7 PAGE TWO Fu . OF QUALITY He of War, And Has Recovered Froim His Wounds-- His Family Have Written Him Regularly. » Made to Special " Mrs glhomas Smith, Portsmouth, has 2 PIE. THOMAS SMITH rs HAS HEARD FROM HOME. [SAYS HE NO NEWS Is a Prisoner received tile following letter from her son, Rte. Thomas Smith, who is a prisoner of war in .Ger- many; having been wounded at the battle of Langemarcke "Whatever ig-#he matter? 1 have not heard 'from you yet, and have been sending a card every .week. 1 certainly cannot make 'out what is wrong, as oné of the boys here has | received a parcel from his people in | Napanee I hope that nothing has | gone wrong, and you are all enjoying the very best of health. 1 am' get-| « | Hing along fine now, and am up all | day, and go ont every morning and | afternoon for an hour. It certainty | is great to get out in the sun, We | do. havé some very warm and sultry days. We are having some. wet weather here just now. There have been some pretty heavy showers, with hail, Limited, 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. Ontario. Amr him se At 9 Cook's Cotton Root Compotn, | A safe, reliable repuiat medicine. Sold in_ three rees of strength--No. HY. mo no ; h pe 0. 2.83: Ne 3. 35 per bor. I'sent a card to my berather Joe No. 2 3 Ni pal ¥ F Sold all druggists, or sent | 1251 week. Tell him not to forget 0 nn fnosiDt of rice, | to"let me know. who is ahead in the ree pamphle *e%8i | National and American baseball THE COOK MEDICINE €O. | 1000 00s Ee TaN on TORONTO. ONT. (Vormarie Wintour, It is not known how badly Pte. err 2 fer 8mith was wounded In one letter 5 | he stated that he was wounded in the N 1 | legs, But it is thought that he must have received more injuries than he $12, Ford Size BIBBY'S GARAGE, |" ' told about.' M Phone 210-917, rs. Smith is Very much surprised that he is not receiving letters, as eet eet she and the rest of the family have *, 3 ¥ Wood's Fhosphodine, The Great English Remed: Tones and invigorates the whole Dervous system, makes new Bloog in old Veins, Owures Nervous written him on numerous occasions. n Dedility, Mental and Brain Worry, dency, I oss Energy, Palpitation of th: Heart, Fail Mentory, Price $1 per box, siz for $5. Ove wi pleuse, six will cure. Sold hy al druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on 1 Td Sap pamphlct mailed free. THE WOOR c de $1; SUMMER SCHOOL RESELTS the". Coyrse Held' at Lake. The Department of Education an- hounces herewith the results of the Summer School course held at Shar- | bot Lake during July and August: Limited Third Class Certificate Maude E. Bell, Robert W. Wilhélmina Campbell, Edna Comrie, Lena D. Crozier, Florence G. Dun- can, Williami R.-Elliott, Agnes E Faif, Katie E, Faught, Elizabeth Gallagher, Loftie M. Gray, Helen M. Harte, Helena "Lamarche, i G. Long, Jennie Mangan, Flora Ma- | oe theson, Lizzie McAuley, Agnes Mc- | KEDICI -» TORONTO, ONT. (Fweurt Wind ~= | Dermott, Mrs. Eva V. McDonnell, | -- | Mary T. McGrath, Williametta Mil- | | ler, Mrs. Elizabeth Papst, Agnes COAL . Price, yrs M: Raymond, Nellie | The xitd you are look- | J. Stringer, ing for is the kind we sell Beranton Coal Is good Coal and Wwe guarantee prompt de- live BOOTH s CO. Foot of 'West St. Sharbot Evelyn A. Sullivan, Anna Windle, Mae, Windle. mural candidates--Hildegarde Bon- Limited District Florence M. Abbott, Vaughan H. "Baker, Best, Margaret E: Certificates -- Floyd Caroline Blair, Mary Ww. leigh, Victor Clark, 'Ada M. Cronk- right, Minnie P. Crozier, Jostfe- Cul- { hane, Ruby B. Cuthbertson, Lena | Davis, Margaret M. Davis, Florence | B. Davy, Annie F. Donovan, Anna M. | Doran, John C. Duff, Madelon Fos ]/ ter, Annie Fraser, Lalia A. Freeman, lili Maude ' Halladay, Janet Hannah, {ill Rowland Haryett, Marion Healy, Ma- || bel Heffron, Marguerite Hopkins, Mabel M. Hough, James M. Irwin, || Bertha Jeffrey, Katharine A. Jefi- {|| rey, George F. Kavaner, Marie A. Kearifey, Elwood L. Keeler, Alice iIl| Keeley, Ida J. Kennedy, Edward Lid- {i} dle, Bessie MacLennan, Mabel J. Mc- {li| Cue, May McFarlane, Mac BE. McIn- {{ nes, Carmel McNeill, Josephine Li. || Milne, John B. Nayler, Elsie C. Ogil- || vie, Bridget T. O'Grady, Mary A. {l|| Prout, 'Edward J. Quail, John H, || Redmond, Julia Simmons, Eugene Smith, Mary J. Stewart, Stella S. +: Stal Minnie -Swectman, -Anwie-1. [ll| Thomson, John M, Tufts, Maude E. {ill Valéntyne, Roy E. Wagar, Bessie L. [{{| Wallace, Margaret A. Ward, Helen M. Wartman, M. Ferne Webster, Al- bert BE. Wellman, Hazel Woodman, 134 yds. by 212 yds. || Jennie Wright, Rose Wood. $4.00 Beautiful New Stock to Choose. Prevost; Brock street, has tis year an extra fine assortment of | tweeds, cheviots and serges for his order clothing department. His ready-nfade clothing and gents' fur- nishing departments are well assort- {| ed with new goods. Shi | ipment ! We have just received from ingland a shipment of Tapes- try Rugs which should have reached us six months ago, but for umavoldable delays. At the old prices these values would be "remarkable. Notice the following: -- 21-4 yds. by 3 yds, $5.00 3 yds. by 3 yds. ..$7.00 3 yds. by 3 1-2 yds. $8.50 R McFaul Kingston. Carpet Ware- house. J Late John. Cochrane, Sunbury. The funeral of the late John Cochrane took place from the family || residence at Sunbury on Wednesday || afternoon, The service was held |i! by Rev. Mr. Caswell. ' The funeral i} was largely attended. The pal- i bearers were G. Stoness, William [l{{ Gibson, Thomas Thompson, Joseph | Toland, A. McCallum and John Dra- per. The deceased is survived by his wife, four sons and two daugh- ters. 2 ab i 1000_Islands -- Saturday. S.8.- Thousand Islander leaves 2.15 pm. Home 7.30. Fare 50c. "Palm Olive Seap--2 cakes 25e¢," Gibson's Drug Store. fot LE "i Patriotic Butler, | Florence | Helen E. Sigsworth, Mary | nycastle, Arnold D. Way. | Allen, | 35; E. | Boyle, Anna M, Bulger, Beulah Bur- | ; iy the following I me acdonald Park Mp oy at Horeloch: : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1°15. PATRIOTIC. BASEBALL bay. For the Sdldiers of Kingston Fights ing at the Front. Tuesday, August 31st, will be Day at the Cricket Field, when the Havana Red Sox will meét a picked team from' the City Base ball League in aid of the soldiers from Kingston who are fighting at the front. Stanley Trotter, who has the arrangements of the game in hand is making évery endeavor. to make the game. one of the best eve: played in Kingston, W. F. Nickle, M.P,, Dr. J. W. Eg- wards, M.P., Capt. the Rev. S. J. M. TCompton and, Mayor Sutherland will give shorl addresses before. (.3 game, - The money which will be colle :*- ed will be used for the comfort of the men in the trenches. At the. pre. sent time Stanley Trotter is is c-m- munication with Lieut.-Col, Ross to find out what the men nee ! Satarday"s Big Game. The crack baseball team from Alexandria Bay, which was.in Kings- ton on Wednesday, wil be baek in he city on Saturday afternoon whea | it wisl meet Victorias, champions of the City League, in an exhibition game. This promises to be one of the big events eof the baseball sea- son. 2 ' BASEBALL: RECORD. National League. Boston, Chicago, 0. . Philadelphia, 6-6; Cincinnati, 0-5 New York, 5-7; Pittsburgh, 3-9. St. Louis, 5-3; Brooklyn, 3-3. American League, Washington, 7; Chicago, 4 New York, 3; Cleveland, 2 Boston, Detroit, 1. St. Louis, 5; Philadelphia, 3 'Federal League. St. Louis, 4-2; Chicago, 2-4. Pittsburgh Kansas City, 0. Brooklyn, Baltimore, 1-4. International League. Buffalo, 3-5; Harrisburg, 2-3. Rochester, 2-3; Richmond, 1-4 / FRONTINAC CHEESE BOARD Chese Soild at 13 3-16 Cents. On Thursday. At the meeting 'of the Frontenac Cheese Board on ~ Thursday noon, 682 boxes of cheese were sold at 13 3-16 cents. There was board- | ed, 701 boxes of colored cheese and| 60 boxes of white as follows: Colored--Cold Springs, 70; 38; Ontario, 22; Silver Springs, 50; Thousand Islands, 39; 60 Wolfe Island, 43; Frontenac, 55; Sunbury, Elm Grove, 40. White-- Rose Hall, 30. i Mr. Smith bought the offering of the foliowing factories at 13 3-15 cents: Model, .Arigan, Elm Grove, Cold Springs, Gilt Edge, Hinchinbrooke, Oniario, Rose. Hill, Sunbury, St. Lawrence, Silver Springs, Thousand Islands, Elginburg, Wolfe --Island, Collins Bay. Mr. Murphy made a bid of 13 1-8 cents but it was refused. Collins Bay, 60; 30; Arigan, THE CITY ENGINEER Paying No Heed to the Board of Works. , The City Engineer is continuing to patch up University avenue at his own discretion, following out the in- structions of the City Council, and not paving any heed to the Board of Works. dr : . ~The Mayor says that the Board of 'Works apparently intends to, make the ward inspection for 191% and 1516 next year. There has" been no ward inspection this year. Owing to the fact that the usual summer office help has been refused' by the Hoard of Works, the City En gineer is not prepared to go ahead with the re-building of Brock street yet. He has not had time to get the details of construction prepared for a by-law to be passed by the City Council. GIVEN WRIST WATCH. Office Remembered : "Fddie" Hiscock. 3 "Eddie" Hiscock, formerly a clerk in the Kingston post office, who ro- signed his position to answer to the call for overseas service, was ro- membered by the 'staff at the post office on Thursday afternoon, when they presented him with a silver wrist watch, suitably engraved. Mr, Hiscock is with the 59th Battalion at Barriefield Camp. . James Stewart, postmaster, made the presentation' on behalf of the stafs, The. recipient, a 'popular young. Kingstonian, for many years was prominent in hoekey circles, be- ing regarded as one of the best goal tenders in Canada, carries with him Post Staff many frie Band Concert in Macdonald Park. "The Salvation Army band ili 8 rest Praises" '.eviivi. "The Nations™ {The respective flags will be pro- Can easily own a home on our , plan. A little To. down, ane lar, small payments will "you anal ba you desire. things for cash buyers. but we We always have some make easy terms for the work- er who can't pay zl! at once. duced for the national airs) March (Russian flag win "be with other nations.) Carry On" deposi iy 5 > "Soldiers" "Consolation" "Lytton" : Caught Fire, About 1.30 o'clock on Th bs shingles A CE after-| Gilt | Alma R. G. Walker, John L. Walsh, | Edge, 30; Hinchinbrooke, 25; Bay | Extra | View, 94; Model, 60; St. Lawrence, | Blginburg, | to the front the best wishes of lis, 8. LITTLE CHILDREN SAD yo WRITE LETTERS TO. "DADDIE" OVERSEAS. Many Express Regret Because They Are Not Big Enough To Go To Fight the Germans--Lnok Fore ward To Homecoming. "To My Daddy in Germany." This was: the address on an 'envel- | ope dropped into the letter box at the post office on Wednesday. The | writing Was \a mere scrawl, and it | Was plain to be seen that the writ- 'er was a child.. When the letier was | opened it was found to contain a few ! marks and crosses. It was a child's) letter all right, and while there were no words to express tho wrii- er's feeiings, it could .be seen thit the child was sending his love to his | father, who is a prisoner of the Kaiser. | From time to time letters of this | character are received at the pest office, and of course as they have no address they are drepped into the waste. paper basket. Just a few days ago a letter was received and the only. address on the letter Was "To my daddie in. France." The youngster who dropped this letter in the box was. evidently doing his best to get a miessage to his father, who is on the firing line in France. } One of the saddest parts of the war is the plight of the little child-! } S m-- Sa MUSIC, 2 for 25¢c. CLOTH BOUND REPRINTS OF $1.50 BOO All the latest Popular Musie of the day. The Ontario of the present New York Hits. Jatest Little cach. 4 Cloth Bound Books at 20¢-Reprii ts of the $1 Saturday Special S KS, 20c and 30c. : largest stock in Eastern v Wander Records 15¢ 20 and $1.25 books. by sueh writers as Str Gilbert Parker, Geo. Birmingham, A. E. W. Mason, Quil- ler Couch, Conan Doyle, Phillips Oppenheiin, J. C, 8 Anthony Hope Eden Philpotts, ctes ete. . Cloth Bound Rooks at 30c naitly Rider. Haggard, By Meredith Nicholson, Baroness Orezy, "CharlesiGarviee, 8S. R. Crockett, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, lKllis Parker Butler, W. W. Jacobs, Clarence Mulford, ete., ete. Convenient pocket size. The Best Joke Book of the Year, "Funabout Fords." -- Cloth bound ! and full of jokes oq the Ford Machine. The 160 Princess Street ~~ Open Nights {ren who are robbed of their fathers., | Some are-too young to understand. | the circumstances surrounding their father's absence but all the Same | they 'miss him, and all the mother's | { kind talk will not soothe them. | Children who are old enough to un- derstand, long for the time when Lhe | war will be aver, I "1 do wish this war would soon get over," said a bright little chap of six years, to a Whig representative on Wednesday. The boy's father was one of the first to go to the front, and every day he anxiously awaits word that his daddy is coniing home. "Surely there will be some | great homecomings when the great battle is over. . "If I was just big enough I would: get over there and take a shot at those Germans," was the remark of | another boy, whose father is at the | front. Although but five years of age, the youngster was clad in a suit of khaki, and carried his "swag- ger stick." He is sure to make a good soldier some day. Every day one hears sad stories concerning the little children whe have to suffer on account of the war, ------------ TO HAVE A CONFBRENCE. | Regarding a New Golf Course : Kingston. . Willie Duna = the famous 'golf course builder and world renowned golf instructor, has for the past week been busily engaged securing various places round Kingston for the .purpose of Kingston becoming one of the great golf centres. on_the river and which will help Kingston to become a great summer resort for golf, yachting, fishing and bathing. A meeting of several prominent citi- zens and members of the Golf and Country Club will 'take place early next week to discuss the matter and get Mr. Dunn's views. | Mr. Dunn says there is no reason { this city. should not be as popular jas-Atlantie City or lake Course. { Mr. Dunn, both of "whose courses He also laid out Garden City, Long Island and Ardsley on. the Hudson, all very popular golf resorts. . e 1 1000 Islands--Rochester SS. Caspian leaves Wedhesdays and Fridays, at 10.40 {am Tor 1000 Islands (50c), and at 5 p.m, 'for Rochester, via Bay Quinte. y ---------- Friday For Ogdensburg. Take the "Flyer of the River at 8.30 'am. Jome 9.30 p.m. Fare your troubles are greater than those of other people. "Fresh Sodium Phosphate" at Gibson's. \ Have you ever noticed how mitch larger your troubles appear at night than during the day? Se EEETT-- "THR HAT STORE» IAT WEATHE l These are ideal soft I hat days -- cool and i} breezy <-- and, after all, | the soft Hat is the most I comfortable hat made. | You'll find a new one a | nice change from the straw, ; At any pri. e you eaie New Caps. - Wateh-our windows, - For Mr. Dunn laid out some years - go | on Sundays, | | Newman & Shaw, It is easy to convince yourself that | | Cedar Istind on Wednesday. As tuck | eeseLumber, Coht H 'aunch madé many trips to and from] ]: the island, | cally examined and attested, are ta. §: talion at > Our Display of Ladies' and Misses' ~~ Coats and Suits : Is easily the best in the city. The greatnumoer of sales alreadymadeto || [Ed shrewd buyers after | ("ll they had gone the ih rounds, is the best evidence we can give You make a big mis- take if you buy with- out seeing our range ° | | iW fl "4 Particularly | h 1d Pleasing | <= Prevail | Smith Bros., "College Book Store Phone 919 Watches With Expanding Brace. lets. : We have without ex- ception the smallest," thinnest, * best Wrist Wateh in expanding bracelet for $15.00 that: we ever had. Both watch and wear- ing qualities of brace- let are fully guaranteed | TEWELERS AND OPTICIANS I" Issuers. of Marriage Eicenses. REPAIRED-AND . REMODELLED. \ Gourdier's The Always Busy Store rr | poeenviLoERS SUPPLAES ecasiony {| CLOSING OF MAILS | : British ly. i mail closes irregular- | Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United | { States { Grand { Trunk, daily .. 1.00 p.m. going , east 1 Deo. (including States) Grand west Do. (including States) Grand Trunk west of city CP. R. «10:15 a.m. and 4.30 pom, C. N. Ru - BRANTFORD ROOFING Affords. successful - resistance against the aotion of weather, acids, gaseous vapors, ignition from flying embers or burning | einders,* and is not expensive, RAMA. BAND PICNIC, Was Held At Cedar Island On Wed- : nesday. imber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets. Factory Phone 1415, General office phe R.CH.A; ,» With their wives, children and | | friends spent an enjoyable time oni j would have it, the weather was in keeping with thie company's good spirits. Mysician Potvin's motor about fifty members mak« ling. up the party, The members of the band fake this opportunity in thinking ex-Mayor Shaw, Messrs. Me Parland, Henderson, Fisher, Arthurs, McGall, Lackie, Waddington, Car ' Phone 700.. v ' * We Are Ready Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent Prope A dedirable brick' dwelling, cen trally located ing, gas, 8 rooms, good cellar and yard, for $2,900 A corer lot, with barn 66x132, {witle barn south of Princess Street, for $550 {- A detached frame dwelling on | Pine street, with 7 rooms, good yard {and large stable, to secomiodate {four horses, for ..... T+ 82,800 A deuble brick dwelling, south of i Princess street, below Barrie, with all "improvements, furnace and Bas, for = 3 . | We can secure desirable locations, {and leases for tenants whe wigh to. ove, re 3 W. lin & Cor. Johnson and Di ) il | { } | aid Woodeewe i f Refrigerators novaky, Angrove, Rigney & Hiekey, and Beaupre for adding in no smaul {juanner to the companys enjor- ment,» dy + Regruiting is Good-Here. ; Lieat. Christmas, 14th, Regiment. who has a tent-office for recruitifig purposes on he 'market square, re- ports a splendid response from a good class 'of amen for overseas sor- vice. . The men after they are medi- place at your disposal 'our . (large stock of up-to-date Re- greatly reduced prices. . If you are in need of a Refrig-| erator; 'now i the time to! 5 i 'ken on the strength Burriefie id. of the 59th Bat: E ¥ {and Refrigerators are sure, to be much higher in price; "To visit Ogdensburg for 50e. Fri-|n ason. Give us a ¢ day, 8.30 aum., per SS. Thousand Is- i ge Son Give a8 2 cali lander. | . be 2 For one week we will {i frigerators, in all styles, ati buy. Our prices are right dl for cleanliness) © whiten Spotlessness and mang a: treatment of your was Ines of your washablos, 3 H will ankwer the eall ~ you just wha i | with hot water heat- . To 2 ix 1 $ Son