Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1915, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Every Cent you 8] for "Made in Canada" goods helps you as w as other Canadians @ It is the finest grain of the famous Windsor Salt--blended with a very small quantity of Magnesium Carbonate, 149 THE SCHOOL F TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. VERY SUCCESSFUL They Were Held At Ernesttown And Amberst stand And the Ghdren Put t God List of pupils who won at the nesttown School Fair.. Er- The figures-after the the school section scholar belongs. Class 1.--Oats--A. --Best yield: 'James McGregor 21, Clarke 17, Jessie Weese 21, Bruce Smith 12. B.- Jessie Weese 21. Class 2.--Barley name denote to which A.-- Best yield: Willie Miller 2. Best kept plot: Is the perfected product of over G0 years' ex- perience in the inaich-making business. Eddy's "Silent Parlor' Match If 'correctly held and struck on any rough sur- face, is warranted to g ve a steady, elear ligift. The E. B. Eddy Co., Limited, Hull, Canada. (01 The Kind You Have Always Boaght, and which has been in use for over 30 yeais, has borno the signature of and has been made under his per= sonal supervision since its infancy. . Allow no one to deceive you in this. Imitations and ¢¢ Just-as-good ** are but trifle with and endanger the health of Experiment. Children Cry for Fletcher's Enianis 'and Children Experience Nhat is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Sooth Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narecotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it <has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation » Wind Colic, all Tecthing Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates e° Stomach an we assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's The Mother's Friend. enue CASTORIA Awars Bears the Signature of , In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought | THE CRNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, - | 7:50 Willie Miller 2. : Class 3.--Earl potatoes--A,-- Best yield; Zelma Huffman 5, Shib- ley Nejlson 19, Doris Storms 19, Georgia Steel 2, Kenneth Babcock 19. Best plot: 13, Dean Babcock 13. Class 4.--Late potatoes--A ,-- Best yield: Clarke Boyce 17, Mabel Lewis 21, John Hagerman, Mills, 'Harvey Smith 13, Kayler 11. B.-- Best kept Mabel Lewis 21, Willie Kenny 13. Class 5, -- Flint Corn -- A.--Best braid two dozen ears: Alex. McMul- Walroth 21, Harvey Smith 13, Ru- pert Amey 11. B.--Best kept plot: Florence Weese 21, Warren Walroth 9 Class 6.--Sweet Corn.--A.--Braid of two dozen ears: Ross Clarke 13, James Robson 17, Chester Love 23, Clifford Reid 12, Allen Smith 21. B.--Best plot: Kenneth Wartman 4, Ross Clarke 13. ? Class 7. Mangels.--A.-- Best 12 roots: Marion Clancy 17, William Jones 18, Annie Clarke 21, Earl Den- yes 12, 7 B.-- Best Elmer Amey 7. / plot: Earl Denyes 12, Annie Clarke 21. Class 8.--Asters,--A. --Best Bou- quet: Doris Storms 19, Hazel Reid ghey 18, Oneta McMullen 21. Best kept plot: Fern"Sproule 13. Class 9.--S8weet Peas.--A.--Best Bouquet: Gladys Wailace 19, Elean- or Bullock 2, Earl Steele 2, Luella Peters 19, Gladys Miller 2. B.-- Best kept plot: Gladys Miller 2, Beryl Jones 13. Best Collection of Vegetables -- Gorden Parrott 12, Florabel Curran 11, Willie Kenny 8, Ruby McNeill 17, Alfred Miller 2. Best Collection of Apples--Velma Frink 2, Marion Claney 17, Edward Hagerman 6, Fred Donnelly 11, Earl Peters 17. + v Best 2 Loaves of Bread---Eleanor Bullock 2, Ruth Hamilton 13, Aleta Babcock 19, Rhoda Lakins 19, Hat- te: Hill 11, Best Plate of Buns--Fern Sproule 13, Katherine Kennedy 19, BE. B. Shibley 19, Rhoda Lakins 19, Ber- tha Cloagh 10. } Best Apple: Pie--Mildred Spring 17 Doris Storms 19, Gladys Lang- staff 18, Beryl Jones 13, Laurena Snider 18. Best Two Jars of Preserves--May Storms 17, Grace Spring 17, G, Amey 11. ' Best Hand-madé Apron--E, B. Shibley 19, Evelyn McKim, 21, Mary Cole 19, Kathleen Parrott 19, Isa- bel Matthews 5. ¢ Best Hand Hemmed Handkerchief --Kathleen Parrott 19, BE, B. Shib- ley 19, M. Spring 17, Mary Cole 19, Hazel Lockwood 7. Best W. W. Cockerel---Frank Bab- cock 13, Keith Simmons 19, Alita Babcock 19, Clarke Boyce 17, Vera McFarlane 2, Florabel Curran 11, Russell Steele ,2, Doris Storms 19, James MoGregor 21, Grace Spring 9. i Best Pullet--Francis Dunn 22, Zelma Huffman 5, Florabe] Curran. B1, Rifford McLaughlin, Kenneth Babcock 19, Bruce Smith, Fellows. W. H. Jones, Victoria, Vera McFar- Isabel Matthews 5, Annual Coach Excursion to October 5th and 6th Final Return Limit October 15th : | wd el Ocean Liners, Bridges, Subisaysy Bniadwayy 5 Ten days for sightseeing in the Metropolis ~-- New Stores, Museums, the Water Front, Navy Yard Filth Avene, Riverside Drive. Theatres have new aliractions. Obtain your tickets early For complete inf and time ot toni al - 1 The are in order of merit. | be Names 4 = | Keith Simmons 19, Frank Babcock the | 13. [Mi Boyce | Keely Hagerman | "hoo: pen vernon Mills 11, Char: | lle Emmons 7. ' | Best Hand-Made Chicken Coop -- Links | Fullerton | plot: | len 21, Florence Weese 21, Warren Willie Kenny 8. 12, Grace Spring 17, Grace McGau- | B.-- | Home"--Geineveve Amey 11. iin, llane 2, Clarke Boyce - 17, Velma Frink 2. Best Pen of W. W. Chickens -- Best R. I. Red Cockerel---Vernon lls 11, Clarke White 19, Millard' Mabee 21, Warren Walroth 21, Evelyn McKim 21, Clarence Love 23, . o 5 | Charlie Emmons 7, Clinton Babcock Best kept plot: Bruce Smith 12,1 19, Lloyd Moore 21, Lottie Thomp- 7. est R. I. Red Pullet--Horace Ba- ker 4, Glady Wallace 19, Charlotte Steele 2, Rosamund Burt 12, Millard Mabee 12, Alex. McMullen 21, Lottie Thompson 7, Chdrlie Emmons 7 Isabella Matthews 5, George Parrott son B Dean Babcock 13, Hazel Lockwood 7. Best Home-made Feeding Hopper --Dean Babcock 13. Best Milking Stool---Dean Bab- | cock 13, James McGregor 21. Best Heavy Colt--Karl Denyes 12. Best Dairy Calf.--A.--Purebred : B.--Grade : Willie Kenny 8, Frederick Powley 13. Best Collection of Weeds--Gladys Wallace 19, Flarabel Curran 11 Laurena Snider 18, Hazel Lockwood Best Collection of Weeds Seeds -- Mabel Lewis 21, Gladys Wallace 19, Alonzo Card 13, Edithe Shibley 19. Best Collection of Insects -- Lottie Thompson 7, Hazel Lockwood 7, | Laurena Snider 18. Best Collection of Leaves--aAleiba Babcock 19, Gladys Wallace 19. Best Essay, "How I Grew My Plot"--Frederick Donnely 11. Best Essay, "How I Raised My | Chickens"--Rupert Amey 11, Fred- erick Donnely 11. Best Ink Drawing, "Our Farm AMHERST ISLAND SCHOOL FAIR. It Was A Very Successful Event and Popular, k List of pupils who won at the Am- herst Island School Fair. The names are in order of merit. The figures after the name" denotes the School Section™fo which the scholar belongs. Class 1.-~Oats. -- A. --Best yield, Ross McKee 4, John Miller 5, Hugh Glenn 5. B.--Best Kept Plot: -Ross McKee 4. © Class 2. -- Bagley, -- A. --Best Yield: Annie McKee 4, Wilfred Mil- ler 5, B.--Best Kept Plot: Annie McKeed. 2 Class 3.-- Barly Potatoes: Miner- va Flannagan 4, Clarence Hogeboom 3, William Levins 4, Andrew Wil. liard 6, B.--Best Plot: Edward Wemp 2. 5 Class 4. -- Late Potatoes, --A, -- Best Yield: Onliffe Richards 2, Mor- ris Smith 4, Harry Glenn 1, Marjorie McGinness 4, B.--Best Kept Plot: Russell Wemp 2. : Class 5. -- Flint Corn. -- A. -- Best Braid of 2 dozen Bars: Francis McKee 4, Ray Taylor, B. < Best Kept Plot: Ruth Marshall, Class 6.-- Sweet Corn.--A .-- Best Braid of "2 dozen Ears: Mabel Byleh. 2, Blanche Richards 2, Gordon Reid 4, Irene Marshall 2. B.--Best Plot; Harold Marshall 2. Class 7.--Mangels, --A, --Best 12 Roots: Ernest Flemming 5, Mabel Bulch 2, Percy, McGinness 4 B-- Best Plot: Ernest Flemming 5. Class 8. -- Asters, -- A ---- st. Bouquet: Margaret McCormick' 2, Anne Neilson 1, Mary Seott 3, Ruth Findley 1, B.----Best Kept - Plot: Blanche Richards 2. Clags 9. Sweet Pease, -- A, -- Best Bouquet: Dorothy Miller 5, Stella Richards 2, B.--Best Kept Plot: Lillian Smith 4. Best Collection of Vegetables--Es- tella Instant ¢, Gordon Reid 4, John Miller 5, Billie Cockran 1. Best Collection of Apples--Anna Neilson 1, Mabel Bulch 2, Ross Mo. Kee 4, Douglas Miller §. : Best 2 Loaves of Bread. -- Mabel Bulch 2, Georgie Brown 5. Best Plate of Buns--Mabel Bulch 2, Anna ilson 1, Viola Glenn 1, Sarah Glenn 5. Best Apple Pie--Estella Instant 4, Georgia Brown 5, Eunice Williard 4, Anna Neilson 1. , . Best Two Jars of Preserves --iis- tella Instant 4, Eunice Williard 4, Mabel Buleh 2, Edna Glenn 3. Best Hand-made Apron-- Nellje McDopald 1, Edna Glenn 3, Apna Neilson 1, Anna MeKee 4. 3 Best Hand-hemmed Handkerchief --Anna Neilson 1, Blanche Riel 2; Stella Richards 2, Annie McKee 4, st W. W. Cockerel--Gordon Tugwell 1, Harry Glenn 1, Mabel Baulch 2. Best Pullet--Harry Glenn 1, Gor don Tugwell 1, Mabel Bulch 1. Best Pen of Ww. Ww. Chickens--Gor- don Tugwell 1, Mabel Bulch . oat R. I. Red'.C . 3 Reid , Orliffe Richards Mary stant 2, Clarence Hogeboom 3, Ray R. I. Red Pullet--Mary Tn- stant 2. Orliffe Richards 2, Gorden Reid 4, Clarence Hogeboom 3, Sarah 3 t 2, Richards 2. : 3 Best Hand-made Hogeboom iv Chicken Coop-- ¢ 3, Sarah Glenn 3 : bigs th ~-John Miller 5. 3 Best Milking Stool--Sammy Coch- rap 1. \ .Best Dairy Calf. -- B.-- Grade: Wallace d 1. Gordon Tugwell i 1, ard ? Collection of Weeds-- Estella Instant 4, A x [HR Aen aes 3. det Best Collection of Weed Seeds-- + Clarence Hogeboom 3, Jessie Hit- chins 4, Estella Instant 4. "Collection of Insects--Estella stant 4. Best Collection of Leaves--FEstella Instant 4, Jessie Hitchins 4. Best Essay, "How I Grew My Plot,"-- Anca Neilson 1, Rachael Drumegeol 4. Best Ink Drawing, Home" "Annie McKee 4. Best Penéil™ Drawing--Ross Kee 4, Dorothy Wemp 4. In- "Our Farnf Me- 'U. 8. STEEL EARNINGS, Corporation May Enter $30,000,000 In Last Quarter. New York, Sept. 27.--Estimates place the net earnings of the United States Steel Corporation at $50,000,- 000.in t! e last quarter of this year. This would 'mean a surplus after all charges, including the preferred dividend, of between $25,000,000. and $30,000,000, or at. the rate of $100,000,000 to $120,000,000 a year, equal to between 20 and 25 per cent. on the common stock. The large earnings in thé last quarter will be due to full operations and higher-priced steel deliveries. Such a showing, of course, would es- tablish a new high record for Unit- ed States Steel. Larger Disbursements New York, Sept. 27.--Dividend and interest disbursements in the United States next month will reach a sum of $181,022,838, This compares with $161,992,710 in October a year ago, according. to. the New York Journal of Commerce. This is the best mon- thly showing since the war, Canadian Car Completes Plant. Montreal, Sept. 27.--=~According to word received in Toronto, the Can- adian Car and Foundry Company are going ahead immediately with the completion of the plant in Fort Wil- Ham and the installation of the bal- ance of their machinery. Big Roads' Earnings. Montreal, Sept. 27.--C. P. R. earn- ings week ending September 21, §2,- 408,000; decrease, $170,000. Montreal, Sept. 27.--Grand Trunk Railway earnings for a week ended September 21, $1,051,589, a decrease of $31,222 compared with the same week last year. Big Copper Dividends. New York, Sept. 27.--Champion Copper Co., declared a dividend, of $2 a share to-day, making $21 de- clared since February 21st. Previous payment $2 was made August 25th. _ Will Default In Bonds. Montreal, Sept. 27.~--At a meeting of the directors of the National Brick Company at Laprairie, it was decided to notify the bondholders that the half-yearly coupons, due October 1st, will not be paid, owing to the marked falling off in the company's business, which has reduced the revenue to a rent expenses. Passed The Dividend. Halifax, Sept. 27.--Directors of Trinidad Electric say the October dividend will not be paid. The com- pany has for ten years paid 5 per cent. a year in quarterly instalments. Edison Co. of Boston, Boston, Sept. 27.---The August ross earnings of the Edison Co., of ton, were $624,694, a new high mecord for that month, and $32,862, or 6.68 per cent., larger than for the corresponding month a year ago. Montreal's Finances. Montreal, Sept. 27.--Owing to the fact that tax receipts are not up to the mark, the Board of Control has been advised by the city treasurer that it will be nécessary to make a temporary loan of four million dol- lars in anticipation of revenue, The rate proposed is five per cent. British Railroad Earnings. London, Sept. 27.--The net in- come of British railroads for 1914, (as shown in the official Government tabulations just issued, showed a decrease of 33.000.000. or ahout two iper-cent, about $305,000,000. Australian Trade. Melbourne; Sept. 27.--Australian trade. durin 1913-1914 totalled $812,812,668, as compared with a Canadian total of $1,112,562,107, but in 1914 her trade was but $608, 652,014, as compared with Canada's showing of $1,078,178,240. Dominion Steel By-products. Montreal, Sept. 27.--In a circular introducing Dominion Steel to their clients, Jenks, Gwynne & Co., New » report that the company has already made over $1,000,000 net frem its benzol-tuluol plant and that profits on hydro-carbon pro- ducts are reported at a rate above $6,000,000 a year. EE ------ ---- DONATES HER HUSBAND i} | -------- px To Ninéteen-Year-Old--Division In * Household. Chicago, pt. 2 's ee Mrs. Ralph Brumbaugh, point barely sufficient to meet cur-|| he total net income was |" Automobile enables traders throughout the World | For Hire to communicate direct with English | (1915 REGAL) MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS { Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives in each class of goods. Besides being WEDDINGS A Seecravry. n e of go { : . . a complete commercial guide to Lon- | Prompt Attention to Boat and Train don and its suburbs the Directory con- | Calls. EXPORT tains lists of { Serviced ency Guaranteed, MERCHANTS | ' with the goods they ship, and the R All and Foreign Markets they Colonta o Je en, Colontal STEAMSHIP LINES | Phone 300. 340 Johnson >' 'een. A A A i Aan 'anged under the Ports to which | . «oy Sail, and {ndicating the approxim- ny KINGSTON CEMENT PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES | &: leading Manufacturers, Merchants, PRODUCT 0. iu the principal provincial towns | 44° industrial centres of the United 4 A any of the cutrent edition will be | 1e8, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap forwarded freight gaia. on receipt of | pier Blocks, We also make Cement Postal Order for 88. Grave Vaults. Estimates jiven for Cement Work, and Factory Deal king A cle Var- | tse thelr Ea ar earn 1 { all kinds of advertisements from $8. | | Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. THE Phone 780, MGR. H. ¥. NORMAN, . Nn | LONDON DIRECTORY 0©O., LTD. | ~~ LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually). { 35 Abchurch Lame, London, 1. wu. | Ammo Ami ns on. ¥ MILK THESE HOT DAYS vs. You Cannot Be Too Careful HOT WEATHER With Your Milk. Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, proper- ly cooled, and delivered in sealed bottles. eo Price's :: Phone 845 277 PRINCESS STREET. a. J Paritt Garage Co, - Limited For All Kinds of Accessories Such as Pumps, Jacks, Running-board Mats, Headlight Bulbs, Tire Holders, Shock Absorbers Dry Cells. All kinds of tires and Fire repair material. Call in and see them. nh aaa is > "KITCHENER" Is the name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co : power rates, it will cost only Under the new rat 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. rors -- FOR SALE AT-- Halliday's Electric Shop, "3 -- 345 Sted Phone 94 Special Sale of Running and "Outing Shoes Blue, low; reg. Me ........ 0 0 enn FOr 780 Blue, high; reg. $1.25 ......:...........For $1.00 White, low; reg. $1.25 .................For $1.00 White, high; reg. $1.50 ................For $1.25 These age fine when you are on the boat or out 8.-- Pretty Julia] hies are 'to have alll e father, wealthy furniture || esterday ; B weax'so well, EW Well Shod Bogs and Gi: .They need good, strong, warm Shoes; nothing but geod solid leather. 'an Our School Shoes are neat. They keep their: shape. They please the : ts' becausé they. Children dry shod sel- dom 'need a doctor.

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