Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1915, p. 13

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AlAs FROM THE a Frontenac GLENDOWER., Oct. 12.--The majority of the farngegs have dug thelr potithes; ana' are now engaged in plowing, and put- ting in their fall grain. Mrs. Goudy preached in the Friends' Churen last Sunday morning. Warner Swijt- zerland, wife and family, have re- turned home to Latchford. Mrs. George Garson and family have re- turned home to Cobalt. B. Hoppins and wife are at James Wilson's; Thy mail carrier has covered his route well all summer, not missing one trip. JOYCEVILLE Oct. 12.--Mrs, Robert Oliman, of Oshawa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarey. Messrs. McCarey are filling B. Mullin's silo with their engine. Mr. and Mrs. A Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Franklin spent Sunday at Chester Cowan's, Dufferin. The dance at Mrs Halpin's was enjoyed. Miss Laurette Murphy visiting the past month in Montreal, has returned home. Mrs. Walter Woods has returned from visiting friends in Felts Mills, N.Y. Rev. Mr. Stewart, Battersea circuit, wil preach n Zion Church Sunday morning. BATH ROAD. 12. --Farmers are corn cut- ting and filling their silos Corn is a very bountiful crop, Threshing for this season is ubout finished. 8. W. Greer has erected a' new silo. Els- ton Bridge has rebuilt Arthur Day's silo, which was blown down by the tornado a couple of weeks ago.. Po- tato digging is about finished. * Some say they are slightly decayed, while others say one-third has escaped the rot. A few of the farmers have com- menced ploughing. There have been frosts in this vieinity, John Hy- land motored to the Odessa Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Mouldey and fam- ily, Bath Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Van Order, Glenvale, Oct. PLEVNA. Oct. 11.--Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tooley on Oct. 7th and claimed as its victim, their second youngest daughter, Ida Letitia, aged one year and eleven months, Mrs. G. Ostler and Miss lone spent a few days in Kingston recently. J, G. Morton and family, Peekskill, N.Y., and Mrs. Randolph and fon Frederick, Elgin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Card for a few days. Nelson MoNeil has re- turned from Gananoque, where .he was the guest of his grandparents. H. Elkington and J. Card were in Kingston last week om the jury. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, spent Sun- day with friends in Ompah. MURVALE., Oct. 11.--Husking bees are the or- der of the evenings now. Rally day was observed here on Sunday, with a large attendance. Miss Sa- rah Hamilton, who has been very ill, is somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boyce, Island Pond, Vt. visited Mr. Boyce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyce, a'few days last week. Word was received last week from Frederick Wallace and William Cook, who are with the Queen's En- gineers in Belgium, that both are well. Georgie Roblin, who has heen seriously ill in Kingston General Hospital, is convalescent. William Storey intends holding a sale of farm, stock and implements in the near fu- ture, and moving to Kingston, where Mr. Storey has secured a lucrative position. Mrs, Frank Vanluven vis- ited friends at Tichborne last week. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyce at D. J. Taggart's; George Robertson, Kingston, at W. GQ. Purdy's. BATTERSEA. Oct. 9.--All the teachers in this vicinity attended the convention in Kingston last week. Mr. VanLuven was elected president. Much sym- pathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucy, in the death of their little daughter, Myrtle, on Tuesday last. Doris Keeles, daughter of Mr. and Mre. H. Keeles, is very iil at her hi here. Mr, and Mrs. Fraser, Genoa, Italy, took charge of the services in the Methodist church last Sabbath, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. W. Stewart, who was enjoying a short holiday in Lanark. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lake entertained 1hi® members of the choir last week. Mrs. Issac Lake is visiting her sister in Watertown, N.Y., Miss MecLarin, Lanark, is the guest of her cousin, Rev. A, W. Stewart, Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. James Holden on Oct. 6th. Miss Anglin, Kingston, is the guest of the Misses Anglin. Miss H. VanLuven is visit- ing her brother in Smith's Falls, OATES, ° Oct. 12.-~Threshing is over. Dig- ging potatoes is the order of the day.. The recent storm da the corn Some of the farmers ploughing. better. he better. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, visiting friends in this locality, have returned to their home in N.Y. Mrs. M. J. Cochrane and chil- dren, visiting her mother, Mrs. P. Walsh, returned to their home in Sangster on Thursday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Galhes at Mrs. man's; Mrs. Turner at J. Mrs. Donoghue at Mrs. Simmons at Fran at her mother's for Mr. Kellar, sr., at Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien at Johnston's; Albert Koen and Frank | Syracuse ; Walsh took in the, ------ PERTH ROAD. Oct. 11.--4 ; cast over the comme of Miss R day opr a jliness. She And. lized. loss-a father.and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roberts; five sisters, Miss | Clara, Sydenham; Mrs, M. Cald- well, Sydenham; Mrs. Walless, Montreal, and Misses Jane and Rach- el 'at home; and one brother Philip, Sydenham. Miss Roberts will be greatly missed in the Sunday school as she was always a cheerful helper sunny Christian life. The funeral service was held in the Met- hodist Church at 1 p.m., Oct. 7th The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. William Raymond, Wednes- day afternoon. The Maple Leaf Circle held its next meeting at Mrs. 8. Slack's. William Raymonds' and family have moved into their hew re- sidence, Mrs. William Raymond, sr., is at Mrs..J. Raymond's. Miss Edna McCadden is nursing at Mrs. Robb's, Keelerville.' Mrs. H. Babcock spent a few days in the city last week. A wee daughter has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rit- chie. Many attended the sale at William Wilson's, on Friday. George Green and daughters Effic and Bessie are visiting relatives at . Westport. Ernest Babeock is very ill of typhoid fever. : CATARAQUL Oct, 12--Rev. Mr. Elliott has been seriously ill, but is now thought to be out of danger. Warden Ed- wards, is home from Lacolle, Que., where he spent the summer. He has enlisted with the army service corps and goes to Quebec to train. Miss Needham went to her home in Arn- prior for Thanksgiving. Miss Grace England is teaching in West Mont- real, Miss Bessie Blair in Oso Sta. tion, and Miss Edith Black at the Outer Depot. Edward Chatfield and family expected soon to leave for Woodstock, where he has a position: Mrs. J. Wise Cloyne, has gone home after visiting her mother, Mrs. B. Kish. Rally Day was observed in the Methodist Sunday School here on Oct. 10th. Rev. Mr. Currie, Prin- Cess street church, Kingston, deliv- ered an address, and Miss Brebner, Kingston, added greatly to the pro- gramme by her fine singing. W. J. Merriman wife and daughters, Lati- mer, were among the visitors on Sunday. Quite a number from here attended Odessa fair. Word has been received by rela- tives here of the marriage in Eng- land of Dr. E. W. Connolly, formerly of Cataraqui, and Miss B. Stamp, London, England, Dr. Connolly is now ship's doctor on the Mediterran- ean. Mrs, J. Baton, Toronto, and her mother, have been visiting her cousin, Mrs. L. M. England. Miss Elleda Binnington is attending Maec- donald College, Guelph. Small dau- ghters have arrived at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce, HARROWSMITH WEST Oct. 11.----Many people of this vi- cinity are complaining of potato rot. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Emberly were at Herman Shangrow last Sunday. Mrs, Everton Shangrow and son Bruce, were at Stanley Husband's. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Em- berly, when their only daughter Laura Myrtle, was united in mar- riage to William J. Irvin, Madee. The bride and groom were unattend- ed Miss Gertie Martin, Sharpton, rendered Mendelssohn's wedding march. The bride was beautifully attired in silk voile, and leaning on the arm of the father, was escorted to the parlor which was prettily de: corated with ferns and evergreens. The ceremony was performed by Rév. Mr. Mayhue, pastor of Syden- ham Movement Church, after con- gratulations, the wedding guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner. After the repast Rev. Mr. Mayhue spoke a few words in honor of the bride and groom, after which Rev. D. W. Parks led in prayer. During the sign- ing of the register Rev. D. W. Parks sang "It's Just Like Heaven To Me." The bride received many presents which show the esteem in which she and groom are held. Among many gifts was a beautiful watch, a present from the groom to the bride. The lat- ter travelled in a dainty tailored suit of navy blue with ploture hat to match, The happy couple left amid showers of confetti for Peterboro and other western points. Oa their return they will reside near Madoc where the groom is a prosperous young farmer. » MOUNTAIN GROVE, Oct, 12.--Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Cronk and children, Wiliam Johns ston and son James attended Kings ton Fair, David Cox and Miss Har tie Englfind, Sharbot ' Lake, Jr quietly married at Parham on Sept. 28th and have taken up housekeep- ing on his farm north of the village after visiting Helleville and other]; points on their wedding- trip. Mrs. C. Grass and children have returned to their home in New Hampshire, af- ter spending several weeks with 'riends here. Misses Maud Sander- son, Florence Abbott and Annie BE. Priceattended court week as juror. preaches here next Sunday in the in- terest of Albert College. Bsd iE ef ° i it i ! i i i! 'COUNT home again after s weeks with friends ona and Sydenham here. RYSI pending several at Glenvale, Ver- George Broom- hower's threshing machine is again A. Crozier leaves to-day to do fall ploughing on his 'new farm. --e Leeds FRANKV Oct. 13.--Thomas TLLE, Vanornam, Brockville, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hagar. Mr. and Mrs. R €. Latimer, Ath ns, spent Fist Sun. day visiting at Mor high Corners, has been visiting h Parker Richards, ley Holmes', Le- Miss Laura Stewart er cousin, Mrs. Lehigh Corners. her severe illness. Miss Mary Nunn, trained nurse, has bégn accepted for overseas work. van, Toronto, spent the holidays with her friéfids here. Our esteemed townsman, T. A. Bradley, was agree- ably surprised last Saturday evening when he came home to tea to find a number of his most intimate friends waiting to extend congratulations to him on the attainment of his sixty- ninth birthday. All enjoyed a sumptuous repast, and afterwards spent a very social evening. Bruce Tackaberry is suffering with a bro- ken arm. Joseph Turner has rented a farm from Hugh Grey at Halstead's Bay, formerly owned by Miss Chat- tie- Cross. Mrs. W. H. Lackie; Joyce- ville, spent Thanksgiving Day with her parents here. Anniversary ser- vices will be held in the Presbyte- rian Church next Sunday, Oct. 17th. Miss Mayme Dono- | lived in Wilton at A. W. Babcock's afternooll was recelved here' with deep regret. Miss Hamilton had since early girlhood, and her early death is deeply felt by her many Iriends. The body was takey last eveiiing to the home of her parents, near Yarker. Mrs. A. W. Babcock is at present in Kingston with her five-year-old girl, who has undergone a serious operation in connection with the cutting of a tooth. It was found necessary to remove two pieces of bone. IA B14 and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the tea~pot Francis Ward received word yes- terday of the sudden death of his sis- ter, Mrs. John Simpkins, at Odessa. The annual anniversary services in the Methodist Church were conduct- ed Sunday morning and évening by Rev. W. 8. Boyce, Anderson. There was a large attendance. Mr. Boyce's services on the Hay Bay circuit were Frank Mott is building a new silo. 4% LYNDHURST. Oct. 1}1.--The death occurred at Lyndhurst on October 7th, of Wil liam Sheffield, sr., aged eighty years, 4s the result of a paralytic stroke. Deceased was a widower, and was born at Soperton. He was a son of the late Richard Sheffield, who died about fifteen years ago. He is sur- vived by one son, William, who is married, and lives on the homestead, near Lyndhurst, and one daughter, at home. The funeral took place on Saturday from his late residence to St. Luke's Church. Rev. Mr*Smith Lyndhurst, officiated. The pall-bear- ers were: C. McReady, G. Roderick, A. Kendrick and J. Townsell. De- ceased was a Presbyterian elder. WESTPORT. Oct, 11.--James S. Myers is en- larging his store on Ohurch street.) Dr, and Mrs. O. Lillie are spending the week im Toronto. Messrs James Bedford and George H. Crisfleld, Barriefield Camp, were visitors in town ovér Sunday. .. Mrs. Edna Al- guire had a serious accident on Mon: derwent on operation in St. Vincent the fly wheel of the enigne of the motor-boat and badly bruised. 0. W. Charbonneau, Brockville, is here ar- ranging to move his family to that town. Miss Francis MeCann who un- der went an operation in St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, return- ed home om Saturday. The Westport Black Fox Company have sold one of their young foxes to a Perth gentle- men for $700. This was one of the nine foxes recently purchased at Elk Lake, New Ontario. The farm still has ten fine foxes at the ranch. Mrs. M. Mastin and daughter also Mr. Garpet Mastin who has been. the returned to Belleville on Tuesday. MALLORYTOWN. " * Oct, 11.~-The farmers are filling silos while others are ploughing. The ladies patriotic meeting was held Thursday afternoon. Many members were present and good work is already planned. Born to Mr. and Mrs, William Summer a son, on Friday. A couple of weeks ago a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gallogy. L. A. Guild, of the Kingston Whig, visited his mother on Thanksgiving. A. W. Mallory is certainly satisfied with his crop of corn of sixty-five acres. He is buss filling his silos. At the Methodist Church on Sun- day morning Rally Day and Thanks- giving services were in the form of one service. The number looked for- ward to be present was 100, and when the roll book was marked 161 were found in attendance. The church was decorated with flags, apples, pumpkins, corn and the smaller garden vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. James Richison, Maitland, were visiting at Mallory- towa on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. BE. S. Bissell spent Thanksgiving at his bome in Algonquin. The doctor has enlisted for overseas service aad will he leaving in a few days. ' JUNETOWN. Oct. 11,--Miss Agnes Price, Moun- tain Grove, spent Thanksgiving here with her sister, Miss E. Price. Miss Gertrude Scot term. Miss Afma Turner is spending a cou- ple of weeks in Rochester. Deans and children have left to re. Join Mr. Deans in Adams, N.Y. Oct. 11 the New York excursion are Mrs, Francis Sheldon, Mrs. Morgan King, Alexander Campo and Sheriff Robin- Son. The Guild of St. Paul's Pres byterian Church has opened for the winter months, Biveraary service are announced for ot. the British and Foreign P'hle So ciety is to be held in the vestry of the Methodist Church on the evening of Oet. Crawford, B.A., B.D., will give an illustrated lecture on the war and other scenes. Mills Johnston and Sterling Morris have returned to Queen's Kingston. James McLean has returned to Rich- mond, Va., to resume his studies in medicine. returned to Brantford for the fall E. E. Carncr ¢s has return- ed to the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege at Guelph. has been elected president of the Athens Epworth League. orchestra has been organized in the Methodist S. 8. with E. as leader, with the cornet. E. Ney, violin, Mr. Nichols, mando- lin and Miss N Athens Women's Institute have ac cepted the invitatidon of the Delta Institute to meet with them on Oct. 13th. T received a liberal patronage. A sub- stantial sum was reaMzed by Wem. en's Institute ladies for Red Cross work. Bt ttt SE tnt guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wallacs, | Pines Edvard CHERRY VALLEY. 17th, Oct. 9 Preach in Yarker on Sunday. A pumpkin pie social on Thanksgiving 'day. are for the Red Cross fund. A baby girl has come to stay at Georg mage's also a boy at H. Channel's. Guy Scott is ill. spent ;pver Sunday in town. Frederick at Wapoo: Oct. 9.--The Roblin's Mills annual fair was held on the first Saturday of the month but condition of the weather prevented the comipg of a large crowd. entry list was very large but many | Oscar Storms, Syracuse, N.Y, are vis- of the exhibitors did.not turn out. Miss C. Fox took prizes in water col- ors, landscape and marine, and Miss C. Anderson in oils and china. fancy work was especially good. Rev. W. " ae Stone Chureh, is now chaplain w tion, First Army Headquarters, Brit- ish Expeditionary Force, France. His daughter, Miss Eva is on her way with a party of nurses. Miss Cassie Fox came home to-day for a short visit under the parental roof. Mrs. Green, Chicago, is a guest of Mrs. T. Welch, Centre street. Oct. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. EGwin Me- j Caw have returned from a visit to No. Mrs. Z. Purvis, ) Singston. Lyn, visited friends here on Thurs- day. P. Watson spent Thanksgiv- er at the Loyal True Blue Orphanage, spent Thanksgiving at home. A 37th. conducted by Rev. F. W. White. The Harvest Thanksgiving service in. the Presbytérian Chureh, postponed last Sunday owing to the Methodist an: niversary, will be held next Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Parson, who has begun his new pastorate here, will preach. Ray Babcock, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Babcock, was burned quite badly yesterday while playing with matches. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shibley and Mrs. M. G. Storms are enjoying a trip to New York, and vigiting* at Clement Booth's, Rutherford, N.J. M& Storms and the Misses Doris and Lois Storms, spent the week-end at J. Cornelius', Kingston. Mrs. R, ATHENS. ~----Among those taking in Presbyterian an- The annual meeting of Rev. William T. NORTHBROOK. Oct. 11.--The farmers are busy digging potatoes and gathering in their abundant harvests. Thanks giving service was well attended Sunday and Rev. J. R. Ireland deliv- Derbyshire has{ered an instructive lecture. Chris- tie Kellar and Robert Paul, Selby, were through this district last week Miss Mina Donnelley, Byron ais" Table Salt buying cattle for shipping. Mrs. W. Anderson and daughter, Isabeils, Or- chemney Mine, and Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Ireland and son, Harold were the guests of Miss Adda Preslar last Wednesday. The school fair at Flin- on was well attended and Mr. Cur- rie, Napanee, noted that it was one of the best schoul fairs of this year. Mrs. Casper Thompson and baby re- turned home Friday after visiting her mother, Mrs. George Pike, hing- stor. Ira Wood and family intend moving to their new home at Mr. William' next miénth and their old friends wil miss them very much. Misses Adda Preslar and Gladys Rip- ley took tea with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ireland on Friday evening and attended the Young People's Society. Mr. and Mrs. William Cade journey- ed to Marlbank last week on business matters. Edward Barker, Kingston, has been visijing Gordon Woo! for some time. Robert Thompson has Lurchased a team of lively colts from W. Kimmerly, Flinton. Mr. Both has taken up his old occupation as but- cher. Irvine Atkins has returned The proceeds [home from Kingston. William Both and Roy Reid attended the shooting contest at Cloyne last week, Mr. Bot beating the recdrd. Messrs. Charity Peterson and Victoria Vanness left Mrs. | last Wednesday for their Dew posi- Smith is visiting friends tions at Napanee. All schools will be x closed the week-end of account cf Miss Nellie Earl A new D. Hendry Miss L. . Earl, piano. The he neighboring school fairs ~--Rev. GC. Adams will ill be held here rge Dul- Mrs. P. Williams | "D & A" or "La Diva" Corsets retailing at $2.50 are equal in style, material and workmanshiptoimported corsets costing $3.50 to $5.00; the duty and extra profit--for which you Quite aside from your natural wish to encourage Canadian workmen, it is worth your while, for the saving it involves--to buya "D & A" or a "La Diva" Corset. ° "BUY MADB-IN-CANADA CORSETS" 615 the Teachers' Convention at Shard PICTON. Lake, ha YARKER. Oct. 12.--Miss Flo Peters has re- turned home after visiting her cou- sin, Miss G. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. the unsuspicious The iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, Storms. Veron Cambridge, Toron- to, called on a few friends one day this week. Misses Merrill and Long have returned to take charge of the public school after spending Thanks- giving at their respective homes in Coburg and Selby. Edgar Walker and family are moving to Lindsay, where he has obtained a position. The sad news arrived here on Sun- day of the death of one of Yarker's old and respected residents in the persah of J. Stover. His remains were interred in the Yarker ceme- tery. Miss Kathleen ott spent the week-end at Mr. ary's, on the river road: Misses Teena Stew- art and Stella Storms spent their holidays under the parental roof. Quite a few from here attended the The . H. Emsley, former pastor 1, Casualty clearing sta- Miss Rilla Smith, teach- ing Day at G. Davis', McIntosh Mills. Several from here attended the tem- perance meeting held in Caintown Methodist Church on Friday evening. W, H. Franklin atte nded the Sunday school convention held at Prescott Farmers are busy pick- C. Howard M chicken pie dinner is to be held shortly at Main Street Church. Mr. and Mrs. P. McCrimmon were town visitors to-day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith went out in their auto to have Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs Fox at Maple Dell Farm. Don- ald Fitzpatrick, teacher at No. 2, is away for the holiday. The Prince tea meeting at Moscow. Henry Walker is ill. Mrs. Leggett and baby, Napanee, spent a day recently with her sister-in-law, Irs. C. - gett, Mrs. J. Shibley and two chil dren, Harrowsmith, are at her par- ents', Mr. and Mrs. 8. Winter's. Miss Lizzi A ting i os 4 i i i i i i i ; 5 i Edward Than! train was crowded with ksgiving visitors. on its after- | Mosco noon trip. Belleville to-day, after spending the Thanksgiving holiday at home. Miss C. Fox left for I {ried to on Weds Ne when out of earshot, "there's some. in" T can't understand about they "What be it, lass?" asked her good man, with a superior air "1 can't think how they get their laigs into they twisted - whispered, said the ol woman, in wonder,

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