Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1915, p. 2

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x Mc PAGE TWO omni mp ------ -- A -- ESTABLISHED = 1859 > KAY Luxurious Furs At Moderate Prices In' producing our Furs," we keep ever before us the one aim of highest quality. furs and linings. The richest The very lat- est of Fashion's models, and Fur Craftsmen of the most expert workmanship, ensuring the satis- faction the wearer of McKay Furs is entitled to. Remember, our house is one of the" largest manufacturing exclusive Furs. | From Trapper to Wearer. Direct in Canada. Qu Mail Order Service is Perfect Our production is so large that our prices are lower than. it is possible for others to offer. Our Beautiful Style | Free Catalogue for 1915-16 Send a post-card with your address, We will mail you one. : ohn McKay - Limited 149.157 BROCK ST. KINGSTON. | sn - Sm-- a, fi, gt -- SOLDIER IN A HURIDY ~. Gook's Cotton Root Compound, | safe, reliable regulating i wide Sold in theor de | Lefi rees of strength--No. 1, $1; 2, $3; No. 3, #5 per bor. i ail J 5. or sent Fron pamphlet. ~~ Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO, | TORONTO, ONT. (Fermariy Without leave And Is In Trouble Os a Result. Underthe heading "What a Differ ence a Few Hours Make" the Ottawa Citizen has the following story "An interesting case is that if Gun- | ner Joseph Dubamel. He enlisted | here some weeks ago with the artil- lery, expressing the wish that he be SE ill | sent to. Barriefield Camp as soon as ||| possible as he did not want to remain hi in Ottawa In uniform. However, | soon after hgsarrived in Barriefield | he became very anxious to leave the For Your i: Bath Room : Printed from B65c, Inlaid siderable waiting for an answer took the train for Bone. ter he had defi camp: permission ar- the Malitia: Departueat nim 40 buy his discharge. from {| he was Placed under arrest here, ta- | ken back to Barriefield and sentenced | to twenty-eight days in the deiention camp. He thus loses the opportuan- | ity, to buy the discharge." i Linoléums, Linoleums, He applied for permission] to buy his discharge and after con- | Two hours af- | But | | ash had not. waited efficial action, | iH from $1.00. Bath Rugs in blues and greens, $1.50 up. : - White Enamel Mir- | -------- [ARP bd bb aed bb bb bide de Lp : + TELL THE OHILDREN, * Tell your boys and girls to # turn to page four to-night and # read the new feature the Whig # rors, $1.25 and $1.50. Bath Cabinets, fitted with glass shelves, $5.00 each. 1 ] ? " Thrown From Horse; Leg Broken, i Apt Private John Greenfields, 59th Bat. Kingston Carpet "talion," was thrown from a horse at Warehouse. Barriefield Camp shortly before six : o'clock Thursday evening and . had his left leg fractured between the knee and the ankle, He was taken to the Hotel Dieu. Pte. Greenfields "||l} is an orderly for Capt. Stewart, 59th Battalion. has secured especially for them ----"Sleepytime ' Tales." . Thess are just the sort of bedtime 4 stories ail children: delight in. They are interesting, whole- some, and instructive; :The Whig hopes * that its boy and girl readers will not miss any of these delightful tales, PPLE P REPRE PERS 'Specials for fair week at (hbsia's Red Cross Drug store Market Square, || opposite Whig office: 25¢ backache plasters, 2 for 25e. $26c liver pills, & for 25c, f0c kidney pills, 2 for 50¢. % $1.25 fountain pens, $1.00. 50c gas and dyspepsia tablets, 2 for 0c. $i: $1.00 sarsapsrilla' tonic, ? for $1.00. . Home Bargains $2,850 Frontenac St., brick, 6 rooms, ini ~ $2500 Albert St, frame, 7 rooms, furnace and stable, $5,100. Union St, brick, 9 ' rooms, furnace. $2,900--Earl St, briek, 7 rooms, furnace. $1,050 Stephen St, 6 rooms and verandah; stable. $3,800---Centre St, 7 réoms, verandah and furnace. $2, borne. St.,, brick, 8 rooms, "furnace. and- stable. $3,400--Division St, brick, 9 rooms, hot water furmace. McCann's | . 82 Brock Street. PAPER LG { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP i * ~ --- 5 | OF THE QUEEN'S BOWLING CLUB! | RINK SERIES, W. M: Campbell's Rink Taok the { Honors, Winning Out by 16 to 11 In thy Rain. { 0.0. Boyd, F. Wilii mson, Dr, E | H. Young and W.M. C ampbell (skip) {are the men on tlie championship { rink of Queen's Bowling Club, They | showed their Superiority on Thurs-! day evening by defexting C. E. Tay { lor, Pr. A.B, Knapp, L. A. Zufelt {and J. Leckie (skip) by 16 te 11. | The green was . {ast and distance [hard to judge bat the playing was | | exciting and. an extra large crowd of | | enthusiastic bowlers were preseat. During the game 4: light rain .came| down but the game did mot have to] | be stopped. { | In winning the championship of | | the. club, Mr. Campbell's rink will re- | ceive the cup donated by W. R, Civ| ens and also the club prizes which | will be. presented. sometime in Qc-| tober after the season clases. | In the doubles cn Thursday even-| ing. J. W, Corbett and F. Kinnear de. | feated C. F. Swith and. W. R. Baillie | by the largest score yet recorded this | season. At one time the score was! 28 to 8 and the spectators then lost | { count. ' | | MeGill Wants To Play Football. 13 A Montreal despatch says: Ac-|g cording to Secretary Melville and |g | other. McGill foetball officials, they | 4 |are: ready to go right ahead, and | while the red and white have lost + { heavily through the war, they will > have a team, if the union decides [to continue, their schedule. Should] | the, union decide to continue playing | | this fall 48 usual, it was announced & | that, Frank. Shaughnessy will again | act as coach... Two MeGill delegates > | will attend the meeting in Kingston 4 and. they will fight hard to have the * | schedule continued, even. if it only 4 | to to a. home-aud-howme series, i In local circles it is .the opinion | 4 that the sport is the best one to de- * | devop men for the front, and figures | 4 show: that many of the finest men at 3 | the front fighting for their King | @ were well-known on the gridiron. | Baseball At Fair. I' | There will be no more baseball played in- the city this summer with the exception of the games to be played at Kingston's Industrial Fair next week, It was expected that Havana Red Sox, the colored team that has been seen play here upon three different occasions this season | would play off with Alexandria Bay on Saturday, | rather Enlists And Drilling | | | Beside Son { . . { | The 59th Battalion needs 300 men | | immediately and an atte | made to recruit part of that number | tweeds, in Kingston. ent attracting enough men. STORY OF AN ENGHISHMAN Who Enlisted And Went Overseas With R.C.H.A, Draft. Lieut.-Col. G. Hunter, Immigration Agent, meets all kinds of pecple. He told the Whig a story of a man obj Friday morning that sounded as if the ,bero had been featured in a story. Some nine months ago, i well-drebsed young man dropped into his office and asked for work It did not matter what kind as long as it brought in money He did not 160k to be the ordinary "floater," and the Colonel in-conversation found eut that he was the son of 'an English lady and a pensioned Spanish officer. The family had a large residence in the suburbs of London and YW pt up a very high social pesition. Through bad investments in South American ventures, the father lost everything The family was broken up and the Son came to Canada and to Kingston. ! He was at work for two weeks on the farm of W, McLean, Pittsburg, but he was pot strong . enough. for heavy work and had to leave. Gol. | Hunter secured a position for him at| Rockwood Hospital and he did splen- didly. He eulisted some mouths ago in the R, C. H. A., and left on the! last. draft from "C" Battery for the! front. He has a sister a nurse in Egypt. | | : | i : i $ |} e-------- © These articles . have THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE, What to cook and. what to serve is often a vexatious ques- tion to the busy. housewife. Variety is essential, but oftines the pressure of . other duties leaves little time for thought- ful preparation. To help out ang this line, and also to off- er many, new ideas, has prompt- ed the Whig to publish a Daily Menu. Read it {0-day and ev- ery day en page - four, Full menus for each meal are giv- en, as. well as details eoncern- ing the preparation of each. proved very helpful wherever publish- ed, and the Whig heartily commends this new feature to its women readers. BASEBALL RECORD. Natienal League. Brooklyn, 3; Cincinnati New York, 7; St. Louis, Pittsburg, 8; Boston, 4. Philadelphia, 5-8; Chicago, 1-2. American League. Detroit, 6 Philadelphia, 5. Chicago, 2; Washington, 1. Boston, 5-6; Cleveland, 4-2. New York, 7-5; St. Louis, 0-1. Federal League. Buffalo, 5; Pittsburgh, 2. Brooklyn, 2; Kansas City, 0. St. Louis, 10; Baltimore, 2. Chicago, 2-1; Newark, 1-2. Beautiful New Stock to Choose. Prevost, Brock street, has are hundreds of fellows walking the f €d with new goods. streets of Kingston who are out of work and who should 'enlist at this time. Only seven men have eniist-| ed in the battalion in the days. y |. George Webb Offord, | born in England but who has been | Hving in the eity for.a number of | ber of "C"" Company, and is now on parade at the side of his son who ep- listed a short while ago. The other | six who have enlisted are: F. W.!| { Thoms, England; John McKaggan, «| Scotland; James Belboosoff, Hussia; { Arthur Aiken, England; William Jor-! | din, Englaqd, and Herbert Todd, | Wolfe Island. i IN MARINE CIRCLES, { Movements; Of Vesgels Along the Harbor. The steambafige Robert McDonald arrived™in . port with a cargo of] pressed hay, from Wolie Island. 2d M. T.. Co's, Bulletin: Steamer Windsor passed up, Friday morning) on the way to Oswego to lead. &oal| for. Montreal; steamer, Advance | passed up light Friday morning -on| the way to. Port Colborne, to load] grain. for Montreal; . tug Emerson cleared light for Prescott and willl ieturn to Kingston with the barge Ungava; tug Emerson will clear to- | wight across with goal; steamer Rose- | mount arrived up light, and cleared! for Fort William. } The steamer Empress of Midland] arrived in port from Montreal at 5 J0| o'clock Friday morning and will have | to go into the Kingston Shipbuildinz| Company's drydock when the steam | er Kenora is refloated. The steamer Doric passed down at 6.30 a. m. Friday. The steam-barge Waterlily « dis- charged a cargo of apples on the steamer City of Ham'lton .for Mon- treal. Put Snap in Recruiting. Torante Star, » If we had more recruiting meet- ings they ought to be better handled. The specches should be short and to the point and delivered by men of magnetism. There should also be} good musie, and enlistment ought to take place on the spot and at the time wherever it is possible; 'the gathering should be largely of the nature of a revival meéeting. The chairman should be able to throw en- thusiasn into the meeting and cvery energy concentrated on the one thing of getting men to join; Inspected. Supplies For Allies. Arthur A. Helland, Montreal, a Queen's graduate, was in Kingston on Friday inspecting woollen articles Reported last seven | left on Friday ' noon for and will sail Saturday for England who was given two months' furlough is returning to the front. | years has been accepted as a mem-| L whe was C Returning To Front, PEBBLE I EEL Beta *| | * + | Sided doofedesdesdeofesdeode dood dodo desde dofesdorfede | this t is being| Year an extra fine assortment of cheviots and serges for his The teat on, the Mar. | Order 'clothing department. ket Square should, but is not at pres- | ready-made clothing and gents' fur. «There | Nishing departments are well assort- His Capt. James C. Stewart and wife apt. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart will' stay ondon, Montreal, in Fair week specials at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store, opposite Whig of- | fice: i 25¢ liver pill, 2 for 25c. 50¢ kidney pill, 2 for 25ec. 50c gap and dyspepsia tablets, 2 for 50¢. $1.25 fountain pens for $1.00; $1.00 sarsaparilla tonic for 50c. A rn ee st ts sme AA A Sl Saturday Specials POPULAR MUSIC, The laggest and most stock in Canada to select from. OPERATIC MUSIC. 2 for 25c. complete ! panion.--The The best numbers from leading N. Y. Successes of the season. ~ PATRIOTIC MUSIC, All the latest numbers at the low- est prices. \ FOR SUNDAY READING. The New Woman's Home Com- biggest magazine én the market to-day on Fashions, Em- broidery, Cooking. Daily Telegraph War Series. -- Three new numbers» have been added fo this series. by the best writers in England. recently Written Au- thentie and Instructive, 25¢ per copy. i The College Book Store PHONE 919 OPEN NIGHTS Windows !! mmm, An, A ~~ On Saturday, and you will see a great big Corset special that will appeal to thrifty housewives. w 10 Dozen with 4 lose New Model Corsets--mediun supporters--sizes bust and 19 to 28. dollar corset that we will sell on Satur- day at, per pair ' a a 12 only Ladies' Suisine Silk Dresses Black white dots, also navy the very latest style--sizes 36 to 42. with with white dots--made in Needing room for heavy goods, and hence this big eut price. Saturday for .., ---- Regular $5.50 garments, on New Styles in Ladies' Rain Coats ........ 1,000 yds. of extra quality White Flannelette--\lill ends--36 inches wide. a yard Saturlay special Fall and Winter Underwear for all the family. Nobby 'Coats and Suits for Dressy Ladies. 'Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store "The: Hat. Store?' Newest Hats Made | in Canada and" * This«&fason the great bulk of our hats have ¢ome direct from Cana- dian and English factor- ies and they are by far the best values we have ever had to ¢ffer. The shapes are 'entirely dif- ferent from those shown in previpus seasons and there are some distine- | tively new shades. New Hats at every | price frpm 50c to $5. See window display. CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes 'irregular ly. Information posted at P. 0. Lobby from time to time. United States. dally .. 1.00 pm. Grand Trunk, BREE iii r aha 11.50 p.m. Grand west Do. (including Western States) ae 1 Grand Trunk west of city 2.30 p.m. C,. P. R. .10.15 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. KN Rat oiafhnsrpanss 2.20 pm. * $ ; ) GOT OUT SEARCH WARRANT And Secured a Baby Carrifige dn ! © Some Clothing. Two women had some trouble on Thursday, and as a result one got out a search warrant to get property it was claimed the other had belong- ing to ler, and which consisted of a baoy carriage and some clothing. The baby carriage and the. clathi are now at the Police Station awhiting W settlement of the case. Constable Samuel. Arniel executed the searéh warrant, Practical Testimony. * Private. -Buller - (British Army), writes: "We are very busy with our four-footed patients, wounded, lame, sick and ore. Pitiful sights, peer fellows. heir gentle patience is a lesson to us. We can save many rived here. They save the horse a lot of pain and the®save us a lot o} work and worry. You would be sur- prised how quick thoy recover after we get them to the hospital." What abput rushing along that Horse Am bulaace for our Canadian boys Send your subscription to E. B. New- man, masaggr of Rnyal Bank. ; Ee ---------- sometimes happens that & mar- a man with an excuse for trylng to drown his troubles. [4 ¥ Motto for a lawyer: "I wild." Mot- to for a fruit pn . 1 can" lit preserver. Bargains in soaps at Gibson's, sesteBUILDERS SUPPLIES waasy STOW AWAY SOME SUMMER TEMPERATURE _ Our'splendid stock of Anthracite. White Ash is upexcelled for giving summer temperature in mid-winter. Let us serve you now while prices and condi- tions are favorable, Duck Have you son will soon' ypur Gums and Ammuni- ga hot Gums, also the famous "Winchester and Remington Pump Guas, «Let us show you our! special 12 'gauge merless dou- ble at i , oman require t "will found 12 and. 16 gauge shells, . Seemed 160 PRINCESS ST, 'for Hi leading tools and ji f on Lookin Our| Setts inCut Glass nn We have them at popular prices, also; but these are su- perior and unusual. Prices $22.00 and $23.00 for Pitcher and Six Glasses. a aan Smith Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Screwless Eyeglass Mountings, REPAIRED AND REMODELLED, Gourdier's 'Phone 700. | Talking About Bungalows | i {We have a nice one, with 7 rooms and bathroom, furnace, tennis court, {mew garage; lot 70x180; at the bar- tain. price. of ........... J: $3,250 | Owner leaving the city. A detached frame dwelling,on Nel- {son street, 7 rooms, improvements; { lot 66x132, with good stable, for i $2, TO RENTS RENT AND COLLECTED. in the Real Estate line. HOUSES F ~™ | Everything EW. Mullin and Son Phones 530 and 1456, for cleanliness, whitepiess, spotlessness and sanjtary treatment of your was and pe J » tion ready? If mob, give us a call.' y more since the horse ambulances ar jam will answer the call and give i you just what you want, Just i when you want it,.and at a price that will please you. Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sits. f Princess St. W. A Mitchel, | BAR HA

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