reports it asked wilii| for the first time since her marriage. great beyond, after having \ lived | reference fo the cost of furnishing! Fragrant sweet peas and llies-of-the- many years beyond the time the Power to the Kingston Street Raii- great Hebrew ruler and moralist as- SAA EE aturday \furday Night ~ Specials = On Sale at 7 O'clock cs Te Sample Neckwear 10 doz, a part of a manufacturer's "clean-up" --all smart néw + styles, bought at.a fraction of their cost--heretofore priced at 25¢, 35¢, 50e¢ and 60¢. ay .To-Night, 19¢ Mims Lilian Kont und Miss Murgaret ® ® Pillow Slips a, aru: i. 15 doz imported English Slips, in sizes 40, 42 and 44: regular a Duten tunendons wan given atl "| 0c'vilne 0, ? a To-Night, 12% ¢ the Country Olub, on Th when . Ladies' Umbrellas Mvsi Walter Boyd, Ottawa, and Miss 5 doz. only, Black-Handle Umbrellas, heretofore priced from Ei Fad Bl, 50 $123 to $200. | Ladies' Vests i i €Ss1s neluding re ANttur Cunnine. 72 only "Cotten-Lisle Vests; regular 15c. valley were arranged in the drawing | Ji Fa a way Company, and considered them | room and dining-room, and the tea- signed to man as his stay upon this| at a special meeting on Friaay aftes-| table, which was mest artistic, had earth. Born in the year 1826, in| Doon. Its members want to give| for its centre the wedding cake, sur- : . October, he had finished nearly lis the company pewer at the lowest|' rounded hy quantities of white sweet : eighty ninth year when the final call| possible' rate, but is confronted with! peas. On Thursday the tea room EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED jeame. He was a son of the late Mr. | Some difficulties, According to the| was = in charge of Mra, R. BE. sh a | Peter or Patrick Campbell, who came | 0ld power agreement with the City TORONTO, ONT. A y- Doe WINNIPEG Kent, Mrs. Brigstocke, Miss Ma- {from the historic Glen Lyon district Council, which has expired, the cotn-| rion Redden, Miss Mildred Jones, In Perthshire. Scottish Highlgpds, | pany received power for 1.20. cenit, | M and settled, with the township, pion-| Which included the cost of coat! ang Kirkpatrick, | eers, on the 6th, eongession of Bath-| Attendance, No overhead charges iss Doris urst, where he died and where de-| Were made. As power is now veing ceased was born, The grandfather, | Produced somewhat chespwy, tite John Campbell, was the leader of the| above rate would be a littie tower. {family in this' immigration, but he{ The Hydro-Electric Commission. re died very early after his arrival, in| ports that the cost of producing pow- 1818. His mother, whose maiden er is 2.13 cents a kilo-watt hour, name was Ann Gray, came from Ban- | Prof. C. W. Burroughs, who made a nfshire, Scotland, and was a sister| report for the Utilities Commission, | of the late Robert and George Gray,| reports that the cost is 1.96 cents, | once well-known in Bathurst. , All| It was decided to submit copies of j thé. family, on both branches, were| both weports to the Street Railway | sturdy Presbyterians and were] €ompany, and another conference | staunch Liberals; and it was eae or] will likely be arranged between tne | the proudest boasts of deceased that] Commission and company represen- | early in life he became an active sup- | tatives. | 1 -- | porter of the late Hon. Malcolm Cam- . . | eron, and an eager worker in the Waterwdrks Boilers Sufficient. | elections where he, was a successful The Commission takes issue with candidate in this county far baek in| the report of the Canadian e Un- | Its. politied]- annals. ~ A consistent | derwriters' Association with regarc | Reformér We remained tothe end of {to the Walerworks boilers. The Underwriters' inspector reported tat | his days. For many years back he : kept each day's issue that came ie they were insufficient for the engines. n. nn Prof, Burroughs whe had just pre 00M WE alke him, and during 'this time unbroken Ar : . HER {files may be found among his re-| viously gone over the boilers, nas re-| Atjolly Dutch lunéieon wis gtven ported that the inspector's fnndings|8t the Country: Club 'yekterday iin recommend it highly. We vt pen "repair de- $ | p : | cords. Brought up on a farm he lartiment, | early drifted lato lumbering, amd 0p-1 at4 absurd, as they are met borme lofiour of Miss Marie Clarke, Colum- out by the Taets. Mr. Birkett re-|bus, Ohio, where the other gues:s {erated 'In the work of getting out | ; ; 3 {logs and timber' in the Mississippi, marked that the fdil boiler eapaciiy | included, Misses "Katharme Hart, : es S § [Tay and Fan rivers:andy af ger waters) of the Waterworks did not require to | Isabelle Waldfon, Sybil Kirkpatrick, ; {in the rear towiships, hd he knew! be used. General Manager Frotger| Hilda, Kent, Eleanor. Phelan, Kath. The, Popular Drug Store, | every. mile af territory where this objected to the sweeping findings of | en "Ryan, Mary™ Crookail, ~ Beth Open Sundays. business took him. the Underwriters' inspector, saymg| Small and Gwenneth Merrick. | Among the mills leased and work- that they were incogreet. At the ed by him was that in the Chester! suggestion of Mr. Chown, the Gener- ngighborhood near Fallbrook, he- al Manager was instructed to prepare longing to the late Mr. John ag a statement in reply to the Unades jar, His son John M., of Kingsloh, | writers' report and submit it at tae took him and. company of friends] mext meeting. The opinion prevafi- In hig ear to this place one day this ed that the report should not be summer, and it was a great pleastiic| passed over, but that the wom mis: to him to revisit this seene of his) sion's objections should be recorded. earlier labors and to narrate remin- iseences of his. experiences here and elsewhere when strenuous endegvors = no difficult task for nm. On Miss Miss: Hilda "Kent, Miss Norah or ,. Miss - Floppie Cunning- ham, Miss Kathleen Carputhers, Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick; Miss Jessie Smith Dollar Special : THE STUDENTS' PEN, British Made. The best value ever offered in a fountain pen, It Is wade of goa Kdrd rib ber, fitted with solid gold point, well tipped with white Iridium, which makes it a smooth and sting pen, . dw, Wises Bendie 8 'and Nias lebiong | Agnés owne, nite Cuban mand Mavion Van fete We guarantee this pen and ToNight, -9¢ : yy 108 only Lisle Vests: regular 20¢ A number of informal teas navel " e Vests; regular 20¢. - been given this week im honour of) Mrs. Dennis Jordan, Toronve, ang Miss Marguerite Calvert, Strathroy, wlio are visiting Mrs. W. G, Jordan, Barrie street. - * . V. 8mail, Canadian Bank of Com- merce, left an Thursday fer Ottawa. Miss Lucy Merrick, William street, will leave for Rochester to-morraw to visit Mr. and 'Mrs, Frederick Mer- tick. Mrs, James Marrison and Miss Rachael Rogs, Stamford, Conn., are guests of: Mrs. James Greer, Ciergy street, en route from "their camp at Rideau Ferry. ; Miss Florence Shannon fs expected from London, to visit her father, Al- fred Shannon, Frontenac street. 'Mrs. Hawley, Napanee, 1s with her sister, Mrs. K. M. Saunders, Alice street. A B. Lind, Londén, was in town for a few days. as A A Big Power Bill. A. Davis & Sons objected to their electric account for July. it is Is sued under the new sehedute of rates, and is very high. The hill amounted to $393 for 4,600 kilo- watts, In June, the company's bili was only $69.55 for 3.7i¢ kilo-watts. "Manage Le that some other bills _-- had beén'found to be lower than before. He ex iat perhaps half a dagen' of" 'the. large power users would '6bjeet" to their bills, but the rate charged was léss than $26 a hovse-power." ' Tus Commission decided to wait till 'al the bills for the month were 1ssued this same day's trip he was taken all over Playfairville. where his wife's reople lived, and where his Inmber- ing operations often took him. ie kiaew intimately the late Col. Play- fair, M.i>. and all 11s scns an? dau- ghiers, snd was a great adm:-.v of the strong personality of that gene man, who before his advent here h £orved his country faithruny as ¥n tha officer in the Peninsular War under Wellington. "After this he'acquired a tract of land in" Minnesota; which he worked for some years, and then sold it. He came to liva in Perth sors, da and Dorothy, McLaren reet, wa, ti uests of M Peter Devlin, WiTans Events ny John Phillips, Detroit, Michigan, Mrs. Freshman, Buffalo, N.¥,, and Mrs. Daly, Napanee, are visiting with Mrs. M. A. Asselstine, 135 Alfred Street, | Miss Ailes Folger and Miss Anne Minpes are Sheng ing Jue week-end ith. Mey: WF. NICKIS at "The Shie- Mra. Alexander Rosataond and 1it- tle Miss Mary, are the guests of Mrs, visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. J. Robert £61," Cofiwall, "has returned" home. | [i Rev. Thomas Leach with his wife I and daughter, Wolfe Island, are the Buesis of Mrs. James Leach, Car-|{ leton Place, | _ Mrs. C, C. McGrail, William Street, and her two children have deft for a minth's 'visit to Barrie and Muskoka. : 2 . * - - * Miss Florence Beott; Smith's Falls, |} is with Mrs. J. Q. Elliott, Barrie fl EYE GLASSES Kit vp war MODEL glagses scientifical ground. Y xe | | | | | 1 | | | | | MODPEL Miuatment insuring perfect. com : MODEL shapes that add dig- nity to the face, ODEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. M MopEL methods lowest prices. KEELEY Jr. M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST NE A TIVIAN Princess Stree 3 doors ak the Opera, Hopse | insuring | | | | | i { . Connell, Becrotars of 'the| "8 [4 3 ) » T % [Tove outh Eanark ~ Agricultural Seeley | ; SHIRT WAISTS § ; Sizes 6 to 8 years, 50¢ quality for. Stockings -- all sizes : Elastic | Ribh, all rae Ii vive; Alexander, Florida; Mary (Mrs about the year 1868, and shortly af- ) 8 before taking action on any one. ter binlt the comferialile home on Some readjustment 'will lx be D'Arey sireet, where he died. made, jug hd In 1852 he was married to Migs!" y Helen Murdock, daughter of the late Mr. A. W. Murdoek, 'of Playfairviii and Lanark, Inspector of Publie Schools in Lanark County, who sug vices him. Their children are: Alex. B., Edmonton, Alberta; Join M.; Kingston; Lorne, Neison, B. Ca 1 Alma (Mrs. A. B. Rudd) town; By (Mrs. W. T. Walker), town; Ma 3 (Mrs. Jas Murns), Galt; and Annie, (Mrs. John M. Maegillivray), King. on. The eldest son Peter was drowned in the winter of 1866 while skating on the Fall river, Of the many brothers and sisters, three sur-|: $d plr-- ua : Ang ~An' an: early hour on Monday morning, James McK : passed away suddenly at his home at Joyceville. The funeral took place 38, Wedntaday to Gananeque vault, 'the remains will be la~ ter to the \ 1 cé ; In order to have the néw actouni- Ing system 'installed © more rapidly 'the Commission instructed tlie Gen- eral Manager to secure the services of the Hydro-Eleetric accounting ex- pert at onee to assist in the treagfiry fice." ta -- Gananoque i MeArthur,) Seattle, Wash.; Cathar- ine, New York city, Mr. Campbell was a member of Knox Church, and until sickness overtook him was a most regular attendant. - He was an ardent temperance advocate and a worker in the cause. A good living aR in every way, the world was all | the better for his having been in it and though not for some years much in the limelight he was at ail times too well known and too much pes 3 to be forgotten, r of the He was Per for some years, and was a member of © Britons' Lodge of Free M funeral took place on W "| day afternoon to Elmwood cemete the . A. H. Scott aliclatin 3 mond, J. M. Walker, Robert Brun: son, P. C. Macnee, Picton (a nep-| Millous see Mrs. Ernest Sparks and Master Bobbie are 'spending' the week 'with Dr. and Mrs. Mahee, . Misses May 'and Annie Perry, Un- ion street, are the guests of Mrs. Hotehki " 'Paul | who hus been vis River View Camp, has home. Mrs.Gertrude Sherlock and daugh- ters, Helén and Grace, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, motored to Pieton this week. * * . - 'Watertown, N.Y. 3 chkin, Watertown, N.Y., iting Mrs. Perry at returned Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Bilkey and Miss Charlotte Bilkey returned to Ottawa this week. : Mra. A. M. Purdy and her niece, on Lawrasen, guests of "Mrs. C. H. Corbett, tert on for Plint, Mich. They will "Rogers in Hamil: w days. dr Shield, Ottawa, 18 of Miss Mild red Pierce, avenue. ' re. Thomas Thursday Nr: Flom amon, wmions hn SR LE GS fut? Frederic Brownfield, Welliagton street. Ex-Cadets Ferdinand Gendron, Ot: tawa, and Arthur Ryerson, Toronto, home from the trent, are ¢ pected in town next Week, te Miss May - ¥ Rogers, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Marjorie Brown- field, "Miss Mary Strange and "Miss Norah Macnee are week-end guests of Mrs. J. B. Carruthers at "The Farm." "a Mrs. Waldron and the Misses Wal- dren, Barrie street, returned on from Ogunquit, Maine, Counsell, Hamilton, has. ts- kon a Fty The Belvideie af Tete de Pont Barrae ig 8 Sowrme aiid ha. H. ¥. Mooers, Bar- rie 8 » have returned from a m tr trip to New York. | 5a ne 2 -. - » Miss Laure Greer, Clergy street, has ret med After ¥isiting friends in oy Mrs. JW. W Dr. a; rs. JW,' ell and the Misses Waddell, Far) Wien are a: fheir summer at Loughboro' o. - Mrs. Douglas Hammond has re turned from Montreal, and her motn- er, Mrs, A, H. hl, Brantford, is her guest at The Belvidere Apari- Fane Sewell; Toronto, is the of Mra. B. I. 5. Pease, Was "Mrs. I. ¥. Pr ais clstAage of bt oe Mrs. Cooke at larriefield. 'Mrs, ken a it ; St. Mark's Rectoryp Bat street; for a few days. Rev. G. 1. Campbell Yisiting in Montreal for féw weeks have returned city. Mrs. J. M. Kingston, are visiting and Perth, Miss Helen Ness, visitin the past Winnipeg, is her aunt,. Mrs. Joseph El- Hott * Reetory," Cataraqui. Mrs. M. Halligan and daughter, Mrs, G. Garand and Master George, New York, are visiting Mrs, Captain L. Whalen, also Mrs, B. Gi. Johnston, Aberdeen avenue, » . . Mrs. Lo. M. Brown, Miss Jean Nicol son, Miss Nellie Dargavel and Miss A. Dillabough, Brockville, were week-end guests in the city. Miss Ela and George MeDonald, James street, are visiting their Fondparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement, Mra Matheson, Havel ing her daughter, ridg 1 aclean and Major Maclean, camping at Cart- wright's Point. Mrs. F. Fallon lef Prd R, i A oft on Thursday for J siting Mr. and Mrs. D. Falioft, Ordnance street. ° - . k, is vigit- cee, Union streef, after i a whek fn Montreal With Me WE Mrs. A. W, { ge, . Napanee, is ster, Mrs. Morin, Pi Florence Laeraine, to » Kingston, son * h d Mrs. Ww tman, Roslin, marriage will take place and wife, {| to thei Steacy and daughter, I in Lanark Mies Dorothy Burton, Belleville, is] » tho Sen of Mi Loe Homer, Bo "Miss Norah t "4 on Thu 'GE. MARRISOX, {Successor to Mrs. 4 Henderson) iS %