To-Rent: Seyvenzroomed - house, ) in 'good condi- vard, shed, im- cements. Rent $8.00, including. water. .W. H, GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 42¢ « . 89 Broe St. X A A ctr rt A i, | om imi Am Aon A superior for quito bites, preparatinn mo A Burns Scalds Sun Burn Eczema Catarrh It has no equal as.a house- hold healing ointment It is a mgedicme chest in itself," It costs but 25 cents, A: 3? At Best's The Popular Drug Store, pen Sundays, i ing 11 heads F [) MODEL NY EYE GLASSES The kind yom want--the Kind most everybody wants [ODEL, glagses scientifically ground, . MODEL adjustment insuring perfect comfort. MODEL shapes. that add dig- nity to the fage. MODEL clips that don't slide, _ tilt or hurt the nose. ODEL methods lowest prices. KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST ANT} OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street 3 doors above the Opern Ilowwe insuring E. P.Jenkins' i SaturdayBulletin b » -1p Sizes 6 to B years, 50c quality for 25¢ Stockings -- Elastie Ribb, all sizes ....15¢ Underwear -- Com- bination, Elastic Ribb, Ee MENS DEPARTWENT © Pyjamas' -- Muslin "and Silk Suosette Cloth 4 25 insideat. ........ Odd sizes in French Underwear--$1.00 gar- ments at .........50¢ || ed by two sons and one daughter, 5 THE BASEBALL GAME HERE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON h Defeated City League Feam By 13 To 1---Players of Latter Team Were Not Properly Placed. ia A bi #, the picked team *, which it de Field on Wed | ternoon by a score of 13 to 4. From start"lo finish fhe Americans had the better--of the play. They | hit a great deal better and when they | got on the bakes they used . their Wells, who captained the Ing team, pyt up a great game 2 one period, he slapped. the wit Du * y il! ball away down into the park, which | would have been good for a honié Best S Balm fiti'run 'had Wells put a little. more-ex-| ~ i H oe 5 TJJITerTion into his running. Gthers of] the visitors were credited with two and three base hits, ve. | The local team was poorly organ ized. Pound was ont of his place on. third sack, and about the fourth Inning he replaced Martin behind the bat, the latter going into right field, while Toland took Pound's place on e third bag Gallagher started to { "go up" about the sixth inning so Teddy" Saunders went on the | mound " | The crowd was very good when one {#akes into consideration that the | weather was so threate ning When { the local team plays the Americans! | again on Saturday one can be as ured of a better game. Alexandria Bay. == Hardin 2b Kleeman, cf Devi : Wel Dexter,> rf .. Johnson, ss | Rafter, 31 | Watsfield, | Grunslate WEN Kingston, | Kendall, ef | Martin ¢ Saunders | Gr: Dick, ss | Laird, It | Toland, rf | ---- 410 3 | Score by innings: | | Alexandria Bay 01521021 0--13/ { Kingston 0010010110 4] Referee--Ned Hartrick. | Feast | Deseronto || | Aug. 25%--The remains of the late D. R. Jones; Donald, Ont., weré met at Marysville by Undertaker I. Al lum and friends, on Tuesday, and ta- ken. to St. Mark's Church, Mr, Jolies was formerly superintendent of the Chemical Works and Deseron- Iron Works while he resided here, He is survived by his widow and one 1 daughter, Mrs: Kenneth Bowen, Na- panee Road: His death' came as a | shock te his relatives and friends { here, Blood poisoning and heart { failure were the cause. The funeral | Was largely attended this. efternoon { from St) Mark's Church to Desronto eemetery, | » | On Sunday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. John Tait, aged ninety-six years, was held from the resi of | Board of !| League. | have been forced. Ld 1 | purchased | Giants. Marquart will report at once | {son with the Leafs. * { combine into one to play the Inter-| -- | provincial Union. [one tedm from Ottawa (Interprovin-| + { cial), St. Patricks (Ontario), and Ot-| % £. | tawa College. LJ * 2| Waivers are said to have been asked % ig he wds engaged en January 3nd as Guelph plays In Ottawa on Sep. | Ing h engage ¥ | tember 5th and 6th, with two games| and meets Ottawa and Hamilton next] imbimag THE DAILY Kerr, Collingwood, spent a week with | SHOW OF W EALTH; Ae Lk Misses Florence .and Emma Ther- | ANCIENT FAILING. rien . ---- Miss Lanra Gowan is spending a | Rev. Camden N. Coburn, few days with Mrs. Howard Sharpe Belleville, Archaeolo- | gist, Speaks At Bible Con. | The Non-Nitro Explosive Company ferenee, . l sold its property, several Winona Lake, Indi, -Aug, 26.--| acres of land have been bought, |The Apdstle St. Paul was bowlegged | where it is the intention to and ostentatious show of wealth buildings for making shells. an ancient" failing, according to the The base ball game between the | Rev, Camden: N. Coburn, archaeolo- ston Park Nine and local team | gist, of Allegheny College, speaker s played in the Driving Park this | at the Bible conference, in session] afternoon, resulting 7-3 in favor of There. Deseronto. According to the Rev. Mr, Coburn;| The schooner Lizzie Metzner left | the plutocrats at the time of the be-| yesterday for Oswego, having unload- | ginning of the Christian era had ele- ed a cargo of coal for the Rathbun | vators;-sherthand; water-power, pipe Company, - organs, lived in flats, were confront. ------ ed with trades unions, 'and spent more money entertaining than some | rr BB reece Greenest ini and erect of the swells at Newport. One anc-| ient epicure, he ggid, gave a dinner] at 'which the Msh course alone cost $40 a plate; another spent $35,000! ior roses; another carpeted his ban-| Tquet-rcom with $200,000 worth of | rugs. He said Ephesus had a lib- rary that ought to make Andrew Carnegie fume with envy. | St. Paul, said the Rev. Mr. burn, was married, "for which Pitcher "Rube'" Benton was award- ed to the New York Giants by the] Directors of® the National Baseball dopé'has been shattered this year. 'Here's. the Phillies still leading the van, while the Reds are|ginco only married men were allow- coming. In other seasons it was the! oq to vote in those tiles. Phillies slipping and the Reds hope-| iii lessly entrenched in the cellar. | ---- | deolodeedede dope desde dedi di dedod de did. A wonderfully close race has * helped save the finaneial situation in| BRITISH WHIG . the Federal and National Leagues sk TOBACCO FUND. this season, but the sale of star play-| - ers illustrates the expedients to which | # some of the American League Clubs # the fact that he was bowlegged,' i What the dollar box contaips: Briar Pipe 1_Rubber-lined Tobacco Pouch. . I Tinder Lighter. 50 Cigarettes, 4 Ounces of Tobacco. And a Return Pgstal address- ed to the donor. | * The Toronto Baseball Club has! % Rube Marquard and sold|¥ Herbert to the. New York # rreeetage Fred. and Herbert will finish out the sea- | -* The. 25¢ Parcel contains. 50 Cigarettes 4 Ohnces Smoking Some Mutches. And a Postcard addressed to you. Remember, there are no "Baeccy Shops on the Battlefield. It is suggested in Ottawa -as a so-|% lution of the football problem that|% the three senior teas of the Capital % Mixture. This would make| * Eee bree Lee In New York the release of SnOA-| desdededededodedodedolodododofodofededodededofodrged grass is taken to be McGraw's' first ET, radical move to bring about a thor-| ough reorganization of the Giants TWO PRINCESS TO BUILD, Thirty-One Storey Hotel In New York City. New York, Aug. 26.--An action at law filed in the supreme court re- on Meyers and Marqua-~d. McGraw | has begun to realize that Matthewson | no longer can be regarded as a main-| stay in the box. Matty may come ,.uls the plan of Princess Murat and back next season. with' some of his Fy rN i . .q| Princess Rospigliosi, granddaugh- old skill, but McGraw cannot afford ters of the late Alexanger McDonald to be too sure of it. BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, A isi} could no more be blamed than for} r i EXCLUSIVE JSuitPatterns ° 'We have been fortunate to secure about sixty exclu- ysive suit lengths made of these cloths to-day arc almost can be procured at all --our as low if not lower than heretofore. the finest dyed French yarns-- prohibitive in price; if they prices, however, you will find are it Patterns and French Blue, The materials shown are: Broadcloth, Ser Velour and Suede Cloth. riced From $5 To $15.00 #, Cheviot, Tweeds; French The eolors are: African Brown, Russian Green, Beetroot, Belgian Blue A pleasure to shaw: you--always --- | of Standard Oil fame and daughters The Canadian racing season closes | of Edmund K. Stallo, to: invest -a on September 25th Following the | large-part of the fortune inherited em ath " meeting which | [Tom their grand-father in a thirty- opens to-day, the racing brigade will The Mary tga] ®t Brosdway and head for Blue Bonnets which opens |: ove suit is 'begun By Max Wymer September 2nd. Dorval will follow oa | real estate broker, through John September 10th and Woodbine, Sep-| § Lordan 115 Broadway against | tember 18th, Despite the war, this| the" 1489 Broadway corporation | hag Jean a splendid year in Canada which owns the Heidelberg building on Lhe ror oe {at the southwest cortier of Broadway The: pce dor the. Canadinn Base. | And Forty-second street, and also a! ball I : inp is b long leasehold on the site. all League champ'onshinp Is by nol On rp a are] means over, despite the fact that Ot } ned in th® complaint, its is!) tawa as a four and a half game lead | Bot Samed they are np chief stock- | on Guelph. = Ottawa plays elght| | 1ders of the 1482 Broadway cor-| games on the road and six at home| tion, of which their father is! before the season closes, anglsix v | president and director and their at- those games are with Gue ph, three, ey ex-Judge Nash Rockwood, is with London, and five with St. Thoms | director: y A) a | as. It niay develop that the. final) Wymer _sues for $30,000, alleg- series may decide the title this year,! b, . i to obtain a first nortgae loan of | Ar . $200,000 on the leasehold and any | on Lato Day, Sueist plays Jon | iniprovements to be erected thereon, on An rantigrd at home this wee maturing in ten years, and a second | | mortgage loan of $300,000 maturing {between 1917 and 1922. Wymer | et ing. i week, rer som, doin TAIL, With whom she | made her home since the death of her husband fifty-five years ago, to St." Mark's Church, and thence to Deseronto cemetery. She is surviy- Word was received on Monday that "Jack Presley h been drowned off the steamer Joh} Duman on Sat- urday evening during a gale at the i Ducks, 'having fallen' overboard. Ane attempt was made at Fesene, but was of no avail. His wife and stepson were both on the boat. Mis May Armitage has returned from visting friends in Marmora, Mr. Nesbit, who has been poorly for some time, has taken a bad spell, and .is reported in a eritical condition. Misses Gwendolin amd' Blanche that will make your household happy: your | Walker and Orville Elliott. [in port yesterday. .. .| Lord Reading. s . LEBAYS. a wind ; AE He Hugh A. Holmes, but the defendant | has. refused to pay him the amount anoque | ww TE a-- | | Aug. 26.--The ramble trip among | St 3 | the islands yesterday on the steamer | Will Be At Disadvantage In Russian { | Missisquoi was attended by a: fair | Swampy Regions, crowd. | London, Aug. 26.--In an envelop- The steamer Thousand Islander | ing movement against Brest-Litovsk, last night ran a searchlight excur- | tha engineering capacity of the Ger- | sion to Alexandria' Bay under the mans will be strained to the utmost. | auspices of the Church of England, They have just entered at Bielsk and and drew a fair crowd. Vliodava that immense swamp, d | The last of on Brien of the busi- heavily wooded region known as Po- | ness men's weekly half holidays was lesia, which includes nea¥ Bielsk the | celebrated yesterday. famous Bialowiés forest, used by the | On Tuesday evening the parsonage | zars $2 a premerve for the vanishing | of the Gananoghe East circuilt was European 'wild buffalo. In such a | the scene of a, quiet wedding, when region the heavy German artillery | Rev. A. E. Oliver united in marriage | will be at a disadvantage, and special. | Miss Annie: Keélsey, Gananoque, and | qualities of resistance will have a | Frederick Hurst, Ottawa. The young | wide scope. : : > i couple were attended by Miss Mabel GERMAN ARTILLERY N RESTRAINT OF TRADE = | The Government tug Grenville. was |. NR % RAIN 1 Eastman Kodak, Of Rochester, De clared Hlegal: Monopoly. Buffalo, N.Y.; Aug. 26.--The Hast man Kodak Company; Rechester, is a monopoly in restraint of trade in violation of the Sherman anti-trust The baseball game Scheduled for Saturday last, but postponed on ai- count of rain, between a Belleville team and the Maple Leafs, Ganan- oque, resulted in a score of 6 to 4 in favor of Belleville, he obtained. the. loan. from |. DAVIES' | Try a Piece of Specially Cured : CORNED BEEF Selling This Week 12%cLb. Davies' Co. Limited. Phone 597. G. E. MARRISON, 0 (SBuceessor to Mrs. M. Henderson) A A I AA Ase sang HIGH CLASS POR- TRAITS AT NIGHT Our powerful new 8,000 c. Pp. Nitrogen Magda Lighting Sys- tem enables us to give you first bm service at night or dark Offtce Hours: 8.00 a.m-8 p.m.; 7.00 BN-00 pm, Wed. and Sat. a us for enlarging and COPY ol - J IARAAR AA rita i comin Plione J315. © 90 PRINCESS ST, --- | law, according to a decision handed *'down here late to-day by Judge John | R:"Hazel, of the United States Dis- {trict Court... The decision grants | the defendant company an opportu: nity to present a plan "for the abro- gation of the illegal monopoly," on the Grsi day of the Noveniber tert. - gin A a 1} ; Sir James Grant has just been 'a holiday at the "Hig uin Provincial THE EXCHANGE PROBLEM, London Times Suggests Lord Read- ing to Be Sent to New York. London, Aug. 26.--The Times in its city article corrects those news- pa; ers willth assume that Lond S% AMwyn was the "ex-cabinet minis ter" mentioned by the Times as hav- s ing heen suggested as one of Eng- Inng'/A land's envoys to be sent to New York be An to deal 'with the exchange problem. : "Our reference," siys the ines, "wae to.quite a différent person m the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, |i & letter to Mr. Géorge W. Bart- and there ean hardly be any objec- | loth, superintendent of the. path, 5 x says 3 all S Font io Sur saying that hone io | rng twats, yoars should have Should be found that struck lite: in Ontario and this my. ol a. tantly. Festal. The scenic : Surrounding is unsur- . i passed in. Canada; the ¢limalle con dition, remarkable as to its power of | restoring the strength amd vigor of the system laboring under debility; and the pleasure of boating, fishing the numerous lakes in this. great Bark..a ssutcacaf enjoyment over-estimate, was greatly fovpressed with the pos- sibilities of this beautiful region, and ing preparations to attractive park in. Alsace. CALLED DEAD; BACK TO LIFE Woman Pronounced Lifeless Walks In On Faneral, Vandaila, 11l., Aug. 26.--Six hours after she had be rs. 'well ani d hearty, with no signs of fi effect het novel experience. The German authorities are ak: and supplies to admit tions "KITCHENER" Is'ths name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. - Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. el Y --IOR SALE AT--- : Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 -t- TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. ~ Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. Second Hand Automobiles | 210214 MADE - IN - CANADA There is no institution in t 81 Watual Tif. he Dominion more Canadian than The Assurance Company of Canada. It 'was dficorporated under the Statutes of Ontario in 1869 as The Intario Mutual Jife Assurance Company. t was given a Dominion charter by an Act passed in 1878, but was still known as The Ontario Mutual "Life Assurance Company, It received a new name by an Aet of the Federal P the year 1900, and has ance Company' of . rE i Its Juvestments of neurly $25,000,000 ave exclusively Canadian; the ves Insured are Canadian only. It is strictly a Can o ssuritg Made-in=Canada contracts. y adisn Company 8, ROUGHTON, Agent, THE ONLY MADE-IN-CAN ADA MUTUAL LIFE - COMPANY, | PHONES 610 and G61, 60 BROCK STREET, J ae 8 For Sale 1 1914 Ford, 5 + folly equipped with shock : le rims, newly painted; alf in first class order. fully equipped with self starter, Maxwell Oepassenger, tO Tian MA wn a, FAR T1914 My yele, with side car, run 500 miles; in J Ry Ts the perfeeted product of over 80 years' ex- perience in the mateh-making business, IT correctly held and struck on anv rough sur- - face, is warranted to give a steady, clear light. The E. B. Eddy Co, Limited, Hull, Caifad