THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915. PAGE SEVEN INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GR AND 22 wocar 'vores aso mews or ALL THIS WEEK! GENERAL INTEREST. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. | Banking Business Invited | A solid brick awel) electric light, gas for one of the best bul banking accounts of merchants societies and individuals @ offer the modern Banking Serv Bank, possessing ample tions 'and .complete Tacilities. manu- facturers " ice of a pro- ve extensive rT resources, All customers of The Bank of Toronto ourtesy and attention. are a red every . SGT,000,000 THE BANK OF TORONTO At i ig FOR S hn hot water furnace, & fireplace. Tris is ENCY, Phong 68 or STH, for cook all It houses THE J. K. CAR STREET = ROLL AG 58 BROCK "le and pre 1 be © After wea & them you will SATISFACTION OUR MOTTO, eves Manufacturing 0 347 KING "Where the ptician & Optometrist, ST. KINGSTON, Clock Is on the Walk." Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the FELDMAN & CHRISTIE'S! Readers of The Whig. Chestnuts at Carnovsky's. Rev. Father Mea is back in the city from Toronto. Joseph Hodge, Plano and Pipe Or- gan tumer, phone 868, 273 King street West. Archbishop Spratt will hold a con- firmation service in Ganandque on Oct. 17th. H, Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orde.s at McAul- ey's Book Store. Miss Mary Keller, Bath, has left ifor a few weeks' visit with friends at | Guelph, Grimsby and Buffalo. 1 New toilet creams and face lotions at Gibson's Drug Store. "Glad" Murphy, seriously injured in Toronto football game, was a sun of the late J. B. Murphy of this city. Prof. W. Morgan, of Queen's Uni- versity, is to preach in Convocation Torante University, on Oct. q al 24th Fresh sons Herman Goodfellow, 31 Hewitt !avenue, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Leaden, 14 Dufferin street Mrs. W. L. Rogers and daughter, Helen, of Kingston, attended the fu- neral of the late William Walters at Lindsay Mrs. Allen, Napanee, was convev- ed in S. S. Corbett's ambulante, on donday, from the train to the Gon- eral Hospital. Fresh horehound son's ! Miss Ida Cooke and her friend, {| Miss Decent, Stirling, were the guests {of Mrs. F. Elmer, Livingston avenue, || Sunday and Monday. The annual meeting of the Board {| of Directors of the Mowat Memorial horehound candy at Gib- candy at Gib- 4 | | Every Evening at MIS, Return of the Wizards of Joy, MUSICAL OMEDY CO. 25 5 People DASHING BRAUTY CHORUS JOVIAL JESTING COMEDIANS SCREAMING WL ~ - TONIGHT -"H Wednesday, Matinee and Night, "DOOLEY'S TRIP TO Change of Programme Nightly. Prices Mat, Children 1), Adults 20 Evening, Ground Floor 203050 AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED WAIT. Balcony 20 ad 30. 5a'lery 10 Seats Now on Sale, CRA Strand Theatre Mon., Tues. and Wed., D. W. Griffith presents the well-known | Dramatic Star, 'Robert Edeson,"' In a modern morality play, "The Absentee," In 3 Reels nnd 200 wonderful scenes; Also other good photo-plays. Perfect Ventilation; Afternoons nt 2.15 an 3 Admission gn. 43, : Matinee, Se; = -- i Hi [The B i elvidere Hi | | Hospital will be held in the Board of ||| | Trade rooms on Wednesday. { Tasteless Wine of Cod Liver Qil, || Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hy- { h NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing LT Neat done. We make a special. ty of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDENHAM cess St) of buy store being disappointed when vou your baby supplics from oar We ean give you every re- quisite you may want along that line, We mention a few: Nursing Bot- tles, Nipples, Soothers, Teething An Rings, r. besides all the leading Baby Foods, Hoag's Drug Store Opp. YM.C.A: Phone 258. KINGSTON, ONT. | FOR SALE Splendid farm, 150 acres, 2 setts of buildings, 12 miles from Kingston. Farm, 100 acres, good build- ings, 12 miles from Kingston. Prices $1730. Easy terms on both farms. W. H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 Brock St s a J, ll ST. (Near Prin. Phone 214, Notice to - Farmers We Want For Thursday, Friday and Saturday 500 pairs of Fowl. 500 pairs of Chickens. 000 Ibs. of Choice "Turkeys. j- No. 1 quality. | pice paid. : and Saturday, Highest eash Thursday, Friday Anderson Bros. ! Cor. Princess and Division Sts. Phone 438, | EEE ee CHOICE GROCERIES, . P'S 'S SUG! TEAS & COFFEES. 10 1b Ba COOKED AND SMOKED Ry Das MEATS. § ™ Boxes ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD. JOS. AHEARN, JR, 279% MONTREAL STREET Phone 866. Choice. Western Beef A Fresh Pork. GORDON'S GROCERY Phone 88, 149 Montreal St. Lamb, Further © Reductions At Our Great Rebuilding Sales of F i ® t i 2 » urniture ! Which will last about two weeks longer. All the goods which remain in stock during building oper- ations will be given an extra reduction of 5 per cent. Rdditional to present discount. o Now is the time te procure a bargain in high elass furniture. oe Robert J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. 230 PRINCESS ST. Telephone Ambulance 577. p------ 1 pop phites, and pyre cod liver oil Gibson's Drug Store. Miss Myrtle 'Leaden and Miss Kath- |leen Knight, Kingston, motored to Gananoque on Saturday, where they were the guests of friends. at Citizens think the Whig's sugges- | 141 King Street. Phone 1743. Transient and Perma- nent Rates. After Theatre Suppers a spe- cialty Apply Chef Steward tion that the Council vote $1,000 to | the Red Cross Scciety, in lieu of a tag day, is worthy of thought. Fresh Page & Shaw candy at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. The service for students at Queen's Convecation Hall on Sundav fmorning was fairly well attended Canon Gould, Toronto, was the | preacher. The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. ennox Mills will sail for England on ~Anennnume | the 30th to De near their son, Arthur Mills, who is with forces overseas. Djer Kiss Talcum and many other of the best varieties are sold at Gib- son's Drug Store. | 8. E. Trotter received word on | Tuesday morning that "Glad" Mur- iphy, who was seriously injured in a football game in Toronto on Satur- the Canadian '| day, was resting easier. Joseph Abramson left yesterday for the purpose of securing two | bankrupt stocks, one in Hamilton, {and the other in Barrie. In all vro- bability he will bring them to Kings-' ton. | The ladies of St. Paul's Chlirea are in charge of St. Andrew's Club this week. The ladies of Queen Street 'Methodist Church were the { conductors last week with good re- sults. { The steamer America went arouad { the head of Wolfe Island on Monday {and ran into one of the wo se | storms shat this steamer has ever | experienced. Several windows wire broken by the force of the waves. | Health Salts, 3 fof 25¢, at Gibson's { Red Cross Drug Store. iy Miss MoGraw, nurse<dn-training |at Rockwood Hospital, was conveyed {in 8. 8. Corbett's ambulance from | | the hospital to the train on Morday | | where she left for her home in | Tweed suffering from rheumatism. | {| What do the camp officers thiui {of Major General Sir Sam Hughes' | exhibition of bad form, now that { they have time to reflect? We know what cititens think, especially wh = officers are ready to sacrifice them-! selves. t Fresh Page & Shaw candy to-day at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The marriage oceurred at Syden- ham on Wednesday, Oct. 6th, at the | residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. | { MacNaughton, by Rev. Dr. Daniel | Strachan, Toronto, of Miss Mary Bea- itrice Daniels, daughter of Mr. and | | Mrs. Freeman Daniels, Cobalt, Ont. {to Herbert Karley, only soft of Mr. and Mrs. John Karley, Sydenham, Cod Liver Oil Emulsion in half nd one pint bottles at Gibson's | ug Store, 25c and 50c. Buy ft before the price goes up. : S. E. Trotter is making every effort | jto make the Assault-at-Arms in the | ! Armouries ou the night of the 20th a | | success. It is likely that the pre- | { liminaries will be held at the camp | {on the Tuesday night previous, and those who will be in the preliminaries i at the Armouries will be chosen. | Bands from different units will be! present. { A Whig magjmet Rev. J. E. Hun-! ter, the well-known evangelist, Bl Toronto and he wished to be remen. | bered to all Kingstonfans for whom | he had high regard. He is not able to help in Killed In Action. { {| New York, Oct. 12.-A cable to! | the New York Herald from London, says: Lord Hillington has lost his | |e dest son and heir by the death of | Second Li thé Hon. Char-| {les T. Mifls, M.P., who was killed in {action in France on Wednesday. | { Mr, Mills, who was in his twenty- | {ninth year, was member of Parlis- {ment for Uxbridge, und the sixth r to lose his life in the war. A -------------- Postmaster-General {sued an order on Mo (from the United States mail post fi and envelopes regarded as of an 8 Hkely i i i Burleson fs. | unweutral character or as 10 inflame certain'classes of Si + twenty-fifth | fousiding of the Daughters of | American Revolution. = nday excluding | florist, Watts, anr market the gardener and ounces OPENING OF A FLORIST'S STORE, At 179 Wellington St, on SATURDAY, OCT. 8TH. stock of eut flowers season always on hand call of inspection Is extended to all PHONE 1763. Auctio A CeSs SATURDAY, Oct. 16th, t o'clock pm. 8 Horses, 7 Buggies, 2 Two-seated Rigs, 10 Sets Sing® and 2 Sets Double Harness, § Cutters, 1 new Two-Seated Cutter, 10 Robes, Rugs, Hack, Hack Sleigh and other articles. " WILIAAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE ZIG-ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents ualled by few Eealod Woman, Thought Dead, Revived by Undertaker a Fulton, N. ¥., Oct. 12. -- Mrs. Frank La Rock- of No. 108 South Second street was tak- en violently fll yesterday, and her Husband thought her dead. He no- tified Joseph A. Yowyangs, undertaker, who summoned Df. E. J. Cussack, coroner, for a death certificate. Then 1 noticing signs of life, gave first aid | treatment, and when Dr. Cussack ar- rived they revived her. Her condi- tion is favorable. ve Mrs. La Rock was stricken sudden- iy, although she had not been feel- ing for some time. She was about the housé as usual and fainted 4s her husband came in the house. Mr: La Rock caught his wifs as she fell in the swoon. Her body stiff- éned and her face took an appéar- ance of a dead person, PLEA OF WILSON For Americans To Stand For "Ola Glory" Always, Washington, Oet. 12.--A démana upon all Americans under pain of ostracism to be more than neutral in regard to the European wat and to | take their stand for America first, last and all the time, was voiced by Wilson yesterday speech at the celebration of anniversary of ° i The United States, the President sald was not merely trying to keep EARTBREAKERS" RENO." ana % n Sale At McBride's Palace Livery, 34 Prin- | Street none & CO. k| THE PEOPLE'S | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, -| Firat Jusertion, le 8 word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Mimimum charge for one lusertion, 25¢; three fnsertions SOc; nix, 81; one month, $2 FOUND 251 COCKER Appiy - Wil Rideau stre SPAN iam Cool HELP WANTED. TWO MAIDS. APPLY AT THE GEN- 1 Hospital "AIR AS RIMMED after 3 OF GOLD « SES, on Tuesday noon, near Wo wharf. O er may e by calli I¥ JOEN | £ ai it APPLY | John McKay Ltd. | A FEW SWART BOYS. APPLY the Kingston Hosiery Co. SMaLn Wellin Uwner ma ing property Whig office A BROWN HOUND, Apply Front Read, Pitt SUM oF MONEY, on Monday ame by prov- calling at rest 1 AT and APPLY TO A GOOD PLAIN COOK. x King and Mrs. 1. E Martin, corner DOG, Maitland streets. { PART Apply FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything an wishing ht 2 do so by » The British tisement 1 resses and chambermaid Hotel Frontenac A KITCHEN WOMAN. REFEREN( ES requi Apply at the "Avon- more," William street Xx ¥FOUNG MAN TO work around the hospi at the General Hospi , GENERAL. NO LAUNDRY r upstairs work Apply to Box 3, Whig office References required a DO GENERAL tal Apply la coor PERIENCED GENERAL SER. No laundry nor sweeping yv to Mrs. Frances Macnee, 143 St. West. CAMEO EARRI SET IN GOLD, ON Sunglay eve , between Johnson and Wellington streets Reward : if returned to Whig office 13 YEARS work and Apply 243 NG, A King A YOUNG GIRL, 14 OR . old, to help with house to sleep at home Brook street. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, crescent brooch studded with Pearls. Please return to 111 Lower Union street and receive reward A GOLD EXPERIENCED DRIVER FOR heavy auto truc 1st be well recommended. McKelvey and Birch, 69-71 Brock street AN A GOLD LOCKET, ON SUNDAY MORN. ing, between G.T.R. inner station and Market Square Initial B. K Reward for return to office this MORE EXPERIENCED FUR FINISH. ers, a smart boy and a junior sales- man for hat department Apply George Mills and Co, 126 and 138 Princess street STOLEN. WILL THE PERSON SEEN TAKING A waggeon pole, neckyoke and even- ers from the barn of Robert Ab bott, at the Outer Station, return same and save uble?" INT PERSON MAY monthly corresponding newspapers; no canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 31969 Lockport, N.° Y. f BY NOVEMBER IST, GENERAL MAID, i good plain cook: references quired; $20 a month to suitable person Apply in the evening to Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, + clean and dry. McCann, 52 Brock Street. DWELLING, OVER Apply 65 etme teat m-------- DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Mec- Cann's Keal Kstate Agency, 382 rock Street. 55 PRINCESS ST. Princess street. . ABLE<-ROMIED MEN, GOOD EYE- | sight, for firemen and brakemen on railroads _ in-.Kingstoh vicinity; $100 20 monthly. Experience un- Necessary. Answer in English. | Railway Assoclation, care Whig. OFFICES IN (CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to Cunnifgham & Mudie. 79 Clarence St. STREET--HBRIUK, furnace. {A MAN AND HIS WIFE. MAN TO have some knowledge of gardening and wife to act as cook, general No laundry or upstairs work ply to Box 7. Whig office. ences required NINE 8 Possession Janu- ry 1st. Apply to J. S. R. McCann, 32 Brock street. - { Ap- Refer- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, i ary, airy rooms; your ewn lock ana key. Frost's City Storage, Ivy { Queen St. Phone 536), i AT ONCE-NEW SEVEN ROOMED house, barn and one half acre of land on continuation of AMred St Apply IL. D. Boyd, 108 Pine street TO RENT, FURNISHED--"CALDER- | Wood," the property of Col. | Mrs. Glles, will be let Jurnished to ABOUT & desirable tenant. Apply to Wali- Hugh C | kem and Walkem, 83 Clarence St. FUR ber 1st, A MAN AS CLERK AND STOCK keeper: must have several years' experience in plumbing and steam- fitting business Apply in own! hand writing. State age and ex- | perience and namie references. Me- Relves and Birch, 69-71 Brock St i » WANTED GENERAL, A FOSTER MOTHER RITCH October 28nd Apply Nickle No. 178 Ordnance Modern improvements Piano, street PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. | iy ? ing, glazing and kalsomining. Will telephone, fireplace, furnac % gas, FORUM| NISHED HOUSE TO LET NQVEM- 3 = BE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Cosy little. Once, 25c; three times, S0c; one week, $1.00 SULKIES, Gb.CARTS riages, al reasonable Turk's Phone 705, AND CAR- prices, at fid.00 BUYS brake, Apply BICYCLE, mud guards. 466 Alber: COASTER pearly new street. HEATER, MEDIUM SIZE, USED ON fect condition 224 Frontenac St, one season: in Apply in evening, Cor. Princess. * IVICTROLA AND TWELVE SELEC- tions, $28.50. $1.00 a week. fad. ™o Terms $5.00 cash and OC. W. Lindsay Co. 121. Princess streef. ---------------- REPEATING one 38-40 calibre, the other In good condition Apply T. Mouldey, 26% Princess St ONE FINE JERSEY COW SEVERAL pairs of barred rock fowl gas plate ven and gas plete Appiy 687 Princess WINCHESTER rifles is good cond) h and $5 Lad. per month Lindsay 121 Princess stre HANDSOME EBONIZED d organ. § octave! good $63. Terms, $5 cash and > Lindsay, Lad, ORGAN, plano ¢ condit MOTOR CYCLY WITH SIDE CAR complete. Electric light and horn; everything in first class drder; very cheap. Porritt's Garage Co. Ltd, Wellin~ton street. Ph 454. OF BICYCLES -- Sq ) % 7: Pastime Bicycles, $35; Perf Rigid Frame, $490; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with 3- speed gear, $60 Geo. Muller, 371 King street 2 ond-hand ing, boots, furniture suit cases, tools, You have anything to sell, card. I w'll call Princess street drop a 8. Shapiro, 45 et teeter terete Steet A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand stoves, furniture, odd dressers, iron beds, etc. We also buy all kinds of new and second- hand furniture J. Thompson, 233 Princess street, phone 1600. HUNTERS" SUPPLIES IN CANVAS, etc. Shell bags, haversacks, dan- nage bags, sleening tarpaulins, elderdown sleeping robes, folding water pails, tables, chairs and beds. F. W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street. Phone 891 FARM OF 180 ACRES ONE MILE from vidlage of Tichborne: quar- er of a mile from cheese factory, and ore half a mile from school One hundred acres tillable land; sixty acres pasturage. Apply Shomas McEwen, Jr. Tichborne nt * FOR SALE, Several new Columbia Grafon- olas, from $25.00 to $200. Bar- gains if taken within the next few days. Address in first Instance, 921, care Whig office. do the work cheaper than others. | ete, For terms, apply to M Fred Young, 198 Colborne street. | As ine, Court House 4 rere eee eaters ees. | | FURNISHED HOUSE-THAT SPLEN. | | - didly equipped new residence, 153 University Avenue. Every conveni- ence; modern furniture. Near Queen's University, Apply at 125 William street for terms, etc. | FURNISHED HOUSE, CONVE IENT location; $25 and $33 per month: , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, or small flat, about October 16th State number of rooms and terms. Box: 400, Whig office. A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, OR, nary a 5 2 young lady. where no other room.- | ne Seo med. 112.813, ai ers are kept. Phone and every! 5 NO » | home comfort One block above | $15, | 's. ly 185 University RV Quear's. Apply wry | FOR SALE--~A NUMBER oF DESIR. | } able houses; from $1,000 to $5,000; also lots in all parts of eity, from Geo. A. Bateman. Street, Kingston; |A LADY IN HER OWN HOME wai) $150 to $5,000. be very willing to store a plano! 67 Clarence for the winter or longer for the | phone 396 { use of the same. No children; | | good references given Apply by | 'BUSINESS NOTICES." 1 communication to Box R, Whig | office ol - WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE | that he has purchased the tailor | shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo. | way and vie do all kinds of re- pairing and pressing. Also make | up suits from your own cloth orkmanship guaranteed. 131 Brock street. WORK WANTED. | YOUNG MAN SEEKS POSIT | either on farm or in the city. } Ply te Box 111, Whig office. { 1 i rox | wl i { ECARD AND ROOMS. FIRST OLASS QOARD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveniences. Apply 243 Brick street. FINANCIAL. x FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: incorporated 1863; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received 'and interest al. lowed 8. C. McGIN, Manager, 87 Clarence street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for Security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured at lowes possible rates. Before renewing old or: giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents Phone 325. ABCHITROT TO EXCHANGE, PERSONAL. K | WILL EXCHANGE FORD VOCK | Wody, with top, 30 in. by 3 ft. § in. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTHMARKS | with rack, for Ford body two seat | and all growths and skin blem- and top. Apply or write Box 20, | ishes removed Jepmauenity, with. 1 . Ont. ! scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. Jarrowsmith, Ont Elmer J. Lake," Eye: Jar, Nose, | Throat and Skin "Specialist, 258 | Bagot street. DANCING. | | MISS HUDON, AUTHORIZE RY PROF. Frank Norman, of ontreal, to teach the standard modern dances Balboa, Walk Waltz, Broadway Glide, etc. OM Collegiate Buiid- g ing. Phone 120. ; LEGAL | B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER 70 Clar- and solicitor. Law office, ence St, Kingstop. | | i i DRESSMAKING. BUSINESS CHANCES. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS aN | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; ne | canvassin be you boss Pend for booklet: tells how | dressmaking, cutting by measure, designing. trimming, ete; thpee foliars, including system. Madame A. E. KNAPP, BA, WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Offices, 25% Phone 61. AROHI, Bagot St POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bullding, corner rock and Wellington streets, Drop a card. DENTAL. LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 258 Princess street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. ists, 159 Wellingran street: I» D.DS., LDS, - mard Walsh, s'stant. Phone 346. cider, New York Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. ree eacock. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. { |.~ > | CATERING. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BA wedding breakfasts, hanquets, § Also rent Fishes, table Jhous aod 'silverware. eld an, a 00 M. P. Reid, 20 Union Street: ¥ Ci Hampbrook, 176 Alfred street. | UPHOLSTERING. |W. & G@AvINE, | i ote, | i i + ad : ® i GERMAN SOCIALISTS ACTIVE. * Ho oat BE gy + Pars Oct 13.5The Dern 4 | ® stein grup of the Secial-Demo- *> out of trouble, but was trying 1 pre. | q GL. ] hv ny has & serve the foundations upon which Peace conld be rebuilt. "Peace can be rebuilt," he added, "only upon the ancient and principles of international law: w tions of their Goed to the American continent. is the canse of humanity itself i ---- pon those things which remind na- duties to each other and, deeper than that, of their duties | to mankind and humanity. America | bas a great cause which is not con- 4% drawn wp another manifesto ¢ [ML A, YOR, M.D. CM, LA Bo. [rate ago Heer a ospital Urgery an 1 eo street. Phone | ® saying that spesdy peace is the | % earnest wish of the German ¢ | ® working classes, - 'ate at but small orders ca tention + More nes stock in this week. | This js the popular furnace coal. o Bool orders two weeks ahead, n have immedi- i. Still selling baskets of plums and peaches at the low prices. Caranov