Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1915, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER _13,. 1915. mans oe -- - John McKay, Limited | The Fur House. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. 149-157 BROCK ST. 3 Prom Prapper to Wearer. liegintered. | { i By the Yard | | Any Fur De- || sired. A Won- derful Snap Skunk at 90c | aYard | | | i L0ok's Cotton Root Compound, nis a iable reguiating jg three dee ~~ | | Letters to the Editor | te Ae ee be fered | It Was False Report, | Kingston, Oct. 12.--(To the Rdi- | tor): In last night's issue the engage- | ment was announced between Miss Maggie Blaney and Thomas Watson. | As there is no truth to it I would! like to contradict it.--Thomas Wat- | Cut to Order | {at the City Council meetin THE RATEPAYERS TO VOTE ON COUNCIL REDUCTID Making the Number of Alder- men Fourteen. QUESTION TO BE SEN TO THEYWEOPLE AT THE JANU- ARY ELECTIONS, Ald. Newman's Resolution Prevailed Over That of Ald: Graham, Who Wanted Eight Aldermen And Abo- lition of Ward 'System. At the municipal elections in Janu Y, the ratepayers will be asked to Vote on this question: "Are you in favor of reducing the number of aldermen in each ward from three to two and the aldermanic term from three years to one ! year! This was a resohition introduced 2 on Tues day night by Ald. Newman, and se onded by Ald Peters, and which car ried by a vote of 10 to 8. Ald. Nickle had introduced the question of aldermanic reduction by moving this motion, seconded by Ald. O'Connor That the following question be to the people at t election: "Are you in favor of the number of aldermen being reduced to eight, and being elected by a gen- eral vote of the people, thus doing away with the ward system?" An amendment to the amendment, moved by Alds. Graham and Gardi- ner was this: That the question to be to the people be: put submitted "Are you in favor of reducing the number of aldermen to ten and reducing the term from three years to one year?" The latter amendment was sufi- ported only by the mover and sec- ondey. Ald. Newman's amendment prevailed over Ald Nickle's motion Ald. Nickle's Presentation. In pressing for the reduction of the number of aldermen to eight, Ald. Nickle drew attention to the fact that thirteen cities of over 50,000 popu- lation had an alderman for an aver- age of 9,610 people. =lingston had an alderman for every 1,00 tion. Of eighteen places under 50,- 000, the average representation was one alderman for 2,136 people. ckle proposed th ave an alderman for about people. Eight of the most progres sive cities in Canada, namely, gary, Victoria, Edmonton, Regin Westmount, New Westminster, 8 Thomas and Gue men elected by general vote of the people and not by wards. Ald. Nickle said Kingston was not only over-governed with one alder- man, for every 1,000 of the inhabi- he next municipal | 0 popula- | Ald. | at Kingston should | 2,700 ! Iph, had their alder- i people He thought that civic im- provement would be marked by such a council. The ward system was a curse, he claimed, for it kept.out of | the eouncil seme of the best business men of the city. These men would not get down to the ward-begging level. Instead of a few men manipu- lating. the election of the couneil, Ald. O'Connor said that the people would elect their. representatives Conditions of electing the council should be changed to suit the condi tions of to-day. It appeared absurd to him to have twenty-two men gov- erning Kingston. More efficiency would be got from a council of nine Ald. Graham said his idea was to, reduce the number of wards to fiv, by amalgamating Sydenham, Ontarfo and St. Lawrence wards into one Mayor Sutherland remarked tht so far as he could the people wanted to get back to the one-yef term. see, iRAND OPERA HOUSE, Feldman and Christie Company Drawing Large Audiences Another large audience witnessed the 'Feldman and Christie's musical: comedy company at the Grand Opera House last evening. The piece pro duced was "The Heart-Breakems' The cs handled their _ different roles well. Beatrice Williams scored in "The Sweetest Girl In Monterey" and In the solo in "Cuddle Up." She was! loudly applauded. Mr. Bayard and Miss Agnes Geary contributed their! share in the singing and won ap- plause by their artistic tango dance Miss Ivy Tupper won praise for her ballet dancing. Mr. Christie made a hit in "Girls What Do You Think of That?" and his eccentri¢ dancing | Fe.dman sang several songs and won applause. The performance closed with "The Yama Man," in costume, by Miss Agmes Geary and the girls. The chorus acquitted themselves creditably. Nelson Adair, the double voice vocalist, contributed "In the + Heart 6f a Great City," "Mother Machree." To-night the bill will be "Dooley's Trip to Reno." Pickering--Veale A quiet wedding took place at the manse of the First Baptist Church on Tuesday evening, when Miss Pearl Veale was united in marriage to Harry F. Pickering. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Douglas Laing. After the marriage ceremony, the | bridal party drove to their new home | on Nelson street ere the brig-! held a reception for her numaions friends. The iarge number of valu- able and 'useful presents testified tc | the popu'arity of the eontracting | parties. The bridal pair left on the midnight train for Ottawa on their | | honeymoon trip... Upon their return | SL EE ee "Till the Boys Come Home," a Ivor Novello, Who Composed Home," war air which is certainly be sinee khaki have streets and sun lian street organs that ith variations. It is not a ballad to fire but rather a reminder of I yet most touching melody. of the chorus: "Keep the » fires While vour rts Though your lads are y dream of Therd's a silver ON SALE AT (Special to the Herald.) Herald Bureau, No. 130 Fleet Street, London, Sept. 22. High up in a preity f: Theatre lives Ivor Novello, the twenty-vear-old young man who composed "Till the Boys Come "Tipperary." lanes; » without it, every office boy whistles it recruiting bands blaretit forfhand tha Tew remain » the ome set fo a swinging Here are the words are home, lining Production, a ---------------- the Air Which Rivals Tipperary" Is but Twenty Years Old. Through at over the Strand complished the most popular him fame, For months it as they swing no coneert puse the song," wy mind the happy as and. in grind it out a catching note Home" escaping it. Novello thus: to see martial spirit, burping, yearning, far away world." I: New British Song in the Affections of Tommy Atkins, the Turn the dark cloud inside Till the boys coms Young Ivor Novello, a born cam brilliant pianist and was « cnoristers "'Till the Bays Come Home" "I do not know wt he idea of ke possible while the s hall an hour a note of which has s His hater song; . but remains the favorite, Of this "It must be a the soldie splendid for you to have wri That half glad, half wistful 10V wherever one goes and it will echo all over the College Book Store dark cloud shining, oui howe," er, is a 3} most ac but it was hl given ne of ngland, wh in ich inspired 1» ed to ping the e Lo. com- "I had in homes away, not rem me as ldiers I had invented r, ce been alterec "Laddie in "Til inf Lady strikes Come Khaki," Boys there is no wrote reat pride to y r music, the song oF to ou How sone ! OW delig 1 War ong haunt PHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS. 160 PRINCESS STREET - PA i A i THE LEADING Range of Nobby Coats and Suits Is still to be found at this store. Beautiful garments, ar- tistically made by expert - } builders, now ready for vour closest scrutiny. The price tickets reveal only extreme reasonable- ness. You ought to see the MahoganyCio AIA cr EY CE KS New shipments have arrived, comprising those plain old Round- mg patterns of vears revived. These have silver dials, and richly bevelled glass fronts, beautifully toned gongs, and run well dver a week. Prices range from ..$14.00 to $20.00 Each clock guaranteed. ago, NY ------ Smith Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. tants, but it was not evenly governed. | they wil: begin house-keeping in their | Sydenham, Ontario and St. Lawrence | home on Nelson street, which is nico wards, with a population of 3,483, | ly furnished and ready for occupa- | had nine aldermen, while thé other | tion. : four wards of the city, with a popu- lation of over 17,000, had only twelve { aldermen. Furthermore, said Ald. Nickle, last year there were nine aldermen who had not time to attend three-quarters array. son. » ETHEL KID GLOVES $1.25 quality for $1.00 pair. The wanted Time for Warmer Bedding! Some special prices in the finest quality of pure wool Blankets: 6 1bs# 60 by 80 ins., $5.50 pair. 7 1bs., 64 by 84 ins. $6.00 pair. 8 lbs., 68 by 88 ins. $7.00 pair. Down Quilts, $6, $6.50, $7.00 Imported Norway Down Quilts, $16.50. 'R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Ware- house. ROYAL SCHOOL OF ARTILLERY The Officers Who Have Passed the Eaminations. The results of the last Royal School of Artillery course are as fol- lows" 1 -------- Beautiful New Stock to Choose. Prevost, Brock street, has tis year an extra fine assortment of tweeds, cheviots and serges for his € q | order clothing department. His Captains --D. Dick, Cobourg; A.| "I the meetings of the council, Two | ready-made clothing and gents' fur- Davidson, Aylmer; W. Fletcher, D.| aldermen attended only twelve of the | nishing departments are well assort. i, Robertson, Goderich; A. G. Gill, twenty-five meetings during the year, | eq with hew goods. Toronto; McCallum, Kingston; W. F. AM. Nickle claimed that if the ward Henderson. Antigonish, N.S, system was abolished, peanut politics | Lieutenants. .R. MeMurty, - H. § Would be eliminated, He coyld see Cheeseborough, J. L. Baker, Mont-|10/reason why the aldermen should REPAIRED AND REMODELLED. ourdier's Phone 700. A A Nr Ar Nass, io Ni, Decide to Own Your Own Home tase BUILDERS surrisemees | Mullin & Son Cedar Shingles | £25 i fx Make Good Roofs | BR700-A mew Brick, onk floors. $4,400 Inrge rooming honse, central. $6,000~Double Brick, central. 11.50 pm. 34 Water proof weather proof ---- heat proof -- cold Semi-detached. SI NGO--Detached Brick, with stable. Call 'and look over our Hint. GOOD BUILDING LOTS FIRE INSURANCE proof. Will outlast any other roof af' the same cost. We stock and recommend New Brunswick Extras and British Columbia XXX," both of To Let--~Furnished or Unfurnished A mew Brick, Hot W ater Heating, ete. excellent quality Cedar Shin gles; Possession at ence. ; S. Anglin & Co. More Men Enlist. | | t e shades in all sizes and with strongest guarantee, ------ ns "Teddy" Kelso Home. "Teddy' Kelso, one of the greatest Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store CLOSING OF MAILS British, mall closes irregular- ly. 'Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time, United States dally Grand Trunk, east 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store" -------------------------------------- NEW CLOTH COATS | | + L00 p.m. 3 going | Grand west Do. dacluding Western States) Grand Trunk west of city 2.30 p.m, C. P. R .10.156 am. and 4.30 p.m. C. N. R. 11.50 p.m, ------------------ » E. W. Mullin & Son Jobn Edwin Gervan, Ottawa: D. Coal and Lumber Yards | | Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, i + Phones 539 and 1456, MacDonald, City; William Logan, Woodworking Factory, Ete. City; Alexander T. D Bay and Wellington Streets, | James A. Irish, Watertown; T. J. « one 66, | Kennedy, Montreal; W. L£. Giddy, | Odessa; John Keiy, Boston; Thom. as Moore, city and Robert Wilson, city. have enlisted with Major BE. C, Barrett for uvverséas service with the 80th Battalion. These men have en- listed in the last few days, and make a total: of eighty-nime accepted for overseas service since Major Barrett opened his office on Market street. " Bailding Permits, to, Rt Yep er wwe | hy PE Be on , . Ne a. 7 n; T's ce: Ald. Peters said he could not go as | | ti To E. E. Wathen for a brick resi. far as Ald. Niekle. He supported | dence on the east side of Nelson the ward system, because without it | Street, between John and Brock sloshed Bron s ldermen might be | To John Peters for a brick rest. ic "from one corner of the city. Better to rearra dence on the west. side of Colling- said. wood street, between Union and King streets, rysdale, city; Factory Phone 1415, weseLumber, Coal and Woodes en 'Shooting Duck Season will soon be here, Brick Residence BARRIE ST. v . > fhockey fans in the country, is. back | treal; R. F. Smythe, R.C.A.; R. New-| hot be elected by tie Whale people. | iy 11 cigs ard wot oiery 48. h for | {|| ton, O. Murray, J. A. Bell, Wood: | gt ta deal on A ayo would | the winter. He has been away a | stock, N.B.; Schofield, Montreal; K.| P' Fen dh 3( sack. Ly Kingston | aogple of years, residing in Montreal, | | Cote, Sherbroeke, Que.; R. Buchan. sould ap oe Sovernod by nine men he | pranitord' and Peterboro, and also | an, W. C. McCaun, 'P: J. Findley, D. | Ould not unders ang. With ve. 154 a trip to his oid hems Eng- | B. Webster, Kingston; C. H. Powel, | fom Mitters, the w Sdvance winouMd | 1ana." "He will be warmly welcomed A. McNulty, Oft i No Tread. | *® conversant ir sdvance with at| hy his many friends. | Ad < nd a Xlman M | least half the business of the city, |» -- | oratioran, 6H. Tutt, CW. Biv | otf ofeimpe rs tr ere no br the | ras Changer oF Ti. {i ers, Ottawa; C.'K, Whittaker aSyd- | jnctaaq of twepty-two, said Ald. On and after Friday, Oct. 15th, SS. {pey, N.S.; JL: Duncan, A. H. Ans | Nickle, who also pointed out that the America will leave for Cape Vincent ii! derson, &. A. Cockburn, Guelph; A. whole tendency of to-day is to cen- | at 1.15 p.m. daily except Sunday, in- | ||| B. Stafford, F.-S. Eimer, Lethbridge: tralize business. He also declared | Stead of at 1.30 p.m. i W. J. Steacy, R. M. Elmer, J. W.! that by permitting the whole city to | Kingston; J. 8, Price, H. T. For- elect the aldermen, political manipu= {| Sythe, W. J. Turnbull, Winnipeg; H. { lation would be reduced to a mini- { A. Messery, Montreal; W. C. Petfield, mum. Then the leading officers of | F. PF Badenack, Granby; J. C. Mit the two political organization could i! chel), London; L. F. Clarke, Aylmer: | not so easily drive around in a vehi- || T. Beasley, G. H. Southam, A. M. cle and run things. =e claimed that | Boyd, W. D. Wilson, N. E. Wallace, | civic government in Kingsion now iJ. L. Counsel, Hamilton: G. Y. Mills. | was at the lowest possible ebb. There [fH HM. R. Case, R. A. Laidlaw, Toron-| were men in the cotincil who were iit to; A. M. Latehford, J. K, Latehford, ready to do just what their political || Brantford; R..S. Olmstead, St. Cath- | bosses told them. | arines; C. Smythe, Quebec; W. W.| Mayor Sutherland informed coun- | Boyd, E. D. Huycke, Peterboro; €.|cil that he was secretary of the =D. Shreve, Digby, N.S.; H.. Sharman, | Kingston Conservative Association, || "Winnipeg: G. H. Maxwell, Yar- and he defied any one te say that dur- i mouth; Cogh'an, Neweastlé, N.B {ing his term of office as mayof or 1 at | as alderman he had given one biased | , Red Cross Annual Meeting. | vote. || © The annual meeting of the Kings- | Aas |i ton Branch of the Canadian Red | A Less Radical Change. || Cross Society will be held 'in the| . Ald. Newman said he had given no- | Board of Trade rooms en Priday, | tice of his resolution last February, | October 15th, at 3 p. m.. All inter- | He knew that the people were dis- | ested in this work are cordially in- | P8tisfied with the present constitution | ll! vited toattend. of the council, but at the same time he was of the opinion that the coun- cil was of as high a calibre as in oth- | : er places. Ald. Newman held that | == ---- to reduce the num of aldermen to | | x ry el eight was rather a tic move. A gradual reduction was the better say oes : wing to go about it. He defended ths | | The a ward 'system, claiming that on the ! . © *| whole better attention was given all | i 2 0 r parts of the city through. it. Cliques | | ire u would be stronger, he claimed, if the | : aldermen were elected by the people 1] I i for" ' eleantiness, spotiessness and treatment of your nd whiteness, sanitary washables, « 7 rooms, furnace; all i" modern improvements; You should experience no #iscom- i fort in doing the finest kind of em- broidery or 'sewing if you wear cor- rect glasses or Rave 'perfect vision. i! If yow find difficulty in reading or sewing for any lemgth of time You should consult us at once. Our {skill and experience are at your nge the wards, he Ald. McCann favored a m be- | H tween the resolutions of A New- | man and Graham. - He would like to | [I see the number cf aldermen reduced | {to fourteen, with a one-year term. i iI Ina mn of al Ate | informed year 'Ald. Couper took the prize for being the most it's electricity and gas. ----------------------_---- : Operated on Turkish Prisoner, ' Hassan Yesser, a Turkish prison- er-of-war, who has been in the Miti- tary Hospital for the Jast six months from Rade of the stomach, was opera on ip the General Hos pital on Wednesda i Have you your Guns and Ami.uni- . tion ready? If not, give us a call. We. carry a large assortment of 10 . and 12 gauge Shot Guns, also the famons Winchester and Remington | Laundr Pump Guns. Let us show you our| y Special 12 gauge hanfmerless « dou- | | oe at $20.00; hammwer, will answer the call and sive Anything you man require forilfl YOu just what you want, Just Jour fall shooting will be found ii when you wan: it, and at a ere. 10, 12 and 16 gauge shells, fl price that will please fles all ealibres, loading tools and ||| please you. ng rods. Ou McCann's |

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