- HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1915. MAKE MOTOR BATH CARS PAGE SIX This Man Tells SITUATION. 1S. SERIOUS FREE How! HE CLRED ol . CAMP ON GOLF GROUNDS, Loudon Military Camp Said to Bo the Finest in Canada, Londen is said te have the finest military camp in Canada. London ddmits it and it must be so. It is || composed of the 33rd and 34th Bat- |; talions, full strength the 29th Bat- tery, a field hospital and Ambulance Corps, Headquarters Staff, and a Horie Guard, located in the 'Barracks. Twenty-six hundred men uidér ean vas, and a city of tents set Upon a hill, so that all may see, testify that this war is Capada's war, and that the rural 4 of Western On- | They Will Be Used By British Sols|- diers at the Front. AME: RICAN AY AMBASSADOR Popular Mechan Magazine PAGE IN LONDON, |" "Amother use of the metor car in| | war has been found by 4 British] No Doubt But What German Attack company which is now manufactur-| On Arabic Comes Under What! ing portable bathing equipments fof) the British seldiers at the front € President. Wilson Bescribed-As Any miotor bath car carries twelve fold- | Unfriendly Act, { ing tubs made of specially prepared : London, Aug. 21 ---The sinking of | canvas and provided with Sahstane evening after an extended illness. the Arabic is regarded at the Ameri: |tial iron frames which hold their waa born 1 can Embassy as creating a grave sit form rigidly when extended. W hen The late Mrs. (Draper wa R Newcastle-on-the-Tyne,' and came in terduy 2waseadoy Pago wid yen | - bgp] the He rows ou childhood to Kingston, where later rday: o | she was married to William Draper, "This is most important." He {by a tent made by drawing out ean-| movibg in 1871 with her husband | added that the fact that few Ameri- vas pieces fixed to the top of the ma- | RAILWAY SAERE A nL SAYS s inthe short period of their course more of the nerve tissues of the "body than weeks of Hard work, PO After them take } » Block Will, R.IL ve © | Kennehuakport, Mn = Wk. New Landon, Con Old Orchard, hy Portland, Me, 1 Watch Hill, RI Going Dates, Friday, Saturday WAS OF - ° From + Kinpuon, ont., Late Mra. William Diaper. Mrs. William Draper, a former resident of Kingston, passed away at her home im Toronto, . Sunday 'ThE NEW REMEDY "ON | ER FOR He er & iurture 1 ation that the werst ecatarrh-ridden man and family to Toronto. Mrs. Dra- or weman sufferer | could experience. | He tried everything ustder the sun Ww rid himsetl of this abomination. Neth- ing belped him be- | yond the giving a little temporary re Then one dhy he found a iM. PLE. BASY, PLEASANT way to Heve wim. He tried it when he given 3p all haope of a cus iT H . He is now a well man cu RED HIS TERRIBLE QUICKLY that he was Auto told his friends who ferers and THEY WE oC told others who have had success. Now he is making A REMARKABLE OFFER This Man WiH New Tell FREE How He Cured His Catarrh. Write To Him. This man says: "I tried everything I could learn of. # tried lotions, creams J@illes, douches, sprays, chemicals in| stomizers chemicals that I amoked, burned and inhaled. I tried vibratory treatments, 1 tried electrics ity. 1 tried all kinds of apparatus Nothing helped me. Then one day 1} found something NEW, it Wag So BIMPLE, INEXPENSIVE and PLBA- | WANT that 1 could hardly beleve it| would cure me. But 1 tried it and now I AM CURED. I gave the secret to my friends Phey were cored. 1told| hundreds, thousands of others, , and] every sha 1 et letters saying they are cured, a thanking me 10 the | skies for telling them how to cure | themselves, L Will be glad bo téll-any | sullerer FRBF all about this remark- | able method of treating (his hurrible | disease, HOW. I CURBPD MYSELF and | how thousands of others have cured] themselves. All they have to do lg] write to me. Don't send me any Money, just send me their name and gdares 58 afd Ili send this information | 'R Het the 'same | that 1 Catarrh 1s Hot only a Mthy but al dangercug digeasre It ecansés hawk-| ing, spitting, coughing and retehing | due to mucous 'In throat or nostrils | It develops head | notses, deafness, Beadaches buzzing ears, loss of ambi- thon and energy, fa'ling memory, bash. fulness and weakened faculties Its foul odors polson your breath and rob you _of taste and smell. It produces gatarrh of She stomach and bowels. and develops bronchial and asthmatic oa- tarrh, «#11 dangerous diseases that un- dermine your health, If: You are a catarrh victim, suffer. ing the pain, physical weakness and mental agony of this disesse you owe it to yourself to accept ths wonderful offer. Surely voir can afford to risk a forove pasial Ad hat nay free you orever o nis disgustin ailment. WRITE TO-DAY Y To" 8 i SAM KATA Reem W 142 Mutual St. Toronto, Ont, Rene Nearly every girl on earth dislikes being Kissed by the wrong fellow. CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. | many |#dward Grey, the British Horeign *- | the Arabic. | pers are { words, | minster Gazette, | reflected by practically all the news- | cans lost ther lives would not make American opinion less concerned. Opinion is growing here that the! United States must act against Ger- | tor killing and wounding | Americans on the Arabic. The | American Ambassador held a long conference this afternoon with 'Sir Secretary, - regarding. the attack on The London newspa- calling upon the Unitéd| States to aet. "The fitting answer ° but deeds," new is not says the West- The same semti- ment, indicating the belief that Presi-| { dent Ww ilson will take strong Steps, is | | papers. The Westminster Gazette says: "President Wilson said itn his note to Germany that the worlg observed with' satisfaction that German sub- marines had been showing greater humanity. We shall be surprised {if Americans discover any change in the German record after viewing yes- terday"s crime. = There are no 'words wherein we can characterize these crimes, 44 . "If President ' Wiisan remains quiescent under this latest outrage, we shall despair. of the United States," sald the Globe this after- noon. "We shall despair' as we should of the future of a man fo whom we should say: "Your chil- | dren have been mauled. by a mad dog," and who, in reply, only wagged his finger." The Pall Mall Gazette said there was no question but that the attack on the Arabic was what President Wilson described as an act "deliber- ately unfriendly." 3 In Marine Circles, The sehooner Katie Eccles has ar- rived from _Oswego at Portsmouth with coal. The steamer Kenora is in the Kingston Shipbiilding drydoek and will have fifty plates taken off. Prac- tically the whole beftom was sprung by the force with which the waves drove the steamer on the shoal. THe steamer Mapleton passed up 2 a. m. Saturday. The steamer Saskatoon in down 2.390 p. m. Friday. ------ Oceasionally a young man whe takes part in amateur theatricals manages to live it down. Going Out of the Lumber Business A oe 0 9) Helos 2x4. aud ane' ils Slider et ing. me jo job lots vary Also a little of everything Oak, Elm; Birch, Maple, Coder Posts, etc bargain prices. cheap | chines and securing them to Te Sale to commence on Saturday, August WALIAGE LOMBER VAR, Sued. Jum 118 fo ¥, "bur Provioe fo honte can i it APR, cal tastes, only makes home more attractive he Victrola Br of pleasure wi Tugis ang enenmiament 1 on taste this | poles. approximately two gallons of water! a4 minute, are mounted in the car. | Parafin sprayed under pressure tent | per was predeceasdd by her hushand i five years ago, and leaves Two boilers, each of which heats | ters and oné son. two daugh- Mrs. Draper was beloved and respected by all who knew her. She was an ardent work- i8 er in All Saints Church. The fune- the fuel used with these, A°fifty-| ra} took place Wednesday afternoon gallon water tank is fixed to one of | the rumbeards, and to replemish it | water is drawn in by means of a | hose and band pump. For trans. | portation the tubs are folded com- pactly so that the eatire equipment is réadily carried in the body of the machine, which is lined, with sheet iron and provided with shelves. BELGIAN COOKING: ---- Native Girl Thinks It More Expensive Than English The Manchester Guardian. 'J was talking to a young Belgian girl the other way," writes a woman corpespondent, "and she said to me, 'Do you not think that our Belgian cooking Is much more expensive than the Eaglish?" Although 1 had liv- ed in Belgium for several years, I wag not in a position to answer har, question, and had never done - any shopping there, but hér question as- tonished me, as I had always been led to believe that Belgian and French cooks were much more econ- omical than English omnes. * 'Your eooking is certainly nicer,' | I replied, 'and you use a great deal more butter 'than we do------" 'Oh; ves,' he interrupted, 'and we put se many more ingredients into our dishes. I have beem trying to do some Belgian dishes for the people with whom I am staying, but I can- not get one-half the ingredients I needy 1 wanted to make 'coupe verte,' but it wag impossible.' CHANGES SHOW WINDOWS, New System Enables Work to Be Done Out ut Bight. The war Meehgn! Snow windows Which are arranged in a distinctly new manner, have been installed in one of the Fifth avenue department stores in New York. They are constructed on hydraulic eleva tors so that they: may be dropped from the street level into the bage- ment, a new display substituted uickly and the windows returned to their normal positions. This enables all the trimming to be done out of sight of the passing bg bei allows frequent changes and makes it un: hecessary to curtain a window and | lose its use during the time it is ber | Ing re-decorated. ; France the TFouasions, A writer in the Vossische Zeitung, of Berlin, says: "In the egurse of 43 years we have learned to know this French proud tenacity which never renounces; we know that it never passed away even after the weakness in which it had been bern had long been overcome, and it womld have | gost a strong and respected France fiothing but a resolve to grasp the retched-out hand of Germany in or- gre to sceure peace to a4 world in which pa civliaation could have gone ha n cul- e and shared had anh it 3 c lead- hip. ~ France does not renounce! @ his never renounced since 1870, and even if she should entirely suc- eumb ih 1915 she would still not re. founce. We may defeat. But we could not--as witness the a 'emp declaration of the Frenmeh So- ¢lalists on July 15, 1915---tear out m th eFrench heart the idea of re- This ought to be noted in ; ny and not forgotten wheh the war comes to an ei Bn = - * A San flower Sania ow io 'says Re, "thers was poung California, particularly fi » Wha used te visit a San ra Tostelry because such a perer sort. of mectar was to be 5 ere. conn. ahd he weding tip Ini Santa Barbara" so that the bride Francisco man tells of a growing A near cliffe, London. i were numerous and beautiful. ¥ The German A fleet has enter- % ed the Guif of Riga and is en- # gaged with Russian warships : % the + blow by capturing # communication lines . between 2 : 3 supplies, : $ for + day, * * : Austrian in Tyrol is success # A FEPPEPEIIP RPSL P FIRE PPI news ilo, vas curities for New York: were insured. from All Saints Church to St, James cemetery, and was very largely at- tended. Messrs. James Baker, H. Claxtofi, C, Storey, John Draper, Glenburnie; T. The pallbearers were A. Baker, New York, and E. Rad- The floral offerings i bri. ; . STITT HSE WAR BULLETINS. 1 : * * defending the coast, says the # Russian War Office, , Fear ig still held for the safe- ty of the steamers Lapland and # Nicosin, The Bovic is reporteq + safe, The British Torces 'have dealf @ Turks an overwhelming # 'the' main + Constantinople and * Gallipoli, ¢ cutting the Turks oft from food » ¥ e time Hmit fixed by Italy : rkeéy's reply expires to- # War mag. be declared. + A new offensive against the # + - . PITH OF NEWS, Despatches 'From Near "And Distant Places, The Philadelphia Inquirer says the Arabic ineident means war "no the confession ing." that we are only blufr- Galt, Aj ne 2 i EE Edward Hi rg Typical of the changed activities of the tion from thosy of a year or eantp, bristling with guns and evhoihg to the bugle's call, was a golf course last year, The comfiany of regulars has lon ce Vacated the Barracks, and A Sites on od fields of Flanders. gone--no one ws be xin Migs Res enlisted in chagrin, place the departed regulars is taken by 4 stalwart Home Guard, which doh police duty for the camp. It is sal that six of them arrested one of the Mi men the ' other night, hey re called the "Safety Firsts" by the od in camp. The Bar acks. stand on a apy hill looking south over the ef Around them are some fty" acres of level away in a steep Mu along southern bor- der, An ideal sité for a camp. The hill, which once' formed a series of excellent 'natural golfers, is pow trenches wh 8, too, at night they awsit attacking parties and learn pa~ Hales and the w on of the, Sas, camp groinds are high and dry add make a splendid spectacle, with thétr 500 tents in arderly ar ray and the "'cleanest lines of any eamp in' the country." Ont in front, on what used to be the long second hole, and dy terror to Rieke who slice or pull, can bé seen, roing, at drill, hehe an: and wearing "'cows' breakfasts, a sanitation features are - almost Berfust. « There {s an abundance of nning water, and shower baths are n plentiful as the most fastidious rors, mn hin HVAMY Dotwesw Hi re is o two battalions, and the Interest the men take in the look of the camp is evident as soon as ome enters the gate. The kitchens are ranged along Bet in fromt of e: plentiful; there gre little walks and © of *bitewagtieg stones, bile tewashed Topes en 2 he o Lucky of has electrio | light in his tent, & wooden oor, | -- bed, ana dresser, The men tent, feet to the pole, Ran if the officers" Mal mess is any criterion.' The men These all] sek Rev. Mr. Stetser, , German Lutheran pastor at Luseland, sk., is in. the cells at Kerrobert. is alleged he 'sedi litera- fn SE have great Le that the new | Cross work, Central Tn Commission will go a long way toward solving the liquor problem in W. J. Hanna, who Susy Ottawa Sm confer with Fed- which is peculiarly! Reresant of the 'covered that the Y, M.C. Jat ai cided that they might Just aa =. al roll « there was for ro they started a canteen. The 3 33nd od folloved suit, and with the fire show Shey a nya. ui le, you SS unesasny acivity een hsb where a aia Sate wd at, otlier d Hou. | places, women week for work, Fact that what is now an | | taria intend to do "their bit," : BR! + N 1 | and Bunday, August 27th, 28th and 29th. - 4. Beton Limit--AN tickets) "valid { tor return until Monday, Sept, 18th. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, ©. P. and T. A, Cor. John- son and Onigfie Fieets. ™ n Sept For ful to local age r 0-H mule gives it about the same amount of thought, . THE ALLAN LINER Sometimes a man who Kicks like a the north side, and a small garden is | ach. Whitewash is Many Thousand Fam zborers Wate For Harvesting nN Western Oanada: " Do vs Winer . 'Return Trip East" $18.00 From Winnipeg. ». August 19 ant om From "Rings. ohborae Jo Jet, SH bot Lake, Renfréw and Prov! an ' Quebes, incl + te an ons and August ist and 20¢h--F rom Roronts, Soult ta, Marie, Ont; and East in branches the Province of Sarit, Fart of intermediate ut stations and nc, of or includ« 1 i J ngston, Tichborne Lake or tions 'West ut hot oa Adige 'Sain wna $8 From 1 Toronto and North in the ding stations arth Aig Toronto Swdbury and Sault Ste. Marie, 4 from PF. CONW. ellington Streets. he 34 ror antity Fo A a Cr Ticket Office, corner Prin- was making meney and the men de. I: hundreds of Torants people go, at the | MADE. IN-CANADA re | 1» no institution in the 2 Zninton more Canadian than The £8UTanoe emp ay of Cana de tthe statutes; of Ontario in 1569 as The Assirance mpany, thion Shakter i an Act passed. in 1878, 'but lo Mutual Lite urance Com; A hid oh ts of som 000 are 'exclusively Canadian; 'the insu It is stele SARA Compapy ssuring Sarg Gandia o Eo J lly 8 SR Lat oNLY An. » or ABORT Mutua. mpany. ment in . Aur. Moin Froviare sx, Grito 10 sie. 144 Lida id ™ iin, S00 i Ve fod oO, of Toronto dds 2% "i ee : am. ST Vr Ht Boa 86 an tora, Peerrrietag tert esaees, B96 %% i {a Fo re 8% Le mat hE a wid due May lst, 1918, i, ChE, Has . oy : Fp oa Ee Faves ann ' and "int. eA a Ee a saan bine 5% June 1st, A iene NT Fo He