" y ; Announcement Miss to visit her all V. Greaza extends an invitation to Millinery Parlors Tuesday, Sept. 14th And Following' Days. Ci Wm A full stock of Trimmed and Untrimmed Mil linery to seleet from. Paris and American, Models, also - *'ehie" Hats from Canadian n¥\nufae- turers. 182 Welling ton St Phone ne Wolfe's i chnapps Schiedam (HOLLANDS Gin) "The Beverage that Benefits" Not simply a thirst quencher, not "merely a stimulant, but just the purest ~ most health infusing spirit that has ever been produced. Ang consumed nearly 2,000,000 Bat ties las year, wlid aleme Excellent as a ** pick- me-up" tonic and most beneficial in its cffect on the liver, kidneys, and other organs. Vastly su- perior to ordinary gin, Obtainable at all hotels and retail stores. Wolfe's Schanpps Gin is distilled and bottled in Holland. Jas. McParland, Kingston Disteibutor "Prof. Doreawend" | (OF TORONTO) 4 EST HAIR-GOODS ARTIST. whose quality hair-styles have benefitted and adorned .the heads of ladies and gentlemen throughout the Towiuios, will be at Bl Hotel Rando ph, Kingston THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 16th "Ladies desiring hair-goods of fine quality (Switches, Transformations, Pompadonrs, ete.), and Gentlemen who are Bald Should not miss this chance of being fitted with a Dorenwend hair-structure tha¥ cannot be distinguished from a person's ° own. hair and will: protect the head and produce a young ap- pearance. Over 250,000 wear- ers testify to their beneficial gnalities, REMEMBER THE DATE: THURSDAY SEP- - : TEMBER 16TH. B raids, + [Tanits Is as follows: | meat, {ing used for fatigue work, ION BARREL) WEIGHTS | ~ WITH THE: OVERSEAS TROOPS ration sheet of Corps, there were 3,753 men under canvas at Barrie- field camp on Friday. By the time that the 80th Battalion is fully mob- ilized the number will be increased to about 4,700 provided no drafts leave in 'the meantime. At thé present time the 59th Bat- talion is drawing the largest quanti- ty of rations. The strength of the CABC, 89; § Company of C.M.R., 1,242 Field hospi- Headquarters officers Battery, 188; 34th Bat- attached to the, 90th According to. the the Army Service P.ASC No Queen's 'Enginee rs, 549th Battalion, 1,40 tal, 60; Y.M.C.A.,, 96; : camp fatigue corps, 50; rd Battery, officers batteries, 15; 25; ol, three 150. The number of men under canvas is the largest since the men went in to camp in May. At the time the 38th Battalion was at Barriefield the attendance was very high but not {| quite as large as at the present tim¢gf The records show that during A gust rations were issued for 69,560 men and for 12,996 horses, Lhe following is the scale of xj Zins is- sued to each man daily: Bread, 1 Ib; 1 1b; potatoes, 1 1b.; bacon, 2 2 oz.; jam, ? ; butter, 2 oz.; sugar, 2 oz; vegetables, 6 0z.; { cheese 1 0z.; split peas, % oz; 14" 0z.; coffee, 1-3 0z.; tea, 14 0Z.; | pepper, 1-36 0%; milk powder 1-2 0z.; 1 14 1b., of bread or 1 1b. of bis- cuit, if bread is not obtainable. Oat- meal, flour, rice or beans 2 oz, dried prunes or jam 2 oz.; two rations of coffee or two rations of tea instead of one of each. oz.; beans, The out of the ovens in one day Sinve | the men went into camp was hand ed by the Army: Service Corps of in charge of aff-Sergt. Joseph | | Pound on F riday. The the bread was 6,184 pounds. At four o'clock on Friday morning the bak- | ers were on the job and were busy up until ten o'clock at night. Three { batches were turned out by the four- teen men. The tins in which the { 'bread is baked will hold two loaves | weighing eight pounds in all The big rush on Friday was caus- ed by the arrival of the 8th C.M.R., | While that unit was away at Brock- | ville, the issue dropped away down. There is always a big rush on Satur- | day, as enough bread has to be bdk- | ed to last over the week-end. S | The two men employed in the Cen- | tral post office have a big job. Some |'days almost five thousand letters are received at the camp, while about | that: number are also sent out. The | general average is about four thous- d . There are two mails in and bet of the, camp, When the mail Patria at the Central post office, it is taken to the orerly tent of each unit: by two men detailed for that work. - The post office clerks issue { money orders and sell stamps. | Rumor had it that Sir Sam Hugh-} es, Minister of Militia, would come to | Barriefield camp this week to make an inspection, but it is thought he cancelled his visit and ordered Col {T. D. R. Hemniing to report at Ot- | tawa for consultation on {and Friday. It is thought that the | trip of Camp Commandant to Ottawa | was for the purpose of talking over | matters in connection with the win- | tering of volunteers of the 3rd Djvi- | sion: . It has been impossible for the of- ficers. of the 80th Battalion to do] much work on account of the non- arrival of the recruits who have en- | listed in the different towns. For | two or three days the commanding | officer has been expecting ;a large number of men but up until Friday | only about one hundred and fifty had | reported. There are about 150 at Ottawa and some at Petawawa anx- iously waiting for the order from Ot-| tawa to be received to proceed to] | Kingston. | The men who have arrived are be- such as| fixing up the camp grounds and | tents. | Five patients, who had been ad- mitted to the Field Hospital, Were! removed to the Hotel Dieu and the] General Hospital on Friday after-! noon. . -- A well-digger is at work on the camp grounds digging a well for the| use of the caretaker. It is intend-| ed to sink a well for about thirty- five feet. After the well-digger| completes this work he will make one of the other wells about forty feet | deeper. | On Friday a number of the men of | Queen's Engineering Corps were! busy installing electric lights on the portion of the ground used by thei cH Battalion, | weight of | postage | Thursday | TOL JuBBaOH. Twelve | from Ottawa late and reported for duty. ent time the battery hundred strong. men: arrived Friday afternoon} At the pres- is about two The men of the 33rd Battery arc going to attend the baseball game at the Cricket Field on Saturday after- poon when the team from that bat- tery will meet the, Victorias, cham- pions of the City Baseball League, in an exhibition game, The 34th Batterymen are becoming expert swimmers. The commanding officer has purchased for each man a bathing suit, and allows them to parade to the lake €ach afternoon for a duck. One of the pumps at the power house gave some trouble ing the past few days, but it ha been repaired, -- There are two out of the three running all the time, water dur- Elginburg Wedding. 18R The marriage took place at Elgin- | burg on Sept, 8th of Miss Kathleen Orser, daughter of Herbert Orser, Glenvale, and. William Irvin, son of John Irvin, Elginburg. The cere mony was performed at the parson- ag&by Rev. E. Codling. is'a cheesemaker at Elm Grove fac- tory. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin left on salty their wedding trip to Toronto, to be The groom | ~ This fall the English patterns are 'mostly shown---they and this should encourage particular about their feet should visit our store and inspect neat new _patte rns. Box Calf -- Gun Metal Calf -- Patent Colt-- Vici Kid-- Dark Tans-- PAGE FIVE the sale of them--men who b are are our the guests of Mr. Irvin's sister, Mra.-* Walter Barclay. at Elginburg. IN THE CLUTCHES They will reside OF OF RAEUMATISH| largest batch of bread turned | - The Great Suffering. of a Calgary Lady Before Relief Was Found. There is still a very prevalent be- lief that rheumatism is due to cold or wet weather. This belief is pro- bably due to the fact that when the blood is thin and watery there is an acute sensitiveness to atmospheric conditions and a change to wet wea- ther often means a return of the ex- cruciating pains. Rhewmatism, how- ever, is rooted in the blood, and it can only me driven from the system {by building up and enriching they blood. Hot baths and outward ap- plications of liniment may give tem | porary relief, but cannct cure. 1f the blood, disease is not attacked through the| it simply fastens itself more| {firmly on the system, and the suffer-| er ultimately crippled. ed by the case of Mrs. Frank Ford, of Calgary, Alta. Mrs, "I was an almost helpless from rheumatism. settied in every' joint. and hands had to becomes cripple My arms ¢ bandaged. My hopelessiy | | The truth of this'is prov-! Ford says:! It seemed to have] ankles were so swollen that I had to} use crutches. {long time After doctoring for a and growing steadily | 4 worse, the doctor advised me to go to Banff Springs. 1 stayed there for [eight weeks taking daily baths and) returned home poorer in pocket about $150 and not ene bit or. ed in health. I then Suteyed 3 josal | hospital, bat did not benefit. I was in such ie 2 that I almost wished to die, and 1 felt sure I would be a cripple. It was at this 8tage that a lifelong! friend who had been greatly henefit-| ted by Dr. Williams' Pink Piils urg-| ed me™o try them, I began the use | {of thes Pills and after taking them | a few wéeks the swelling in the joints began tor go down and the pain; was relieved. This greatly 'en- couraged me and I continued treatment until in the course of three months the cure was had thrown awa¥ the crutches, could walk anywhere and do my own housework, and I nevar- felt better in my life than I do at the present | time, and ail this is due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 have also given the Pills to my daughter who suffered from anaemia and she has gained in flesh and _ become a | strong' healthy girl." the| | If you are suffering from rhen-| matism or any weakness of the blood give Dr. Williams" Pink Pills a fair trial and they will speedily re- store you to health and strength. | Sold by all medicide dealers or by { mail at 50 cents a box or six boxer {for $2.50 by The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wedded At Gananoque. A quiet wedding was solemnized at! the ¥ree Methodist Church, Ganan- oque; on September 8th, at 7 a. m., | when Miss Hazel Slack, Sand Ba was united in marriage te Haro Tye, Lyndhurst. The bride was as- | sistéd by Miss Lola Johnston, Sand | Bay; while the groomsman was Wil-! mer Tye, The bride looked chirm-' ing in a handsome gown of white! Williams' | work thromghout | phasizing the necessity of Home De-! the observance Harrison's re- | | partment work and { FALL HATS Your appreciation of {style, our service and { our hats have made this { hat store one of the in- | stitutions of the city. | It's a source of keen { satisfaction to us to see the great numbers of | customers who come to {us season after season | for their hats. i. Now the time to {drop in and see our new | fall styles at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4. is ie Campbell Bros, | Kingston's Largest Hat Denlers | BREAKERS OF SABBATH CONDEMNED BY 1 REV. MELVIN TAYLOR, GANANOQUE Who Wants the Lord's Day Alliahea| To Get After People Who Ride | About li" Automoblies On That Pay. ht ed \ -- Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. bricks. We de liver to- all parts of the city in bulk or SAKELL' S IL Next Opera House. Phone 640 2] Motor Oil, Cup Grease.anu Fiber Grease for sale at H. MILNE | Phone 543. 272 Bagot St. All oils delivered on short- est notice. "LISTEN Food when properly Cooked, { Can be served First Class, 1 And the way to obtain' it is to "COOK WITH GAS. Drop a card to the Office of Works, Queen Street, 'phone 197, and have the GAS installed in your home. 'Light, Heat, Power and Water Depts. C. C. Folger, General Mgr. or The Kingston District Methodist) meeting met again on Friday after- noon in Princess Street Church. The chairman, Rev. Me.vin Taylor, Gan- complete. {| anoque, dealt forcibly regarding pow- ers with which the Lord's Day Al liance should endow itsell io go af-| ter. those Sabbath breakers who! think more of riding around automobile than attending worship. There are also many oth- er dangers, said the speaker, that threaten to ruin God's work. in any diving! /- Hel urged that more attention be given | by the pulpits to this matter. / Rev. G. 8S. Clendinnen drew resolution recommending that Lord's Day Alljance urge this important subjéet upon the people at an early date. np al the most | --- Previous to Mr. Tay.or's address, | 8 Rev. J. A. Waddell, Seeley"s Bay, | pre¢énted a report on-Sunday School the district, em- {of Decision Day. T. F. { solution embodied that greater in- i terest should be taken in Sunday | School work if gfeatér things are tol be éxpected of the church. Rev. Mr. Clendinnen the meeting for some little time up- {on the influence and interest of! jyoung people's work over this dis | Clendipnen proposed thats ytrict. Mr. at the nest district meeting a con- addressed] { | AT, RIDICULOUSLY imanufacturers have received {why LOW PRICES '""There's a Reason' Several of the largest furniture large Government contracts for making shell boxes and require their floor space. And we'vé taken advantage of this and bought heavily; that 'is we are prepared to give such liberal discount. Reid's High Quality and Reid's Prices, At JAMES REID'S, The Leading Low APPLY IT FOR CRAMPS COLIC-- DIARRHEA BRUISES SPRAINS -- SORE THROAT 260. & 500. Bottles. A tA at st Patriotic Rally | Frontenac County Council Patriotic Meeting ory HALL, : { silk, and carrying a beautiful bou-} oy [quef of asters, ' Her travelling guy ysntion be nd aah ativa | was. Of brown .serge with hat te? camp headquarters. The electric; power will be obtained from theeity. | Tuesday Evening, Sept. 14th At § pm. Things were very quiet around the lines of the 58th Battalion en ¥ri- day on account of the men being out | on a route march. The battalion left the grounds at eight in the morn- | | ing and returnéd about five o'clock. Citizens and residents of he County are invited to atten : 'Chair will be occupied by Dr. J. W Edwards, M.P. Addresses Will Be Given By W. F. NICKLE, MP, Surprised and Pleased Are the people who see our new Fall assortment of Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums---the prices are down to the lowest. Handsome Mahogany $40 Dresser for '$383. Our: Parlor: Suites at $28 and $35 are sellers. We cover all Parlor Suites to meet your taste and to give harmony of color in your raom, 1 be called together. | match. After the ceremony the hap y | couple left for Breckville. On (id ali, Social Servies and Evangel | furitag they 'will reside near Jane | {L. M. England, Cataraqui, who voic-| = : fed his opinion that greater attention | to the' social message of the Shute! RHEUMATISM GOES - <u fered They went out as far as Lemoine's 3 n Ansthet Aistrist: mesting will: be| Point where 'some taetfes were Zone} eld in Novem at Cataraqui. A through. AF HOOD'S S IS USED. Sommitioe 'comprised of Rev, L. M. -- gland, Rev. G. S. Clendinnen, Rev. This week is 'chaplain's week at) Yiu pasaine "old 1 reliable Hood yl A. Waddell, Rov. G, I. Campbell the Militia Y.M.C.A. On Friday ev-| Sarsaparilla ecorreets the acid condi: and Rev. Melvin Taylor, was appoin ening, Rev.. G. 1. Campbell gave the! tion pa the blood and builds up the ied to look after the arrangements. | address. The men. under canvas: whole system. It drives out rhemna- | Before concluding, Rev. Mr. Hol- | Fviamtly Sh Drselate She Sok of fhe! tis tis because it cleanses the blood. [ 1ingsworth apd T. F. mov- | | "Y*" which is shown in the fact that/ nsed {eda resolution of thanks to the Iad- almost five hundred attend some of; fay been wany lly med fot | es, who had shown their hospitality DR. ROBERTSON OTTAWA, the meetings. : tases world over. ila preparing such a lun- | A McG. RANKIN, MPP oy 5 W. D. BLACK, MPP. » From the time the men of the Sth| There is no better remedy for skin | Sh%°% At the oon hour in the Sun {day School room. Mrs. Brebner and | C.M.R. returned ou Thursdayf even- | rr Bleed Wiscases, for loss of noe. Rev. H. E. Curry made' suitab'e ack- ing until noon Friday they we busy | ite cumatism, sto n wledg: t cleaning up the herses and doing| ney troubles, general debility and all | fre ps By kind permission of Col. Ogilvie, he RC. HA. other necessary work. On Friday ai ills arising from impure, impover | "A 25e Baby Cough Syrup." 15e, Band will be in attendance. Solos, ete, ternoon they were vaccinated. ished, devitalized blood. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug St : : A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mader. 5 A. Mac Renate. o i It is unnecessary to suffer. Start Many a rich man will ly Pr GOD SAVE THE KING. September th, 1915. Mahogany and Fumed Oak dre Suites. Phone 90. Yours T. F. Harrison Co. in Dining Room : 1 the newest treatment at onee. Get a bottle of | find it a difficult to enter the king- | selmanding the 33nd Salta, 8 Hood 's Sarsaparilla from yor= near { dom. .of he en anne he finds it easy fo ved 37 nto his ranks! Y, ee oo : est druggist. a v3 be wlesuid for" ut Ob on Friday afternoon. These men) udnut's "rofiet ¥ were recruited in Toromto by capt | with 'the resgfta.