_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, sEpTEMBER 11, 1915. Yellapatty A High Grade Black Tea Exceptional Flavor, 60c per Ib. For Sale at D. COUPER'S, 3141-3 Princess St. Phone 76 Two New Reo Cars Purchased for Hire ihe 2 Large and Roomy Cars, Films, Supplies and Finishing | Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. i 1 | DOING GREAT WORK LAND IN AND EUROPE "The Army Corps. London been pub been accomplished Red Cross Society Army Corps, The efforts of organizations have drawn forth eulo- gistic refe in the Engi The Dail raph states: Canadi troops are performing parts the front, been compiled show that nion is nobly following her equipment for the allevia suffering. The 1 Cross Society, of which the Duke Connaught is patron, gnificent work, erous respo: out Canada." The following dre details: Neo. . } General Hospital» beds, 37 officers, 73 nurses, 204 men, located at Etaples. 2 Gens ral pt cs have by the and 1 their at thanks to the gen € to its appeals through- No ds, 37 officers, located at Le No. : beds, -1,040 204 men, Hospital nurses, Tre port General Hespital - 37 office 73 nurses i at Camiers No. 4 General Hospital beds, 37 officers, 73 nurses, located at Shorncliffe No. 1 Stationary Hospital beds, 16 officers, 27 nurses, 1 loc ated at Mediterranean o. 2 Stationary Hospital -- 676 be xe 18 officers, 49 nurses, 119 men loc a at Le Touquet 3 Stationary 16 officers, ated at Mediterranean No. 4 Statiopary Hospital {00 beds, 16 officers, 27 nurses, 122 fen ated at Shorncliffe No. § Stationary Hospital ds, 16 officer 7 nurses, located at Mediterranean No. 1 Casualty Clearing Station 200 beds, 8 officers, nurses, men, located at France No. 2 Casualty Clearing 200 beds, 8 officers, 78 me Shorncliffe. 1.040 204 men locatet 204 men, 100 > Hospital--400 27 nurses, 122 men, he is lo¢ 1 lo« - 400 Station- n, located at EYE GLASSES The kind you want--the kind most everybody wants MODE iL glasses scientifically ground. MPOPEL adjustment insuring perfect comfort. MPODPEL shapes that add dig- nity to the face: MODEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. MODEL methods lowest "prices. KEELEY Ir, M. 0.0.0 adn GBFETICIAN neess Street 3 doors above the Opera House insuring Lo Good Clothes and Good Behavior 0 a long way in mak- | | ing a perfect gentleman. z Clothes that are just a little better than are made by anvone else are found at our store, Our brands speak for themselves, 20th Century and Fashion Craft, the high- est tailoring done in Canada, style that de- mands attention. We are looking for vou if you need an up- to-date. Fall Coat Suit. or No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station-- 8 officers, 78 men, located Shorncliffe. Meore "Barracks Hospital "Beds, 17 officers, 27 nurses, 122 men, located at Shorncliffe. Monks Horton €azadian Convales cent Hospital -- 900 beds, 111 men, located at Monks Horton. Bromley "Canadian Hospital 125 beds, 3 officers, men, located at Bromley, Kent. Canadian Mobile Laboratory officers, 3 men, located at France. Base Depot Medical Stores -- 2 of ficers, men, located at Southamp- ton. No. Stores Frince, ** No. 2 Stores cliffe. Duchess of Conhaught Canadian Red Cross Hospital 1,000 beds, 16 officérs, 42 nurses, 144 men, located at Taplow, Bucks. 200 beds, at 19 Advanced. - 1 officer, Depot 6 men, located at Advanced 9 men, Depot Medical located at Shorn Canadian Red Cross Society. Duchess of Connaught Canadian Red Cross Society, built and equip ped, about £25,000. Contributions to British Red Cross Society, £20,000, St. John Ambulance Association, £2,000. Ambulances, Ete. Princess Christian's train, £2,000. Wotien of Canada, Haslar Hospi- tal ambulances, fice and Admiralty. Dominion Government, hospital af Dinard, £20,000, "La Presso" Hospital, Paris, er- ected and maintained by the bone 3 of Quebec. Flower Show, The Kingston . Horticultural So- ciety's Annual Exhibition In Arm- ouries, Wednesday and Thursday, 15th and 16th, Good musical pro- gramme both evenings. Adults, 25¢; children 10c. i "Hudnut's Toilet Water | son's. The Labor Congress at Bristol England, representing three million | { men, rejected the proposition that | its leaders advocate peace. "oat a HOSPITALS OF CANADA ENG- Press Is Eulogistic--Praises the | Efforts Of Canadian Red Cross and statistics whieh Canadian | is doimg a \ 1,040} 1,040! 22 men, | 122 men, | 6 officers, | Convalescent | Medical | £50,000 to War Of-| French | COMING TO THE GRAND, Trail of the Lonesome Pine" On Monday "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," asterfully dramatized, has prov- 0 he 'greatest success of The dramatist has faithfully red the delightful scenes of the Long runs and the great si late years greeted tng New York and Chi- "The ess on, Canadian | the Canadian both Elaborate stage seitings and the strong New York company present- g the play assure it of such success all would wish the charming June 'Th Pine" House tinee 3 e rail of "the Loidsome ia) ge the. Grad pe. al Moz tht. on "Trilby" AH Star Cast. Du Maurier's "Trilby" is one of the large successes of the year. Strik- ing through the may be in the JPpulence of { atrical sple ndar, of names, | brightly burning spirit of youth in the heart of the play which s the keystone of its triumph. This s not to detract one whit from the minded perfection of the perfor- | mance. Miss Phyllis Neiison-Terry, { Miss Rose Coghlan 'aiid "the Messrs. | Lam Harding, George MacFarlane, Ch es Dalton, Ignacio Marinetti, Pato n Gibbs, Regan Hughston and their asso s have "endowed Du | Maurier s and Latin Quar-! ter folk ving: charm and] passion In especial Miss Neilson Terry looks the Tritby- of the Eng- | lish cartoonists tale to the life. She might have stepped unforgettabie "drawings. So appeal- ing the fancy is she is the sol- dier's coat, striped skirt and sabots of the opening and in the ex quisite golden empire costume as the singer. { Her youn face, { its the- it is the Bug with scene, g pink-and-white loveli- her splendid figure, her trusting innocence all lend elves to the illusion -of the hour the little world through which she moves, leaving unconsciously many aching hearts behind her. Miss | Neilson-Terry's New York triumph } was probably the most in the artistis as well the biggest f ne: air them and « role nit as personal populhr success of the yéar. | "Trilby" simply jammed the Shubert Theatre for weeks. It comes to the Grand Opera House on Thursday ev- 16th. Vaudeville at The Grand. excellent programme present- ed the Grand last evening was witnessed by a very large audience. feature photo-play was elsie Jan- in the comedy play of "Nearly a Lady." The vaudeville act was one | in which McCormick and Shannon { displayed rare musical ability i On Monday evening there will i no vaudeville entertainment n Tuesday and Wednesday- afternoon and eveming will be presented a pic- turization of Belasco's hit, "The Woman." There will be a two-reel Universal photo play,"a comedy play and the Pathe Films. The vaude- vilJe includes Cullen and Davis in a singing and daneing act. ening, Sept. The at | the : : ; WAR BULLETINS: All German drives have fail- ed to seriously break the French lines. The Crown Prince's army was hurled back with heavy losses, There is no relief so far in the strained relations between the United States and the Ger- manic allies. The Allies will raise half a billion dollar loan in the United States .or greatly curtail war orders. Sb bbde PIE b + rh Bulgaria will not assist Ser- bia or the Allies unless all Macedonia is ceded to her. The Russians have won an- other success in Galician. + + + * 13 Latest casualty lists show ie heavy losses by the British at 4 the Dardanelles. le Dib bd ebb bbb abbey nt + FOIE IRS FORCE PRR "Foot Powder fo for sor sore, tired feet," sold at Gibson's Red Cross td Store. | IA brilliant all-star cast} love and] out one of his! | tend the Ontarié™ Ladies' | Whitby. PAGE THREE _ | TOLD IN TWILIGHT Mrs. H. A. Betts, Alfred street, en- tertained at a tea on Thursday in honor of Miss Mildred Macmorine | and Miss Mona Ferris, of Toronto. | The tea table, arranged with lovely | shaggy asters, was in charge of Mrs. | § Arthur Evans and Miss Ada Bates, | The invited guests were: Mrs. A. B. Klugh, Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Miss Du- puy, Miss Greer, Mrs. George Sander- son and Miss Sandgrson, Miss Daly, Miss Porteous, Miss Gertrude White- | head, Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs. J. O. ~ Crisp, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss | Strange, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss | Bates, Mrs. R. O'Hara, Mrs. Buxton | Smith, Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs. Alex- | ander Macphail, Mrs. Frank Dobbs, | Miss Florrie and Miss Connie For- | §i neri,, Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs, Miss Fran- ces and Miss Kate Wilson, Miss Mil- lie Ferris, Mrs. Porritt, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Mrs. | Luther Breck, the Misses Crisp, Miss Carrie Beard, the Misses Strauben- | zee, Mrs. Harcourt Callaghan, Mrs. | G. Gamsby, Miss Marjorie Gamsby, | Mrs. Young and Miss Jean Young. . = = The usuzl dance was held' at the| Yacht Club en Wednesday evening! when an unusually large number of] guests were present. Miss Marion] and Miss Lilian Macdonald, Hptharine Kipp and Miss Nell Jewett, | iWNeéw York, and Miss Olivia Bute,| Houston, Texas, were among the vis-| itors present. | | Miss Mona Ferris, who has been | Mrs. H. A. Betts' guest, returned to | Toronto to-day. | Miss Annie Fowler, Union street, | is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Victoria ! street, returned this week from Hali- fax, accompanied by her sister, Miss | Charlotte Worrell, who will be her guest for some time: | Mrs. M. T. Wheeler has returned to Ottawa after spending a week in | town. I Mrs. Charles Crookall and chil- | dren returned. to Bay Ridge, N.Y.,| early this week after spending the | summer 'with Miss Frances Sullivan, | King street. - Hubert Osborne, New spending ten days "Avonmore." Miss Olive Woodman, Earl street, leit on Tuesday for Whitby to ge at the Ontario Ladies' College. Miss Winifred Claxton and homnro | TRI , Bond have beén spending this week| in Terento. Miss Flora Stewart, Harrowsmith, | was a guest in town on Thursday. i Mr. and Nrs. F. W. Coates and| t Miss Phyllis Coates, Princess street, have been in Toronto this week. Mrs. Barber with little Miss Kath-| erine Barber, and Miss Madge Gal-| braith, Toronto, are the guests of her aunt, Mrs, Henry Cunningham, Earl street. York, in towa is| at the Misses Jean and Mary MacLelland, | Earl street, left on Thursday to at College, Mics Gwendoline Folger, Emily street, has gone to Toronto to atténd Havergal College. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boyle have returned to town after a visit with [ Mrs. William Anderson, Barriefield. Mrs. Arthur Craig, Albert street, went to Toronto an Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Burke. Mrs. B. W. Parker, the guest of] her son, H. E. Richardson, and Mrs Richardson, Johnson street, returned to Ancaster to-day. » - - Mrs. Elmer Davis and children, Sydenham street, left this week for Muskoka. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Echlin and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig motored from Ottawa to-day, and will be Mrs. W. G. Craig's guests for the week-end. | Miss Saunders, Barl street, visiting Mrs. C. E. L. Porteous at the Isle of | Orleans, returned home on Friday, | Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Graham, who 'have been the guests of Mrs. Cather- ine Little, King street, left for De- Miss | fi PURE LINEN TEA-TOWELS 500 absolutely p cial Ide smonstrating TURKISH BATH TOWELS Towels in white and natural eolors-- 10 doz. large size 25¢. To-night Or 35¢ pair. "MILL ENDS" New fall stvles jus French Model Corsets' -- Special to-night regular price, All specials on sale at 7 o'clock. will send C.0.D. on 8.15 delivery. This Week Sweet, Creamery Butter 32¢c The Wm. Davies' Co. Limited. Phone 507. | troit on Friday, and will later go on to their home at Saginaw, Mich. Roland Devlin, Winnipeg, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter | Devlin, 44 William street. Miss. Mildred: Macmorine, visiting Mrs, J. K. Birkett, Bagot street, left | to-day for Toronto. | Mr, and Mrs. C. F, Gummer, Union | itrest, left yesterday lo spend 'a | couple of weeks in Lennoxville, . Mrs. Frans H. Macnee and Miss | Cecil Macnee, King street West, are | visiting Miss Nan Skinner at "Catar- Re Lodge." and Mrs. W. Coverdale and | children returned to New York on | Monday after spending : August in | Kingston. | Miss Marjorie Low has retyrned to Ottawa after spending the Summer {in Halifax the guest of Mrs. W. S. La "rence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendersan, Johnson street, returned to-day from . Coverdale where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Henderson. Dr, Juma Polson, New York, is uest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Polson, University avenue. | Miss Gladys Celdback, Colborne | street, has returned after visiting rel- atives in Whitby, 'Toronto and Buf- { ng at the Y. W.C. A., to Miss Martha M A pleasant evening wae freshments were served. Everyone wished the bride-to-be very happiness in her future home in the west. © Miss Lottie Hyland, Bath Road. is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius 1 Bridge, Collins' Bay. (Continued on page 10.) ust as arrangements were being ie Sty. iarey Dison, 3 ton maa HOW FAT FOLKS MAY BECOME THIN | By Elizabeth Thomas. Perhaps you are suddenly becoming stout, or it may be that you have been! putting on weight for years In either case the cause is the same-ddack of} axygen-carrying power of the blood This trouble occurs in adults of both sexes and all ages, but it may be over. come very easily and without any of the privations that -most people imac gine necessary to reduce their wéight ply go-to your druggist and get some oil of orilene capsules. Take one after each meal and one before going to bed. Weigh yoursell =o as to knew just how fast you are losing weight | Wonderful results have. been accom- plished by this inexpensive. recipe; bul e sure to get the genuine oil of ori- ene in capsule form. It is sold only in original sealed packages Any large druggist can supply you, or a large size box will be sent on receipt of $1.60 Address D. J Little Drug Co, Box 1240} Montreal, Can. i In An Egyptian Hospital. Trenton, Sept. 10.--J. * Norman Kidd, bas received letter from Cairg, Egypt, frqm Colonel! Kidd, giv-| ing an account of his safe ardival in) zood health and without incideat. The doctot arrived at Alexandria Au- i WHITE FLANNELETTE 350 vards, in 8 vard lengths only; or $1.20 per length. CANADIAN MADE CORSETS of repairs and new ure linen Tea-Towels--extra towel with firm name, worth heavy weight 20¢ each "5 o = reg. 1%e vard, 8 Yds. for 75¢ > famous jeacy's $1.50 - Special J0--great value at the 89c¢ Phone orders filled to 8 o'clock and To-night t received of our in sizes 19 to THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. | [FI LLL Sr Drop 3 « ard to 13 Pine street when | "with Contral Canada Exhibition tery one Estimates wiven on all Kinds | work; also hard-{ wood floors of all kinds All orde will receive prompt attention. Shop| Ottawa, Sept. 10th to 18th. Round trip tickets will be issued good going on all trains Sept. 15th land AM. trains Sept. 16th, valid for 40 Queen Street. { Wood's Ehospholine, | return Sept. 16th or 17th, at The Great English Remedy. Toma o and invigorates the stam, makes pew Blood | in ou Cures "| and ! Good going Sept. 10th "and Sept. 17th inclusive, valid for return with- 'in five days from and including date of sale, but not later than Sept. 20th, $3.40. r. full par Ekle lars apply Hanley, © 1. A and Ontario -- CANADIAN PACIFIC Central Canada EXHIBITION Ottawa, Sept. 10th to 18th. ound trip tickets will he iSsued go A ® on all trains Sept. 16th and AM {irains Sept. 15th, valid for return Sept { 16th 17th, at $2.56. Good going Sept. Mth to 17th inclu- turning 'within five days from , but not later than Sept $3.40. F. CONWAY, Cpr ve, corner Princess n streets, Phone 1157 in Worry, Telco the ory. Price $1 per box, sia . 5x will eure. | by in pin in pkg. on tweipi mphlet mailed free. THE WOOL CO.. TOROK! 0, ONT. (Ferment Winge=~ SOCIETY ALLE VISITING CARDS Al LH IR CARDS SIRT ati 11: [REL S to J. P Cor. Johnson RINGSTON, ONT, i gol INSURANCE Estate Invest ments. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Particulars, A. Thy Ti Ke and Wg Hag Phone 424. 39 Brock St SE | G. E. MARRISON, Photographer. {Sudcgssor 10 Mrs. M. Hendpssoh) a A HIGH CLASS POR- TRAITS AT NIGHT (7 Our, powerful new 5000 c. Nitrogen Magda = Lighting Sr tem enables us Ww give $iasa sefyice at night av you first or dark 3 R00 am-8 Bam, : igh po Wed and ww for enlarging and oi information appl to local agents or poly ls ALLAN LINE ing. gust 10th, and the trip of 120 miles to Cario proved to be a very inierest- ing one. When writing he was stop- t Was| take charge of a hospital of 1,000 "beds at Cario. Miss B. Armsrrong 'and Miss M. Bontér are alse in Cairo Picton Horse Won Picton, Sept. 10.--G. E. Boulter's| Rercheron horses scored at the Can-| adlian National Exhibition. Bis) three-year-old stallion, Herculoid, won first in the Shred yon ou class; Titania, a foal, ; Loraine, a mare with two bg her ¥. won | third; and for the best five amimals won third. | for his body, Harry Dizon, a tea- a treat | with a whip- ened by ng, and went Quietly to the Shel toot comfort powder sei Cross Receives, Commitdion. Perth, Sept. 11.--Allan Code, Lot T. A. Code, weni to Dilawa Reeived a commission with the Regiment, Mechanical 3 vice, and will 'eave for the Ti Instruction camp on receiving lor the get of one sire, Mr. Hagiter also] 0 PRINCESS ST. Phone 1318 age rad Ls Specialties - Have vou tired, aching feet? If so, vou niéed us. We rearry a full line of "Scholl" and "Arrowsmith" foot specialties. a Arcs Sapa, from $1.50 up; bunion 'pads, toe rights, heel pads, ete, always in stock. o DEE up your : Fos »