AT ST. LUKE'S CHURCH -. THREE MEMORIALS WERE DEDI- CATED ON SUNDAY GILLETTS LYE ATS DIRT Bishop Bidwell Twenty Candidates and mon On Choosing Whom We Shall Nerve, Confirmed Preached a Ser. of mueh impressiveness was held Luke' Anglican Church Sunday morning, with the Bishop of Kingston officiating. The first part of the service was devoted to dedicating the memorials in lov- ing memory of three departed mem bers of the congregation The first of these took the form of a brass alms' basin, the contribution of the Women's Auxiliary of St Luke's Church, in memory of the late Jessie A. Forneri, wig was thé faithful helpmate of the highly esteemed rec- tor of the parish. The second me- morial was alse donated by the Wo- Auxiliasy in memory of the late Mrs. Harriet J. Simpson. It took the form of a handsome Cedilla. The third memorial was a brass lectern, donated by Mrs. J. W. Stewart, Ot tawa, in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. Lasher Bishop Bidwell offered apologies for-having delayed the memorial ser vice, which should have been held last Sunday A confirmation ser- vice in the céuntry had compelled his absence from the city. Bishop Bidwell delivered a sermon based upon Joshua xxiv: 15; "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." His Lordship urged that _we exert our utmost energies in our vows to God. "We should test our vows and see how we are carrying them out Twenty candidates were confirmed by the Bishop. A service in St 8 LE te Foci Gi wore, KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCT tles, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Blocks. We also make Cement Grave Vaults, Estimates jiven for all kinds of Cement Work. men's Cap Office and Factory Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 730. MGR. H. ¥. NORMA -------- Telephone 201 Auto Livery . Bibby Garage {Agents for Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Students, Is called to our fine assortment "Swan Pens The English made pen--noth- ing better on the market. A Dollar Pen We have liad a special pen made for us to sell at one dol- lar--good value at $2. Every one guaranteed, Repairs on all Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. makes of Overcoat Season For Children te i Dr. W. T. Gunn, Toronto, denom forcible sermon in the First Congre- Ephesians vi: 13, "Wherefore take in the evil day, and having done ail Dr. Gann, with the oppression cast ~ not look any too bright for various Attenti ention lmard hit, while in others it has held || because when the time arrives to ad- {| line in France since the battle of the | command to break through and bet- |! when the time is not opportune, if] | evitable, t chureh in Calgdry has been compell-| {can imagine; liabilities to the ex- board have been necessitated to go other one of our little branches in =! Gunn. This is at a German sett here from Southern Russia. Because) 'dll them. down. Two of the young men, | || weeks because the officials could not| { Nevertheless the church is stand-! to advance shortly after these hard il || liberty, power and joy, and in the 1 | God. The latter at first will not, Congregational Church Hard Hat inational secretary for the Congrega tional Unjon of Canada delivered a gational Church Sunddv' evening. hie text selected by the speaker was junto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand | to stand." In these troubled times, declared upon business directly through the ee | €TCL OF this terrible war, matters do enterprises. The Congregational Church in some quarters has been || its own. The good accruing from {i the latter in itseir is a consolation, || vance, the workers will be there just the soldiers, who have held the {| Marne Valley for almost tweive! || months, dashed forward upon the |l|! ter conditions. "Standing is really {Il the -hardest, stated Dr. Gunn, but] || the church can. only hold its own || without dropping away, victory is in- | Our churches in the West have suf- fered greatly, said the speaker. The! ed to sell its former site. Out in | Vancouver things are worse than one | tent of $15,000 have heaped up. Five| { influential men on the governing to {| other quarters to get their daily] bread. It is also a shame how an- the west-has been ruined through| |! the lack of judgment, stated Dr. le- ment, but the truth of the matter is the inhabitants originally migrated ¢|| they are out in Canada and cannot| {ispeak English the people turned who wished to go across the border were thrown into prison for several] || read Russian declared. Dr. Gunn, | | ing the strain admirably. Those that | {| stand faithfully will receive the word | | days are over. The war is going to bring to men meantime, said the speaker, let ev-| | ery true Christian grip the-word of} | have much taste in it especially to | {| those persons who have cheated or | { no bitterness like it to such men. Archbishop Worrell in St. George's, | Archbishop Worrell, of Nova Sco- | tia, formerly of Kingston, was in the | { Now- is the time come in and inspect our Overcoat department, EVEN GROSS, SICK CHILDREN LOVE ~~ SYRUP OF FIGS | | feverish, bilious, cons give fruit laxative at once, as we have a full range | | | | tary Blanket Cloth, | Heavy English " Tweeds. of sizés in the following: Blue Chinchilla Reefers, Blue Mili- Lif 3 { Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tongue it coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste, When listless, pale, feverish, fall {of cold, breath bad, t sore, || doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, || has stomach-ache, indigestion, diarr- hoea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the feul wasie, the sour bile and fermenting food passés out of the bowels and you have a well il and playful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and mother can rest easy after giv- i ing it, because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. : Keep it handy, Mother ! A little li given to-day saves a sick child to- morrow, bat get the genuine, Ask | your druggist for a 50-cent bettle of ot "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages 'and for grown-ups plainly Remejuber there are surely look » We have secured all our Coats at the same b prices as last year, and that means quite a say- ing when one knows the: way prices are advane- ing this year. We solicit a eall from you. ie pi 1 "» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915. " Sunday morning in St. Mark's Church, Barriefield, and in the even- ing in St. George's Cathedral. In} the evening the Archbishop preached | from Acts iv, 12: "There is no other | name under heaven whereby we may be saved," and after explaihing .the circumstances which led up to the statement, he showed what the apos- Ye meant by being saved. People naturally thought of being saved from physical ills. The Jews at that time thought the Messiah when He came would save them from Roman oppression. He then com- pared the state of the empire to-day with the conditionagf the world at the time of Christ's coming, and said there was danger of our losing the real lessons of the war and slipping into an attitude similar to that of the | Jews. They did not understand that | Christ came to save the people from | sin, which 4s the root of all suffer- | ing and oppression, i When He wept over Jerusalem it was because they would not come to Him, casting off the indifference and formalism%¥and worldliness of their lives and following Him in truth and purity of life. His warn- ing to them was' that their ' city should be left fo thém désolate. Shall Macaulay's vision ever be re- alized of one from another country sitting on the ruins of London bridge HOW GERMANY WAITED; AND WATCHED FOR WAR TOLD BY PROF. W. G. JORDAN Who Spoke Before American €lub of Toronto--- Kaiser Wanted World Power In Place Of Bismarck's Ger- man Union. The Toronto Star Weekly says: How the overwhelming conflagra- tion now consuming Europe arose so irresistibly and in so amazingly brief a time from what to the ordinary ob- serve would appear a trifling spark was lucidly explained in an informal lecture given Saturday Prof. W. G. Jordan of Queen's Uni-| versity, Kingston, before the mem- bers of the American Club. Prof. Jordan took as his subject, "The Triple Alliance and tlie "Triple En- tente." ' ~~ il "During the negdtiations," said Prof. Jordan, "Sir Edward Grey ex- pressed his aversion to the thought of England being drawn into war by the clash between Austria and Ser- bia. A few days after he made this statement the thing he feared had taken place. "It simply means that this small | Anons, LATEST WAR TID lied to their fellow-men. There is¢tals $20,000,000. | been paid. city over the week-end, and spoke on |; the iu but tragic incident of the murder in Austria set in motion the complex machinery that had been built up in the course of many years. The doe- trine of the 'Balance of Power' was| held firmly by the majority of the] British people, In the Napoleonic! every one t6 give their money and | War they had fought many years to lives, if need be, to stem the tide of |'frée. Europe' from being dominated the ourushing enemy; 'There must DY One great military power. A cen- also be a determined effort to make | tury later men had begun to' fear the nation free from the evjls that that Germany was pushing herself had been seizing it. This is the | into the position that France had oc work of the Church, to which it has | CuPied a century before. Germany| been addressing itself. The char-~ | Was the largest military and acter of a nation depends upon the mercial power on the Continent. She | character of the individuals compose it, and until personal yeli- gion marks the lives of thé indi- viduals the nation cannot rise to sueh a position that it may expect God to go forth with its armies. Then, and not till then, will the real strength of the nation be developed. and looking down upon a desolated city and, telling of the past glo@es of the British Empire? Is théfe a Briton who will not answer, No? The thing: is jmpossible. But if it is to be prevented there must be not only a determined effort on the part of managed to subject the Turkish Gov- ernment to her will, and had a treaty of alliance with Italy. "The Triple Alliance -- that is, Germany, Austria, and Italy, with Germany as the leading power--was the work of Bismarck, Bismarck was born just a century ago at the time when the Napoleonic wars were Rev. D. W. Best, Galt, a graduate | brought to a close. He died 20 years of Queen's University, preached at ago For 20 years he dictated the both services in Cooke's Church on | foreign policy of Prussia and Ger Sunday, and delivered inspiring ser- | many When Austria was defeated In the evening the musical | by Prussia in 1866 and Bismarck re programme included a fine duet by | fused to pusti the victory to extremes Miss Agnes Lemmon and Allan Lem- | because le desired the alliance with \ Austria, he also drew in Italy as a balance against France and British in the Mediterranean." At Cooke's Church. Rally Day Services. There were 411 present on Rally Day Sunday in. Queen Street Meth- ren odist Sunday school. And they had Bismarck 'Was Satisfied, a good time together. The songs "But he took the position that the were heartily rendered, the words | Prussian war policy had fulfilled its helUe SOU Oh 8 SARE. Se mission in uniting the various pais pg g Germany into one empire under comparisons between the soldier and Oe i. of Ine Zp "He en the Christian, Both had to learn, | couraged the colonial policy of to obey, to endure, and to fight France thinking that it would divert oy, oY it Hep from the her atteption from her lost Provinces 8 d 2 in e |. so f A ' insur: re' army, and seventeen of these had leigh a i Secu Whee their profiles thrown on the screen, er from the east might be lessened Nearly all were known to the schol- on that Germany would not be like- ars, and they manifested their plea- ly to have to wage war on two sure by clapping their hands. The | Fronts. In other words, he wished school room is undergoing improve- Ito avold the situation which has ac- nt vill i ments which will 'make it bright and | tually decurred. . cheery. v + "But the man who followed Bis- Rev, Mr. Campbell spoke on "The | . : r 2 Church in the Sunday School" at the | marek did not accept his view that morning service, and "The Sunday Sermany was Suttle. hl yours School in the Church" at night. He | [ouiser dropped the pilot 'Bismarc hatfdled the subjects in an apt way. ' and gaye hus own Sutgrbrelation te Mrs. (Dr.) Coleman was the evening history an policy. orld power soloist, rendering two selections, | WAS Dow fo take the place of Ger- "Abide With Me" and "Oh! How He Man union as the objective desired. ge The congregations were It Was declared that Germany's fu- ture was on, the water and that no- | worjd without her sanction. | "We must now turn our attention | to the other side; to the origin of the { diplomatic. group called the Triple Allied aeroplanes dropped bombs | Enténte. France was practically iso on Leon, killing civilians, a Berlin | ated after the defeat of 1870. The despatch says. {mation was depressed and heart. Austria has demanded free pass- | broken. Owing to the folly of her age of munitions through Roumania | leaders she had received no help In to Turkey. the hour of her great struggle. Later The Bulgarian Consul-General at | when she began to recover strength, Manchester, Eng., said that Bulgaria? what was regarded by many as a would never make war on Russia or | strange alliance--that with Russia-- Britain. ' | sprang from France's need of sym In a fierce -bayonet action Russians | pathy and support and Russia's need seized the cemetery at Nez and oeccu- pied three villages at the southern | thing great must take place in the com- | . who | held Austria in a firm alliance; had ||. PAGE THREE Probs.: Fair and warm to-day. Tuesday, showery. SUITS an broug All are exquisitel making. Smartest d GOATS Are the feature for the first week of Autumn. All the wiles and graces of which Dame Fashion is mistress have been ht into play in the concocting of these lovely Suits and Coats. y tailored according to the highest standards of fine Do come in and see them the styles are absolutely bewitching. Suits From $15.00 To $50.00 {Coats From $7.50 To $50.00 We invite comparison. DAVIES Dainty 'Pork Sausage, Home Made. J Lbs. for 25¢ (SPECIAL) NEW ENGLAND, 15c¢ Little Pig, 18c Davies' Co. | of financial assistance. end of Lake Narotche. | King Edward's Work. Berlin officially reports that a i a the time the Russi alli- French airship was brought down in ae BO ine by a ae the Rethel district and the crew cap- | fifteen years ago, Britain stood in tured Boney. lie the sillcers and | what is called Splendid Joa ton, but {it to be evident that that posi- gn of the British navy already to- | ¢ gan untensble by a wo oy None of this has | pire. ~ By the action of King Ed- ward and Lord Lansdowne the way mits the loss of a section of trenches i Seas Buted for 5 srienily Mugersiand. 10 he French ast of Neuville in a | growth of the German navy and the + | domineering spirit of the German 0 hi Seah La0n _vhich tried | military panty forced the British to reinforcements were, drowned in the | an Sdoraading Sein His ype: Dring Svar, Othel attempts were | "1, 1995 Germany insulted France A Russian official statement re- | by practically Sumaiiding the dis a ports heavy German arfillery bom- | Sal of the Fordiea : ie = bardment south-east "of Jakobstadt, | *° was segf tha MEF We east of Swentoin, Russian cavalry | Prepared to use her RA TT seized the village of Postavy. ' {moral Ianats, Simila yin 1308 Bulgarian soldiers are deserting in | ¥en wo 3 Brotéstea su DR large numbers and are taking refuge A ynesat on! osha 50) Hgmmaso- in Roumania. Eight hundred ar- | Y'0& and the Baperor. Se _-- rived {here last Tuesday. The wo- | OWR phrase, appeared in shining ary men are all pro-Russian. . { mor, as Russia was not ge or Baroness Decrombrugghe, a pro- | War, he gained a diplomatic vie ry. minent Belgian woman, and her son | 0 1911 the Kaiser tested the Auten 'have been sentenced to a month's ite by sending the Panther to Afadir, imprisoriment for singing Braban- He found that Britain was prepa conte, the Belgian national anthem, | 10 stand by France dnd ul ] within doors. | party, aot quite Had Jor war, re. $5 1 vellers reaching Athens report | ceived a dip eat. that" large portions. of Austro-Ger. | "Since then hér energies have evi- man troops massed on the Serbian- dently been spent in' p fo Grecian frontiers were rushed to the | this conflict which was regarded b western front i tish i her as in je." Pronch' aga at She British.and | Professor Jordan then spoke in a On receiving information to the ef- | more detailed manner as to the pre- fect that the booty taken by the Ger- | Cise way in which the war began, mans at Lille, France, is being sold | €0ing ack further into the history, at a department store in Berlin, the | shuwing how Prussia gained her pos: French Government a sessions and how the German peope 3 had failed to get the voice in their nation's affairs which was exercised by the free people's of Britain and France. ! ' "Olive Oil in m The German official statement ad- the Canadians y slight losses when the nature of the is taken into X RS A French official statement reports the repulse of four German attempts to retake lost trenches Pint Tins," Gibson's Store, + WAR BULLETINS, Russia, has given Bulgaria * till 4 p.m. Monday to disavow - # alliance with Austria and Ger- + many. "The Allies have taken niore ground on the western frontier. Prussian casualty lists give the names of 63,000 casualties # within eleven days, not includ- #* ing the Bavarians, Saxons or + Wurtemburgers. * * > * +* » -- ® Henry Ford will not deny or # admit his alleged statement # about the Allies' loan in the % United States, a, * . Sn + In an official statement Gen- ® eral French gives great credit #. to both the old anid the new ar- + mies in the recent victory. BEEP L Bb by Fabby Shy bbb ag by | Must Not Wed Again. ~ New York, Oct. 4.--1In bequeath- ing his estate of $525,889, according E to the report of the State Transfer Tax Appraiser Lyons yesterday, Sig- fried Steiner expressed the wish that his widow "shall never marry again, but devote her life and undivided at- tention to my children." os bhur Cross Drug " Twelve Canadian battalions will likely go to England within the next few months. They will train there during the winter, . It js conSdently expected that the 28th nara de stationed in Bemuda, will leave for the front in the early winter. . aE y ¥ and see that yours is made by "Gi 4 3) Syrup . Compa Soap," at Gibson's Red| Store. . Steacy's 'The Woman's Store of Kingston." | Kingston's Electric Store Fifteen Days' Offer From now to 1st October, we will give free ONE CANADIAN BEAUTY ELECTRIC IRON to house- holders who will permit us to wire their homes for electric light this month. - Prices Moderate. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO,, 79 PRINCESS 'STREET Phone 441 BEN ns ig New York Fruit Store Crawford Peaches, 11 qt. Baskets Crawford Peaches, 6 qt. Baskets Blue and White Grapes Sweet Oranges 'Grape Fruit | Bananas | 314 PRINCESS STREET. { -- Fhe v6 . zn _-- ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER Pure ~ PALATABLE -- Nutrmous -- Beveraces FOR SALE BY WINE ao SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE LOCAL OPTION --Residents in the local option districts 'can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write 'to JOHN LABATT. Loare, Lowvox, CANADA