THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, FRO Frontenac PONALDSON, Sept. 1 The recent fros. did a great deal of damage. William Mun dell and Daniel Hannah left last week for the west. Mr. and Nr William Kennedy and childcen spent Sunday at Louis Morfow's;~Jr's . | ECHO LAKE, Aug. 30.--Farmers are still ing grain... A few from h left forthe West onthe harvesters'--ex- cursion. Stiss Lueretia © Wagar spent the week-end with her parents here. Miss Hattie Irish, Toronto, is visiting at 8. Vandewater's Mrs 8. Vanvelkinberg is visit ng Mrs. J Switzer, Miss Lucy weppard at W Satsbury's; Marcus Switzer at Vandewater's; The party at John Cronk's was an njovable event Masters Edward and les Gates left for their home in Toronto. cutt S. CLARENDON. Sept. School ._ has ~reopened With Miss Florence Currie in charge Karl Leishman spent Tuesday with friends at Godfrey. Miss Martha Leishman is sewing at Cloyne, Miss Mildred Bolton, on her way from Alexandria, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Levi Mess, who has gone with her to her home at Port land for 'a couple of weeks. Welling ton Chambers has returned to Engle- hart. Miss Mary Hamilton is teach- ing at 8. 8. No.. 6 Oso. The service . on Tuesday evening was well attend ed. Miss Mabel ani Master Emery Moss are-visiting their aunt at Port- land. BARRIEFIELD School begins the Sept. 7th with Miss Harold a teacher. The pupils will hardjfy know the old school house with Ats many improvements. Miss Etta Dowler is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Greenbe at Cush- ondall, and also relatives at Joyce- ville,. Mrs. Collier, Toronto, is this guest of Mrs. Werden. Miss Anna Murray is visiting friends at Roches- ter, N.Y. Mrs. Salsbury, city, visit- ed with her daughter, Mrs, Nat Stan- ton, Jr., before leaving for the west. Mrs. G. Leader, who visited at her sister, Mrs. Percival¢ has returned home. : Sept. 2. here of BIG RIDGE, WOLFE ISLAND, Sept. 1.--A number in this vicin- ity have finished threshing and ret port a good turn out. School has opened under the management of Miss McDonald, Kingston. Miss Shell, Mexico, N.Y., has returned home. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Norma Grimshaw, who will spend some time there, Arthur Hall intends enlisting in the near future for overseas service. Misa May Brown has returned home from Kingston and Portsmouth. Miss Se geant and Miss Dodd, Sharbot Lake have been "wisiting Mrs. H. Horne Mrs."D. Pyke, Marysville, . is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Tarrant. GODFREY. Sept. 2.--The recent rains have- hindered the farmers a great deal with their crops, A large thumber from here have gone to tlie west on the excursions. The Sunday school picnic wad held on the lake shore, and an enjoyable time was spent. The corn roast was also well attended. Congratulations are extended to Ida Kennedy, who was successful in' her examinations at Sharbot Lake. The teachers from here have gone to take charge of their schools, Mary Giles to Missisippi, Ida Kennedy to Moun- tain Grove, Grace McKnight to Syd- enham, Annie Hill to. Roblin, and Millie Freeman to Spaffordton. Misses Ethel McMullen and Myrtle Goodfellow have returned from visit- ing, friends in Westport. Misses Lulu McRypight and Edna McMahon intend ving soon to enter Normal: BATH ROAD. : Aug. 31.--Mr. Keyes has again his ..machine in this locality. 'The people are beginning to cut their corn for green feed for the cows. A large. number of potatoes and car- rots are rotting. Owing to the re- cent showers, the wells and cisterns have received a good supply of wa- ter, The meadows and pastures are looking fine. The farmers are about through harvesting and report a bountiful crop. The Palace school has re-opened with a few new pupils. Miss Marsie Hyland has returned to Kingston 'alter visiting with her fa- ther, John Hyland, Bath Road, for about the past two weeks. J. W. Redmond is drawing grain to the city. 'There have been frosts in this locality and many "of the farmers think that they will injure the late buckwheat, Apples are very plenti- ful. a : 2 ik . WILKINSON. or Sept. 2.--On Sunday, Aug, 39th, death claimed a most res and sbopular resident of the vicinity of { Riterprise. in the Jerson of \ "inn, postmaster at W' nson, - though the deceased: Ned boon a most patient sufferer for many years fom a complication of diseases. the e came véry peacefully, and called away a devoted husband and father, an exemplary and industrious eiti- ' men; and a man whose sterling quali- ties had endeared him to all. He was a charter member of Branch 303, C. M. B. A:, and during his life- time of sixty-two years he was an il- 'lustrious example of an honest, straightforward man, who took a keen interest in all matters pegtain- ing to the general good of the com- | Nedd: munity. He was a devoted sup- porter of the Roman Catholic faith and in politics was a staunch Lib- eral. He leaves a wife and family of ten children, all of whom were with him during his last -hours, alge 4a token of appreciation of hér vaiu- Was one of the largest seen in this vicinity, Rev. Father. McDonald sang solemn high mass, and his re mains were interred in the new ceme tery. The pallbearers were his four sous--John, Edward, Leo and Ber- nard---and his two sons-in-law. James B. Evans, Moscow, and James SH Allister, Walle Island. HARTINGTON, 1 The Ladies' Aid held its monthly tea at the home of Mrs Alexander Thompson on 1 uesday night Mrs. Elizah ~ Sigsworth confined to the kouse through ness Joseph Watson and Esteiia and Rose Trousdale left to-day for Toronte- Harry Campsall and party motored to Ottawa for the week-end. School has reopened with Miss Pappa as teacher. Miss' Lalia Freeman has; left to teach at { Fernleigh Miss Ada Sigsworth Will teach at Inverary. Miss Neta Campsall at Desert Lake and Miss Helen Sigsworth in Pittsburgh. Mr and 'Mrs. Anderson, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Sproule, Westhrooke at Milton Cloakey's; Mr. and Mrs. S Barker, Sydenham, at' Benjamin Campsall"s; Mr. and Mps. Cloakey, Mr. and Mrs. Lake and Miss Dot Campsall visited in Napanee last week; Miss Nellie and James Mede of Holliford, at Frank Trousdale's: John Dgwker and Richard Bllerbeck have 'heen camping at Fourteen I land Lake. Sept is ill KEPLER Sept. A pleasant time was Spent at the Sunday School picnic beld in Herbert E. Johnston's grove. Mrs. Ambrose Orser has returned home after making an extended visit with her daughter at Yarker. Miss Redmond is spending a few days with her brother, George, at Syden- ham. Miss Gates, Kingston, is the guest of s Evelyn Donnell. Miss {Helen Wartman has returned to her school, near Sharbot Lake. T. Her- bert Lawson is at George Clark's, Glenvale. George Lawson and wife visited Archibald Trousdale, Forest, recently. = Mrs. A. F. Smith, How- ard and Glenn, visited at her fath- e's recently, and Miss E. Maud Townsend accompanied them home. Mlrs. Horley is very ill in the Gen- eral Hospital. George Alton and family and Robert Lyon and family are at H. Lindsay's. Miss Elsie Mar- riott has gone to Odessa to live. Wellington: Orser, wife and son, spent a few days visiting in Yarker and Napanee. Mrs. Ordelia Wart- man and granddaughter are at New- ton Orser's. School has re-opened with Miss Robinson, Preseott, as teacher. ~~ 9 HARROWSMITH. Sept. 3.---The monthly Ladies' Aid tea. was well 'attended in the Town Hall on Weénesday evening. Mrs. Frank Walker, ill for the past two weeks, is in a very critical condition. Miss Grace Thompson is recovering from her illness. Mrs. Humphrey and son Hartley are expected home to-day. Several are looking for- ward to the circuit. picnic on Labor Day. Miss Pearl Switzer, Wilton, has returned home afters pending the last two weeks the guest of Miss Eflig Clow. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ton, Prescott, were recent visitors of Miss Flora Stewart. 'Miss Elsie Knapp, Kingston, spending a fow\ days with Mrs. Wilkins, has returned) home. Miss Pearl Switzer and Miss Effie Clow spent last Friday at Cata- ragui cemetery. Public school has reopened after the summer helidays, with Miss Rike as principal and Mrs. B. Babcock for the Junior room. Miles Walker and family moved to Gananoque this week to make their future home. © Miss Gladys Walker, who was a faithful organist in the Methodist Church, was presented by the choir on leaving with a club bag, j able services, - Miss bell is attending Model School, Kings- ton. Miss Ada Botting has secured the position vacated by Miss Walker in the central 'phone office. Lizzie Camp- ks th an i CER. LYNDHURST. Sept. 1.---The marriage took place at Lyndhurst on August 31st of Miss Jessie B. Webster, daughter of Ed- ward C. Webster, of Lyndhurst, and Willlam Grain, son of William Grain, of Caintown. Rev. H. Smith offici- ated. The ceremony took place at the rectory. The bride was attired in a suit of navy blue broadcloth The newly-weds will reside in Cain- town. . ~ WARBURTON. ; Mr. and Mrs. David Herbison and Mr. and Mrs. Clow, Brockville, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Samp- son on: Sunday. Miss Irene Loney, who spent the past few weeks here with-her parénts; has returned to To- ronto. Miss Eveline Earl intends leaving soon for Ottawa .to attend Sormab Sehgal. ope. Michael Dun- n, on, ting her mother, Mrs: P. O'Gready, here. Mrs, John 'Earl, visiting in Brockville and To- lado, haitsiiurned home. - Little Anta Steacy; daughter of Mr. and] Mrs. George Steacy, who has been seriously ill, is improving. W. A. Deir and Miss Lottie Deir motored to Brockville on Saturday. A num- ber from here attended the social im Sand Bay: i Janus MORBON.S | Aug. 31.--Miss Florence, Delone, Lansdowne. who has been visiting friends n this vicinity fer the past three weeks, has returned 'home. J law, Lansdowne, called. on: old acquaintances Jere on Monday. The anbual social of 'the Presbyterian church was held on Thursday. even- ing last. There was a large crowd. and a Soli Drogramime. Little Ethel! a ( rento. and Mrs. guests on MonMay at John William bas hired for the fall on the farm of W. H. Ferguson, hison's. Winnipeg. month, van. ton. eruith ed sistant. turned hom J to Tor who has a ebt 4s. re open or hens, as teacher Addison, days with her and few Willis, son "School re-opened to-day Calvert Ladie Toronto. friends here. ter Mrs visiting ir and some time ser Francisco exhibition has. returned Miss been visiting friends at Athens. Mr and daughter are vi- Rev. the Jackson at 'Ottawa R E derson, 3S. J. Russel Greene siting at Gananoque Gananoque, Miss en visiti M home, 1st, with C Mrs are DELTA. tendancé, wi to attend Bélleville Mary is attending the millinery opening at Mrs. Helen Chipman has returned to Brockville after visiting Born to Mr. and Mrs Stanley Morris on Aug. 20th a daus Margaret friends in Kemptvilie. Brockyille, the lake Mrs fe, at attendin Eva is Ells able to be around. again to Phelps bore, JUNETOWN Aug. 31. WwW. H. noon. Miss the week end at Mr. Kirkwood, Rockport, were week-e 'aintown. A Franklin #n S. successfu monstration was held in'the apiary of Saturday aftter William Jame M COUNTRYSIDE. ANI 8 mother, Hazelton g Miss Bérnise to her A is visiting friends at New- and Mrs, guests with friends here. has begun in 'this Purvis exhibition. Myrtle ronto vis, Broeckvil le, Miss is vicinity. is attending her parents, Mr. and Mr Purvis. Athens, were lin's, on Saturday. still al Hospital. chased a threshing Maud Avery leaves on Wednesday to resume her duties as teacher in To- Mr. Nelson Warren, threshing Mrs. G. R. Taylor and son, Hilliard, who have spent the past two months with her parents here, leave to-day for her home in Winnipeg. re-opened to-day with teacher, Miss Evalena Price of Moun- Several from tended the funeral of John T. Ten- nant at Mallorytown yesterday. Mr Summers a field, is tain Grove. Mr. dnd Mrs. ) also Mr. and Mrs. WwW. guests at William in John Lakins is patient af Brockville Gener- Hugh Graham has pur- outfit, this the Stride, LANSDOWNE: Sept. 1,--Mrs. John Quinn has re- u hs . ihn Pr turned home from Kingston General | Pastor, Rev. C. G. Williams, Cam- Hospital," where she has been under treatment for some time. 3 Gilbert and her daughter, Miss An- nie Mouiton, left 'on Saturday for Mrs. Bennett Dixon, whol has been spending some weeks at the river, visited friends here for a few days 'on her way to her old home in 'Mallorytown. to return to Winnipeg in about Mr, Walter moved his family into the residence! lately fitted up hy F, Supplis. Carlow, Toron Campbell. Firman - married, Mrs. Cross, Wednesday sister, Miss Emily Edwards Miss. Dorothy Edwards, Mr. reside in Lansdowne. . ---------------- Dixon Patience fo, is a guest of Mrs, hardware Fchant and Mrs. Bigford were quietly morning, Sep- temrber 1st at the residence of Mrs, Bigford's daufnter, Bradley, by Rev. Dr. Cooper. thappy couple motored to Brockville to take the boat east for a short} wedding trip. Norman Ferrier, Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting his Bradley. Mrs. Mrs. and are the guests of Miss Shaw. Sept. 1.--~The marriage took place; at Mallorytown on Wednesday, Sept. | 1s, of Miss Kathleen Daisy Bradley.) attend the Perth daughter of T. A. Bradley, to JohnJames Doyle left on Donovan, son of Mrs. Samuel Dono- The ceremony took place at the Methodist Church. Cooper officiating. attended by Miss Myrtle Malvaugh land the groomsman was Fréderiek Donovan, a brother of the groom. The bride was given away by her father, and was dressed fembroidered nett. Donovan left on a trip to Rochester, N.Y, and other points. The bride was chaol 'will Boath, At- A. Davis spending a Mrs. J. Miss Vera French is w are H the San school Morris has Mr. Hen guest of Russell is Miss Alber bee: de- is spending Williams' Alexander nd Thre ng Miss To Pur- with the Marie Miss | Rock- vicinity School former here at- were A. Her- Caintown, MrsT. expects a has Mrs. mer- Willmer The (Dr.) niece; Rochester, Rev, Dr. in white and © Mrs, They will "ee Sept. 2.--Miss Hyacin returned from visiting friends in 3 Dr. and Mrs. Northmore and son Harold, have returned from their 'visit with friends His sister, Miss York, has returned with them. Rev. ¥ and Mrs. Kennedy to thelr Nome in Pon- Quite a number wont} to Napanee on Thurs@ay to the re- ng Semanstatian. Sehool start- 'ednesday with teachers: Miss McLean, TY room, and Singleton, for th: on "a Sept. 2. Hospital. Sidney Hicks, ried away Mrs. 8 M. ---- BATH Howard Kenned have returned tine, Mich. as his b IRS a poe home. Miss May \Wiltse has gome daughter, Watertown, th Smit bas at Rideau Ferry. Northmors, Jn the prim: Micsez Morgan amd © continuation class. ~--<School opened on Wed- M. L. McCaul as | Miss Irene Dawson as- Ralph Huffman has re- ¢ from Kingston General £S E XG i FJ lenhim lear After New thrée new Ist ) HAMLET €onsecon Methodist Church. con is justiy- proud of Mr. Kenney as day in Consecon. cer, Winnipeg, after an absence of home here. er is home after a week with her par: ents at Picton. started to bhild a silo. Connell and Mrs, G. Alyea, Welling- jton, are visiting their parents, Me. and Mrs. A: Spencer. ed on Wednesday with Mrs. C. Dolan as teacher. of the W. M. S. was held on Wednes- day afternoon in Salem Church. Born to Mr. and Mrs, August 30th, a son. tawa, where he intends Threshing is the order of the day, | Daniel Worde | f on iting Mrs. G.' W. Lampkins. Miss Ruth Lampkins has returned to To- ronto after spending two months' holidays at home. Thrée new au- tomobiles have been bought here re- cently, James Evans, A: Asselstine and Norman Jackson being the pur- chasers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Strathcona, have been visiting friends here for a few days. VENNACHAR. Aug. Farmers crops of grain. Owing to the high water on the marshes the farmers have had a hard time to save their marsh hay Simon Ball. Denbigh, was through here last week buying cattle Tor his ranch. No outside buy- ers have been here to buy cattle this season. George Grant, who spent tie summer near Bolingbrook, is spending a few weeks at his parental home Mfs. N. J. Ball is visiting friends at Tifferton, her old home and birth place. She was accompani- e# from Kingston by her daughter, Miss Minnie, 'E. Miss Jennie Bebee has returned to her school at Green- view after spending the summer ho- lidays with her papents, Mr. and Mrs G. M. Bebee Mrs. Kenneth. Rob- ertson has returned to her home in Kingston, after spending the sum mer*with her parents here Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmour, Miss Annie Bebee and sister Janie, Oswego, N.Y., are renewing acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson have returned to their home at. Leeville, New Ontario, after spending a few months at Mrs." Thompson's former home. Mrs. M. Bebee McDavitt, Brooklyn, N.Y., {is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bebee, Arthur Crankshaw, bailiff, of the 9th Divi- sion Court, Denbigh, made a business trip through here yesterday. John Cowan, Alexander Jackson, James Grant and Charles Snider have taken advantage of the cheap rafes to see the Saskatchewan country and other points west, also to visit old friends. and neighbors formerly of this place. report good ~ Prince Edward SALEM. 2.--The death occurred ear- ly T y morning of Miss Ger- trude Masters, eldest daughter of James Masters, Roblin's Mills. Miss Masters had been ill only a few days of typhoid fever and her «death was unexpected. tev. H! B. Kenney, Cobourg, presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte Conference, accompanied Rev. Mr. Gaul around the circuit on Sunday. On Sunday evening he gave a fine address in Conse- he was born and lived there until he was a young man. The former bray, is spending a two. weeks' holi- Halton Spencer who sold his farm to Lewis Lent, is moving to his fa- ther's farm. Mr, and Mrs. Asa Spen- fifteen years, are. visiting their old Mis. C. C. Wannamak- Arcler Blakely has Mrs. A. Me- School start- The monthly meeting Kenneth Cross, -on t FERGUSON'S FALLS. Sept. 2.--S8chool 'reopened yester- day "with the formef teacher, Miss Margaret Doyle, in charge. ' A num- ber of people from here have gone to hibition to-day. Tuesday for Ot- taking a course in business college. . Alexan- der Sheppard left on Tuesday for Winnipeg and other western points. and Mr. Badowe's mill is doing excel- lent work all along the line. TELLS OF TROURLE HE HAD "WITH MEXICAN CURRENCY Natives Paid Him Liberally for Last Cow and Then Refaled the : Money For Meat. . Washington Star. "When I gave the conductor on a oar a-l0-cent- piece for my fare he handed it back and said, 'That's Ca- nadian money, and I can't take it.' If he thought that was depreciated money what would he Nave said had 1 handed him some Mexican money? What would he havé given for this $20 -Bill, or Sis 5 her ome?" said 0 , as he ex- hibited two en issued by Vil- la and a Huerta. . ge ts for ene and 50 cefits for the other if lucky, down .IUs a real fine life, that of | an American in Mexico. y to Short Stor! ta LW is mo- mak ie, cf A328 ! 3 s and . y am this her. ¢ hin 3 SE joined the staff of the Canadian Life definitely decided to take up. their option on the Teck-Hughes. the Canadian Cereal and Milling Co., and now ratified by the bondholders is the second since the formation of the 'company abdut five years ago/ seat has $500 from the last sale, profitable for the past year, understood that the Bostdn Marine Insurance Co,, has' been netting as} high as $100,000 per month. assels are now above $7,000,000. Mass," has shoes for the Italian army, said to amount to 2,000,000 pairs. les Branch of thé Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, J. Loc- kie Wilson, Supe ~ Peterboro .. .. .. ..Sept. 16-18 - Picton. 2 you 'fraid =n MBER 4, 1915. FINANCIAL MATTERS Paton Woolen Mills Increased Divi- ~dend. Montreal, Sept. 3.--The directors of the Paton Manufacturing Com- pany declared a dividendsof four per cent. for the half-year ending July 31st last, this comparing with the three per cent, declared a year ago In February the company declar- ed the usual half-vearly dividend of three per cent. for the last six months of 1914, and with it a bonus of three per cent, the bonis, it was under stood at the time to replace the divi- dent passed in the last half of 1911 Announcement of the increase. in the regular dividend from three per cent for the half-year to 'four per cent, may be taken as an indication that the company is still epjoying: the bet- ter busipess that was responsible' for the bonus declaration earlier in the year. \ . t---- Crown Drops Dividend. Montreal, Sept. 3.--Crown Reser ve difectors are sendirg out a cireul- ar, {o the effect that owing to the de cline in silver and the failure te find new veins in the bed of Kerr Lake, dividends will be dropped for the pre- sent. The, regular quarterly divi- dend of three per cent. has been de clared on Porcupine ©rown, payable Oct. 1st Comprehensive Plan. New York, Sept. 3.--It is under- been promulgated- to solve the for eign exchange problem as a result of the recent series of conferences he- tween New York and London bankers by cable, However, no announce- ment will be made until all the de tails are worked gut. Fortune Forced On Him. New York, Sept. 3.--Not long ago a prominent manufacture bought 100 shares of Peerless Motor Co, stock for his wife at 42. On Thursday of last week he decided to se it, 'thinking he wold get around . He asked for a quotation and the stock was quoted 60 bid 80 asked. He hesitated before giving the order to sell, and a little later 'the stock was quoted at 80 bid 100 asked. He made up his mind to sell at 120, and called up his wife for her advice on| the matter. Before the conversa- tion was ended he was informed that the stock was selling at 140 The owner now expects to sell at 160 if the price does not jump beyond that level before hé has a chance to executes the order. S Commercial Notes. That a sum of ' $16,82§ has been added to the world's debts as a result of the first year of the Great War is the statement of A. R. Marsh in the Economic World. A. N. Mitchell, who for some years prior to its absorption by the Sun Life was general manager of the Federal! Lifé of Hamilton, recently as assistant superintendent of agen- ci S. The Buffalo Mining Company has The reorganization propgsed ror A New York Cotton sold for Exchange $12,000,- down Marine insurance has been rather It is Its The C. A. Eaton Co., of Brockton, received. an order for DATES OF FALL FAIRS, 1918, Issued by the Agricultural Societ- dent. ..Sept. 21-23 ...0ct, § . Oct. 8-10 ..Sept. 30-Oct. 1 .. Sept. 6-7 .. Sept. 21-22 «Sept. 6-8 rinten Almonte «us Arden ... Araprior ... Bancroft Belleville Bowmanville ~. .. Brockville. ... . Centerville .... ...: ..Sept. 11 Cobden . .Sept, 28-29 Cobourg .. .. .... ..Sept. 29-30 Cornwall .. .. «...Sept. 9-11 nena... ., ... ..Sept. 20-22 Demorestville .. .. .. ..Oct. 9 Frankville .. .. ..Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Harrowsmith .. .. .. Sept. 16-17 Inverary .. «+. .Sept. 8 Keniptville, Sept. 23-24 K +... Sept. 28-30 sek Sept. 9-10 ++ «Sept. 16-17 «Sept, 11 Sept. 10-18 «.Sept, 14-15 Sept. 14-15 Lansdowne . . Lombardy .: . London (Western Fair) Lyndhurst .. .. Maberly ...... Madoe .. . Marmora .. Merrickvill: Morrisburg ..Aug. 3-5 Napanee .... ... Sept. 14-15 Newboro .. .. .. ,...Sept. 23-24 Odessa -.0st. 1 "Sept. 23-24 Ottawa (Central Can, Parham. ~.% .. 0", Sept. 21.22 Perth .. .. .. .. Aug' 31 Sept 2 rh Sept. 18 Ste... dept $1.22 Temuost cd Sera * Toronto Natio . tonto {Cen - ional Aug : «Sept. 29-30 i. Twead .. .. .. .. Vankleek Hill .. .. ..Sept. 21-2" Wolfe Island .. .. ..Sept. 21-2; * Where Fear Lay. : res. . velyn was very cowardly, and her er decided to have a serious talk with his Httle daughter: » h. "Father," she Said, at the close of ju ure; "when you see. a cow,| ain't yow "fraid*" vb: his lect certainly not, Evelyn." ¥e ..Oct. 6-7} «.»+Sept. 13-15 | ) Sept. 10-18 "When Jou see a bumbi€bee, ain't "No!"™ with scorn. Jon, a solemnly, ! Evelyn, id of Botling in the|, tain you 'fraid when it {hap OF CANADA The A, B,C of Banking You Will Find Us Zecalous & Efficient. Established over. Forty. THE STANDARD = PAGE ELE VEN one Years 5s Ais We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTME KINGSTON BR ANTI, y H. E. Richard nn Manager. arn p IE 3 a | you want a clinking drink one that will give you a féel- ing of delightful freshness and vigor, try a Ginger Ale and &olfe's {Schnapps (HouLanos an) it is as pleasing to the palate as the most delicate cocktail, and willdoimmeasurable good in stimulating the vital organs of the body to healthy activity. Vastly superiortoordinary gin Obtainndle at all A and relay ed and in deol- Jas. M Tarlang Distributor, 5 result f; Nervous Ex sustion Take the new remedy Asaya-Neurall which contains the form of phos- phorus required for nerve repair, From MONTREAL Carthaginian S. 8S. Glasgow N 5. London I i \ Canadian National Exhibition Toronto, August 28th to 1 n , 13 14 ed to Class iss kets will be or Day, points J. P r. Johnson The Ideal Route To and From TORONTO Daring " CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Aug, 28 te Sept. 13, 1015. REDUCED FARES To Toronto from all stations in On- tario, alse from Niagara Falis and Buffale, N.Y, and Detroit, Mich. Be Sure to Commult CPR. Agents regarding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE To and from Toronto, Parkdale Sta- tion and Exhibition Grounds, aise SPECIAL LOW FARES From Principal Polnts on Certain Dates. s : LABOR DAY. SINGLE PARE Golng Sept. 6th. Return Sept. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Going September 4th, 5th, and 6th. Return limit September Tih, 19135, Particulars from F. CONWAY, C, PA, Clty Ticket Office, corner Prin. vess and Welllugton Streets. Phone 1197, Gin. Labor Day Excursions in d For the round trip, Good going and returping Mone day apt. 6th only FARE AND A THIRD For the round trip. FS Sept. 4% 5th and Sth, h 1916 train 1 v Station Wax, g : Liverpool wrmat app to local agents or ation ay - THE ALLAN LINE 95 King St. West. Toronto A safe, veliable reguiating ne. Sold in three des NOW' . CALL UP «A Keep in mind the * cautifal Cader Ho est fal Cd ne lilitary Fleademsy KINGSTON