2 PAGE SIX YHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915. rm -- News From Brisk CA Ontario Points | J Trooper Ph ber of the Hammond, d Mie Charles Hamuiond, occurred Brockville's oldest urday when Mrs, away She In Brief Form the Events In the age, and the Country About Kingston Are Told © for many i ter, «Full of Interest to-Many. John O'Leary. Clayton tomney for Gilbert T. | burg, in the famous acti by A. F. Peacock, THE DISTRICT NEWS iio CLIPPED FROM 1HE WH.uS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, Brockvi of one residents 'on Sat Jane Bowey, passed was eighty-fiv ars of widow of Wi ow years G. T. R. roadmas + N.-Y., at- ferty, Pitts on instituted also of Pittsburg Merrickville is to securé electricity for lighting from Smith's Falls.- The Gananoque Journal raised $450 for its Tobacco Fund Gananoque would like to get a por tion of the overseas contingent dur- ing the winter months. Gedrge Denny, Clayton, N. Y., caught a thirty Rh maskinonge, the fourth he has taken this fall Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lockwood, Westport, hav one for a few weeks' visit to their ranch near Calgary Howe Island is to be given a free rural mail delivery. It will be sent from the Gananoque post office. Robert Jamieson, Perth, made a seizure on the dredge, 'Rideau' last Saturday for the amount of $145 Broekville and district has sent 447 men intp service. Nearly three hundred' others have been rejected Orville Clark, son of Smith Clarke and formerly from Prince Edward] County, is the Mayor. of Goran, Sask John D. Lamb, Smith's Falls, is displaying in his store window a pumpkin weighing forty-six poundsi' Mary Margaret Arcand, aged four- teen years, died in St. Franéis Gener- al Hospital, Smith's Falls, on Tues- day. dl den R. C. Bush, Perth, has removed his jewelry store from his former prem- ises on Foster street to the Balder- son block. has Alexandria Bay, where the SUIMEEL. homes of the two men are located, has filed an appeal. - A sad accident occurred on Wed nesday near Eldorade, on the Mcin- roy hill. As Mr. Steward, Cannif ton, was descendigg with a load of brick, the neck yoke gave way and the wagon ran off the ambankment, Stewart was precipitated under the feet of the horses and was so badly injured that he only survived a few minutes. Fair At Frankville, Frankville, Oet. 1. annual fall exhibition to-day drew hundreds from the surrounding { country, attracted by the opportunity which the fair offered as a common meeting place and by the races and exhibits. It is estimated that there were probably two thousand people on the grounds during the afternoon, and all went away well satisfied with the entertainment provided. Many from Brockvillé were in attendance The cldass of the exhibits was well up to the average During the afternoon a programme of sports was run off tecruiting addresses were The death of Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth|ered from the bandstand by " Spratt, wife of Isaac Spratt, Belle-| Hardy, John Webster, M. P., ville, occurred on Friday. She was 69 | C, McLaren, Brockville, years af age. A petition is being presented to the ratepayers of Westport' agzin this year to have a by-law voted on for local option. Alexander Irvine Price away on Friday in Thurlow age of seventy-six years. born in Napanee. A. B. Seott, Smith's Falls, has leased the store in the Pennett block formerly occupied by the National Railway Association. The Women's Patriotic League of Brockville has sent 338 books to the 8th C. M. R. for use on the transport taking them to France. Stanley Bowerman, Picton, bought the old property known the A. B. Sayler Canning Company, | and intends to start business there. David M. Sullivan, B.A., that pas} | the department. been engaged as classics and English teacher in Medicine Hat high al Mr. Sullivan is an aggressive Perth boy. | The Brockville boys with the 38t Battalion at the Bermudas are now quartered together in place of being | acattered at different stations in the islands. Rev. A, E. Hagar, pastor of the] Methodist Church, Frankville, has of-| fered his services té the militia au-} Jhorities in the sapasily of va ehap-| | the Metropolitan Insurance Company The wild man chusing trouble to! He is survived by his wife and two Hillcrest. and -Eernbank - residents | Sisters, Mrs. Te Hurway of Timmins, has been caught and turns out to be | and Mrs. H. J. Main, of Smith's| riot ot the Eastern Hes, The funeral took plage hints) At the meeting of the Smith's Falls | | under. the direction of Madawaska Council C. A. Phillips, who has been | Lodge, A. F. & A" M. Rev. James Acting Chief of Police for the past | Faulds Sondusted the ceremony. féew months, was appointed Chief at| EE a salary of $75 | More Recruits From Cobourg. There is a little lake back of Wat- Cobourg, Oct. 4.--Fourteen more son's Cerners that is inhabited by amen left Cobourg last week to join Pugs snake or sex serpent. Tt Has | thE 80th Battalion at Kingston. They been seen several times by the peo- | were accompanied by Capt. W. J. ple both on land and in the Water. Troop, recruiting officer. "Hon, T. W. McGarry, ' Provincial The band and a large number of | Treasurer: J. W. Johnson, M.P.P.; citizens turned out and gave the men W. B. Northrup, M.P,; Col. Keteche- 1a good send-off. son and Capt. Ponton addressed a 'gether 764 men recruited here who meet:ng at Madoc on Friday night have left for overseas service. in the interests of recruiting. - In Brockville on Thursday Rural Over 1,100 pupils are aftending, Dean Woodcock united in marriage' Brockville public' schools. Frankville's deliv- A, C. and W Complaint Against Indian. Ottawa, Oct. 4.--Chief Loft of the Tyendinaga Indian Reserve visited the Indian. Department and made some representations rélative to an American Indian," Thunder Water' by name, who, it is alleged, is mulet- passed at the He was ney and geherally the community. Thunder Water, declared, came to the reserve on the | pretext of organizing the tribe, and every Indian was expected to contri- bute a sum of money toward the movement. Thunder Water ©ias been inquired | after by the Cleveland police. The head of the department, Mr. D. C. Scott, stated to-night that the ques: distributing has Died At Arnprior. Arnprior, Oct. 4, n! of two weeks following a long period | of continued ill health, William Rob-; jertson Peachey, aged thirty-six, | passed away on Tuesday morning. | The news of the late Mr. Peachey's | demise was received with regret; throughout the town and distriet, where he was well count of his activities as agent for Men Wanted for HOME SERVICE a OVERSEAS BATTALIONS. Highest Type of Recruits Accepted, Sa to correct a deed to property opposite, ing the Indians of the reserve of mo-| he! tion was under the consideration of} After an illness! known on ac-| This makes alto- | | Gananoque | | been received of Capt. Munro's steamer, Captain Visger, returned on Saturday even- ing from Picton with a cargo of fruit and' vegetables. Miss Lenora street, left on Thursday Broekville General Hospital for training as a nurse. Before leav- ing, the choir, bf Christ Church, of which she was a member, entertain- edlin her honor. Dr. Malcolm Maecgillivray, Kings ton, Moderator of the General As- sembly, preached the pulpit of St. Andrew's vacant yesterday. Rev. Dr. Gracey filled the pulpit of Grace Church last evening. The Doctor has always been a prime fa- vorite with the Methodist congrega- tion. C. C. Skinner, left the of the week on 4 business Pacific coast. . Mrs. C. C. Skinner and daughter, Miss Mary Louise, ft on Friday for Kentucky for a visit with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Judge Thomas. Keith Donevan, son of ex-Mayor Domnevan, Victoria avenue, who re- cently enlisted for overseas service, spent a few days at his home during the past week. Mrs. H. H. Bedford-Jones and fam- ily, spending the season at their land cottage, a few miles west of the town, returned to Brockville the lat- ter part of the week, Miss May Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, front of Lge and Lansdowne township, who re- cently whderwent an operation for appendicitis at Kingston General Hospital, returned home on Friday. Princess enter Jackson, to latter part trip to the is- is INDIAN SCHOOL FAIR Very Successful Exhibition Held On Tyendinaga Reserve. Deseronto, Oct. 4.--Probably the first. rural school fair held among the Indians was held this year on the Tyendinaga Indian Reserve, near here. A. McIntosh, district re- presentative of the Department of Agriculture in the county of Hast- ings, who was present, stated that it was second to no other fair in the} county. The chiefs of the reserve were enthusiastic about it, and pro- mised to make it bigger next year. | C. M. Campbell, the Indian agent, | had much to do with' the success of | the fair. i D. Bequests of Major Bennett. Peterboro, Ott. -The will of | Major George W. Bennett, of Petery | boro, superintendent of colonization { roads, who died: April 27th, while on active service in Belgium reads: "I direct my executors to apply the sum of $1,000 to and for the -benefit of St. John's Epispocal Church, and the sum of $500 for the benefit of widows {and orphans of members of the 67th | | Regiment who take part in the war in which Great Britain is at present | engaged, to be applied by my execu- tors as they deem best." CO OATTHE List of prize winners at the King. [191] ston Industrigl "Exhibition held in the City Fair Grounds, Sept. 28th to 80 Oth Horses. Stallion any age--T. A, Albertson, city. Mare three years or over--(G. H. Wilmot, A. E. Franklin. Colin Rog- ers. Mare foaled in 1913--J. Hen- derson. ' Mare foaled in 1914--A. & | Franklin, Colin Rogers. &oF mY a Hee and to Train for Only he will be orbidEEs i ai ENERO and with KINGSTON a | destruction' of his three large ware- | houses and other outbuildings. Dur- { af .the mayor. | pressed by the cordiality of his wel- | ies boarded 1,330, | sold at 14 T-16e; {sold at 14% and colored at 13%e. | held to-day, $60 boxes of colored and | on the cheese board here tovday. All | white, and 14 %e for colored. LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS Foal of hands or under, in har DEATH RESUL T OF BURNS John Johnston, Loses His Life San Jose, Cal. Kemptville, Oct. 4.-- Word has the death of Joh# Johnston, San Jose, Cal. Mr. John- ston is a native of Ontario, and res- ided near Kemptville before in bi fig te California some twenty-five years ago, On September 2nd fire broke out in one of Mr. Johnston's warehouses, and being filled with hay the fire quickly spread, resulting in the total At ing the fire Mr. Johnston entered the stable to try and liberate a valuable} - horse and received burns so severe that he had to be taken at once to the hospital. Everything possible was done for his recovery, but the burns proved fatal, and he passed away on Sunday, September 19th. Mr. Johnston is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters, namely: Edgar, of Winnipeg; Mark of Honolulu, H.L.; Mrs. Walzy Perci- val, of Burritt's Rapids, and Mrs. V A. Swain, of Gridley, California. Welcames Private Kingston. Prescott, Ont., Oct. 4.-- Prescott loyally demonstrates her interest in the great war Thursday night, when her citizens welcomed home Pte. James Kingston, the first to volun- teer from this town for overseas ser- vice. He was seriously wounded at Langemarke. On the arrival of the ttain from Ottawa, a large crowd of people, headed by the 56th Regiment band and the bugle band of the 56th, sta- tioned on guard duty at the Cardinal Canal, escorted the wounded hero to the band stand on the market square where a civic address was presented by Rev. H. B. Patton, in the absence Speeches of welcome were made by the different clergy- men and other citizens. The wounded man was much im- come back home. -- Cheese Markets. rmwall, Oct. 1.=~At the Corn- 'Wall Cheese Board held to-day 1,805 boxes of colored were offered; all sold at 14 - 7-16e. Corresponding date last. year, 1,467 boxes sold at 14% and 14 13-16e¢, Picton, Oct. 1.--Nineteen factor- all colored; 640 540 at 143g¢c, bal- ance unsold. Napanee, Oct. 1.--700 colored, 120 white <¢heese boarded; white Iroquois, Ont., Oct. 1.--At the re- gular meeting of the cheese board 40 white were hoarded. All sold at 143§c. At 'the corresponding date last year 514 boxes sold at 156% Perth, Ont., Oct. 1.<There were 500 boxes of White and 500 colored were sold; ruling price, 14 5-16¢c for KINGSTON FAIR 1915--As &: Franklin, Colin Rogers, Heavy draft team in. harness----Peter THEGREAT BLOOD PURIFIER "Fruit-a- tives" Cleans, Purifies, Enriches Fruit juice is Nature's own remedy. "FRUIT-A-TIVES," the famous fruit medicine, keeps the blood pure and rich because it keeps the whole system free of impurities. "Fruit-a-tives" improves lhe Skin Action ; enables the stomagh to digest food properly ; makes the hoyels move regularly ; and relieves the strain on the Kidoeys. By its cleaning, healing powers on the eliminating organs, '"Fruit-a-tives" thus tusures a pure blood supply. 80c. a box, 6 for 2.50, trial size 20e. At dealers or sent postpaid on reeeipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. : Ea - BUILDERS ! "Have Yoh ied ors WALL PLASTER? P. WALSH. Buriack Bt | WRAPPING "PAPER Finest QUALITY AT LOWEST. PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN p= Th KINGSTON. Oi A1)4) rids the system of all waste matter and | was 0 W. Lindsay, VICTOR RECORDS JUST OUT Two Fine Band Records. 35472--National Airs of the Allies--Vietor Military arsetils jue' British, "Rule Britannia He conne' a d Preserve the Czay (Edwin Franke Goldman), Victor Military Band gian, Spirit Band. ch, "La Braban Peace March 12 in, $1.50, 43068--A\ Hreath o' Bloomin' Heather, To the Lass We Love--a Toast ! Inne. 10 in, $1.25 Two Attractive Records by Pietro. Favorites ("La Sorella"--"0 sale mio"--"La Palo- Funicula" Accordion, Pietro Deiro. Verona Walts rdion, Pietro Deire. 10 in, W From My Little Highland Hame, (Brennan 1" George Mackar- n Pietro). Ace 17838-- Gasoline Gus and His Jitney ns (Gay 3. Clreus Day in Dixie (Yellen-Gumble) rard), American Quartet. 10 in, 9c. Brown), (Imitat Amerie ne Saar »y i1be 1T84l--Down Just in Bom-Bombay (MacDonald-Carroll), Try to Plieture Me Back Home In Tennessc: Collins-Harlan. 10 in, 9c. Always play Victor Records at a speed of TS revolutions peg minute. Limited M 8. Grace, Mgr. « wHiny-ltavian, (Jerome nald- = DICE WS 1121 PRINCESS STREET. EA RS Porritt Garage Co., - Limited 210-214 WELLINGTON ST. Phone 454. For All Kinds of Accessories Such as Pumps, Jacks, Running-Board Mats, Headlight Bulbs, Tire Holders, Shock Absorbers Dry Cells, All kinds of tires and fire repair material. Call in and see them. The kind you dre Jooking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, Foot of Wést St, € Amn | x EE a McCoy, " Agricultural Horses. Team to be shown in harness--J. W. Walkér (Napanee), Maple Leal Milling Company, City, W. J. Smythe. Mare with foal by her side--Wil- liam Pillar; G. C. Seal, W. J. Smythe. Foal of 1915--William Pillar, Bert Kent, W. J. Smyth. Filly or gelding foaled in 1913. -- | Paterson, G. C. Seal, D. J. Wall- jer ' Pedigree Roadster Horses Stallion 'any np "hackney or standard bred--J. J. Taugher, King street city. Roadster single 15 1-2 hands or over--Archie Hegadown? R. N. Polk. Fastest driving team in harness-- Archie Hegadown, Walter Clogg, F. Gates. img Saddle horse--Hooper Bros., W. H. Pickering, J. S. Knight. Hotel City, colts sired by Alvardo. foaled 1915--R. E. Harpell, Bert Kent, B, 'McKane. Filley or gelding foaled 1914--@. 0, Seale, W, J. Smyth. - Carriage Horses. Team; 151% hands or over ness-- Hooper Bros., George har- ther- Team, 15% hands or under, in = F. Gates, Archie Hega- dows Carriage, mare or gelding, 15% hands or over, in hartess-A Allie M Milton, G. C. Seale, Hooper Bros. , mare or gelding, 15% Nelson ge; with foal by her side ~All M Milton, R. E. Harpell, Stover. \ ¥ or gelding foaled 1913--J. Henderson, Archie Hegadown, Isaac Bushell. Foal of 1515---Allie M. Milton, R. E. Harpell, Bert. Kent. 'Filly or gelding foaled 1914--E. H. Stover, Ww. J. - Smyth, } Vegetables an and Roots. | Peck onions, yellow --E. Dénnee, Ifred Watts, J. $. "Knight. cabal sschoces hia White Mrs. G. 3.Gilas; Baiden Bros, Wil liam Pillar, Special by McCue Bros, Windsor] « pany if their mouths were buttoned | ha¥ as closely as their shoes. The apparently public spirited man may have for his sole object the feathering of his own nest Dominion fish o | ee Some people Would be better com- | Whistle Cords, Whistles. Spurs, Leggings, Shirts, Caps,-N.C.O. Badges & Lanyards--White 'and Khaki To] Crawford & Walsh . Civil and Military , Tailors Teacher, Paint 1 is Crowded with flavor