Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1915, p. 9

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~The Teutons Picton; Mrs. PAGES 9 -14 ~ . . he Daily British Whig [= | YEAR; 82 NO, 218 During September-- THE SCHOOL FAIRS HELD IN FRONTENAC Kingston, Storrington And Portland Event -The Children's Ex- . hibits Were Excellent---Those Who Won Prizes. The second annual Rural School | Hull, Marion Rankin, Purcell Irish, | e Fair for the Townchip of Kingston Carmel Fowler, Lizzie Lawler, Eun-| Loyd Leonard, qui on September! ice Knight, Sec. B.--Ursula Sproule, | ton Willie Shillington. i Eunice | Mildred Seigswerth, Silver, | Philip Yeoman, Mildred Bauder. Sec. | was held at Catars 9th, under the direction of the Fron- tenae Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, This was the first time that this school fair was held as an independent and separate exhibition fof the children Kingston Township The system of holding the fairs or independent of the fall fairs and by separate townships is proving a great impetus to the School Fair Movement in Frontenac County. The exhibits were displayed in the Town Halli and by early noon a large num- ber of tables were completely cover- ed by the carefully grown products produced by the public school child- ren of Kingston Township. The Westbrook Branch of the Wo- men's Institute deserve commenda- tion for the able manner in which they assisted in making this fair the grand success that it was; both by aiding financially, giving hot lunch, and other refreshments to exhibitors and their friends, and also assisting in many other ways in conducting the fair, A suitable field was willingly grant- ed by Mr. Simpson for the judging of the colts and calves and the con- ducting of an excellent athletic pro- gramme, which created much inter- est and amusement, not only for'the children 'but for the older people as well. Much credit is due Mr. Alexander, Manager of the Union Bank at Sy- denham, and J. Sibbitt, who so ably conducted the programme of sports, About oné o'clock the judging com- menced, G. B. Curran, Department of Agriculture, Napanee; A. P. Mac- Vannell, Department of Agrichiture, Alexander, Sydenham, assisted by Miss Jennie Kavaner, Sy- denham, acted in the capacity of judges. In many cases the competi- tion was so strong the judges had considerable difficulty in awarding the prizes. After the judging and .sporfs were completed, the pupils were all as- sembled in front of the hall and Mr. Alexander, Union Bank, Sydenham, distributed to them their well-earned and worthy prizes, while Mr, Ross Sibbitt, Kingston, "called out the names of the winning competitors. Just before the distribution of the prize 'money an item well worthy of mention occurred when Master "Johnny" Saunders, Cataraqui, de- livered a five-minute address; his aubject being "Our Flag," with an eloguence and power of expression seldom surpassed on any platform; pointing out its history and what it stood for. This address was not only patriotic but. was edueational and inspiring to all those who had the pleasure of hearing it delivered. Mr. Main wishes to take this op- portunity on behalf of the Director- ate of the Fair, to express his sin- cerest appreciation to all those whe donated in any way toward financing the prize list; to the teachers of the various schools for their co-operation and assistance they gave to the pu- pills; to the parents and representa- tives who assisted in arranging the exhibits at the fair, and the pupils for their interest and attention which they must have given the work in or der to be able to display such higl quality and fine appearing exhibits. The following are the names of the prize winners: Potatoes, Sec. A.-- Keith Hull, El- ma Kemp, Ruth Bruton, David An- drews, Russel Vanalstyne, Swain, Fred Morris, Eric Morris, Laura Maxwell, Sec. B.--Russel Vanalstyne, Clarence Hartman, James Blair Purcell Irish, Alphon- Lillian | Alice Baker, Knight, Purcell Hazel Gates. Poultry, Sec. A.--Fred Hartman, Victor Bell, Clarence McBride, Wil- Elsie Irish, Day, Lena gar Stover. See. B.--Victor Bell, Rankin | Georgina Bel, | Buford Harpel, Sec. D.~--William | Crowe, Clarence McBride, George | MeCrowe. Sec. E.---James | Lelia Brown, Edgar Stover. | Colt--Frankin Shillington, Gordon! Humphrey, { Johnson. | Calf--Harold Sharpe, Edgar Stov- | er, Earl Murton. | BEssay--Ursula { Shillington. Sproule, He KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915 Still Hoping as ate of the Fair, of extending to all} Fancy Sewing--Myrtle Storms, | Donald, Irene Allison. those who assisted ejther financially Elizabeth Reynolds. Martha Martin. 1 Frederika Férguson, or otherwise, in the making of this fair the grand success which it was this since tion. 3 Not 1 extensive than it was this year. The following are the ize winners: Potat Sec. Delbert Hicks, A--DMabel Madolia Babcock Cole, Wellington Pixley, Laverne Kerr, Egerton Perty, Claude Percy, Carroll Humphrey, Watson, Mabelle McLean, McLean, Uneeta Caverley, Shannon Mangels, See. Russel Manson. Sec. | Reed, Helen Kerr. Oats, Sec A.--Frank B. - Sec. C.--Loyd Leonard, Willie ton, Alexander Shillington Barley, See. A Willie'Shillington Shilling of | liam McCrow, Clarence Babcock, Ed-| Harold Clark, Lloyd Leonard, Arthur direct¥§ interested. McQuay See. B.--Harold Clark, separate] Buford Harpell, Georgina Bell, David | A. T. McQuay, Lloyd Leonard, Wil-{ Napanee, A Sec. C.--Flossie Abrams! lie Shillington, Sec. C Lioyd Russell Vanalystyne, Leonard, Willie Shillington; Harold Tait, Westbroo Clark, Arthur McQuay. Sweet Corn, Sec: A--Francis Shil- Blair, | lington, Harry Peters, Alma Morley, | an athletic progranime was conduct- Lorne Mooge, Keitha Moore, Carrol Gerald Walker, Carl Reynolds, Carl Reynolds. See. B- Earl Reynolds, Hattie Ellerbeck, C. Cowdy, Wellington Pixley, Francis Verna | Shillington, Clarence Watson, Alma | tors and visitors at the fair. Morley, Wilhemina Goodberry, Mur- Drawing--Evelyn 'Edwards, Laura lel Seigsworth. | Maxwell, { . Weeds--Ursula Sproule, Knight. | © Weed Seeds--Edward Riley, Gor- { don Johnson, Wardili- Knight. | Insects--Edward Riley, Sproule. Cake--Beatrice Graham, Beulah Mohan, Marion Ranking. Pie--Georgina Irwin Elma Beatrice Graham. Tea Biseuits--Dorothy Cooke, Hel- en. Maxwell, Beatrice Graham. Cidndy---Beulah Mohan, Graham, Helen Vanluven. Ursula Kemp, Henderson, Mabelle Burnett, Buttonholes--Beulah Molian, Jul ia Smith, Ursula Sproule. Fancy Sewing--Lizzie Lawler Berniece Yeomans. ,Ursula Sproule. Plain handsewing--Ada Caverley, Dorbthy Cooke, Ursula Sproule. Darning on cashmere stocking -- Georgiana Irwin, Verna Shillington. Five minute Address--Johnny Saunders. Apples (winter variety)--Viola Ir- win, Dorothy Cook, Helen Maxwell. Apples (fall variety) --Ruth Bru- ton, Dorothy Cook, Viola Irwin, Milk stool---Keith Hull, Archie Shillington, John Swain, Drawing-- Evelyn Edwards, Laura Maxwell. War Plots--Edgar Stover, Jackson, Evelyn Edwards. Portland Township School Fair. The first "annual Rural School Fair for thie Township of Portland was held on September 13th, on the Agricultural: Grounds, Harrowsmith. The weather heing ideal for the oc- casion, the fair was a clean cut sue- cess in every respect. The Agricul- tural Hall made a very unique place to display the large number of ex- litbits- brought forward by the pub- lic school pupils of Portland Town- ship. The crowd started to gather about nine o'clock and by noon the long rows of fables all around the hall and down the centre were load- ed almost to their full capacity, with thé neatly arranged and decorated exhibits. The remarkable ingenui- ty of the pupils in the preparation and showing of their ° exhibits for fair purposes should prove an inspir- ation to many of the older people The exhibitions are becoming such a great item in the agriculture of this dominion the School Fair should prove itself to be a great and eff cient training school for the large: fairs. The pupil who shows neat exhibits will make the stronges® | competitor in our larger fairs in | years to .come. Much credit is due Mr. and Mrs. | Lyons for the able manner in which | they prepared hot lunch and other | refreshments for the many exhibitors | and their friends. Nellie sus Smith, Grace Coffee, Eletha Gates! Immediately gfter lunch the judg: Percy Fraser, David Andrews. Mangels, See. A---Laura Helen Maxwell, Clarence Stover, Elé- tha Gates. Mabelle Burnett,. 3 Oats, Sec. A. Earl ald SHver, Marsh. Hubert Silver, Sec. B.--Willie " Rankin, Sec. C Bell, . Barley, Sec. A.--Victoria Price, Baker, . B.~-- Laura May Baker, Harry Baker, Eletha Gates, Murton, Don- Wilson Grass, ~Howard Love, Hubert Silver, David ~--David Rankin, Wilton Marsh, Donald Silver, Vietor ing commenced. partment of Agriculture, Napanee; AP. MacVannel, Department of Ag- riculture, Picton; Mrs. G. W. Me the capacity of judges. Judging was in , G. B. Curran, De- Naughton, Mrs. W. S. Gordon, and Mrs. Alexander, Sydenham, acted in athletic programme was conducted which gave much amusement. This Dent Corn, Sec. A.-- Vincent Kidd, Wardell | Vanley Shea, Ethel Bauder, Kenneth | Clarke. See. B.- Vincent Kidd, Ethel neth Clark. Flowers, Sec. A.--Otto Gossage, Dolly Baker, Irene Whitty, Marion Swerbrick, Uneeta Caverley, Helen (err, Alma Morley, Huena Shilling- ton, Helen Babcock. Sec. B.-- Huena Shillington, Mabelle McLean, Dolly Baker, Ethel Bauder, Illa Westbrook, Alma Morley, Idell Eller- Varley Bauder, Shea, Ken- Beatrice | beck. Poultry, Sec. A.--Marion Walker, Apron--Ruth Bruton, Marguerite Idell Ellerbeck, Helen G, Babcock; Velma Ellerbeck, Otto Gossage, Hue- na 'Shillington, ton Pixley, Kenneth Clark, Helen C. Baboock," Harry Peters. See. C Wellington Pixley, Earl Reynolds, Wilhelntina Goodberry. Helen Babcock. See. D.--Wellington Pix- ley, Earl Reynolds, Vanley Shea Sec. E.--Earl Reynolds, Idell Eller- beck, Illa Bauder. Colt---Oscar Cowdy, Pixley. Calf--Melville Cowdy. - Essay--Lorne Moore. Essay-- Russell Manson, George Reynolds. Weeds--Ethel Bauder, Watson. Weed Seeds--Lorne Moore, Wel- lington Pixley, Ethel Bauder. _Insects--Clarence Watson, Botting, Lorne Moore. Layer Cake--Rhoda Conners, My- rtle Storms, D. Thompson. Apple Pie--Mildred Cowdyf Nina Cowdy, Velma Ellérbeck. Tea Biscuits--Marion Walker, Thompson, Nina Cowdy. Reed, Earl D. Mildred Cowdy, Lottie Reed. Apron--Mildred Jackson, Conners, Myrtle Storms. . Buttonholes--Myrtle Storms, Ellerbeck, Lizzie Reynolds. + Rhoda Idell , Quay. rest and heartiest apprecia-! Jot only thanking them for| Yeomans, Helen Kerr, Laver the past, but solicits their interest] and support for another year, in or-| Pixley, Charles Day, Arthur Walker. | Caird, Phyliss der that Portland Rural School-Fair| may become even greater and more] ville Reed, Clifford Cowdy. names of| Manson. Veley, ------ . Storrington Rural School Fair. | Leslie G. Whitty, Eliva Martin, Eve-| lyn Card, "Hazel" Jamieson, Arthur) pair for the Towiiship of Storrington | Sec. Bujak Clarence | Wesley James | A.--Herman Moore, Leslie G. Whitty, Gordon Babcock, | the season to. be held in Frontenac! B.--Hattie| county. Ellerbeck, Russell Manson, Melville| the occasion and u large crowd gath- | Schauf, Alexander Shilling- Frank Schautf,] Sec. B.--Welling-| | Langbort. | ville, Ross Makin, Cecil Sands, John G.A\McGrath. Wellington. Clifford | George Clarence | Spm" SECOND SECTION For a Decision See. B: -- | Florence Me-| z Address--Edna Mec-| Donald, Mamie /Dobhs, Helen Arthur, | | Evelyn Morelafid, Doreen Gordon, ! 8 . ' (winter variety)--Philip| Thorall Aykroyd, > Kerr; Poultry, Se¢. A.--Jiane M. Clarke,| .. ' Apples (fall variety)---WEe¢€llington | Bertha Sleeth, Denzil Dixon, Fred | Darling, John Me-| Sec- B.--Helen Bell, Olga} | Arthur, Jane M.): Clarke, Gardiner] Watson, Irwin! Hanley. See. 'C.~--Doris Darling, |: | Vera Keho, Gerald Langstaff, Gardi- | Best dressed doll--Myrtle Stormaz. | ner Hanley. Sec. D.--Vera Kehoe, ! | Bruce Miller, John MeGrath. Sée. E. --Sidney George, Joseph McGrath, School | Cecil Sands. | Colt.--Frank Kent. Calf--Rosswell Traves, ing. Essay--Olga Arthur. ! Weeds Illa Bishop, Sidney! Five Minute Apples Milk Stool Russell Manson, Mel-| Grath, { Drawing--Oakley The third annual Rural !@vas held at Inverary in the .Agricul-| tural Hall, Friday, September 3rd: It was conducted under the direction of the Frontenac Branch of "he Ontaric Department of Agricultu.e and pre vi George. | ed, to be a great success. | Weed Seeds.--Phyliss Bishop, | This School Fair was the first of | Joseph McGrath. Insects--Helen The weather was ideal for| thur. . Layer Cake--Gladys Garrett, Alice! Hughson, Helen Bell | ~ Apple Pie--Helen Arthur, Phyliss | Darling, 3 Tea Biscuits--Thorall Aykroyd, | Hungary have arrived, while Reta Dennee, Pearl Shepherd. Home-made Candy---Alice Hugh- | son, Joseph M¢éGrath, Ena Crowe. Apron--Illa Bishop, Marion Lake Jane Clarke, Fancy Sewing--Illa Bishop, Phy-| liss Bishop. Mildred Lucy. Plain hand séwing--Phyliss Bish- op, Jane Clarke, Darning o2 cashmere stocking -- Jane Clarke, Phyliss Bishop. Apples (winter variety)--Helen | the Arthur, Denzil Dixon, Apples, (fall variety)--Helen Ar. thur, Willie Leatherland, Clarke. ' | Melville | Arthur, Olga Ar-| | ered before moon to see tha eshibitsi {of grains, roots, vege:ables fils: cooking, sewing, poultry, live-stock, | ete., brought by the children of Stor- rington schools to compete for prizes. | | The exhibits displayed by the ¢hil- { dren showed great care and attention on their part, and were indeed a cre-! | dit to themselves and to those in- Rotterdam, Sept. 20.--For severa countries. several indicating that have been begun for a great new G. B. Curran and L. campaign by the Cenfral Powers P, H. Mallory, MacVannel, Picton, | Sproule and Mrs. A k, and S. A. Truscott, Kingston acted 'as judges. | | While the judging was in progress | Mrs. "J. L. F. railway lines from | ed, which proved very interesting in- | | deed. | The Inverary Branch of the Wom- | en's Institute provided hot lunch and] other refreshments for the exhibi- immediate objectives. Then Lillian | Gérmans will dig themselves in transfer all their available the and cil Sands, Kenneth Sands. | another of their enemies Drawing-- Phyllis Bishop, Olga Ar-| This opinion is based not on dedu- thur, | ctions from the military situation, Mr. Main wishes to take this op- Drawing--Rosswell Traves, Paul-! but on reports which have reached portunity on bebalf of the Director-| 1 y ate of the Fair, of extending to alll ine Anglin, Illa Bishop. + those who assisted either financially Best dressed doll--Jane M. Clarke. or otherwise, in making this fair the | grand success which it was, his sin-| NEW RUSSIAN COMMAND 1 cerest and heartiest appreciation. Following are the prize winners: | Potatoes, Sec. A.--Garrett Holder, Reginald Lake, Willie Leatherland, Clifford Sands, Delaware Sands, Mil- dred Lucy, Olga Arthur, Lloyd Knapp | Charles James Gordon. Sec. B.--, Delaware Sands, Clifford Sands, Bruce Miller, Baden Sands, Gladys Gordon, Leighton Gordon, Russell) Moreland, Leslie Moreland, Willie Sleeth. Mangels, Sec. Rosswell LAD POISONED SISTER Playing "Doctor" Writer Expects Grand Duke To Dose Of Carbolic. Smash The Turks. Patterson, N.Y., = Sept. 20..--Left London, Sept. 20.--Waclaw Czer-|alone at their home while 'their mo- niewski, writing in the Weekly Gra- | ther went out on a shopping tour, phic on the real meaning of the New Marion and John Dittmar, three and Russian Command, says the appoint- | four years old respectively, 'were ment of Grand Duke Nicholas as| "playing house." on Friday. During commander-in-chief of a Caucasus the course of a "party" both child- army will have a direct influence on|ren ate a quantity of fruit and candy the Allies' troops fighting in Gallipo- and soon little Marion was seized op The Grand Duke will spare no! with a stomach ache. Assuming A.--Cecil Sands, [®fforts to put in tire field a mighty Traves, Ross Makin, M.|army. a joften seen his mother do, went to Sec: .B.----Agnes Somer- The danger of invastion of Asia!the medicine cabinet for a bottle of Minor by the Grand Duke, wil com-|Jamaica ginger. He took the wrong | pel the Turks to defend their original | vial and the next moment his sister Oats, Sec. A.--Roy Shannen, Paul| home at any cost. They will be screamed with pain as the "doctor" | Miller, Elmer Ritchie, Joseph Mc-| compelled to withdraw troops and | poured a quantity of carbolic acid Grath. Sec. B.--Jogseph McGrath, |2mmunition from Gallipoli and be|down her throat. Called by neighbors { Agnes Somerville, Reta Dennee, Ed-| obliged to give up thoughts of de- Dr. Frank McDede administered first win Makin. See, C.--Roy Shannon, fending their remaining possesions|ald and sent the child to St. Joseph': | Elmer Ritchie, Reginald Lake, Sid-|in Eurobe, even Constantinople. And | Hospital, where' it was said her con- ney George. | this they will linve to do for the sake | dition was critical. Barley, Sec. A.--Fred Caird, Ken. | of defending Anatolia, where lies| neth Sands, . Reta Dennee, 'Morrie| Sultanoni, the cradle of the Turkish | Langbort. Sec. B.--Jessie Somer. Bation. ms | ville, Fred Caird, Kenneth Sands,| The writer concludes: "It is sur- |Increase In Rations To All Portions Duncan McGregor. 'See. C.---Jos-|Prising how little the importance of | Of Population: eph McGrath, Kenneth Sands, Reta| this master stroke of the Czar is| Berlin, Sept. 20.--The increase in | Dennee, Fred Caird. { understood in western Europe --the| GERMANS GET MORE BREAD, : { days no newspapers from Austria or of w It is fairly certain now that the|* advance into Russia will not be pro- ph secuted much further, no further, in' tions in which they are a part of the fact, than the seizure, if possible, of occupation in Belgium and France r Riga right! are likely to take part. | down to Rovno, which are now the! too well the strength of troops through in that quarter. Milk stool--Thorall Aykroyd, Ce-| for a new campaign against one or can be gathered He Gave Her a| i the role of "doctor," John, as he had). Sweet rn, See. A. -- William | master stroke which will hasten the | victorious march of the British and {bread rations. which was granted isome time ago to the laboring class- es of Berlin has now. been extemded Home-made candy----Irene Whitty, | | { Geraldi, Fl0yd Sparks, Eliza Makin, | Clifford Caird, Paul' Miller, Annie] Allieg troops towards Constantin-|ig other portions of the civilian Miller, Clara Dixon, Howard Balls, "P'® | population. | Elwood Geraldi. Sec. B.--Kenneth| - | The provincial administration of | Sands, Eliza Makin, Paul Miller, | No Morg Excursionists {the Rhine Provinces has authorized | Floyd Sparks, Delaware Sands, Wil-| Paris, Sept. 20.--So many excur-| the Rheinish provincial bank to sub- Tie Sleeth, Howard Balls, Annie Mil. | sionists, frequently in personally scribed 350,000,000 marks $87,500, { ler, Leonard Bennett, | conducted parties, have 'been jour-| 000) to the new war loan. { __ Dent Corn, Sec. A.--Elmer Ritchie! néying from Paris and other cities {| Edwin Makin, Marion Luty, Léonard, to the scene of the battle of the { Bennett. . Sec. B.-- Jessie Somer- Marne, that the military authorities i ville, Cecil Sands, Edwin Makin; El-|{to-day prohibited trips | mer Ritchie. : . {| The prohibition does not apply, how-|ing an aviation service for the Cana- Flowers, See. A.--Florence Mc-|ever, té. individual visits {dian militia. : er The sum of $25,000 is being con- {tributed by Ljeut.-Col. A. Hamilten | in groups:| Mérritt towards the cost of establish- MAPS OUT A NEW CAMPAIGN In Hope of Winning Decision Before Wintér-- Stoppage of News From Austria Coup- led With Statements of German | Officers in Belgium. 1] here from absolutely reliable sources hat is being said by high Ger- i business | man officers in Belgium who may be { men in Holland have had great diffi- | considered as knowing something of culty in communicating with those! the minds of the general staff. These This is one fact among | officers are taking freely of the forth- i important | coming imposing new campaign, on plans are in preparation or already , which tremendous hopes are based "| of obtaining a decision before winter in at least one of the theatres of war. But it is significant that these pro- ets are not discussing any opera- They know the Allies' lines in the west to regard as probab- le another order to attempt breaking So far as from information from this source and from other in- dications a new blow is mutch more likely to be struck at either Serbia or Italy. : | It is expected that there will be at { least forty teams in the newly-form- ed junior O.R.F.U. series, | THE SPORT REVIEW Hamilton Rowing Club's O.R.F.U. senior, intermediate and junior games this fall will be played at the Hamilton Jockey Club's Srounds. Toronto Star: Boston is reputed to te the hours of culture; Beans, and baseball. H's also the home of about 22,000, man-eaters. Further information can be obtained from Ty- rus R. Cobb, of Detroit. Petie Powers, the Ottawa Baseball Club's clever utility player, has been sold to the Chattanooga club, of the Southern League. ' : An effort is-being made to form a four-team group in Hamilton in the Interprovincial Intermediate series, the winner to play off with the Tor- onto champions, McGill will not have a pro. coach this fall, since Paisley has suceeeded Frank Shaughnessy ag director of the team. ry Although no definite been taken by the Intercollegiate Union regarding the continuing of the sport this season, that there will be football played by the larger uni- versities is now practically assured. action has --- 3 Manager Liviligstone, of the On- tario pro-hockey team, states that there has been absolutely no change in the plans for pro hockey this com- ing winter. Toronto will have two teams as usual--Torontos and On- tarios, Ottawa Journal: Barney Oldfield's ambition is to drive an automobile at the rate of two miles a minute. Barney couldn't hope to get to the graveyard any quicker. Rev. A. E. Vert, President of the British Columbia Amateur Union and Vice-President of the Canadian Ama- teur 'Lacross Association, has decid- ed to retire from amateur sport this fall, - Mr. Vert has taken a promin- ent part in amatenr sport affairs in British Columbia for a number of - years, particularly in lacrosse. It was through his exertions that the C.A. L.A. was organized, and he is at pre- sent working in the interest of the western side in the struggle of the possession of the Mann Cup. ------------------ STOP TREATING SOLDIERS 'The Britith mi- litary authorities have decided that a prohibition under. "tri Hubert Silver, Gordon Johnson. Sec. B.--~ Hubert Silver, Vera Price, Clar- ence Stover, Gordon. Johnson, Sec. C.--Victoria Price, Hubert Silver. Sweet Corn, Sec. A.--Perey Fraser David Andrews, Laura Maxwell, Ele- tha Gates, Norma Blacklock, Howard McCullough, Ernest Gallagher, Hazel Gates, Stanley McCrow. be Isabella Tait, Clarence Hartman, George Hull, Clarence Sproule, Elsie Day, Hazel Gates, Cecil Abbott, Helen Ventures, Lena Silver. t Corn, . A.--Beatrite Gra- ham, Cecil Abbott, Pe Cropp, Le lia Brown. Sec. B.--Keith Hull, Fred Hartman, Earl Murton, Cecil Abbot it. » - Flowers, Sec: A.--Alice Baker, Ur"

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