Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1915, p. 7

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BE -------------- Se ---- ites good barn; ' You to always pear in mind that we fully large ther phone, well, down-town Druggist. Phone 258 is always at your service. Hoag's Opp. YM.CA. Phone 258. CHOICE GROCERIES, f | ORDERS TAKEN | | TT ---- Jank pners of an Torante affords to its many commer- accurate suppicmented by Tote Tacilifies and _ exten: Careful attention is given to the banking of merchants, manufacturers and business and professional men: Your | banking account is invited. 'CTHE BANK OF TORONT ~~ FOR SALE A seven room frame dwelling lot 66x13 This is The cial cust service tomt sive connections, account THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, BROCK STRE Br Phone as or S74, ae i , HOT W AST TER DASH oR 3 \' UP TUREE! FRUIT THE SEPTEMBER ARE AMONG BRIDE IR J RODGER, | JEWELLER AND opr JOIAN, 347 KING ST, KING IN. ¥, "Where the clock Is on - walk." INSURANCE Estate ments. Real Invest- W. H. GODWIN & SON appreciate your or small. let it be Your Drug Wants receive the utmost care, whe-! called for 'personally or by! trade, Phone 424. 39 Brock St in good locality, with warth 'looking nto. $B 700 mms | Ss, IFUL GIFTS FOR fi hr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1915. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Loc AL NOTES AN { GENERAL AND ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Palm olive Svap, 2 for 25," Gib- sons. ' Capt. W. 1 Toronto. ge ripe table pears, Rrnovsky"s. Miss Julia Barlow, street, has*feft for | friends. | Mrs. J. Lackie, {gone to "Toronto | Exhibition. Miss Isabel Adams, Cleveland City' | Hospital, is visiting at her honie on | Brock street. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2 { King street, Lekhve orde.s at McAul- jey's Book Store. On Sunday, Rev.-T. W. Savary {preached a most appropriate sermon dealing with the question of iabor. | ! Thomas Wager, Parham, caught a | silver grey fox while cut shooting: {last week and will raise it on his | farm. Beef, Iron and Wine; 50c, $1.00 and $2.00, at Gibson's Drug Store. It Jooks, from présent indications, ! | as if the people will have to pa. { more. for potatoes in about six weeks {or two months. {. J. B. Fraser and party motored to { Brockvilic on Sunday to visit Lieut "Jack' Fraser, Machine-Gun Ofice: of the 8th C.M.R "Palm olive Soap, son' 8. Dr. Alan Bateman arrived | from Alaska, on Sunday, short vacation with 'Mr, A. Bateman. Edward Anderson | Anderson Bros., operated upon pital. 9 Stewart McDonald, Earl street, who was injured in an acci- | dent About two weeks ago, is im- proving slowly. '"Jergens' \iolet Glycerine Soap, 13 for at Gibson's. The Colegiate Institute re-opened on Thursday morning after the sum- mer vacation, and a goodjattendance of pupils was reported. A Wednesday evening in'the com- mencement of the Jewish New Year and the festival will.be continued on Thursday and Friday. . Miss Edith * Davidson, University avenue, left Monday for Whitby, where she has accepted a position ew the staff of the High School: Gibson's Red Cross Hair Tonic, 75¢ for a half pint bottle, Dr. Edward.J. Williamson, dobar: W. Winnet, C.A.D.C.; is 50¢ peck {at Sydenham Montreal to visit Brock street, to attend has the 2 for 26e¢," Gib- homal to spend a and Mrs J.| + of the firm of Princess street, was in the General Hos- 227 2be, we can serve you fully as and more quickly than 'the Drug Store Highest cash paid on Saturday, the 4th, . for 500 bags of food * White Potatoes, and all other farmers' produce. KINGSTON, ONT. price TEAS & COFFERS. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS "OR COAL AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, IR, 279% "MONTREAL STREET Phone 866. Anderson Bros. | Princess and Division Sts, | Phone 458. 4 | : teeters om -- hak vevevETewe. ahAdRhak Admins ma Change of Business 11 The Grocery Store, 320 King Street, Market Square, 'so long. conducted by T. J. Leahy, has been purchased by Ben Lee, and will be enlarged and miproved. Mr Leahy bespeaks for the new proprietor a continuanéé of the public's liberal patronage. - Further Reductions aL Our Great Rebuilding Sales of F s 1 1 u rnicure ! y. ' y ] Which will last about two. weeks Ignger. All the goods which remain in stock during building oper- ations will be given an extra reduétion of 5 percent. additional to present discount. : Now is the time to procure a bargain in high class furniture. The Leading Undertaker and Yorture Dealers 230 PRINCESS ST, Telephone Ambulance 577. | Arabic' was sunk by the German sub-. {brought to the Hotel theta College, 'Gereva, 'N.Y., is spending {the week with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. | Williamson, Brock street. { Mrs, W. D. Johnston, 330 Brock | street, left yesterday for New York | to meet -her husband, and will spend | the week at the state fair. As a direct 'result of the visit of the 8th C.M.R. to Brockville, Lieut.- ol. J. R. Munro has been presented | with another $1,200 machine gun. | Wine of Cod LivemOil with hypo- | phosphites is an ideal tonic; $1.00 | | per bottle at Gibson's. | Messrs. Wiliam Little and William! Duncan, two local motor-cyclists, left | for Toronto on their machines, Sat-| urday afternoon to attend the Toron-,| bo exhibition. Mrs. 8. J. Gardiner and Worden, Trenton, have home after spending the with her parents, Mr. and Bridge, Collins Bav. Cucumber and- Almond Cream at | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Capt. H. Stethem, adjutant of the 77th Battalion, will address a m2» - ing at Britannia held under the aus. | pices of the Woman's Canadian C lub of Ottawa. Miss Bessie Pearl Blyth, Master] returned summer Mrs. C. Fleming and Miss! of John McKay on Co's. store, spent the week end East View camp, the guest of Mr Charles 'McKay. | When little ones are peevish, give Rexall Orderlies; ' constipation is] often the cause. Sold only by G. W. Mahood, The Rexall Store, 10c.,! 26¢. and 50c. boxes. i Angus McCallum, Sunbury, has re-| turned home from Timmins, Ont. where he has been engaged in a at fag cap for three months. He will! attend Queen's again this season. Beef, Iron and Wine, 50c, $1.00 and $2.00, at Gibson's Drug Store. A party comprised of Frederick O'- Donnell, James Stewart, James] Walsh, George Simmons, "Terry" | Millan and Roy Reynolds, - left. on| Monday night for Toronto to attend the exhibition. G. C. Bateman and family, arriv- ed in the city Saturday from their suminer eamp and are spending the; week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A./ Bateman before going to their hour in Toronto. Lieut.-Col. C. N. Perreau, acting! commandant, of the Royal Military College, is expected to arrive either Wednesday or Thursday of this week. He is coming from England by way | of New York. Gordon Baillie, son of Corpl. F. R. Baillie, Princess street, was taken to the General Hospital to undergo un operation. as result of an accident in which he figured a few weeks ago. He was playing with a couple of lads when he fell. r. and. Mrs. Wesley Pridell, Carthage, N.Y.,, who have been visit- ing the latter's sister, Mrs. Robert Henry, Albert street, left for Torop- to on Monday to spend a"few days. They will proseed to Brantford, De- troit and thence to New York City before returning to their home. Cucumber and Almond Cream at Gibson's Drug Store. A considerable quantity of the mail sent by members of the 21st Rattalion to their friends 'in Kings- ton went down when the steamer A | marine, was the information. receiv- od in-letters Sata I the city by mem- bers of the on. Wine Cod Liver Oil with hypo- ph ios is an ideal tonic; $1.00 per tle at Gibson's. John Lee, 12 years of age, Ganan- que, had the misfortune to break his arm at the shoulder by failing from a tree into which eh he had climb. Lee, of Lia customs at tag He was! } was reduced. where, * hope at later the. will be cut to ff price ve OPERA G R A NN D HOUSE TONIGHT to, ia'cu noon. and id Evening 30 P.mt. And 230 5. CONTIN OUs PE FEATURE V! DEY VILL Le hms, 5 Reels. Famous Players HAZEL DAWN IN "CLARISSA." New Progremme Monday and Thursday FPricep: Mat, 10c, any seat. Eveanlag, 10¢; reserved be extra. THURSDAY, Sept. 9 Oliver Morosco Presents the Supreme Delight, a BEE Same Production and Great - Cast. Prices: 25c¢, 50¢, T5c¢, $1, $1. 50 Seats Now on Sale. MONDAY, SEPT. 13TH BA RG AIN MATINEE 'w ith New York Cast and a Massive | Production. Prices: Mat.: 20e, Night: 25¢, H0¢, THe, ® Children at Matinee Seats on Sale Friday Morping. AA AAA DELICATE DELICIOUS SARDINES S0c¢ and Tie. $1 and $1. 30, 23¢, 15¢ per Tin. The Finest: Produced. CARD OF THANKS, Mr. and Mrs. Dotiklas Waldron wish to thank their many friénds for sthe {Moral tributes and for the many kind- nesses shown to them in their recent {sad bereavement in the death of their son, Gordon Elwood. NOTICE = wish to notify the public that 1 have purchased the barber business from W. Deline--known as Antiseptic Barber Parlor--185; Wellington stree t | anfi extend a cordidl invitatipn to Mr. Delinge's customers and the public to] visit my parlor, which is .in: Al dition "and up-to-date in every respect. FRANK Bl Auction Sale Furniture, 16 Division 8t., Wednesday, September 8th, 10 a.m. Sideboard, Extension Table, and student's Tables; Iron Beds, { Mattresses, Odd Dressers, i¢loth mpepial Oxfor {Chairg, CT ry Springs, Lamps, Oil- Range, 36 Dining S§ware, etc. or EA v CTIONEER, Telephone 52, The Russell House, Ottawa] ™ American Jian, $3.00 per day and upwards, aoms, European plan, BIL06 per day and upwards. Faelng Grand Plaza and Central Station. in block from Parllament Build- ngs. Il : BANDSMEN, FOR con- | Kitohen - | THE PEOPLE'S FoRuM = CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, First insertion, lc a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word, i bh for one insertion, 23¢; theee insertions S0c; six, $1; one month, $2 A KITCHEN WOMAN. APPLY WIND- sOr fotel Or le ep {a Youne m ARRIED MAX, AS GROOM, rinces ROOM Apply AT ONCE, A DINING Apply Hotel Royal A EXPERIENCED GENER AL ay vant. Apply at 45 Gore street AN EXPERIENCED WAIT- Apply Prince George ta 246 "GIRL. AT ONCE ress te eg totem te A STRONG, ACTIVE, RELIABLE BOY. Apply to Henderson's Grocery, 59- 61 Brock street a. = MIDDLE AGED would act nurse. Box 93, Whig office « OMFORT ABLE ¥1 RNISHED ROOMS, tral locality, for gentlemen William street "FoR SHOE STORE: and with some experi- Apply The Lockett WHO to WOMAN Apply [SAL ESM. AN young man, ence preferred Shoe Store. THE WTH seas Battalion stationed at Ot Band Sergt. Kingston Apply Patrick, REFER- Fam- work Ports- EXPERIENCED COOK: ences required Good wa s ily of three No laundry Apply St." John's Rectory, mouth. |r » JUNIOR SALESME 16 TO TWO Ju of age. y asday Sep- tember Ttt is Co Ltd, Pri s y IANO PLAYER FOR PIC- "Show at 3arriefield Camp; gertleman preferred Apply in writing to the King Edward Thea-| tre «ffice UNIVE RSITY AVENUE 10 ROOMS, hot w sr heating: facing the pi- v Poss n 8S. RO McCann, 82 Brock street LNIMMEDIATELY, A GENERAE SER- vant; good plain cook No laundry work. Refcrences required. Apply "in the evening to Mrs, A, P. Knight, Alice street INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corrésponding | for, newspapers; no canvassing. } Send for particulars. Press Syndl- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. [BRIGHT YOUNG MAN AS CASHIER: | must have had some experience Apply in the first instance, giving. full particulars and salary ex- pected, "to Box 828, care office. [ABLE BODIED MEN, GOOD EYE- { sight, for firemen and brakemen on railroads in Kingston vicinity; $100-8120 monthly. necessary. Answer Railway Association, Whig. A YOUNG | red, of reasonable education | good address, | sive Canadian ston. Salary sion contract. tunity for man of energy to build good income. Box 01, care of] Whig office. TEEPE PPLE EFF PEP NA SEA - WANTED. "AN in care British and to represent progres- company in King- and liberal commis- 3 | An-engineer with experience in + |% road rolling. Apply R. H. Fatr, i f Kingston , Station, P. 0. i Een be "TEACHER WANTED. FOR 'S8. NO. 8 0S0. SALARY $325, Female preferred. Dutfes to cora- mence September 1st. Apply to Archie Campbell, Secy.-Treas., Clarendon Sta., Ont. Section No. 8, at a salary of $325 & year. Duties to commence 1st September, 1915." Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references to Martin, Sec -Tread., Fernleig WANTED GENEHAL." ES WE WANT TO BUY 3IWCOND WAND eese feathers. 5% Kingston attress Company; 5 Princess 8t. SER- | Hotel. | Bell, 251 Lower 18} Whig | Experience un-| English. | MAN, MARRIED PREFER. | Excellent oppor- | TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL | ors ------ ---- 14 IST. SILVER PENGIL Ww 1 INFTL ALS L CC engraved, Reward - Whig office FRIDAY EVENING, wrist watch, ward if returned Store EARLY TUESDAY EVENING, A GOLD brooch, set with large amethyst and smalf pe S. Reward for its return to rl street UN SATURDAY AUGUST 4TH, ON { the Portland road, between King- | ston and Harrowsmith, two auto-| mobile tires, with cove sizes 30x 3 1-2, 'Finder will be re rded by | returning same to Angrove Bros, Kingston, Ont | TO LET. LJ ADIES' GOLD manked OU. M le- | to Best's Drug STORAGE - FOR FURNITURE, ETC. ; clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock Street. RL STREET; ¢ ROOMS, IM. ents and good yard. Apply , Bond, 26 Frontenac street { DW E LLINGS, 'ann's Real Estate Agency, 82 rock Street | CLARENCE - ST. Apply to Cunningham & is Clarence St. OFFICES bers Mudie. iD Tot SE, Kas range 5 Union street, ALL IMPROVE. six rooms. Ap- opposite Arch STORAGE dry, key. Q FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, alry rooms; your own lock and Frost's City Storage, 299 St. * Phone_526b. ' Avenue, Apply direct t + to Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St. FURNISHED 5 rooms ing and car line 0 fie FLAT, LOWER FLOOR, », gas for cook- On stréet B., Whig ele : Apply Box A. © GAT ROOMED HOU SE, WITH MOD- ern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets Apply J. D Boyd, 106 I'ine, or Mr. Pringle, next door, Division street. FURNISHED-=4CALDER- property of Col. and , will be let furnished to a desirable tenant Apply to Wal- kem and Walkem, 93 Clarence St. TO RE NT, oa, FURNISHED HOUSE--THAT SPLEEN. didly equipped new residence, 153 University Avenue. Every conveni- ence; modern furniture Near Queen's University Apply at William gtreet for terms, ete FINE LARGE FARM, CLOSE TO CITY limits, specially adapted for oity milk delivery. .Geod residence and buildings. Will lease. for five years to responsible tenaht. For full information apply Dr. Geo. W. Heri, 110 Clarence Street, Ringston, Ont BUSINESS NOTIC ES, WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has pyrchased the tailar a i shop formerly Run by Thos. Gallo o all kinds of re- ALL «pressing. Also make rom your "own cloth: RR Buaranteed. Brock street, PERSONAL. | MARRY -- THE RELIABLE ! dential Success Club | numbers of wealthy, bers, both sexes, marriages; d Wrubel, Box CONFI has large wishing riptibns free 6, Oakland, Calif, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTHMARKS and all growths and out scar; 30 years' experience. Elnier J. Lake, tye, Ear, Throat and Skin Spec falist, Bagol street. Dr. Nose, MUSIC, a MISS NORMA instruction, . 216 Frontenac Street. DRAMATIC ART. Bee, eee tees ALIDA Vv. TELGMANN, B. E, ELOCU tion and physical training, DRC, strdet MEDICAL, H. A. BOY oe M.D, CM, LATE MEDI. cal Supe ntendent Kingston Gener: al a Tespital, Surgery and residence lington street. Phone 964. AND BOARD FOR LADY AND entleman. Central locality. Ap- hy. tating terms, to Box 69, Whig Ri MEDIUM NIZED, MODERN DWEL. ling, wish barn, in central location Apply by letter, ving tars, to Box 39, whis office. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE ZIG-ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents Equalled by few Excelled by none FENWICK; HENDRY & CO. (Distributars.) Canadians Gazetted. London, Sept. 7.--Capt. J. D. Arm-| our, Canadian Artillery, is gazetted an Adjutant;'Lieuts. Lalor, 1st talion, and Dombasie, 5th Battalion, became temporang Captains; Capt. Lawson, ASU, is promoted to Adjutant. The appointment of Ca- det E. D. 8. Thompson, Kingston Mi- litary College, to a Segond Lieuten- ancy is cancelled. Lady Found Dead. Brockville, Sept. Dewey Was find dead a4 at her home on Water street by her a KX. Dewey, the Aown clerk, upén' his réturn from Toronto. ° Dewey and his sister resided during his absent have been ill. Hé pt Pn isgiven as the cause of death. ett cpl Mayor Walters, Hamilton --an- nounces that he has the assurance of 3 |e eity ba ers that atom Tuesday the ceo from seven to six Seats 1 Be Bat- ||| while? 7.--Miss Kante Hl A YO G MAN OF GOOD CHARAC.| wants room and board, in pri-| vate home. When writing, state terms, to Box M, Whig office. CUSTOMERS I PAY THE HIGHEST | rices for new, and second-hand! urniture. All kinds of furniture. clothing, boots, tools, etc., to sell | a 'nd will call. 8 streat particu- | A RGAL AB CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clar- ence St. Kingston. | i BUSI N ESS CHANCES, | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START | @ mall order business at home; ne canvassing; be your own - boss Send for free booklet: tells | Heacock, 2.96% Lockport, N.Y. |W. J. G pairing and carpet work and mattress Fovating. i a Car | ~r call 216 Ba, P 4 25 has to AND SPICES! For pickling you want the oH have it. oN son, of Toronto found op gn disease in a tel in Hamfiron. Return w SULKIES, GU-CARTS AND | hy 132 ft. {LIFE PRESERVERS | and OFFICES, STORES, Me. | 3 | MOTOR CrAM- | § $650--LOT ON LIVINGSTON eligible mem- | = Clarence Street. skin blem- | ishes removed permanenity, with- | © 258 it TELGMANN, VIOLIN | 216 | how | UPHOLSTERING. >i GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. | Split Pea Coal | '. ho | GORDON'S GRC 149 Montreal 81 FOR SALE. HESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. Once, 5c; three times, b0¢; ene week, $1 CAR- rlages, at reasonable prices, at, Turk's. Phone 7 SIDEBOARD, DINING-ROOM and six leather bottom cha two rugs. Apply 215 Earl streel [SEVEN YEAR OLD HORSE, SUITABLE for. all Kinds of work, smgle or double; two Holstein cows and coal cart Apply 41 Stanley street . 20 HENS, | YEAR OLD; 10 CHICKENS, all white Wyandottes, 4 months old Apply H. Macpherson, FEim- fhiurst, cor. King and Centre Sts. [SEV EN ROOM HOU SE, 1 N tion, . with good barn Lot 66 ft. Apply J. E. Mullen, cor. Princess and Clergy streets, FOR ADULTS children: folding boat seais; camp outfits) fishing tackle & spe clalty. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clare elice street. Phone S891 CY complete A 1 CONDI WITH SIDE CAR Electric light and horn; everything In first class order; very chea Porritt's Garage Co. Tad. weillngton street. Phone 454. cus -- scour Bl "cycles, $27 me Bicycles, $38; Perfect Rika os 340; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with §- Speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 373 Ing street. RESIDENCE--0 PPO E "GRANT Hall" No. 122 University Avenue Terms: One-third cash and balance on mortgage at six per cent Ap- ply direct to Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence street . Da ny A LARGE STUCK. OF NEW AND ond-hand stoves, furniture, dressers, Iron beds, ete. We also buy all kinds of néw and second- hand furniture Thompson, 283 Princess street, phone 1600 FARM OF 160 ACRES. ONE from village of Tichborne er of a mile from cheese and one half a mile from One ed acres tillable pasturage Ewen, Jr, MILE quar- factory, school land; Apply Tichborne Thomas MF Ont $6,000---BRICK HOUSE street; all location $2,700---RRICK street; 6 | ments ON PRINCESS improvements; nice HOU SE, rooms; PRINCESS all latest improve- AVENUR; full size. BLACKSMITH SHOP, stoc Good trade, also "good dwelling. . Will be sold cheap. . TO RENT, hf AND TOOLS AND unfarnished. G.\A. Bateman, €7 aarente street, \Kingston; phone BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS "noAnD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveniences. Apply 243 Brock street. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LoAN AND i ment Soclety; resident, Coronel enry R. Smi oney {issued on city and farm roperties, munic'pal and country epentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received And Interest al- lowed. ' 8. C. McGill, Manager, 87 INVEST. rporated aed: | LAVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition Hd which the policyholders have security the.anlimited lability ror city property, - insured at Pow possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business got rates from Strange '& Strange, Agents. Phone 325. DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, DDS, , RE. moved to. 238 Princess street, | PR. C, C, NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. Renton, assistant. 183 incon: " | Street. . Phone 735. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington Ystreet; J. Leonard Walsh, D.DS, D.S, as- | s'stant. Phone 346. STER | wi. NEWLANDS tects, ete, Phone $1. & SON, ARCH. OfMces, 258 Bagot t, . ae | Pow ER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner and Wellington strest | Drop & card OATERING | wig CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, wedding breakfasts, banque ts, ete, also rent dishes, table linens sllverware. Reid and Hamb M. es Iweld, 30 Le Er ORDER COAL Now Is our advice. Prices: cents per ton extra if coal be carried i in. g You WANT THE | Try Gordon's Special | Blend Teas and Coffees, 300 300 vi RY Phone 8s owt owes agree

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