Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1915, p. 6

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5% ~jshr tonnage now { Millinery Parlor sg PACE SIX Sh of _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, GALLANT banap » . 4 HAS BEEN REDUCED BY TWEN- TY. TWO PER CENT. More' British Steamers--Geérmany's Total Losses, Temporary And Oth- erwise, 24 Per Unt. of Her Origin al 2.090 Steamships. On Audgst 10th of this availab.e tonnage of the world was 78 per cent. of what it had been when the war bégan. On June 30th, 1914,according to Lloyd's Register. of the tonnage when in existence, there were 21.889 vessels of a ton- nage exceeding 100° tons, and their total gross tonnage was-40,749,559. From this have to be deducted the entird German, Austrian and Turk lying in the "ports of the world 'useless, the vessels be- longing to the British and their Al lies which were detained in ports of the enemy, the steamers requisitions ed for Government work which are estimated at about 3,000,000 gross tonnage, and the 339 vessels of all year the nations, with. a gross tonnage of 946,140, destroyed, since the out- break of war. The tonnage of the vessels captured by the British 1s not included, as they have been put to good use since they were captur- ed and disposed of .by the prize courts. In view of, the steady rise in the NR Tr GN NN GEN price being paid by owners for gec | ond-hand steamers, because they be-| lieve that a long period of continu- ed high freights lies ahead, on ac- count of the amount of tonnage per- manently or temporarily put out of action, an' exact estimate of the de- crease is valuable as a basis for prices. ~The tonnage above referred lo as temporarily ovt of comniission would again come into service if war were to be concluded soon. There- fore, prices based on 78 cent, would be further based on. the opin- ien that war conditions will obtain long enough to allow the high freights received to recoup them for| $2 the added price paid for jhe second- hand steamers. Tle Left to right: --Sergt Gledhill, Strathroy, who eaj been smaller. In these calculations and in all that follow only steamers of 100 tons and over are included. Germany Next, of the othey 159 steam- ers of 332,435 tons has been .dis- tributed over the belligerent and peutral countries as follows, the fig- ures given beipg respectively the namber of tons and the gross tons 1 104,944; N vay, 29, rance, 11, 3 Sweden, 30,560;. Denmark, 27,283; Russia, 17, 26,503; and, 11, 2 Belgium The los per North Am- 9; Greece, 2, , 2, 837; Persia, 1 Total Losses, Portugal, 1, 620. The London Times, in estimating the total losses in available world tonnage, temporary or permanent, says in part: *'The British mercan- tile marine has lost, temporarily, at any rate, 269 steamers of 831,163 tons. There were, according to Lloyd's Register, 8,587 steamers of 18,892,089 tons registered in the United Kingdom on June 80th of last year, 50 that on this basis 3.13 per cent, of the number has been lost and 4.40 per cent. of the ton- nage. Germany had 2,090 steamers of 5,134,720 tens, and has lost 449 steamers of 1,194,930 tous, or 21.48 per cent. of the number and 23.27 per cent. of the tonnage. Austria- Hungary owned 433 vessels of 1.- 052,346 tons, and has lost 66 vessels of- 216,074 toms, or 15.24 per cent. of the number and 20.53 per cent. of the tonnage. The amount of Brit- ish tonnage seized by the enemy must also be deducted--viz., 217, 458 tons. The amount of German tonnage seized is 1,089,986 tons and of Austrian 210,383, giving a total of 1,300,369 tons. The Times also estimates the act- ual direct losses of vessels through war as 1.5 per cent. of the total number available last year and 2.3 per cent .of the tonnage. Of the 33%. vessels of 946,140 gross tons destroyed by act of war ,the namber| Shops on the Battlefield, ° of British vessels destroyed was 180 t 3 ' Tes T05 tons. The Times says: | gypsies tstbotttotttss . tt re "Fifty-eight steamers of 218,574 = tons were destroyed down to the end Official announcement is made of 1914, while 122 steamers of|that cholera is increasingly prevalent 395,131 tons have been destroyed | in Germany 'and' in many parts of since then. It thus appears that the| Austria, whére over 3,000 have died. nuniber of steamers sunk has in- "Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap," creased, while' the average size has 3 for 26¢, Gibson's. A RA Ai a er, British Lloyd's Register for steamships more than they had a year before,-and with a tonnage in- creased by. 343,616 tons. As for in- surance, premiums have equalized claims, the cost of insurance work- out at about 6 per cent. per annum. As steamships increase in value the insurance premiums increase in the same ratio. bleeds BRITISH WHIG TOBACCO FUND. What the dollar box contains: 1 Briar Pipe 1 Rubber-lined Tcbacco . Pouch, I'Tinder Lighter, 50 Cigarettes, 4 Ounces of Tobacco. And a Return Postal address- ed to the donor. rT TTT The 25e¢ Parcel contains: 50 Cigarettes 4 Ounces Smoking fuixture. Some Matches. And a Postcard addressed to you, ' Remember, there are no 'Baccy Bt eh th EX RRR ORS) A icin, Fall Winter Millinery Opening OUR SPECIAL SHOWING OF PARIS AND NEW YORK DESIGNS COMMENCES ON Thursday, September 9 To which all Ladies are invited. Pearsall's Millinery, 228 PRINCESS STREET. Fall Millinery Opening Thursday, Sept. 9 { op o We show a full range the line of Hats for the coming season. York and Paris models a specialty. of everything new in New wa Fa Bgl x¥ 218 KING STREET. ~ Mrs. E. McLauchlan, ~Major C. Owen, who took or wounded; Private H. Vincent, who held a gun on his Yet in spite of the losses by the| g , a Wak ira € p . ¥ ane] man from the rear of the township, {Ambassador Daumba was not entirely | '| was lost in the sinking of the Hespe- i Bulgar t .| ritarial. proposals, accordihg to a {since the war airships participated - in order to see what tured a trench unaided; Maj latter is a graduate of the Royal Military College. | Gananoque Sept. 8.--At the home of he {daughter, Mrs. Thomas H. Harper, | River street, on Monday, Mrs. Mary Johnson passed to rest after an ill- ness of several years' duration. De- | ased located here with her daugh- | ter about eight years ago, and for | the past seven years had heen practi- cally an invalid. The funeral takes | {place this afternoon te Gananoque | ,| cemetery. | Quite a lively runaway mishap oe- | curred about 8.30 o'clock last even- | {ing on King street, when a horse at- | tached to a buggy and driven by a| " , re 1 ;g | became unmanageable and ran into satisfactory. T 40th last sliows the British with 88 Rg hop oy King | sufficiently assuring to bring the in-| {another buggy standing on | Street near Wilson's garage. In | [the latter buggy were a woman and a | little child, who both miraculously | escaped injury. The buggy was Dadly damaged and the horse quite } {badly cut up. Assistance was] promptly at hand, and the woman | and child were looked after by | friends. The buggy damaged be- longed to Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright. | At Alexandria Bay on Monday, the local C. L. A. C. baseball team went down to defeat once more before the fast Bay aggregation. Score: Alex- andria Bay, 7; C. L. A. C's, 1. | The Gananoque High Se¢hool re- | opened for the fall team yesterday | morning with the old staff. of teach | ers all in their places. The attend- | ance was well up to the standard. Very few of the summer residents of this section are now left, During the past week there has been a big exodus, and the major part of the cottages are now closed for the sea- son. Miss Anine Grundy, spending the past few weeks with friends in town, | has returned to her home in Syro- | cuse, N.Y. 5 AN AMERICAN DROWNED | By the Sinking of the Steamship | Hesporipm, (Special "to the Whig.) London, Sept. 8.--A ews agency despatch from Queenstown this even- | ing said it has been definitely set- tled that an American named Wollr, from Newark, N.J., an able seaman; rian by a German submarine. The American Embassy has no confirma- (fon. : Nit War Tidings. Ttaly has declared cotton contra- band of war. : jermans made heavy assaults on Belgian positions around Dixmude | on Tuesday, but were repulsed, The Cologne Gazette semi-officially states that no submarine sunk the Hesperian. it says it was a float- ing mine. The London Board of Trade re- ports a fine recovery in British for- eign trade during the last two) months. ? The Berlin War/Office says seven Belgian civilians were killed and two injured by French aviators near Rouliers. One French aviator w brought down and killed. =~ "A Central News despatch from, Cairo states that an unsuccessful at- tempt was made to assassinate Fat- hay Pasha, one of the Turkish Min- isters. A Government official stab- bed the Minister twice. . A despatch from Shlonika' says that Bulgaria is fortifying Varna against sea attacks. Mines are be- 'ing placed at the harbor entrance and numerous long-range cannon are belng mounted at Galata; which com- mands the port. has refused Serhia's ter- Giornale d'Italia despatch from So- fia. The despatch adds that Pre- mier V. Radoslavoff deela that Bulgaria has decided to treat direct- ly with the Quadruple Entente. "Austrian aeroplanes bombarded Venice on Monday for the fifth time began. The enemy dropping . bombs along the lagoon 'and in the vicinity of Italian forts. One aeroplane was shot down by Italian anti-aircraft guns and fell into the Jagbon. Tits two océubants were capturéd. - -- iii oi CANADIAN CAVALRY PRAISED Addressin, the [ brigade tly, BR, Fiat Bt 8! ng @ magni t example to Empire volunteering, and also ckuowled the good - work done by the' de. He was anx- fous to see the brigade nted in ie cavalry sol diers they were, thanking Col P67 the work IANS DECORATED FOR H 7! | |stantine Theodor Dumba, Austrian |N.B., on its 'way home for burial, was | the raid; | Pr ® b | od | ml ?r " " | command when all officers of his company had been killed! back while an officers fired or J. A; Hesketh, London, Ont., awarded the D.S.O. ~ EROISM UNDER FIRE. | 1915. 1 i Wie ec? 1,000 rounds: Private Vernd The | ENVOY FROM AUSTRIA, Explains To Secretary Lansing Strike Note. Washington, Sept. 8.-- Pr. His Con- mbassador to the United States, ex- plained ai some length to Secretary of State Lansing yestérday the let- tet he wrote to the foreign office at Vienna concerning a proposed toe- up' of American munition factories by means of walkouts. The letter was found in the effects of James F. Archibold, war correspondent, rested in England. While Seeretary Lansing declined afterward to indicate what steps this Government would take, it was made plain that the verbal explanation of Certainly it was not cident to a close. " The best. information obtainable indicates that Ambassador Dumba contended he Nad corsmitted no wrong in planning to persuade Aus- tro-Hungarian workmen to leave the employment of plonts making am- muxition for the Aliies; thut he suggested to Secretary Lansing that this government could not pass Judgment on the matter until it had studied the text of the Jott-r itself. According to the ambassador's own admission, he had no copy of the letter. It is understood retary Lansing assured him he would ask Ambassador Page at London tn obtain from the British Government amnlete copy of tie letter and cable it here at once. In addition the Ambassador will submit a writ- ten memorandum of the State De- partment, ' After comsidering the full text of the letter 'this Government will de- termine whether it wiil suggest to the Austrian Government that the usefulness of Dr. Dumba in er it will take no further notice of the incident, Sededededolodoi inl died defeat dediep +» > . > +* LABOR PLEDGES HELP * * a % Bristol, Eng., Sept. 8.--Reso- lutions pledging the 'utmost assistance" of British labor to the Government in the prosecu- tion of the war, were adopted by the Trades Union Congress : here to-daw®y a vote of. 600 to £5 > * > Brdelelniiotoieo di dedodedod dodge do dodo do dole ------e ITALY'S FINANCES SOUND. Revenue for July and August Show a Large Increase. Havas News Agency . from Rome says: "The national revenues of Italy during July and August, the first two months of the current budget, increased 38,500,000 lire ($7,700,- 000) over the corresponding period of 1914. Receipts of every kind have increased, indicating the im- proved economic condition of the country, which also is shown by the postal savings banks, deposits in thése institutions exceeding pay- ments. TIRPITZ DEFIED CHANCELLOR / Sinking Of Hesperian, Designed By German Admiral. London, Sept. 8.--A despatch to the Daily Telegraph from Rotterdam SAYS: : "It is freely rumored in that the sinking of the Allan Line steamer Hesperian: was deliberately designed by the party of Admiral von Tirpitz, the German Minister of Ma. rine, to brifig to a ¢Hmax the differ ences between von Tirpitz and br. von Bethmann-Hollweg, the Imper Chancellor, over the {ast note President Wilson concerning the u of submarine boats against liners." President Wilson's Wit. Unlike many of his countrymen, esident Woodrow Wilson is not a with unsatisfactory results. = Short- ly p He met a friend, who Questioned him om his experisnes, Well," said the friend, "I hear ypu have been indulging in the habit of the quick feed," "Yes" answered Mr. Wiison grimly, "I had a lightning tunch, and it was quick- ly followed by thundering pains." iG ------ ---------- ian. ' Amticipate a Heavy Day. We will allow 5c off the price on ig baskets of peaches, plams or thken at our door on Thurs . all day\at Clangen Donia, Ra : Londen a oe ol. A. E. Swift has taken over command of the second Capadian Battalion, vice Lieut.-Col.- Watson, . appointed to command the ffth brigade. Ay that Sec-| this | |-country has béen impairod or wheth- | toes and field EEE Seed Paris, Sept. 8.--A despatch to the | 4 ly reminded one of his generals that Berlin: "hustler." The story goes that one oceasion he tried ome of a mous Awerican "yuiek "1 "» { PITH OF THE NEWS, { Sm : Despatches From Near And Distant i Places. | The body of Major Duval, St. John, { lost on the Hesperian. . | Rev. Dr. Thomas Eakin has accept-. {@d the call to St. Andrew's Church, | Toronto, as successor to Rev. T. ferawford Brown. | ~The police are watching pro-Cer- | mans who are using moving picture | shows in Canada to stimulate sym- | pathy _for the Huns. { William McAllister, a young em-| ployee of the Soo. Dredging & Con- struction Co., fell from a dredge near] Fhe locks and was drowned. | | Arrests of influential Greeks, charged with trafficking in official (messages to "King Constantine, have caused a sensation at Athens, Dr. J. M. Caserly, a well-known St. | Thomas surgeon and physician, has been gazetted lieutenant with the | Royal Army Medical Corps, and leaves for England at once. | i A strong earthquake has occurred in San Salvador and Guatemala. Ju- tiapa, capital of the department of the same name in Guatemala, has | been ruined i The Township Council of Wallace! {in responce to a large and represen- | | tative petition, decided to contribute] $5,000 to the Patriotic Fund, adding| [two mills to the taxation. { | The Torento City Council ordered | 4 judical investigation of the Hodg-| | son-Meredith' charges and any other| | charges of 'misconduct of Aldermen that may be laid by responsible eiti- zens. » | Two Americans, the European jaanager and a travelling represen- tative of the Rice-Huchins Shoe Co., {of Boston, have been arrested as | spies at Moscow, the American con- sul there reported to the State De- partment at Washington. Manitoba will have a, crop of pota- it roots of from fifteen | {to twenty. million bushels, The | growers say there is no chance of | securing transportation and serious loss is certain, although England {needs potatoes, * | "Local thunderstorms brought re- { lief to Manitoba from sizzling July heat in early September, but the | moisture. was not sufficient to inter- fere with harvesting operations, which now surpass in magnitude anything, even the, Canadian West has ever seen. Sir John French: A characteristic story of the Brit- ish Commander-in-Chief was told. by | a soldier. The incident had to do with what was probably the' most critical stage of the battle of Ypres Sir John French was asked for more | reinforcements. There were none. : "I have only my sentry; take him," | was Sir John's reply, and, surely en- { ough, this solitary sentry accompa- | nied the officer back into the fighting {line. © SinJohn French himself fol- lowed a few moments later, and be- tween intervals of issuing orders and conferring with his generals, he worked strenuously lke the hum- blest private in the R. A. M. C. at as- | sisting in getting the wounded back {10 the base.- When told that the men wero at the last gasp, Ire stern- the enemy were "at their last gasp, too." 'The story rings true to those who know the man. : Milkmaids In London, . ally being replaced by milkmai | not stand the week's task of the male! "pram round," which ik a sevea days' journey. They will no 4 the morning Howl 'of the milkman, but something sweeter and fresher. But one would like to be sure that her milkmaid's dress is as ap- propriate as that of the short skirt ed milkmaids we can even now re- weber, with the yokes on their] necks and the pails port and star- board? x = ¥ me 4 ad 'a on a 'one-track Toad in the Middle mer. oe Presently the train stopped to take on water, and the conductor negleci- press came along dnd, béfore it could be stopped, bumped the rear end of the first train. ; ~The drummer 'was lifted from his Seal ahead. His slik hat was jam- med clear" down over his ears. i He picked himself up and settled back in his 'seat. No bones had been "broken. He drew a long w 'Well, they didn't get by us any- ap ' ' It is reported at Otjawd that the Secomd Canadian Division took part ¥n recent British activities near Ypres, and ves. Oe | Milkmen in the suburbs are gradu: || and one is sure the milkmaids will | emit | Among. the passengers on a train! West was a talkative jewellery drum. |. ed to send back a flagman. An ex-| seat and pitched head first into the breath, straightened up, and said" | FA AY J \ CC - _ ns a ™ A CHANGE. OF TiME WILL BE MADE 'SEPT. 8TH. to M. ¢ H. Ward Central Canada - ® » ~ Exhibition pi hartedlars ap 'Ottawa, Sept. 10th to 18th. Station Agent. . Round trip tickets will be issued : J good going on all tfains Sept. 15th 3 {and AM. trains Sept. 16th, valid for Born Rn - Péturn Sept. 16th or 7th, at $2.60. |. Good going Sept. 10h _and Sept. {17th inclusive, valid for returm with- [in five days from and incloding date (of sale, but not later than Sept, 20th, lat * $3.40. For full part anley, C. P. and 3 land Opmtario strects. For particulars apply The New Route to Western Canada DR -- _ wlars apply to J.P. | H Cor, Johnson via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane ROUTE OF INNUMERABLE MARVELS Fidest Fouipment. Splendid Roadbed. Lv. TORONTO 10.45 p.m. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Ar. WINNIPEG 3.50 p.m. THURSDAY, SATURDAY asd Y Connecting at Winnipeg with G.T. P. train leaving 6.00 p.m. daily for Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and intermediate points. From MONTREAL," Corinthian Sept, 19. . London Pretorian | Sept. Glasgow *Sicilian _ ...Sept. 26. . London Scandinavian Oct. 2. Liverpool Carthaginian Oct, 1 Glasgow Hesperian .. Oct. Liverpool Pretorinn Det, 27. JGlasgow Corsican... . Oct. 30. . Liv erpool *About, Through Tickets via the For full information apply to. local agents op TH "Catiadian Rockies at their best" E ALLAN LINE To PRINCE RUPERT, ALASKA {95 King St. West. Toronto VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE > po and SAN FRANCISCO Timetables and all information from any Grand Trunks Can. Govt. Rys., or T. & N. O. Railway Agents a3 r We all ought to be just as punec- "tual in performance as we are in | promise. mm mm my | CANADIAN PACIFIC "Great Lakes Service SUMMER TOURS Five Sailings Weekly [T0 PACIFIC COAST Steamers leave Port MeNicoll Mon- Including * day, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- S"CALIVORNIA EXPOSITIONS" days and Saturdays for SAULT STE. Also to MARIES PORT ARTHUR and FORT Atlantic Coast Resorts. WILLIAM, Lake Massanoga (Hon Echo). Steamer "Manitoba" from Port Mc- Point-aa-Baril. Nicoll Wednesdays calls at Owen Muskoka linkes. 8 1d 10.3 1 French and Pickerel Rivers. STE EXPRESS" Severn River, Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Fri- Kawartha Lakes, day, making direct connection with Ridean Lakes, ers at Port MeNicoll on salling [SUMMER nN leaves S FARES Now oT, FAST TIME, CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE, MODERN "EQ EPMENT Between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago CANADIAN PACIFIC an ae way ro. WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER nS one CARS OR Particulars from F, CONWAY, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, corner Prin- cess and Wellington Streets. Phone 1197. " J ITE Canadian Northern Raves Toronto Exhibition Excursion Fares From Kingston Return limit 7 $5.35--Good going Aug. 30th to Sept. 8th inclusive. days from date of sale until Sept. 14th $6.55 Good going Aug. 28th to Sept. Tth inclusive, Sept. 15th, 1915 For full particulars apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or R. H. Ward, Station Agent. Return limit he ak SE WHEN YOUR CAR NEEDS - OVERHAULING Bring it here. We understand Autdmobile mechanism thoroughly and GUARANTEE OUR WORK. Ny ALL MAKES AND MODELS are familiar to us, and no matter how serious the break, we can put your car in commission in short order. Talk Automobile to us and save money PORRITT GARAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. ACCESSORIES, AUTOMOBILES, REPAIRS, 210-212 Wellington St. Telephone 454, Kingston, Oiit. AGENT FOR CADILLAC, REO AND MAXWELL CARS, < _ - "KITCHENER" Is tha name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Cg. "Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents pér hour to operate this Iron. , . --KOR SALE AT-- Halliday's Electric Shop, | Phone 94 i. =... 345 King Street ~~ ; RIDEAU STREET CONVENT. TESTIMONIAL FROM RIDEAY STREET CONVENT 7 Messrs. cw hoa; 14d, Piano eb - 159 § Bl, 7 9 Sparks St, Ottawa, Ont. Ont, Aug 21-15, x Gentlemen: Si § : Having found it necessary to replace some of the. planes Which are in tixe In our.convent, we have decided (o purchase another one of your most exellent Heintzman & Co. planos, and we would like ¥ou to furnish us With ome which we have Just selected Trom your stock al Youf warerobis im pureBasing this Plage, 'we wish to express to you out delight and satisfaction in the several Helnizman & Co, pintios Which we already have in use, purchased from you some time ago, The responsiveness of .WRon, the evennsws of tone « Ihroughout the entive scale, as welhaw the quality and volume . &re all that could be devired. snd as a plans for a Nome or an institution where the best iw required, they are Ril that can he desired, And we have mo: hesitation in stamping the Heintz- man & Co. ag Canada's best pino sh a Yours. very truly, 5 * SISTER OLIER, Saperior, "4 . The Heintzman & Co. Plano and endorsed by the most promi from coast to const. | SOLE AGENTS FOR KINGSTON, ~the piano you will eventually buy. nent masicians and musical Used institutions Beef, Iron abd Wine, ide, $1.00 and $2.00, at Gibson's Drug Store, 121 PRINCESS ~~ C.W, Lindsay, Limited. STREET. ies M. 8, GRACE, MANAGER

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