THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1915. PAGE THREE - INSURANCE Real. Estate Invest- : ments. W. H. GODWIN & SON ' Phone 424. 39 Brock St For Cameras, Films & Supplies | and Finishing Best's Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. The DAVIES This Week SPRING LAMB ! Fronts 1 .° Stewing Cuts (Mint with orders.) The Wn. Davies' Co. Limited. Phone 597. ot Miele tt " WHIG'S TOBACCO FUND FOR THE PATRICIAS THE QUEEN'S N'S HOSPITAL | IT HAS NOW REACH MARK Every Cent Raised Has Been Spent | Cigarettes For| Tobacco and Soldiers. --Mr. For the Retired. The Whig's T obacce Fund is stead stowing, and has now exceeded 1 3600 mark To day we publish a partial list of the . W. H: Hall, Bath, rkably well in his vicinity, and Miss Garbutt, stamp vemdor King ston Post Office word o hould be bestow men of Kingston, xceedingly well in shown by praise Po done 1pon the 1a ve 1 collections, ras dnesday's. paper In order to set at rest some misun- derstandings as to the distribution of th Fund, the Whig begs to make he following announcement: Every cent of 'the money collected the British Whig for. the Tobacco Fund is expended for tobacco and ei garettes for Canadian soldiers at the ont Not one penny of this fund used for the purpose of adminis tearing the Fund, for transpertation, or duly, or any other cause. The admins tration of the Fund is looked *T DY Lhe IR embers of the Overseas London, Eng., who comprise the leading men of the coun are personally bearing administration. All the moneys collected on behalf of the Fund are deposited in local banks tc the credit of the Overseas Club, of London, Eng. Mr. Private, who was sent to Cap ada gn behalf of the Overseas Club Tobago Fund, was provided with money for his expenses, and from time' to time such further credits as were found necessary were forward- ed from London Mr. Private had no access to the Funds collected by this paper 5 * The Club, having reason te fear oméwhat indiscreet and extravagant expenditure on Mr. Private's part, made arrangements some weeks ago to secure the service of F. R. Jones, the Hon and Treasurer of the Sales Managers' Association of Great Britain, to visit Canada, take up the thread of the work initiated by Mr. Private, and. investigate cares fully his expenditures Looking into the financial side, Mr. Jones has discovered certain items of expense incurred without thé au- thority of the Club, and the respen- sibility of these will he borne by Mr. Private personally, and he accepts all responsibility in regard to the same. The investigations, however, leave no room for question, but that all moneys received from the publie have been properly accounted for. As pointed out above, every cent of the money collected for tobacco is expended solely for tobaceo, and all expen in connection with the ad- ministration of the Fund are being met by the members of the Club. in London, Eng. Therefore, any ex- travagance on Mr. Private's part is a matter, not hetween him apd the by Ror of m any of t They the cost of Secretary | subseribers to this Fund, but between {him and the members of the Club. Once more it may not be out of place to announce that only Cana- dian tobaece is being'purchased for the Canadians through the Whig's Tobacco Fund. It is being suppli- ed solely through Tuckett, Limited, of Hamilton, and is all of the very best quality obtainable. The Fund now stands as follows: Previouély acknowledged ..$617.44 James Buras, City 1.00 I. Diven, Chestnut Hall, 2.00 Charley Walker, City Mrs. W. 8S. Ellis, City Collections made by Miss Garbytt, stamp vendor Post Office, V. 8. Beevor, City Mrs. 'J. M. Machar, City Mrs. E. Bimson, City Capt. Booth, City T. M. Asuelstine, City 1 Mr. Murton,- Pittsburg, Muriel Smith, shure, Pa. A. Friend. : A. Friend. 50 2.00 26 50 00 60 25 25 50 : { Private Sean) collection made | tricias who has done| Three companies have already gone been JF NIVERSITIES OF CANADA GET- IN CAIRO BARRACKS THAT KIT, | TING REINFORCEMENTS CHENER BUILT, | Bi m------ They Recognize That the Newspap- Earl Topiiff Writes That the Queen's ers Are the Most Efficient Means of Men Are Wearing Only Canvas Recruits. Boots and Tights It is So Het. I'he universities of Capada have Writing tg his aow for some time been working from Calg "Egypt, en | loyally tegether to ' reinforce that Earl Topliff,™ of Queen's | gal lant regiment the Princess Pa says: i Canadian Light Infantry. "We are settied at Igst. We have here about a week now but numbering nearly 900 men have not had time to write. Fhe --firstpight@we got pass to! leave the ship at Alexandria. Four The University Companies are of us hired a cgb for two hours for now known throughout the length about fifteen cents (six piastres) aud breadth of Canada, so that there each. The piers were in the rough is a continuous flow of men of the part of the city right type to Montreal. Not only do through this district we saw hus- such men find entry to a famous re- dreds asleep upon the pavements and giment but they' are 'rapidly equip-' in the dusty alleys. Goats, hens ped and trained and sent without de-! and donkeys wandered at leisure in lay oversea to England, where they and out of the houses; aiid a pre- are comfortably billeted in huts at nounced combination of all evil! an excellent camp near the sea on the odors | have smelt pervaded the air. | sguth coast of England. Moreover As we got nearer the better parts of the men secure the great advantage the eity we passed by many people of good comradeship with congenial| --native Egyptians, Turks and Euro | spirits of similar tastes and anteced-' peans---dricking from tables set on ents. the sidewalks and semetimes direct The first company Under a notable ly in the street. We passed a park officer, Captain Gregor Bgrclay, has and the trees seemed to be filled been declared by regular officers of with song birds. We could hardly experience to be second to noné com- hear each other spéak so loudly aid pared any company of any av- they sing. The main streets had five my in the world. . electric trolleys. The cars are fas | The ond company was raised tened together in twos and threes over-strength in seven weeks by Cap- to accommedate the great traffic and] tain G. MeDonald and Captain Perey relieve the congestion- so apparent | Molson. Both edmpanies are now in Eastern cities. All' classes mix | in France. indiscriminately in the cars, although The third company sailed eighty the first car is first-class coach for over strength because the newspap-| foreigners (Europeans). The parks er publishers of Canada were good and lawns were filled with sweet] enough to make known, through|smelling flowers. their columns that the company was made being formed. This resulted in such a rush of recruits that it: was neces and reached Cairo at eight p.m. The sary to apply to the Militia Council| coaches on the Egyptian State Rail- of Ottawa for a special authority to| way are large, in Hnglish style, and increase the strength from 250 to) the trains are very fast. Most of us| #30 men. Each man before embark- sat on top of the coacles to get a | ation writes to a friend who is a better view, but when we neared! likely recruit and tells him of the, Cairo our 0. C. made us come down. advantages of the Universities Com-| Cgiro is about one hundred snd for- pany, so that even before the men|ty miles up the river at the" head of have disembarked a fresh company the branches of the Nile. The eoun-| is assembling on the McGill Campus try is level and very fertile, produc-| at Montreal. ing as many as four eréps a year. Recruits are examined locally 'bY We passed through fidlds of cotton, an 'Army Medical officer and are at- nwarley, corn, riee, wheat, ete., and tested mv a magistrate in the near- there were fruit trees of many kinds | est city, after which an application ig; dates, figs, pome granates, | made for transportation, which is| phe land is all watered by an ex.| speedily furnished from Montreal. tensive irrigation syster. The This system is effective and rapid,| poads are built high above the sur- and free from red tape. There are pounding country and the natives in nearly every city, representatives rije.about on donkeys, using camels of the various universities who are! 5c the beast of burdem for heavier) always ready to help forward the labor. good work, and to give information 'After a long wait at the station | to men anxious to enlist. at Cairo (the staton is a large and The regulations respecting enlist: very modern building), we marched ment, pay and separation allowances to an Egyptian primary school, which are precisely the same as those for had heen converted into a soldiers' other Canadian troops. convalescent home. Here, after a At Montreal, the university lends! good meal and a welcome bath, we buildings for barracks, and the cam- slept soundly on the pavement out- pus for drill ground. Affiliation with side the hospital. McGill Officers' Training Corps is al "qy the morning we marched down great benefit, and interesting taetic- to gur present quarters, the Abbas- al work is carried out on the slopes sith Barracks. The barracks. are of Mount Royal. the finest and largest in the world, There is competent instruction inland were built by Kitchener. We are tactics, musketry, bayonet fighting converting three of the buildings into and trench making. The C.P.R. is! a base hespital, of which the Queen's kind eneugh to lend their gallery! Hospital Corps will have = charge. for shooting practice. A machine Two of the buildings will be made gun is available and signalling how !'to accommodate fifteen hundred of immense importance, is also beds, while the third will be used for taught. | our own quarters, storg rooms, eto. All information can be obtained "The barracks is on the east side from Capt. A. S. Eve, 382 Sher-iof the city, and just east of the bhar- brooke street west, the headquarters racks is Heliopolis, the English resi- of the successive companies. | dential district, and«the winter resort The newspapers have proved them- of many of the elite of northern Eu- selves to he the most efficient means orpe. Between us and Heliopolis of raising recruits. and every read-| is a large remount camp; in it are er who cannot himself go to the! twenty thousand fine Arabian horses front can help in the present strug- used for army purposes. These gle by calling the attention of his! horses are certainly beauties. 1 friends to this opportunity { have never seen their egual. Te the ; -------- | south-east (from the roof of. the oo barracks) we can see the pyramids oe Bede db OSS ddd and: Sphinx Gizth. » * ? fifteen miles" distant, Quite near WAR BULLETINS, Raising Aug. 20th, Hospital overseas, and ® fourth -€ompany is pow under: formation at Montreal, | with the air almost heavy. "We left Alexandria at three p.m. 4! 0s and in the city are the barracks + ad watch towers built by Napoleon + When he passed the winter in Egypt. They are about} he i Miss Margaret iA. Friend, City HE. {| Mr. Big men--men with broad shoulders and large waist line--don't have to fuss and worry about having their clothes made any more, We have solved that problem--not only in Suits and Overcoats, but also in Underwear, We Are Selling { This Week 48 and 50 Jobs Bal« briggan Shirts and Drawers, at 50e. per garment, cB This size and quality are worth $1.25 per garment. This is'a thance for big men. | Miss Ellen Hall, It NINN LPN NNN "Live and let live" i3 a good motto 1A Friend. * Bath: | ner on goodness L Tyeedle , i xe C. Smith, Clayton, N.Y. rs. E. Macnee, City iss Geraldine Norris, to. Toron- Thomsop, "To- ronto. . CE G. M., Picton .. Theodore Norris, Ont... . Torento, J. Campbell Strange, City Collections mad by W. Walter Rikley, Bath, Ont. . Clayton Steele, Bath, Ont.. Harold Rikley, Bath, Ont Fred Benjamin, Odessa, Ont Herbert Laidley, Bath, Ont. Rev. A. L. McTear, Bath, Ont M. Harper, Detroit, Mich. E. B. Miller, Napanee, Ont, H, A, Lewis, Bath, Ont Wm. Jaynes, Bath, Ont, . Robert Rird, Collins TE Robert Stevenson, Bath, Ont Mr. Howard, Emerald Miss Katherine McTear, Bath | Robt, G. Miller, R.R. 3, Col- Gertride. "Reynolds, 8, Bath, 'Ont. Mr. Fred Hall, Bath, Ont . Chas. Davy, A er Miss Ethel ee, Bath, Ont Mrs. C. J. Coy, Syracuse, N.Y A. E. Paul, Napanee, Ont. . I= Franklin, Bath, Ont. Bath 1. * Brackencury, Catharines | | "w Geo. Rickey, Collins Bay 3 Hi J. B. Howell, Bath, Ost .. ii Jas. Strain, Stella, Ont. i Il! Dr. 5. 8. Northmore, Bath. . li Geo. E..Cole, Boston, Maes. e W. Gilmore; Rochester, NY... . Albert Le Vosbetg, Rochester NY. | Geo. B- Steels, Rochester, N.Y When you think you 'have a cor ou are quite like Iy to meet somebody whe imagines 'Ihe is betfer than you. + There tay be times when it i= necessary to speak the trath--but at for all meén---with the excoption of 'butchers ard undertakers. - a mi Wshully Wanectesary ; 10 speak at aif The Russians are still hold- ing the Germans back om both wings. A Yankee financier, in the &/ Across the Nile is a fkmous stone bridge, while in the city proper are tke ruins of the old slave market, the citadel, the great Turkish mosque, STITT sir reo 5 ish' Isles 100,000 are in khaki and 5 the British Isles and that "her boys™ | now 5 | were going with ihe fire of tense he : > and the City of the Dead. I New York World, suggests that #| | have oh nan able to aca) these Canada be put as security for 1,0) vou about them later, . Also the billion dollar lean to the *.on the way to.the pyramids is the fa- Zoo. Allies. Mons ¥| "You have no idea how hot it is # here, We have discarded our tropi- * cal uniforms and 'walk about the barracks in canvas boots and a #| 'scant' pair of canvas tights attached the German submarines so well # 19 our suspenders--that's all--bat in hand this week 'that only # that is quite Slahgrate to some that three British ships have heen ¥ we see. We are in good quarters + sunk, + now, and likely to be here for several ® 4+ 'months. 1 have not received any || SH mail since 1 left England, but expect to soon." . Ireland In War. Of the 7,800,000 Trish in the Brit-| Russia is adding eight mil-, lion to her armies this winger. 2 The British navy has had SEND CONVICTS TO WAR * nearly all' of 'hese ara af the firing Methodist Pastor Suggests Scheme line. The Emerald Isle with its ag-| For Caundian Militia. gregate population of 4,500,000 has| - 4 Ghiistian Guardian of this contributed the bulk of these Irish! | week Rev. liver E. Mann, of Millet, fighters. Alta. advocates that Canada pro- The. spirit ot Ireland in the war: claim an amnesty to all its ebnviets, was eloquently extoiled by \ > to allow them to serve in the ranks O'Connor, M.P., in a rousing speech | of the Canad'an Militia. recently at an irish celebration, Mr, O'Connor, 1a ringing tones, Said that! n Ireland was sending to the front the | does not brand 4 herole manhood of he lumen in| glo til "Voree thaw some mem Ariatidin An their hearts for the tish flag: It was not an Ireland that grud-! ged her men, said Mr. O'Connor, but | an Ireland whose heart was Wrapped ,y 4 plea that Canada shew her fait up in the destiny of the British iy pumen nature and "giving a any cause, an Ireland "warm in its Ue 5 chance" He would show them Suthing fealty to king and coum mat all society has against them is That was "Tay Pay's" way of Jobe) ting the worid know that. ireland i those who velunte | for the past. ts: | pastor answers some Yapdy objections to this suggestion mostly in the commen jagainst the foe. Not thst =o Pay" thought the world needed to] hay be reminded of Ireland's lo 5 but that it poin ver will Ireland think of anyth bat ghong Tor ae wit ne | Hi other at Bath} Probs.: Saturday fine 'and a little cooler. 3 and as we passed The odor of these | fi A Sale Day of Wonderful Opportunities We purpose to convince e vervoné in King. ston and Frontenac county that the Steacy store is the place to trade'and that vou should stop spending your money ont of town--our system is to sell you the same gdods or better at the same price or less ! tt AA ANA Pt. -- Nn a New York Suits 25 Sample Suits, made of all-wool Tweeds, Cheviots and Se rge--with a few glove-skin cloths--in colors Russian Green, Mixtures, from $17.50 to § Novelty ete. | Mi African Brown, Tweed Navy and Black-- these Suits are worth re gularly 23.50. Saturday Striped Waists 15 doz. Awning striped and colored Waists--direet from New York; reg. $2.00 VY, alues. Saturday ashion Brand" Waists 18 doz. new 'Fashion' Waists; in five different designs --loug sleeved, in sizes 34 to 42--fit and finish guaranteed--reg g. - $1.7 5} to Saturday $2.50 values; $k 50 French Model Corsets 50 doz. fine quality French coiitil and batiste ( 'orsets--all sizes from 19 to 30 -- these two great specials are known as *'Steac v's Speecial;' ' reg. price $1.50. Saturday Flannelette Blankets 88 pairs best quality "Nashua Mills" Grey--first quality only; reg. value, £1.50. Blankets, in White and Saturday 98c Pn Compare These Prices With Eaton and Simpson Catalogue Prices » ¥n bg? "Nor "The Woman's s Store of Kingston" fully alike. Among men there are He | Many who will admit that although a man may have heap years in pri- sen, theve may he Pasaibilhise wal great good in him." 1'The Potsdam Grenadiers. The Prussian G! 'whom Eng- land has hapdled so roughly at Ypres! and elsewhere, are the modern repre sentatives of the famous regiment of giants, ham a as the Potsdam Great week, odd sizes of Men Y Pang, Black, an a pntimg regular #5, $530 and $6 values, will be sold at prices to make room for Fall stock. "Your choice ETL AAAs ee ts A baad SAVY ee sate fi 2