THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER > 1915 PAGE ELEVEN Fresh and Refreshing T bedside and motored here on Sun- new silos Thomas Eastwood and | Er yday Mrs. Wills will remain and | William Little have been several] : | : urse her mother. Tunis Ferguson! L ys filling the The corn crop! g > land son Leonard who were stricken was a plentiful one, The neighbor- with typhoid er still continue very & 5 -. Mr -- GLE ENDOWER. gatherer has rounds Mrs. in the Friends' morning. Mrs Lake, visited at Ri i Wilson and wife visitors t B. Hop- Anson Timmerman went to »y to visit his wife, hood turned out to the Wilson sale in Gananoque on the 20th inst. Mrs. F. Beaubien has returned to Howe { Island after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. James\Cow- an. 'George Hajg has remted John MeNiéh's "tTarm @nd will move on it next month. John Brown has gone into stock-raising again. The electric line .wiil soon be finished and ready for use. Samuel Clark is erecting a new barn on the site of te Ghe that was burned. The Bell Telephone Company had to move some of its poles as they were in the way of the electric line. Mrs. R. MeNinch is home again after visiting friends in the United States. The farmers are anxious to get at their plowing. PURE. essence of fine soap in flakes---and most economical of all washing preparations--- LUX dissolves readily in hot water, forming a smooth, eream-like lather that can- notinjurethefilmiest fabrics or the daintiesthands., LUX preserves the original soft- ness and fleeciness of all woollengarments. Try LUX. low. Miss Switzer, a trained nurse, is in attendance Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ethbert Lake, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs William Lowry twins (boy and girl). W.sR, Tolls has returned tn his home here 3fter spending a couple of months in Sam's domains. Miss Margaret thur has not from her operation to leave Kings ton. Miss Annie Thompson will be removed from the General Hospital to-morrow but will remain for a time with her aunt, Mrs. R, H. Ei- mer, Bagot street Farmers have their potatoes dug and report a very light crop. is composed of clean, whole young leaves. Picked might, , blended right and packed right. It brings the fragrance of an Eastern garden to your table. BLACK, MIXED OR GRIEN A EN AB FRANKVILLE. Oct. 25.--Kenneth McDonald and sister, Mary, visited at [Frederick Price's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yates, Athens, visited at James Burns' on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ArH. Wilson, Athens, visited at . rles Lehigh Jones Falls. ax Snooks, Desert Japies Wilson's were - ee in Smith's Falls. VERONA. - Oct, 28.--Quarterly services were held in the Free Methodist Church last Sabbath Elder Reynolds pre- sided Representatives were pres- : ent from the various appointments. At all grocers 10c. E. Trousdale has been quite ill, but Bl | is better to-day, Miss F. Blacklock, Glenburnije, spent Bunday at A.'Trous- dale's Mrs. D. Kenyon, High Falls, {is moving to the village. MORTON. Oct. 28.--The shadow of gloem was cast over this village when the sad news was received here on Mon- day of the death at her father's home at Lyndhurst of Mrs. W. J. Green. Mrs, Green was a former resident of this village. Much sympathy goes out to her husband and parents in the hour of their bereavement. Rev. F. Wedderburn, Queen's Univer- sity, spent Sunday and Monday at F. B. Taber's. Mrs. George Tye, See- ley"s Bay, spent Monday at H. Sly's. Mrs. J. Coon is spending a few days in Athens. Services were conducted in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday by 'the Rev. J. F. Wedder- burn, Kingston. BURRIDGE., Oct. 28.--Mrs. Bresee, who came to spend a few days with her daugh- ter Mrs. Derbyshire, yery ill. A. Bygrove gave a husking be and dance last night. Mrs. P. McCann is spending a few days in Kingston. Miss M. McGuire, Brockville vi- siting her cousin, Miss Dora McCann Mr, and Mrs. and Miss Barr visited at William Bresee's last Sunday Migs M. Golden in westport for the past three years has returned home to stay. Miss Boyle, teacher at No 8, LANSDOWNE. Oct. Mrs. John Bryan seri- ously injured nearly two wepks since by being run into by an auto car i still in a very precarious condition Miss Ena Bigford left for Toronto on Monday to attend the Jubilee Sun- day Schogl Convention A memori- \al service for the late W. W. Frew, killed in action in France, will be held in the Methodist Church here on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31st un- der auspices of the Oddfellows. The property of the late Mrs. Eliza Dix- on was sold last Saturday, the house and lot being purchased by George McKay, Miss Flood, Delta, is vis- iting her sister, Mre. McNamee, Miss Rachael Po'ter, Echo Lodge, and Mr. McAuley, on the staff of the Merchants Bank, were quietly m ried on Monday by Rev. W. Towle. The happy couple have gone to Ottawa on their honeymoon William Mitchell, Mooretown, has bought the home and lot on Conces- sion street from Mr. Mulvaugh and will shortly take possession. om aT. ~ WILBUR. Oct. 27.~--Joseph Moreau from fs ehumacher has returned to his home ere Mrs. Alfred Miller who has been in the General Hospital for the ast two weeks is home again. Miss! jurna Thurston, Englehart, is visit- ing her home for a few weeks. Miss] visited Fermoy friends Sunday. Mrs. Kthel Boyd and niece, Thelma, are|C. Stinson, who had her arm broken visiting the former's sister in North some time ago is getting better and Bi Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyd spent| her many friends will be glad to see Sunday at W. C. Boyd's. A number| her ont again. Our school is pro- from here attended the Ladies' Insti-| gressing fine under the able manag- tute meeting held at Lavant Satur-{ement of Miss Hazel Abernethy, day last. Kingston, and it is to be sincerely hoped she will remain for a number of terms. Jason Crozier went to Kingston Hospital where he is un- dergoing treatment. His frierds hope to see him home soon. William Quinn spent Monda; i» Westpor: ¥ oxes are very plen'iful ground he and. some hunters have . lready cap- tured some of those wily creatures that have been carrying off the farm- er's" turkeys. "D & A" "La 'Diva" Corsets retailing at $2.50 are equal in style, material and workmanship toimported corséts costing $3.50 to $5.00; the duty and éxtra profit--for which you get nothing, explains the difference. Quite aside from your natural wish to encourage Canadian workmen, it is worth your while, for the saving it involves--tobuya "D & A" or a "La Diva' Corset. ® "BUY MADE-IN-CANADA CORSETS" 6-15 3 MRE Made in Canada by Lever if Brothers Limited, Toronto AA aA oll THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. TREVELYAN, Oct. 26.--A number from here at- tended the patriotic dance in Mal- lorytowr Friday evening. Jeremiah Flood is improving after an attack of typhoid fever. F. Leeder and Win-| nie Ronan spent Sunday at Edmund| Leeder"s, Escott. Miss Alice Lappan | spent Tuesdav at R. J. Leeder's. Mrs. P. J. Flood, who has been ill is is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Leeder spent Sunday at L. P. Gavin's, Quabbin: Mr. and Mrs. D.| Heffernan spent Sunday at Bernard | Flood"s. Mrs: T. Foster, Brockville, | returned home Sunday after spend-| ing the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Pg J. Flood's. Michael Heffer- nan, Athens, is ploughing ' on his farm here. is able to work again. B. Herbi- | Lennox & Addington LOMBARDY son met with a painful accident on FE A aA A Saaaaaaaaaal ard t 19 } anyt! Drop a wanting all kinds also hard- 3} orders Shoy rk; DESERT LAKE. Oct. 28 --Preparations for decr- hunting are in progress. Hunters report the supply of partridge very SCATCE lu Spite of the cold weath- er Mr. Abrams makes regular trips with his motor boat. , Mr. Abrams has purchased a team of horses. D. Snook and S. Sleap were at the dance and husking bee at Mrs. Noonan's Farmers are skipping their hogs at a high price. Mrs. S. Snook is visit- ing friends at the lake. C. Walker and family, Portsmouth, motafed 10 C. Orser's. Sunday, Wilet Baocock spent Sunday at home. H. L. Baud« er wa" at Bell Rock. attentio GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW - 2 twr2sc COLLAR IT FATS THE CRAVAY SAND BAY. 26.--Ploughing is the order af the day. David Perry, Athens, visited at V. Goff's. J. A. Lappin, who has been laid up with lumbago, / Oct. Eve Cent you spend for "Made in Canada" goods elps you as well as other Canadians POO ABAD BB BABB { Thursday morning. While unload- Oct. 28.--Mr." Bradley, assistant {ing his milk at the factory, the rope cheese maker here for the past year broke, letting the can down and scar- has gone to Kingston where he will |ing the horse, which threw Mr. Her- take a course in the Dairy School. | bison off, cutting his head very bad- Born. to Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Polk, on p He was unconscious for a while, 22nd inst, a ,son. Mr. and Mrs. but he is recovering slowly. A Albert Covell and children visited | number from here attended W. Wil- friends in Fairfield on Sunday. The son's sale on Wednesday. Visitors: illness of Mrs. P. Dooher is causing | Wilmer Tye, Long Point, at Vince her friends much anxiety. Thomas Goff's; Miss Edith Running, Lans- Healey, Carleton Mace, spent the downe, at Josiah Running"s; Miss week end at his home here. J. | Darley Flood, Delta, Mrs. J. Ivey, Ivy Klyne and Miss E. Klyne attended |l.€a, Miss Marie McNamee, Lans- the funeral of their uncle, the late|downe, at John McDonald's; Frank S. Klyne at Newboyne on Friday, | Giffen, Lansdowne, at Charles Mc- 22nd inst. Miss Lizzie Hughes, | Donald's; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lappin, Smith's Falls, spent the week end Rosie, at Mrs. Susan Patience's, Dul- at her home here. A. Gould got the cemaine; Mrs, R. Cornett, Lans- contract for the rural mail route in| downe, at B. McCready's; Mrs. W. this vicinity and started upon ifs McCready has Tetulved hong after spending some months at Russell; Work oa J8tR uate Misses Vera and Mamie McDonald at DULCEMAINE. P. M. Lappin's, Melcombe. Oct. 2 ei 26.--Farmers are wishing for --- a good rain, Mr. and Mrg. Josiah Humphrey and family motored to Gananoque on Sunday. Word was received here on Tuesday of the sud- den death of Mrs. Green, formerly Miss Jessie Slack, Lyndhurst. Miss Eula Patience js spending a few days oR LAVANT STATION. Oct. 28.--Miss Eva Lawrence, Can- onto, spent the week-end with her friend Miss Clara B. Lee. Mr. Frank, Queen's University, conduct- ed the services here on Sunday. Miss in Brockville. Mrs. William Cook, Ethel Boyd and little niece, Thelma sr., has returned home after visiting Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fer- Boyd, left for North Bay on Satur- day, where they will visit the for- guson have gone to Junetown to re- side. Miss Faith Greer spent the week-end in Lansdowne. Mrs. H. mer's sister, Mrs. R. Alcorn, Miss Bella Reid, Lower Lavant, has come to work at Lavant Hotel. Miss Ferguson is spending this week at Minnie Jacob, Ottawa, spent Thanks- Alexandria Bay. Visitors: Mae Steacy, Warburton; Mr, and Mrs. giving with her mother, Mrs. 8. B. Jacob. The regular méhihly meet- James McCormack, at R. Williams; ing of the Women's Institfite was Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Lappan; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lappan, Misses Vera and held here on Saturday with a small attendance. We hope to ses more Mamie McDonald, Sand Bay, V. Flood and W. Fodey, Warburton; F. members present at our next meet- ing on Nov, 13th. Lappan, Milcombe, at Mrs. Susan. Pa- : - a 3 {Prince Edward tience. CHERRY VALLEY. Oct. 25.--~The Epworth Leagué will hold 'a Hallow'een masquerade on Friday evening. Charles Kerr, Winnipeg, was called home to see' his mother who is itl. Edward Thi- bault is holding a sale of his stock and implements. He is going to rent his farm. Mrs. David Bowerman is ill. Mrs. M. Clark' and daughter, Freda have moved to the village to resife: Mrs. H. Mackman has re- TAMWORTH. Oct. 27 A good number of hunt- ers have gone north to be ready for game on Monday next. J. S. Taylor is re-painting his store. Patrick Whalen has men at work tearing out the interior of the old Wheeler hotel, Finley Bell will soon have his hangar completed. | The public | school inspector is here: The busi- ness men of the town gave $125, the school $10, and the township $125 GEENVALE. Oct. 26.--A number from here at- tended the funeral of the late George Binnington, at -Cataraqui, on Mon- day. Deceased was born and until a few years ago resided here when he sold his farm and bought a lar one near Cataraqui. He was hi y respected by all. Herman Emmons has sold his farm to H. McCrack- en The young people are looking| NS ie sgn ny oe on Tra falgar Day for the British Red Mr. and Mrs. Newton Orser and Cross Society. family, Kepler, visited at H. C. Or- ser's on Sunday. J. A. Carruthers is having a "bee" to-day, hauling ties from the railroad to his home. The Misses Cooper visited friends in Kingston for a few .days last week. Miss Edith Curl is 'very ill, being confined to her bed for several days. ' Pillar has returned home af- ending the past six years in the Table Salt is "MADE IN CANADA" It is the finest grain of the famous Windsor Salt--blended with a very small quantity of Magnesium Carbonate. 149 SOWARDS Keeps Coal and FERGUSON'S FALLS. Oct, 26.--John Gray, Ottawa, visit- ed friends on Sunday here. Mrs. James MatVicar visited at Alexander Shepherd's last week. Mrs. Annie Spence and Miss Lizzie Doyle, Drum- mond, visited at the home of Mr. Hol- linger. Mrs. Deneigh, Smith's Falls, is drilling a well at Alexander Rut- tles home. He has drilled 225 feet and has not struck water yet. Farm- ers have completed potato digging and report a good crop. Patrick Command, Lanark, has moved to his pew home here. Miss Anne Rothwell of this place has left her position in Merrickville and returned home Jharles Hollinger shipped a carload of hogs and cattle on Saturday to Montreal. Mrs. David Horricks vis- ited friends in Lanark on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Quinn spent Sunday at Mrs, Gray's. Coal Keeps SOWARDS. Gary & Practical 7 3 ome Dress Making Lesrons RR =n PERTH ROAD. The collectors for Tra- falgar Day in aid of the Red Cross Society of the Empire, report good results. E. Babcock is slowly re- covering. Sehyler Slack underwent an operation for appendicitis at Kingston General Hospital last Thursday and all are glad to hear he is recovering. Frederick Lees had the misforiuse to lose one of his horses. George Green, jr., also lost a valuable horse. The Maple Leaf Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Guthrie Thursday afternoon. Mrs. B. Johnston has returned to her home at Lansdowne, Miss E. Mec- Cadden. has returned 'home. Mrs. D. H. Raymond is at Mrs. D.. Wal- lace's. Mrs. R. Harris is visiting relatives at Watertown, N. Y. Miss Effie Green spent a day last week with Miss Sadie Guthrie. Miss Maggie Campbell is convalescent. Peter Brooks is ill of typhoid. Roy McRay and Donald Guthrie, Syden- ham high school, spent the week- end at home. Miss Winnifred Wallace is spending a few days at Mrs. J. Rousehorne's Pine Grove, Oct, 26.-- Want to be kind and cheerful, And belong to the happy class, lat food that keeps you glee- fal, That is food WITH GAS" 'Phone 197, or drop a card to the Office of the Works, Queen St., and have the GAS installed in your home. Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review DESIGN FOR AN UNDERVEST. inch material. The neck and armholes are Board with bands of Self -miterial, or lade insertion may be substituted, Beffre 'attempting to 'dur the ma- terial Told it 1H half and smooth cut all wrinkles - "Right along the lengthwise fold 'plitce the back section (B): next the front (A). The shield is laid opposite the back, and to the right of this ire the Bindings, two of which are parallel to the selvage édge of the ma- terial. After the sections are fut out clip the notches a¥ they are indicated on the tissue, so that there will be no trouble fH 'matéhing them when put- ting the unttervest together. Close the under-arm seams as notch= ed as the first step in making the un- dervest; then tiirn the hém at the low- er edge of fmall "0" perforations. Ad- Just the shi@ld to position underneath the armhole in front and responding notehes even: layes. of washable shielding may be used to protect the undergarments from excessive perspiration. Next, sew the bindings to the upper edges of the front and back as notched, center-fronts and backs éven; then fold bindings through the center and fell remaining edges "COOKED .- " CENTREVILLE . Oct. 21.--Picking potatoes is the order of the day, and reports state a very poor crop on account of the rot. The teachers from the surrounding school sections were in Napanee on Thursday and Friday at-the conven- tion. The sad news of the death of one of Centreville's most respected residents in the person of Chatles Lochhead at the General Hospital, Kingston, on Monday, Oct. 4th, was a great shock to his many friends and relatives. His remains were placed in the vault here on Thursday to await future interment. Centre- ville is fortunate in securing a grist mill at last. Baker's stone lifter is in the section and is finding an abun- dance of work. James B. Weese is having the stone work of his house laid this week. Alexander Potchett, Tamworth, has the contract. A wee baby boy has applied for board at Charles - Ingoldsby's. Light, CHARLESTON, Oct. 26.--R. A. Montgomery and wife, Lambertville, N.J., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster. Dr, Giles, Montreal, has purchased Cedar Park from A.:S. Sherman. Mrs. Charles Slack recently visited at Brockville and Lyn. The funeral of the late Mrs. H. Johnson, Delta, was held on Saturday afternoon at Trin- ity Church, Qak Leaf. A number from here attended. Rev. D. A. Cul- linan and PF. Leeder, Ballacanoe, call- ed on friends here on Saturday. A number from here attended the Deanery meeting at Brockville on! Wednesday. Mrs. C. Green and Miss E. McAndrew, Athens, were last week visitors at J. Webster's. Mrs. 8. A. Webster, Soperton, is yisiting at Ogle Webster's. Miss Loella Boyd is attending Brockville Busi- ness College. r. and Mrs. J. Nix- on, Soperton, were visitors at J. A. then Heat, Power and Water Depts. C. C. Folger, General Mgr ) -- mmm Best by Test All the words in the "dictionary will never make a poor shoe give satisfaction or service. ST. LAWRENCE. Oct. 28.--Rain is much needed in this section as the ploughing is re- ported quite dry. John Wier had a bee last Monday, filling in his silo. A. Joslin, who has been ill for som time, remains about the same. Mis Harrigan and Miss Kelly Railtgn, spent the week-end at O'Brien's. Miss Mabel Morgan spent a few days last week in Ro- chester; N. Y. James MoDonald back, cor- 1 desired, a NEWBORBO. Oct. 26.--Miss Georgie Leggett] and Miss Eleanor Bawden have been An 'unidérvest that may be made of spending a few days In Athens visit- Mere words are empty and prove nothing. ing former school riends. 'Miss Ella and wife, Central, paid a visit to Wil-' liam Dignem's. A few 'hunters from Gananoque past through here last week and report a scarcity of wild ducks. Last Monday at eight Colton, nurse-in-training at Cornwall arrived home last Friday for a two months' vacation. George Bawden and B.i Wiltsie motored to Kingston Flood's oh Saturday. McConnell and Mrs. Malvena Miss Haftie Mulvena motored Brockville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. and to firned to spend thé winter with Mrs. P. Williams. proving in health. Italian sik Or crepe de Chine and over Seams. Rring Louis Garrison fs im- the edges to the front and back bind- ings to meet the armhole binding and Join 'without lapping the edges, Close shoulder seam, trimmed with embroidery at very small cost. There are omen who like Silkéri un- derwear, yet do not feel as théir bud- The most appropriate trimming for | the front of the vest is a medallion or daigty design of embroidery done 'in seff-voior. Solid satin ~ rtitches are used to develop the embroidery, and the work should not be tod ti it will pull and give the wrinkled effect around fhe cm It is the test of actual' wear that eounts; and it is because Invietus has successfully stood the | test that its popularity has grown so rapidly. If vou wish to secure . the shoe of proven worth vou should buy "Invictus, 1" tthe Dest good shoe." on Monday. A party, consisting of B. Cavanah, P. Cavagals ahd eank Lyons, motored to the unty t united in marriage to Miss Lena Davis. The happy couple left on|oR. Monday. James Beil spent last so h son, Ble on train for New York andjSunday with friends in Addison. Dr.| friends here a few days last = week. Ph heiphin On their return Preston was in Montreal last week| The Red Cross campaign here on Tra- they will reside on Wolfe Island. H. 1 tuned thay Sor are : um r pay te Sumesttul, overt DE at" few duys-ast weer arrived here are ike contributed $150 of th " ] il on old Trends: + i ot} amo Miss M. Metcalf has re- the good roads n Spracuse and | turn ome after attending the fun- Ogdensburg, Mr. says he mot-| eral of her mother, Mrs. William are o the distance in four hours and| Duns, held at Ogdensburg, N, Y., 'Capt. Joba Fleming and | last Saturday. _ Alfred Kennéy 1% d , Berens, are in the h 'erecting a cen block addition to Seog, 2 Miss Fleming i un his house to the place of the Gerola un an es for appe rer] tis . y by fire a few days d Charles Mec- Willi ell removed on Castle have been ing for a week at Devil Lake, n fishing. get for dréss can fhclude the ready- made designs shown in the Smart shops. The undervest shown Mere is a simple model and can He catricd out in Italian silk or erépe @é Chine, both of which launder excellgritly. In medium size the vest calls Yor 17% yards 36- SEELEY'S BAY, Oct. 26th.--Mrs. C. Johnson amd son, B. Johnson, Elgin, visited o'clock was the scane of a quiet wed-| ding when Samuel Woodman was! INVERARY. Oct. 26.-- The remains of the late Wilton Duff, who died in the Hutel osbital, were brought to > tha FRONT A ago. home in Watertown. He was a' twin 111 -- Patented April 30. 1907 brother of Sr ilam Duff who small, 3 TiT ss FOLD OF 36 INCH MATERIAL. Pictorial Review Undérvest No. 6445. Price, 1) cents. CASTORIA Li' Fes = Ee) Above Patterns can be obtained from has Sizes tnedium and . Wilks) save the Transfer pattern, 15-cents NEWMAN & SHAW, ---- a '