THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1915. MADE IN CANADA AGIC SYN LIN NY GRAND TRUN SYSTEM Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915, Trains will Jleave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnston street. Golag West. Lv. City. AT, CL. 2.68am, to Tor. 9.20 a.m 1--Intl. Ltd, . 1.41 p.m, T--Mall "81--Local Belleville City . 27--Lel, No 18---Malil . 16--Fast Exp. .. 2.5 No. 32--Local to Brockville No. 6 -Mail ......1 No. 14--Intl. Ltd, . No. 28--Local to Brockville 658 pm. 7.37pm Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally, other trains dally except Sunday, Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For full particulars apply J. P. HAM. LEY, Rallroad and Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets ~ CANADIAN aati TRANSCANADA EXPRESS Carrying Through Equipment to WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER LEAVES TORONTO 6.40 PM. DAILY Connecting Train Leaves Kingston 104s . 8.16 a.m. 0 p.m. 3.2 1.08 p.m. Canadian Pacific All The Way No Change of Cars or Depots ------------------------------------------------ Pacific Coast Tours at Low Fares Including "CALIFORNIA A EXPOSITIONS" Particulars from F. Conway, C.P. A, City Ticket Office, corner Prin- cess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197. a ~ J EN Baby's Growth = depends so much on his food. For the first' months; simplic... WOMAN'S HEROIC ACT FOR SCIENCE SAKE Inoculates Herself With Deadliest Strain of Gangrene Bacilli--To Test Cure's Effi cacy---Her Faith in Injection Jus- tified, And She Recovers. Paris, Sept. 23.--Mary Davis; ajpig. Then she inoculated herself in young English woman who has been|a manner most certain' to produce working in the pathological labora-|the disease in animals, injecting 50 tories of the 'American ambulance times the amount used to kill a since January, has just performed guinea pig. .making one finjection an act of heroism as great as any deep into: the museles of her thigh, recorded upon the battlefield, an act | the other just beneath the skin. for which few precedents exist. Her| Two hours later-she quietly came work has been the examination of|to the laboratory and asked to be bacteria from the wounded arriving | treated inthe same manner as ani- at the ambulance, and assisting in|mals under experiment. the experiments which animals to de-{. The consternation' caused by her termine their virulence, work for | announcement among the medical Which her studies in the Pasteur In-|staff may be easily realized. Gan- stitufe in' Paris has fully qualified greme is so rare in civil life that it is ber. | practically negligible, but since the Her duties in the last few months | War the dramatic rapidity and the were chiefly directed towards the|horribleness of its effects make it study of gaeous gaugcrenc. She had| more dreaded than any other form of seen many examples of the horrible! disease, even tetanus, which war has results of this infection, and had ole rodyced. served the invariably fatal course of! Injections with a quinina solution the disease In animals inoculated Were made at once at the points with the bacilli. She watched and| Where she had inoculated the deadly assisted in the experiments in which] bacilli. She was sent to the nearest guinea pigs were inoculated with | hospital for observation and further gangrene bacilli. She had become treatment. Quinina. injeetions were convineed of the efficacy of injections, 1B a second time. Symptoms of with quinina hydrochloride, and had a slight degree of infection develop- concluded that the experiments on | ©4 Within 24 hours, but they subsid- small animals had given all the re-|°d Without ah operation Yetoling sults of which they were capable, Tiecessary: She is now completely and that the time had come for an | The young heroine, who is not yet experiment on a normal human body, | thirt | y',will be the first to regret that but not one from the battlefield, | the story of her act has become fatigued and wounded apd. possibly | " . | WY | known. She is a hard and con- infected by other bacilli. scientious worker; absorbed by her duties and absolutely free from any impulsive (tendencies or the wish for publicity, her sole interest in the dangerous experiment having been its value as a test of. the efficacy of a certain form of treatment. She has sinee defended her action, saying that experiments with microbes are just as justifiable as those with new types:of aeroplanes or with the anti- gas respirators... She took as calm and scientific interest. in ' her own treatment as if she were one of the laboratory guinea pigs. Calmly Described Symptoms. She calmly: described 'the symp- toms and pointed out how they com- pared with those observed in an ani- Well aware that her plan would | be presented if it became knowa. | she determined, without word tol anyone, to risk her life in an attempt | to demonstrate the efficacy of the treatment which she was convinced | would cure the vigtims of this dread | disease. ------ Deliberate Preparations Her preparations deliberately and completely made, she waited until she was about to leave for a holiday, 80 that her absence would not dis- turb the work in the laboratory. She chose the deadliest strain of bacilli | fn the laboratory, obtained from.the latest fatal case, of which two drops of culture suffices to kill a guinea! Sary & Practical . Serbia, Greece and Roumania. enemy territory. ' WHERE BALKAN ARMIES. COUED: STRIKE; Map suggests the direction in which the rival armies wonld be launch. ed inthe event of Bulgaria co-opergting with the Germanic forces against The shaded portion of frontier represents Sara mal's leg, the stiffness of the leg muscles being the same as. watched in: an injected animal. ; Dr.. Kenneth. Taylor, of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, pathelogist at the American: Ambulance, who: has been: directing the researches with the quinina treatment of gaseous gangrene, told the Mail and Empire correspondent that whilé§no. one could feel higher admiration. for the young woman's. readiness to.risk her life. for the cause of science than himself, the scientific value of the ex- periment must not be overestimated. "There are too many unknewn factors concerned in any infection to warrant the conclusion. that recov- ery in this case was the direct result of the treatment," he explained. 'However, it. forms gn important ad- dition to the results already obtained by the experiments with guinea pigs." The Germans Are Exhausted Says Prince Petrograd, Sept. 24.--Prince. Bu- gene Troubetskoy made an important speech at the Moscow Conference of Zemstvos and Municipal Councils: "At the present moment," he said, f 'this. Zemstvos Conference is the 'most authoritative institution in AUSTRIA GERMANIZED The Germans Are Working Out Their Programme. Berne, Sept. 24.--The Germaniza-| tion of Austria. continues steadily. | The latest development is a congress of municipal representatives pf Ger- man-speaking Austrian. towns, osten- sibly for helping the municipalities to adapt. themselves to. war condi- tions, hut really. more for, the conso- lidation of the German-speaking ele- ment ip. the Austrian Empire. Next: Sunday the foundation stone will be laid on the Austro-German frontier of the so-called. Turm der Bundesinenden, or "Tower, Sealing the Bonds of Fellowship between The merchant who does not advertise is delib- erately putting a severe handicap on his .own success. The "Shrinking Violet" methods will not attract trade. You may have the best that money can buy, and expert knowledge to assist you in stocking the véry finest in your line, but unless you tell people what you have got, where to.find you, and why yours is the best, the goods will remain: on your shelves. People must KNOW, and this paper is at your service for giving them. the necessary information 3 Telephone 201 Bibby Garage Ageats for Dodge Bros. 'les, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap pier Blocks, We also make Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates jiven for all kinds of Cement Work. Office and Factory Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 730. MGR. H. F. NORMAN, J Germany. and. Austria-Hungary," Building operations will be begun,it is stated, immediately. The lower. part of the tower will copsist of a memorial hall, the walls of whichiare to be covered with tab- lets commemorating the names of soldiers of neighboring towns who have fallen in the war, while the ups per portion will take the form of a! vast urn in. which it is proposed to kindle fire on all German and Aus: tro-Hungarian national festival days. The tower will be over four hundred feet high. DR. AUSTIN FLINT DEAD. Alienist Who Took Prominent Part A In Thaw Trial. New York; Sept. 24.--Dr. Austin Flint, the distinguished physiologist, Motor Oil, Cup Grease and Fibe Phone 542 272 Bagot St. All oils delivered on shott- FORD MILNE A High Grade Black Tea »f Exceptional vor, 60c per 1b. For Sale at D. COUPER'S, 841-8 Princess St. Phone 76 est notice. alienist' and - consulting physician died yesterday, at his home, just af- ter he had put on. his coat and was preparing to.go out.. Apoplexy was found to be the cause of his death. Although Dr, Flint was in his 80th year, he had been comparatively ae. tive up to his death. He took a pro- minent part at the jury trial to de- termine Harry K. Thaw's. sanity in July, and kept up the fight which he had waged for seven years to keep Russia. If the Conference were to eontent itself with passing.a.resolu- tion it would be merely striking a blow in the. air. "If we thus fulfil our duty as citi- zens, shall we have a right to say: 'Now is no time for strikes and. a revolution?' The German anmy is exhausted. Its only hope is in a ; revolution here, but that is not and « must not be. ity and digestibility must he emphasised: After three months a change is necessary, to promote sound growth of bone aud muscle; and at six months Baby will need a still more advanced food, Take care to choose the Foods which are not only simple, but which promote growth Home Dresr Making Lesrons : CHARM CEYLON TEAS! 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. * Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. Prepared Especially For This Newspaper . by Pictorial Review ELEN Altenburys Fods = Milk Pood No, 1. From birth tod months. Mitk Food No. 2. Prom 5 to 6 months. Malted Food No. 3. From 6 months cawands. The pure progressive his The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Is good Coal.and we guarantee prompt delivery. So BOOTH & Co. Foot of West re --------] SOWARDS eep Coal I SOWARDS. QUITE QUAINT AND FASHIONABLE, i of the same material) and % yard vel- vet. 4 simple uhderbody will serve to Wear under the quaint bodice, and the rules for making thé simplest guimpe will' serve In this instance. When #t comes to the neck finish; however, it will bave to be gathered between dou- ble. "TD" perforations sa that the standing collar' may be attached with centetifronts and backs even. To make the outersfront and back. first gather under<arm edge of front between: double "TI perforations; stitch' taps under 16ft edge, drawing gathers to the required size, - Sew. front to right shoulder and 'under-arm edge and: sew stay to. left as motched. Ar- range on underbody, center-fronts and > "CRTMCTIO AE, 308 jconstant communieation with the Pictorial Review 15 cents Hi and backs even, large . at under-arm seam; If skirt'is ithout panel stitch tape {deminions: in. matters relating to. the war, ta ana] tage of Sir "However audacious our proposals may be, they should be made with absolute loyalty. = Discords do not and must not exist. The sending of A deputation of the highest author- ity is the course I recommend. Rus- sia can still stand on her own feet," LAYING NEW MINE FIELD, Germany's Action Between Baltic, Cattegal and North Sea. Amsterdam; via London, Sept. 24. --A Berlin despatch received; here says the German Government has an- nounced: that. a mew: mine-tield will be laid: south of the outlet to The Sound and' that, beginning. next Fri- day, a pHet service will be establish- ed to enable; neutral: shipping to. tra. verse the danger zone: The Soumd. is the channel between the Danish Island. .of .Seotland and Sweden, which connects the, Baltic with the Cattagal and the North Sea. The waterway formerly belonged to the Danish: seversigns, who for many years collected: tolls from: foreign ves- sels using it:., In'1867, however, by. a treaty with: the commer nations of Europe, the dues 'were abolished. -------------- * DOMINIONS AND THE WAR. British Government Discussed Sub. > 'ject With Borden. London, Sept. - 24i%--Dhe. Colanial' Secretary, replying: to. Lonsdale. in| the House of Commons said he. is inf" Governments of the self governing i : nment took advane Robert Borden's presence in. England: lately to haya full: and confidential' diseussion with him. The premiers of the: Dominigns had sible: for them to visit. *smilne Giscussions. with jeave ve Thi strength of the artillery. bas n increased by ap) mately a Thaw in Matteawan. from the Bulgarian frontier that to- day, by. direction of the Bulgarian. authorities, merchants and shopkeep- |: ers in the frontier districts were sum- | moned to town halls to make decla-| rations as to the quantity of foed- stuffs they had on hand. tious by the State continue. Sept. 241A Bulgarian] reserve officer, who is roan a . Bulgaria Invoices Food. Bucharest, Sept.- 24.--- News comes - For Sale at All Grocers. Requisi-| CASTORIA For Infants and: Children nie For Or 30 Vamrs ~ % i ; \ " "KITCHENER Is ths name of the new Electric Iron made by the General "Electric Co. + Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. _ --FOR- KE AT-- ' Halliday's Electric Shop. . i 3 5 Street Phone 9% --_---- Ten days for sightseeing in the M: Soren the' Vater Fromg CE : t 7 Theatres kav s, Subway. Drive, * Ph new attractions. For complete informatio and time or address tral