HER DREAMS GAME TRUE Life Unbedrable from Indigestion Beuith Restored by A - MELLE, C. GAUDREAY Rochon P.Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. "I suffered pr many with terrible Indigestion and Co tion. 1 thin and had frequent dizzy spe so run down that I never tl get well again, A neighbor advised me to try 'Fruit. became mise Ame t I would THE DAILY BRITISH VHIG SATURD AY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. Canadian Northern Railway Chronology 1898 Construction commenged, north from Gladstone in Central Ma nitoba upon first mile of line of the system : 1887 - a-tives'. 1 did so and to tl of my doctor, 1 be © surprise An t sed metogoon and all my Indigestion and Cc ation was I con life inued this me r that I owe m I want to s from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches, try 'Fruit- a-tives". Give this lovely fruit medicine a fair chance and you will get well the same as I did" relieved. to 'Fru those suffer CORINE GAUDREAU, 30¢. a box, G for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, NN AP Pr trai tiara OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery Good Spirits can only be enjoyed by those whose digestive organs work naturally and regularly. The best corrective and preventive yet discovered for irregu- laror faulty action of stomach, fiveror bowels, is known the world over to ho BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents AA AAA oa Amma Coal The kind yon are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, Foot of West St. aad La Grippe ia and Colds exhaust in the short period of their course more of the nerve tissues of the body than weeks of hard work. After them take , == Asaya-Neurall - | THE NEW REMEDY FOR which contains Lecithin (con- centrated from eggs), the form of phosphates required for nerve Bulk Oysters Dominion Fish Co. é - a = SOWARDS Keeps Coal and | miles in pperation at close of 189% man. J enable them to be fitted to feet of al- | injure it with drastic drugs. }i something which doesn't agree with Gladstone. Winnipegosis section opened for traffic, January 3rd, 123.4 miles 1899 Canadian Nomhern Rail- way Company incorporated 252.6 1960 477.8 "miles in operation jat end of year 1901 Northern Pacifi~, Raliway lines in Manitoba acquired. 584.3 miles in operation at end of year. 1902 Winnipeg-Port Arthur line opened for traffic. 1296.9 miles in operation. 1903 Great Northern Railway and the Chateauguary and Northern Railway in Quebec acquired. Coustruction commenced on lines in Nova Scotia The Halifax and | South Western Railway { 1904 1932.3 miles in operation at end of year, 1905 Main line, Edmonton, opened for traffic miles. «Brandon entered by line ffom Por- tage la Prairie. 2846.9. miles in operation at end of year.*® 1906 -- Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railway Re- gina-Saskatoon-Prince Albert, ae- quired Toronto to Parry Sound line open ed for traffic, 3508.6 miles in operation. 1907 Lines in Nova Scotia open- ed for traffic, 3640.5 miles in operation. 1908--Brandon-Regina line open. ed for traffic Toronto-Sellwood line through Parry Sound and Sudbury opened for traffic. Quebec and Lake St. John Railway acquired Kamsack to 546.3 | The Newest Notes of Science London has a laboratory devoted to the study of ozone. | Codfish are dried, ground into pow- der, and made into bread in Iceland. Strong tea will remove many kinds of fruit stains from a person's hands. A substitute for absorbent cotton is made in Germany from pure pine cellulose. A Virginian has patented a chemi- cal process for rendering salt proof against dampness. A man that weighs - 150 pounds contains enough, grease to make 75 candles and a pound of soap. Some of the salt mines in Poland have been worked uninterruptedly for.more than 600 years. A new sea anchor for lifeboats has an attachment to be filled with oil to quiet rough water. Copenhagen has established a per- manent exhibition of devices to pre- vent accidents to workers. : Turquoises can be restored to their fing color by immersion in a solution of carbonate of soda. With wireless apparatus = swiit trains have been stopped within 300 , yards by British experimenters. | A Massachusetts man has patented pads to be worn inside trousers to keep their knees from bagging. | An Englishman has invented a fly- ; killing instrument that works with . a trigger, and resembles a pistol. | An Illinois inventor has patented a { guitar with two sets of strings on which one person can play dubts. Electrical apparatus to determine. {the range and tone of human voices has'! been invented by a German wo- A combination ladder and scaffold with 'many uses, that folds as com- pactly as a step-ladder, has been pat- "ented. { : : A pitcher for champaghe which has a compartment for ice to cool its contents has been invented by an Englishman. Skates with adjustable plates that most any normal Sizé have been in- vented. Serbia leads the nations for cen- tenarians in proportion to popula- , tion, with Ireland ranking next, and { then Spai - | California produces all the borax mined 'in the hited States, which, with Chili, le the world in the in- dustry. 2% | A wealthy native of India has giv- RID STOMACH OF RD oe GASES, SOURWESS, "Pape's " Ends All Stom. ach ress in Five ! 'Minutes. You don't want a slow rémedy when your stomach is bad--or an un- certain one---or a harmful one--your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't 's Diapepsin is noted for. ifs speed in giving relief; its harmless. ness; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions cures In indigestiof, dyspepsia, gastritis am om- , ach trouble has made it famous the | world over. - { Keep this perfect stomach doétor in your home--keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if anyope should est : them; if what they eat lays like lead, | terments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizginess and nau-| sea; 5 ena fund of $5,000 a year for fifteen years to aid in suppressing tubercu- losis in Bombay. A fairly accurate sun-dial has been invented that can be held in the hand and adjusted to tell the time in any latitude. Cannon loaded with sand have been found effective in breaking up swarms of locusts that frequently ap- pear in Costa Rica. Rubber tubing can be kept from deteriorating when not in use by storing it in water to 'which a little salt has been added. An Englishman has invented a machine that turns the rims and bores and finishes the hubs of wood- en wheels at the same time, A flower vase that cannot be spill- &, to keep a corsage bouquet fresh while being worn, has been invented by a French.woman. : A pickpocket alarm has been in- vented that rings a bell when any- thing of value is taken from a pocket by an unauthorized person. The dust raised by automobiles has been blamed by medical authorities for an increase in pulmonary dis- eases in the Philippines. Operated by a treadle, a ecombifia- tion grin'stone and emery whee! has been patented, the stone serving as a fiywhee! for the other: A German scientist . has demon- strated that radium ha®¥ Harked ef- ect on woody. plants, even forcing hem to bud in dormant seasons. A Chicago inventor's burglar-proof window sash is provided with bars that rise, from within the window frame as the sash is lifted. A. practically acid-proof alloy has been invented by a German chemist who has added small amounts of molybdenum and chromium to iron. A shoe has been patented that laces in the front; but has an elastic section at the back so that it can be removed without unlacing. For jewelers an Englishman has invented a magnifying glass to be at- tached to spectacles that can be He to one side when not in use. paste made of powdered resin and wood alcohol ig useful as a sol- dering flux in electrical work, and will prevent the joint corroding. In seeking game fish Japanese fish- efmeén use lines made of wild cocoon silk, which is transldvent and prac- tically invisible in the water. Ee To prevent the misuse of motor trucks a1 device has been patented that automatically checks their speed if driven faster than & set rate. Hong Kong has been provided with a wireless station with o radius of |- from 500 to 700 miles in daytime and more than 1,34 miles at night. A rubber stamp to be strapped to the palm of the hand to date eggs as they are taken from the nests has been patented by a Minnesota inven- Tr. T%o English physicians are expéri- menting with a parasite with which they hope to exterminate the flies of their country within a few years, Experts have ted the avail- able water power of the streams of the United States all the way from 31,040,000 to 50,140,000 horse power. Some of 'the 150,000 horse mle fe Asia alas Eo 3 | opened for traffic as far as Rosetown, nitrogen bP eheetrichy. Niagara, St. Catharines and Tor- onto Railway acquired. 3 4361.0 miles"in opertion. 1909 -- Saskatoon-Calgary line Saskatchewan. Daluth, Rainy Lake and Winnipeg Railway acquired--Fort Frances to Virginia. : > Central Ontario Railway dcquired Hawkesbury-Ottawa line opened for traffic. 4859.6 miles in operation. 1910 Saskatoon - Calgary line, extended to Kindersley. Prince Albert - Shellbrook opened. Bay of Quinte Railway; Broek- ville, Westport "and Northwestefn Railway; and Irondale, Bancroft & Ottawa Railway acquired. "Royal * line Atlantis Steamship Service inaugurated. -- 1911 Vegreville - Draymisaller, North-and-South line in Alberta' opened for traffic. ' line ating cars fitted with individual mo- | tors. The 18,000 regularly established libraries in the United States contain more than 75,000,000 volumes, an increase of 20,000,000 in seven vears. Swedish inven have perfected a cellulose wadd for dressing wounds that is made from chemical wood pulp in thig sheets like tissue paper. 3 " A Texas inventor's tooth brush is made of fabric to fit. over a finger, one side being designed to apply a powder and the ether to rub 'the teeth. A The Government of New South Wales has appointed a committee to assist in the development of inven- tions likely te general public utility. . & : An easily at shield has been invented fon protecting the glass wind shield! of an automobile from rain without interference with the vision. A careful test of two Swedish ships of identical design showed elec- tric motors more economical for pro- pulsion than triple expansion steam engines, A patent has been granted for a stretcher that can be moved in the same manner as'n wheetharrow and that also will serve as a bed or'reclin- ing chair. A Nebraska woman is 'the paten- tee of a handle that can be attached to dish rags so that a person ' need not place his hands in water when washing dishes. i ------ i -- COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, Avoid Conscription By Voluntary Enlistment, He Says. A--A good way tg aveid conscrip tion is to enlist voluntarily. B--Be among those who help stay the mad giant in his dbn'ward rush. C--~Constantinople or death! D---Dardanellés droadnoughts ne- ver go back. : E--Encompassing. the great Achi Baba fort & matter of time only. F---Fortune favors the brave. G--Qeography is hard to teach just now, all but those big "red pat- ches" which 'are everywhere and shall continus to be oven though the heavens may fall! H---How mean to fine a man $60 for beating a pig, and only $2 for beating his wife. : I=~1ll interpretation is worse than no law at all. J--Jennings Bryan was going to ask the Kaiser to be good for his oi If Cross, Fey Constipated, Gi of Figs." V mdrm-- : Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insist- €d on--castor oil, calomel, ecathar- fi . ed them ; you fougl nst ng Ri With our children it's Mothers who cling to ih old form of simply don't le what the do. The children's revolt is well founded. Their ténder litle "in- sides" are injured by them. i If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need Seangas. sive only cious "California Pp of Figs." lis action is positive, but gentle. Mil- lions of mothers keep, this harmless "fruit laxative" 3 they know children love to take it; that it never fail to clean the liver and bowels | Serb: given that a line opened for traffic. ee cll tl st at PP aii The base is a flat cup, and from this at ghee a fierce fire, ning it is only a small fire, and if it be put out before it does au damag: to speak of. y . Toronto Mail Sominions and $2.250,000,000. Of the advances to Hudson's Bay Junction-Le Pas Toronto-Ottawa Deseronto. 6491.7 miles in operafion. 1912 Edmonton - Athabasea Landing line -opened for traffic. 1913-- 6967.5 miles in operation. 1914 -- Li spike driven in Mon- treal - Port Arthur line, January 1st, at Little White Otter River. Saskatoon - Calgary line opened for traffic. Toronto - Ottawa line opened for traffic, giving connection between Montreal, Quebec and points in Que- bec Province. 7358.2 miles in operation at end of year. 1915-- January 23rd, last spike driven at Basque B.C., 182 miles east of Port Mann in transcontinen- al line between Québec and Vaneoun. ve line opened to r. Approximately 10,000 miles in op- eration. 2 sake. Thé swelled spurter and de- mounted dictator are a pair. K---Kicking together is generally the way mules co-operate. L--Lloyd George, the brilliant lit- tle Welshman, is doing his full share to promote the cause of civilization He is a power in the land. M---Make friends with a few, but to those be true. N--New way of helping France, drinking champagne. O---One of the latest inventions is the "Teleseribe™ which will record | what you say at the "phone. P--Prudence, then, in boys and girls. { Q--Quickest way of getting out of a scrape is not to get in. | R--Russia, heretofore, considered | recreant to progress, respects her word, whilest "Prussian Kulture" im- | pudently breaks every engagement to satisfy her greed. i S--Slowly but steadily the Allies | kept "nibbling" at the enemy's pogi- | tions till one day they took such a| big bite as to make the giant screech | T----"Through terror to triumph" | is a picturesque phrase of wide eign. | ificance. | U---Unnifying and purifying the | world will be one of the effects of the present struggle. V--Vulture begins to find his job | a tough proposition. | W---With rowdies, there can be no | parleying, the germ must be taken! out of their skin. future, X---Xterpated for all time, Y---You can have no lasting peaca | till this operation is gone through | and the nastiness thoroughly thrash- | ed out of the system. a { 4-ZACCHELUS. | ion. The Zeppelin Fire Bontb. An interesting description of in- | cendiary bombs and how to deal with | them has been prepared by the Brit- ish fire prevention committee. It has beén printed as a placard for | posting in public institutions or pri- | vate houses alongside the instruc. | tions for using the fire extinguish- ers, The usual fire-bomb dropped by a Zeppelin is of conical shape, the di- ameter at the base being about ten | inches. It is wrappéd round with inflammablé" cord, which gives it rather a nlutical appearance, en- hanced by a handle at the apex for lowering it over the gunwale of the airship--if airships have gunwales. to the handleyruns a hollow metal funnel forming the centre and busi- ness part of the bomb. The centre funnel is filled with thermite. Ther- mite is the preparation which on ig- nition produces a heat so intense as to melt steel. Many people going home late in Manchester have seen it in use welding together t ends of the tramrails. The ign of ther- mite creates a tremendous glare of light, and the heat melts the metal funnel. The molten metal spreads When the bomb strikes. It sets up if it strikes any- combustible, but at the begin- is tackled at once with water it can a -------------------------- Britain's "Golden Bullets," One of the features of Chancellor McKenna's budget was the announce ment that adyances to the overseas to Allies amounted to dominions, Canada - has received $100,000,000 and Australia sbout as mach. Almost an entire two thous ipd millions has gohe to aid Brit s European Allis. able for tho youngest child as ior adults | will be evident to all Canad: . but she only got Lares Nothing woul vemain PAGE ELEVEN For the Home. | Every week in the year something is needed for _ "the home, something to eat or to drink, some new furniture or new clothes. The list is endless and the worry of the housewife is almost as endless, , unless she uses intelligence and system in her purchases. " The advertising columns are intended for such harassed housekeepers,. They contain real news that will help to ease her burden and settle her uncertainties. Certainly the advertisers expect to make money. Are they not entitled to it if they make life more comfortable for thousands? Read the advertisements, with discrimination and iitelligence. They will solve many a vexed question, LABATT'S LAGER IS MILD, PURE, APPETIZING Just the Beverage for the busy man: rests the ner¥es and ensures sound sleep. If not. sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON CANADA B&™ Special arrangements for direct shipment to private consumers, 52 James McParland, Agent, 339-341 King St. East. A r---------------- More Striking Cures by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. A British Medicine of World-wide Popularity. wb Tablets? To watch a little wasted infant rapidly growing into a Dis fat, jolly baby by help of this wonderful reme y--surely fa &s enough to gladden any mother's ear oust Seemed Lis Skin and Bone.| STOMACH TROUBLE . -- So bad they thought it was hopeless. Months of Treatment of No Avail. Afterwards Completely Gured by DR.CASSELL'S TABLETS. That Dr. Cassell's Tablets are as suit- Baby's Cure Just Wonderful ! Was Wasting Away for Want of Nourishment. "I am sure I can never sufficiently praise Dr. Cassell's Tablets; they were the means of saving my baby's life." So says Mrs. Bate, of 8, Queen-street, Quarry Bank, Brierley Hill, England, and hes praise will be echoed by every Canadian mother who has ever used Dr. Cassell's Tablets. ian mothers when they read the following true testi- mony. "1 am so delighted with Dr. Cassell's Tablets that I don't know how to praise them endugh. I am quite sure they saved the lifs of my little baby." So says Mrs, Emma M & happy young mother, residi a Edward-street, Hessle, Hull, Bagland. And shie goes on: "Baby was only a few old, poor little gir! when fell ill, and nothing that we could do for ber was of the slightest use. For months she was under treatment, and ever 80 many bottles of medicin on her s.ooiach, she was just wast- ing away for want of nourishment. We all sorts of fants' foods for het, but it was alwa: Marjory could <5 nothing w.ih them. Le We gave returned «. most at Ap ey did was very Severe ; pt Pe] and that there was nothing 0 dof a. Bate continued: "Baby had not but We did p been . strong from birth, and when he - sure I did everything I" could, but all began cutting his teeth he got Sime my child was getting thinner |y Linq fii. First, there was & breaking aud thinner till she d just skin and | 04 on his little body, and then he Just bone. looked like a little shrivelled- | (oC 0% Sate away before our eyés. old woman. At last we lost hope alto- | we" C ll SAR CRy wel trouble; and quite made up our Hinds but though éverything possible was done could never A VEIY- to save him, poor baby. a to be thought same. Sha beyond hope of recovery. He was always in pain, with severe diarrhoea, and he got 80 thin that you could have almost blown * him away, as the saying is. Whatever kind of food we gave him returned.s He wie very restless, and hardly got any We le, vensuntly in goat hat wou! when we wens We had sat up with him when next day, by a lu read about Dr. 3 | improvement, sickness the diarrhoea, and from that baby 8 better and better, till now he is as well as any child could be." st LARGEST SALE IN BRITAIN. Popularity Now World-Wide. Barely the honest truth, ss set out in the above authentic y is suffi. cient to prove thet Dr. 's Tablets will do all thet is claimed for and sffect cures even in severe cases. Gu bret ns a bs ir, 's 3 ale o 7 for Nervous dow, Failure, N oa Jatantile (Weakness, hey ni flee > Ry 5 pie. Dimas, gh 3 for