Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1915, p. 11

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Two New Reo Cars Purchased for Hire Large and Roomy Cars. G. W. BOYD. 89 EARL ST, Phone 1177 en Wn KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCT *les, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap p.er Blocks. We also make Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates jlven for all kinds of Cement Work. Office and Factory Oor. of CHABLES AND PATRICK. é Phone 730. MGR. H. ¥. NORMAN. Lmao maa Tellapatty A Beh huts Te » 60c per Ib. For Bale at D. COUPER'S, 841-3 Princess St. Phone 76 od A A Aan, Automobile For Hire wy (1915 REGAL) Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives Weonings A Speciavry. Prompt Attention to Boat and Traia Calls, Service and Efficiency Guaranteed, R. J. Alien, Phone 300. 340 Johnson »>*-ges. -- Telephone 201 Auto Livery 'Bibby Garage Agents for Dodge Bros. AT" Beef, Lamb, A LIFETINE OF SICKNESS Worn Out, Thin and Miserable Until She Took "Fruit-a-fives" Parmesrox, June 20th, 1914. "Stomach Trouble Headaches nearly drove me wild. Some time ago, I got a-box of *'Fruit-a-tives," your famous fruit medicine, and they completely relieved me. To-day I am feeling fine and a physician, meeting me on the street, asked the reason for my improved appearance. Isaid, 'Zam faking Fruit-a-tives." He said, "If Fruit-a-tives make you look so well, go ahead and take them, Z7heyare doing more for you than I can." Mes. H. 8,"-WILLIAMS, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Motor Oil, Cup Grease and Fiber Grease for sale at H. MILNE Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. All oils delivered on shovt- ' est Notice. and Distressing Washing Won't Rid Head Of Dandruff ---------------------------------------------------------------- The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordimary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retir- ing; use enpugh to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this to-night; and by morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more ap- plications will completely dissolve and . entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the sealp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet ter, 4 You can get liquid arvonm at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. A man who loses his nerve never advertises for it, 683 ! For the Finest Quality RING PARKER'S 1 'Mutton, Pork Delivery to all parts. every evening. alty. MILDLY STIMULATI NOURISHING, SUSTAIN IN A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED I not sold- in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON James McParland, i Agent, 339-341 King St. East "las a new grist mill is to be built on [tween Arden and Parham and the Frontenac ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND. Oct. 11.--Farmers are cutting corn, and digging potatoes. Andrew Melville intends disposing of his stock, and farm implements, and will shortly leave for Toronto to reside. Three new silos have been erected during the past week. C. Pargean, Kingston, was through this vicinity last week repairing the telephone line, Miss Lizzie Grant, visiting with Mrs. B. Grant for a week, re turned home on Thursday. Kenneth and Geraldine Hogan, Marysville, are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. John Hogan, Sr. Bella O'Shea, "Big Ridge", is visit- ing at her home here. Stella Hogan returned home on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with her sister at Cape Vincent, N.Y. SANGSTER. Oct. 8.~John Shain gave a corn husking and dance Wednesday night, and all had an enjoyable time. Whit- marsh Bros, Westport, bought some cgws from T. Young last week. Joseph Barret is home, from Camp- bellwood, N.Y. Mrs. M. J. Coch- rane returned after a two weeks' vi- sit'with her mother, Mrs. Walsh, and other friends around Oates. Miss L./ Fitzgerald and Mrs. Les 'Mur- phy spent a few days of last week with Kingston friends. Terrance O'- Connor is back in this neighborhood, after spending the summer at Crow Lake. T. Young bought a cow from E. McKniglit, Godfrey. Arch- bishop Spratt, Kingston, confirmed a number of boys and girls at the Sac- red Heart Church' here, on Sept. 21st. Miss K" Young and W. H. Thompson, Burridge, called at T. Young's, on Thursday. David Hie- key, at T. Barrett's, Miss L. Young at T. Babcock's. J. Conway at J. Daly's. DESERT LAKE. Oct. 8~--A hailstorm passed over this vicinity. In spite of the ihcle- ment weather the husking bees at Mr. Abrams' and Mr. Pero's were well attended. 'The teachers of this district, Miss Campsall, Miss Hull Miss Jeffery and Miss Thompson, at- tended the Teachers' Convention in Kingston. The school has a new tin roof. Mr. Truscott, I. P. 8., is paying his semi-annual visits to the schools. A number from here at- tended Ringston fair last week. Mrs. Maxwell Bauder has been taken to Kingston to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Miss Nellie Bedour, Cobalt, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Bert Page is in Watertown, N.Y., vi. siting her daughter. Mr. Barr visited friends lhiere lately. Miss T. Albert- son attended the wedding of her cou- sin at Verona. H, B. Page is at Long Lake visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Davy, Bancroft, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Orser. G. Wilson, Miss Lucy Wilson, and Edmund Page attended a party at Glendower last week. Cattle buyers were through this district recently, PARHAM. Oct. 11.-~Farmers are busy with their fall ploughing. The potaio although some tubers Were badly rotted. Mr. Palmer had four ear. loads of pulp-wood loaded at the sid- ing here this week. J. Lowery is preparing to tear down his saw mill the old mill site soon.. Corn husk- 'ings are the order of the day. Par ham ball team was successful again at Arden fair. The game was be- score was 11 to 8 in favour of Par ham boys. . The boys have done ex- cellent work this season. An enjoy- able evening was spent at Mrs. N. B. Topping's last week, when the peo- ple of the village gathered to give an "at home" to Mrs. Barker, Dr. Barker just arriving with his bride from New York. r. and Mrs. Oli iver Clow and. little daugliters spent a few days with their parents here recently. Miss Dive has returned to her heme at Roblin. Mrs. Harry Chitleton has gone to spend a few days with her parents at Roblin. F. Collins and family are preparing to move to Portsmouth. T. Wagar is doing great work with his car canry- Ing passengers to Tamworth and Kingston. -- . INVERARY. 'O8t" 11.--A gloom was east over this community on Saturday evening when the news spread around that George Akroyd had passed away. About a month ago he sufféred a. stroke, but appeared to rally and gain stréngth again, so that on Friday he walked to the village, but during the night he sulfered another stroke. Drs. Freeman, Sparks and Wilkins were called in, and everything pos- sible was dome, bt to no avail. Mr. Aykroyd was born at Wilmur fifty- nine years ago. He lived for a time at Sydenham, previous to moving here twelve years Besides his Sleeth, who resides near by, and Wile, at home. Deceased was a man of very reserved disposition kind husband and father, and a geod neighbor, The community at large fexis that it has lst one of fis best ns. Miss Margarét Arthur, who was at- tacked with appendicitis while at- crop in this vicinity was very good, I'Green and Mrs. E. A. McAndrew, At. spending Thanksgiving Sly's. Thanksgiving with friends in Athens ago. widow, he leaves two children, Mrs. | John ¢ s & Prior to their departure for the west Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane resided at Latimer. The Ladies® Aid held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. R. Tolls, where an profitable afternoon was spent. ---- OE PEO BBP Png Leeds LYNDHURST. Oct. 11.--William Sheflield Sr. passed away on the seventh of Octo- ber in the eightieth year of his age. R. G. Harvey has engaged a house keeper in the person of Mrs. William Johnston, Seeléy"s Bay. Miss C. Harvey and BEraest; Ottawa, are spending Thanksgiving at their home here. R. R. Phillips, St. Catharines Mrz. S. Hunken and Mrs. Grey Buby, Brockville, were at R. R. Tate's over Thanksgiving. LOMBARDY. Oct. 11.--W. Watson, Carleton Place, and Edgar Huffman, Jasper, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson. In- spector Johnston, Athens, paid his official visit to the schools in this district last week. Mrs. John Looley, who has been so seriously ill of-pneu- monia is improving. Miss V. C. Cauley, teacher, Jasper, spent the holidays at her home here. The Red Cross Society will hold a tea here on Thursday evening, Oct. 21st, and expects generous contributions of fruit for the soldiers. S. Heath, Portland, was a 'Week-end visitor here. Miss Rosella O'Mara and Miss Alma Duffield, Ottawa, are vi- siting at their homes here. POOLE'S RESORT. Oct, 8.--The farmers are cutting ¢orn which is a splendid crop. John Batler is making many {mprove. ments on his Island. He is having the lawns levelled, a greehouse erect- ed, and a sea wall built around the island. Mrs. S. A. Lear spent a few days recently with her niece, Mrs. F. C. Kahnt, Rockport, Stevé An- dress, Wellesley's Island, was here on a business trip on Wednesday. Leonard Williams, Montreal, spent the past two weeks at liis home here. Recent visitors were. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell, Escott, at Delmer Williams'; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conway, Watertown, N.Y., at Walter Williams'; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sal- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kirk- wood and Mrs. Charles Andress, at Anson Andresse's. CHARLESTON. Oct. 11.--R. Foster 'was in King- ston last week attending court. Dur- ing his stay be was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs, T. Ralph, Living- ston Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mul- venna spent Thanksgiving at their cottage. Mrs. 'W. G. Crozier is in Toronto visiting relatives, The in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hudson, Glen Morris, died on Friday, and tlie funeral took place to St. James | Church, Balla Canoe, on Saturday af- ternoon. R. Hefferman is in this section cutting corn and threshing. Dr. Frederick Giles and son were re- cent visitors to the lake, guests of A, N. Sherman, Cedar Park, Mrs. C. hens were last week guests of Mrs. Jessie Webster, M. Crozier had a husking bee on Friday evening. MORTON. 11.-- L. Coon, Kingston is under the Mrs. W. Tidd Mlia- the Oct. parental roof. nette is spending a few days guest of her brother, O. June, Briar Hill. Mrs. A. June and Mrs. R. Wills t a couple of days last week In ingston. Mr, and Mrs, Qcorge Tye Seeley"s Bay, spent Sunday at I. C. Booth has gone to spend Rev. J. F. Wedderburn, who spnt a few days last week the guest of Mn and Mrs. F. B. Taber, has returned to Kingston. A number attending Athens high school are home for Thanksgiving. T. Glover and daugh- ter, Miss Mary, Jones Falls, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Miner Simpson, Seeley's Bay, spent Sunday at J. Stewart's. Miss F. Galway has returned to her home #t Ellisville after spending the past few weeks the guest of A. Hill. PORTLAND. Oct. 11.--A number came up from Ottawa and Smith's Falls to spent Thanksgiving on the lake. Miss Rae Gallagher is spending the heli- day at her home in Newboro The many friends here of A. L. Camp- bell, Eigin who underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis, are pleased to hear that he is recovering. Mrs. M. Peyman is visiting her daughter, Mrs P. Allison, Chesterville. Miss Hattie Donevan is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. Joynt, Brockville. Mrs. (Dr.) Creeggan went to Montreal to visit her daughter,. Mrs. Waller. Miss Blanche Sly, returned home from a visit with friends in Brockville. Miss Margaret Ripley, Mallorytown, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mrs. W. H. Bolton is visit. ing her daughter, li Lyons at ~ Burrit's Rapids. WASHBURN'S CORNERS. Oct. 9.--The union Sunday school picnic held on Wednesday at Wash- burn's Corners was largely attended. Joshua Moulton returned home on Monday after spending two months in the Canadian West. Mrs. S. A. Webster has returned home; after vi- siting friends at Smith's Falls. Died at Athens on Tuesday Oct, 5th, Tho- mas M. McCratney, aged seventy- four years. Harold Moulton return- ed home on Thursday after visiting friends at Seeley's Bay. Clareare Halladay, Prescott, was a recent vi- sitor at the home of H. Stevens. Miss Lovern) Saratoga Springsy N. Y., has returned home after a visit with friends \here. Mrs. @ilas Hauhlen, Delta, is visiting at the home of Mr. Mahon Yates. Friends here of Tho- mas McConnell, Lyndhurst, are pleas- ed 'to see him out again after his ac- cident of July 19th. Mr. and Mrs. George Godkin, Oak Leaf, left last week for California to spend a few weeks. Diéd at Athens October 7th, Benjamin Scott, an aged veteran. Friends here received word of the death on Friday of John Douney, a much respected resident of Phillips- ville. Mrs. James McKay, Smith's Falls, was'a recent visitor in Ath- ens. W. Sheridan, Soperton, is ser- iously ill. Rev. W. G. Swane attend- ed the picnic here on Wednesday and MOOREWOOD. Oct. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. Saul Shav- er spent Sunday with Winchester friends. Mrs. Edwin 'Gardiner and daughter, Addie are spending Thanksgiving in Cornwall. Mr. Kettlewell will speak in the Metho- dist and Presbyterian churches next Sunday. Miss Jennie Reveler, visit- ed in Russell. Mrs. Peter Wilson, Ottawa, was a week-end visitor with her parents here. Miss Ellis Smith, Sybil and Jennie Smith, and Elder Smith and Miss Edna McGregor and Miss Sadie Hunter, spent Thanksgiv- ing at their homes here. Mrs. Allan Sweraferger and Miss Gardiner spent Sunday in Russell. Mrs. S. Reveler, Ottawa; was a Thanksgiv- ing visitor here. Rev. D. W. Reid, Montreal, gave a lecture in the hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. Swerd- ferger, Mrs. A. McConnell and Mrs. J Bogart made a business trip to Ches- tervillq on Friday. Some from here attended the Red Cross tea.at M. Wilson's on Friday. Miss Deltra Eamon spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs..J. Wert Mrs. George Reveler and daughters, Winchester, were guests Jast week at the home of Mrs. E. Gafdiner. Mrs. J. Ewart and Mrs. McMillan were recent visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shaver, Hubert Shaver and lan Gollan spent a few days with their parents here, Tuey expect te go overseas shortly. r. Scotti, Avon- more, made a tripe through here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Flemming, Crysler, spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Reve- ler. A little daughter has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Steinberg. The sympathy of the} community is éxtended to Mr. Smirle who's brother died so suddenly from paralysis. 'The meébers of the W. M.S: met at the home of Mrs. James Reveler on Monday evening prior to her departure for Russell and pres- ented her with three pieces of cut glass. The address was read by Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott, and the presentation made by Mrs. 8. Shaver. A social ev- ening was spent, All regret Mrs. Re- veler's departure. MILL HAVEN, Oct. 11.--On Friday morning last. Mrs. D. C. Forward passed guietly away at the home of her son, Charles Forward, Mill Haven. The deceis- eG was Over ninety years old inl had been a resident of Mill Haven most of her life. The funeral was held on Sunday and was largely at- tended by relatives and friends. Ray. Mr. Sexsmith officiated. Frederick Clement and family, Trenton, a.» visiting at William Armstrong's. Mrs. Charles Forward spent last veek in Kingston. A. Maller is re pairing bis home. EVERGRERN VALLEY. Oct. 11.---~Miss Elta Smith is 111. Mrs. Esra Babcock and baby have been removed to the General Hospit- al. Mrs. Day Sliver, Kingston, is at ber father's, Charles 'oodhouse's. Mrs. Clarence Smith Friday at her father's; Milsap's. George tson is putting up a new silo. Mr. and Mrs. A. Storms Clarence Smith spent Sunday evening at A. Patterson's. A -------- CHERRY VALLEY. 9.--Rev. C. 8 will "This Advertisement PAGE ELEVEN sr -- may induce you to try the first packet of "SALADA' but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer. We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to Toronto. B113 mn; AAAS Three Grand Priz The highest: awards possible for Columbia Graphophones and Records at the Panama World's Fair. This is our gurantee, backed by the World's Judges. r= These long evenings will be brighter and hap- pier for you with a Columbia Grafonola or a few new Records. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co., 88 Princess Street, Kingston. Wasteful Waiting in an outer office is no longer evidence of efficient salesmanship. Selling by telephone is the modem way. Results have shown that the Long Distance Telephone as a selling agent 's a big, new, vital force, that builds business economically and quickly. Plan a selling by telephone eam- paign. Ask "Long Distance" for rates. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station a m-------------- For Baby's Bath Ty io and the Four gencretions of Canadian motheVs have used and. . , Fatom| mmended it. In the Intersect cf your children's skin incist 00 Baby's Own Soap

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