: : far THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1915. RE-OPENING OF THE pra PRESCOTT [ B ow LE RS -- Fine Vaudeville Programme a : . : a 3 On. Toeuday Evening. | DEFEATED BY QUEEN'S CLUB IN| = ; After one 'week, in which many GAMES ON MONDAY i HOW TO SHOOT STRAIGHT sisi salads ro | this popular theatre, the Gran P-| > { {era House, opened last 'night with Local Rinks Put it Over the aloes + an entertainment of high «class! Both injthe Afternoon and Even- | K vaudeville and feature pictures. The ing Matches--The Names of the | programme was exceptionally fine,! Men on the Rinks. Capt. W. E 7 Swaine is the! 2: this number of units can be ob y {tained inthis division and the large audience present was, : -- well pleased. The vaudeville part| ~The Prescott bowlers paid a visit 1 io a { . : | to Kingston on Monday, and in the { The sh C. M. R. was engaged In| of the entertainment was very good. | & ) : _ the | Capable Instructor. squadrén work on Monday. {It included. Clayton and Reiff jn a }7(rioon and evening plaved fritnd- : . | comedy singing and dancing act in| 4 FIRES FOL (AD members = of | T first class in section gun-drill| hich they sing a medley of old and 4 | team succeeded in putting it over « AOF the recruits in the artilery hat-| new songs and also do some of the the visitors both ih the alternoc. teries was given on Monday after-| dances, They. scored a decided hit|'"S 2rhoo noon by the N.C.O's in charge. ¢ and evening, in the afternoon | with the audience and were loudly Queen's bowlers being 6 up on the applauded, | two games played, and 70 on the two On Tuesday the remainder of the The feature of the evening was ; - oN h games played in the evening, a total! band of the 54th Battalion arrived 15 Claire in The Wild Goose eo 96 neane series. The rinks were | 'hase. OTD at the camp, and by Thursday it is This picture is one of the: sed 8 Toll 3 | expected that the battalion will have | pest ever seen in the city and de- i+ oo Ag . oN Brescott. | # splepdily organized Band, There |jighted the large audience immense: | w: oo Ferguson W. Hulmo { | | EFT LL --p-- TO BE OF VALUE IN LORD KITCH- ENER'S ARMY He Must Be Able To Fire Quickly d or Make No Misses.--Troops To (are about thirty men jn the band and |jy, The other pictures shown were ov Crozier W. Lamblé Be Instructed Here Till Close Of. all are trained musicians. ke fh riwo-seel pnbvenat hota ilay, J. W. Corbett J. Hughes re > "The" Secret; ¢ i W.- R. Sill 8. A. Mill the War, The 59th Battalion was engaged in «When Ignorance Is Bliss," the Bicip--20. BE 11. | Route marches, battalion. or reel company drill on Monday afternbon. | pathe News, in which pictures were i 1 mental drill and even trench-making -- shown of the gas bombs used by the w, i. Wormwith J. Rosebrook | are less in importance in the training| Sergt. Barley, 8th C.M.R,, Wak re:| Germans against the Allied forces! w. Jasksons C. Granton i of 'a soldier for the battle fields in moved to the General Hospital 'On| gang the Pathe colored pictures. Alllw R. Givens JE Adams | Europe as compared to shooting. A |Monday afternoon suffering from In-| were good pleased the audience.| A Turcott 2, K. Halpin | man, to be of use in Kitchenér's ar- | juries to his foot 'received by bhis| This sam® bill will be shown to- Skip--10 Skip--13. | my must be a good slict, 'This |horses stepping on it. . night 'and also on Wednesday af-| dd pant of the training is well looked af- nL ----- ternoon' but not on Wednesday ev-| Kingston, "Prescott. ter at Barriefield camp. Ptes. Lascelle and Melody, 59th 'ening as the big road attraction, "A W. Hulme | When the recruit. first joins he is | Battalion, were removed to the Gen-| pajr of Sixes," will be the itiraction W. Lamble * taught how to handle himself and | eral Hospital on Monday afternoon. |a¢ the Grand. J. Hughes J. M. Elliott next comes the lessons in how i er lemme 8S. A. Mills AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK. Skip--19, enc -- handle a rifie. At Barglefield ranges| 8S. Miller has been appointed sig- Skip--7. \ with the present accommodation it 's| nalling. sergeant of the 59th Battal-| - possible to instruct between eight ion. A Splendid Vaudeville Programme | E. Williamson and a hundred men every day. -- Offered This Week. { Dr. Young In command of the range work is{ J. Booth and Walter Evens,'have}~ 1 k Ontario | W- R. Sills Capt. W. E. Swaine, a Kingstonian, enlisted at Barriefield with the 59th Paria ugeville at. Lake and will| C- S- Smith P. K. Halpin who has. a reputation all over the | Battalion. please the Jarge crowd that will st- Skip--23. Skip--16. country as a musketry instructor > The. 9th. B hd "ah to tend . ; the first rank, and who was on t e 59 attalion took & rou ak A Other 'Games; Cangdtan tent to © He 18 6% | mAreh (hrolgh the country on Tues-| Seymour aud Dupree ENG HS ih the Ie Be Swng . isted by instructors who know their day. ; ody novelty act, consisting of music; a n bowling compe- . singing and acrobatic work. Miss tition only one rink game was pulled off Jast evening, which resulted in a work thoroughly and the best meth- EE ¥ a 1 Seymour puts on first an imitation od: of imparting their knowledge. Two soccer games will be played She then gives| Win for W. C. Crozier and his play. ers ov . W. Corbett and his out- The overseas drafts at the camp [this evening if the 59th Battalion |of a Dutch girl, are given re ee in preference to {return in timé. The games will be| French and Dutch dances. Mr. Du- he ver, V "anyone else and all day long they are | between 'C" squadron, 8th C M.R., | Pree assumes a Chinese character . ollows: seen there, In South Africa, theland "B" company, 59th Battalion, 0d plays on the dulcimer, on the F Covensony practice needed was up to 1,000/and) "D" company, 59th Battalion, and violin and mandolin. They close 14 Exo fer more yards range. In the present) "B" squadron, 8th C.M.R. . their act with a Chinese dance. Y RR > trench warfare, a man mit There will be a checker and chess! Mr. ier who comes from the big W. Sig) Iz . ----- ett Sharp shooter. He must be able to|| tournament, this evening, in the Y. Sime Sh of He med Stato t i, ap Lee. wh " ib) " fire quickly and make his target, M.C.A. tent, at 7.30 o'clock, with is feet throwing| Won trom W: B. McKay by on balls in the air, opehing and clos- of 15 to b. f A common sense . "Safety ; First" |prizes for the winners. brist work with On Monday evening, the Salvation |ing a Japanese umbrella, a... toss- {At The "Black Arrow" Shoe: Sale Women's $4.00 Patent Colonial Pumps and Oxfords, ~ clearing at Only a few pairs Women's Rubber Solé and Juniper Sole Ox- fords; regular $3.50 and $4.00; clearing at 49¢ $1.95 7 Child's Barefoot San- | -Men's Box Kip Blu- dals; sizes 3 to 7; regu- {| chers; sizes 6 to lar 65¢. 10. W. Montgomery J. Rosebrook C. Granton J, E. Adams : 4 ol J. Jamieson W. F. Inman J. Leckie $2.95 Men's_Heavy Tan Calf working Bluchers; sizes 6 to 10. . Ww . 3 practice at the front teaches men to y keep his head out of the way of the enemy's bullets, and it is necessary with both sides to have men who are able to take advantage of these lap- ses of memory in taking this precau- / tion, iy The range being tadght is mostly on-the 100 yard line for fifty rounde then on the 200 yard for half as Army Band gave a very enjoyable concert in the YM.C.A. tent. Capt. Milton, staff chaplain, presided and among those present were Col..T, D. R. Hemming, Lieut.-Col. H. J. Daw- and Mrs, companied Wy a number of young son, Capt. W. E. Swaine and Ensign ner ing a Celtic cross in the same way, He certainly made a hit. The motion pictures were "A Moonlight Mountain," 'Cooky's Ad- venture," and "At the Transfer Cor- Wednesday will be children's one cent day on the street cars and a ture. PHinters vs. Plano Makers, .The printers have challenged the piano-makers and an exciting game will likely be played in the-near fu- There are four printers and lous piano makers members of the club, Aberndthy's Shoe Store 500 .. We close at 5 o'clock. many, This is about the Jimit that ji 'the soldier in France is called on tc do, but he must be able to hit a dis-|' appearing target at this distance without trouble or the tables are re- versed on him. | A I target has been brought: mut. It is: the size of g 's head and comes into view for" four seconds only. By 'don- stant training which is given at Bar- riefield camp the men are taught to hit this as Soon as it appears. ? ---- ¥ Pte. W. Leveyer, 69th Battalion, a lady singers \who took a prominent Matinee will be given in the pavilion PARTRIDGE--DERBYSHIRE. part in the p P . Hughes |8t 3.30 o'clock. en ve. an euphoniym . solo and the is week will be the last week | Marriage Took Place at First Baptist isses 'Newman gave a duet duriag| vaudeville will be given at the park, Church Monday Evening. the evening. : i and the public should avail themsel- A tty weddi 1 # iat Loi oh ves of this last opportunity of see- very pretty wedding took place ing 'Such a high class show as has 1 the First Baptist Church Monday heen' secured evening, when Richard H. Partridge . and Miss Alice Irene Derbyshire, : " ird daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eu- DR. A. E. ROSS" gene Derbyshire, were united in mar- : A ------ Ls riage. - The nuptial knot was tied Tells Hon. T. W. McGarry That Devil | hy the pastor of the church, the Rev. Ah ; banaabite, the Tact, that 1s In Flanders. a Douglas. Laing. A large id i Sa . . In a letter just received by Hon. |of iny Buesis, Several of whon Was taken to the Hotel Dieu on Man- {lately gone to-the front: : TT. W. oder Provincial find were from out of town, and Tho day suffering tonsilitls, | | | since the 3 : 3 er, from Dr. A. B. Ross, M. P. P. for | Weré present to witness the cere Kingston, who is serving with the 1st Bargain Days h ¢ mony, and express their interest in g y | reeten The! Canadian Fie Ambulance in | the young people. ' u battery has sent over-160 men, en- France, the situation in Flanders is tier "hal h After the marriage ceremony a [l--- ough a com : not one that excites envy, says the | wedding supper was served at the FFa0w. up to streugth. Renfrew Journal. . 'If there ig a | home of the bride, and from 9 to 11 4 Pd bre for the devil, 'he is now sitting on the nigh: o'clock the bride held a reception for bo pats | | est pinnsele"lsughing at his work," | her many friends. Handsome and iin the establish 1 | writes the r, describing his ex- | valuable presents testified to the Battery is o T| perfences in some recent: enguge- | Popularity of both the - bride and * | ments. - 'He applauds the gift of 4 | groom. The happy couple left for '| motor ambulance by Renfrew Coun- | the east by the midnight train for a ty. | "There is no better work to be | honeymoon trip. Upon their re- done than' getting the sick and a A 49th Regiment officer who was attending the. Provisional School if Infantry at the camp was raquesi od te resign on Tuesday af': oun. Tets de Pont Baryaiks ¥ ; ER Our Tce Cream is the best and finest in Kingston +'by Government Test. ; \ hd ys deiver total' parts of the city in bulk or opiokay ot oy :' x : a > 4 Hats ! | SOWARDS | fine 19 gy Turning Bells Into Shells, = Keep Coal [RY ARIDE. SorperRtely RO or We have dozens of lines and At Our Big Augu st Furniture Sale be running desperately short of metal . a for munitions, If, as is reported from ; ; marked away down to ff Coal Keeps 'clear. them out. See PRY Ta He # FU -- AER SW Major, Massey, O0.C. 34th Battery, wad at the camp on. Monday. an The guns, which were taken over by hand by the 'men of the batteries on Monday morning, are now in the gun vark at the front of the cemp. By par bel he, i structional battery. 'and, therefore; ; kept up, for one reason, for the in struction Sr roviat onal officers yet ; 3 turn they will settle in their own wounded out of the firing line." He | home on Victoria street. || emphagizés the need for field ambu- . lances and that 900 sick and || wounded through the - i| tal in one day at the battle of Ypres. hospi 3 FEE -------------------------------- > + Well 'Pleased Wit: Labels. People who have sent to Dept. :L., a Oye. 'Ltd. -| cided to melt down the great bell Rlantie Sugds Refineries, 120. Mon-1 Flic] 19, molt Gow the This, bell been | I8 rather more than two centuries au, jt ha haem ost 2 1711 rom cannon captured, inter esting at this juncture * note, fr the Tu; army, whic all tured Vien: Shou!