. THE DAILY B SOWARDS [ON BARRIEFIELD HEIGHTS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. Soap Is Bad ] For the Hair Soap should be used very sparing- if at all, if you want to keep your looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. . This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil which is pure and greaseless), and better than soap or anything else you can use, One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and sealp thorough- ly Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out _ easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, hright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pf:armacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem- ber. of the family for months, ly, hair i A A At Aa NA WE APPRECIATE - YOUR TRADE C. H. PICKERING, Grocer and Meat Dealer. Headquarters for Pick- i ling and Preserving Supplies. 490 Princess Street. Phone 530. i THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Unionville, Mo.--*I suffered from a female trouble and I got so weak that I ewe could hardly walk | across the floor with- out holding on to 3 . I had ({hervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my face would draw, I could not speak, nor sleep todo any good, had no appetite, and thought I Pinkham's Vegetable Compourd. I had WITH THE OVERSEAS TROOPS No authority has yet been receiv-, ed but information from good sour- ces gives a prefty. accurate idea of what troops will be quartered in the eity this winter. The idea of quar tering the soldiers at Barriefield camp has been definitely abandoned The 59th Battalion and the 32nd and 33rd Batteries will be in the city.! The battalion will be in the Cereal Works and in the Artillery Park dor- mitories as used by the 21st Battal: ion last year. One.of the two bat- teries will be in the Riehardson build- ing at the corner of William and King streets The (other battery may possibly be in either Ontario or the City Hall The Engineers made a visit to the latter places on Monday afternoon and it is under-| stood that they are highly pleased | with them as quarters for a battery. | 'he divisional headquarters staff] will return to the Armouries and not to the Richardson-building as at first thought. Some time ago the Engineering| department worked out plans for a| large building on the lower Barrie-| field commons in. which at least 500] men could be quartered. It was re- commended at the time that in the advent of the close of the war the buildings be used for the Ordnance stores. This plan has also been thrown out as the Militia Department | is now under very heavy expense and can not see its way clear to erect ex- pensive buildings. » -- The 80th Battalion will according to the present plans go to Belleville and be quartered in the Clnning Tac- tory, which is under loan to the Mi- litia Department from the city of Belleville. The effects of the wind of Synday can still be seen at the camp. There | is $400 damages to the huge mar- quee used as a lecture tent by the Y. M.C:A. The wireless station is out of commission. The two masts sixty five feet high were broken off and the aerial came to grief in a very short' time. The masts will be er- ected immediatély. All through the! camp the drafts from the different units are getting ready for their ocean trip. The dates of sailing has not yet been announc- ed. but it is felt that it is not far dis- tant. Major Routh, quartermaster of the 8th C.M.R., has forgotten his us- ual pleasant smile in his work. He is probably the busiest man in the regiment as he has to look after all of the equipmént. He is proving his value however and is receiving praise on all sides for the way he and his staff are working. short distance of the 59th Battalion lines and a squad of men will be de- tailed to take care of them. The 59th Battalion had its first instruction in" infantry attack en Monday afternoon and did splendidly The work is the same as is being done at the front and is very inter- esting to watch. The bandmen of the 59th Batfal- ion who have returned from Lindsay fair, state that the residents of that community fased them splendidly. The Minister of Militia was present at the fair and personally. compli- mented the band on its splendid ap- pearance and music. A new bass drummer has been sec- ured as an addition to the 8th C.M R. band and he is proving a splendid acquisition, . The motor-transport section of the Army Service Corps under Major J. Hamilton, A.D. of S. and T., receiv- ed on Monday afternoon by train a seven-ton truck similar to those in use by the School of Mechanical Transport now stationed at Toronto. Col. G. Hunter-Oglivie, A.A.G., re- turned from a tour of inspection to Cornwall and Morrisburg on Sunday. Fifty men from the 5%th Battal- ion, are receiving physical drill every day, preparing for their exhibition at the Industrial Exhibition this week. Major Barrager, instructor in the Provisional School of Infantry, re- OVER MINORITY RULE IN THE CITY COUNCIL. By-law To Macadamize Brock Street Failed to Pass, But a Motion to Patch the Roadway Carried. When the by-law to construct a RITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915. Ee | BECAME QUITE ANGRY macadam roadway on Brock street, ! from Barrie to Alfred street, failed to get the required two-thirds vote of the City Council on Monday night, indignant protests were uttered by Alds. Couper, Graham and Nickle. Ald, Couper declared that every mew roadway recommended bye the Board of Works was blocked by a few members of Council. The peo- ple of Brock street wanted a mac- adam road, and yet a small minor- ity of Council undertook to tell these people that they could not have | "It would be wasting money to build such a road," said Ald. White. "Well, I'm a property owner there, and I'm satisfied with water-bound { macadam, and so are others I have consulted," replied Ald. Couper. "Macadam is good enough for that street. They don't want permanent pavement up there," said Ald. Kent. Ald. Graham was just as angry as Ald. Couper over the vote of Coun- cil,.and opened out on the University avenue petition of recent history. "Why," he exclaimed, "when a sufficient}y-signed petition- was pre- sented herg, it had to be knocked, i 4 i | | | ARCH SUPPORTS CORN PADS BUNION PADS ~ q. ~ SHOE POLISHES SHOE BRUSHES BAGGAGE TAGS FINE LACES SuitCases i | 1] ~ Shoe Repairing BEDROOM SLIPPERS Abernethy' s Shoe Store Names were illegally taken off and | others were tampereu with." "That's not true," put in the City, | Clerk, ham. "Mr. Mayor, Ald. Graham has made a statement that reflects upon "But it is true," declared Ald. Gra- | the City Clerk," said Ald. Hughes, | "and he should take it back." Ald. Graham--"1 didn't mean the City Clerk. tirned to Belleville on Monday to certain aldermen got people to write take over the command of the 15th| letters asking that their names be | Regiment, the command of which taken off the petition. We Major Barrager received the rank of to take them off." Ald. Nitkle read Council a lesson | lieutenant-colonel with the command He has proved himself very. popular on minority rule. at the camp and he has a host of all year a small minority had practi- friends both here and in Belleville! cally ruled the ¢ who will congratulate him promotion. Belleville High School. on Frank Purdy, discount clerk in the the | Ald. ser- laws upon work which has already | If one of us had | defeated | those by-laws and put the Council | Bank of Toronto, has received appointment as orderly. room geant of the 80th Battalion. Pay-day will be on Thursday. gy. When Council his by motion decidéd to do a vertain He is principal of the| work, it was in the power of a few | who opposed it to block the by-law that later came up. "Only at this very meeting," said | Nickle, "we have passed by- been completed. j wanted to we i could have in a most emMarrassing position. Had It is published for the information| the City Engineer been able to have and guidance of commanding officers handled the work, Brock concerned that the details from the might have been macadamized long street What I meant was that | have | ! was vacated by Lieut. Col. -Marsh, had legal opinion that it was illegal He declared that | FALL HATS Distinctive models a feature of our assort- ment. Metropolitan style, and a range of new blocks that re- spond to your individual de- by Government Test. bricks. Next Opera House, Sakell's Pure Ice Cre We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk rn. mn 5 Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston on SAKELL' rr -- NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing | Neatly done. We make a special ty of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 8th Regiment, C.M.R., and the 59th 880, and the by-law would probably | Battalion C.E.F., selested to take have met the fate it has met to-night. | | part in the military events at the I' think it only honorable and Suir | Kingston fair on the 28th, and 29th) that when the ( ouncil, on thg recom- | | will parade at Tete-de-Pont. Barracks endation of a committee, commits | lat 1 p. m. on both these days and Steele 3 a Certain work, She alder. | wi ¢ ' ir should stand behin e by-law | will march from there 'to the fa ABE SaIpOrt 1 r Dhle i Cel were made to order. mands, make this store head- quarters with men who want their hats to look like they Specials in Soft Hats and Derbies. $2.00, $2.50 Pte. Joseph Hill, Lindsay, who was home from Barriefield camp, for a day or so, entertained friends at a | corn roast at his home. During the! | evening games and music played a Q.M.S. Hunter formerly of the C.| M.S.C. here and now with the 59th Battalion, is going overseas with the| next draft from the battalioh.. i s | grounds. required two-thirds or three-fourths | majority, as the case may be, and not block it, as some have done to- night. There cin be no civic pro- gress by continuing on in this wiy." Mayor Sutherland and Alds. Hughes and White voted against | Campbell Bros, Lieut. E. A, Godfrey, assistant ad- jutant, 8th C.M.R., has from a trip to Toronto; The horses of the Sth C.M'R. will| be left in Canada, and Col. Clarke, A.D. of S. and T., at Ottawa, is ex- pected in the city in a.few days to make arrangements for their dispo- sal. The dentists shack-at the camp is large part, after which an .address a pair of military brushes. *The Y.M.C.A. is unable to hold apy meetings until a new marquee can be sured. The old tent was so badly damaged in the wind storm on Sunday morning that it is beyond repair. be repaired-and treated with tarvia. That required only a majority vote, and the Rideau Ward father was | quite happy at "putting .one over" on the oppositionists and having the returned 1 ith | Macadamizing Brock street. How-| was read and Mr. Hill presented wi ever, Ald. Couper scored a point by | moving that the blocks in question ! Wing: ton's Largest Hat Dealers . emia = mesmmmmmm---- Point. | schooner. The other members of the crew were "Jerry" Lavis, Cobourg: Rob- ert Milne, Port Hope, and W. Joyner, His wife was cook on the cost of fixing the street charged up | Who signed up just before the vessel against the ratepayers as a whole. | sailed Saturday morning. The lat- running aground, twice at Nine Mile | ter was at one time employed by the taken: so much medicine and my doctor | said he could do me no good so I toldmy | husband he might get me a bottle and I | would try it. By the time I had taken" he it1 felt better. I continued its use,and now I am well and strong. - "I have always recommended medicine ever since I was so wonder- fully benefitted by it and I hope this "letter will be the means of saving some other poor woman from 3, Mrs. MARTHA SEAVEY, Box 11 Unionville, Missouri. The makers of Lydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of a -- such letters as that above -- they tell A scout platoon will be formed the truth, else they could not have been [TOM men of the 59th Battalion and obtained for love or money. This Will drill as a section. One _N.C.O icine is no stranger -- it has stood the and sixteen men from each company will be selected. The officers respec- teal Jor yous, tively from "A", "B", "C" and "DP" are an ns ies, vi & hore J Shimlicatle you companies, who will be in charge, x are as follows: Lieut. W, G. W. Rob- Piakham Medicine Co. ! i Lynas Touriniek willbe cpencl inson, Lieut. V. C. Dowling, Lieut. read and" answered a woman keld in strict confidence, 6 rapidly nearing completion. ink sent overseas in the next draft from Barriefield camp. The 5%th three batteries 300 are about 500 men in the 8th C.M.R, The route-march. of the 59th Bat- talion, planned for Thursday and Friday of this week, has been chang- ed. It: will take place on Friday owing to Thursday being a half-holi- day Tor the soldfers. . 4", | Kenneth Taylor and Lieut. G. R. S. Gates, : 3 AA yin nnn. | Sergt-major-Blake of th Ever notice how much happier you talion statés that there are when you render others happy? | than 300 cats . h am » ~ ¢ 59th Bat. acd more residing within a i DAVENPORTS --. You ean make these 8 info comfortable Beds -- : $15, $20, $32 up. $2. $2.15, $3.50 up, a good range, worth Seeing. LT Parlor Fancy Pieces In covers to suit, $3.50, $6, $9 up Carpets and Rugs, in Balmoral, Brussels, Wik ton, ete; Curtains, Lace, Silk, Madras, ete.. : Phone 90. Yours T. F. Ea bo WCU SOOO) TH : i Enough men for one battalion are Battalion are sending 250 men, the men and there ! 1 Forfy-three recruits arrived froth different points on Monday for the SCHOONER WENT DOWN! | 80th Battalion. . ) » | | - Phere ate 820 men iw-the 80th! cypy op Battalion now. There are 176 men | at Peterboro under Lieut.-Col. John- ston and the remainder here. CHEYBOYGAN SANK ON SUNDAY MORNING Near Amherst Island--It Left Kings- | ton on Saturday With" Feldspar For Baftalo. On Sunday morning Sergt.-Major Noble gave the first class on Monday morning to the men. of the '80th Battalion who are quali-| fying as N.C.O's. Lieut.-Cal. S. A.| o'clock the schooner. City of Chey- Thompson, R.M.C:, gave a lecture to' boygan, loaded with feldspar from | | the officers of the 30th Battalion on Richardson's wharf, and en route to | Monday. . | Buffalo, sank in full view of Joseph | : i Bray, a fisherman of Amherst Island. James Rhodes, James P. Palmer During the terrible storm of Sunday and Harold Beattie enlisted by Corpl., Mr. Bray beheld the three-masted { Alvey; A. A. Cowin, W. Collard, R.|Schooner, driven before the wind, | Wearer, F. Maddocks, H. J. Wil-|suddenly founder and disappear one | liams and T. R. Bennett, 40th Regi-| and a half miles south of Nut Island, | Ashley, F. L. Allen 2 small island south of Amherst Is- | {and R. Clayton Who enlisted at Bar-| land. " { { riefield, "have been taken on the! The Cheyboygan carried a crew of | strength of the 59th Battalion. | five It left here : Saturday f -- morning with her bulwarks no more Lieut. N, ¥. Buchaman. 5th Bat-| than three fest shove the surfage of we i the water. © was caught in the . Is attached to "C™" Battery~ for vy rh Ha yaas raugl 18. the | called others to witness the sinking, but to try and rescue the crew was impossible. The hull of the boat quickly disappeared, and the three masts suddenly dropped out of sight, Jnaraly a a portion of them be- ng seen when the seas sub- sided Mongday night. Rartally All Sunday Mr. Bray watched along the shoré™to see it he could fo- tice any of the victims struggling in about "11 i i ment, and Joh ! tery instruction and duty. | The number of troops now &ta- { tioned at Barriefield Camp is esti. } ted at 4,200. From time to time | the baking section under the charge | of Staff-Sergt Joseph Pound is placed ! under heavy strain. - The largest { turnout of bread sinee the beginning of the camp was on Saturday when { 8,300 pounds was turned out. . The| | cold weather and heavy winds proved | the water, with the view of seeing | great drawbacks. Long spikeschad | them if they were Washed ashore. {ie be driven into the ground, ropes! His efforts were in vain. and the attached to these and then heavy search was given up when night | Stones placed on top. After this, in! came. order to get the bread to raise, the! | bakers had to heat the pans in the | ovens first before the dough was | placed in them. | -------------- - PHOTO OF KINGSTON BOYS One of the Kingstosi boys attach- 'ed to the 12th Battalion, and who is| now in Hospital at Shorncliffe, sends al to the Whig a couple of of Kingston boys back i ! i is | : nN Was over to see 'us on leave from the trenches. | We have a Whig sent us once in a i while and then there is a rush." | Among the Kingstonians recognis- | able in the photo are the following: a 14th Battalion. Street Bailway Company and left its émploy a few weeks ago. . ! The Cheyboygan had more than her share of trouble this year. Early in the season the schoener was out in a terrible gale, 'was 'mis¥ing 'for several days, and was given up for lost, However, Capt. McDonald managed to get into shelter jn a cove where there was no telegraph com- munication. The schooner at this time was on her way from Oswego to Toronto with coal. On two og- casions the vessel ran aground in the vicinity of Nine Mile Point, and was regarded as a "hoodoo" among ma- rine men. Capt. McDonald, his wife and members of the crew were all well known in Kingston, and there was much regret expressed over the sad affair when the news spread around the city. % All day Monday grave fears were held for the missing Cheyboygan. The Whig learned during the that she had not been reported, but no mention was made of the fact, as it was believed that she would turn | up all right. As the Chéyboygan is the only ves- sel reported missing, it was natural- ly believed that it was that vessel Mr. Bray saw go down. Up till noon nothing had been heard about any of the crew, and all are believed to have perished. - Promotions ror Local Men In 21st Battalion Five of the senior N.C.O's of the 2m Saiada Battalion have ' been Pp to t ranks of Warrant Omeer (Class II). are: , Re- Eimental Q.M.S. Frank Ludlow' and Company Sergeant:Major. H ~~ M Swaine, R. J. Davidson,, A. McCrac- ¥ > ken and F. L. Stephenson. The first two are from Kingston and for years act ti Kingstonian, is selected in No. 2 -- Sad Death Of (wild. death occurred at Quebec on oe ght, of John Thomas the moathy-old of Mr J. A. Trembley, Mss. The day | iye members of the' " ----... 149 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Prin. cess St) Phone 214. Pure 'Vinegar | and Spices If you want the best quality, leave your] order with | J.R. B. GAGE Phone 549 254 Montreal Street. | Quick, Safe Way to Remove Hairs (Toilet T: Keep a little tone powder on your d ing table and when ugly, hairy owths appear, make a paste | with a little of the powder and some water, apply and let remain on the hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes, | then rub off, wash the skin and the | hairs have vanished: This treat- ment is quifé harmless and rarely more than pue application is requir- ed, but to avoid disappointment care should be used to buy the real déia- tone. § : i Ac casein. The death occurred in London of | Marion Ewart, who was for twenty- | two years a missionary in India. She | was a daughter of the late James Bw- | art, Dundas. - | i i give prices. Visit Our Store During Fair Week Save Everything reduced and arranged r your inspection. i Meet your friends--they all trade here . No trouble to fo show goods and Make our store while in the city. The Busy Store With Stoek. James Reid The Leading Undertaker your headquarters the Large * BUTTER WRAPPING PAPER. FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. s i #2 There are a lo . that we wish to see - our line of Shoes at this p YEAR WELT AND i i 1 ~~ Men's id $4.00 Boots t of men who Wear $4.00 Shoes + They will find it to théir adv OUR SPECIAL CALF BLUCHER BOOT, GOOD- THIS PRICE IS A WINNER. antage to look over rice, ! DOUBLE SOLE AT