PAGE TWELVE "Nothing But Leaves" Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust, and Stems but all Virgin Leaves. "SALADA' has the reputation of being e cleanest, and most perfect tea sold. fis E147 BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED. SEALED PACKETS ONLY; - Three Grand Prize The highest awards possible for Columbia Graphophones and Records at the Panama World's Jair, This is our guarantee, backed by the World's Judges. ' These long evenings will be brighter and hap- pier for you with a Columbia Grafonola or a few new Records. Chi Sporting Goods Co., 88 Princess Street, Kingaon, ~~ Time and Trial Prove the unequalled value of Beecham's Pills as the best corrective of ailments of the digestive organs so common--and the 'best preventive of lasting and serious sickness so often resulting from Qefechive Or or the stomach, great record. Foro rhafse tu entire satisfaction i thousands of a Son cntary they evo been used with you that can find prom ee Hoo Us om es 3 prove of girite and gn no-go feelings cunsed by indigestion or biliousness. them, and you know what it is to have at your command such An invaluable Ald to Health re Smith g,, July 14, 1915 tlemen, Your lett, + Contents Sor of the noted TELEPHONE BS iy and == ENCOURAGE your customers to call you by Long Distan-e Telephone! By keeping in intimate touch with them you can" speedup both your business and theirs. Often a word of encouragement from manufacturer to dealer is all that is needed to . start business moving briskly. There is nothing can take the place of the spoken word, man to man. " Telephone ! Encoutage your customers | {I Mrs. William Lucy last week. There oT CANONTO, Oct. 16.--Thomas G. Burke _at- | tended the Teacher's Convention held at Sharbot Lake last week. Farmers have finished cutting corn! and potato digging is the order of | the day now. Thanksgiving service IM was well attended Sunday last and | Rev. Mr. Sampson delivered an in-| structive lecture. The Patriotic meet- | ing held here last week by Major! Barrett, Kingston, was well attended | Miss E. B. Lawrence spent Thanks- | giving with her sister in Kingston. ARDOCK. Oct. 18.--William Miller and D. Kellar, Picton, are visiting relatives | around here. the farmer purchasing | a valuable horse from Oliver Mec- Lellan. The party given by Charles Smith was much enjoyed by the young people. Roy Hamilton and Alex. McLean, have returned to Merrickville after spending Thanks- giving at home. Miss Edna Gil mour, Toronto, spent last week un- der the parental roof. Mr. Myres made a business trip to Kingston last week. Visitors: Miss Olive Watkins at M. McLean's; Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton at Mrs. Grey's Andrew Myr's at W. J. Clement's. SUNBURY. Oct. 16,--The Ladies' Aid of the | Methodist Church held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs.M. Camp- bell on Oct. 13th. A large number ofymembers were, present, also sev- eral visitors, including Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Missionaries from Genoa, It- aly, and Miss McLaren, Lanark. The meeting included the installation of officers for the coming year, namely: President, Mrs. A. MacDonald ; Vice- President, Mrs. C. Hawky; Secretary, Mrs. G. W. Bishop; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Gibson. | On Saturday evening a meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the village hall. Corn cutting is still the order of the day. The corn harvest- ing has been greatly prolonged. Rev. | Mr. Waddell, Seeley's Bay, will take the service in the Methodist Church on Sunday. * 1 SANGSTER. Oct. 18.--Miss L. Fitzgerald-and J. Barret spent Saturday in Westport. Miss K. Young's, Burridge, was a couple of day's last week. the guest of Miss Minnie Young and A. O'+| Connor's. G. Mullville, at N. Mur- | phy's; Terrance O'Connor at 'aL J. Cochrane's. A few from here at- | tended the fair at Westport on Oct. | 12th. Miss Mary E. Murphy re- turned te Kingston, after a week's visit with her parents here. Mrs. | Leo Murphy gave a dance to a few | friends Monday night. M. J. Coch- | rane sold nine of his cows to J. Tag- | gart, Westport. T. Young shippe! a | carload of wood to Kingston last week, Mr. Halladay passed through | here to-day, buying calves. John | Conaway went to Kingston last! week on a business trip. HARTINGTON. Oct. 18.--Edward Freeman had a large corn husking last Tuesday night. Miss Ada Sigsworth, Inver- ary and Miss Lalia Freeman, ac- companied by Miss Bauder, Fernleigh spent" Thanksgiving at their home here: Miss Pear] Pappa spent Thanksgiving at Sharbot Lake. Har- olds Boyce and Charles M. Moore, Queen's, spent last' week-end at home. - The Red Cross held a suc- cessful tea at the home of Benjamin Campsall last: Thursday night. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Elliott are vi-| siting Mrs. M. Cloakey.. Mrs. (Dr). | Trousdale left for Stirling on Satur day, en route for her home in Van- couver, B.C., after visiting friends and telatives here. Miss Mabel Hill has returned to Godfrey after visit- | 'ing 'at Harry Campsall's. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boyce and party motor- ed to Mr. Stover"s at: Yarker last Sunday. re BATTERSEA. Oct. 18.--Rev. J. A. Waddell, See- ley's Bay, gave an excellent address in the Meth Church on Sunday evening in the interests of missions. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of was a large attendance, and arrange --Speed-up-your-business? . * 'Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station INDIA PALE ALE ' Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOME B with. dietetical and medicinal uses. -- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN-MAKE IT -- 3 I mot wkd by dest wine and spice chant, wre JOHN LABATT, Jair DON Ed held in December. Mrs. Stewart Jeinartaise the choir at the parson- . The infant (twin) nahioR ol Mr. and Mrs. James Hol- ns ied on Oct. 6th. Rev. A. W. and Mrs, Stewart and | daughter Charlotte, ve wn Se Anlchad potato "digging, and report I not a very large yield Mr. and Mrs. | George Smedley and son Hubert and | | Mrs. Albert Salsbury spent Saturday || lin Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. John Jayne and sons, John and George, at- tended Kingston market on Saturday. = | Mrs. John B. Alkenbrack and daugh- | ter-in-law, Mr€ "Ibi Alkenbrack, !| Belleville, were in Kingston on Satur- fday. John Ashley spent over-Sun- | {day at his father's home here, Miss | Grace Danford, Bath, | Olive Salsbury on Sunday. Mr. and | Mrs. J. Kerr, also Mr. and Mrs. TA | Kérr, Petworth, Sundayed at Mr. and | {Hf | Mrs. FP. McWilliams'. Miss M. Cro- | i nin attended the teachers' convention t mn Napanee on Thursday and Friday || f last week. Denwood Dennison || ar last week at the hums of his | I | father, South Napanee. and | | Mrs. Robert Dennison My . short || | visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curl on | Sunday ldst. Mr. and®Mrs. Iri Sals- | {bury ,Colebrook, visited his father, || H. Salsbury, recently. Leo O'Mara | has returned from visiting his sister, | Mrs. J. Dillon, Chippe The thresh- | ing machine has not arrived yet, though many have been waiting anx- || iously for some weeks. A. p- | kins, Bath, is expected soon with his || outfit. f -------- Leeds ems DARLINGSIDE. Oct. 18.--David Robertson has the contract for the erection of a large boat house. for Mr. Pouch on Bama- |} { f gileod Island, and has already com- || menaced work. A large excusion |! party passed up the river on the 15th | inst. by steamer America. No deubt || this 'will be the last excursion for this || season. Mrs. Patterson and || Larue Island, || who have been visiting friends at | Clayton, have returned home. Mrs. || Juris and party, who have been sum- || ering at their island home in this || vicinity, have returned to Brooklyn, | N.Y. | | FRANKVILLE. Oct. 18.--Mrs. F. Richards is vi- siting friends in Theresa, N.Y. Mrs. || William Looby has been assisting in {| the care of. her sister-in-law, Mrs. | Wood, Lombardy, who is very ill. D. || L. Johnston Athens, sold a valuable || visited Miss | THE OVER-SEAS CLUB will make vour horse to Mac. Judson last week. Word has been réceived 'here of the | | death of William Cavanagh, Vancou- | ver, B.C., He was a former resid-- | ent of this locality. Miss Rena | Code, Brockville, has. been visiting | { at Mrs, Leslie, Seper"s; Misses Haze- | land dine Richards were visit- | ing at on Ser last week. The raised by the | following BLAST: m Tadies Selling tags | at the n, Names acco! ses Miriam Kirk, Lizzie Se Geraldine ards, Gerty Liviags-! ton, Etta , Pearl Moran, Edna | i Burns, vidson, Lotta David- | son, Lena tt, ony Supet, Mary | Reiley, Lillian lga Hanton, | Grace DItAbOUED. oe ie Loucks, | Bella Hewitt, Grace * Cannon, Miss! | Montgomery, Norma Richards, Bella | {Dodd. The patriotic workers sent | a bale containing, 152 Tolled bandag- | es each five yards ang 3 and 130 linen | hase' for wounded: soldi ers. i . ELGIN) Oct. 14.--Stanley Morgan has re-| turned to Queen's. A. L. Camp- bell has returned from the General Hospital at Kingston, Mrs. Robert Smith and granddaughters, Jean Dargavel were guests in Brockville. | Mrs. James Sarl a ed worth League con m at Pres- | cott. Mrs. William Kelly and infant | are preparing to spend the winter at New York. Miss Eva Topping. Ottawa Normal, was home for Thanksgiving. J. A. Murphy, King- ston model, was home over Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. timer, were | called here by the death of her bro- | ther, the late A. D. Mustard. Mrs. | Frederick Atcheson was called to] Latimer by the death of her sister, Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. Henderson, spent Thanksgiving in the village. Misses Grace and Pearl De Long, Brockville Business 'College, spent Sunday at home. The teachers of this district attended their conven- tion at Delta, in the l4th and 15th igst. A. Halladay, Prescott, was guest - nis -- Sunday with friends at Briar Hill isses Hazel and Laura Wiltse, visit- I their aunt at Briar Hill, Sunday, The Truth about "the 'Quer - Seas Club Tobacco Fund There are 80,000 Canadians at the front. It needs nearly $20,000 a week to supply every man~with Tobacco. THE OVER-SEAS CLUB for 25 cents can cheer the heart of one of the 80,000 with a packet of Canadian manufactured Tobac- co, 50 Canadian manufactured Cigarettes, and a Box of Matches. THE OVER-SEAS CLUB has facilities, by reason of exemption from duty and free transit, which enable it to send all this value for 25 cents. If vou purchase tlie same goods in a retail storerin (Canada and pay the postage yourself it will cost you nearly a dollar. one dollar do the work of four, or turn your 25 cents into a dollar, or nearly so. - Saturday Night says (October 9th, page 2): "The statement that the Club has undertaken to discharge all Private's obligations, and that every cent given by Cana- dians toward the Fand will go in Tobacco for the troops, gives all the assurance that Canadian subscribers need require. " The Toronto World savs (September 15th, page 2, column 2): ""The Toronto World has stated, and says again, that at no time has it had any grievance, against the Over-Seas Club Tobacco Fund, and the object of its collection. As was said on Monday morning, 'what the World wanted explained was Private's connectionawith it.' - Private no longer is connect- ed with the Fund.--Man. Ed., World." Cable from Evelyn Wrench, Esq., Hon. Secretary and Organizer of the Over-Seas Club, London, England, to F. R. Jones, Windsor Hotel, Montreal. Dated September 23rd, 1915: : "Please circulate.the following statement to Canadian Press and Corresponding Secretaries of the Club in Canada: 'The Central Committee of the Over-Seas Club regret to hear that. owing to the unauthorised extravagances on the part of their representative (Mr. Arthur Private) now recalled, attacks have been made on the administration of the Over-Seas Club Tobacco Fund. The facts are as follows: For every 25 cents subscribed in Canada our Fund sends the man at the front fifty Canadian Cigarettes and a packet of Canadian manu- factured Tobacco, both of sound quality, with no deduction for expenses whatever. The audited balance sheet for the past twelve months working of the Fund will be issued early in October.' "' The above statements should remove the misapprehensions aroused by some of the assertions which have appeared recently in the Press. The newspapers are them- selves correcting their misstatemen but corrections do not attract the same at- tention as articles devoted to "criticism and attack. The facts are just simply as stated. - All monies contributed in Canada are paid into the banks and remitted to London, and every cent is expended in the p of Ca tactured Tobacco and Cigarettes. ~ (FRANCIS R. JONES, » Organizing Secretary, Over-Seas Club Tobacco Fund. ° Hom. Sec. and Treas., Sales Managers' Association of Great Britain. WINDSOR HOTEL, MONTREAL, A October 14th, 1915. THE BRITISH WHIG HAS TAKEN CHARGE OF THE FUND IN KINGSTON AND DISTRICT. EVERY DONA- TION WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE PAPER. OUR "FUND 18 NOW NEARING $50. HELP TO MAKE IT $1,000. Tuesday for her home at Winchester after a month's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harne, Poland, spent last week-end with their dau- . ghter, Mrs. G. Sproule. W. J. Me- - . Fadden, Queen's University, conduct- A-- ed services here on ay. Miss CALDWELL'S MILLS. Mary Stewart, Lower Lavant, visited 4 Oct. 18. -- Miss Amy Caldwell | Mrs. William Bro last week. i spent a few days in Renfrew last |end. Gerald Thomas last Wed- ., Miss Effie Caldwell, return- | nesday for Ottawa where he enlist- after spending a number of h ed for overseas. dn Calgary, Alta. Mrs. Johnnie y drs, Joshua Cox, Mountain Militia Guard Factory Thanksgiving at P.| Nashus, NM. Oct. 19. --Militle- and Mrs, Frederick Av-| men to-night patrolled the plant of r ; Marion, have gone | the Nashua Manufacturing . A ide, at Perth for the winter | where one man was Easton spen shot, 'woman . bayonetted, other persons were © de. W. tog spent the "ike Suturthet : Sheedaay. Tos 3 wai tri for more pay week-end in the village. - Miss May began weeks ; me Gray spent r Thanksgiving towns He age: at. her e here. Mrs. W. J. Crawford has returned home. LAVANT. STATION. Oct. 18. Miss mie Jacob, Ot-