315 5 VE SB 015 HN nn. te Yellapatty A High Grade Black Tea Exceptional Flavor, 60c per 1b. ¥or Sale at D. COUPER'S, 341-3 Princess St. Phcne 76 tt tA Pt tt iP ata Cook's Cotton Root Compound, | = SI THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT, (Formarte Windsee,! To-Rent Seven- roomed house, King 8t.; in good condi- tion, 'yard, shed, im- provements. Rent $8.00, including water. W.H. GODWIN & SON: Real Es Estate and Insurance. Phone 424 89 Broc® St. les, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap pier Blocks. We alsp make Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates siven for all kinds of Cement Work, Office and Factory Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 7380. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Mrs, Corbett Read the Avo, Ost, May 14th, 191& "I have used 'Fruit: a-tives' for, exeellent results, and they -- to | be my only medicine. I saw * a tives' advertised with a letter'in Cie | highly, so1 tried them. The results were more than satisfactory, and I have no hesitation in recommending 'Fruit-d- tives" ANNIE A. CORBETT. " Time is proving that 'Fruit-a-tives' can always be depended uppn to give prompt reliéf in all cases of Constipation and Slomack Trouble. We. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. | .At dealers or sent on receipé of price 1 by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottiwa. Rn % Every [Oc RFNd C3 f ¢ WILSON' 5 ' MGR. H. ¥, NORMAN, SOWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps FORD. Motor Oil, Cup Fiber rt rsa sale a H. MILNE All oils' delivered on shott- . est notice. THE STUDENTS' PEN, British Made, The best-value ever offored In 8 fountain pen. it is made ef solid hard rub- ber, fitted with solid gold point, well tipped with white Iridium, which makes it a smooth and sting pen, . We guarantee this recommend it highly, We have a vou repair de rartment, At Best's The Popular ey Sire, pen and AAA No "Wanted" i EP Jenkins' | Satwdapbuletn ys' Department 1k SHIRT WAISTS Odds and Ends C. C. Foie General Mgr, Sizes 6 to 8 years, 50¢ quality for Stockings -- Elastic Ribb, all sizes ; Flnte Underwear -- Com- bination, Elstie Rith, "Cut price in Ladies' Pumps, in Patent, Gun Metal, Suede and Can- Yadios' White 98¢c Canvas Pumps. Ladies' Patent and Gun | . Metal Mvertisement and Tried If | coo: and renews Fish apirir within i ane | THE DAILY BR SHE RECOMMENDS Yoke oF Te utp VISITING OLERICS IN COOKE'S . AND CALVARY. People Advised to Forget the Un- pleasantnesses of Life and to Fol- low the Example of the Brook. 0 me. These were the words that Rev, K. W. Barton, M.A., Prescott, took as Indigestion and Constipation with most | his text on Sunday morning, when he delivered a very appreciative ser- mon before a- fairly good-sized con- gregation in Cooke's Church. The heart is the seat of life, and Some one recommended them véry ln new-born heart needs care and nourishment, stated Mr. Barton. The qualities that a mew heart uld possess, as mentioned by Mr. Barton, were that it should see with new eyes, have a new power of hear- ing, have a new power of speech and a new will, as well as néw hands to grasp thst which is el is good and best." Calvary Cong Congregational. WH. E. Gage, Paisley, 'was the ae at the evening service in Calvary Cengregational Church on Sunday. From Philippians iit., 13- 14, he took his text dealing with the master mind and teachings of Paul. AH great reforms come slowly and do not materialize by leaps and bounds, sild Dr. Gage. Tue failure that we make throughout life, also the indiffer- ences and unpleasintnesses of life we should forget. Let bygones be bygones, was the speaker's opinion. "If you want to reach what is best follow the exam- Plo of the brook aud never remain stagnant." mt iy FINE FARM TRACTOR. An Overland Car With Great Possi- bilities. After driving a 1932 Overland touring car more than twenty thou- sand. miles over the. row roads of Saskatchewan, A. W. I, a native of Saskatoon, conceived the idea of putting it to work on his farm. His theory was that if the car could stand i early last January, Wiliam , three years of travelling over the so- called roads of that section of the country, it could go a step better {and do the practical work. The Overland was converted into a tractor by the simple arrangement of putting in an extra axle under the frame, two feet in front of the rear axle of the car, on which were placed two binder wheels. After remov- ing the rear wheels of his ear, Bell replaced them with small sprocket Wheels, which were connected with large sprockets on the drive wheels by a chain. This reduced the speed of the car and gave it more power. Practically all of Bell's neigh Who were interested in his experi- ment, believed thé scheme to be im- practical, They tried to convince him that the engine would heat up too mueh, 'and declared the gears could pot possibly stand the continu- ous strain. But, although the ma- chine almost constapt use throughout the summer, no trou- ble has been developed. It has been rum as many as hours a day, drawing a set of discs and a set of sixteen fast harrows, without even | needing a fresh supply of water. ' Bell "states that he was able to seed: acres a day or harrow to seventy acres with his " By drawing « two twelye-inck bushers, he managed to break five acres of soil a day, or the equivalent to the work done by six or eight horses. ' The Overland eon fumed just seventy gallons of gaso- line to put in the ¢rop, while the cost of horse feed alone would have more than deubled the expenditure. The saving in time and labor was another important item. It took less than an hour to change the rigging of the car, so that at any time when owner desired to make the trip to tows, all that was necessary was 10 { acres take off the farm equipment and transform the mackine into a 'full- fledged touring ear. Kept It Quiet, Eight Months. Brockville, Ang, 23.--After keop- a secret eight months his Mmarvage mond, a well-known local athlel °, an- nounced the event to his Patents = Hridan, before leaving on a Jong- erred honeymoon. Osmond and Miss Bhat B. Herron were married at WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1015. PAGE TERER LATEST WAR TIDINGS Probs; Fair and warm; Tuesdayrevening, showers. A German Zeppelin that was ap- proaching Vilna was brought down by the fire of Russian gunners... Bulgaria has concentrated 150,000; } troops on the Turkish frontier, ac} cording to a despatch from Saloniki received in Italy. Little but artillery fighting is re- ported by the French along the en- i tire front. Two weak attacks br! the Germans in Lorraine were re- pulsed. Paris declares, b The Russian war office declares that troops of the Grand Duke Ni- cholas are making a successful stand against the Germans north- west of the fortress of Brést-Litovsk. Russian military men see in the determination of the German efforts #0 push across the railway north of Bresi-Litovsk, a plan to cut off the Russian armies based on that fort- ress from those operating at Ossowe- tz and thus enable the Germans to approach Ossowetz from the south. The Russian newspaper Russky Invalid states that the chief units of the Russian Baltic fleet are mot in the Gulf of Riga, which a German Beet has entered and engaged the Russian. naval defenders. The Gulf of Riga, the newspaper declares, is defended by mines and small war- ships. . Italian aeroplanes defeated an Austrian air squadron off the Adria- tic coast, Three. of the Austrian machines were brought down and their crews were either killed or made prisoners. Neo {fortress ever demanded such stupendous losses as Kovno. Entire German units were destroyed one af- der another when, with bands.piay- ing, Von Elchorn's army marched in dencd columns as te a review, to storm the fort. Three Russian warships and one German warship, and twe German torpedo boats, all small vessels, have been sunk, in the battle-in the Gulf of Riga. 1 . A British submarine torpedoed a German cruiser in the Baltic Sea. Cotton has been declared contra- band by Great Britain and French the Govérnment has issued a similar notice. German losses in. the Gulf of Riga naval battle were not less than two torpedo boats. The Germans fired about forty shells into Rheims, Only one per- son was wounded. : Particularly fierce attacks in the region of Blelsk cost the Germans enormous losses. In the region of Brest-litovsk there is ne change. German attacks #pon the Crest of A most varied array--showing. new designs, new shades and the most modish materials. Priced from $15.00 to $29. 50 and $24.50 to $65.00 : A lav ish dischi of the Smartest and most authentic York Suits, > We guarantee absolute satisaction or money refunded | 9 aris 'and: New Sondernach and to the north of Soue- hez were completely repulsed, a It is believed that Roumania will begin a general mobilization on Aug-|| ust 26th. Relations .between Bul- garia," Roumania and Serbia are ex-|. cellent. i Thirty-nine lives were lost in sink- ing of the Arabic, Including twelve cabin, six steerage passengers and 21 members. i Berlin reports that 'the Germans | hg have made further progress east and £3 south of Kovno, penetrated further 4 y south of Narew, and crossed the Bia: lystok-Brest-Litovsk railway. Referring to the vention of Kowno, it is said that almost the en- tire garrison gave wp their lives be- : KITCHEN ER' Is thy name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. Hea FOR SALE ATP--o% _.. Halliday' 3 Electric Shop, fore surrendering the position. 'An_Athens despatch te the Even- ing News says that neutrality nego- ||| tiations between Turkey and Bulga- | ria have been broken off. was Slows the other day & the -- Hunter, when there was rk Fruit Store. Red Cherries, 11 quart baskets Black Sweet Cherzies, 11 quart baskets . -- 1 The ; ni 32c Lb. aa * The Wm. 4 ea Aug. 23. <A maid example of the vatue of 'u threshed a plec of DE oats, about eight || "in extent, and tile-drained, The Sela was stightly o over one hundred bushels to the In the last tew d days about thirty Young men have left her on the har- vest excursions for the Reber Among them were 'William Pemerhorn,. Cecil le, and ark Mrs. T. Shaver, an old lady living in South Napanee, has qompleted her thirty-second pele ® Socks for the soldiers singe the Cross work started here. C > Sa ------ By ue ri ourt 4 v- ing an automobile without having the rear Hght lit. He was fined $6. Chief Graham is Among the appli CHARM. CEYLON TEAS ~35¢,.40c, 50c, 60¢c, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. Eor Sale at All Grocers. cants gh enrollment officers' training class shortly to be formed n Kingston. Arthur Dickens and - . Cornelius Mills have been accepted for over- service with the Army Medical. inthe dnt bent FASHION BOOK we bavé ever offered _ 10 our customers. _.1t contains feshions pttaped