2AGE TEN KIDNEY DISEASE WAS KILLING HIM i Untl He Used "Fruita-fves" The Great Kidney Remedy HaorgsviLLE, Oxr., Aug. 26th, 1013. "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad state. My Kidneys were not doing their work and I was all run down in condition. Having seen 'Fruit-a-tives' advertised, I decided to try them. Their action was mild, and the result all that 'could be expected. My Kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a dozen hoxes and I regained myold-time vitality, Today, I am as well as ever." B. A. KELLY. , BDe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. DADIES! SECRET 10 FALL RIVER. Oct. 23.--Partridge hunting is the order of the day. Archibald Gray | and Miss Tena Gray made a trip to Sharbot Lake Saturday. Mrs. Ed- | ward Conroy, who has been suffering from heart failure is convalescent. | William Orr, cheesemaker, made & | business trip to Perth, recently. A few of the people from here took in the sale at Alfred Kirkham's on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sar- geant, Brooke, spent Sunday with | their daughter, Mrs. John Conroy, BARRIEFIELD. Oct. 20.--Mrs. Thompson and dau- ghter, Miss Isabella, Orillia, are the | guests of her sister. Mrs. Richard Dowler. Mrs. J. H. Barrett and | Miss Buckley and Miss C. F. Barrett haye returned home from a trip te | New York. Mrs. A. J. Medley and DARKEN GRAY HAR son, Archibald, and daughter, Agnes, | who spent the summer at her moth- Bring Back Its Color And Lustre |Teturned home. With Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and. alco- hol added, will turn gray, streaked | er's, Mrs. Draper's, Glenburnie, has Mrs. Hutton, who has been quite ill is around again. Mrs. Médley and granddaughters, Alice, accompanied by her daughter, | Mrs. Dwynell, Syracuse, N. Y., has | returned home. Miss Turner, who and faded hair beautifully dark and | has been quite ill, is improving. luxuriant; remove hairs. (every bit of dan- | druff, stop scalp Hfching snd falling | Mixing the Sage Tea and PITTSFERRY. 22.--Miss Elga | Oct. McMaster Sulphur recipe at home, though, is | gave a miscellaneous shower at her troublesume. get the read-to-use about 50 cents drug stores, known as Sage #nd Sulphur Compound," avoiding a lot of muss, tonic, While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attrac- An éasier way is to costing a large bottle, at home on Thursday last for her cou- sin, Miss Ethel McMaster, who was married on Wednesday, Oct. 20th. "Wyeth!s | A beautiful collection of gifts was thus { received. Mrs. T. Weir was taken ! suddenly ill last week, but is recover- ing. Miss Clara Grant spent the past week with her sister, Mrs.H. Mc- Lean, Kingston. Rev. Mr.and Mrs. tiveness. By darkening your hair |Steers were the guests of Mr. and with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no | Mrs. James Spence this week; also one can tell, because it does it so|Mrs. Howard Wendburn, Kingston. naturally, so evenly. You just dam-{ On Thursday last an enjoyable pen a sponge or soft brush with it|evening was spent at the home of and draw this through your hair, | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wendburn, the taking one small strand at a time; | event being a farewell party for Mr. by morning all gray hairs haye dis-|and Mrs. William Allinson, who in- appeared. After andther applica-|tend to give up farming and move to tion or two your hair becomes beau-J Kingston. Games and dancing were tifully dark, glosy, soft and Mxuri- | indulged in until midnight, when re- ant and you appear years younger. |freshments were served by the hos- - tess. A hearty vote of thanks was nA |given to Mr. and Mrs. Wendburn. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMaster have F returned to live at their old home af- ter spending the past year in Ganan- Eat Less Meat And Take Salts For oque. BATTERSEA. Oct. 18.--Mrs. G. M. Bell and Miss Backache Of Bladder Trouble. Spooner, Kingston, are visiting Mrs. C. K. Robinson. Branchley Keeler, . who has been in Toronto undergoing Uric acid in meat excites the kid- an-operation,. returned home "this neys, they become overworked; get | week, feeling quite improved. Miss sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps [Gertrude Keeler, Toronto, is here of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; . LY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1915. for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Samuel Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. | Fraser, missionaries from Genoa, | Italy, who spent the summer visit-| ing Mr. and Mrs. Mathews, left here! last week for Scotland. Mrs. Gunn, | Kingston, is here visiting her mother Mrs. Jamieson, who is very sick. Oct. 21.--Audrey Doris, only dau- | ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Keeler, was called to rest on Monday, Oct. 18th, at the early age of eight years, after an.illness of two weeks, Few cases !of illness have aroused so! much general interest. Everyone | in the village and surrounding coun- | try had an anxious inquiry each day, for everyone loved sweet winsome | spending a few days in Elgin. Kerr, " Queen's University, spent Thanksgiving at his home here. Miss Margaret Fleming has returned home after visiting friends. Mrs. Noonan and daughter are leaving for Kingston where they will reside for the winter. D. J. Hughson spent the week-end in Ottawa. Floyd Chisolm and Fahey, Elgin, spent a few days with Vincent Murphy. Ducks are quite plentiful and the many hunters are getting lots of them. MOREWOOD. Oct. 22.--Rev. H. E. Warren and family brief visit in ) little Doris. | family made a brief visit in More- assisted by Revs. A. T. Shorten, In-! verary, and J. A. Waddell, Seeley's Bay, both former pastors, Mr. Ste- wart preached from II Kings IV, 26: | "Is it well with the child? And she answered: "It is well." Mr. Waddell gang as a solo: "Some day the silver chord will break." The .church was draped in white, with flowers' and ferns, by the young ladies of the choir, who were also dressed in whi The floral offerings included a spray from the primary class in the Sunday. school and a spray from the pupils of the Public school, both of which Doris was a member. The pall- bearers were Benjamin Ruttan, Lyle Hartley, Warren Hartley, T. Ritchie, Victor Clark and Dalton Williams. The remains were placed in the vault at Sand Hill cemetery. In the great bereavement which Mr. and Mrs. Keeler, their son, El- wood, the grandparents and other members of the family have been called upon to bear, the sincere sym- pathy of neighbors and friends goes out to them. Leeds CHAFFEY'S LOCK. Oct. 20.--Mrs. M." E. Doyle and Mrs. H. Fleming are spending a few weeks in Montreal. Mrs. J. Simmons and daughter returned home after | spending a few days in Kingston. | George Fleming, Kingston, has re- turned home after spending a few days in the vicinity. Miss Alice Rousewell,and Miss Mary Kerr are FIRS Y NTED the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must 'help them flush off the body's urinous. waste | or you'll be a real sick person short- | ly. © At first you feel a dull misery | in the kidney region, you suffer from ackach®, sick headache, dizziness, | stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. | Eat 18ss meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharifatist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal aeti- vity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weak- ness. - Jad Salts is ine ive, cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent Hibla yaigr drink - which everyone should # now und thed to keep the kidneys clean and active. Drug- gists here say they sell lots of Jad ; Salts to folks who believe in over coming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Lesrons by Pictorial Review Given Away "FREE 1 es mee Sin un ge SESE mene we Moats Sire "8 Sary & Practical FT Home Bre fang) Prepared Especially For This Newspaper " a to protic iy mol me Pictorial Reviase Comume No. $347. Sides 32, 34. 36 35, 40 and 42 inches || NE band below: the skirt heading and the sleeves. . y Putting thie frock togéther is a com- paratively quick task. with simple, clear directions. The undér-arm and shoulder seams are first closed, after which the fronts are-faced, always tak By matching Se and small "p* perterations the der straps can be adjusted to po- { | Saulsbury, Saratoga, N.Y., is visiting i gives smart finish to the large "0 perfors. | in stay to indicate the center ani } this, with the double "TT" porfora- | in gathering the lower | at. Now take up darts | to the waist and face and i SLI 4 i §iies gt i der-arm seam. : Add the velvet belt to complets the asada Ce | edy played to crowded houses the Lg MO, Saturday The funeral was held in the Met-{ ¥ood Lo Signy hodist Church on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. A. W. Stewart officiating, evening. A i number attended the Red Cross tea |at O. Dillabough's on Thursday, and |at Mrs. J. Wert's on Friday. Miss Wilson is suffering from a severe at- | tack of bromchitis. Mrs. (Rev.) El+| liott and little niece, Evelyn, spent' | Monday in Smith's Falls. Rev. W. { A. Wilson, Ottawa, was a guest at the Methodist parsonage this week. The Mission Band 'of the Presbyte- | rian Church gave an entertainment | {in the hall en Friday evening, Mrs. | (Rev.) Elliott received the news Fri- day at noon of the death of her cou- 'sin, M. Bowes, who died very sud- {denly in the hospital in Smith's | Falls. Mrs. J. Moore spent Thurs- | day afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. M. | Wilson's. Mrs. Moake, Lunenburg, | 1s a guest at the home of Mrs. E. Gar- | diner. Rev. Mr. Kettlewell preach- {ed in the Methodist Church Sunday evening. | WASHBURN'S CORNERS. | Oct. 22.--Robert Moulton, a for- | mer resident here, now living near | Addison, was taken violently ill on | Monday evening. There are few | hopes for his recovery. . Mr. Laynig |and his sister, who were tipped out |of an auto near here, escaped un- put. The farmers here are plough- ng. | An interesting meeting was held by the Woman's Institute in the town hall, Delta, on Wednesday, at which the members of Athens and Elgin in- stitutes were entertained. Little "Pat" Swayne, of Athens, was knock- ed down by an auto on Wednesday, and was hurt quite badly. Mrs. her brother, John Lovern. A. A. Crawford, teller in the Mer- chants Bank, Athens, last week en- listed at Montreal in the heavy artil- lery for overseas service. Ww. Greene has returned to his home in Medicine Hat, after several weeks' visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and © Mrs. oshua Moulton' left on Monday to attend the funeral of his nephew, the late Ogle Webster, who was accidentally shot at Smith's Falls. William Sheridan, Soper- ton, who has been seriously ill, is im- proving. Pupils of the school were through the section to-day "collecting money in the noble cause of the Red Cross Society. Dr. G. H. R. Hamilton, who practised in Athens for several years; and who went to E nd last summer, is now resident surgeon at the Swansea hospital in Wales. John Morrison, South ntain, is calling on old neighbors and friends. Friends received word this week of the safe arrival at Plymouth, England, of Hubert Cornell, who went with the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Lennox & Addington | BATH. Oct. 20.--Mrs. R. J. Green and Harry Green, Oak Leaf, and Miss Hunt, Athens, visited at Mrs. Hogle's on Sunday last. The Red Cross Society here has donated $25 to the Lennox and Addington Moto Ambilance funds. H. D. Wémp ane Mrs. Wemp went to Verona on Wed- nesday to attend Mrs. Wemp's sis ter's wedding! The Johnston Com- three nights it was here. WILTON. Oct. 23.--Death has claimed an- other old and spected resident, Willlam Walker, ue Jamved away last Sains. Mr. Walker had been in falling ealth Tor some time, and became se od Tuesday, not re- gaining copsciouspess. A daugh- ter, . W. Storms, Walhalle, Da- kota, and a son, Clarke, on the home- are [eft to mi is loss. ead, 10urn Mrs. Walker pre-decea: him a Your taste for good tea will prove to you | Red Rose Tea "is good tea PASTEURIZATION Price's KILLS 99 P.C. OF THE BACTERIA IN MILK. No epidemic of disease has ever been traced to pasteurized mil © All our milk is thoroughly pas- teurized and sold in sealed bottles. Phone 845 :: R frequent bathing there is nothing as safe as Ivory Soap. No matter TRL Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1015. Trains will leavé and arrive at City Depot, foot of Jobmsion street. No 1% Mail yo. 0. No. l4--Intl, Lard. . No. #8--Local to Brockville 6.58 p.m. \ Nos. 1, 6, 7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily, other trains dally except Sunday. rect 'route to Toronte, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston 4nd New York. or full parichlars apply J. P. HAM. Y, Rallroad and Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets YI PacirFric "Pacific Coast Tours © VIA THE SCENIC CANADIAN ROCKIES Trains--No Change t your ticket reads IAN PAQIFIC "Nature's Exposition Route to the California Expositions" B E3EFES = pee Bp BBE BE Particulars from F. Conway, C.P. A, City Ticket Office, corner Prin- seas and Wallington streets. Phone SEL New Route how often used, it does not irritate the skin be- cause it contains rio free alkali nor inferior material. IVORY SOAP . Procter & Gamble Factories in Hamillon, Canada Ar. Thursday, Saturd: Connecting "at dally for Regina, 5 CENTS (2) . 9943 PURE TrLoars convinced. G. T. P, train leaylng 6. Tuesday, Thursday and JR by Winnipeg 3. and Monday naipeg with Pam. askatoon, Ed- monton and intermediate points. Through Tickets to and San Framelsco Timetables and all information from any Grand Trunk, Can. Govt. Bas. or T. & liway Agent N. 0. 8 OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. CAN"® BE BEAT, Try a sample order and be NOLAN'S GROOERY, St. ' Princess Phone 720. .- Prompt Delivery It makes foods rich, tasty, and: easy to digest. Y The Up-to-date Shortening There is only one reason why a woman should use anything besides Crisco as a cooking fat. That is because she never az heard of Crisco, Crisco is just as economical as lard--and is better. It is much less expensive than butter--and is every bit as good. - It is the up-to-date shortening and frying fat. Housewives everywhere are frying it out with ~~ Made in new, sanitary, sunlit factories at Hemi ton, Canada