AN EVENT AT VERDNA - HARVEST F ESTIVAL WAS GREAT OCESS and Educational Delivered. s=Musical Patriotic Were gramme Given and Sports Held. A Harvest decided the aus offi- church approximately eyerything consid- in reliev remaining upon Where The was 26.~ sday, a 1s held under ladies Aid and Methodist ? net receipts were a good sums This is to be the small debt he church property The forénbon was cloudy »et nearly two hundred which number, the used ik was considerably Best's Balm Addresses Pro- and cool, dinner, in- mrt the early afternoon g cleared somewhat, after dinner, for some speakers, who were Jate-in ar crowd patronized the and indulged in pleas intercourse, the » ladies pre ing thé table for in ther havin ile waiting, - the anwhile supper. Ihe par E rogramme. proper e¢onsis speeches and musie, the addres were of a high order, and suffi- ly varied to keep up the est to the very lat, The music was by Mr, James, and Miss Nellie Medcof, Holleford, who sang very acceptably. A duet ap | propriate iihe grove beside the . lake, "Come the Lilies . Bloom Se Fair.' sung without accompanimgnt, it we exceedingly well rendered. Mi Edythe Yorke sang 'To Arms! Can adian Boys," Migs Edwards of Cat araqui, the "author of this 'patriotic song and composer of the music with its stirring martial air played| the accompaniment. rietta Brown also sang nicely. After-gupper,'when the sports were | called on\ there was time for: only | thréee--eveénts, The tug-of-war inter- to the time and place in| Little Miss Hen-{ THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, SATURDAY, Told In Twilight | the! ~ Mrs. PG. C Bessie Smythe were joint at a very enjoyable luncheon of six- teen covers at the Country Club yes { terday when the guest of honor we Mrs. E. V. Lesslie. The other guests were Mrs. O'Reilly (Cornwall), A. B. Cunningham, Mrs. W. L. Grant, Mrs. Sanford Calvin, Mrs. WW. H Craig, Mrs. A. P. Christmas, Mrs. R. | Halloway Waddell, Mrs.- P. C. Stev- enson, Miss Marion - Redden, Miss Florance' Cunningham, Miss Loretta Je ssie Smith. + The Yacht Clap was the scene of | a most enjoyable dance on Wednes- | day evening, Mrs. W. R. Givens and Mrs. George" McKay were the chaper- | | ones. Miss Flora =Rees® and Migs| Campbell and Miss | hostesses | Mrs. | | daughter, Ht, Miss Lettice Tandy and Miss| HN . Kathleen Meore'r ago on . Friday . after Daly, Albert street. Miss CampbeH Hosack, {who was Mrs. George guest, left for Toronto on Friday. Mre. Fisher, Brockville, was guest of Mrs. R. H. Waddell, street, for a couple of days. Yrs. F. C. T. O'Hara and Miss | Marion returned to Ottawa afte | spending a month at St. Andrew, N.| | B. Miss * eturned to Edinburgh, Mrs, Guy Gamsbhy, King street, | left yesterday for Rideau Ferry .to spend a few days with Mrs. Charles Bate, at her summer cottage. i little J. and Mrs. G. Taggart Bernal, visiting 'ampbell, Division street, left to-day for their home in Toronto, accompa-~ nied by Mrs. George Joyner, who will remain in Torento for a couple of | | weeks: Miss is at M Mrs, M. A. Shaw, Clergy street, ss Ularke's, Collins Bay. | Mrs. George Dalton, Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. Farrier, Ottawa, Robertson, | J.B il! Verona against the wogid, by. the. former The prize was a huge watermelon which was divided among the and thie. losers both. The boys' superior quito bites, preparation for me, inners otato race was won by (Maude Percyland KE. Vandewater. The basebgll match between Ver- ona and Oak Flats was wen by Ver ano -by . Burns Scalds Sun Burn czema Catarrh It- has no equal as a house- .|| hold healing ointment. It is |} a medicine chest in itself. It costs but 23 cents. i » regret of the commit: the - ladies walking race, the bun-eating men's relay race had left out, as night came on toc quickly For these all suitable prizes Were in waiting. In his address on Education, Pub- lic School Inspector Truscott, urged as means to keep the children at school regularly, good school room accommodation, good equipment and an efficient teacher. Some. agricul- ture could be included in the school work to advantage. He also point- ed out how, with little additional ex perse, Verona school board, could {have the first two years of the High t School course taught in the sehool; thus making it possible for pupils who had passed the entrance exami- nation to get at their home school | almost that mueh advanced educa-| tion at small cost, His remarks | were well received. | Captain Stethem, front, invalided 'home, | duty as recruiting officer, |. vividly, conditions in the trenches "and the approach to them, under] shell and rifle and pachine gun fire | He also cited pathetic cases he had seen, of victims of the brutality of | the German soldiers, he mentioned the sternness of military discipline when in battle, none but streteher- bearers being allowed to drop out te give succor to the wounded; he i showed how the war is of deep mo- ment to Canada, and made an earn- est appeal to men to enlist, te under- go training and he ready, when need- ed, to fight for home and country. The seriousness of the struggle was impressed on every one by Captain | Stethem's address. | "Agriculture" was the theme up- | on which Mr. Hanlon made a bright and. interesting speech, "Scientifie agriculture has literally made the desert blossom like the rose," said he, speaking of irrigation, and "the waste places have been made vine: yard," speaking of under drainage. Selected experiment and careful re- cording of the same, and its results, furnish a means of obtaini valu- able information and is pos®ible en ry farm, and "very interesting. 100] fairs are té be held at Inver- | ary, Joyeeville, Cataraqui, Mountain Grove and Harrowsmith, .this year, the last mentioned on Sept. 13th. | Mr. Hanlon, whe is Prof. Main's ry | afsistant at Sydenham High School jin the department of Agriculture, -is {! warmly enthusiastic in speaking ups { on his chosen work. Dr. J. W. Edwards, MP, spoke { upon Britain's part in the great war. {I} tee an | race, conte li" to be the sack et and the rm ir At Best' S The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. wounded, at the now doing described "The kind you want--the hing most everybody wants MPODPEL glasses Seleatifically ground. "MOPEL adjustment insuring perfect cemfart. MODEL shapes that add dig- nity to the face. MODEL clips that dan't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. MODEL methods lowest prices. KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPFTICIAN Princess Street 3 doors above the Opera ilouse insuring He mentioned as heroes from about |- tus the late Lieut. Stewart, Harrow- { smith, and the Late Captain Mouck, I Arden, the courage they had shown, {| and also commending those who are | now. volunteering to face a like glor- "Tous cause, The speaker asked for a greater recognition and Féspect for the British flag, because of what it | symbolizes, namely protection in the | eivi]l and religious libérty we possess, 1 and said the flag should have an hon- { ored place-in every dwelling house, | in every church, school house and { hall, and should be flung to the | breeze at every public gathering. This | address was listened to with great Boys' Departmer SHIRT WAIS Sizes 6 to 8 years, 50¢ $l interest. quality for | Rev. Mr. Kemp, interprise, made LL - la most appropriate and happy ad-p | dress. I Stockings -- Elastic 4! Ribb, all sizes ....18¢c 4 tf Underwear -- Come bination, Elastie Ribb, Gananoque | "Aug..28.--On her regular trip to | Kingston yesterday the Britannic | carried a fair crowd. i The last dance of the season of the { Gananoque Yacht Club was held { last evening, and drew a fair crowd. i Miss Veda Miller, Brockville, spent yesterday with friends in town. Recent visitors in Kingston weye: Mr. and Mrs. J. Lattimore, Mrs. G. W.Pergau, Mrs. Lucy McCready and Nirs. J. Wadsw William Allen has returned from his camping trip-up the back lakes. 'Miss Nellie Kirke has accepted a po- sition in Hamilton. Mrs. Maurice | Pleasant and daughter, Irene, Ben- | | nington, Vt. are at L. 8. Knapp's, Ferris MEN'S DEPARTMENT -- Muslih and Silk Suesette Cloth inside, at ........$1.25 Odd sizes in French | Underwear--$1.00 gar- 1 ments -at Pyjamas srs se atinn . Miss An: ii le Jenson and Mrs. Vaughan, Chi- ji cago, are at L. 8. Knapp's. Mrs, i George Pergan and Mrs. Luey Mc- Leads, Lyn, are guests of Mr. and {| Mrs: James Lattimore, Stone street. et------------------ Had Jsaperionee. {Harvard Lampo The. CoredonT don't see how you {can read Chafiger so readily. The | spelling is so queer. f Io ot pe of we ami i 1s © Sxpefisnce ieeRninin- Was won | Lillian Macdonald, Gananoque, Miss | Katharine Kipp ahd Miss Nell Jewett | New York, Miss "Florence Scott, Smith's Falls; Miss Freda Stothers, Ottawa; Miss Elsie €laxton; "Toron to, were 'among the out-of-town guests, are the guests of Mrs. W. B. Dalton, | Johnson street. 3 * * Buté has been with | Maémahon, WeHington i . 0» Miss Olivia Mrs. Andrew | street, for some days. . { Mr. and Mrs. David G. Laidlaw, | Earl street, returned from Bay View, | Maine, on Wednesday, | Miss Florence Shannon, London, | is the guest of Miss Beatrice Driver, | George street. Mr. and Mrs. = = A pienic is being held at Welbour- ne's Point to-day, when the guests | are: Misses Katharine Hart, Beth Small, Gwenneth Merrick, Hazel Browne, Anne Minnes, Ruth Anglin, | Eleanor Phelan, Marie Clarke (Col-| umbus, Ohio), Captain Magrath and) Messrs. Gordon, Crowe, Cockburn, | Allan Shortt; Findlay, Coudwell, Howard Penhale, and George Thayer (New York,) * Archibald Strachan, | King street, returned on Friday from | Ely, Minn.,, where they were 'the| guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. O. Stra- | chan. | Miss | street, | where A Dutch luncheon of twelve plates | George was given at the Country Sin to- day, the guests including Mrs. W. H.| Mrs Macnee, Mrs. Iva E. Martin, Miss | entert Eleanor Macdonnell, Miss Mary Hora, | hour yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs: R. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. J.C. | Mrs. . B. Stanley, Clinton, N. Y. | Stre Mrs. Francis F. Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shibley, Ro- Bessig Smythe, Mrs. R. E, Kent, chester, N. ¥,, are with Rev. Samuel | Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs, ¥. Brown-| and Mrs, Shibley, Albert street. t field and Miss L. Norton- Taylor. Mr. and Mfs. Norman Busch, Pat-| * = erson, N. J., are in the city on a visit. | They both spent their childhood in| Kingston and are now renewing ac | of | quaintances. N.Y. | Mrs. George Southam was in town] R. D.| this week, with Gotdon Southam wlho| Christmas. | is taking*a course at Barriefield, en:| | route to St. Andrew's, N. B. | Kingston, .is the| - Lawrence Byrne, | . 2: A { ) Hazel Browne, "Kensington visit-1 Place," returned to-day after spend-| [ing the past week with her cousin, Miss Ruth Hubbell, Ottawa. Mrs. J. W, Waddell, Miss Lucy and | Miss Gwendoline Waddell, Ear! | street, have returned from their cot- | tage at Loughborough Lake. Robertson, Mrs. J. M. Hughes, University ave- Bagot Ottawa, | Mrs. | Florrie Stewart, ,Jiis returned from she had been visiting Valleau. » - i R.D. Sutherland, West street, | ned-- informally at the teal = * Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, was host » at a small bridge on Wednesday afternoon in honor Mrs. E. B. Stanley, Clinton, The prizes were won by Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs. A. P. = x 0s = Miss M. Nugent, guest of Mrs. Tweed. Miss |Hipson, Kingston, is ing the Misses Riley, Camden East. Mrs. J. R. Henderson and family,| Earl: street, will return from their | cottage at Wolfe Island, early next| weex. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Queen's University, are visiting his | : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robert-| BU€, has been the guest of Mrs. F gon, Perth. j8: Hoag; at her cottage at Wolfe Is- Mri. J. M. Steacy and = daughter| 'and cs Grace, of RIE aol Visiting her Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick and her| parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wright, family, Gore street, have returned Lanark. | Soinscatter spending the summer at| Mrs. Robert Lyon, her two daugh-| B*¥ View, Maine. ters, Tena and Gladys, and som,|, Mr and Mrs. David B. Murray, | Stewart, Kingston, are guests. at) 'Kensington Place," and%their chil-| { Charles Closs, Joe's Lake. 1 fiven Have Teturued prom their cot y >. | tage at elborne's Poin i ni ey ArCleliand, Picton, Miss Gwendoline Holland, Clergy | of her brother, City Engineer Me- street, has returned after spending | Clelland her holidays with friends on Simcoe. | Mrs. Josiah Miller, Kingston, is) island. visiting friends in Picton, { LJ * Mr. and Mrs. . -. Charles N. Knapp| { announce the engagemerit of their] | daughter, Norma to Frederick | Thomas Paynter. The marriage is to [sake place Quietly on August 30th. Miss Clark, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Eva Ranson, Prescott. Mrs. Taft, Picton, is coming to] Kingston to be near her daughter, Hilda, attending the Model School,! and her son Victor, Queen's University. Mrs. W. ¥. Nickle and Miss Nickle, Kingston, were guests of Mr. and! Mrs. B. R. Hepburn, Mrs. James Sowards, Miss Kathryn| Sowards and Master Kenneth Mec! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, Bow- ahtending] mianville, (formerly of Kingston), an | nounce the engagement of their] youngest daughter, 6 Alice MacTag- | | gart, to Arthur Emerson MacGree- | gor, B.A, B.Sc., London, Ont., son of Rev. Alexander MacGreegor, B.A. | nd | Mrs. MacGreegor, St, Andrew's, | Gall, left this week to visit relatives, I Niagara, 8 the- Lake. The | in Owosso, Mich, t { wedding wit take place very quietly | es 5 C Brows, Horumto, spent 4 'Craignairn,'"'_the home of the| 2 18 qty ide's parents, on Saturday, Septem- | Miss Mildred Clow, Princegs street, | hride 22 Da ERiEOn 5 p Is visiting friends in Toronto and Y 10. Woodstock. {Continued on Page ) ------ PAGE THREE visiting| Sanderson's the| Union| | Neckwear Sale 25 doz. Puritan, Quaker, Hy- lo Collars, and a few collar and cuff setts --all new styles in Organdy, Swiss Embroidered Litt and Net 15¢ Collars ~heretofore priced at 25¢, 35¢, D0¢ and 7 [ Pillow Slips 25 doz. imported English Cotton Slips, in sizes 40, - sold regularly at 3 To-night Men's Linen lors 'W. G. & R." make, 20¢ cach. To-night To-night. ha 2 and 44; 20 doz., all sizes and shapes, sold evervwhere at 15¢ aml 4for 25¢ Just Received A number of smart.New York Suits just received out of bond. will be ready for all those wishing to see them to-night ! RAILWAY HL DR TSEE | Canadian National Exhibition Toronto, August 28th to September 13th. Round trip tickets will August 28th to Septem r Valid for return up t« 15th. dare kots good going August 3 Sth. Valid for ret days from date of °, but not later jthan Sept. 14th $5.45. Tickets] | al no be good on ang Nos. 1, 15 14 "Labor ee September 6th | Round trip tickets will be issued to} points in Canada at Single First Class | Fare, going and returning September | 6th énly. Or Single First Class Eare and One Third, good gong Se, ptember | {th to 6th inc. Valid returning untill Sept. 7th. Tickets will fot, be good onl trains Nos. 1 and 14 to local points} between Toronto and Mont ro al I. Ee : k Selling This Wee For full particulars ap Ry to P| | 12%¢Lb. |i Ee - The Wm. Meats and Davies' Co. | f1es - Groceries If you want the best, go to] Phone 597. the UNIQUE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. CANADIAN PacCcirFic The Ideal Route To and From TORONTO . During CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Aug. 285 té Sept. 18, 1915, REDUCED FARES Toronto from all stations in On- niso from Niagara Falls and 'Buffalo, N.Y. and Defrolt, Mich. Be Sure to Consult CPR. Agents regarding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE To and from Toronto, Parkdale Sta- tion and Exhibition Grounds, aise SPECIAL LOW: FARES From Principal Polais on Certain Dates, Particulney from CONWAY, OC, corner Prin. cons' and Wellington Streets. Phone DAVIES' Try a Piece of Specially Cured CORNED BEEF be issued Vth ine lL including | Or tie- th to Se within se , From MONTREAL, Carthaginian Sept. Corinthian Sicilian... Sept. 1. Pretorian Sept, 22. Pomeranian Sept. 26 Scandinavian Oct. Carthaginian Oct, 1 lang ow Hesperian Oct, 23. Liverpool" ' 8. Gl id «Anim ow Sept. 15. Loudun vie London Averpool « Miss Hilda 'Mullin, who has been spending the past six weeks with! the Misses Salmon and White, West-| mount, is expected home next week | W. €. Fell and wife, New York,! are visiting Mrs.-J. W. Corbett, Al-| fred street. Mr. Fell is a brother; of Mrs. Corbett, Prot. J. M. Lanos and daughter, Yvette; have returned home after spending six weeks with relatives at Halifax. Mrs. J. Burns, who has been visit- ing her sigter, Mrs. J. M. Lanos, 111 Lower Uniqn street, left this morn- ing for her home in Halifax, accom- panied-by her nephew; Raymond La- | nos, who will attend college in the fortress city. Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Lloyd, Camp- bellford, have returnre~ after visiting | with his mother at 59 Union street. | Miss E. Donaldson left on Friday | for Medicine' Hat, Alta., after visit- | ing with her parents on University avenue. Miss Adah Cannon, of Sharbot Lake, who has been visiting Miss Vera Shaw, Johnson street, return. FY ed home today. oe, . Mrs. C. J. Hinkley, 185 Univer- sily avenue, left. to'day for Toronto where she will meet Dr. and Mra. Eyssell, Kansas City. She will at- tend 'the Toronto Exhibition before | returning' liome, * Mrs. E. N. Cokefair returned on Friday to New York Mow visiting Mrs. Leizhton Guess, et: Miss Marjorie Rk H Rathbun apd a party motored from Deseronto to Kingston to spend ° Thursday. i La R.W. Brigstocke fs in town trom Cobalt. Miss Mar; McIntosh, Guelph, ie the guest of Miss Sybbald Hamilton Wolfe Island. pr rh, MOORTIL, & Miss Ada Bireh was up from Thou. | Br SY DIOR WHO Ia y Bhs sand Island Park this week. feat, ve ahiars s nad smErine Mrs. Fane Sewell expects to re-! off Ostend. tar to Toronto on Monday after a x 5 $8 fat E. J B. Pe Wes A 5 Pease. West) Bangor, Me, Aug. 97.-A new street! ee Amy Megin, visiting her 'lumber concern composed of Bangor | i parents, Col. Mrs. McGill. Gore: men iias been Shweerporsted under this Sireek, Will return te St. Auax de Bel- lawsol New Bru entitied the levue on Tuesday. Martinon Lumber Company of New. . No min should try to run an aute ley he has horse sense. : ppd Mrs. Prayu, Napaaes, is tho guest | sldent of Napanée in the pe | was the firgt to: 'he called of thy three ison, Louis, now living dn Oakland, For: tull "intormation to local agents or apply THE ALLAN LINE ' 0 King st West. Toronto ~--C. . H. Pickering's Prop. 490 ng ess St. Phone early No. 330 for good | service, Canadian Northern Railway Toronto Exhibition Excursion Fares F rom Kingston $5.85---Good going rr 30th to Sept. Sth inelusive, days from date of sale until Sept. 14th 2 ood going Aug. 28th to Sept. 7th inclusive,' «Sept, 15th, 191% - > : M.:C. For full particularas apply fo Dunn, City- 1 Ward, Station: Aron , City Agent, or R. H. t Specialties Have you tired, aching feet? - If so, vou noed us, We carry a fall line of Sell > and "Arrowsmith? foot specialties. i Archi Supports, from $1.50 up: rights, heel pads, ete., Always in stock. foot rovbies now: G. E. MARRISON, Photographer. (Successor to Mrs. M. Henderson) HIGH CLASS POR- TRAITS AT NIGHT Our powerful new 5000 cc p. Nitrogen Magda Lighting Sys. tem enables us to give you first Sass service at night or dark day Office Hours: 84 8.00 a m-8 pans 350 yo us for Il and we IS ing. Return init 7% Return Hmit Death of Mm. co. Smith, Napanee Express' Death octurred to an aid time re person of! M. C. Smith, of 1446 23rd Avenue, Oakland, Cal, on August 1st, 1915.0 aged eighty years. The diceased children 61 the late Methias Sinith of Richmond, leaving to mourn his loss. Mrs. Margaret Brownsen, of Duluth, and Jacob Smith, now residing on the old homestead. The deceased was married twice, his first wife Rising Miss Hester Hughes, twin sister John Hugh ., of Roblis, Ont, th i: bunion 'pads, tee and a daughter, (Jeseéphine.). Mrs. aren ? George Yerex, Picton. Whe recently ring up) made he father a prolonged visit, as companied by her husband, Geé Yerex. His present wife, form Miss Emma Nix; Treaton, and their son, Morton, both reside in Oakland, 3g Tm Yi N 4 Tr ] N' H 4 : yi 4 -It is likely to fool an American) heiress when a foreign nobleman talks through his corhet Instead of Me bat. HS