5 PAGE SIX TY 'YHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. [News From Brisk Eastern Ontario Points riage of Ethel, daughter of Mr Mrs: John McMasteY, i rry, Harry Payne, youngest son of Mrs A. Payne, Willetsholme THE DISTRICT NEWS THE WHIs S| October 20th. { -Last Monday evening CLIPPED FROM MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. of Class No. 7, In Brief Form the Events In the now a member of the 59th Battal Country About Kingston Are Told | ion at Barriefield Canip was present ~Full of Interest to Many. David Welbanks has sold his farm at Milford to Michael Hicks. {ceived a cable from England Pte. T. Dawley, of the 69th Regi- { Mrs. Cox, ment, Kingston, was marsied at Port | ligence Hope to Mis Olga Lingard. token of esteem. | Rev, Walter Cox, Gananoque, re- Henry Sturgess, who, had been and } The cere- + | mony will take place at Pittsferry on at Ganan- | oque, John Calvert, former president St. Andrew's Church, ed with a fountain pen as a slight from announcing the sad intel. of the death of her father, for A RUNNAWAY ACCIDENT. NO WORD OF THEM YET THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN KILL- ED IN ACTION Headquarters Staff Officer Believes That Ptes, Hastings, Dempsay, and Frood Met Gallant Deaths At Yp- res. : Renfrew, Oet, mation was garding the met with a serlous accident on Sun- day while on the way home from Lanark, where they had been attend- ing divine service. At a point on the road between Henry Shillington's and A. J. Skiff n's 16. Further infop. ngton's gates a bolt received this week re- fate of Ptes. Hastings, Dempsay, and Frood, in a letter from Capt. E. B. Archibald, of the Head- quarters staff of the 1st Infantry bri- gue of the buggy dropped and the! horses became unmanagebale. Mr, | Anderson, his wife, three daughters --Alma, Jessie and Elizabeth---and Very Close Shave By 'a Family At! | Fallbrook. | Lanark, Oct. 16.=-Mr. and Mrs. J.| C. Anderson and family, of Fallbrook | 'are fighting for their King and Coun- | splendid report of the Seeretry, Miss fell out of tha whiffletree, the ton. | | clock. The president, Mrs. I. E. Mar- DOING SPLENDID WORK | KINGSTON BRANCH OF THE RED CROSS SOCIETY. | Held Annual Meeting Friday After. | moon When Reports Were Submit- ted--Mrs. 1. E. Martin Was Re- elected President, That the Kingston Branch of the" Canadian. Red Cross Society is do- ing a great deal to help the men who try, at the front, was shown in the Marion Redden, whick was submit ted at the gnnual meeting of the So- ciety, held in the Board of Trade rooms, on Friday afternoon at 3 o" tin, presided, and tirere was a large attendance of the membets, the room Away. Ald. G. WaMer Green has defini- ~Aely announced his candidature for the Mayoralty of Peterboro. Miss Helen Storring, daughter of 8. Storring, Forest Mills, won six prizes at Flinton, School Fair, George Cuthbertson and his two sons, Alexander and Lloyd, Perth, are going into the black fox business. C. J. Foy has been officially ap- pointed Crown Progecutor .for Perth fall assizes, taking place on October 19th. * Word has been received through one of the Trenton boys, O. G. Alyea, is laid up in a hospital in France fifty years engaged in contracting + work-in-Hampshire and vicinity: BATH RED CROSS WORK, ne bo Splendid Results by the Ladies of That District, Bath, Oct. 15.--On Friday after noon, Oct. 8th, the members of Bath Red Cross Society closed itsl|C. 4 year's work by entertaining the Sandhurst and Conway ladies wh had assisted in the work, 10 a tea in the Masonic Hall. The members were also pleased to welcome repre- young men, ,/ to Mrs. Hastings. To Judge by the tone of the letter no hope is entertained, and this offi- cer evidently believes that all three boys. "went out" gallantly in action. The, letter follows: "Mrs. Hastings, Renfrew, Ont., "Dear Mrgs. Hastings,--The Y. headquarters in Toronto for- warded your letter of your son John and the other Nelson Lorne Frood to me to look after. "I have made enquiries from the son Clyde, were thrown out and all.Peing Hlisd to the GOOFS, id was more-or-less z = : ¥ a and enue: a Auter well as the men,-are doing their 'bit' ed' uwneonscious, the former pe in this great struggle, and that they ing injuries to her face and shoulder, a uy too willing to do all that and the latter's eyes being severely | . { The ort of Miss Redden was hurt. Juoth were severely shaken | reueived ih much applause It up and bruised and were taken in to | was'a ve lengthy one and dealt Mr. Shillington's, where they were | with the AY A on by the So- given first aid, recovering sufficiently ciety during the year, When it ie Anderson 'und. the seat of va shits. | ROWS. that she Society is looking at rom revemved only minor "injuries. | {SF Suplies or Queers Hospital a: thr nr or eting a dation for 500 beds, some idea can into a single buggy ahead in which | P® Secured of the vast amount of to have had two cases before him | on Saturday. Yi | NEW METHOD ; | Cleaning, Pressing and "* Repairing Found Dead At Albion Hotel John Brown, a well-known King- stonian, passed away on Friday ev- ening, death being caused by hoa: failure. The deceased was formerly employed on farms throughout the country but for the last few years had been residing on Montreal fireet, near Raglan road and work-| ing as yardman for local hotels. Ha Fas for some time past been employ- ed in this capacity for the -Aibion Hotel, and it was in one of the build- ings of the yard that he passed On Friday afternoon he com- piained to friends that he was not feeling well and. Jaid down in one * Neat. ; dome. We make an special. ty. of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Prin. cess St.) Phone 214. FORD Mutor Oil, Cup Grease and Fiber Grease for sale at of the buildings te rest. He was' pfound dead several hours later. Dr.| W. W. Sands made an examination! . and deemed an inquest umnecessary | The deceased is survived by one bro-| ther, Sydney, his wife and four chil! Phone 543. m2 Bagot 8t. dren all residing in the city. [All oils. delivered om short- f est notice. -- en S-- Colonel Hunter's Court | Justice of the Peace Hunter wal In one A. Henderson, | i fentatives from Napanee Branch. Sa inane. cured recently at | After the president's address of wel- Benton Harbor, Mich., of Prof.Geurge | come tea was served at tables pre. €. Edgecumbe, a former well known | HY decorated. The following re resident of Cobourg. port was read by the secretary: Thamas J. Galligan, B.A., son of On Oct. 3rd, 1914, the ladies of Dr. and Mrs. Galligan Banville for- Bath and vicinity met in the Public mer.y of Renfrew, now. a full Library for the purpose of organizing officers of the company they were in and I am sorry to say they could not give mie any hope whatever. Your son and _his chums, like hundreds of others, t into the battle of Ypres and never were seen or heard of af- ter, and if théy had been taken pris- oners we would likely have heard from them before this. were Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, | also returning home from church. These were violently thrown out and | the latter seriously injured about her | back. Mr. Anderson escaping with | very slight injuries. The wonder | is that both 'were not killed, as their | buggy was smashed almost to atoms. | of Loughboro township charged A. Kish of the same locality of assault | 4nd using threatening language { On Wednesday night two men broke into a cottage on Dr. Black's farm at Collins Bay, and took a sum of money that was in a pocket-book on the mantle-piece. The plaintiff work the ladies are doing. Hospita. dressings are manufactured in the city and shipped to the hospital, while a score or more of the neeces- sary articles at the hospital are made up here and sent. Medical stores are also forwarded. It is truly a won derful work, and well carried on. ROYAL SALAD DRESSING ROYAL MINT SAUCE ROYAL CHILI SAUCE ROYAL TABLE MUSTARD SELECTED PAPRIKA CLVB HOUSE OLIVE OIL fledged barrister. a sociely to work for soldiers and . sufferers of the war. The society For the sixth time, the name of organize a jes' Samuel Ray, Peteétboro, will be en- ganized under the name of Ladies : | Patriotic Society, sending their work graved on the silverware emblematic through the Kingston Red Cross So- of the golf championship. { Private Walter Vandusen, Perth, Mary ahd Napanee's Daughters of He was wounded, and was in a hospital pus. a pee 8 after only in France. He enlisted with the # J ments work, this society 38th Battalion from Smith's Falls. °fWarded bales of 100 pyjamas, 43 A. N. Finkle, Trenton, has spent knitted articles, Pillows, pillow oases, & good part of the summer at Stirl- OVels aul Youre 4 also 98 ing supervising the renovation of the $atmen 8 $30 Dano Saying a aod isk i * work cost 36 dies wove so much : raged hy The cheese exkif zt Madoe Fair he work accomplished they. decided was pronounced by the judges to be RS omtinue after Hie how year as a the largest of the season outside of [0° [Oss Society. = A warrant con Toronto and Ottawa, and the quality >4tUting the society abranch of Can- above the average. adian Red Cross was received and Alexander R. Lord, formerly of Meetings were resumed on-Jan. 21st, Grafton, and a graduate of the Co- 1915, with 38 members enrolled. In bourg Collegiate Institute, has been APril a bale of 90 hoédpital shirts, 50 appointed a provincial inspector of Pairs socks al Distinets was for- schools in British Columbia. warded 4nd anotfier bale in July of A quiet wedding was solemnized 80 shirts) 30 pairs socks, bandages, by Rev. A. J. Terrill at Stirling, on bottle covers and wash cloths. There Tuesday, being the nuptials of W~E. are now on hand 78 shirts and 48 Tummon, reéve of Huntingdon, and' DAirs soeks. Total receipts for year Miss Ethel Finley, Tweed. $437.03, which includes fees, dona- T. G. Robertson, Lanark, has pur- tions and collections. Proceeds from chased Mrs. F. A. Drysdale's resi- 10¢turée $45; concert, $20; ice cream dence and has sold his own house Stle, $20; Red Cross Day, $90; Red to Wiliam Strang. Mrs. Drysdale Oross quilt, $40. © Total expenses intends moving to Renfrew. for year amount to $404.43, made A. 8. Zavitz, B.A. mathematical UP Of purchases of goods and wool; master of Picton Collegiate, has rent- installation of two beds in Cliveden ed Earl Croft's residence, Mr. Croft, Hospital, England, $100 mainten- who is a qualified lieutenant, has ten- 80ce of two beds for ane year, $50; dered his services for overseas duty. 1eaving a cash balance of $32.60. One of the oldest and most rever- 'We have at the close of the year ed men in the Bay of Quinte Metho- 47 members 'enrolled, also a number dist 'conference is Rev. William Jol- | of honorary members and all are liffe, Bowmanville, who celebrated | helping to further the work. The his ninetieth birthday on Oct. 10th. 50¢iety is grateful to all who' have A. T. Page, who after nearly five Kindly donated and worked, and feel- years with W. R. Smith, Fredericks 108 they have the co-operation of the burgh, enlisted for Overseas August | People da further solieit aid for the 4th, joining the 77th Battalion at CObtinuance of the good work in Ottawa, has recently been promoted, Xoding sulierts our brave and and is now Sergt. Page. | h John Brose, son of Ernest Brose, _ Addresses were given by Rev Mr. Lake Dore, aged about twenty-five SeX&mith and Dr. Northmore, also a years, while riding a bicycle in Pem- | DuMorous recitation by Mr. Cuppage. broke on Sunday, ran into J. Lock- Men rots Napuiiee, made 28 Jans automobile, and was badly in motor ambulance. Mrs. Switzer, on The last guest left the Lake Shore behalf of visiting members, thanked House at tlie Sandbanks on the 28th | the ladies of Bath Red Oross for a September, and the house is now' Pleasant afternoon. which ended closed. - Mr. Whattam reports the A With singing the National Anthem. best semson since he owned the re- sort, 8 W. F. Hughes, Picton, and his household were vietims of some kind of poisoningun Friday. Roast pork was eaten for dinner, and it is sup- posed to have been the source of the | * trouble. | ] Miss Annie Steacy, daughter of] Oct. 16.--The steamer Britannic Mr. and Mrs. William Steacy, War- Was in port west bound yesterday, burton and Andrew McCormack,| 8nd was fairly well patrohized on her The Society is deserving of all the | money citizens can spare, and also | their hearty co-operation. Miss E. Macdonnell, treasurer, presented her report, which showed a balance on hand of $12.66. The Lindsay, Oct. 16.--Allan Gilles, | report is an interesting one eovering proprietor of the Lindsay Warden | from August 1914, to Oct. 1915, It and Weekly Watchman, and Welling- | reads as follows: ton Hall, a barber, were drowned on Receipts--Membership (life) $600 Wednesday in the -Scugog River. | active, $204; associate, $55; execu- Hall's body has been recovered, but | tive, $56; subscriptions, $4,094.01: the body of Mr. Gillies is still miss- | sale of materials, $76.94; Queen's ing. The story of the latter's death | Historical Society, = $106.22; after- Was at firs} discredited, but he is noon teas, $308.64, Total. $5,500.81 afraid to give their lives for suchi a|Xknown to Mave been with Hall and Disbursements-- Dry, goods, flan- noble cause. Yours very sincerely, |has failed to turn up. nel, cotton, etc, $3,734.19; Hospital Capt. Edward B. Archibald." It dppedirs that: the two men set | supplies, (gauze, etc, $604,85; print- out for a cruise in Mr. Gillies' yacht, | ing, $107.08; wool (knitting), $935, and wer® returfiing when they ap- | 66; postage, $16.13; laundry, $13.- parently. lost the chafinel and ram- | 13; express and parcel dglivery, $66,- med on tp' the stumps, tearing two | 11; subscription chegiie unpaid, $10; holes in the craft. The first inti-| fee national council, $1. Total $5,- mation of a tragedy was when farm- 488.15; Balance on hand, $12.66. ers on the shore heard cries for help, | Total, $5,500.81. and rushing to the water, swam out! The election of officers resulted as to assist Hall, who was swimming in. | follows: { Hall, however, sank within fifteen Honorary President, Dr. J. C. Con feet of the rescuers and expired. No | nell; Honorary - Vice-President, Lt.- signs could be seen of Mr. Gillies, Col. F. Etherington; President, Mrs. SRR. pats me----t-- I. E. Martin; Secretary Miss Marion SERGT. JOHN LAYLAND. Redden; Treasurer, Miss E. Macdon- Tm-- ell; There are twenty-eight mem- Of The 40th Regiment, Killed In| bers of the executive, and they were Action, | re-elected. Cobourg, Oet, ¥6.--~In a recent list Dr. A. P. Chown was present at the of casualties '@ppears the name of | meeting, and was called upon for an Sergt. John Layland, of the 2nd Bat- | 8ddress. He warmly congratulated taliom First' © ngent, who was | the members of the Society om the killed in action. argt. Layland en- | Work accomplished and emphasized listed at Cobourg*With the first quota | the Ereat need for keeping it up stat- of the 40th regiment, and was re. | ing that there should be no slacken ported wounded in the battle of | ing up, but rather that more forces Langemarck, but returned to action | be put to work, His remarks were after a short time in the hospital. | Most timely, and listened to with Previous to enlisting he was employ- | keen interest. ed by the Thompson-Macdonald Co.| _ A hearty vote of thanks was ten- He was an Englishman by birth and | dered all the officers. Mrs. Martin had only been in}Canada a few years | returned thanks to all the members, before war broke out. He was a] Stating that it would have been im- crack shot, and: the'news of his death | Possible for such good work to have came as a great shock fo his many | been carried on had it not been for | friends in town. He was a mem- | the hearty co-operation of all the ber of the Dramatic and Choral So- | members who responded in a most cieyt, of which he was one of the able manner to the eall for help. leading organizers. | A vote of thanks was tendered the ge | Board of Trade, for the use of the A VETERAN PASTOR. room, for the holding of the meeting. -- i AS eer gr The Silver Jubilee Of Vicar-General | ###4M44444 4300000000000 09 Corbett. * * STOP ORE SHIPPING. D. COUPER. In the case ig Richardson Serson, oy Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. tawa, who has rented the cottage and' owned the property. "I am afraid your sen has given his life for his cowrtry and for the principle of truth and liberty for which we are fighting, and has e'er this answered the. final roll call above. . "If. there is anything I can do for you at anytime to make it easier for you to bear this sorrow kindly let md know. "There is one thing that is very comforting, Our-boys at all times have faced death without a shudder, which shows that they were no Hee, NEWSPAPER MAN DROWNED, Prompt Delivery, Proprietor of Lindsay arden and Companion Met Death. Music For Wednesday. re "A Thousand Years Ago" is the song the Whig will 'publish in next " Wednesday's issye It is a beauti- ou . ful ballad * from Percy MacKaye's play of the same name The music is copyrighted but,the Whig has per- eee mission to publish it. Want_to be kind and And belong to class, Eat food that keeps you glee- ful, That is food WITH GAS." "Phone 197, or drop a card to the Office of the Works, Queen St., and have the GAS installed in your home. Two New Reo Cars| ~~ Purchased for Hire pe Ch Light, Heat, Power and G. W. BOYD. Water Depts. 89 EARL ST. Phone 1177 C. C. Folger, General Mgr. at I pI Aenea ~rerorse NO---- ST cheerful, the happy In conmection with the promotion of Brigadier-General Hodgins, adju- tant-general, and Colonel Logie, D.O. C., Torontg, the promotion of Col T.D. R. Hemming officer ¢ommand- ing 3rd Division area, to the rank of brigadier-general will take place on November 7th. "COOKED Lieut. Noxon Drowned. Picton, Oct. 16.--Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. William C. Noxon, Toronto, in their sad bereave- ment in the death of their eldest son, who was drowned several days ago by the upsetting of a canoe in one of the northern lakes. As he was conver- sant with the German language, he was placed in charge of a detention camp where a number of German and Austrian prisoners are confined. At the outbreak of the war he was at- tending a university in Germany, and it was. with considerable diffi- culty that he succeeded in getting out of that country, All his belong- ings had to be left behind. Lieut. Noxon was a grandson of the late James Noxon, who was well known to. many in Prince Edward county, as he was born at Bloomfield. Lieut. Noxon was only nineteen years of age- at the time of his death, and had an exceedingly bright future before him. The body has not been recovered, which has made the sad affair all they greater for the family. "KITCHENER" Is ths name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. , . . --FOR SALE AT-- Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 -2 -3- 5 345 King Street | i Married At Gosport, Picton, Oet. 16.--A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized on Oct. 6th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. C. E. Shortt,. when their second daughter Viola was united in marriage 'to Roy Outwater, Napanee. The bride were a gown of white satin and Juliett cap and veil and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations and ferns. The only ornaments worn were a 'beauti- ful gold necklace set with pearls by the bride, and a gold cameo bracelet by "the flower girl, both gifts of thé. groom. The flower girl was Miss Au- drey Osborne. At Belleville the couple took train west for Toronto, Buffalo and other points. The num- ber of beautiful and costly presents received by the bride shows the high esteem in which she was held. On their return, a reception awaits them a Chickering Square, 7 1-3 oetave, Rosewood case, ivory keys, ebony sharps, 2 pedals; in excellent eon- dition ' Terms: $6.00 cash, $1.00 per week. Square, Walnut case, 7 octave: condition; a niece piano for a beginner, Cornwall, Oct. 16.--~On Sunday! last, after High Mass at St. Colum- | Saws, a very pleasant event oceurr- {a % it being the presentation of an |. Germans the worst feature of adfiress Seecmpdnied by a substan- |g the clearing of the Baltic Sea A aparse Of gold on behalf of the |. chipping by the British sabma: congregation to the Vary Rev. George | o rines is that the supply of Swed \ y of Swed- Corbet Vicar-General of the Diocese, j3 ish ores for munition-making is who has recently completed twenty- five Years of devoted service as Pas 13 threatened, (Special to the Whig.) Stockholm, Oct. 16.--To the Gananoque baka wi ------------ in good least EES XE 2S Lansdowne, were married at thei !rip to Kingston for the-afternoon, Blome of the bride on Tuesday Sept.| . The schoomer Horace Taber finish- 48th. 4d unloading a fargo and cléared for Alexander McGregor, Napanee, | O8Wego for another load. mat with a nasty accident on Monday | _ Henry Amo, the eleven-year-old He was going up a step-ladder to go | 500 Of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Afno, olit on a raof-and fell a distance of o Siiington strest, lad a _ beo- : : y en a OW by a fall while play- a feet, receiving a bad) near his home. M, J. ©'Brien, Rénfrew, returned : on Monday from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. He is much bet- ter and has been convalescing in the quiet of his summer residence at Barryvale. A TOUCHING ACT. His Thoughtfulness, Signaller Clark At Renfrew Showed at the home of the groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. B, Outwater, Gospgrt, } tor of St. Columban's parish. | i Born In Millbrook. | Peterbiors," Oct. 16.--Major A. E.| Shaw of the Strathcona Horse has | been appointed to cominand the 6th | Canadian Mounted ' Regiment with | the rank of te 'Heutenant- | colonel. Major'Shaw is well known | in Peterboro, having resided here some years ago. He was born in Millbrook and is a brother of Robert | and Louis Shaw of Otonabee. An-| other brother, Sergt, Major H. B.| Shaw, is attached to the second Field Renfrew Man Comindnding Rifles. ! . Renfrew, Ort. 16.--Lieut-Colonel George MacDonald, an old 'Renfrew boy, passed through his home town last week on his way to the front. Colonel MacDonald, who is a brother of Mrs. J. MeN. Austin and Mrs. P. Robertson, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is in command of the 12th Mounted Rifles, the splendid unit recruited from the Calgary-Red Deer district. Colonel Renfrew and district ladies are! asked fo lend their assistance to the war in a new line. They are asked to contribute all their old furs, the object being to line the sleeping bags of soldiers. An interesting event took place at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crandall, Colborne, October: 12th, ¥en. Mim Taisy Rebecca Simmons was t n 'marriage to Charles R. Baguley. * : | G. A. CHI has returned the Napan- ea Assessment Roll for 1915. New assessments total about $40,000. The Population is about the same as last Renfrew, Cet. 16.--Corporal Clark showed his thoughtfulness, while be- ing conveyed home, by an act that added to the lustre of his achieve- ments. Passing by the residence of J. L. Bremner, he noticed the father of a gallant son, seated on the erafidah and watching the crowd. Si f Clark ordered the cab to stop. He Stood up and brought himself smart- ly to the salute bute to the dead soldier son who | sleeps at' Bois Grenier. And the | father saw and appreciated. And | then the cab moved on. even. ing, young Harold Bremner, the ten MacDonald is justly proud of his men, and remarked on the fine fare: well demonstration they received in Calgary. The men, a large percen- tage of whom are married, were ra- ther a superior type.' JACEE of Sutvdts Suline Club, t night, t ollowi re It was silent tri- hn h Swing Ne W. J. Crossen; president, C. T. Mec- Callum; vice-president, BOD; secretary-treasurer, | committee of management, E. Hatg- raft, A. W. Middleton, J. Henderson Canadian Engineers. Major Shaw has served seven years in the North- west Mounted Police and for the past few years has resided in Winnipeg. Three Rossmore Récruits. Rossmore, Oet. 16.--Rossmore has contributed three Toctuits for Dettevii ante tor Ente v yesterdi or ngston with Lieut. Harry L. Wallace. : Some men can't even blame cigar- ettés for their failure to make good. After 2 man is ma he séldom Cobourg, Oct. 16.---At the annual : Honorary president, 0. F, Alli E. Gullet; Tously ill in Washington. PITH OF NEWS. Despatches From Near and Distant Places, The cana's of New York State will close on Nov. 30th. U. 8. President Wilson will spend next summer in New Jersey. It Is said Britain will not allow competition on way Contracts given in United States. x Count Max Lyner Loutdon, of Germany stands accused in New York if higamy. Justice Joseph R. Lamar, of the United States Supreme Court is seri- Greece announces her definite de- cision not to 'Hutervene in the war in behalf of Serbia at present. Viscount Bryce says (Germany can stop the massacre of Armenians The. responsibility ison them. ment has tra Terms: $5.00 cash and 76¢ per week. CG. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 PRINCESS STREET. M. 8. Grace, Mgr. year and the total assessment is in: | year old son of the late Co: ral Greased about $26,000, | Fors. Bremner; ately Ghats oi Lieut. an Nasu, ot the Sith | the or in ore ARS Mie ual. atta ressed Camden form as he you 1p Council at Centréville on never hardly took his eyes off Clark, of the ladles ofthe Red Cross and bravely checked back his feel .: ra of Shee townkhip dud secured | ings. ' > coming 'Moeses, heir brane. nan, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Noonan, Burgess, has en- i - A Sudden Death. listed from Regia with the BTth | Cherry Valley, Oct. Cameron Highlanders, and Js in | Quiet of this Wis training at Minto Barracks, Winni- | the news of thé peg. rt . Hate ne Mrs. o Peter Kerr, of the Sth line 'of |eurred Sunday. Bathurst, was fined $25 and oe an : '| buys a hammock built for two. ian Allen AJ. Gould: reprogen. Be satisfied wi the best you ean tatives to Curling onto, John W. Bickle, F. M. Field, |&et ttn 'Whiteduck's Second Trial Shortly Pembroke, Oct. 18.--The county jail is one of the most forsaken places in the county just now. There are only two inmates one of whom is Whitedutk, the other gentleman is an occasional. He comés in very handy just now as cook for White- The latter s, Shirts, Caps, N.C.O. Badges & Lanyards--White -------------- lu FOES It is the seeker after new ideas who wins the commer- cial battle. the i costs on 1 ing to ell Hor her charge of interfering with and ob- '& receiving no er; went to th aoe our who 'was arrang. | bedroom uid Tout nes her dead, IE toDave a drain clea 1 "held on alsh