ns The Daily British YEAR 82 NO 216 FRENCH EXPLODED 'SUPPLY STATIONS The Enemy's Advanced Trenches South of Arras Were Wrecked---Artillery 'Duel in the West Continues--Russia Calls Out Her Reserves. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, Sept. 17. (Official) French gunners exploded German supply stations in an artillery battle south of Arras, which® lasted all day yester- day and last night, and in which thousands of shells were fired: The enemy opene® the attacks, and also between Angres and Souchez. The French replied . with great the effectiveness, wrecking to-day. Fierce fighting occurred last night between Somme and Aisne, but with- | out importasnt results The artillery due) in the Aisne' continued without ce Argonne and between Sapingeul and the ssation last night Russia Calls Her Resérves. (Special to the Whig.) 2 A good deal of importance is attached to the deci- sion of Russia to call to the colors the reserves of the territerial army. Should the age limit be fixed at 35 years, this fresh call would mean the N Londen, Sept. 17. possible addition of 8,000,000 men to the Russian armies, including the men who had passed.$hrough the first line apd the reserves and those who heretofore have been exempted as students or only sons of men who are not quite up to the physical standard. Naturally all of these could not be armed and equipped, but Russia could have the pick of them ' With Russia now well supplied with munitions, her Allies, who have been supplying her, are now able to turn their attention to their own ar- " mies, and in consequence there is no cessation in the artillery engagements which have been so marked. in the west for several weeks -- past. A A tA ii ARS SECRET HEAD WAS A GERMAN SPY London, Sept. 37.--A prominent Russian who is here in connection | with war contracts for) his Government, revealed to-day the astounding fact that thé man at the head of the Russian special investigation service entrusted with the work of discovering German spies in Russia, was him- self 4 German spy. © This man had been known to the Russian court for years, and only proofs of the most indisputable nature led to his exposure. Then prompt action was taken. He was tried by court-martial, and con- victed of having betrayed the weak points of the Russian war prepara- tions to the very Germans he was expected to arrest. His execution fol- lowed immediately. . { The story, according to the Mail and Empire corréspondent's info=- mant,, created a great scandal, and further revelations are expected. i 70 DISTRIBUTE SOLDIERS | - ALL OVER THE COUNTRY (Specidl to the Whig.) Toronto, Sept. 17.--Majof-General Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Mi- litia, announced in an interview here this morning that 'the 'Department advanced trenches and silencing the enemy's batteries, the communique announced | KiNGSTON, ONTARIO, F SEPT RIDAY, Ww REFUGEES FROM THE WARSA EMBER 17. 1915 Whig | PAGES1-8) LAST EDITION I DISTRICT. | | 1 Capture Vilna, Dvi (Special to the Whig.) Petrograd, Sept. 17.--Field Mar-. | shal Von Hindenburg is now hurling 400,000 men, supported by a great array of artillery, against the' Rus | sian lines in the north in a deter: { mined attempt to capture Vilna, { Dvinsk and then Riga. The War Office, in an official | statement to-day, admitted that-the | Czar's troops have been compelled: | to give ground slightly before these fresh assaults. It was also admitted that the Russians are falling back One of the many groups of Russian, peasants leavi ward before the onrushir.g German armies beforé they we ~/AUSTR Attorney | IAN ROUT Be mn rn ~~ MANITOBA LIBERAL Party Pledged To "Votes Women. Says Winnipeg, Sept 17.- General A. B. Hudson said yesterday he believes Manitoba women will] have full suffrage before the end ot | the next legislative session. "The Liberal Government," he de-| Russians Have Triumphed in East Galicia. clared, "is pledged to this principle. | "The women are busy preparing! SEES E GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS think they will have any difficulty in obtaining the number of signatures VS OVER A 220-MILE FRONT. necessary." FRPP RERFP PR PERO PI PR i + { BY THE SLA *| + - -- LoS +| These Operations Are Regarded As Lieut.-Col. C.N. Perreau, Act: % Of More Importance Than Those ing Commandant of the Royal In Central And Northern Poland. Military College, reports tha . . the total enrolment at the col . Petrograd, Sept, 1%. -- The Austro- lege is 98. Of that number 64 German defeat south of the Pripet are recriiits. The second and #|Mmarshes and in eastern Galicia is third year classes are very small Se exinad by - Russian itary ex- on account of 50 many of the ca- + | ber ae SAmmplote rout. 3 cial that + all =~ dets 'accepting commissions in ndicgtes the Canadian and British Ex- ¢|way from Pripet marshes, east of Brest-Litovsk, to ditiopary Forces. : pe nary er, in Galicia, the Russians are hiifi- mering at the right wing of the Ger- man and Austro-Hungarian forces and that at some points the Teu- tonic troops are in precipitate re- tirement. 3 | Terrific assaults are {Haunched by the Russians the northern and southern ks of the Teutonic right' wing. Austro- Hungarian troops that advanced east of Kovel are falling back. A num- Lber of villages have been taken by the Slav forces. Northeast of Dub no, strong positions held by the Aus- tro-German forces have been taken at the point of the bayonet. 98 AT R. M. C, FERRE P ERE P EN PhP hd Wrong Riley Doesn't Want to Come Back New York, Sept. 17.--A despatch to The Evening Sun from . Kansas | City says: > i Some years ago Thomas M. Riley. ! | of Everton, Mo., was convicted of | manslaughter in Canada and senten-| ced to fifteen years is prison. In the] being against Used the Bayonet. may adopt an unexpected policy in housing the troops in training this winter, Instead of concentrating large bodies of troops now in camp at big city training centres during the winter, the Department may utilize | drill balls, armouries and other buildings in smaller cities and towns, and «distribute the regiments all about the country that way. This announcement was made in reply to Mayor Church's announce: meat recently that he would not allow soldiers without uniform to winter in thé Toronto Exhibition grounds. : "The Mayer had better keep his esteemed nose clean," said Sir Sam, "or he won't have any soldiers here at all. We will probably station the soldiers in the many fine drill halls in the smaller cities. Why should we £0 to the gréat expense of fitting up the exhibition grounds when we have these fine drill halls at our disposal?" = Allies Will ~~ Steffanson * Have Gallipoli Is Heard From. Very Shortly After a Year (Special to the Whig.) i (Special to the Whig.) London, Sept. 17.--The corres-! Ottawa, Sept. 17.--Steffanson, the pondent of 'the Daiyy Chronicle in arctic explorer, was definitely and di- Athens says: "The Germans recog-i rectly heard from this morning and nize that time is now against them !is apparently safe with his party in in this particulat gone of the great Baillie Island. He was last heard war area, and I am told by a diplo- of a year agp. adrift on an ice floe, mat that the belief in Vienua is that and in Some quarters was since given the Gallipoli Penindula gwili be in the up for lost. 3 Allies hands at an early date" Steffanson reports to the Naval De- | Posing i { same prison was another Thomas Riley, convicted of a similar crime | and serving a sentence of five years. {/ The Canadian Riley app.ied | {and obtained a pardon, but it was entered on, the prison records as be- {ing granted to the American Riley. Greatly to his surprise, he was fak- {en to Detroit, made to sign that he would never return to Canadian soil, and set free on American ter ritory. Riley went back to Ever- ton, and had been there a month [ before the mistake was discov®red. { The Canadian authorities sent an iagent to apply to the federal court | for Riley's arrest and extradition. {Yesterday J. E. Morrison, deputy | United States Marshal, went to Ev- |erton to serve his warrant. Riley {had taken to the hills, and to-day | sent word offering te "surrender if | the government would defend him | against extradition. He stands : on {the validity of the declaration he { signed that he never would go back | to Canada. te LIEUT. HARRY C. WALKEM Has Taken a Compal st Engineers fi? To the . Lisut. Harry C. Walkem, on of { Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Waltkem, Kings: | ten, who récently was granted a | commission in the Royal Engineers, | has written from' Southampton, Eng- | land, that he was leaving with & Tarnopol, Galicia, the Teutons have been hurled acrossythe Stripa River, rand prisoners-taken. Further south, jin the region southwest of Trem- wla, the Russiams, with the bay- onet, have driven the enemy from the -jrenches at the viilage of Zlot- niki, crossed the Stripa and are puf- girian arnties, inflicting enormous losses, 'while over 1,500 prison were taken. 3 has developed a violent artillery fire. Vill and Veikoutze' and between the Dvinsk road and the Samava farm. Tae Russians have dislodged the Germans northeast of Svientziany. At the fords of the River Viliya in the region east of Warsaw Railway the enemy. has .been thrown In the region of the upper Niemen i the Germans repeatedly assumed the |offensive, and east of 'Mosty, stub "born attacks were repulsed. | Operations in central and north- (ern Poland are reported as of sec- ondary importante in view of the | successful aghievements of the Rus- 2 § i i of Dniester Riv-| ! West, northwest and southwest of suing the Germans and Austro-Hup-/ orthwest of Dvinsk the enemy! admitted by high officials. Lakes| : . + Submarine bosses. c (Special to the Whig i London, Sept. 17 e have lost twenty and the British sev- el submarines since the beginning of the 'war, the Motor Boat publication asserted to-day. ; German Toys Reach Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 17.--The first cargo of German made toys to arrive here this year was unloaded yester- day fom the Holland-American line steamer ndyk. There were 1,200 cases in' the cargo and most of the -{oys were made -by hand in the Black forest of Germany. The Zaandyk arrived from Rotterdam. German Empress Received Nurses. (Special to the Whig.) | Berlin, via wireless, sept. 17. The German Empress has received in audience thre€ superior Russian nurses who came to Germany to inm- spect the Russian prisoners' camp, it i {ter Rolland was ordered dy Abd Ei partment that he is making prepara- tions for further ex Batlle Island is away north of the the Mackenzie River, {company of fifty men from Rouen, France. sl it. | mouth of important to do immediately {after joining Engineers. He said f | that he had no commissiSned officer French War Hero Dies. { with Wim, and had to keep his'eye op Paris, Sept. 17.--The death is an-| the men lest Be should lose: Some nounced of Bugler Rolland, sole sur-| of them enroute. Pair Of those who took part im the | ( upr GRANTED REQUEST Battle of Sidi Brahim in 1845 in the French war of subjugation in All op Young Lady to Marry Soldier In geria. He was ginety-five years old, | and was decorated a few years ago. : Sk with' the medal of the Legion of! Shortly Ba noon on Friday a Honor. President Poincaré attend-| young lady. who wished to become ed 'a dinner given in his honor ona bride, ap to Col. T. D. R. Hem- February 22nd, 1914, in this city. 'ming fo allow a cértain soldier leave During the Battle of Sidi Brahim, of absence to have the ceremony per while wounded and a prisoner, Bug- ' ed, ang Cauain, the Rev. G. I. Camp- Kader, the Arabian , to sound bell un the two in marriage at the retreat at a critical stage of the three o'clock Friday afterroon. battie in order te deceive the French! : troops. Without 'au instint's hesi- | lation he sounded the charge. Id was announced to-day. Walkem was given 4 | ! formed... The permission was grant- i You who have lived to see no purpose save that of terror netted in droves into captivity; You who have lived to see You who to-day witness th able Turk" to defy might: i ? King and Country, that you i terrors worse than death sign of civilization ruthlessly trampled ever and destroyed to gorge the insatiable appetite of Germany for world-victory; : is power linked with'the "unspeak- asked to "do your bit," and offer your services to may save your wife and children from You--who are free, independent-minded Canadians, who dis- like both coerclon/and ridicdle--you are asked to "do your bit" for Canada. win and preserved to you by Great Britain. at all times to do : Admiral Togo, when faced. with like thousand thoughts, but one pirpose." !in the region of Pinsk, but else where the enemy is being defeated on ¢€very sector, the Slavs taking more than 1,100 prisoners in Wed- nesday's engagements, Secuthwest of Dvinsk, the Germans have approached the Russian wire defences between' the Dvinsk road and Lake Samasa. Gen. Buelow's cavalry is nearing the Melodetehane- Polotsk Railway. Northwest of Vilna the enemy has thrown a force. across to the left bank of the Vilija, after bloody fighting. i ng their homes to flee. east- ire checked recently. { sians over the 220-mile front squth of the Pripet marshes. POPE'S MAIL HELD UP? Italian Censor at Work Is Berlin's Claim. Berlin, Sept, 17.--That the Italian| censor is holding up communications addressed by Pope Benedict to offic- ials of the Catholic Church in Ger- A torus sunolinged by the Over-|; .o heavily-by the British prize wit Is NE ey two letters from | COUrts «confiscation of contraband, the Vatican to Mgr Fruewirth, the! Papal nuncio to Bavaria at Munich, were never received. The first re-| lated to the appointment of an arch-| bishop at Pose; the second to affairs| Were Frustrated By Arrival of | of the 'Archbishop at Breslau. | Portsmouth Convict. | "1 * Windsor, Sept. 17. -- Secretly | brought from Portsmouth peniten- pe { tiary, where he is serving a ten Allied Airmen Completely Destroy | years' service, to Windsor, William | Cotton Factory. | Lefler went into the 'witness box at Amsterdam, Sept. 17.--The Echo | the preliminary trial of Charles Res- | Belge learns from a correspondent at| Pa. the Detroit man aecused of con- | Ghent that on Saturday aeroplanes |SPiracy to damage and damaging pro- ¢ -Alliee 'again dropped bombs|Perty in Wi ~and-- Walkerville. 3 y, and though heavily at-]With dynamite, and gave evidence tacked by German artillery succeed. Which resulted in the prisoner being {ed in accomplishing their purpose. COmmitted for trial on three charges. { The object was to stop the operations Respa was returned to Sandwich jail, of an important cotton factory. {to be held without bail until the fall Six bombs were dropped directly |®ssizes. on the building, uphe enh Plans of the defendant's counsel to caught fire and was completely de- | put in an &libi defence were fruscrat- |stroyed.. About forty German sol-|®d by the sudden appearance in the diers are believed to have been killed | cOurt-room of Lefier. ; or wounded. by the explosions. + | Respa has maintained an air of { confidence and indifference. Te RE In a clear, concise manner Lefler Meat Seizure Is Disturbin s Disturbing {related his association with Respa, Uncle Sam | fying dates, places of meeting and (Special to the Whig.) future plans of the Detroit "Bomb- | bund," which is allged to be headed | By Albert Kaltschmidt. i ' i } i Washington, Sept. 17---Extreme | | displeasure over the British prize court decision, confiscating fifteen million dollars worth of Anverican meats, pérvaded administration cir cles to-day. Officials privately admitted War Tidings. - The Chicago meat packers who . NPN mans PLANS FOR AN ALIBI CLOUD BOMBS ON GHENT. i ------ HAS RUSSIA ANY ARMY? | Teuton Claims of Prisoners Total About Four Millions, Geneva, Switzérland, Sept: 17. -- { The number of Russians taken pris- | oner since May 1st by the Austrians {and Germans is reckoned by 'La | Suisse at 2,571,750. It is stated {that 6,000 guns and 4,000 machine that | gwfis have been captured. The news- the decision was of great diplomatic paper states that these figures have importance. The Administration | been compiled from official bulletins stands ready to make vigorous re-|issued at Berlin and Vienna. It presentations at the proper. time. adds: . { That the decision increases the! "The official Austrian and" Ger- strained relations with Great Brit- | man figures given out prior to May ain' in the dispute over her interfer-| 1st showed a total of 1,395,000 Rus ence 'with American commerce was sian prisoners, nbt including civil- | ians or the dead and wounded. Gen- eral Polivanoff, the Russian Minister of War, informed the Duma that the | total of officers and men at the front 17.--The .hotel- | Since the beginning of the WAT WAS keepers of Hamilton have wnani- | 5,060,000. Consequently the pres- | mously decided that, beginning with ent total of Russian forces is 1,093.- i Monday next, they will absolutely 250. | refuse to serve liquor at any time! Lto soldiers.s This arrangement will | ! hold good until the 'war is over. The | | Provincial Commissioners are bein | notified to this effect. |. 1 | Hamilton Bars Closed to Soldiers. | Hamflton, Sept. APPLY FOR RECEIVER Bondholders Make Re quest In Court. I A crusade on social vice and pol! Victoria, B.C., Sept. 17.--An ap- tical impurity is being organized. by | plication fbr a receiver for the South- the Methodist Church in Canada. | Wellington mine and the other pro- a . | perty owned by the British ' Coast "== | Coal Mining Company, was made by . YE Y. Bedwell, K.C., acting for the E | Defendant in the action for $1,500,000 brought {by the Pacific Coast Cgal Mining Company shareholders. The appli- Heation was refused with leave to ap- pear again with evidence supporting fhe necessity of the appointment. | + Ottawa Reporter Wounded. { ia mem of the Ottawa Parliame i Gallery, whq as a f {reservist is at the front with Arby is | bondholders who ate the defendants a peaceful .people massacred with men, women and little children all things that were the outward Ottawa, Sept. 17. Maurice Arby, army, has been, wounded. iterpruter on the staff of ugnet. A German shell exploded and kill- led | quite seriously injured. this. HURLS 400, ~~ AGAINST RUSSIANS Von Hindenburg akes Determined Attempt to : Pi his horse, and in the fall he was | 000 MEN nsk And Riga--At Other Places the Russians Are Defeating the Enemy. are appealing to the Government to make formal protest The Washington State Department has practically accepted Germany's claim that the Hespérian struck a mine.and the incident is regarded as closed. . Athens despatches Thursday night reported extremely heavy fighting on land ang sea at Gallipoli with more progress by the Allies, Paris reported the situation quiet on the western front all Thursday. The Balkan situation has not regched, a settlement The British press views Bulgaria's attitude with some anxiety, Copenhagen advices say German papers have been permitted to pub- lish a sensational story to the effect that Roumania will enter the war al- most at once. The Turks have removed guns and barbed wire from -forts in territory ceded to Bulgaria, taking them to Gallipoli. The London Daily News gives de- tails of the cause of Russia's lack of shells, owing to the destruction of her ammunition factory near Petro- grad. Austro-German forees that . ad- vanced along the Kovel-farny Rail- ro#d, south of the Pripet marshes, have been driven back fifty miles by the Russians. a Big Conference -in Germany - Regarding U.S. (Special to the Whig.) Berlin, Sept. 17.--A most lmport ant net iting is hoped Era an rmany, vd the Foreign , where Ambass- andor Bernstorfl's report has been re- ceived. Leading bankers, statesmen, mercantile, marine men and busi- ness men of all descriptions ve been summoned to express views on the matter, the conferehce is likely to last for a week. Henry Birks, Montreal, is to #3 pervise Y. M. C. A. work at the front. ~~ DAILY MEMORANDUM Bee top of page 3 right hand corner, for probabilities. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIO Is on Sale at the Following City Stores: Bucknell's News Depot ..295 1} Clarke . W. & Co. ....383 College Book Store 63 Coulter's Grocery 209 Pr Cullen's Grocery, Cor. Princess & 4 Frontenac Hotel ... .+Onta Gibson's Drug Store Lowe's Grocery " McAuley's Book Store ....93' MeGall's Cigar Store, Cor. Prin. od's Grocery ....51.U Medley's Dru tore, Paul's Cigar Store Paul's Cigar Store ... Prouse's rug Store Valleau's Grocery ... MARRIED WATTS-CLARKE--In Kingston, September 15th, at 8t. Geol Cathedral, by the Rev. C. PF. Ceol] Whalley, Sylvia Viola, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Watts to Sergt E Clarke, son of F. W. Clarke, both of Kingston. WIGHTMAN -LOSEE -- On _ September 15th, 1915, at Collins Hay Metho- dist Church, by the Rev. D. D. Mac- Florence "Nor- Qauvghter Mr. and Losee, Collins Bay to uncan Wightman, King- ---- Cin ag Bt Alfred rio St Square 50 18 Mrs Lieu. H. D ston IN MEMORIAM. In Joving memory of John H. Gar- diner, beloved husband of Helen Booth Gardiner, who died September 17th, 1814 "ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Princess Stree. From Li 7, hile t ia Tuck's. pe as" nay . he. Season Pure Spices English Malt Vinegar Pure Cider Vinegar pure Pickling 3 DoRar r Spices and Vinegars are all guaranteed Pure. : Jas. Redden & Co v Fa