Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1915, p. 15

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® po PAGE FOURTEEN WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THI PACKAGE i -------- Tr PETTY S THE WHITEST LG DECLINE SUBSTITUTES |. LONDON DIRECTORY : (Published enables traders to communicate MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class s belr a tomplete don and its sub talas lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS ship, ar Markets 1e World lish 1 the they with the goods they Colonial and Foreign supply; STEAMSHIP 1 AN iS which approsim- a ate onli gs PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of lead ent edition will be abd on receipt of cles can adver- for 88 or larger as. advertisements from THE LONDON DIRECTORY CO. LTD, 2% Abchurch Lane, London, x. G. PN NINN Tr RAILWAY THANKSGIVING DAY "October 11th SINGLE FIRST CLASS | FARE. Going Monday October 11th | Returning same date. FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE THIRD Going Saturday, Oct. 9th, to| onday, Oct. 11th. Returning until Tuesday, Oct. 12th. | For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, Railroad and Steamship Agent, 'cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. | CANADIAN PACIFIC THANKSGIVING DAY Excursion Fares Between all stations in Canada, Fort William and E and to Sault Mar e, Ste. De Talo and Niagara Single Fare, good going Mo wnday, October 11th, return limit Monday, Jetober 11th, 1915 Minimum charge 6 cents. ' Fare and One-Third, good going October 9th, 16th and Tithy return limit Tuesday, October 12th, 1915 Minimum charge 25 cents Particn om F. Conway, Ag City TY t Office, corner Jess and Wellington "streets. . 187 C.P. Prin- Phone I A A A re =! Fall Service In Effect September 8th Leave Kingston 2.30 pom. daily, except Sunday. for Yarker, Smiths Falla, awa and inter YN . Napanee, Deseron~ 6, Wétievitie, Trenton Cobours: Port Mepe, Toronto and inter iat ints. ar ¥ ¥ hs Tweed and Inter. Fos Arrive 10.10 am. from Jackets Tweed and {ater- e points. Farther particula t = Duna, City Ther i "Ward, Station ol ---- | MeLEAN. ! imiber fr this place| Fair on the th. M Kingston, is v Mr. and Mrs yent the week-end at A. Kel-| Lake Harry Foster ha Toronto after spending days with his parents accompanied by nds taking a cou College. Oet. 7 attended Ar Alfred Br ring friends A wn, Sr. here of He who Bt Juister int { th 1siness Yak ALDSON. 6.--Henry Rydgr is erecting new house Ervin Dennie and Melville Paul have begun work with the ir threshing outfit Alford Han- Toronto, spent Sunday here. S. Allan is working for H. Ryder. A. Miller kad the misfortune to her arm recently, Visitors Millar, Snow Road, R. J Sproule's; "Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood, yw Road, at T. Sergeant's; H. Mor- row and family at H. Ryder's; H Clark, Maberly, called on friends here recently. 3 Mrs break J. E at Sy MYER'S CAVE. Potato digging is the or- der of the day, and a number com- plain of rot The husking at Henry Benny's on Saturday night was well attended Mr. B. Harper, Snow Road, passed through here Friday route to Harlowe. | Leonard Del- "made a business trip to Dead Creek Saturday last J. Miller and son (George spent Sunday at Charl MacGregor's. Harry Head, Peéterboro, is pending a few weeks with her son George Mr. and Mrs. la. Salmond spent Sunday at J. | Head's. Mr. and Mrs. W, Loucks and family were at T. Delyea's Sun day last. James Curtis has. return- ed home, Oct. 4 en yea 8 LELAND. ~--Car! Duff attended the convention held in Kings- week. Farmers have fin- {ished cutting corn and potato dig- | ging is the order of the day. A gang of men are making much need- ed repairs on the road between here {and the village Mrs. J. Buck spent the week-end at R. Clow's, Inverary. | Mrs. C. Alton and children are visit- ting in Kingston. Mrs. R. Fergu- son and Mrs. L. Randles at A. { Hitehie's, Wilmur. D. Ferguson and J. Young are at S. Dickinson's. Raymond Cumpson is able to be { around again after an attack of asth- Miss Molly Koen is 'at home. . Stewart has purchased a new mo- oF, boat. Kathleen - Lyston called on friends recently. Oct. 5 teachers' ton last i OPINICON. Oct. 6.--The roalis are in a very { muddy condition owing to the recent heavy showers. A. Amey, Camden | East, is building a number of ce- ment silos in this vieinity. A large crowd attended the dance at F. Smith's on Friday night, and an en- joyable time was spent. G. F. Kav- aner has returned after spending the week-end at his home in Sydenham. {3 Randall, sr., is ill Miss Evelyn | Hunter has returned to Kingston af- | ter spending a month the guest of | Miss Mabel Darling. D. J. Hughson | attended Ottawa Exhibition. Mrs. |G. Kerr and' sister, Miss F: Best, ie haffey's Locks, spent Sunday at F. | Best's. Mr. and Mrs. Boomhower, Tamworth, are the guests ord lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. liam Lyman, LAKE ZEALAND Oct. 6.-~The farmers are busy fill- {ing their silos around here. Corn thas been a bumper corp. Potatoes are rotting badly. Mrs. Thomas Garrett has been called to the bed- side of her mother, Mrs. Janet Fer- guson, who has been in poor health for three months, suffering from { heart trouble. Dr. Barl isin at- itendance, and has secured Nurse Summerville from Middleville to at- tend his patient. Mrs. Robert Me- (Donnell had the misfortune to get {her wrist broken by her horse taking fright at Mr. Reid's motor cycle. All} are glad to hear she is improving as well as can be expected: Thomas Garrett and daughter, Miss Mabel, visited friends In Perth one day last] week. Miss Winnie Smith is dress- {making for Mr€. Thomas Rutherford. F William Riddellespent Sunday with friends at Robertsville. | | | WILKINSON. Qet. T.--Picking potatces and Corinthian torian © Sieltion New. Pomeranian Nov. 13. London Carthaginian Nov.20. Glasgow For Tun Taformationr apply local agents or THE ALLAN LINE af Wag - 'West. ~ Toronte. 13 corp husking are the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Tinn were at R. Dillon's on Sunday. Miss Nellie Morin left an Monday to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Burns, Kerroberts, Sask. Joseph Ke- hoe and Charles Sagriff spent Sun- "aay last with friends in Erinsville. Joseph Murphy, Tamworth, and Mrs. Henry McKeown, Desmond, were at A:iigh Grade Black Ten 2 60c per 1b. For Sale at D. COUPER'S, S418 'rincess St. Phone [qui 1inn apd Miss Annie G. Finn were | a; John Kelly's on Sunday evening Leeds FRANKVILLE. Oct. 5.--Mr. and Mrs. then, Brockville, attended here last week. order of the day. men have enlisted, ville on Thursday to be examined. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pattimore, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end vis- iting her parents at Lehigh Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Dalt. Leverette, Easton [ Corners, took Tn the fair on Friday last here. week; Matt Carroll Anna, Sah" Francisce, , are visiting {riendshere. Don Miss Katie Dillon A. C. Finn's at Amos La- | the fair | Silo filling is the Several young and go to Brock- WFSTBROOK. ¥ number from the vil- lage aftended the fairs held at Kinks n and Odessa last week. George attending court in Kingston juryman Mr. and Mrs. John Morley are re 2joicing over the arrival a fine baby boy. D. Price and | granddaughter "Victoria have re- turned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends at Parham Mr. and L. A. Wartman and family, Collins Bay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Grass. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Grass, Bay View, Vil la, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs G. W. Smith rs. DD. Macdonald and children, Mountain Grove, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Kings ton, spent Sunday at W. McEwen's George Hyland has sold his farm to Mr. Darreaun, Simcoe Island Mr and Mrs, S. Guess, Kingston, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L Grass, ; ¢ Gates as of MORTON €.--Rev. Mr. Burns, Brock-| ville c¢rnducted sacramental services mm the Presbyterian Church on Sun-| 1¥. Mr. and Mrs. W. Green ara| spending a few days at Lyndhurst, | the sts of Mrs. Green's mother,| Mrs. J. Slaek.. Mr, and Mrs. George Sly, t's Corners, spent Sunday at H. J. Hudson took a loa to Kin ston on Twesday in his auto. J. Laming and B. Sc ville mot r- ed to Kingston one day this week. Rev. J. F. Wedderburn; Nerth Aug- usta, is spending a few days at F. B. Taber's. Miss Millie Stevens, who! has heen very ill, is< recovering slowlv. Mrs. George Roantree, who) been visiting ther father J! Johnston at Bellamy's, has Er] Lome Mr. and Mrs. Roantree, Berryton, spent Sunday in the vil- lage Mr. and Mrs. 8S. Simpson, Jones F spent Sunday the guest of E. Roantree. MOREWOOD Oct The Public school was closed for a few days owing to the school fair at Chesterville' on Wed- nesday, and the teachers' convention at Iroquois on Thursday and Friday. Rally Day was observed by the Sun- day schools in the Presbyterian and | the Methodist churches last Sunday. The Womens' Missionary society will hold a Thanksgiving service in the Methodist church on Sunday ev- ening. A number from Morewood attended Russell Fair on Friday. Mrs. (Rev.) D. D. Elliott and little niece Evelyn, returned last week from a visit with friends in Perth and Delta. Rev. D. D. Elliott spent a couple of days in Ottawa. The La- dies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. A. Carlyle. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hamilton, Winnipeg, is a guest at the home of Mrs. A. Marcellus. Miss Ellis Smith was a week-end visitor at her home here. On Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist Parsonage, Rev. D. D. El- liott united in marriage Albert Mur fitt, Canamore, to Miss Rose Turner who recently came from England. Mrs. Bradford Longhrige, is recover- ing. Master Walter Carlyle has been ilk but is improving. | Lennox & Addington | DENBIGH. Oct. §.--At the meeting of the Mu- nicipal Council held on ' Saturday, Sept. 25th, Albert Lockwood was ap- pointed cellector of taxes for this year. J. 8S. Lane, who spent about six weeks in North Bay looking af- ter. his property and improving it, has arrived home. Miss F. Both, teaching school near Plevna, spent the week-end at home. Thomas Killenbeck, Plevna, was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Both. The Misses Alma Kliem and Pearl Ready left yesterday for Cleveland, Ohio, where the former's sister, Emma, has already been residing for about a year. Harvest thanksgiving ser- vices will be held in the Lutheran Church on Sunday next, at which Rev. C. F. Christiansen will be as- sisted by Rev. R. Kasdorff, of Arn- prior. Ort. Ss ELGINBURG. Oct The rally service has very good; Rev. Mr. Currie, Kingston gave an interesting address, Thomas Smith is attending Queen's Coiiege Miss Mildred Stover is attending the Collegiate Miles Stover is taking a gourse at the Agricultural College at Guelph. Miss Kathleen Serson is attending the McDonald Col Guelph. Miss Mildred Graham i is v siting her aunt, Mrs. B. Day, Syden ham, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cowdy, Moun tain Grave, s a week at Charles Fraser's. 3. Whaley, Westport, is visiting Charles Ewing's. Albert Stover has sold his farm te George Smith, Westbrooke. William Smith lost a valuable colt I, got caught fast into a rock hole afid had to be shot. Silos have been erected by James Silver, K. Orser, H. Silver, E Stover, A. Stover, H arance, W. Cordukes and W. W. Kiell. Owing to the heavy wind storms farmers are having a serions time getting corp cut. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin, Madoc, made a short visit at Charles Fraser's has alls, WOLFE ISLAND, --~Mr. and Mrs. Gettes have gone to New York to visit the daughters. Bert Watts has taken up his residence in Frank Briceland"s house on the Seventh Concession. Threshing is about completed, and the farmers report a very good yield of grain. In some cases the grain was badly damaged by smut. Michael White, Rochester, N.Y, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for a few days, has returned home. M. Hill has gone to New York to act as mate on an American transport. F. Briceland lost a valuable horse which became caught in a crevice of a rock in the pasture. George O'Brien has com- pleted a new gasoline launch, which will be a speedy one. John Mackie, Watertown, N.Y, is visiting relatives bere. James O'Brien intends to in- stall an eléctrical plant in connec- tion with his blacksmith shop on Main street. Hugh Horne has pur- chased the premises and store of Mrs, Cummings, and will shortly eccupy them. Richard Spratt is here on business. Miss Janet Maxwel, Bos- ton. is visiting friend friends here. SUNBUR RY. Oct. T.--Showery weather of the past week has delayed work on the farms around the village. A num- ber 'of new silos are being erected this season as the crop of corn this season is a heavy one. Rev. Mr. Frater, formerly of the Genoa Har. bour Mission of Haly, and who with his wife is spending some 'weeks resting 'at Battersea, conducted the service at the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon. The address given by Mrs. Fraser on their work there was very interesting and in- structive and was listened to very at. tentively by the goodly number pres- ent. The Presbyterian Society had its Sunday school rally on the 3rd and the schofhrs attended in large nuthbers. Silo filling is the order of the day and this season will prove a lengthy one. The changeable weather is causing dairy cattle to de- crease in the amount of milk given. Some of the boys who went West a few weeks ago report the weather cold and wet. Some corn remains 1 to cut, and since the late wind storms machines seem hardly able to cut elds. Oct. 6 Thomas TAMWORTH. Oct, 6.-- Miss Saunders, Belle- ville, visited Miss Joyce over Sun- day. Corn husking is one of our main sports for the boys and girls. CASCARETS SELL TWENTY MILLION BOXES PER YEAR Safest cathartic for and bowels, and people know it. : Best, liver Don't stay bilious, or oot EE SNENAA. thrashing for this| They're fine ! ly thrashed bushels for W. Gordon, having a largest guantity in this viciaity. large number attended. the Kingston i visited St. James' Church when sev- eral young people were Ne JB life ! Keep clean inside with rets. Take one fr two night and enjoy the ni gents liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up feeling al Your head will be clear, your tongue «clean, breath right, stomach sweet - your liver and thirty feet of bowels active. Get a box at any a +All stores will close on Monday next, Some of the people went to Arden on Tuesday last to attend the township show. Mr. Eita Thorn- ton is visiting his home. Samuel | York is visiting his parents. The | W. M. 8S. held its annual meeting at | Moscow on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. {Crossley has gone to Norwich after !having had very successful revivals 'here and at Marlbank. Rev. Mr. 'Rorke will carry on the meetings at {Marlpank for a while longer.. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wagar have return- {ed home from a visit with friends at Bloomfield. .They were in attend- ance at. Picton Fair. Rev. Mr. | Henry, Davin Gilmore and Frank Mebauehlin attended Pair: Mrs. W. D. Rogers is home for a few | weeks. Mrs. Hall, Victoria, B.C, is jue on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells. Robert Rogers { was taken to Kingston Hospital, but is better. YARKER. Oct. 6.--The wheel works have opened up again after repairing and # new cement flume constructed. J: 3. Sandersen attended the Arden fair. Miss Lizzi: Brown spent a day Josey with her sister from Lime { Lake. Yarker was well répresentel {at the fair at Gdcssa. James War- ner is moving his- barn to a new cement foundatitn, Farmers report { the potatoes a failure in this locality, owing to the blight and rot. E. {Macado was in the village last Tuesday looking for horses to send {to France. Owing to special service {in Colebrook Sunday last, conducted by Rev. Mr. Fansworth, Newburgh, 'a large number from here availed | themselves of once more hearing a {Cre time pastor on this circuit. | Thanksgiving service will be held in {the Anglican Church Sunday when a special preacher will have charge. Messrs. Frink and Wilson have en- listed for overseas service and will €0 to Kingston soun for training { Miss Helen Trickey has gone to To {ronto to train for a nurse. Mrs | Betts, Parry Sound, was in the vil | lage calling on friends recently." Mrs. Edgar Walker has returned from Lindsay after a few weeks' visit Mr. and Mrs. McGuire, Dunnville, are at the home of Mrs. F. E. Ben. jamin. Thrashing and corn husking bees are the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith have return. ed home again after spending the summer months in Odessa and Nap anee * ENTERPRISE EAST. Oct. 6.--In some places the farm- ers report a good-rpotato crop while in others the tubers are , rotting. Qu'te a number from around here at- tended Parham show. Miss Carmel Fisher, Peterboro, is renewing ofd acquaintances after an absence of three years. Miss Cecily Kenny has returned to Napanee after spend- ; ing the past few weeks at her home here. Confirmation will be given in the Roman Catholic Church on Wed- nesday. Matthew Carroll and daughter, California, are renewing old acquaintances after an absence of thirteen years. Joseph Dowling and- sister, Mary, spent Sunday at John Kelly's. Charles Sagriff spent Sunday in Egansyville, Eugeen Dil- lion shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. James. Dow- line spent Sunday evening at Maurice Kenney"s. James O'Riley, Wolfe island, spent Sunday at Mrs. Peter Finn's. Miss Thressa Breen spent Sunday with Miss K. Clair. Mrs. McDonell and daughter, Ottawa, are spending some time with her son, Rev. Father McDonell Engeen Dillon and nephew, James B. Dillon, spent Saturday and Sunday in Toron- to. A young daughter has applied for board at Joseph Donohue's. Miss Nellie Morn left on Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Byrne, in the West. Miss Katie Dillon spent the past week with 'her brother Edward lon. Miss Annie Perrault"has re- turned home after spending a few days with friends in Erinsville. Mr. and Mrs. James Evans spent Sunday with * the latter's mother, Mrs. P. Finn. The Misses Lena Whelan, Mary Sagtiff and Thresa Campbell and James Dowling. Charles Clair, James Kehoe, Michael Sagriff and William Campbell spent Sunday at Maurice Kenney's. Joséph Fisher and sister Carmel and Miss Jose- phine McDonnell spent Sunday at Mrs. Milie Byron's. Leo O'Meara | spent Sunday at Joseph Dillon's. Mrs. Henry McKeoun and son-in-law, Joseph Murphy, spent Sunday at Jo- seph Donohue's. Samuel Lyons spent Sunday at Miss Cumming's. Andrew Dillon spent Sunday after. spoon with Leo Kidd. Messrs Vin- cent and M. J. Dillin has returned to Napanee to attend High School. Misses Josephine and Frances Me: Doaell, Carroll Fish and Kathleen Breea and J. B. Fisher and J. B. Dil- lon spent Sunday last at P. Sagrifi's; Miss Frances McDonell spent Tues day and Wednesday with friends in Kingston. | -- nnn KINGSTON. Reeve and Councillidrs Sproule, Sto- ver and Heaton. Minutes of pre vious meeting adopted. Mo Sproule-Stover, that the oon Reeve issue an order for the entran- ce of William Collins to the General Hospital, for treatment. Motion. Stover-Sproule, that F. McRory's taxes for 1915 be charged on an as sessment of $25, instead of $200, as past of property has been sold. ray ments ordered: $6, Jacob Clogg, 567 Bus on ered rods fence, $10. Jacob Clogg, for two Salve in Road Divi- sion 18a; $2.75, Bell Telephone Co., rent in clerk's office for last quarter, 1815; $2.50, Bell Telephone Co., rent Treasurer's office for last quarter, 1915; $8, James Webb, one sheep killed by dogs: $9, Herbert Curl, bo- pus | on 40 rods fences 'Portland rund to meet Nov. Fh Oet. . ~--Members present, Deputy Baby's Skin Tests Baby's oy Soap. Its ereamy softening lather must cleanse his tender skin without injury--and it dees. Four generations of Canadian mothers endorse Baby's Own Soap which comforts and whitens » the most delicate skin. IT'S BEST FOR BABY AND BEST FOR YOU ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, MFrs., MONTREAL FI A a A AA ir [ i I THESE HOT DAYS vs. You Cannot Be Too Careful HOT WEATHER With Your Milk, Our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized, prdper ly cooled, and delivered in sealed bottles. ee o° Price's :: Phone 845 277 PRINCESS STREET. J KIDNEY TROUBLE 'CURED AT 82. Intense Power of Dr. Cassell's Tablets again Proved. Back pains so severe as to be like knife-thrusts. Operation said to be the only chance of Cure. So Weak and Wasted he could hardly drag about. Now in gold Heath through DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS. Age makes no difference to the extra ordinary curative power of Dr. Cassell' Vablets; they cure old or youug, from the nfant in ite mother's arme to the white haired grandparent bowed with the weight of years. That is the one conclusion to be dawn from the testimony to Dr. vaseell's Tablete, which grateful people mm the Mother Country, sre constantly giving to their Canedian brothers and sisters. Here, for example, is Mr. Benjamin de Grey, of 2 Clifton terrace, Queen-street, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, England, tell ing how Dr. Cassell's Tablets cared him be ac Riduey trouble ' when nothing Bedworth ever -vetieve: And Mr. de Grey is -- years of age. He gays: "A few yeare ago I began to have a dull, heavy feeling after everything I ate, and this was very soon followed by gnawing pain ecross wy back and ther indications of kidney trouble. times this pain 'was with me, became sharp as knife thrusts when I had to straighten up {i a sifting or stooping n. I was told it was kidoey trouble. knew that, lt no sort of medicine 1 had did any sort of good. 1 cannes describe the suffering I underwent. I could ot rest anywhere, and I was so Dr. Cassell's Tablets put new life and | vigour into the kidneys by strengthening the nerves that control kidney action. | That is why Dr. Cassell's Tablets cure even 'most severe cases. LADY OF 67 CURED after 30 years' suffering. Here 18 yet another instance of the intense re- ~vitalieing powers of Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Mrs, Walker, of 49, Kelburn- street, Barrhead, Glasgow, Seotland, saye "T am glad to tell you that my mother, Mrs. Cairne, and myself have derived very great benefit from Dr. Caesell's Tablets My mother is 'now sixty-seven ygam of age, and has suffered for about thirty years from a funetional complaint which used {0 make her unable to move some times. "About two months ago she caught a chill, which affected ler Ed fad her up altogether. She was in fright. ful pain all round her body, and in her ack, and to move at all on intense suffering. We tried al. Joris of things for her, but she &ot no bettds; in fact, I thought the was never going to 5 well again. However, reading about r. Cassell's Tablets, I decided 'to get her some, and from that time she improved She ie now betler than she or years, and it is all due to r. Cassell's Tablets. She was very run- wn in health as well as suffering from kidney trouble, and the Tablets simply RN Brea It for gevers hi ave taken them mysell for backache brought on by strain, and they soon cured me, tgo." BRITAIN'S FINEST REMEDY Popularity Now World-Wide. The worldwide reputation' whieh Dr. Cassell's Tablets have achieved. as a really reliable Nerve and Body Restorative for young and old, must be ave © werit and merit only. "Mere advertisment will worth is this so wi 's famous for Nervous Breakdown, Nerve Failure, Infantile Weakness, -{ Neurasthenia, Rleeplessness, Ansmia, Kidney Trouble, ia, Stomach Dis. ranting, Palpitation ; and hey 1 are have given the wor Tables: I yet almost from we. I got Th wplendid ow 1 a cured ad qd toreknepets thing left for But at m 1 nd sell Dr. Cassels arly thi me. y ir case of emergency. A Prep ro better fos Canada, -- hg Co., valuable for mursi 20thitie 38 all helipad me. and girls approach a orn ond mother "1 was told that an bpemation was the ut did not like the ides of that, so again ] 0 ona ED ie 1s in will be sent on Secaigt - mating and Sucking, a ¥. Reni Teresa, Out.

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