Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1915, p. 8

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a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1915. The Coats Young Men Like The swagger Young Fellow's Coat is here in very attractive stvlés and the regular English models. Out cut shows one of the season's new models, the swagger Balmacaan, so very popular for young men. : ) Every coat is tailored to the limit of perfection. Many faney fabries--price $15.00 to $22.00. 3 $4,764,345, over one-third of the to POPULATION OF KINGSTON INCREASED 64 IN YEAR Notwithstanding That Over a Thousand Men Have Gone Overseas- --The Assessment Increased $34, - 195---Assessor's Report Issued on Friday. oii Although more than a thousand ; School children .. .. .. .. .. "105 men have gone from Kingston on Propérty exempt: ae overseas service, the 'population of [Land .:. .. .. .. .. .. . -$ 7.900 this city, as shown by Assessor W. S.! Buildings . . FET eae ee Gorden's annual report issued Fri- population this yeur is 21,325, ante against. 21,261 last year. : 3 . 97 49 increased number of workmen in the Land... .. .. .. . 3, 27.480 Locomotive Works are not taker in- Buildings torrie ga be JeliEAE to account in this figure, so that the Business «kr faa 17.904 nepulation would show probably 3ou: Income ., .. .. .. ._ .. , better if th 'ounting was made mg ' X Total =, . h > ) . ..$1,739.420 The 2ssessment is $12,762,769, an Statute. labor ¢ "9 - - ole 2 1a ) ce ea es ea increase of $304,795 over that of oy ad oe i. y r : 23% Yea .. | Bitches .. Kingston is one of these places in Population Canada that has a big amount of ex-| gq hool children. . | emnted pronariy. The assessor's Property exempt: returns show that the »roperty ex Land . : a $ 69.160 €mptions here amount to no less than Buildings. . 510.950 tal assessment. The report shows. that Kingston hes 6.005 children of shoo] age; 778 men paying statute labor tax: 739 dogs and 93 bitches The following is the assessor's tabulated statement by wards Land Bui.dings Business Income Sydenham Ward. Total land ool 40 Buildings. . .. .. Statute Labor Business. . .. .. .. .. .. 311, Dogs . Income. . Bitches I'opulation Total ... . vl cx ov win Schogl children Property exempt: Statute labor .. .. .. .. .. 2 (Land win Taian . Dogs eo SE gw fF BE BIE Buildings Bitches .. © EE % a. RE Population. . .. .. .. .. .. ..1,66¢ Tota! School children 2% 2 Property exempt: Land .. .. .. .. [. .. ..$564,700 Buildings... .. 2. wv: ve 3; 1500 Rideau Ward sow le .$ 608,284 Buildings Business Total.. .. .. .. .. ..$1,136,200 Income Ontario Ward. i Total Land .. .. . ve ts en 105 Livingston's, Breck St. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. i} Bitches .. .. .. .. .... . .. 7 '} | Population .. .. .. .. .. ..1, 8 | Total Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 090 | Statute labor af} Busioess. . oo «0 cr cores 84,495 | Dogs Bitches | Population . » aw School children ... Property exempt: | Statute labor "i YE OEY Ee we Bland Li. lls ie tree IOBE +: ov wie 55 4% 2% we ab Buildings .., ... I... 83,000 Income .. Total .. cee -- $3 134,900 Victoria Ward. | School children . . $3 Property exempt: Mand... io. 00... 3 § T17,200 IBuildings. i .. .. «. :. 500 | Buildings + 1,180,965 | man y Business ... . 21,525 Total .. .. .. .. (. ..$1,179.820 | Income 134,725 St. Lawrence Ward. Total $2,054,415 Tramal, 2. 0.00 a8 L630 | Buildings .. .. .. .. .. $00 Statute labor ... ... .. 83 HiBusiness .. .. .. .. .. .. 560 Degs ... ... . 104 i i il ii Hh | | They Will Start On Saturday Night | Behind the Episode---Says He Was We are showing an unusually fine assortment of Smart Tailored Suits, featuring all the newest styles and trimmed in the latest effects. Also many exclusive novelties. New York models in the newest fall colorings, it to the Various Groups: | ber Of the Household. ! In Police Court Friday morning, a | {Income .. .. .. ..-.. .. 33.640 i Bites... LL 0n 18 | Population ... . ... ... 3,388 School children .. 1,012 | Property. exempt: Statute labor .. .. . ox. uv 29 Land "eae dik 204,145 PEI 2 ov on ov ee re ae $ Buildings ... ... 98 00 | Bitches. . tran mine ba as 21 -- -- {Population .. .. .. ..".. .. 566 Total $1,191,645 i ng STA ho Eh ots i had i - Y.M.C.A. GYMNASTICS A YOUNG MAN CHARGED * et eT a w - S---- - CLASSES 'TO BE UNDER PHYSI-| WITH HOUSEBREAKING, BUT CAL DIRECTOR POWERS. | THERE'S A STORY ~The Training Given Is Suitable | Hidden in a Cupboard By a Mem- : { The various gymnasium classes at} the" Y-M.C.A. .are now being re-op- | young man was Charged with house- |ened for the season under Physical | Preaking. - J. Rigney appeared | Director Powers. The first of these] 1oT the gecased, who is a mechanic, | Classes Will start Saturdey night, and, 2Pd Secured an adjournment of the {the rest at the beginning of the | Ce until Saturday morning, so that week, The work to be given in all] Witnesses could be summoned on be- | the lasses. is that which is best half of the accused, who explained to | : nu. | the police. how he came to be in the {Suited to the needs of that PATULCU- |) guge. - It seems he had been in the I. Diedy, itunay be sum | ooypany ot a member of the house- - » #< day morning, has increased by 64. Total .. .. .. .. +. ..$61.40 T 325 . Cataragqui Ward. 1 Total.. .. .. .. .. ..$5680,116 ..$ 480,260! 1,624 970} P-- | KINGDOM UNDER SEA Et a "Get up, M Dorothy," said nurse "it is half_past seven. "All right, nurse," replied Daoro- thy, in a sleepy tone; but, instead of | 8etting up, she turned over on her side and went off to sleep again. Nurse bustled around getting Do- rothy's bath ready, .and presently "Get up, Dorothy." said a voice once more. r i It did not sound like nurse's voice or mother's, so Dérothy sat up and lgoked around. She saw a little old man, about as_ tall as - herself standing by the side of the bed. "Who are you?" she asked. I am King Neptune and 1 have Come to take you to my kingdom un- j der the sea,'" was the answer. { [HH Dorothy jumped up quickly, 'and [iil the next moment found that she was \the little old man beside her. Sh# did no¥ remember how she got there, but nevertheless she trotted along by his side.and he led her straight tc the little brook which flowed along! Jit at' the bottom of the garden. There was 'a little boat fastened there, so they both stepped in. Pres- ently Dorothy saw that everything-- | the-little old man, the boat, the | i brook; in fact, everything except her- . | self--was growing larger. Then af-| ter floating down the river silently (for the brook wis now the size of! a river), they came to a large whirl-| {il pool. "Look out or we shall. go into] that!" exclaimed Dorothy," in a fri-| ghténed tone. | "That is all right, my dear," said King Neptune, "for it is the passage -, to my kingdom." In a mement they were caught in! its current and after spinning around a few times the boat dove in head first and disappeared. To her surprise Dorothy found that she could see quite clearly un-| der the water, and in fact she feltno| =| different from what she did on dry | {land. "The bgat seemed to glide -~| along on the river bed and soon they | reached the sea. | | Down at the bottom of the sea,| | how strange it seemed! Dorothy had | | never imagined it could be like this Why, it was a real city laid out neat- ly in streets and squares. The hou- | Ses were made of white or pink cor. | | al, but the King's palace was of mo-| | ther of pearl. Light was supplied by phosphorescent fishes which darted up and down the streets or grouped | themselves at street corners, shed {ing a soft lwminous glow for som | distance around. The people who lived down there | were mermaids and mermen anc | dear little water babies. They and | the fishes had names, much like! those who lived on dry land. There! 2! were Mr. and Mrs, Sam Onn and old | Mrs. Whiting, who was sour and | grumphy, and Mr. Hal but, who was| | reported to be making up to dear lit- { tle Miss Ann Chovy, but; as he had { been engaged to Miss. Maud Turtle | for some time, the latter was making {a great fuss about it. Dorothy spelt her name without the "u", but! [if (Was too polite to say so. It seemed to Dorothy that there {| was no difference between day and | night under the sea. The people went to sleep when they liked and got up when they liked, so she could | not tetl how long she had been there { when one day she wandered outside [il {the city to see what lay in the great | dark' beyond The mermaids had i told 'her that she must not go even [i | to the edge of the city, for in the vast | | Wastes of the ocean lived huge and | hideous monsters of the deep ever | ready to prey upon any venturesome | inhabitant of the city should one be so rash as to wander out of its pro-| Jill | | tection. { | Suddenly Dorothy 'became frigh- | tened at the dark and stillness, and j turned to retrace her steps. Where | 'were the lights of the city? Which | way should she turn? * In her fright! j She ran hither and thither until she fell against what seemed 10 be a down td look about her. | _ Presently the rock began to move, | then to ascend, an slowly but sure-| ly up and up they went. As Dorothy | neared the top of the ocean it be-| came lighter, and she discovered to| {on the top of a submarine. In her excitement she jumped up and ran! to 'the edge, but the sides were $o smooth and slippery, amd she felt walking down the garden path, with | | | Ee that Miss Maud should have Jl smooth, black rock, She managed | Hi to climb to the top and thep sat] [ii her amazement that she was sitting | JH OurFalllmportations Provide Many Novelties One of the most interesting spots in this store now is at the counter of' the Dress Goods. We Are Showing a Splen- did Collection of Dress Hoods Materials that include all the weaves that fashion calls for; colors that are "vieh and rave: values that are the most attractive in the city, Many of the goods shown to-morrow cannot" he duplicated. nS mm Gaberdine Cloth M inches wide, in shades of Green, Brown, Navy, Copenhagen, Black, Taupe, $1 75 Purple and other shades. Yard .... . WOOL ARMURE CLOTHS GRANITE CLOTHS ENGLISH WORSTED TWEED SUITINGS 35c¢ to $1.75 Yard. French Ottoman Cord / ' In Alice Blue, Sage, Greens, Navy, Black, Tans, Browns, Copenhagen; 42 inches wide, 60c, 75¢ yard A A PP Pt Ae PA Alt PAA At Pt, ¢ -Special Values in Navy and Black Serges - i 40 inches wide 42 inches wide . 54 inches wide 50 inches wide 54 inches wide 58 inches wide .50¢, 60c, 75¢ yard . .Special, 75¢ yard ..$1.00, $1.25 yard . $1.50, $2.00 yard .$2.25, $2.50 yard Something Special for : Monday : Be sure and read particulars in to-mor- rew night's paper. moderately priced from $15 to $35. = ee] ? USPECIAL DISPLAY | OF NEW. | Dresses ; An extra fine collection of all that y is new in Afternoon Gowns and Dancing 'Frocks; Crepes, 'Taffetas, Ninons, Soft Silks and many other new fabrics, beautifully made and trimmed in the most approved styl Priced at less than the cost of ma- terial, $12.75, $15.00, $17.50 & $20.00. WALDRON'S {| Juniors--The Junior "B" Class is the group known last year. as the beginners, and is compdsed of our smallest members and the JuniorA" Class are the next in age and size. The Junior Employed Boys' Class is the boys under 15 years who for various reasons cannot take the af- ternoon c ass. Senior School Boys--This class is {new this year and is for the plder {boys and Collegiate students who | wish to have their evenings for study, ete. Intermediate--Boys over 15 years and up to 18 years of age who are employed during the day, have their class twice a week at 7.15 p.m. ! Seniors--Young men who feel the ueed of vigorous health and body lll 'building exercise, have their wants | | suppliea in the Senior Class. Alte~ | Ofher competitive sports. : Junior Business Men--- This class and the men have their exercise shower and swim in time for supper and evehing engagements | Business Men--A class for older | business men will be organized ar soon as a sufficient number are en- rolled. The services of the physical director are available at any time for advice and for the prescription o* exercise. Late Crawfords, Elbertas, Crosbys, Leamingtons and Smooks, .§99 bas- Kets for Carnovsky's Saturday sale Serbia has an army of 600,000, well equipped and waiting for the Huns. Conditions are now normal; typhus has been stamped out. A 50¢ Kidney PiN 25¢, Gibson's. The Pavatians under Prince Leo- Dold' repulsed several Russian af. tacks In the Dvinsk region, a Berlin despatch savs {the classes there is basketball and} bo comes at an hour just after busines | hold, who hid him in a cupboard. Michael P. George, fruit dealer, Princess street, pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping a fruit waggon in front of his store for three hours on 'Thursday afternoon. A fine of $2 and costs was levied. i Three drunks were before the Ma- | gistrate, who fined two $2 and costs or twenty days, while the third was 1 given a chance, herself sliding down, down till -- splash.! Dorothy suddenly found herself sitting in her tub of water. "Deary me, deary me," said nurse, as she hurried to help Dorothy out and wipe up the water splashed on the floor. 'I never knew ¥ou to fall out of bed before." Re Bertha L. Smeeton, Edmonton, ia. Likely Victims of Big Storm 1 | : 1 R. A. Hogner and E. F. Perry, | given up as victims of the big storm | | which raged om - Lake Ontario on Sunday morning last. The two! | men were on a hunting trip in Lan-| | ark Coundy and were in Kingston on Saturday evening. American Con- sul F. 8. S. Johnson saw them leave | 'the wharf in their little motor-boat | for the eighty-mile trip to Oswego. | They left at about nine o'clock and | have not been seen or heard of since. | They carried some customs papers which were to have been returned to Collector A. Strachan. * Neither Mr. | Johnson, whom they promised to] wire on their arrival at Oswego nor Mr. Strachan, to whom they prom. ised to send the - has heard from them. Mr. nson has been sending out S.0.S" calls for them | but no word has been 'received, and | he is of the opinion that they were! drowned as they were certainly on! the lake during the storm. ! Unofficial estimates place the pro-| Perty damage in New Orieans i © A Sc Kidney Pill 25¢, Gibson's. On the Lake| th of Boston, have practically been | re ~~ In'Shoes for Ladies Our stock of Ladies' $3.50 Shoes 1s always 'the best, but this Fall we have added some new lines and can now show £3.50 Shoes that will compare In every way withymost $4.00 makes. Our facilities for buying in such large quantities gives the customer the benefit. All our Ladies' Boots at $3.50, 'whether Gun' Metal, Patent, Cloth Tops or Calf, high spool heel or military, are new and guarapteed. ; The 'Lockett Shoe Store P. 8.--Trunks and Valises, and a good variety to choose from. a ih a i a BU

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