| SAVINGS ACCOUNT. OCAL NOTES AND GENERAL ITEMS INTEREST. OF Happenings In the City-and Vicinity in the hletic events at 7% Account Toronto in the nam these accounts either wit money, For 1 m a joint Interest is opened at of two-or party may the different account Is often paid on balances, nay be spoke {| Tweed on 3 What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pure pigkling spices ""Hudnat"s Talcum' { Red €rpdss Drug Store. Kifigston-wifl have entatives the Ottawa! repr xhibi Prof. and Lieut. C. J. Kar ne recr g meeting in Friday ght Miss Etta Cassidy, J turned- home time with fr Taleum Mulloy at a' street, after spendi ng) nds in Bath. Powder" at Gib- ames | son's Red C ross Drug Store. $61,000,000 will m THE BANK OF TORONTO mA AR i song Nr A Csr on Re pn "FOR SALE locality, with looking into. ------r good | I R. J. | Sunbury, 19 PE 3. x. CARROLL AGENCY, SF ni BY Phone GS or wh 1, 00 MOU N T A, oe MOvK \ yp. / 7 w No 1 voNe Eye. Glass Lenses. Ket ASS AND SPE Tice ys remain in glad to show Otc: Sold R. J. RODGER, * a ~---- Mumntucturing and Refracting Optician HT KING SN. KINGSTON, "Where the clock' is on the walk." en 4 Aa ou Can Get ing yon may want in AK LINE from us. We ear tock of Kodaks, Photographic Papers | | bl. FOR Saturday ! FOWL. Ye Milk Fed SPRING CHICKENS SPRING MB WESTERN. EF JELLIED OX TONGUE JELLIED , HOCKS JELLIED C, BEEF COOKED HAM BACON, An Kinds, Very Choice 8 | Meats Government Anyth KOD full Films, Supplies: Wo Develop and Print with care and despatch, Hoag's Drug Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 258, KINGSTON, ONT. the! and An Inspected Anderson Bros. Phone 458, Can Made in Kia Patronize Home Indusary. If you want an up-to-date Awn- ing, Porch Curtain, Boat Wag- gon or Automobile Cover, Cork Fenders, Life Preservers for yorr Boab, ete..' drop a card to CAPTAIN JOSEPH DIX, Awning Maker - = 2m Nelson St ee IF YOU WANT THE BEST, Try Gordon's Special Blend Teas and: Coffee, 80c, 35¢, 40c per Ib. GORDON'S GROCERY | | 149 Montreal St. CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED . ANI} 'SMOKED : MEATS. ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WQoD, JOS. AHEARN, JR, MONTREAL STREET Phone 866. 279% |a | €rods Drug Store. y on' Monday in the prisoners-eol-gvar; American Consul F. S. ake an inspection of S. Johnson Fort Hen- interests of the Pure pickling vinegar at Picker-| : i ere was no scheduled rink bowl- match played on Friday evening. n the singles W. J. Moore defeated Stevenson by 15 to 5. "Mary Garden Perfume" at Gib- Ss = ley Jackson, who resides near will appear before Justice tf Peace George Hunter charged with ssulting a married lady "Pam Olive Soap" sen. | Ringston Amateur Baseball Tuesday Afternoon, August 3. Association, Patriotic Day CRICKET ~FIELD, At 4 p.m. {Havana Red Socks (colored) Versus Victorias, Champions City 1€e ro { Bureau, Is | ware, a in the number of applicants for :: Empire Fried Fish - League. and which be collect for the comrforts of trenches aed the Rand in Attendance. Everybody come and help. Seats supplied for ladies. God Save the King. tne * AUCTION SALE FURNITURE. aptain J. W. Murray, Wednesday, Nop. Stodart Plano, ussels Ist, 10 a.n. Pdrl uite, and he ° Ww Hall Machine, Odd Ex. ( 'roo kery, Hohe yught Range, ws Mower, and Rack, Bed- Dressers, Table Glass- Suites Fel t ideboard, Happy AUCTIONEER. tan Bd 252, No School Re-opening Cwing +o thé unexpected increase mission te the Normal Schoools, the dute df re-opening has been deferred | until Tuesday, September 14th, . in| order to give the Department time to] make provision for the attendance. Advertisement of Sale 113 BROCK STREET ws vom so = vs. {Of the {mortgage, {the fered Saturday {Square In |W flliam 1stde of | where the {lands {0 Reductions At Our Grest Rebuilding Salés of F ture ! urniture . Which 'will last about two weeks longer. All the B goods. which remain in stock during 'building oper- ations w ill be given an extra reduction of 5 per cent. additional to present diseount. : Now is the time to procure a bargain in high. class: dur niture. twenty-one less along the cess Street to a a b k 8 A. H. U. COLQUHOU) Deputy "Minister of Education. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE powers contained in a certain which will be produced at time of the sale, there will be of- for sale by public auction, on! September 4th, 1015, at the | o'clock woon, at the Market the City of Kinsgton, by | Murray, Auctioneer, the fol. lowing property, namely:--In the C a f Kingston, commencing on the not Prinvess Street at a westerly boundary of s meets the northerly bound f Princess Street. ' thénce easte feet nine inche northerly gi poins, thence. northerly | long the dividing line between rick houses erected on said land nown as Nos. 473 and 475 Princ treet and parallel to the weste our of 12 boundary of said land 152 feet 5 7 tnohes to boundary of said land,' ly along said a point on, northerdk, boundary 21 feet 0 inches more or less to the west | erly southerly along -B right ® * On brick dwelling house containing about eleven cess of the purchase money to be paid at the time paid within thirty days. Darfioulars apd conditions of sale ap- ply Street, solicitor for oy last revised Asse said municipality, to oe a Utled to vote In the Saiq my munkipati that the said at my of day of Ay 1815, there for wn nd I hereby all Toters ta Seake immed Travel any errors or 3 Shrman toe ab cording to 'boundary of said land, the said te of beginning, together with of way As described In mort- age. the property is lopated a solid; rooms, street. which Is Terms: No. 475 Prin- Ten per cent. of the sale, balance to be For further to AB Cunnin m, RL Clarence Rar 1015, Dated this Toth a J of "Al at elections ve Assem- a paStions; Fie list was firs oP, at Barrichel Hg re he and remaing INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. GRAND . § Park by § Cars | | | Free Admission to Tan by Street ar - DW ELL NGS, OFFICES, at Gibson's Red | 106 Clergy St, | Cur- | rly more or; of Prin-|. the i the northerly] thence wester-| enuse and thence | recelved by Westerly | Twelve o'clock noon bouiidary 152 feet 5 7-10 inches to the 'second day of Septembar 1015, pt ia if a the purchase Stack, AD nd | LY Sheri of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1915. PACESEVEN tes on ------ to f= won HS === And Every After TONIGHT - Famous Plavers Films, § Reels. } BLANCHE SWEET IN "THE CAPTIVE." New Programme Monday and Thursda Prices: Mat. 10e¢, any seat. Bvening, 10¢; reserved Se encEyed Se entre, Park Ls ¥ CONDENSED™ ADVERTISING RATES, | First tasertion, 1c a word. secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion," 25¢; three Insertions, 50c¢; six, 81: one month, $2 \ HELP WANTED. oat 25 [2% THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | EE ------------------------------ Each con- \ osintnsosmmimsmas ee -------------- LOST. FOR SALE, THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. Once, aaei {hres times, 500; one week, $1.0 1 Miss Leader : supe GO-CARTS AND CAR. riages, at reasonable prices, at i Turk's. Phone 708 | -- i SMALL PARCELS CONTAINING - ad t « epleps en Miss - ud | Prix TO LET. JOHN MeKAY, LTD. EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL. Apply Hotel Randolph 1A STRONG BOY, 'TO-NIGHT and Every Night at 8.30] ---- MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 3.30, FREE Show Select Vaudeville Acts FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS MACHINE gston Hosiery | {e XPERIENCED STORAGE tt eee eee re SEVEN ROOM HOU he INA) covni- tion, with good La by 1327, Apply rincess and Cle rey FOR FURNITUR ETC, | clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock | Street. 5 RETAIL DAIRY OL PE horse and two has enlisted da 6. ROOMS, 1M AND not vard. Apply | 8 ene Street. a Wednepday, Chliceen Je ou Cars. MICA CLEANERS, Mica Mining Co, "~~ TWO OR THR App! A STORES, Me. | Street Hanns heal Estate Agency, $2, 0 PRESERVERS POR ADULTS i an | Brock Street. DELICATE DELICIOUS OFFICES IN children; folding boat seats; camp outfits: fishing tackle a spes clalty. Frank W. Cooke, 38 Clap- ence street. Phone »s¥1. CLARENCE ST. ORAM. | hers A 'to « Qunulagham & | Mudie, : SARDINES | MoTOR CYCL complete < everyth 59 iu $ very { Lad SIDE CAR light and horn; class orde P ort 8 Garage liington §treet. Phone COTTAGE, KING ST. | € ectrie 1 A seas service with th alton "Apply to "the ad 0 the camp or telephone 1317, INERAL K no washing. to Mrs. KF and Beve HOUSE WORK AID FOR « MAID Ap- rley 15¢ per Tin. The Finest Produced. ede toi---------------- INF ORMATION SERVANT, n » Jmundry work ne : ly > of Septem and 4 t Mrs AP Alice s WANTED, wife, Mrs. STOR AGE FOR Fu RNITU RE, © L BE AN, SALE oF BICYCLES -- SCOUT n cycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $38; Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; trod with 3. speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 3738 King street. MY WES A Hall, 0. 122 University Avenue. Terms: One-third. cash and dalance MT mortgage at six perscent Ap- your own. lock and ply direct to Thomas Mills, 79 City Storage, 299 | Clarence street hone 526b, Er ewes - iS, S4 BARRE ST trom ( tober tp Muay 1s ary, airy. rooms; Key Frost's Seen St. stoves, iron odd niversity Avenue, also s Apply direct 9 Clarente St f a term of year to Thomas Mills, INED GIRL to help with two house work; must have and re ences ee enthg, Wit Ham street OR YOu NG WOMAN dren and RENT, FURNISHED--"CALDHR., -------- wood." the property of Col. 4nd FARM OF 100 A( RES, Mr 5, will be let furnished tc from village of Yb a desirable tenant Apply to Wal. er ( kem and Ww altkem, 93 Clarence St | ar > h a ONE MILE irne from cheese mile from school INTEL L GENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing Bend for particulars. Press Syndl- cate, 3.969 Lockport, N.Y } BRIGHT YOUNG MAN AS © ASHIER; must have had some experien A Apply in the first insfance, giv full particulars an salary pected, - to Box 828, care office ankf ily les Gamwell"28 Wads- | Rochester, N.Y a ee The Russell House, Ottawa American plan, £3.00 per day and upwards. Roomy, European plan, $1.00 per day sud upwards. Facing Grand Plaza sand Central Station. One block from Parliament Balla- Ings, ex- Whig AGENTS: "LITTLE G s ligh'ers me sale. Newest agents Rm nr ore 0 p.c. profit; ret busy now. Pos- 1 NOTICE brings valuable proposition CM" AUTOMATIC instantaneous ticle. Over EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, © ouFoRT 3 RI B tillable land; Apply Tichborne WITH MOD. ern improvements, corner Division and Qugbec Brees np Wy J. D Boyd, 108 Pine, or Mr. Pringle, next os a T door, Division street. x; PEO BRICK HOUSE ON 5) -- t all improvements; nice TEN $2,700--RRICK street; ments. Fl RNISHED HOUSE oF ! r HOU SE, 6 rooms, PRINC all latest improves Room HOUSE, $650.-LOT ON LIVINGSTON AVENUI; rnace = ngs very Apply NINE street; 1 surroun "Rent moderate street a able BLAC thee sHoP, TOOLS AND Johnson h Good try ade, also good Awelling Will be sola cheap. utomatic Gas Appliance Co, (Inc.), 1 Unlon Square, New York I wish to notify the public that have purchased the barber at pa {from W. Deline--known As Antiseptic { Barber Parlor--185 Wellington street, and extend ga rdial iavitation to Mr. DéeHne's 8 and the public to WANTED HED HOUSE~TH AT SPL LEN-| TO RENT, Hou SES | FURNISHED AND - equipped new resid unfurnished. G Bateman, 67 University Avenue e Clarence street, Kingston; phone ence; modern fu Near 396 ire Queen's University Apply at 125| William street for termy, ete, oN convent. | EASY TERMS, LARC visit my which Is in Al cone | dition and up-to-date In every respect Automobile Salesilic FRANK ROBES. = Apply at ngrove i 0 ROVANGE N PR PRICE Bros., Kingston, Ont. SITUATIONS -FACANT. ZIG-ZAG LADIES ARE SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents We want more workers to-dg write us for full particulars. | | } { Kuleter +Hosiery . Company, hots i | { t numer- | REQUESTED TO COR- respond with us if they want home mplovment on Auto Knitting ma- nes, Experience unnecessary We teach you at home and you can earn ten dollars or more weekly. 116, 257 College strect, Totanto, | TEACHER WANTED. 4 FENWICK, HENDRY. & CO. { i (Distributors, ) | FOR _S.S. NO. 8, 080. SALARY $325. i Female preferred. Duties to-com- mence September 1st. Apply to Archie Campbell, Secy.-Treas., Clarendon Sta. Ont. EACHER 'FOR S85. NO. 13, WOLFE {* Island, Protestant. Third class cer- | { tificate. Salary $450 per annum Apply to Wo Gillespie, Sec.- | | Treas, R.-M' D. No. 1, Wolfe Is-| { tand. | | | 1 | and Chip Shop | win be Open for Business on 1st | | 1 QUALIFIED TEACHER, SS. NO. 11 Bedford. Duties to commence Sep- | tember 1st. Apply stating salary | and qualifications, to B.C, Atwoed.| Sec.-Treas., Tichborne, Ont. September at Salary tember qualificatidns John Garrett, i School to open Se Public inspection invited. ~ Cleanli-| 15t. 'Appiy. stating and experience, to { ness Guaranteed. Erinsville, Ont. 4 { { § mit vr ------ FEMALE PROTESTANT TEACHER, Holding Hin ass certificate, for a 6, Wolfe Island. Duties i to commence September Ist. Ap- ply, stating experience amd sa y. salary, to William Cooper, RM.D. No. 2 | $400. { i FURNISHED, PE LARGE FARM, CLOSE TO Ory orTTo J. CHEDIK, DPR. ©, ©. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. . * stock with 3.500 which open many ranch and re high grade Hq head highly run on owned, range Range highly improv FROM OCTOBER 1ST. Ten. roomed brick hy Electric light, hot water fursace:,;all mod-| ern convenier ¥ convenient to. Queen's and street! ine particulars apply leased and controled hea Ri Ange Mountal ns, 1 trout stre Ams, st live 100 head AVENUE FACING grounds; 'brick rp iy n rooms, hot watér -heat- K,-at present occupied by or sor Skelton Rent $33. sion November 1st Appi R. McCann, 82 Brock strept. ofes- SSeS. | 8 red, irdlgatod by individu- reservoirs, colony Climate, scenery Addr Apache would make fine Germah farmers specially adapted for citd ing trout fishing, delivery. Cood' residence » ter unsurpassed! Will lease for Bar Ran iter; Fears to responsible tenant. rr Arizona Tull information apply Dr. Geo. W.| Bell, 110 Clarence streat,' Kingston, | int imits, milk Cr County, BOAR" AND ROOMS, rinse cLAss BGARD AND ROOMS, od location, modern convent ces, Apply 243 Brock Street, fi¥enion FINANOIAYL | FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN ment Soclety; 'ncorporated BUSINESS NOTICE, 'PAINTER, zier, Interior decyrator and g er. Apply 192 Divitlou street. ee eee eee i rote amet. nieAN WIE vo ASoveE SE | a @ has purchase: the tallor - Smi shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo. | fonqeu], Colonel. Henty a mith way and will do all kinds of re-| roperties, munic'pal and county: pa Ting and pressing. Also Make Sepentures: mortgages > our own cloth. | > Hofmananiy uaranteed. 181 | fepasita Lecaived cant 1ntorast al 8. C. Brock st Chics Buretiea 1. Manager, §7 { i LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR { re Insurance Com Pmban A | Assets $61,187 215. x Ladson { which the polleyholdere 'have security the unlimited Hability property, Inpred At lowest Possible rates. refiewipng old or iving ny Vien usineas - t rates from Ta . Agents. Phone s Strange, MEDICAL. VRST. 1863; DENTA L. « E. KNAPP, BA. nD.S, DDS, RE. moved. to 258 Printess street. Fo ae NASH, DENTIST, DR. 7, B. | assistant. 133% Princess | Phone 735. Renton, ~ Street. street; J.! tists, 159 Wellington 8. LDS, as- Leonard Walsh, D.D. s'stant. Phone 346. "A ron MD, OM. LATE MEDy. cal Superintendent Kingston G. al 4 Hospital, Su urgery and residence 3 ington stree Phon PERSONAL ; She Se - Wolfe Island. LE 2 - 0 e i e 3 U TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL ; Section No. 8, at a salary of $325 ? a year. of Frontenac. Duties to commence '1st Waggoner vs. Waggoner. September, 181 Apply, experience sand salary and giving™ references to -Brvin Martin, Seec.-Treas., Fernleigh, Ont. ee Qu ALIFIED TEACHER. KOR 8, S, No. 10. StorFington, holding second or! third class certificate; duties to. commence September 1st. Apply, | stating experience and salary re- quired apd giving relorencon: to Henry Scott, reas. Batterspga, stating required, Pursuant to the Order made in this ring date the 1 of August, AQ. 1915, and noder the direction of the C ourt, Tenders will be the Undersigned Toney oe on- Thursds WANTED GENERAL. i ---------------------------- A GOOD SECONDHAND BICYCLE. Phond 560. NE ra TatutUT JECOVD Bn eese fea ngs attress Company, +58 Prins iy rH FORD CAR OF 1915 WAKE: MUST BE eae in first-class condition; must be about $ "900.00 very cheap. State full particulars HC"--Fixtures, $1,550.00 and address. H. _Turkington, Ivy "D"--Baok Astana, " he. om T ! about ..... CUSTOMERS, IT PAY THR Jrices for Book Accounts of the Pett ther fin bulk or fo parcels tn per inventory, 3 Parcel A Man's Furn- ishings, about $2,000.00 Parcel "B"--Woollens and Parcel Parce of the Tender, the Jender In accepted © be in © WANTED TRRAS. WRI FOR LIST N Jurentions wanted. $1,000,000 , pr for fnventions. | ol four baony sent free. Patents secured or 'fée returned. Vheotor J. Ev & Co, 148 Ninth, Wash | ington, D. C. i THOMAS DAWSON, n havi : . oe the ng a agal law. ; - WILLIAM MURRAY, Dated Angst un, 196 Sd SEA reqhest. a fore ward same to No. Pi be the A wingson ou, SETTLERS ot MDLLE. BELGIAN ENGINEER WOULD LIKE] MARRY -- THE RELIABLE CONFI. POWER & SON, D © APABLE DOMESTICS, { WOAY wouLn HAR, bh MOLES, UPHOLSTERING. TRO, WORLD'S GRIATEST bee aes. ta mind reader, now stopping in the! W. J. GAVINE, Up TOLSTERING, "rn. city, Readings 60c Hours, 3 tof pairing and carpet work ang 9. 263 King sreet. mattress renovating: Prop a card i or call 216 Bagot street to get acquainted: with edycated | A 1 English person to exchange R~ | 0 lish and French conversa WM. NEWLANDS & _Writen. Hubert, 106 Rideau R trear | tects, ete. Offices, - | Phone 61. SON, ARC 258 Bagot Be ARCHITECTS, - dential Success (lub has chants' Bank MER large Balldin Co humbers of wealthy, eligible Brock and Wellington' street, bers, hoth sexes, wishing earl Drop a card. -- marriages: "de, riptions free. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26 Oakland, Calif, CATERING ENGLISE, | WE CATER ARTIS. ALLS, irish and Scutch, arriving Yarase, wedding Brea asts, ba ol ote, : also number of Old Country | 8lso 'rent dishes, 'able "linens with Canadian referencex| silverware. Reid and Hamby suitable for i 1 M. P. held, 30 re Mon Str A Sus shices, Apply Hambrook, 176 Alfred ¢ Stross The Guild, 500 Guy street, Montreal. | i : t BUSINESS CHANCES, POSITION WANTED, fei | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN -- & mall order poiness at ho -- canvassing: be 233 Division. street. | Send for frie Nooktot: olla how NY. Hea k. 2.96% WARTS minra MARKS hee =~ Koo. a all gra ihe and skin biem:| ~ LEGAL ¥ shes ui fesmanenity, with. | out sear: 38 yanry experience. D B. CUNNINGHAM, BAR oi 1 RRISTER and solicitor. Taw office rs Clar. Eimer «J. La Eve, ence St, ngston. Throat and A Speclatin, treet. ORDER COAL NOW Bag Is our advice. - Prices: Furnace Sizé house rl 1 gir ou cleaning or washing Pos Jay. Apply "GET the | 3 Nose, yy po BE Os i" 25 cents per ton oa bo he carried it in.