Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1915, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1915. THE ONTARIO commissicN THE IR AT ODESSA Unemployment .omucro + ance FRIDAY AFTERNOON ab & ' * i & ad ToTeOTY Told In - | the main building, and it attracted | much attention from the men and women who are called upon daily to milk twenty or more cows by hand. Probs.: Clearing tonight; Sunday fair ight Store Open Until 10 O'clock The Finale Of Our Great ine, and explained the wonders of hl The Ontario €ommission on Unem ployment invite any persbn or body of person interested. in special phases® of unemployment, to submit their and information in a mer In the case of mem- disélose the need of further hearings of wit-| (By Staff Reporter.) ne can be arranged. | Odessa, Oct. 2.--Another fall fair Persons submitting statistics bear-! N48 passed into history, but it will ing on the problem, are requested to ©aFry with it many pleasant recollec give such an account of them,.as will | Hons for the big crowd that came to satisfy the Commission of their sub- | Lhis village yesterday. Fair day is tantial accuracy, and of the method always a day of all days here. The of compilation whiéh has been | ©XBibition is one that has a record, adonted and this Ian was upheld Wik a { a " ag ittle more added to it. 'has been | ly so, for at it there is exhibited the best in the land. The word,. "great success," can be placed in the diary (for 1915, for the show was certain- {| ly one of the best ever held hare. {{ In"the first place the men back of it had good weather, and this means a great deal. Then the display was worth while, and the crowd, a good! || sized one, and everything combined to make the affair a grand success. It is just eighty years ago since the first show was Held under the aus machine, and at the same time soli cited trade. Close by, .a couple of! men with a patented potato peeler and can opener did a& rushing busi ness Marked the 80th Annual Exhibi- tion Under the Auspices of the Ernesttown Agriculfural Society ~A Show With a Record. Twilight Sb . Several women soliciting tho- | #FP rrr rrere ud ney for the Red Cross Society, and the Odessa library, made the midway their headquarters, and accogfed the peaple for money to help along their work A small tag was given to ev- | eryone who dropped something 'in! their cash box. Very few got out of | | the grounds without being tagged. | The Whig reporter was tagged be- | view orandum. oranda which avidence, Mrs. James Minnes, Bagot street, entertained at the tea hour on Thurs- day in honour of Miss Annie Minnes, who received with her mother: in the' drawing-room, bright with asters and salvia and the cheery blaze of grate fires. In the dining-room Miss Elean- [fore he had time to get out of his| °F Minnes and Miss Florrie Stew-| auto. One lady jumped on an auto-| Tt Presided at the polished tea table, mobile and would not leave until the | Were a silver basket of salvia, and than running the car handed her | flickering candles in silver sticks;) twenty-five cents As a capvasser! Made a most artistic decoration, ' she certainly made good. There were| is Minnes, Miss Veta Minnes and many interesting incidents in con- | the other daughters of the house nection with the "holding up" of peo- | assited in looking after the guests f { who numbered about forty. : ple for money. ec a oul lor 56 But it was all for a | od caus it | Sod out. 9nd the people took itl "up gigs" Mcbwall, Wellington | A large number of Kingston eo-| Street, is entertaining at tea this af- ple attended the fair. They on in | ternoon in honor of Miss Annie Min- buggies, automobiles, and on metor- "¢* . cycles and bicycles, any old way to! ... Vito i get there all roads led fo, Odessa. The | Miss Helen Darragh, King street,} business men were also well repres-| has returned from New York ter) Students, Attention Is called to our fine assortment pices of the Ernesttown Agricultural Society, and this is somé& recerd. Fairs may come and fairs may go, but like the little brdok, the Odessa fairs goes on forever. Odessa with-| out, a fair, would be like a ship with- out a rudder. The directors have every reason to be proud of their fine | record, Yesterddy, Mr. Farmer, Mrs. Farmer and all the little Farmers, in .the village, and the surrounding country, took a holiday and went tc the fair. And they enjoyed them- selves too. It was a most fitting | climax to a good sumgner"s work. : The entry list was quite large, and | the judges had a busy and interest- ing time, pinning on the red and blue tickets. The main building was brimful of good things. As in for-| mers years, the display of ladies} work was a special feature. A large Ladies' Musical Club section of the building was given ov-| | 2 : * Open Sundays. [er to the ladies, and the goods on |, The opening recital of the Ladies' | _ lll display certainly showed justghow | Musical Club will be held in Convo- 'i much the women can accomplish | ¢ation Hall on Thursday, Oct. 7th, with their needle. at 8.15 p.m. The club is bringing | The display included beautiful pil-| the Yathknown Toronto artist, Fred- lows, embroidered in silk, others em-| €T1CK ips, who is considered by broideredsin eotton; centre pieces of | a0Y authorities to be the greatest | wr 2 Lar, : | basso in Canada. Mrs. Freeman, rich design, deileys of various kinds, | violinist, gold medalist of the To. | | toilet mats, crochet work, hand bags, | . { | Irish crochet lace, pillow, cases, wi TIS Oouervainet of Waste, wit | o ace AY i | - * " : D [ted lace, in fact everything that Aare admitted free of charge and also | woman could possibly make in this receive one complimentary ticket | ! ling; which made up a most interest- Public. 25 ) at s 1 ot. | | ing collection | I lic, 26c¢c. Associate membership, | Re % are otal los 50. Active, $1.00. Queen's | And then there were vegetables, | oi qante, 50c. Tickets on sale at { fruits, and roots, potatoes both red Uglow's and white, turnips, carrots. table : | beets, onions, apples, plums, pears, | | and pumpkins which would make the, THE CROWN PRINCE IS FACED T | heart of any one glad when made BY A BIG DISASTER. EYE GLASSES into a pie: There was also a fine *display of cut flowers, with th® finest The kind you want--the kind most%verybody wants grain grown in the district.. Cheese, | honey, butter, eggs, home-made | ODEL glasses scientifically ground. | bread, and maple syrup of 'the real | | old kind, were also on 'hand. In the | speed and efficiency. { poultry line, there was a good offer- | a is in striking contrast to the | } ing. | battle of the Marne a year ago, when | MODEL adjustment Insuring A special feature of the exhibition | thousands of bodies of men and | perfect comfort. was the horse show, The judging | Borses lay rotting in the hot sun- DEL" ? W took place on the race track, and it | shine for days. Health Minister Go. DED shape that add aig attracted a very large crowd. dard himself superintended the clean " . 4 Prizes were offered for the best| ing up of the battlefield, speeding | MODEL clips that don't slide, | draught horses, general purpose) from point to point in an auto, en- tilt or hurt the nose, * Il} horses, carriage horses, roadsters,| couraging the stretcher-bearers and ODEL methods lowest prices. KEELEY Ir, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPPIOIAN cosa Stree 3 doors above the Opera House Swan Pens The English made pen--noth- ented. John McKay Ltd., and George Mills & Company had a fine display in the main building, while . other business men represented on the grounds included T. J. O'Connor, | Abernethy's, James\Reid, T. F. Har- rison and E. P: Jenkins. The Odessa Band, was present, | and during the afternoon took up quarters near the main building, and rendered a very fine programme of music. A large number of people from apanee attended #he fair. S. G. Hogle is president "of the Agricultural Society, and A. M. Fras- er secretary. They worked hard to make the event a success, as did also all the directors, and to them much | credit is due. { ing better on the market. A Dollar Pen We have had a special pen made for us to sell at one dol- lar--good value at $2. Every one guaranteed. Repairs on all makes of I | The Popular Drug Store. (Continued from Page 1.) | the Red Cross and the sanitary de- | partments this shambles has been completely cleaned up with amazing | trotting or pacing, and old timers at | pressing into service even a great | the show stated that the animals number of German prisoners, | shown were among the finest ever As a result of this activity he has| turned out at this annual event. The! saved France several thousand lives, | horses were driven up and down the| I am informed on excellent authority track several times, and the specta- | that the percentage of mortality tors were given a good opportunity among the wounded is one in 10 to pick out winners. The horse show | much lower figure than ever befo lin itself," was well worth the admis- | The immediate use of anti-teta sion fee. So very fine cattle 'were| serum, which was administered to, | shown, The Prize list was a lengthy | the troops as they layed on the { one, and there were keen contests in| plowed-up sail, has alone saved-hun- rvvee eee | everything. . | dreds. "T4ll In addition to the exhibits there! The-transformation is all the more | {| was a midway. Every good fair | remarkable, as on Saturday and Sun- | || has a midway. And "the world's| day the huge area, 16 miles long and {| fair" is no exception. One of the fea- two ' wide, between Auberive-Sur-| . Insuring , af re. | nus | B ; come in and inspect our: Overcoat department, . as we have a full range On the northern edge of this bat- | tlefleld fighting is still proceeding, | fiercer than ever. : { A particular feature of the battle last week-end was the brilliant cav- alry charge by Goumier"s picturesque Moorish horsemen, whd, with their! burnous flying in the wind and utter- ing a piercing war ery, dashed with their scimatars among the terror stricken foe. This is the first time cavalry has been used on the western front since the fighting at La Bassee Capal a year'ago. TRA #11 the French troops are brimm- ing with high spirits. Their 'confi- dence in Joffre, whom they call "grandpa", has now reached ' the highest pitch. On the eve of battle he drew up an order of the day which | was read to all the 'troops wherein he explained in detail the vital.char- acter of the offensive, and prepared the men for .a stern fight without in Any Aimeuities ahead por to minimize the . We have: secured 'all our Coats at the same prices as last year, and that means quite a sav- ing when one knows the way prices are. advances ing this year. ) We solicit a call from you. li v : - RS! We sinoerely believe, regardless of E.P J sy s everything else advertised, that if xX. enkin . || seen for one dime (tem cents). The | to that moment, was one { S | Not only | eason | |! kory Bill, for cigars, with numerous | aginable attitude, but some craters, | | day, and every person in the crowd | In this welter of death and des | j luster on the battlefield a few hours armies but nations in arms and stu- | Blue Chinchilla t : re {Try this | Hair gets - beautiful, ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try heavy, healthy hair if you have roots famish, loosen and die;. then. store or tollef counter; apply a lit se ing " you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful ? [| tures of this midway was a wild-ani-| Suippe in the west, and VilleSur-| gigantic | snow did a rusaing business. Passing | quadrangle of carnage. t F Child { booths, where real good red lemon-| which had been plowed up by high| had a few pennies to spend, and a truction, bared rigid arms were seen | previously. | : | WITH "DANBERINE" ==: vu sacle' : | dents of I will without | Reefers, Blue Mili- wavy and thick in Danderine. dandruft. This destructive scurf the bair falls out fast, 3 effort he was aking of them. = This tle as directef? and ten minutes af. " hair and lots of it--no dandruff -- Waterloo © retn-- avenue, will go to New York on Tues- | street, way attempting to disguise the | spending a month with Dr, and Mrs. | Hill Mr. and Mrs. Fairman and Mrs. | W. Taylor motored from Gananoque on Thursday. | Mr. and Myps. Hubert Ryan, Brock street, will leave next week for New York. \ Miss Katherine: Sullivan will re- turn to Buffalo, N. Y., on Monday af- ter visiting Miss Frances Sullivan, King street. Mr. and Mrs, James Craig, Eari, street, will go to New York on Tues- | day to visit Dr. and Mrs. J. A.! Craig, Messrs. A. Drummond and A. K.| Houston have returned to Toronto! after spending several days in town. Miss Agnes Richardson, University 'day. * & e =~ Miss Thelma Carrol, Kingston has returned after ' spending the week-end with her cousin, Miss Lor-| enia Wilson, Napaneé. { Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Young, Tren- ton, are spending the week end in Kingston. Mrs. George Joyner, Division street, came home, Wednesday, after a months' visit in Port Dalhousie and Toronto. Mrs. J. K. Rebertson, Albert street South, will receive next Tues- dav afternoon. - Mrs. T. G. McGinnjs and little Miss | Norah, Philipsburg, Que., arrived in town on Wednesday, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rich- ardson, "Alwington." Miss Una Polson, University ave- nue, was hostess at a _delightful luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Miss Annie Minnes, Covers were laid for ten. - - » Mrs. Colin Hamilton; Miss Sibbald Hamilton, and Colin Hamilton, Earl street, have returned from their sum- mer cottage en Wolfe Island. Miss Gladys Ruttan, Barriefield, left to-day for Toronto to visit friends. ; Prof. and Mrs. John Dall have sail- ed for Canada on the 8S. Missanabie, and are expected on Tuesday. « ® 9» Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Bruce Smith, Toronto, announce dhe engagement of their second daughter, Ella Mc- Lachlin, to Thomas Ellis Clen- dinnen, son of the late Dr. and Mrs. John Deakex Clendinnen, of Ottawa, the marriage take place quietly on the sixteenth of October. » - * . The marriage of 2 Miss Marjorie Hamilton, Dundas, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Colin M. Hamilton, Kings- ton, to Harlow Lewis, Philadelphia, brother of John Lewis, Montreal, has been announced to take place in St. James' Church, Dundas, early in October. * - Miss Florence Cunningham, Earl will leave on Tuesday to spend a. couple of weeks in New York. 3 Miss Strange, King street, goes to London to attend the King's Daugh- ter's convention. Miss Jessie Campbell of Ottawa, arrived in town this week to enter Queen's. ' . Mrs. Robertson, Perth, is the guest .of Mr. and Mrs. McK. Robertson, Al- bert street south. (Continued on Page 10) "Pape's pepsin. ends all stom- a ae distress in five i minutes. Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will digest anything you eat and over- come a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfert- ably, or what you eat lies like a Jump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Get from your phiemacist, a fifty- cent case of Papé"s Diapepsin and take a Jose just' as soon as you can. 'Phere will be ne sour risings, no thelching of digested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or hearf- istomach, nausea debilitating head- aches, dizainess or intestinal grip- Wing. This will all go, and, besides, | thete will be no sour foed left over in the stomach to poison your breath 'with nauseous odors. for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes bold of your food and g4- Bests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there, : | Relief in. five minutes from all ach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. ; : These large fifty-cent cases econ- {| mal show, = The "spieler'" had a me- | Tourbe in the east, and northwards | along the line, there was the old | were bodies, some horribly gashed | | ade, ginger beer, ale, and ice cream | explosives, were filled with a ghastly | | little more. { protruding skyward as if in a last de. | Now is the - time to An Argument For Peace. i doubt wonder what effect it will have! tary Blanket Cloth, few moments, Just one application doubles the robs the hair of its lustre, its If your hair has been neglected { method" of taking the men into his ter you will say this was the best | ; 2 r Council's metion no itching scalp and no more fall<| hus been granted the declaring of 6 . 4! gaphone, and he announced that ev- | to Navarin and Ripont, representing | s erything in the big tent could be approximately the ground gained up | nine pin game, throwing rings for | and others apparently unhit by pro-| silver pieces, throwing balls at Hie-| jectile, strewn, everywhere in all im- | cones were sold. And everybody did | conglomeration of shattered limbs! { a pretty good business. It was fair and war equipment, ! A milking machine held forth near |-spairing invocation of mercy. These | | | were the ashes of all those innumer- | | able acts of gallantry which had shed | SAVE YOUR HAIR It is this grim picture that in' this | war confronts not small professional | of sizes in the following: | Spend #5 vents! | Dandruff dis-| on the future sentiment of the mas- | | appears and Bair stops ses towards armaments and militar- | coming out. ism Heavy English { If you care for heavy hair, that 3 glistens with beauty amd. is radiant Tweeds. {with life; has an incomparable soft- beauty of your hair, besides it im-| medigtely dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot 'have nice, strength and its very life, and if not ov me it produces a feverishness | a itching of the scalp; the hair] and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy ar too . oily, get a: 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dandetrine at any drug confidence by the general-in-chief bivestment you ever made. | suits the French character and had a lot to do with their. splendid bear ing hair--you must use Knowlton's zx close season for black and grey Danderine, If eventually-=why not| squirrels for three years, beginntog wow? : at once. . a 114 Princess Street. & Sn {tain enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the entice' family free from | stomach disorders and il H H burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the | Pape's Diapepsin is a certain creel Comparison Sale TONIGHT closes the greatest sale ever staged in this this store. Come any time up to closing time and | you will find the greatest array of REAL BARGAINS ever offered to the people of this community. Bargains Galore ~ All Over the Store See Our Values In: SHEETING FINE COTTON TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS ROLLER TOWELLING HUCK TOWELLING HOSIERY UNDERWEAR UNDERSKIRTS CHECKED DRESS GOODS FRENCH SILKS CORSETS KIMONAS . WAISTS WOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS COMFORTERS SWEATERS NEW SUITS NEW COATS, ETC. - See Window Display Steacy's a th a or r= A A _ ree Kingston's Electric Store PF Fifteen Days' Offer. | From now to 1st October, we will give free ONE | CANADIAN BEAUTY ELECTRIC IRON to house- | holders who will permit us to wire their homes for electric light this month, Re 'Prices Moderate. DAVIES Dainty : Pork Sausage, Home Made. J Lbs. for 25¢ (SPECIAL) NEW. ENGLAND, 15c --- meee | earner | The Wm. ll e. B PICKERING, | Davies' Co. Limited. Grocer and Meat Dealer. Headquarters for Pick- Phone 597. -- ee f H.W. NEWNAN ELECTRIC CO, ™ PRINCESS STREET. Phone 441 + MEBRITISHWRIG » BINDERS TO FIT ANY SHEETS g SHEETS TO FIT ANY BINDERS Phone 530. {Yor many mguihe. It bel in ... Xt belo your home, RINE nes. a ling and Preserving G. E. MARRISON, Supplies, '(Successor to Ns Seiki 390 Princess Street. H = : | = Eterna > See Our Boys' Solid Leather L"-. wochool Boots .- s . Ls 2p i rn: S.00 F080 ETE ate ido hiding Phone 1318, 29 PRINCESS ST. 3 Don't parade your troubles before the unsympathetic world. sury them as a dog does old bones, and &rowl if anyome tries to dig them ¥

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