Out of the High Rent aa O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive Special Bargains in Every Department All This Week | If You Wish to Save Money on SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, WAISTS KIMONAS, NECKWEAR, ETC, ETC. This is the Store Always something new to see and dlways pleas- ed to show you. GET OUR PRICES ON MILLINERY. Hats to suit every face priced to suit every purse. See'Our Window. T.d. OCONNOR 260 Princess Street. Next to James Reid's. THE STORE WITH THE SMALL PRICES. THESE HOT DAYS | You Cannot Be Too Careful HOT WEATHER | With Your Milk. Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, Droper- ly cooled, and delivered in sealed' bottles. eo Price's :: Phone 845 277 PRINCESS STREET. A€d is good tea' n I A AA ct ct Ae a A i aa eg aA DAVENPORTS | You can make these into comfortable Beds $15, $20, $32 up. Er rn rt ssa Book Cases & Desks $2. $2.15, $3.50 up, a good range, worth Seeing. Parlor Fancy Pieces In covers to suit, $3.50, $6, $9 up. Wil- Carpets and Rugs, ete, Balmoral, Brussels, Curtains, Lace, Silk, Madras, ete. Phone 90. . ton, Yours * ' a Si, 'T. F. Harrison Co. \. The Hartt Boot and Shoe Co, Limited Frederic ton, N.B. "Canada's Best ¥ . > 3) A lady' S comment "Tastes better--goes farther.' | RedRose Friday. ry SARREFELD HEIGHTS WITH THE OVERSEAS TROOPS All Sunday morning the wind and rain came .to Barriefield camp and the result was a general disturbance that brought disaster to many of the canvas homes, marquees. The marquees are used for dining tents, quartermasters stpres, lectures, and orderly The men were given ing tents, was felt. blew down. and no great inconvenience Few of the Bell Frank Purly, discount clerk, Bank of Toronto, enlisted in the 80th Bat- talion on Monday. Major C. with the 80th Battalion on Saturday. Dr. E. J. Fane will give a tecture| in the Y.M.C.A. tent this evening on "Kingston to Ottawa on the Rideau Lakes." the 80th Battalion will certainly be a good one judging by present indications. Capt. Wat- son, adjutant, is taking a great inter est in its organization and is choos} ing only highly qualified men. The band of i F. W. Lillie, secretary M.C.A. at Barriefield, week in Buffalo, N.Y. of the ¥. is spending' a The 80th Battalion has had a won- derful "crime" record since coming ta Batriefield camp. A crime military circles is an offense even as common as drunkenness, and Capt.| Watson, adjutant of the' battalion was able to tell the Whig om Satur day that although, the been mobilized almost three and there are 700 men under canvas, only two men have been brought uj | before Lieut.-Col. W. G. Ketcheson. These cases happened a few days af- ter the battalion was mobilized, and the colonel gave severe sentences The effect is now being felt as the men realize that good conduct is ne cessary in the organizing of a battal- ion for overseas service. Sergt. Thompson, 33rd Battery, who played on last year's Argonauts Rughy team was in Toronto last week, and brought balk with him a boot-ball for the boys in the batte ry. He is organizing a foot-ball team j Among the men. Lieut. G. M. Huycke, 33rd Battery, was in Peterboro over the week-end. Lieut. Gordon Graham, to the 80th Battalion, is proving valuable officer. He is giving lectures in machine gunpery and trench-work. | It is likely that he will organize a school of machine-gunnéry for the officers and N.C.O's at the camp, the| school opening this week if authority | can be obtained. The school will be| on similar lines to those of the first] school which was nder the com mand of Capt. H. J. Stethém. i Puttees have been secured from! fhe quartermastérs stores for the ar- tillery men at the camp and these will' be issued in the near future. All of the 8th ¥ Regiment, C.M.R., have received new equipment from the quartermaster, Major Routh, and the regiment is ready at any time to leave for the front. Lieut. Wallbank, 32nd Battery, spent the week-end in. Montreal. Pte. H. C. Gilham, signalling see- tion of the Sth Regiment; C.M.R.. received his commission in the 5th P.L.D.G. on Saturday, and will leave for Toronto to join the 10th C.M.R there for overseas service, | Lieut. H. A. L. Coon, aide to Col. | | T. D. R. Hemming is still in Ottawa | with his father who is recovering from a severe operation. Sapper Kyte, No. 5 F.C.C.E., was treated at the Field Hospital on Sat urday afterfoon for a severely sprain- ed ankle. Pte. E, C. Lindsay, Sth C.M. rR. | has been promoted to the rank of | provisional sergeant, and is taking 'the position of orderly-room- -sergeant vacat by Lieut. Peaker. who was recently granted ais commission. Two horses of the 8th C.M.R: died | on Saturday night. The assigned Tay checks of the | men of the 32nd Battery were issued | i on Saturday by Major S. A. McKen-| zie, Col. G. Hunter-Oglivie, AAG, | was in Cornwall and Morrisburg on t Major C. H. Gillespe, 0. and 1. of | are training twenty-five men, in phy.| sical exercises for the Th } | NCA Rl i) (4 Al 1h (URRY i | | } { k | {and lecturing on the war. i particularly the large! offices, | their mealg} in other tents beside the regular din tents| A. Low reported for duty| | battalion has weeks | who is on] leave from the front and is uttached| | died a quiet Qeath. C.C., and Sergt. Dow, 80th Battalion. September 30th. The band of the Sth C.M.R. will also be present at the| fair and if arrangements can be made! a special train will run from the city. Lieut. McLaughlin, 32nd Battery, spent the week-end in Ottawa. Lieut. Reiffenstein, 59th Battalion, | is recruiting at Coe Hill. Sergt. M. R. Boyd; 59th Battal ion, received his commission in the 45th Lindsay Regiment en Friday { and is now attached to the 80th Bat talion. Lieut. Boyd comes from Bob-! cageon. Capt. A. W. Gray, 59th Battalion, | was in Ottawa over the week-end. Thirty-eight N.C.O's of the 80th | Battalion, commenced a qualifying course on Monday morning. The { officers of the battalion have enlisted no man as other than a private and every man in the battalion has a fair JSasace to become a N.C.O. Major Williams, 59th Battalion, { in Lindsay. is The 59th Battalion will take a route-march to Harrowsmith on Thursday. The plans of the march have not yet been announced. Lieut. Thompson, 59th Battalion, is in Lindsay. in} i Capt. Mac Connell, Battalion, awa. adjutant 59th | left on Saturday for Osh- Owing to the soft-ball team of fhe) | 33rd Battery being inoculated on Fri- { day, the semi-final - championship game against the Pogincers had. to | be pestponed. The 2nd Battery | team will play the winners for the] championship. Peterboro sent almost $5,000 for | the 59th Battalion regimental fund, | and Lieut.-Col. Dawson acknow- | ledges the gifts in a gracious way. Dr. Alger, Stirling, the medical of- | ficer for the 80th Battalion, was re- | membered by his fellow-townsmen. He was given $200 to help pay for his uniform and equipment. It is | expected Dr. Alger will be given the rank of lieutenant-colonel. | Lieut. A, Gordon Scott, of the 59th | Battalion, was in camp on Saturday, | after a month's leave through sick- ness, having been operated upon for appendititis. He will go to Ottawa | to take the machine gun course | | which opens there this week. | | Owing to the high" wind and rain | it was impossible to conduct the! divine service on Sunday morning. | The soldiers were billed for a treat, | with the music by the R.CH.A. band, | | but this could not be carried out, At Tete de Pont Barracks. i { The overseas draft from "C" Bat-| tery has been inoctilated and was] inspected by the Medical Officers, | Major G. W. Mylks and Capt. H. A.! | Boyce on Monday morning: Fifty-eight recruits arrived for Battery on Saturday afternoon and were attested on Monday. Maj- or R. F. Massie, 34th Battery enlist-} ed them while in Toronto the first of the last week. | The roof of the gun-shed at Tete de Pont Barracks was partly blown off by the gale on Sunday morn- ing.' Capt. T. D. J. Ringwood, Gun- nery Instructor, Royal School of Ar- tillery, is in Montreal. J. A. Collins, A. E. Johnston, R. Ellery and L. C. Hind have enlisted with "C" Battery, R R.C.HA. The overseas draft from the bat-| tery are now expert artillery -men | land a credit to Capt. W. E. Steacy | {and his command. L -- rn * -- - 14th Band Breaks Up, The 14th Regimental band is not having any more practices. Bamnd-! master Fodden has returned ta his! work and the band seems to have | There has been | 50 many of the bandsmen. on the'! home guard and the overseas units | that the authorities found it prac-| | tically impossible to keep up a band! ! of the 14th Regiment men, and oth-| ers were taken on the strength, but | | did not make good. It is likely that | | an attempt will be made to re-organ- | | ize the band in some way so thatf lit will equal the splendid unit that | | played the men of the First Conting- | ent off a year ago. Died In Texas, Word was recéived on Friday ht by Andrew Black, Cataraqui, iveying to him the sad mews of the death of his brother, James, { which occurred in Texas on August 4th. He is survived by three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Roach, Chau- jmont, N.Y., Mrs. Crallin, Kingston, Mrs. Fegz 'and Andrew Black, both of Cataraqui. five years of age. Turned Shelley Oper. James Donoghue, of the | tiary® staff, has returned to Kingston. He took' Shelley to Simcoe(and re- | mained in charge of him until the death sgntence was pronounced. Then he turned him over to the { sheriff. 8 niten- "fe ---------------- - A Kingstoniin's Advance, Lieut.-Col. C. C. Van Straubenzie, | w graduate or'the Roval Military Col { lege, has been gasetted as a temipo- | rary prigadier. general, and Lieut. - | Col. F. F. Duffus, another graduate, [as assistant direqor o of supplies. =P McNaughton, a Queen's gra- ' duate, who has spent twenty-five years in Turkey, is back in Canada, | The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. [Lennox Mills are home from Taron- | to. ul ___ ARCH SUPPORTS CORN PADS BUNION PADS SHOE POLISHES Shoe Repairing- Bags SuitCases 'SHOE BRUSHES "BEDROOM _ _ BAGGAGE TAGS FINE LACES SLIPPERS " tal 2 er _ Abernethy' s Shoe Store FALL Ts Distinctive models a}! | feature of our assort- | ment. Metropolitan range of new blocks that re- | spond 'to your individual de- | mands, make this store head- | | quarters with men who want | their hats to look like they | were made to order. | Specials in Soft Hats Derbies. $200, $2.50 Ama art rr rmmarnirmrirte } | Campbell Bros, Largest Hey om] style, and a and | - Sakell's Pure Ice Cream Our Ice Cream is the by Government Test. ~---- oy | best and finest in Kingston We deliver to all parts of the "city in bulk or "bricks. Next Dyers House. | hn SARELL s | Automobile | For Hire (1915 REGAL) | Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives WEeopINGS A SPECIALTY. Prompt Attention to Boat and Trais Calls. Service~and Efficiency Guaranteed, R. J. Allen, Phone 300. 340 Johnsom >: ees KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCT 'les, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap pier Blocks. We also male Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates all kinds of Cement Work. Office and Factory | Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 730. MGR. H. ¥. NORMAN. ¢ N Ax p25 E KE NCC x x NCCE Farmers and Investments They say the best investment to-day i is a good farm--well run. The next best is an insurance policy in somereliable, well- managed life company. e farmer having both of these is in a particularly enviable situation. "The pelicy will be well worth its cost if you get nothing more than the satis- faction of knowing those dependent upon Jou are are, safe from want--no~matter what gue 'over and above nats = and the matter Canada: ife of provision for your insurance will Tstah money invested. ? fou inci prod old t on the de of Sthers. Where Canad: Life profits have been added the policy they have in many cases more than doubigd the Insurance. Your policy will combine sure protection, pro- Jidon oo a age and profitable investment if it % be & CANADA LIFE sm 3.0. Hut ts si s Genel Agenr. Kingston. was seventy-| | ALE -- STOUT --- LAGER Pure -- PALATABLE -- NutRmous -- Beveraces ~ FOR SALE BY WINF axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery 'whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Laure, Lorwon, | Phone 640 Safety First. Jse a Drop Side Safety Cot for Cher { Hi £4 TE nw Fitted 'with a nice spring. woven wire siven for | Baby Walkers strengthen Jimbs and teaches baby to walk. At the Busy Store With the Large Stock. James Reid The Leading Undertaker EMPIRE GROCERY BEN LEE, Successor to T. J. ni the The wise housewife buys her Preserving Fruit from us, Overflow Bartlett Pears and Damson Plums. Crawford Peaches, . California Fruit le Apples. Also choice and T. Gods delivered to any part of the city. Phone 349, FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE C H PICKERING, Grocer and Meat ! Ly i Pick- g a Preserving Supplies. on .