nN + have 3 company located within « for impossible dispositions of mili: PAGE FOUR ¥ The British Whig 4 alt i Published Dally and Semi-Weekls Is THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHIXG | C€0., LIMITED. : J. G. Elliott . Precil Pe Mahaging Di and Sec.-Treas Le Business 243 | Editorial 229 ob Secs w SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Bdition) delivered in city One year, if paid in advance .... One yearby mail to rural offices . One year, to United States (SBemi-Weekly Edition) One years, by mall, cdsh One year, if not pald In advance. ne year, to United States 50 Six and three months pro rata. Attached 1s ons of the _best job printing offices in Canada, TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE fH. E. Smallplece ........ 22 Church St U. 8. REPRESENTATIVES New York om One year, hice 225 Fifth Ave. R.: Northrup, Manager. Tribune Bldg. Thioago Northrup, Manager. Prank R CALLED TO ACCOUNT. 'What do we find in the British press? Betrayal by "shrewd guess- ing" of the designs of Lord Kitchener and his associates. At the first re- « verse in diplomacy or arms an outery against some public man for a scape- goat. The usual berating of the Press Bureau because the censor has interdicted the printing of some item of/news or opinion which would bene- fit the German War Office. Perhaps the censor is unreasonable sometimes, and yet statements which appeared in the London newspapers, and which the censor not only pass- ed for publication in London but for cabling abroad, are directly against the interests of the Allies and sure to give a dangerously false impression in America." An example is an edit torial in the London Times, which asserted that England has met de- feat in the Balkans and failure at Gallipoli. There has been a diplomatic back- set for the Allies in the Balkans, but the newspaper ls untrue to its coun- try that gives the impression to the world that all is lost in the Balkans and the Dardanelles, and that the Teutons are having a dress parade from Belgrade to the Golden Horn.-- New York Herald. : Sir James Whitney, towards the end of his reign, decided that he would legislate against treating. He failed tu do it, however. He could not find a precedent in the world. States- men initiate, They do not copy. Britain has an anti-treating law, and in' London the treating of the people has largely disappeared. THE TRUCE CONTINUED. The new Minister of Inland Reve- nue, Hon, M. Patenaude, is 10 be elected by acclamatibn in Hoehe lagna, This is the decision of the Libcrat party upon the advice and recom: dation of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. | true to the truce which he is willi to keep during the war. Th nouncement contains a statement the greatest importance' politically. "Our opponents," (Couseryatives), sald Mr. Latourney, Liberal organ- izer of Montreal, "would be wrong in taking this attitude for a general ac- ceptance of the Uovernment's policy. The game is simply postponed, and 'at the proper time we will discuss the political conduct of Hon. Mr. Pate- naude, as well as that of the Borden "Government." Quite so. There will be plenty of talk about by and bye. The matter will keep meanwhile, and will not lose anything in its force and effect. Greece is enamored of the phrase "benevolent neutrality," which means that she is willing to play pos- sum while Bulgaria fights and steals a part of her territory. Thieving, thanks to the Huns ind their teach- ings, becomes an honorable profes- sion, S "AN ABSURD PROPOSAL. The Brockville Times is exceed- ingly vexed because fault has been found with the decision of the Mili- , tary Council to distribute the troops in training in Ontario over as many | Places as possible for the winter. Aj battalion or a regiment is fo lose its identity for the time being in order that Brockville, for instance, may its boundaries. The question of patron- age is paramount with the politicians.- It is the only thing that counts. One can understand, as the Times de-. clares, that "the Minister of Militia is being worried to death by demands tary forces in towns which have not [Broper accommodation for them.™ . The consideration which should | [the efficiency of the troops, with ! their preparation for the serious | work thdt lies before them. How | can a regiment be drilled, as a regi- | ment, and. be so divided that it can- | not be brought together from day to {day? The question is not how much money can be disfributed in a dis | triet, or how much graft can be se- {eured. That side of the subject has | been too much in evidence, and soon- jer or later it will burst into view with an effect that will astonish those who appear to be in favor of it. The Times speaks of the "greedy spirit of Kingston." This charge | has been founded upon the sugges- | tion that the accommodation which has been provided for the troops at | Kingston, at a cost of many thou- | sands of dollars, should be used to its ! fullest extent. The accommodation as been slighted. The splendid 1d the Cereal Buildings, are in their improved condition superior to any- thing that can bg found in Belleville, or Brockville, or Ottawa. More- over, the point of importance is this to equip them for military purposes, and the country cannot afford to re- o | beat the expenditure elsewhere for the sake of a little patronage. The Brockville Times gives itself to train military units properly when they have been disintegrated." Then why support a proposition which is 80 imprudemi and improper? Our contemporary should be consistent and oppose that which seems to be so absurd. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Toronto Star says that Canada title was well meant, as a recogni- tion of special services rendered in connection with the war. The col- onels should show their appreciation ing the khaki. The Bulgars in Canada should not be interned. They are with the Al- They are not in the same class, there- fore, with the Huns and the unspeak- able Turks. The retirement of the vice-presi- dent of the Ford Company is a pro- test aginst the verbosity of its Presi- dent. Ford would rather sacrifice is another proof that wealth and ze. Just think of it. Toronto's harbor improvements," and to the value of $800,000, must be removed and re- placed. What a tribute in itself to the incompetency of 'the men who, on behalf of the Federal Govern- ment, supervised this work. It doesn't pay to give some men politi- cal appointment s, y The St. Thomas Jotirnal, one of the brightest of Ontario papers, has suf- fered seriously from a fire. It has the Whig's sincere sympathy. 'This paper does not know what it is to go through an .experience of that kind, but it can imagine the effects of fire upon a- fine establishment like the Journal's. It is hoped our contempo- rary will, Phoenix-like, rise from its ashes to become a greater power in the land. The Presbyterians' appeal for more liberal contributions towards the Mission Fund. Owing to the deficit caused by the war thirty-five Ca- nadian mission fields have had to be nations, and 6ne hundred more fields left vacant. The vacancies are to be regretted, but why worry over the occupation of fields by other denomi- nations so long as the interests of the Church are served? Is this experi- ence not another object lesson re- specting the value of church union? KINGSTON * EVENTS| 25 YEARS ACO Mr. Richardson has purchased the mining right of 250 acres of land in Sebastopol from X. Plaunt, Ren- frew. Ten ex need miners 'are there taking -out the phosphate. J. "M. Farrell has arrived in the city froin Smith's Falls. His old classmates at Queen's gave him a cordial reception. : > Queen's Alma Mater Society will hold a debate or "Resolved, at APhonetic Spelling Would be Benefi- nd Expedien t." W. Nickle and W. Kellock will take the affirmative, and J. Mowat and C. Lavell the nega. ve. - «(Belleville Ontarfo. 3 When it comes to looping the loop and cutting off the corners in macy, the Balkan States have every- thing beaten outside of Mexico. ---- Not Very Safe, Then. ' {Montreal Mail 2 The official head of Rs Premier of _ obfaln is that which has to do with ¥ " 3 away when it says: "It is impossible | has too many honorary colonels. The | and indicate their number by wear- | t his partners than his opinions. Which | dropped or ceded to other denomi- | uildings in connection with the Tete | «de Pont and Artillery Park Barracks, | ernment have decided that {until the spring. --that it cost a large sum of money | PEEP PEPE PPE Re bre b Et politics in {hat anyway. will be .tdken at par, Grit money Cause For Surprise. (Toronto News.) We are a little surprised at the an- nouncement of President Wilson's engagement, He did not mention the affair to Us when we were in Washington. et sin Change in the Times. (London Advertiser.) Ulysses spent twenty years poking around the Aegean seeking excite- ment Most anywhere there these days he could pick up all he wanted {in twenty minutes. ~ An Explanation. (Moose Jaw Morning News.) A writer in the Ottawa Journal Ways it is rather strange that not one Of the menyrepresenting the West fn the Senate was born out here. There is nothing strange about that; the | West produces live men. ------------ Sure It Has. «(Journal of Commerce, Montraal) The indications are that the Gov- Parlia- ment shall meet again as usual, and that the consideration of the question of an electiof or an extension of the parliamentary term shall be deferred " & Bobb ddd bddob ddd dd ddd pod WAR BULLETINS. The Russians continue to de- feat the Austrians on the Gali- cian front. The way is now open for the recovery of Lem- berg. Bulgarians sustained a se- vere reverse at the hands of the Serbians. It is rumored in Paris that the Russians are marching through Roumania to help the Serbians, Belgrade was shelled by Ger- mans with artillery and aero- planes for three days, and hun- dreds of civilians were killed. CREE EEE EER FRE EEE ER RR TN PhP debdd bbb Ebb bbb ddd hdd ded Do oris, fourteen-months old { daughter of John MecGillls, telegrapu | operator wisdom do not in his case harmon- | { to teach his pony to waltz. | two cups of milk, tablespoon of su- at Greenbush, squeezed by a pet Man., bear and died of : {a fractured skull. lies in sympathy, and it given the | » ) as opportunity would fight with them. | t | | 8 | + DANDY LEARNS TO WALTZ. Once upon a time Frank taught his pony, Dandy, a number of tricks and they both thought it lots of fun. Dandy was so quick to learn that Frank told his father he was going So, on= bright cool morning Frank started to give Dandy his first dancing lesson. He began to whistle a waltz tune and with a small whip touched Dandy's front feet, first one and then the other. Very soon Dandy knew what Frank wanted him to do and befora long the pony could do a very good waltz step although he found it hard to keep exact time with the music. One day Frank heard his mother talking about raising some money to help a poor man to go South for his health and Frank said: "Why couldn't I have Dandy do his tricks in public and earn some money to IN ENROLLMENT AT THE FACUL- TY OF EDUCATION. At the Present Time 135 Candidates Have Been Enrolled--Prof W. T. MacClement Added To Staff. * The present total enrollment, in the Faculty of Education, at Queen's University, is 135. Of these 39 are candidates for the degrees in Pedag- ogy, 15 are extra-mural candidates for teachers' certificates, and 81 are intra-mural candidates for teachers' certificates: .These figures show an increage in all respects over all pre. vious years. The total enrollment for last year (the largest up till that time) was 103 and the number of those in attendance upon classes was ma (to, Prof. W. T. MacClement has been added to the staff as lecturer in Science and Nature Study, and Prof. in the Teaching of Modern Languag- es. . Dean Coleman has had many lec- | ture engagements in the month of, October. He has already spoken at the South' Frontenac Teachers' In-| stitute. October 7th, the Dundas | County Teachers' Institute, Iroquois. thg Kingston Teachers' Institute, and on October 14th, he will be at the Perth . County and Stratford City Teachers' Institute, Stratford. On October 15th, he addresses the As- sociation of Protestant Teachers' of Quebec at Westmount, Que. and on October 21st, the Peterboro' County and Peterboro" City Teachers' Insti- tute at Peterboro'. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor. The schooner Ford River arrived from Erie with coal for Richardson's wharf. Vessels were held Wednesday storm. The steamer Jex arrived from Os- wego with coal for the Sowards Coal Company. M. T. 0Q.'s Bulletin: Steamer Int dia arrived light from Montreal, and cleared with the barge Selkirk to load grain at Port Colborne; steam- Reported up again night by a bad on wind wisjand will take the barge Kingston to A A A AA tA aA tA Att att tetas. Sleepytime Tales - er Simla is due up Friday morning, Charlotte to load coal for the C.P. R. wharf here. 3 was very much pleased and said she would help all she could. Dandy was brushed until his coat shone like satin and his main and tail were tied with blue ribbons and then he was lcd into a tent on the town common where he was to do his tricks for everyone who wanted to pay ten cents to see him perform. Dandy seemed to know that it was some special occasion and, went through all of his tricks in his very best manner, including the which he never had done so well be fore. After the exhibition was over everyone crowded around and petted Dandy until Frank thought he would be quite spoiled, but Dandy seemed to enjoy it and pranced around and around until it was time to go home. Frank found that he had earned quite a littl& money for the poor man, ang with his mother and others had collected the man enough to start on R. K. Hicks; as lecturer in Methods! This Store has no baits, but extra valués-- You will avoid all Clothes worry by buying here. \ Ladie s Sweater Coats Pure wool; hand-worked button- holes; new roll or shawl collars; Reds, Greens, Browns, Whites and Blue. Special values, $5.00; other lines $1.00 and up. hs Boys' Hosiery See our great 25¢ line; ribbed or plain Worsteds. ' Boys' Sweaters Special values, $1.00. Genuine all-wool, roll neck Sweater: sizes 22. 24, 26, 28. Large sizes $1.25. BOYS' SEPARATE BLOOMERS AND KNICKERS. 75¢ to $2.00. See our Corduroy Bloomers at $1.00. Boys' Suits New Military Norfolks, $4.75, $5.50, $6.50 to $10.00. ~~ See Our Special $ Reefer Suits for Boys, Sizes 30 to 33. value. $3.75. New military sleeve. Sizes 21 $4.25, $4.75. BOYS' OVERCOATS 'Fora, 4,5, 6 and 7 years. Special BOYS' AND GIRLS' #3 7 oy A mt cut; very dressy REEFER COATS. Navy and wool Serge, with brass or plain buttons, military emblem on to 34. Price $3.50, Bibbys a 18-80-82 Princess St. The Great ish Remed, Tones and 8 Dngiish the whois nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Ne druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on { ceipi ice. New pamphlet mailed free. Medic CO... TORON? 0. ONT. en DIRECTORY waltz LONDON | (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class of goods. Besides belng a complete commercial guide te Lon- fon and its suburbs the Directory con- tains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they Colonial and. Foreign supply; ship, Markets they STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sall, and Indicating the approxim- and the) for Men and- ~ Women help the poor man." His mother his journey at once. a "Low Cost of Living" Menu | Place in a frying pan, cover with milk and let come to a hard boil, Thicken with a tablespoon of dis- solved flour and add a teaspoon of «chopped parsley. Menu for Friday. BREAKFAST Serambled Eggs Fried Potatoes Royal Muflids Coffee New England Griddle Cakes--Mix threq cups of flour with two tea- spoons of baking powder, two beat- en eggs, and milk to make a batter. Bake in large cakes amd serve with melted butter to which has been add-' ed a little brown sugar. DINNER : with Cream Sauce, LUNCHEON Salt Mackerel! In Cream Potate Chips New England Griddle Cakes Cocon DINNER. Boiled Cod With Cream Saunce-- Wrap the fish in a cloth and drop in boiling water. Beil hard thirty min- utes. Make a cream sauce by blending a tablespoon each of butter and flour and stirring in a cup and a half of milk. Boil one minute. Scalloped Potatoes--Pare and cut "in thin slices four raw potatoes and one onion. Place in a baking dish a layer of the potatoes, onions and LUNCHEON. seasoning, When the dish is full Salt Mackerel in Cream--Soak in pour over milk to cover and bake un- cold water three houts and wipe dry. til brown and tender. Holled Cod Seal BREAKFAST. Royal Muffins--Mix twe eggs with gar, three cups of flour, and two tea- spoons of baking powder. Bake in a hot oven. Ripling Rhymes + THE HORSE. : ¢ The hors is sliding off the" map, his friends at last admit it; he'll hang around a while, mayhap, but *soon he'll have to quit it. For things propelled by gasolene increase each .day in numbers, and Dobbin leaves this earthly scene for his eternal slumbers. When autos drove him from the pave of hustling towns and cities, we said, 'He's found his urban grave, which is a thousand pities: but on the farms he'll have a place, till farms-are frozen over: alon the furrows there he'll chase, and fill hi wit clover." But nqw, alas, he doesn't i as horses see it as they browse, " numbers. They're shipping J across the briny water, for Eu She bieeus und-wades around in slaughter. To tarn plan no one indorses; but it's about the ate 'sailings, of ete, in the principal prdvincial towns and Kingdom. forwarded freight paid, Postal Order tise .their trade cards for $5 or larger advertisements from . LQNDON that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable bed i XR Every person should have a pair of Stormy Weather Shoes, the kind vou don't have to wear Rubbers with. We want you to see our heavy Calf Shoes, with Viscolized Double Soles, made with lots of-style, on good com- fortable fitting shapes, at $5.00, JH Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES, PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES leading Manufacturers, Merchants, industrial centres of the United A copy of the current edition will be on receipt of r 85. Dealers seeking Agencies can adver- THE DIRECTORY CO., IAD. 25 Abchurch Lane, London, mw. vw. EE a on FARMER'S WIFE T00 ILLTO WORK A Weak; Nervous Suffeter Restored to Health by Ly- Kasota, Minn. -- "I am glad to say Efe g a= 3 i ig i Coal Talks are in vain -- unless they per- suade you to try a ton or ¥ of our BF B i ¢ g J I ! i i Excellent COAL This coal has many old friend: and is making new ones dally. » It's clean, freshly mined and best procurable Crawford Foot of Queen Street, Phone 9. 2 § It's strange Bow many people who | Graduates of street schools are not Just how to, eure a cold "¥o | conspicuous for the positions of trust : and sneezing. and conidence they Bil,