Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1915, p. 7

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-- : Ea x: avamecgraat abr HE TS bines all the ence ER eA Service BANK OF TORONTO provides its customers h"a modern Banking Service. In this it com- advantages of sound banking experi- with the modern equipment and progressive out- look necessary to meet present-day Careful attention is given to all Business Accounts. requirements, Our long experience and ample funds insure full, satisfactory service to all customers. Assets . . ThE . $61,000,000 'BANK or TORONTO FOR SALE ¢ | Automobile { A solid brick electric light, one of the dwelling on gas for cooking st bullt houses in THE J. K. BROCK STREET Je hnson street, all oak the city and cheap at $4 CARROLL AGENCY, Phoke 6S or STA, 9. rooms, hot floors downstairs: fireplace. Tris 000, { Xmas Gifts for Soldiers Not a bit too early if your gift is to Day. Wrist Watches, Flash Lights, Fountain Pens, FRONT by Xmas Mirrors, arrive at THE For soldiers we have Pocket Pocket Flasks, Waterproof Match Safes, Pocket Photo Frimes. R. J. RODGER 9 "Where the Clock JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 347 KING ST, KINGSTON. is on the Walk." Of being disappointed when you our can give you every re- along that buy your baby store. We quisite you may want line. supplies from FOR SALE Splendid farm, 150 acres, 2 setts of buildings, 12 miles from" Kingston. Farm, 100 acres, good build- ings, 12 miles from Kingston. Prices $4 750. Easy terms on both farms. W. H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 Brock St We mention a few: Nursing Bot- tles, Nipples, Soothers, Teething Rings, etc., besides all the leading | od Baby Foods. Hoag's Opp. YMCA. KINGSTON, ONT. ON SALE-- REDPATH'S SUGAR 10 Ib Bags ...... Choice Western Beef, Fresh Pork. GORDON'S GROCERY Phone 88. 149 Montreal St. Lamb, For Hire (1915 REGAL) Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives Wiopings A SeeCIALTY, Prompt Attention o Boat and Train Service nd Esacacy Guaranteed, R. J. Allen, Phone 300. Store! Alen 'Shorts, Cracked [and Whole [Shell Corn. and Ground Bone. We also pay the highest Chie- Turkeys. || For further information ap- Jjeash price for Fowl, { kens, Ducks and Alidirson Bros. Wholesale and Retail Store, Cor. Princess and Division Streets. Phone 4358. { cHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. {| ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND W . or J 08S. AHEARN, JR, 279% MONTREAL STREET Phone 866. water furnace, Anderson Bros. Phone 258. Sell Hay, Straw, Oats, Bran, Feed, Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Oyster A o- #4 wm INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~=What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of The Whig. "The children's friend," Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. There was a small mlrket on Tuesday morning with no change in| prices. { Division" Court was held on Tues day morning, The cases were an of | a minor nature. 4 "Physicians' Prescriptions" 'care- fully filled at Gibson's Réd Crom Drug Store. | 8. Burrows ,the well-known in| surance agent, of Belleville, was in| the city on Monday. H. Cunningham, plano tuner, 31 Hing street. Leave orde.s at McAul-| ey's Book Store. Pure gum rubber hot water bottles | en e sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug The Officers' Training Corps Queen's University trained on lower campus this afternoon. The old-fashioned horehound can- | dy in twisted sticks is sold at Gib-' {son's Red Cross Drug Store. is | Mrs. Edward L. Spence, will re- | ceive Wednesday, Oct. 27th; at her | home, 17 Clergy street west. Stanley Lake, New York, has been visiting his mother, Mrs: William Laké, Queen street, for the past few days. ' | "Take your prescription" |son's Red Cross Drug Store. fully filled there. Mrs. R. J. Burnett has returned | to New York after a five-weeks' visit | with her sister, Miss Forbes, Barrie | street, Suits and dvercoats for half price at the great sale going on at Jos. | Abramson's, 213 Princess street, op-- | posite Opera House. Prof. Jordan Is to preach anmniver- {sary sermons in Brockville on-Sun- {|day. Prof. Dall will do the same in : | Belleville. Every home should have a good hot water bottle. The best money can buy are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The Management Committee of the Board of Education awarded the con- tract for school supplies for 1916 to | R. Uglow & Co. "Have you a cough?" Gibson's {Red Cross Cough Syrup will cure you. George Smith, Westbrook, was re- manded for eight days by George Hunter, J. P,, for carnally knowing a thirteen-year-old girl, a resident of the same place. Sweater Coats, regular §7.00, and $7.50, for $3.95, at Jos. Abram- son's, 213 Princess street, opposite Opera House. Two bankrupt stocks in one sale. Mrs. G. A. Palmer, 32 Frontenac street, has returned home, after a two-weeks' stay in the General Hos- pital, where she underwent an oper- ation. Pure gum rubber hot water bottles are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A. T. Wilgress, the Brockville newspaper man, made King's printer | for Ontario, was originally a banker. | He has evidently gone back to his | first love, May he always have a! big account. ! "Do you need a cough syrup?" Go to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Coughs cured there. The final year dance, junior year dance, farewell dance, conversat, so- phomore social evening, and Educa- tion social evening have all been eliminated. from the social event of the term at Queen's University. Boys' Overcoats, sizes 28 to 34, for $4.95, at the two bankrupt stocks in one sale. Jos. Abramson, pro- prietor, 213 Princess street, opposite Opera H ky ' A G. T. R. siding is being built to the newly-constructed warehouse awned by Susman and Cohen, Cata- ragui street. The warehouse is a three story concrete structure and will be used in the sorting of scrap metdl Don't forget the great sale going | on at Jos. Abramson's, 213 Princess street, opposite Opera House. Two bankrupt stocks in one sale, men's clothing, furnishipgs and house fur- nishings of all kinds. at | the { to Gib- Care- | If You Have a Furniture 'Need Fill It Now | Easy Chairs, Couches, Chesterfields, Davenpors. | | | Late Miss Florente L. Currell. { Miss Florence Louissea Currell, 47 John street, daughter of Mrs. James | Currell, died on Monday night after] a lingering illness. 6 deceased was twenty-five years years of age. Late Wilton on Duff, Taverary. After a short iliness, Wilton Duff, Inverary, passed away in the Hotel Dieu on Monday evening. 'The de-| ceased was well and favorably known throughout the country as'a prosper- ous farmer. He was born forty- four years ago in the county. He | i§ survived by two brothers, Joseph! and William, Inverary, #ad one sis- | ter, Mrs. Neil McCallum, 8t Univer- | i sity avenue. i country at an early greater part of her Ii the city. She was the. i the late Thomas B. ri. Commissariat There are left to RATES = daughters, Mrs. lonts; Mrs. J. H or Seek "si Dunlop, city; and two sons, Revert T., and A. doth Je sing in New York "ag Aird er of "OF Se. Aherews Chu "Under | Orders" Trmimeg) | o'clock, p.m. on Friday, the 20th, Inst. wi WANT TO BUY {OF FURNITURE, 33 MAIN STREET, PETA GRAN WOUSE| TONIGHT Princess Producing Co. Inc. Presents a Real War Play, | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES. || By Albert Cowles. | Showing War as it is Being| Waged To- day. i HELP WANTED. {rw SSES, If you want to see aeroplanes, sub-| q EXPERIENCED W AITRES marinés and gas bombs in action ex-| APP actly as it is taking place to-day at PERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPER the front, see this play EX wanted, at once Apply 220 Prin-! | Prices: 25¢, 50c, 75c¢, $1, $1.50 cess street. | GIRLS. APPLY KINGSTON STEAM Seats Now eu Sal New on Sale. | Laundry, corner Princess and Syd- TOMORROW 1 =» Jc vnham streets. noon and Evening $1: one month, $2 A vg GIRLS FOR FINE-SPLITTING MICA. 2 Feature Vaudeville Acts 2 PARCEL BOY AND CHANCE ™ office Prices: Mat. i AN 10¢ I served Se extra. Apply Anglin Mica Mining Co, Limited. 1 Bay streei. A GENERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL flat; family of we Appiy iy Wellington - street 'elephone Famous Players Films, 5 Reels L TAI IAFERRO IN learn business Apply at yde Shoe Store. 184 Princess street " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THREE OF US. SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEPART. ment. Good chance to learn print- And Othe: Photo-Plays. | ing trade. Apply at once, Whig New Programme Monday and Thursday | " a INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Any Seat en goss, Vlg earn $100 monthiy corresponding ~ for newspapers: -no canvassing. Send ToL Sa icjars Press Synai- --B Bg cate, 398% Lockport, N. Y Strand Theatre =} Mon., Tues. and Wed., " 2--BIG FEATURES--2 BROADWAY STAR FEATURE, "From the Play "3. Fisderie Chopin, } IMMEMATELY, HEALTHY, M1DD aged woman as working house keeper; snitall family, good wages State wages and references to Mrs M , Sharbot Lake, Ont TS 70 SELL STONE- the Stonemeal Fertilizer st soil buiMer on the market. Good commissions for the right men Apply 4. H. Meuadels, 132 Princess streét, Kingston. TWO LIVE meal, by . th A laughing Comedy In 4 parts. Co. the "THE MYSTERY OF THE TAPESTRY ROOM" fn 3 Acts, featuring Murdock McQuarrie Afternoons at any. 2.135 and 3.45, i Admission: Matinee, Ser Fventuan. 10 HELP WANTED. The Belvidere | APARTMENT HOTEL 141 King Street. Phone 1743. Transient and Perma- (| nent Rates. l ~ | | Experienced operators for sew- ing machines. Apply to the King- + ston Hosiery Co + | pdb PPR EPRP PRP PPER DIPS POSITION WANTED. SOPRANO SOLOIST DESIRES \ POSI- i tion: also fill concert engagements. Apply 386 Alfred street i ' WANTED GENERAL. i After Theatre Suppers Aa. i cialty. Apply Chef Steward. - jt ROOM, GOOD LOCA-| Box 250, Whig office. | UNFURNISHED tion. Apply { ------ f | TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders will be received at the office | of the undersigned (where plans and specifications may be seen) up to five | WORE. BY RESPECTABLE WOMAN, by day or week. Address 201 Wel- Hhgton street SECOND-HAND | eese feathers. Apply Kingston | Mattress Company, 5586 Princess | for Mr. N. C.| street. 1 [Two BEDROOMS AND USE oF wir. | chen wanted by man and wife, with | { two children, Box 360, | ! Whig office. i for the several trades works required] in making certain alterations in and building an add t'on mo a residence on | King stret, in this city, Polson, Sr. est or any dender not necessarily | Low accepted, WM. NEWLANDS & so SON 258 Bagot street. AUCTION BALE Apply rehitects. | | KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING | | Company, 464 Albert street. Place yout orders at once and be sure of | good reliable men to. clean and put! up your storm - windows. P { WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2TTH, 10 AM. os « ory ndows. hone | Centre, Kitdhen and Drop Leaf Ta-| Mes, Carpets, Pictures, Couches. Rock- | ers. Lady's Writing Desk, Bedroom Suites, Springs. Mattresses, Hall Rack. DANCING. { Hurén Range, Oak Heater, Gas Plates, | {MISS HUDON, AUTHORIZED BY PROF. Clock, Ohairs, China Tea Sett, Crockery, Glassware, Kn noleum, $0 Foot Flag Pole, | Grindstone, Wheélbatrow, Garden Tools, | ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER, Ti Teun. 232. Frank: Norman, of Montreal, to teach the Standard modern dances. Balboa, Walk Waltz, Broadway Glide, ete. oN Collegiate Bufld- ing. Phone 120. Lamps, ete. - UNEQUALLED | | FOR PURITY RONTENAC RENCH LOATING CASTILE TOILET SO 5c per NO ADVANCE IN PRICE FOE Wood's Phoeghading, ZIG-ZAG Ps SARDINES EE 2 for 25 Cents fe al Convention in Chicago, and ex- plained § what benefits would re-- sult from'\jt. This campaign Was Ealed the "Millionaire Endeavorers' ign," the ol Dam during the new members, to bring one million more people to serve Christ, to have one million members join the chureh, | DRESSMAKING. | PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN| dressmaking, cutting by measure, designing, trimming, etc: three | dollars, includin EL aYstem. Madame | Elder, New ressmaking | Parlors, 253 Princess Street, corner | Sydenham. DENTAL. " A.B, » BA, LDS, DDS. RE. Baa to 258 Princess btreet. i | ORS. SPARKS AND Ap { tists, 158. We AR Leonard Walsh, -- ® stant, Phone M4 8, will eure. " Te, 2 ge ERLE on Miss Cavell's {A Singer Machine. Lace Curtains, Crow I EFFECTIVE ttle. Once, 26c: one week, $1.00 {Sone GOOD SQUARES, ROUNDS AND Fire-King heaters at right prices Turk's, phone 705 ADVTS. three times, COST LL il LADY'S HAT, on Tuesday af- ternoon, on King, near West street Owner may have same by. wroving property and applying to Mrs. Dean, General il Hospital, between and § o'ckyk 'A FEW TONS OF SUGAR BEETS AND white carrots Apply B. Lancas- ter, Cataraqui Phone 1108 R 23 AN ENGLISH EIGHT-DAY STRIKING i movement clock, in mahogany case, i in excelient condition Apply 13% Union street West ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything &ha i wishing to reach the owner may | do so by reporting the facts to i The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be.printed in this | column free of charge. LOST. FOUND jvicIRaLA AND TWELVE SELEC- tions, $28.50. Terms $5.00 cash and $1.00 a week. C.- W. Lindsay Co, .. 121 Princess street BRICK COTTAGE, ON No. 180 Rideau street, re after December Davis Dry. Dock Co SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT i cycles, $27; Pastime Bleoycles, $36: Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with 2. speed gear, $60 Geo. Muller, 371 King street. EEENTEETTEEEE Apply $5 BILL, TUESDAY MORNING. FIND- er please return w Whig office. BRINDLE BULL DOG, AN. ring to name "Mae" Liberal ard for information leading ta recovery of same Robert F. Sas sie, Major, B¥th Battery, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, cloth- ing, boots, sult cases, tools, els you have anything to sell, ¢ card. I wll call. 8S. Shapiro, Princess street C.E. T0 LET. ' ETC, Brock 1 STORAGE FOR» FURNITUR! FOR SALE. clean an ry. McCann, 8 . . Street. Several new Columbia Grafon- olas, from $15.00 to 3zvd Lat gains if taken within the next few days. Address in first instance, Box 921, care Whig office. DWELLING! OFFICES, STORES, Me- Cann's eal Estate Agency, 82 Srock Street. Bobb br hbr db 4d 13 : ; 3 : OPFIURS x ULARENCE ST. SHAM. Apply unningham & 4 LARGR STOCK OF NEW AND SEC- Mudle, '79 erence & » A ond-hapd stoves, furniture, odd dressers, iron beds, etc. We also buy all kinds of new and second- hand furniture. J. Thompson, 233 Princess street, phone 1600. GORE rooms, ary 1st 82 STREET--BRICK, NINE furnace. Possession Janu- Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, Brock street | MUNTERS' SUPPLIES IN CANVAS, ete. Shell bags, haversacks, dun- nage bags, sleening tarpaulins, eiderdown sleeping robes, foldin water pails, tables, . chairs an beds. F., W. Cooke; - 39 Clarence street. Phone $91, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLE fegrair ; your own lock A "City Storage, 299 Queen St Phone 528d, FARM OF 160 ACRES ONE MILE from village of Tichborne; quars er of a mile from cheese faclory, and ome half a mile. from school One hundred acres tillable land; sixty acres pasturage. Apply Shomas McEwen, Jr. Tichborne, nt Mrs. Cavanagh has taken the residence at 67 Gore street, where furnished sitting and bed rooms may be obtained Apply to Miss Cavanagh on the premises phone 1541 FEEL LEE PPE P PLP PEPIN CHOICE DWELLINGS IN ALL PARTS of the city at $1,000, $1,500, $2000, | $2,500. $2,700, $2,300, $2,900, $3.000, 'Cc $3,100. $3400, $3.900. $4.000 $4500, $5,500, $7,200, $8,000. OVER 25 BUILDING LOTS AND LARGE plots of ground,' from $125 to $5,000 a RENT---AT $15, $17 AND 835; brick, with improvements and good location: also furnished house, All modern; first class locality, $36 Geo. A. Bateman, real estate, money to loan, §7 Clarence street. BUSINESS NOTICES. WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has purchased the tallor shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo- way and will do all kinds of re- pairing 4 and pressing. Also make Px from your own wath Boia guaranteed. 13 Brock street. LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER | - and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clar- ence St, Kingston. EOARD AND ROOMS. FINANCIAL. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveniences. Apply 243 Brock street. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; Incorporated 1883; | resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith. | oney issu on city and farm | properties, municipal and country | debentures: mortgages purchased; ! deposits received and interest al. lowed. 8 C. McGill, Manager, Ni wa, NEWLANDS & Clarence street. tects, ete Offices, Phone 61 SON, 268 ARCHI. Bagot St LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO pe | Fire Insurance SompARY. Available | assets $61,187,215. In addition to| which the policyholders have for | security the unlimited liability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. ore renewing | old or giving new business get! rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 3 1 POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, chants' Bank Building, Brock and Wellington Drop % card. MER- corner streets, PERSONAL. EAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTHMARKS and all growths and ski Ishes removed permmnenity, out scar; 30 years' SXperience. Elmer J. Ke, Sar, Throat and Skin "Specialist, Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street 258 BUSINESS CHANCES. 4 ANYONE, ANYWHERS CAN. START A. BOY RN LATE MED* a m order business at home: ne vf canvassing; Sibel Kain fer | Sr Soli 'Wellington 3 Phone 964. MEDICAL. Street. Heacock, 2989 Lockport, N.Y, | Supreme Cannell ! Nice Seasonable Coal for the grate fire-place. It's the best coal on the market for this purpose. Quarter Ton ....$2.00 Ordinary Soft : Lamp Coal. Quarter Ton ....$1.50 JAMES SWIFT & 0 Also: ~~ ' Remedy of Virgin Oil of ness of Glycerine and a halt-pint of Whiskey, mixed, will Jeiiete any co und break a cold , 24 houre ake. 8 teaspoonful ery togr hours Ask your dru é Enter dhe Gentine. gengine Laas Virgin pare, Bre. Fired and ve oopound by he Le ical Co. Cincingatl, O

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