Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1915, p. 10

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PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915. 1915 Weare Prom Trapper tc 1916 r Hegistered. FUR STYLES FUR COATS inches is trasting Beaver, the popular Fur of Skunk, ete. favored PRICES A length, Otter, 1 « Fite for trimanis Skunk Mafi Skunk Sci ws Black Lyux Mufts . Black Lynx Scarfs Red Fox Muffs ,... 835 »35 0 to $60 . 825 to Sco $15 to $27 le Will be shorter, with: Full Flare; 40 Or RE MUCH LOWER Are Now in Readiness !! Pegple are taking advantage . of our exceptionally Feom- plete display of Furs to make their selections early, Fox is very much in demand. Cross Fox,White Fox,Red Fox,Blue Fox,Black Fox and Silver Fox. Beaver is popular, Skunk more popu- lar than ever and Silver and Black Lynx, because it is much cheaper, again comes into its OWI, THAN LAST YEAR sS0 \- in, F183 to $27 $25 -to $50 25 to $60 $13 to $25 $10 to $25 Red "Fox Scarfs White Fox Searfs . . . Whife Fox Muffs . ... Beaver Muffs Beaver Scarfs John McKay, Limited A A A AA AAA AAA, PAL ll tt i ro » Cook's Cotton Root Compound, A 'e, reliable regwiat: hg. Bold. m ree " rees of strength--No. 1, $1; Ro. 2,83; No. 3, $5 per box, Sold all druggists, or sent repaid on eovipt of ion, fon pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (rermerie Winder. | | Printed from 55¢. Inlaid from. $1.00. Bath Rugs in blues and greens, $1.50 up. White Enamel Mir- rors, $1.25 and $1.50. Bath Cabinets, fitted - with glass shelves, $5.00 each. : . McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Linoleums, Linoleums, $2,850 Frontenac St, brick, 6 rooms . 7 $2500 Albert St, frame, rooms, furnace and stable. $5,100 Union' St., brick? 9 rooms, furnace. » $2,900 Ear! * St., brick, 7 rooms, Mirnace, $1,050 Stephen St., & rooms and verandah; stable, _ $3,800 Centre St, T rooms, verandah and! furnace, $2,850 Colborne St... brick, 8 rooms, furnace and stable. * i 0 cCann's | = Hl ~ 82 Brock Street. © Phones 326 or 62i. | use of the horse | cluding my own time and services, {| on seventy-five per cent A aA Letters To Editor | BE Pretty Small Pay, To Be Sure. Kingston, Sept, 27.-- (To the Edi- tor:)-----Recently, at the special re- quest of Inspector Timmerman, (re- presenting the garbage committee), I passed up a good job I had in view, $0 as to lend a hand in clearing away the present garbage collection diffi- culty. On the question of wages, the In- spector informed me that I would re- ceive $2.50 a day of ten hours, for the use of my horse and harness, (the city to furnish the waggon), and $1.50 a day for my services, making a total of $4.00 a day, which I agreed to accept. Imagine my surprise upon report | ing for duty on Monday morning up- | on being informed that the garbage committee had instructed the inspec. tor to only pay $2.50 a day, for the and harness, in- Aldermen Wright and Litton, the apparent chief-pusher on the com- niittee, (both public ecoptractors,) are compelled to pay $2.25 a day of eight hours to hod-carrier's and la- { borers, . while the average earnings of a man with a horse and dump cart are $4.00 a day. How then in view of the present cost of living, and buying and main- taining a horse and harness, can a mun Sebsist and do the work on $2.50 a day? As.a ratepayer and con- tributor to the cost of this néw fan- gled incinerator and garbage collec- tion system, I want these two worth- ies to kindly explain. JOSEPH MeQUAID, 14 Russell St. Night Classes Register this week for tie night classes in household science, millin- ery and dressmaking. Board of Education offices. ¥mrol- ment fee, one dollar, to be returned Seeking Information. Ald. Nickle is seeking information about the money the city has paid to the Hydro-BElectric Commission for engineering advice. It seems that fill a bill of over $600 has recently heen || paid by the Couneil, and Ald. Nickle thinks the aldermen should know just what the Hydro-Eleétric Com- mission's: engineering service is cost- ing Kingston. °* He = tyes in Need of lasses Desery $3,400 Division St. brick, 9° rooms, hot water furnace. Rolls at the attendance. » | - { imp: : ON MONDAY 'EVENING FOR PAS- SAGE OF BY-LAWS, | Grant Of $100 Made To the King- | ston Industrial Fair--Free Light Asked for Soldiers Club In St. An drew's Hall, | The City Council held a gpecial ses | sion on Monday evening for the pur- [ pose of passing by-laws which were on the budget of the meeting of Sep- tember 15th, but which had to be | held over owing to the.lack of a suf- ficient number of members being | present. around the hour of 2.30 a. {m., of the 16th inst. The Council chamber was of such a temperature as to put a damper upon the ardor of some aldermen to drift into ny {lengthy heated discussion, and the Council session concluded at 10.30 | o'clock. A by-law was passed fixing the li- cense fees for carters and cabmen, the increased fees mot taking effect | until January 1st 1916. By-laws were passed for the con- | struction of twelve concrete side- walks; but one presented for the construction of a maefidam roadway with concrete curb and" gutter on Brock street from Barrie to Alfred street failed to carry. A by-law to amend the by-law re | garding the fire limits and preven- | tion of fires, so as to allow the stor- age of twelve, instead of two bar- rels of gasoline, was referred to the | Fire and Light Committee. These recommendations of the Fin- ance 'Committee were passed: that { the account of Smith Elliett for | $160 for collecting city garbage 1 from Sept. 11th to 20th be paid; | that $100 be granted to the Kingston | Industrial Fair. - | On motion of Ald. Nickle the Coun- | cil decided to give free light and wa- | ter 'for any building in which over- | seas troops are quartered during the winter. The buildings at present in view are the artillery barracks, Cer. edl building and the City Hall. Ald. Couper moved seconded by Ald. Graham that Brock street, from Barrie to Alfred be repaired the same as on the same street between Bagot and Barrie. The motion was carried. Communications Read. These communications were ferred to committees: Registrar Queen's University noti fying €ouncil that the Old Collegiate Institute Building will be placed at the disposal of the Militia Depart- ment. Secretary of the Board of rade asking Council to vote $200 to the Kingston Industrial Exhibition. City Auditor regarding resolution of Council concerning payment of car of tarvia; Remission of taxes on military con- valescent home; further approprig® tion of $700 to City Property and Markets, and regarding the saldry of William MeCammon, Migs Mary Ogden Strange, Secre- tary-Treasurer of the Soldier's Club in St. Andrew's Hall, asking for free | light. Granted. John Morris asking to-install a { ive - barrel - underground gasoline | tank re- { Matthew Walsh asking to have a | verandah erected in front of the | house at the corner of Sydenham and "Queen Streets, Secretary Khaki Club expressing | appreciation for free use of light and | water. | In attendance at the meeting were Mayor Sutherland andi Alds. Bews, Couper, Graham, Gardiner, Gillespie, Hanley, Hughes, Kent, McCann, New- man, Nickle, O'Cennor, Stroud, Wright, White, and Wormwith. Three of the aldermen present were in khaki--Majors Gardiner, Gillespie and Stroud. i mei Hain. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels Reported Along The Harbor. The schooner Julia B. Merrill cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Bay of Quinte ports. arrived from Montreal, light, will clear for Mont#al with one coal and one grain barge; steamer India pasted down last night, with grain from Port Colborne for Montreal. The s steamer Hamilton passed down ¥ p. m. Monday; Acadian down '4 p. m. Monddy; Ames down 8 p. m. Monday; Calgarian, down 4.30 a. m. Tuesday; Fairfax, down 9.20 a. m. Tuesday; Haddington is due up 2 p. m. Tuesday. The Dundurn exists no longer as a steamer. A Whig reporter was one of the first to tramp the deck since it has been converted into a barge, shortly after the old freight- { er arrived in port on Tuesday morn: | ing as.a consort of the steam barge 'Water Lily. For over a year the Dundurn has been undergoing re- pairs at Picton and the entire upper cabin containing the state rooms has been torn away deaving nothing but a bare deck with hatchways Tor storing freight within the hold. The machinery - has also been taken out and 'the barge Dundurn is expected to be one of the best carriers along the lakes. The barge was taken to Port Dalhousie on Tuesday afternoon to be loaded. . Some Fine Samples. S. Irish, Cataraqui, has shown the Whig some very fine samples of sec- | picked on his farnt last Sunday. In fact, he was able to secure a quart or more for table use. It is seldom that second-growth berries are found te aeons Sa Thr' M. T. Co's Bulletin:--Tug Bronson} ond-growth raspberries, which were' QUARTERS \FOR TROOPS NO INFANTRY JOCATED TO KINGSTON FOR WINTER. Only Three Batteries Mentioned-- However, Kingston May Get a New { Battalion That Col. Hemming Will Soon Ask For. An Ottawa despatch says: "Troops 4 in training in Canada this winter will be quartered in the Third Divi~| sion as follows: | "One battalion and 400 Engineers | in Ottawa; three batteries in Kings- ton; two companies each at Peter- boro and Belleville, and one com- | pany each at Lindsay, Cobourg, Pic- ton and Napanee." | From the above it would appear | that Kingston was not to have any | infantry quartered here for the win- | ter. It was expected that the 59th | would remain here. However, the | above allocation may not be final. It | may be that the will be sent overseas before the snow flies. Col. Hemming told the Whig this morning that he intended in a very | short time to ask Yor permission to mobilize another battalion here, and Kingston may get it for the winter. This city has-amplé accommodation for a battalion of infantry and three batteries. i 'Saturday Specials POPULAR MUSIC, 2 for 25¢c. The largest and most complete stock in Canada to select from. OPERATIC MUSIC. 'The best numbers from leading N. Y. Sueceesses of the season. ~ PATRIOTIC MUSIC. All the latest numbers at the low-. est prices. The New panion.-- The the market t . Daily Te Three new 1 been added to this series. by the best writers in England. Au- thentic and Instructive, 25¢ per copy. FOR SUNDAY READING. Woman's Home Com- biggest magazine on o-day on Fashions, Em- » broidery, Cooking. legraph War Series.-- wmbers have recently Written The College Book Store PHONE 919 OPEN NIGHTS: 160 PRINCESS ST. Pd op SOLDIERS. - # - FPP EEPREP RPL E LL E2 PRI - RETURNING Several sons of the Limestone 4 City have returned from the seat of war wounded and ill, and no attention has been paid them by the City Council, when they deserved some kind of civ- ic welcome home after doing their "bit" at the fromt. The Whig thinks it to be the duty of the Mayor and the Aldermen to recognize the wounded home- comers, and not allow them to pass to their homes without a word of cheer. Some 'means should be found to keep the Mayor and Aldermen posted as to the time of the arrival of Kingston's wounded. PER PPLPPRPPEEPOEPPN PN hc ce, a $e, | | | A FIGHTING FAMILY, Sergt.-Major Kerrison's Male Relu- tives All in Uniform. Sergt.-Major Kerrison, of the Roy- al Military College staff, has the sat- Isfaction cf knowing that every male member of both of his own and his wife's family is wearing the King's {uniform, being either a. the front or in training to go and fight the Ger- mans. He has two brotlers, one a sergeant with the 21st Battalion in France, and one at Barriefleld with the 80th Battalion. Mrs. Kerrison has a brother in the 59th Battalion and a sister's hus: band is in the 8th C.M.R. which leaves for the.front in a few days. Two brothers-in-law of Mrs. Kerris- on are at the front with the British Expeditionary force. Sergt. Major Kerrison also has threc cousins in uniform. BASEBALL RECORD National. League. Chieago, 7-5; Cineinnati, 2-1. American Leaguc, Cleveland, 9; New York, 2. Chicago, 6; Philadelphia, 5. Detroit, 7; Washington, Boston, 8; St. Louis, 4. Federal League. St, Louls, 3; Buffalo, 2. Pittsburgh, 3; Newark, 0. Chicago, 5; Brooklyn, 0. Kansas City, 3-7; Baltimore, 1-3. "Kingston Fair week specials" at Gibsen's Red Cross Drug Store. 25¢ baby's own touch syrup, 15c. 25c linseed and turpentine, 15c, 25¢ syrup figs, 15ec. "Fime Ie mn AA A A A AAA We are better prepared than ever to supply vour, needs in the Underwear line. Having placed our orders early in the season, we secured our season's supply at old prices, and we purpose at last selling all makes of Under Garments year's prices, A i Ladies' White Vests and Drawers, at 25¢ per garment Ladies' Grey Vests and Drawers, at 25¢ per garment Ladies' White Vests and Drawers at 35¢ per garment Ladies' Grey Vests and Drawers at 35¢ per garment Also the better makes, at 50c, 75¢, $1 per garment Ladies' Combinatfon Suits, at 95c¢*$1, $1.25, $1.50 per set. Children's Underwear, both Vests and Drawers, at from 18c upwards. Children's Combination Suits. Children's Sleeping Suits. You can save money by purchasing right now. 3 Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store 25¢ plasters, 2 for 25e. He talcum powder, 3be. 25e liver pin, 2 for 25c. $1.00 cod liver oi! preparation, 50g $1.25 fountain pens for $1.00, J. 1 QUEEN'S STUDENTS As usual, will find at this store the greatest variety 4 and values in smart, up-to-the-minute hats in Kingston, i .We have been hatfers to Queen's men. since away back in the ""eigh- ties" and have always' | taken particular care | | of their wants. . Come to *'the College Hat: Store" for your new hat. Special value at $2.00, dan fc 1m oO ki oT -------- CLOSING OF MAILS To the 21st Battalion Before It Left Bugler talion, in H. A, states that the battali Teecived new equipment, tér reads in part as follows: "Our which is convenient for marching, We carry the entrenchi end. is the shovel and pick. packed under the pouces cdrry 200 have the respirator, the size of a 50-cent piece. the battalion had a final ph taken yesterday. To-day is the day of sports, r England for France. ment of troops. , hag thousands of British troops 'rushed | out of England this month, so looks as if there is going" to be drive before the winter sets in," | : Chicago, is announced Thursday afternoon at home of her mother andria Bay. x Cedar Shingles Make Good Roofs ' British mail closes Iirregular~ ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. . United States. dally Grand Trunk, east : ++ 1.00 pm. 11.50 p.m. 11.50 a.m, oe 11.60 a.m. : : (Including Western States) 11.50 p.m, Grand Trunk and i west of city 7 2.30 p.m. C.P. R. 10.15 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. CN R. the same cost, o We stock and « recommend New Brunswick Extras and British Columbia XXX, both of excellent yuality Cedar Shin es. : . >, TT -------- NEW EQUIPMENT ISSUED. Frederick White, 21st Bat- a letter dated September lo Bandsman Smith, R. C, on has Thé let- 3th, ew equipment is more comfortable n the back, as it is all webbing, ng tools, one nd the other the neat ideh, and is pack. The ball rounds! We | 1 the field dress- g and the identification disc, which rried around the neck. It is All of ph 1t is a nice, Sf oh ih . 3 Sap A Seg 4. g Dick Season will sooa be here. Have you your Gums and tion ready? If not, give usa call. | oe any a Jatgs Smortmest of 10] is t Guns, also the! chester and Remington P Guns. Let us show you our | ¥ and to-morrow we leave Everything is ept secret as Yegasds the niove- here, been $20.00; Anything you ma your fall shooting will here," 10," 12 and 1 ble barrel at it $1750 5 a i -- Miss M'Mullin To Wed. | of Miss Sallie Me. marriage Mullin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.|See . McMullin, to Joseph Hansen of to take place Comte] on ort Is- . St. Lawrence river, near 'Alex- SERICREN Rr LR RO { ghClass Water . a a We have them at popular prices; also; but these are su- 'perior and unusual. Prices $22.00 and $23.00 for Pitcher and Six Glasses, Mm Smith \Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Screwless Eyeglass Mountings. REPAIRED ' AND REMODELLED. Gourdier's "Phone 700. _ - SN pit sy Talking About ~ Bungalows i | We have a nice one, with 7 rooms {and bathroom, furnace, tenais court, {mew garage; lot 70x180; at the bar- gain price of | Owner leaving the city. A detached frame dwelling,on Nel- {son street, 7 rooms, improvements; | lot 66%132, with good stable, for - { $2,600 RENT AND RENTS COLLECTED. in the Real Estate line. EW. Mallin and Son Phones 539 and 1456 {HOUSES TO { Everything v far cleanliness, . spotlesspess and treatment of your and whiteness, ysanitary washables, Ammuni- {i 2 gmnge hammeriess dou-! will answer the eall and give you Just what you waat, just when you want it, and st a price that will please you. | Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sty, Phone 22.

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