PAGE TEN -- Q RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS HELD IN FRONTENAC COUNTY The Results of the Exhibitions Af Joyceville, Sydenham and -Mountain Grove---The. Rural Children Have Done Splendid Work. Forever and anon the people of ;MecDonald, Oso, Olden and Kennebec Townslips| England. will look back with pleasure and de-| Essay, Junior IIL. and under--Earl light upon the inauguration of the|MeDonald. Rural School Fair Movement in their| Weeds Harold Johnston, Kath- district. It was on Friday, Sept. |leen Price, Bessie Allen, Virgil Bar- 24th that the public school pupils of | ker, Ralph Godfrey. | these three townships began to rise Weed Seeds--Arthur Sly, Alex. | as early as four o'clock in the morn- Hawley, Carmon Tryon, Harold | ing to view the appearance of the | Johigston. | weather and prepare and bring forth| Insects--Kathleen Price, Harold their bountiful display of exhibits | Johnston, Dollie Bell, Iva Brown. By eight o'clock the proof of a fine] Layer Cake--Florence French, | day was evident by the appearance Bessie Allen, Beatrice Donnelly. | of the sun, and upon every main! Apple Pie-- Vera MeDonald, Mil road leading to Mountain Grove dred Crozier, Matilda. Johnson, . | could be seen loads of Frontenac Tea Biscuits-- Beatrice Donnelly, | County's young exhibitors out for a Vera McDonalf, Ellen Burke. | real holiday, and yet not a holiday,| Home-made Candy---Harold John- | for this is one of the days upon ston, Dolly Bell, Lily* Barr. | which their minds should be broaden- Apron (haryl made)--Dolly Bell, | ed and their outlook of life made! Mildred Crozier, Muriel Sanderson. | more real; for the day that the boy| Buttenholes-- Mary Rayeraft, Vera | or girl wins their first prizes at a|McDonald, Lily Barr. School Fair is a day which remains | Fancy Sewing Muriel Sanderson, | indelible upon the youth's mind, and | Anna Gendron, Gertrude Price. 4 ! the day upon which they are advanc-| | Mildred Crozier, Plain Sewing-- Mildred . Fraser, | | Letitia | Lv iv {7 | v ing up a higher level .than they even now stand. By twelve o'clock the tables arranged in the building for the purpose of displaying the ex- hibits upon, were loaded to their full capacity, and upon every hand could be heard expressonis such "I did not | Beatrice Donnelly, Gertrude Price. | Darning on Cashmere Stocking -- | Vera McDonald, Mildred Crozier, | Apples (winter variety) Ralph | Godfrey, Ethel Conboy, Ethel Cox. { | Apples (fall variety)---Jas. John-| son, Sam STAR WITNESS IN THE MANITOBA TRIALS. Victor W. Horwood, with his famous swelled cheek. Winnipeg Tele- gram's sketch of the former Manitoba Provincial Architect, as he appeared {on the witness stand before Judge Macdonald undergoing cross-examin- ation'hy KE. F. B. Johnson in charge against Sir Rodmond Roblin and his McCrimmon, Arthur Charl- think such a display of exhibits ton ! could be produced in this county."! Home-made Milk Stool--Clarence The people of Mountain Grove will|Barr. Eldron McDonald, James long be remembered by the visitors! Johnston. ' for the commendable manner in| Drawing, which they gave dinner and supplied Barr, all kinds of refreshments to the ex-|ton, Stanley Hughes. 'hibitors and their many friends, the Best Dressed Doll proceeds of which is to be used for nelly, patriotic purposes. Sharply at one o'clock commen- . ged the judging and an Sacellent pro-| Loughboro School Fair. gramme of sports which was con-| 3 v | ducted by A. Thompson, Reeve otf, 4 hukher 21 Sydenham was | Olden Township; W. J. Thomlinson| (roWded with all the public school | "Our Farm"-- Archie Clarence Cox, Willard Thorn- Beatrice Don- War Plots-- Lizzie Brownlee. | John of Sharbot Lake; Mr. Willlams of Arden; Lieut, Wagar of Wagarville, and Mr, Smith, school teacher of No. 3, Olden. Mr. McDonald's Grove, which was willingly granted by Mr. McDonald, made » very good placa for the judging of the live stock and sports, due to its proximity and adaptibility for this purpose. Charles Shibley, Harrowsmith; M. R. Reid, M.A, LP.S.; Mrs. W, P. Black and Miss R. Goodfellow, Par- ham, acted in the 'capacity of judges, it taking them about three hours to decide ihe prize winners, so exten- sive and so close were the exhibits. Mr. Main takes this opportunity, on behalf of the directorate of the Fair, of extending to all those who Faisted in the conducting of the air, either financinally or other- wise, his sincerest appreciation. Not only does he appreciate the past fav- ors but also solicits their co-opera- tion and loyal support in the future, in order that Moun Grove's sec- ond annual Rural #fhool Fair will be er and er than the first. The Rural School Fair is proving a boon to agricultural education in Frontenac County, and to the arous- ing of interest of Public School pu- pils in the rural life amg hence should receive the loyal support of all those interested in the same. After scoring up all the pupils who won prizes, it was found that Master Stewart Gendron is entitled to the special prize, which was $2, given to the pupil making the greatest showing at the Fair. The above named exhibitor having a to- tal of 30 points. ; Following are the prize winners: Potatoes--Sec. .A, Everett Price, Wilfrid Peters, Stewart Gendron, Dollie Bell, Wilfrid Burke, Wilfrid Middleton, Harold Somers, Garnet Huffman, Willard Thornton. Sec. B, Vietor Kirk, Helen Howard, Howard Johnston, Dolly Bell, Willie Ross, Clarence Barr, James Johnston, Lorne Kirk, Melville Kirk. Mangels--Sece. A, Richard Brown- lée, Anna Gendron, Cecil Kimberley, Hiram Hawley. Sec. B, Percy Short, die i Kirk, Sarah Johnston, Arthur Oats--Sec. A, Arthur Price, James Conboy, Wiltrid Price, Sec. B, Wil- frid Price, Herbert Price, Law- rence Johnston, Fred Thompson. Sec. C, Herbert Price, "Wilfrid Price, Ar- thur Conboy, Eldron McDonald. Barley--Sec. A, Claude. Vantrin, Edgar + Goldie Barker, Eldron McDonald. Sec. B, Eldron McDon- ald, Arthur Dusham, Thos. Rayeraft, Claude: Vantrin. Sec. C, Thos. Ray- Colin McPherson, Eldron Mec- Donald, Goldie Barker. - Sweet Corn--Seec. A, Pearl WVaw- son, Stewart Gendron, Byron Haw- ley, Alex. Hawley, Vera McDonald, Fred Alexander, Luella Kellar, Lorne Kirk, Kenneth BOM ploD. Sec B, Stewart Gendron, Keith Erwin, Luel- la Kellar, Mildred Crozier, Olive Dus- inston Sanderson,, Vera Me- Conboy, am, Wi Donald, Willie Kellar, Mabel John- , ~ - : Dent Corn--=8ec. A, Laura Gorr, Douglas Hawley, James Johnston. . » rgueril Chambers, Sec. B, Helen Pelling, Kenneth Thompson, Lily Barr, Gertrude Price, Margaret Chambers, Bessie Allen, Mutiel Sanderson Itry--See Herbert | pupils of Loughboro Township, as| | this was the day upon which was | held the first annual rural school Fair in this township, and the Town Hall, Sydenham, was the scene of a very extensive and grand display of exhibits, In 1914, upon request of ' the School Board, a small School Fair was held in one of the Loughboro schools, namely, Forest. This proved to be of so much interest and edueca- tional value to the children that the Frontenac Branch of the Department of Agriculture decided to include all the schools in the Township, and se- lected Sydenham as a central place for the holding of the Fair. The weather being ideal for the oc- casion it was early in the forenoon when the children with their neatly prepared exhibits, began to appearat the hall, and by 12 o'clock the 200 feet of tables which were arranged in the hall for the purpose of displaying the exhibits upon, were entirely hid- den by the same. The local branch of the Red Cross Society is to be congratulated for the hospitable and able manner in which it provided dinner and other refresh- mente for the large crdwd of exhib. itors and spectatars at the Fair. Sharply at one o'clock commenced the judging. @G. B. Curran, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Napanee; A. Duff, Department of Agriculture, Pie- ton; 8. A. Truseott, M. A., Public School Inspector; Mrs. Jacob Shibley, Harrowsmith, acted in the capagity of judges. Immediately after the judging of the colts and calves which were shown in a nearby field, willingly granted by Huvin Lake of Sydenham for this purpose, an excellent pro- gramme of sports was conducted under the direction of F. Sine, prin- cipal of the High School, Sydenham; L. Stapleton, principal of the public school, Sydenham Roy Lacey of the Union Bank, Sydenham, and E. Wood, Sydenham. © sports proved to be intensely intesesting to all pres- ent, and lasted until four o'clock, When the hall 'doors were . again throww open and the many competi- tors rushed in to see who were the winners of the many coveted and worthy prizes. At five o'clock. Mr: Main, Department of Agriculture, Sydénbam, began to announce the prize winners and Mr. Alexander and Mr. Brackenridge, Union Bank, Syd- enham, presented to the pupils their well earned and much appreciated prize money. After scoring up all the pupiis which won prizés, it was found" that Miss Agnes MeNaughton and Charles Conway, were each entitled tO ome half of the special prize which was $2. given to the pupil making the greatest showing at the Fair. The above named exhibitors were a tie, each having a total of 21 points, Mr. Main wishes to take this op- portunity on behalf of the Director: ate of the Fair, of thanking all those © The following Is & lst of prize win- | Wpples (f: ton, George | tan : Bernard Bec ex-nifinisters. who so ably assisted both financially and otherwise, in making the Lough- boro Rural School Fair the success which it was. Not only does he ap- preciate their services in the past,| but wishes alse to thank them in an-| ticipation of their co-operation and | loyal support for the coming year, in| order that Loughboro Rural School! Fair ig 1916 will even surpass the! | one of thep resent year. Following is a list of prize win-| ners: Potatoes--Sec. A, Helen Seott, | Allan Knapp, F. Trousdale, .W. B.| McConnel, Robbie Freeman, Monroe Lawrence, Reta Haggefman, Michael J. Groomes, Oliver Murphy. Sec. B., Tunis Campbell, Frank Wood, Har-| | old Foxton, Fred. J. Wood, Allan C.| K , Charles Conway, Hugh Koen, Danford Amey, Gerald McKay. | Mangels--Sec. A., Laura Lindsay, | Fred. Botting, Harold Koen, Ray VanLuven, Sec. B., Denver McKay,| Ray VanLuven, Mildred Conway,| Earl E. Ruttan. { Oats--Sec. A., Gerard Groomes,| Reta Haggerman, Wilfrid McAuley, | William Dunn. Sec. B., Reta Hag-| german, Willie Dunn, Joseph Kee-| ley, Wilfrid McAuley.. Sec. C., Ger-| ard Groomes, Wilfrid 'McAuley, Reta| Hagerman, Melville Silver. | Barley--Sec. A., Alex. McAuley. ! Lawrence. See. C., Alex. McAuley. Sweet Corn--Sec. A., Harold Qantiphell, Clarence Babcock, George McNaughton, Bertha Clarke, Ralph M. Tovell, Bernard Harker, Helen F.xton, Claud Blakeslee, Danford Amey. Sec. B., Ralph Tavell, Irenc Garvin, Ross Vanluven, Carrie Davey, Danford Amey, George MeNaughton, Harold Koen, Irwin Votary, Mabel Botting. Dent Corn--See. A, Hpery John- ston, Hattie Irwin, Arthur Van- coughnet, Fred. Botting. Sec. B., Harry Johnston, Hattie Edwin, Char- tes Kellar, James Garvin. PFlowers--Sec. A., Agnes Mc- Naughton, Helen Foxton, Harriet Guess, Ida. Harker, Jean Guess, Ther- esa Collins, Grace McAuley, Haszel Clement, Mary Groomes. Sec. B., Mary Agnes O'Brien, Madeline Me- Kay, Edna Drader, Hazel Clement. Jean Swerbrick, Effie Freeman, Floyd Martin. 2 Poultry--Sec. A., Charles Conway, Elleen Gonue, Edna Drader, H. John- ston, C. Lawrence, Leland Roche. Sec. B.,, Eleen Gonue, Ross VanLuv- 4 Cecily Keeley, Obarles Conwav .C., Charles Conway, Edna Drad- er, C. Lawrence, Harry Johnston. Sec. D., Charles Conway, H. John- ston, George McNaughton. Sec. E,, H. Campbell, Ray VanLuven. Coit---Royd Swerbrick, William Runn, Ross Vanluven. Call--George Smith, Reg. Foxton, Bertha Clarke. : Essay, Senior III, and over Mabel Botting, James O'Brien, M. A, O'Brien. t Besa¥, Junior III. and under-- Grace McAuley, Vincent McAuley. Weeds--Jean Sutherland. Weed Seeds--Ray Vanluven, Tena Fitzgerald, Bert E. Wartman. Insects-- Helen Foxton, B. M, Har- ker, Mabel Botting, Ralph M. Tovell, 'Ross Vanluven. § ¥. A Pie--Jennie Graham, Isobel Brawley, Leita MoRoR- Tea Biscuits--Mabél Botting, Jean Guess, Carrie Davey. de Candy--Jean Guess. Mildred Conway, Mary Lennon. - Apron (hand made)--Agnes Me Naughton, Eghel Vanluven, Leita. Mc Buttonholes---Mary Lennon, Tena Fitzgerald, Mabe! Botting. . 9 aaahey Sewing irene Sarin, ,» Ml 'oung, © | n. Plain Hand Sewing ----Agnes Me x er Cashmere. Stocki # on mere. ng-- Hattie Charlton. (winter)--B. M. Harker, Guess, Jean Guess. ad)---Agnes MoNaagh- McNaughten, Earl Rat- Home-made milk stool --W. BE. Mc. Connel, F. W. Wood, M. J. Groomes. ~"Qur Farm" Janet Moore. Drawing-- "Our Township," Leigh- ton Joyner, Ida Harker, Reta Hag- 'german, 1d War plots--Laura. Melville Y ty Erwin, une | er. ners at the School Fair held at Joyce- ville, September Tth. Potatoes--See. A., Gordon Kirk- wood, Cecil Wilson, Robert Dunlop, Leslie Wilmot, James Maxwell; Bea- trice Maxwell Bruce Yule, Vera Ken- nedy, Harry Franklin. Sec. B., Jack Wilson, Cecil Wilson, Joe Webb, Anna Webb, Bruce Yule, Frank Milne, Joseph Murchie, Violet MeAl- lister, Clifford Thempson. Mangels--Sec. A., Jack Doyle, Wil- | fred Fowler, Colin Wood, Jack Wil- son. Sec. B., John Doyle, Wilfrid Fowler Clifford Thomson, C. Wood. Oats--Sec. A. Victor Doyle, George S. Toner, William Peters, Royce Ton- Sec. B., John Doyle, Elmer Don- aldson, Francis Donaldson, George Toner. Sec. C., Victor Doyle, Jack Doyle, Elmer Donaldson, Elwood Me- Broom. Barley--Sec. A, Lorne Hitchcock. Steers, Lorne Hitchcock, Florence Dunlop, Richard Paddle. See. C., Lorne Hitchcock, William Steers, Victor Doyle. Sweet Corn--Sec. A., Harry Paddle, Lily Henderson, Beatrice Thompson, Ethel Baxter, George Pat- terson, Florence Thomson, Lily Mar- tin, John Baxter, Leslie Johnston. Sec. B,, Lily Henderson, Gordon Me- Broom, Mabel Toner, Ethel Baxter, William Steers, Sec B., Alexander McAuley, Munr:s| Beatrice Thompson, Reginald Grice, George Patterson, Leslie Johnson, Harold Hutcheson. Dent Corn--Sec. A., Harold Hutcheson, Colin Wood, Samuel Ang- lin, Maud Thompson. Sec. B., Har- old Hutcheson, Reggie Murphy, Wil- liam Peters, Samuel Anglin. Flowers--Sec. A., Ethel Quinn, Ethel Baxter, Myrtle Hitchcock, Leo Hogan. Sec. B,, Ellen Fowler, Anna McFarland, Myrtle Hitchcock, Ethel Quinn, Ethel Baxter, Edna Joyce, Pansy Martin. Poultry--Seec. A, Gordon Atkinson, Emma Gordon, Minnie Peters, Anna McFarland, Leslie Wilmot, Wm. Steers. Sec. B, Victor Doyle, Arthur Lloyd, Emma Gordon; Lily Hender- son. Sec. C, Lily Henderson, Doris Maxwell, Gordon McBroom, Arthur Lloyd. See. D, Gordon McBrqom, Ruth Gillespie, Viela GiHespie. Sec. E, Gordon McBroom, ' Colt--Jas. Halpin, Francis Don- aldson, Elmer. Donaldson. Calf---Cecil Hutchinson. Essay, Senior III. and. over--Wil- liam Steers, Bruce Yule, Bessie Lane. Essay, Junior IIL and under -- Alma Trotter. Weed Seeds--Gordon Patterson, Florence Dunlop, Vernon Keys, Ryan Jackson. - Insects----Richard Paddle, Florence Baxter, Evelyn Toner. Layer Cake---Elsie Woods, George Wright, Aun McFarland. Apple Pie--Ethel Baxter, Bessie Lane, Gordon Patterson. Tea Biscuits--Ethel Baxter, lian Ranous, Flofence Dunlop. Home-made Candy---Helen Frank: lin, Ellen Fowler, Lily Bowers. Lil- lef, Emma-Gordon, Mabel Toner, Buttonholes--Jean Doyle, Maty Grice, Jewel Keeler. Fancy Sewing--Mabel Toner,Alma Millions, Beatrice Thomson. Plain Hand Sewing--Jewel Keeler, Eva Lloyd. ; Darping on Cashmere Mose -- Charles Kennedy. . Broom, - : Winter apples--John Doyle, Wik fred Franklin, Gordon Patterson. Franklin, Gordon Patterson. Best Home-made Milk Stool -- Gordon Kirkwood, Elwood McBroom, Vernon Keys. Drawing, "Our. Farm"--Clarence Cummings, Edith Gordon. Drawing, "Our Township" Bruce Yule, Willie Steers. Best Dressed Doll---Mary Grice. War Plots--Lily "Bowers, Roxie Boat, Wilfrid Fowler, Violet Meal ster, Fubbit (Special Prize)--Campbell Maxwell, : War Tax Costly For Journals. London, Sept. 30.--The estimated average cost of production to the provincial journals by reason of the increased rates on' press telegraph matter imposed by the new budget is $5,000 annually for each. A proba See. B., Thomas, Phone 94 = IIIT IOOFIIIII Br OR pz zy a = Xd kz EZ THE ONLY WELL KNOWN MEDIUM PRICED BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA THAT DOES NOT CON. TAIN ALUM AND WHICH HAS ALL ITS INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON THE LABEL. 'EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED 2s "TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG : 6 " KITCHENER 'Is tho name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. Under the lew power rates, it will 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron --FOR SALE AT-- Halliday's Electric Sho MONTREAL cost only - = . ' ing Street «fu tit ii OUR FRESH GROUND COF- 'FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St. Phene 720. - Prompt Delivery R-------- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM THANKSGIVING DAY | | | { | | { { | i mn aim, | | THESE HOT DAYS vs. | You Cannot Be Too Careful HOT WEATHE With Your Milk. Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, proper- ly scooled, and delivered in sealed bottles. e Price's :: Phone 845 277 PRINCESS STREET. October 11th SINGLE FIRST CLASS "FARE. at Going Monday Oetober 11th " Returning same date. FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE THIRD Going Saturday, Oct. 9th, to Monday, Oct. 11th. Returning until Tuesday, Oct. 12th. For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, Railroad and Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. a ---------- CANADIAN PAacCciric TRANSCANADA EXPRESS Carrying Thr Equipment to WINNIPEG VANCOUVER LEAVES TORONTO 6.40 P.M. DAILY Uonnecting Train Leaves Kingston ¥ 10.45 a.m, ret ernment em et deme Canadian Pacific All The Way Ne Change of Cars or Depots mt ------------------ Pacific Coast Tours at Low Fares Inctoding "CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" eee te Particulars from F. Conway, CP. A. City Ticket Office, corner Prin- (ees and Wellington streets. Phone 11987. Three | Fair. This is our guarantee, backed by the World's Se . 3 : . | pier for you with a Columbia Grafonol Treadgold Sporting Goods Go. _ Apron (hand-made)--Ellen Fow-] Five Minute Address --Gordon Me- Fall Apry»s--John Doyle, Wilfred | Grand Pri The highest awards - possible for Columbia Graphophones and Records at the Panama World s Judges. These long evenings will be brighter and h ap- a or a few new Records. ' J } | | ¢ 88 Princess Street, » (BIsco No animal fat is added to "stiffen "" this oil, as is done in the case of lard compounds. The oil is put through the special Crisco process, Engin. {| { | ! How Crisco is Made Of one thing, and one thing only, Crisco is mage. This is a selected portion of the very highest 'grade vegetable oil --the cream, you might call it. by which pure hydrogen is added to jt. Then it is strained over and over again; until the least possible impurity is taken out. This pure, sweet, creamy fat much to be fy Pn Made in new, sanitary, sunlit factories ef Hamilton, Canada a is as rich and as digestible as the best of creamery butter--and is preferred to any "mix " cooking fat. Fall Service 'In Effect September 8th Leave Kingston 2.30 p.m. daily, exeept Sunday, Yarker, Smith's Falls, Ottawa and inter- mediate points. ' For Yarker, Napanee, Dencron- te, Belleville, Treaton, Cobourg, Port Hope, Toronto and inter- mediate points. For Yarker, Tweed and inter- ts. Arrive Kingston 10.10 am. from Yarker, Tweed and Inter- mediate points. Further particulars on appli- eation to M. C. Dunn, City Ticket Agent, or R Ward, Station Agent, No aa, 1 TR EI I a A RC ---------- , N N N NN ") AN :