Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1915, p. 5

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Out of the High Rent District O'Connor's i Ladies' Exclusive IF YOU WANT INDIVIDUAL STYLE SUITS and CCATS ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDA {ON BARRIEFIELD HEIGHTS | ~ WITH THE OVERSEAS TROOPS An evidence that : the young un-| marrted men of the 3rd. Division rea- ing line is shown in the fact that more of them are volunteering for service, Upon making enquiries at Barriefield camp, the Whig represen- tative vas informed by several of the officers . that they. notice a great ii change in the situation during the H-past-month or so : it In some of the battalions which || were mobilized in Canada, a very. {| large percentage of the mem had a | wife and family. Lieut.-Col. Ket- { cheson, commanding officer of the { 80th Battalion which is being mobili- ized at Barriefield, informs the Whig lize that they are needed on the fir-| { +] to like to go to the big tent for the} mail. : The officers of the 59th Battalion challenged the officers of camp staff to a rifle mateh at the ranges on Tuesday afterfioon. The staff have "some" good shot but the overseas] officers think they are also good. Capt. W. Swaine, in chagge of the musketry work at the camp, is kept op the jump all the time. i On Tues day aiterpoon he had a squad of men from the 8th C. M. R. at the small ranges. All the men are competed! to shoot at the small ranges before | they get a chance at the Y, SEPTEMBER 8, 1915. "PAGE FIVE' & New Fall Footwear for Women | Our néw styles are arriving daily.--This vear the styles ate very neat and' smart--pldin vamps are very popular--conecaved heels are very prominent. This is The Store For You No two Garments alike, Every day brings New ' Models here. We invite your inspection. hundred | that out of the first eighteen men | yards on the large ranges. { {| who reported at the camp grounds | -- i only three were married. Capt. the Rev. G. I. Campbell was | The married men who enlist are one of the marksmen at the ranges are allowed a certain sum each|on Tuesday. Although he has had | month for the support of their wives, no experience with the rifle he is be {and family if they have any. The | coming quite proficient. Capt. Camp more unmarried men who volunteer | bell is living with the men on the for service, the less money the Mili- camp grounds. tia Department will be compelled to X || pay out. oe . Every lady will like our $5.00 Beauties. Abernethy's - PATENTS -- VELOURS -- KID NO TANS SHOWN THIS FALL - Spend Your Money in Kingston We Guarantee to beat 'all Catalogue Competition. Lieuts. Waddell, Huycke and J. L. 1 ; | Thompson, 59th Battalion, have left reeninisnelilion { The 80th Battalion promises to be! for Ottawa to take the musketry {one of. the finest units in Canada. Al-{ course. though the order for mobilization | | was only given out a few days ago, On account of nearly allithe men the troops have commenced to gath-| of the- 8th C.M.R. being in Brock i { er. In the course of a couple of{ ville, things were very quiet in their| {days itis expected that the battalion! lines on Tuesday. Only enough men| | will be about three hundred strong.| were left at the camp to Keep things | When roll call was taken on Tuesday, | in shape. All the horses were taken thirty-four responded. Eighteen! along, were privates, one was a sergeant |. -- { { while the remainder were officers.- {+ The men of the nd, 33rd and A fatigpe party composed of the) 34th Batteries, which have recently I'men of the 59th Battalion was busy | been mobilized, are anxiously wait | J I Mating Sakell's Pure Ice Cream The Store With the Small Prices 260 Princess St. Opposite Sydenham St. Phone 800 T.J. CONNOR 1 4 3 = Er Te = Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or bricks. 29 a2 SAAAA i en MILK THESE HOT DAYS vs, | You Cannot Be Too Careful HOT WEATHER | With: Your Milk, Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, propee- ly cooled, and delivered in sealed battles. ® Oo Price's :: Phone 845 277 PRINCESS STREET. a AUSTEN Food when properly Cooked, Can be served First Class, And the way to obtain it is to COOK WITH GAS. Drop a card to the Office of Works, Queen Street, 'phone 197, and have the GAS installed in your home, Light, Heat, Power and Water Depts. C. C. Folger, General Mgr. ET IN Rp | RTE VISITING CARDS | | LETUs Fear . i CR As a result of some military infor- matiop/ appearing in papers outside of tife city, which did not meet with | the approval of high military offi cials, the "closure" has been placed | on the officers at Barriefield camp. Every camp in which soldiers are| | being treined for overseas service] will be represented at the School of Cookery which opens at Barriefield| camp on September 15th. Sergt-| | graphs 355 and 369 K. R. & O. (Can-| Major Kerrison, who is to be in| ada) releting to the communication | command is making all arrange-| || of infermation of a military hature| ments so that no time will be lost| to the 'Press, commanding' officers| when the Inilitary cooks arrive at will take the necessary steps to en-| the camp. || sure that the provisions of these re-| ca {| gulations are thoroughly understood J. J. Graham, formerly 'Chief of {by all ranks under their command." | Police at Napanee arrived at the| Although it is not detinitery kuuwn| ¢amp cn Tuesday, for the purpose of | {it is generally believed that the in-|takipg the officers' "Infantry course | { formation which caused the trouble, | which is, to be held for the next six| | appeared in one of the Ottawa dail-| weeks, = Chief Graham, who was | {ies, and was sent from Barriefield | formerly a membe®sof the Kingston | | camp. | police force, reéalizijig that the call to service was yygent, has resigned | "Jack" | his position and will go overseas as | | hi | "Peg O' My Heart" For Thursday September 9th. The delicious irish wit of "Peg O' My Heart," booked to appear at the | Grand Opera House on Thursday ev- | ening; Sept: 9th, is the Kind one of-| ten reads about, but rarely meets | face' to face. It ripples, it scintil- | lates, flashed 'like sunlight upon the | stream, slips behind a cloud, with | every promise of rain, and just as| the tears are about to run over, MIO | mmm aman captivating brogue and - irresistible | humor, kindly in intent, comes to! the surface and are welcomed with smiles and laughter. ,Not in years has the stage presénted a character so lovable, so sincere, so human, so happy, so sorrowful, so sturdy, soi boyish, so girlish in tenderness and! sympathy as '"'Peg.O0' My Heart." | The following appeared in camp rs on Tuesday--: "Attention is directed to para-! CHARM CEYLON TEAS 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. ~ Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. | all day Tuesday putting up the tents| ing for the clothing to arrive. Some The men of the permanent Ord-|mew issue vould be on hand, are in battalion. Some citizens, who have been | | : I iow, are those who have qualified at| at the far end of ghe camp grounds] FALL HATS "| guard The guard has been placed into the camp grounds late at night] i never before have new The time is now here or fand try one our new | {80 as to be in readiness when the!.of the men whe came to camp with| | nanceq Corps were busy on Tuesday need of garments. A number of the officers who willl'driving down the front road in vici- the infantry skthool which has been have been very mich surprised when | | Are here in such fAsh- there for the purpose of getting any | ! without showing the proper pass. 4! stvles been more attrac- | -- | 4 > 4 | for Straw Hats to be | b Br ) | Fall shapes. 3 if ) » b | 80th volunteers arrive. some cold clothes, thinking that the ) y » { The N issuing the camp material for the} --"; | ql e ew likely be appointed to the new battal- nity ef the Cartwright property must held at the camp. | they were held up by a military [ionable shapes that | soldiers who might atiempt to get | [ tive. : | laid aside, so .come in| Our usual special val- | pn | ues a t $2.00, $2.50. (Campbell Bros, | The Big Hat Dealers. . AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES '"There's a Reason"' largest furniture manufacturers have received large {Government contracts' for - making [shell boxes and require their floor space. And we've taken advantage lof thjs.and bought heavily; that is why we are prepared to give such liberal discount. | COMING TO THE GRAND, ~~ Several of the GLB SW HT WEDDING STATIONERY [a EN KINGSTON, ONT, The sergeant of the military police of the 59th Battalion has been trans ferred to the 14th Home guard, do- |'ing duty at the fort. {Reid's High Quality and Reid's Low ! Prices. At JAMES REID'S, The Leading Undertaker. -- re Two New Reo Cars Purchased for Hire { Norman Burns," son of | "| Burns, Queen street, who enlisted in| an infantry officer. | the bugle band,of the 59th Battalion, | i | has been promoted to the rank of | Another school of Infantry opened corporal. Burns comes from a mili- | at Barriefield camp on Tuesday. The tary family. His uncle 'is. at the! men who will take" the course have present time in England as'a corpor- | arrived but will not get down tc al of the 21st Battalion bugle band. hard work for a day or so. | Corporal Burns © is &t the _ present | time in command of the 59th 'bugle | band as drum-major. Blake has been | promoted to senior position in the battalion. Corpl. Burns was formerly con | hoo { nected with the bugle band of: the At Tete de Pont Barracks. [14th Regiment, but enlisted in the | The officers and non-commissioned { 14th home guard shortly after war| officers, who have béen attending the | was declared. Royal School of Artillery, will hold -- -- ' | a smoker for the instructors on Wed- { Some of the non-commissioned of:| nesday evening at Tete de Pont Bar- | ficers in charge of the Russians whe | racks. | have enlisted in the 59th Battalion! -- Ji experience considerable difficulty in| The-officers and non-commis- Large and Roomy Cars. | getting the men to understand on ac-| sioned. officers, who havé been attend- | cownt 0! them not knowing the lan-| ing the Royal School of Artillery, G. W. BOYD. { guage. "Although an interpreter is| are busy at the Ontario hall writing The human qualities of "Peg OQ' My | 89 EARL ST. "te Phone 1177 | used it is then some times difficult. | Most of the Russians are attached to { the base company... As fast as the| men show that they know the work; | they are aitached to the companies. {On Tuesday afternoon the officer in| charge of the base company had the! men out on the parade ground in-| structing them in the art of bayonet fighting and in squad drill. Surprised and Pleased Are the peuple Who see our new Fall assortment of Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums---the prices are down to the lowest. Handsome Mahogany $40 Dresser for $33. Our Parlor Suites at $28 and $35 are sellers. We cover all i Parlor Suites to meet your taste and to give harmony of color in } your room. : i -- | { Col T. D. R. Hemming left for { Renfrew om Tuesday to attend a big! patriotic and recruiting meeting { which is to be held in that town.on| | Tuesday evening. He had two jin-| ; ¥itations for the same evening but! as he promised to go to Renfrew he! had to decline the Brockville invita- tion. For the past few months Col. | Hemming has been called upon «OR | + many occasions to go out and sound the call for mere men. Mahogany and Fumed Oak are the, newest in - Dining Room Suites. Phone 90. Yours: T. F. Harrison Co. Capt. Wilgar, officer' in command of No. 5 Company, Field Engineers, is taking on more meén on the | strength of that unit. { Col. G. H. Ogilvie is in command at Barriefield camp in the absence of Col. Hemming, oa Complaints have been made by of- ficerg ai the camp about young girls, and nN fome cases married women, ; LA who persist in hanging around the The Hartt Boot and grounds. Although the guards try Shoe Co., Limited Fredericton, N.B. a Best manage to slip in. Canada's | - Few people realize the great work remakers doing in distributing writing mater- ial to soldiers, free of charge. young man who isin charge of th . +X" post-office states that he gives | | out about one, thousand sheels of | Writing paper each day. He considers i that there are abéut seven hundred ! letters written on "Y* paper each! .| day. Some days he sells over twenty 111 PRINCESS, STREET {dollars worth of stamps. 4 | deal of work of dixtributing the mail. {It is brought from: the. city to the | central 'office, which is situa oa} {The Y.M.CA. 'officials do a great] 4 marked care of the "Y", is taken over in large bags. The men seem & - KINGSTON] fr {to keep them off the ground, they which the Y.M.C.A. authorities are. /the grounds and the mail, which js! their examinations, wirich, will be! Heart" constitute its great charm. completed on Wednesday evening.| ---- | Field work will be carried on for the| "The Trhil of the Lonesome Pine." | rest of the week. .| "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" oi | which appears at the Grand on Mon: froth BCA wa one of | day. September 13th, mines and : . oe Rey tes inn | Right, is the story o ig humans, ja Toronto attending the exhibition, | 0 hearts, and big purposes, beyond | lave returned. {all the wild spirit of feudalism there! mao | is -the/blue in the skies canopying {the lgnely rugged tree; the sweet: Winner Is Bereaved. ' - Sad news awaited "Bob" Gamble, | SPITIY of June, and the iron willed, | who, with his partner, won the ca- | Masterful Judd. ; | noe race frem Prescott fo Ottawa. | A Most claborate préduction has | when he' 'arrived 'in Ottawa. 1t | been given Eugent Walter's dram-| was tg the effect that his nine- |atization of John Fox Jr's widely months'-old 'daughter was seriously | read book, and those who love June ill. The child passed away on Mon- {in the romance will be more than day afternoon. On account of his | charmed with June of the stage and! bereavement, the reception planned | her presentation of the mountain | by the Rideau Club to Gamble and | heroine, wie has already become en- | Durand has been postponed. /shrified iu the hearts of a million! y - | book lovers. | The man of nerve may develop in-| IN MARINE CIRCLES {0 a nervous wreck. Repentance must, 2s a rule, go ahead of reform. Movements of Vessels Reported | Along the Harbor. Thé barge Rob Roy was towed Pictoy to undergo repairs. . The schooner Ford River is load- ing feldspar for Charlotte. The schooner Julia B. Merrill will also load feldspar. to | Treadgold - Sport Have a care lest you persecute in the name of Him who was persecut- Let it be said in favor of the dude | that he would rather run than fight. A Dressing to guit your ideas may al- 80 be dressing beyond your means. AA A Alt Pt AA SA BEA A Sg | | PHONR 520. cP Special Sale of Ruinitg and . Outing Shoes | Blue, low; reg. 90¢ von vis Jor. 750 | Blue, high; reg. $1.25 ..................For $1.00 i White, lowr reg. $125 .................For $1.00 White, high; reg. $1.50 .:..............For $1.25 These are fine when you are on the boat or out ¥ Goods" Co. 88 Princess Street, Kingston, | | } | | | | { i i i | : The schooner Katie Eccles arrived : ra Charlotte with coal for Booth Co. . The steamer Jex arrived in port' from Charlotte with coal fof the elvic plants. . 4 M. T. Co.'s Bulletin: Tug Emer> son cleared with the barges Burma and Dunmore to load grain at Port Colborne; will return from Port Dal- housie with the barge Winnipeg, grain-laden; steamers Advance and || Simla passed down with grain from Port Colborne to Montreal; steamer |! India will pass down to-day. Khaki Club For Soldiers, The Khaki Club, which has come into prominence lately, will, it is ox- Results from neglected clinfing and skin irritation. As a pre- ventive and cure there is no treats ment to compare with Dr. Chase's ~ For the © Deiverytoallpas ~~ We are open till six o'clock every evening, < a

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