PRINTERS J BOOK-BINDERS ~ LOOSE LEAF pEvices' EMBOSSERS ENGRAVERS For Cameras, Films & Supplies and Finishing Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. {| ain, OL. W AT THE 'HENS AND EXPRESSES HIMSELF FORCIBLY Famous Editor Of Louisville Courier Journal Says U. 8, President Will Be "Heartless As Bengal Tiger" if Germans Fool Too Much. to Gl »" ; Henry Watterson dropped in to The. Globe for hour Saturday. Louisville The Lourier office a week age, and, afte official visit tol Puat-in-Bay w on his way "down! the Lawrence," and on to New York to attend the 50th anniversary "or the Manhattan Club. = he world's got I was five years ago,' Marse" Henry's fir mark It was plain the war was , great a reality to him as tp any Britisher, "1 get mad clear time I think about business Germany office He It Journal an on and an St into quite a here enough every this 'dam-fool' has been trying to put over, It takes me back to '61, when some of our Sovthern| [lConfederates talked the-same crazy | || nonsense we have been getting from the German professors "We had fellows who clamored for 'a place in the sun', only they {| called it-'a place in the territories' !a place for- African slavery. They boasted that our southerner with a {li corn-stalk could lick daylights out of [li the best six Yankees that ever walk-, ed, just as the Kaiser boasted how | he and his war lords could lick Brit-| And they bragged about their] {| social superiority and their rights to| hold down the black man, just as| these German apologists brag about] their supermen and their 'efficiency'! and their 'kultur.' The North And The South. "And our fellows succeeded- while. For two years and more we gave the north as much as they gave us. But it was no- use. When the moral forces got into play the nerve) of the slave-holding autocracy was | g cut. The thing was doomed as sure| as there was a God in heaven. Two| before the Confederacy feli and Johnson Knew it could not| stand We were in it because oui fi autocrats led us in, I was a flag {man But when the house of cards| for a! ATTERSON MAD LEnow white to deep olive green. {on the walls of the Cotton Exchange, » . . * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1915. Dublin and Tipperary are fight- France and Flanders to-day." Col Marse Henry" Watter- ent on way with -a parting for Berpstorff and the Ger- n spies, and with Nnreserved en- or what fhe Canadians are 2 the world a fitter I all nations. "This half mad Hohenzollern dynasty, with all 3 wholly barbarian kulture, must smaslied or there "in be no Gooa-bye." fr n 201 fh m th doing to jace for first be Pp! ace for any: of us i : . -- GROWS COLOR COTTONS. Remarkable Results Obtained by S. C. Planter, Savannah, Ga., Sept. I1{ --Results | remarkable seem about to be achiev- éd. by A. W.>Brahham, ofyOlar, 8.C., who has succeeded in préducing cot- ton which ranges in eolor to from The planter "asserts positively that black | cotton, sought for years by spinners and manufacturers, is about to be- come a reality, # That the statements of Brabham are no dream is borne out in concrete fashion by the receipt in Savannah of samples of his color cottons. The exhibit has been framed and hung where it has occasioned general in- terest and comment. * The seed used by Brabham in his experiments are those of the Egyptian staple, He had practised the selection extensive- ly, and in four years had secured in | regular order from the Egyptian seed a. cream, tan, vellow, green, light | brown and olive green and bronze. He is sanguine that attainments thus far achieved warrant the assertion | that black cotton is coming in the near future, { The samples sent by Brabham to Savannah cannot by any stretch of | the imagination be confused with | | tinges in cotton which might be the result of exposure or weather condi- | tions. Neither is there any suspi- cioh that dyes have been used to pro- | duce the colors. It is conceded that Brabham is giving to the world a most valuable discovery, and that as | a result the dye manufacturers of | Germany, who have for generations | had a. monopoly of the business throughout the civilized world, and éspecially in this country, will lose | thereby 'untold millions in trade. | It is the confident belief of Brab- | ham that the spinnérs and manufac- | | turers will eventually be able to se- | AN IMPERIAL MURDERER » ARCHDEACON OF LONDON DE. NOUNCES BABY-KILLERS Bodies Of Five Slain Children Taken to One Hospital After "Nursery Became a Slaughter-House'--Ter. | * rible Reckoning For the Kaiser. London, Sept. 14.--The fon of London, preaching in St Paul's Cathedral, réferred to the re- cent Zeppelin raid on London, i "I need not go farther back than! last Wednésday," said the archdea- | Lon, "to tell yott that changed into murder. Speaking | with all the restraint that from every preacher, as well as from the press, and with the knowledge and consent of the censor, 1 tell you that to one hospital alone were taken the dead bodies of little children of 5, 10, 7. and 5. years, and one little! baby, so that ithe nursery become aj slaughter house. "Of the imperial murderer who al- lowed it, if he did not order it, all we| can say is, in the words of the psal- mist, the most awful given to a man, "I will set before thee the things thou hast done." i { Archdea-|§ battle has J is duel punisniment | PAGE THREE i Probs.: Fair and warmer until Wednesday evening. suiting Corduroy Costume Velvets and Plushes !! The Vogle for Autumn Wear "Preparedness"--is the word that explains our vel- vet. department or the fall and winter seasons.--We have prepared and are now in a position to offer an unlimited selection of colors in:-- COLORED CORDUROYS Priced at COSTUME VELVETS Priced from FRENCH SILK PLUSHES Priced at 60c and 75¢ yard 60c to $2.00 yard $4.00 yard We invite your inspection, also see the window display ! cure cotton in the raw or unmanufac- i tured state in any desired shade or | : 7 | color. The advantages to be de-| sands of decent Germans when their| Go 4 from such production is. obvi- swashbuckling braggarts get their}, oo knock-out, All this aping of the] i Huns, this 'frightfulness,' this hell | ish barbarispn--it'gs diabolical Just] now, but it, too, will go down like a . + A ET ) house of eards. Every time 1 think | Did Not Press Vie tories, Says Italian | of Belgium and the Lusttania and Critic. i the Zeppelins 1 get mad and want to Rome, Sept. 14.--"Grand Duke fight as I never fought back in the| Nicholas lacked sufficient enérgy to) sixties. profit from' his triumphs when the Russian armies were victorious," collapsed it was a big relief | "And it will be a relief to thou-| MAJOR A. C. LARTER. Promoted to captain's rank, to take | charge of the troops supply column at Niagara-on-the-Lake. REMAKING MAN'S FACE THE REMARKABLE DEVICES OF A PARIS SURGEON. | the terrible. wounds had practically] Cicatrized. Then Dr. Morestin be-| gan his miracle, He todk a portion of the patient's back and used it to! replace the cheek. With the skin of the back he fashioned the lips. Then he took a portion of the man's short! ribs to make the nose and the sub-! stance of the chin. From the fore-| head he took the skin for the nose and from the stomach the skin for the chin. = Finally, when the man| was " practically refashioned and could be permitted to look at his new face, Dr. Morestin asked him if| there wis anything he regretted. The soldier replied: 'Yes, my mous- | tache.' 'Oh, don't you worry about| that," said the doctor, and without| even applying an anaesthetic he took) from the hairy nape of the neck a small strip. of skin and grafted it! on the upper lip. 'I can't promise you,' said the surgeon, 'that you willl have as victorious a moustache a3] that which you left in the trenches. | but In any case you won't be hair-| less." ° | The assistant adged that though) the man would certainly grow a] moustache, at present he goes 'Eng-| lish,' that is, clean-shaven. Subse-| quently the correspondent was in-| formed that the Rothschild Hospital alone contains over thirty conyales- cents whe proudly dfEfiliy nqges of flesh and blood sculptured for them | by Dr, Moreston. And at the St.! ing at this appalling picture the hos-| [-ouis' Hospital there have heen pital assistant made a sign to one of "0untless wounded men for whom the patients of the hospital who was | the miraculous surgeon has recon- just going' to' spend an afternoon at|Structed a part of the face. 4 kinematograph performance." ? Here is our man, said the assist- ant" The correspondent started un-| comprehending, but the asfistant ad- ded with a smile, 'Yes, I assure you. this is the patient whose photograph you have In your hand; the man who was brought into hospital without cheek, withotit jaw, without ehin, without lips, without nose" . The correspondent at first thought the assistant was 'pulling his leg." | For the patient who was just going! out bore no signs of the terrible wounds indicated in the photograph. His left cheek was the twin bro- ther of the right chéek; he had an uxcellent chin, lips that just opened in a-genial smiie, and nose with an" {irréproachable contour. His face 'only bore the rapidly vanishing trac: es of some cuts and a few white marks of surgical sewing. The pa- tient himself protéeded to confirm the Assistant's a¥sértions, talking {the slang of the French jfnfantry- man: 'Yes, it's mysell; 'twasa't any good Boches spoiling my port- rait; tA® doctor tricked them after call. As you see, he Had manufactur- ed for me a' very defent-face. For myself, I think he's intproved it, and | believe they'il find me wore of a knut when I" gét back into the coun- try. T he Hit a cigarette wai went to his Kinenfatograph a! the asdistant yontinued the story of | # the miracle. : "The great point,' he said, 'was that the vital organs were still in- tact. After a few days of continued washing and antiseptic - treatment, K rRalLWaAY EAE EEA EYE GLASSES The kind you want---the kind most everybody wants MODEL glasses scientifically | « ground. MODEL adjustment insuring perfect comfort. ODEL #hapes that add dig- nity to the face. MODEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. MPOPEL methods lowes' prices. He Built a Nose, Lips and Chéek On writes General Corsi, in the Tribuna. a French Soldier Who Had Been "He lacked the influence' to impress, Horribly Wounded. upon the Emperor the fact that the |London Daily Mail bureau-racy was responsible for the| If 2 man has neither nose to insufficiency ©f military ~ prepara-| Smell with, nor lips' to drink with, tions. During the retreat, however, | 10r a cheek to chew in, is he or can Grand Duke Nicholas showed a clear| De become a man? Not without a mind, capable of formulating precise miracle perhaps. = views and reaching prompt decis-| But there are surgeons, and am- ions. = s | Ong them Drs. Morestin andl Tuftier, "Thug it Was thet the "etréat,| of the Rothsolild. Hospital in Par. which niight have been turned into a is, who perform the miracle, the rout, became through thé leadership mirac.e of reconstruéting a man from of Grand Duke Nicholas one of the |his own ruins. : gre@test military successes of history _ M. Cristini, a correspondent of the from a 'strategical standpoint. It is| 'Journal des Debats' of Paris, was without comparison except for the admitted recently to the Rothschild famous retreat narrated by Xeno-| Hospital to see for himself the mir- phon." °° | acle in question. An attendant ask- is | ed him. to look at the photograph of FEREFEFEFPPPPE PP PRIIEPIEL | 2 man wounded in thé French tren- *» : # ches who had been admitted to the KITCHENER'S ARMY. + | kospital. It was a terrible picture +! 'The face lacked the lower portion # | of the left cheek, It lacked the chin, + and the lips and the nose." Could # that be a man? 1 could not help # | thinking of Victor Hugo's descrip- +} tion. 'His marrow was no niore in # | his bones nor his voice in his gul- + . +4) let. Had he éver possessed an eye, SEBS IBLF FSIS PAPI PIPES Pe | and if so where was it?' -- While the correspondent was look- German-Americans Deceived. "Our German-Americans? Glory, but they, were deceived. That whole { gang of Embassy men and the pro | fessors and the splés--they -have | been at work om ns for dwenty years , I cguld hardly believe it. Here were decent, honorable men, who were my { chums all my life, my comrades and | companions--why, when 1 began to | sée that this war meant civilization against savagery, freedom against | despotism, and took sides for civil- { ization and freedom, those lifetime {friends went clean crazy, mad and | crazy. All right, if that's what they ! mean, almdst any native American will take them at their word, We are no flabby néutrals. "Want war? No. The man's: a fool who wants war. Besides, there is not much of a military kind we i could do just now. But if it comes to a showdown with the despots and the 'world-power' war - lords and the place-in-the-sun autocrats, by jove | we'll be there and do aur bit if it takes tén years. | | This Week - | Ottawa, Sept. 10th to 18th. Sweet, |MTitnci Cre am ery | return Sept. 16th or 17th, at 32¢ Goo gum $255 wi and The Wn. Davies' Co. insuring \ KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Princess Street 3 doors above the Opera House in:five days from and including date of sale, but not later than Sept. 20th wat For full particulars apply to | Hanley, C. P. and T, mt Jol iand Ontagio streets. J P hnson London, Sept. 14.--The hy- 4 pression 'is growing in Great # Britain' that "Kitchener's # Army" has reached the huge to- "+ tal of four or four and a half % million men. * + * (ad Sed EIT EXHIBITION 'Ottawa, Sept. 10th. to 18th. . Round trip tickets will be Issued good {going on all trains Sept. 15th and AM, SEES PIE FFPSVS SEP jtrains Sept. 16th, valid for return Sept. BREE EPRE ~~. T35th or 17th, at WAR BULLETINS, | | $2.55. | Good going Sept. 10th to 17th Inclu- sive, returning within five days from date of gale, but net later than Bept. {Poth at $3.40. | Particulars from ¥. CONWAY, CP. A, City Ticket Offiee, corner Princess jand Wellington streets Phone 1197. 4 - . President Wilson's Make-up. You bad it right in that editorial this morning. I read every word of it. Wilson -has 'the restraint of a || cultured gentleman and the language {of a traimed scholar, but if 'they fool with him too much he 'can 'be as heartless as a Bengal tiger. "Don't you werry about our Irish. I' We have a few professionals whose | {| interest it is to talk about the evie- ftions of a century ago--but our Irish { handling of the Irish situation was | asininity to the limit=--but our Irish { leaders' to-day know that a Liberal Government is in power, and that the | right of the Irish people to govern | themselves is sure to be granted: Our Irish' in the States would fight for | freedom j Come Oné, Come All ! To Wolfe Island's Annual Fair, Tuesday and Wednesfiay, September 21st and 22nd. Baseball, trials of spe@d, etc., both days. 17th inclusive, valid for réturn with- Good Clothes and Good Behavior 0 a long way in mak- Phone 597. The Association of German Com- posers has decidéd .to expel Eugen D'Albért, the pianist and composer, from membership in the Association on account of his British origin D'Albert was born in Glasgow _ in 1864. It is usmally the man withount means that is" positive that he could ust as heroically as the lads| draw a will that could not be broken. PPE RE RRR RPE PREP RT ree S G. E. MARRISON, Photographer. (Bugcessor to Mrs. M. Henderson) SAA A A Act HIGH CLASS POR. TRAITS AT NIGHT Our powerful mew. 5,000 & Pp. Nitrogen Magda Lighting Sys- tem énables us to give vou first Glues service at night or dark dave, . Ofieé Hours: 5.00 ai=8 p.m.; 7.00 k Bm.-0.00 Pom. Wed. snd Sat. TY us for enlarging and copy- ing. | Phone Pgh Athens réports indicate mu- tinoug" plots in all sections of the Turkish Army and it is be- lieved the Dardanelles must soon surrender, German "airships on Monday night made their sixth air raid on Britain in one week. No serious damage was done, Ad- miral Sir Percy Scott has been placed in charge of defence of London against Zeppelin 'at- tacks. Clothes that are just a little better than ave made by anyone else ¢ are found at oar store. ¢ Our brands speak for themselves, -- In making reprisals, French aeroplanes bombarded and seri- ously damaged several import- ant German cities on Monday. _ITIS. 90 PRINCESS ST. 2 Don't Use Soap - or ma On Your Hair ti The best thing to use is just plain AND SPICES I mulsified cocomnut oil, for it is pure] 4 and entirely greaseless. It's very | For pickling you 'want the chéap, and beéats soaps or anything hest--we have it. else all to pieces. You ean get! C. H Pick " this at any drug store! and a few Grocer and 'Meat er. ou will last the whole family for) months. | 490 PRINCESS ] } The. Germans have reached * the railway to Petrograd but #:are falling back in the south, +» : om : + The second Canadian divisity # is now all in France, + # British workmen are to visit # the trenches and see the need * or muni va | - When you wash your hair, don't| 20th Century and Fashion €'raft, the high- est tatloring done' in Canada, style that de- mands attention. Be soap. © Most soaps and prépared | ShEMPOs .oontdin' too much alkalf, which is injurious, as it dries the 'scalp and makes the hair brittle, 1 tions. PACH PLLEB PPR Ieb tbs tberrrr rae 5 COST OF LWING. '- Depar Of Labor ls Kuiher 'Iv Highest On Ottawa, Sept. 14.--The Depart ment of Laber index, mumber . for August is announced as 147.6; which is 1.5 higher than in July, and 11.3 highest than for Auugst. last This month's We are looking for You if you need an up- to-date Fall Coat or Suit. Simply moisten the hair with "a ter and rub it in, about a tedaspoon- | ful is ali that is required. It makes! an abundance of rich, creamy lather, | cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out @asily. - The hair drtes quickly and | evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, | . bright, fully, wavy, and easy to han- } dle. Besides, loosens and takes ; every particle of dust," dirt ¥ | dandrug. : : - i I There is more catarrh In this section 1 of the country than all other diseases {pu together, and Until the last few vears was supposed to be 4 le. For a 4at many years doctors pro- doydnced, it & local ase and pre- worl local remedies, and by con: staotly failiag to cure with Jocal treatment, pronounced it incurable Sciénce has pr 0 he constitutional disease and refaie ri fires constitutional treatment. (Hal's ES titi = on miscellanecus grocer and Jate, oil cloths, sew drugs and chemicals. '1 The fall in grain lowered price of flour. and in some places of break as well. Cattle, sheep, eggs. ¢stl. fruit. vegetables, tin, copper, snd. & for const. o testimonials. ¥. J. CHENEY & CO, To-| Shi