"Bread made in the home with Royal ! yeast will keep fresh and moist longer than that made with any other. Food Scientists claim that there is more nourishment in a pound of good home made bread than in apound of meat. Consider the difference incost. TORONTO, ONT -- WINNIPEG ~~ MONTREAL MADE IN CANADA J) LAUER WY snr Se Sunkist Seeded Raisins New Goods Arriving. Insist on Sunkist. At All Grocers. BACKACHE and RHEUMATIC PAINS USE iy HAZOL-MENTHOL PLASTER 26¢. and 1 Yard Rolls, $1.00. Davis & Lawrence Co., Montreal " PASTEURIZATION KILLS 99 P.C. OF THE BACTERIA IN MILK. No epidemic of disease has ever been traced to pasteurized milk. All our milk is thoroughly pas- teurized and sold in scaled bottles. Phone 845 Price's LL KETCHUP \ MADE ~ CANADA EN SNE GLTRRLNTE o TOMATOES WITH THE FINEST OF SPICES a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD THE RETAIL GROCERS PRESENTED FIELD KITCHEN TO THE 539TH BATTALION John Gilbert and Daniel Collected the Money. The Couper Retail Grocers of Kingston not to be outdone by other organiza- tions in patriotic efforts have collect- ed a fund among themselves and! have presented the 59th Overseas! Battalion now in training at Barrie- field with a Gurney Field Kitchen This has been accomplished through the efforts of John Gilbert and Ex- mayor Couper. The task of collect-!| ing was cheerfully taken up by these gentlemen and although it involved the spending of considerable valu- able time to call on such a large number of storekeepers they stuck to it and raised the required sum. Route marching is an important part of the training to equip troops! for the trenches, both in Canada and England and if a battalion is not equipped with field kitchens for these marches' the lot of the men is ex- tremely hard owing to the delay in building stoves, etc., before a meal can be prepared. On leaving for a march roasts! stews, soup, etc., are placed in the| pans of the field kitchens and the! fires lit. On arrival at their destina- tion, four or five hours later, the meal is' cooked and ready to serve! hot to the men almost as soon' as they are halted. Field kitchens are! being used constantly 'by the 59th Battalion; everygweek a scheme is laid out for day amd night operations extending usually over two or three! days and during this time the bat- talion is fed entirely from the field kitchens. Last week for three days in suc- cession the 59th covered from seven-| teen to nineteen miles per day with gull kit weighing nearly forty pounds! per man, without the kit the battal- | ion has covered as much as twenty-| two miles per day. This is very strenuous work and only men in good physical condition, and well fed could go through it, in fact the officers of the battalion state that the good palatable meals served from the field kitchens are largely responsible for this display of physical enduran- ce. Subscribers to the fund providing this kitchen can rest assured that their money is in no small degree helping to make our men fit for the strenuous trench warfare they will have to undergo. Th energy dis- played by Mr. Gilbert| and Ex-mayor Couper in the collectipn of this fund is very much appreciated by the offi- cers and men of the 59th Battalion. As Mr. Gilbert's only son is now serving in the trenfhes in France this is by no means|the first occas- ion he has served his \King and Coun- try and it is hoped many others will follow his example. ' The list of subscribexs lows. : $25---J. Y. Parkhill $10.--James Redden Amodeo & Co, S., $5--D.B. Gage, James Kell} W. Valleau, Friend, Grocer, Wm. J\/ - | iel, Henry' Smith, Albert George Gibson, J. Turk. $3 Peter Dafnas. $2--J. A. Boyd, E Laturney, Charles Coulter, College Book Store, Stuart Crawford, C. S, Prouse, J. A. | Lemmon, W. A. James, G. S. Clena- | han, C. R. McLeod, M. Kennedy, W. J. Driver, Joseph Cullen, T. J. Leahy, Charles Saunders, W. J. Lee, W. J. Nesbit. $1.50--Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, Harry Thompson, $1, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Deyo, J. Druce, James Kennedy, E. M. Watts, W. Sutton, R. W. Marshal, W. Reid, Andrew Nesbitt, F. Richardson, J: O'Connell, H. Stover, Hugh G. Cooke, Jack Mar- shall, Miss L. Fitzgerald, Florence Arniel, Jack Kennedy, Hannah 'B 'jus, Hazel McCune, James Cornelis, E. Bearance, 8. Caverley, Elsie Mac- kenzie, James D. Bankier, M. Nolan, Miss Fallest, J. Knowlton, R. J. An- derson, Ben Lee, T. R. Carnovsky, P. A. Haffner, Wesley Clark, Mrs. Grant, John Bannister, Miss Irwin, | J. Percy, J. E. Purdy, Mrs. James | Nesbit, Miss E. D. Hamilton, L..Ab-| ramson, H. 8. Wilder, James Steal- ford, William McCandless, A. E.| Hunt, E. Beaupre, W. H. Sawyer, J. Gilchrist, C. H. Clark, E. Campbell, Mrs. Hoag, B. W. Reid, 50c--James Cunningham, B. Gil-! lespie, Berney McBride, Katie Bajus, | Eva Porter, Hazel Orr, Herb Jamie- son, Walter Grimwood, F. Baldry, | is as fol- Co. Co., Dan Gordon, | Canada's Hai Fashion Store Glenn -Charles 'HAIR GOODS | | OUR MISS GLENN WILL BE IN KINGSTON | WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, "RANDOLPH HOTEL, With a full line of Hair 3 including - Curls, Partings, Po Transformations, etc. Men's Wigs and Tou- You will appreciate the superior quality of our Goods, : Free Demonstration, One Day Oaly--Glenn-Charles 100 King Street West, Toronto. Ladies leave | desirous of having Miss Glenn call at | GIRLS! ACT NOW! HAIR COMING OUT 23-cent "Danderine" will save your hair and double its beauty. Try this! Your hair gets soft, : wavy, abundant and glossy 4 at once Save your hair! Beautify it! It is only a matter of using a little Dan- derine occasionally to have a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, wavy and free from dandruff. It is easy and inexpensive to have pretty, charming hair and lots of it. Just get 4 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now--all drug stores re- commend jt--apply a little as direct- ed, and within ten minutes there will be an appéarance of abundance; freshness, flufliness and an incompar- | able gloss and lustre, and try as you will- you canont find a trace of dan- druff or failing hair; but your real surprise will be after about achieve." mph William H. Hall, Friend, J. Herkley, G. K. Krauss 25c--A Friend. Total," $227.76. HUN EXCUSE FAILS. The List Of Those Who Subscribed-- | Boer General Denies British Commit- | ted Atrocities in South Africa. Berne, Oct. 30.-- Wolffe Agency's excuse for Edith Cavell's murder wis that many similar acts had been com- mitted by order of Gen. Kitchener on Boer women and children during the South African war. Gen. Joubert Pienaer, nephew of the former Boer commander-in-chief, who fought against Britain through- j out the South African war, and who | | now is staying in Berne, has asked the | British legation at Berne to reply to the statement on hig\behalf that nev- er throughout the Boer .war were any atrocities of this description committed by order either of Kitch- ener or any other British authori- ties. KINGSTONIAN MISSING Since The Battle Of St. Julian--Well Known Here. PTE. JOHN EASSON We present herewith the picture of a Kingston boy who enlisted at the very beginning of the war, and who has beemimissing since the battle of St. Julian, on April 24th last. John Easson came with his father and mother from Scotland in August, 1912, settling in Kingston. Until the early summer of 1914, he was employed as machinist in the Cana- dian Locomotive Works. He then moved to Brockville, and when the war broke out in August, 1914, he enlisted in the 41st Brockville Regi- ment, later transferring to the 13th Battalion Montreal Highlanders. He | was known as No. 25080 and was at, tached to "A" Company. His mother, Mrs. William Easson, 395 Division street, was officially notified that he was niigsing, the word being received about a month after the battle of St. Julian. Since that date she has put forth unceasing efforts to find some trace of her son! The American Consul has- used ev- ery resource at his disposal through | Sa % 3A { the American Ambassador at Berlin, while other friends have' also written to German authorities in an endeav- or to find some trace of the missing soldier. Not one word, however, has ever come to haad. Pte. Easson, if living, will be twenty-one years of age this month, and is a strong, healthy type of young man. Any information in re- gard to him will be gratefully receiv- ed by his sorrowing 'mother. It is al- 80 to be regretted that Mrs. Easson, during the year, has not only suffer- ed the loss of her son, but her hus- and as well. Lit is SAPPER EDWWRD BURKE, Who went overseas with the Second Canadian Engineers, $8 now serving in France, SIR IAN CONFIDENT. In Farewell Order He is' Sure of Suc- cess for Gallipoli Forces. : London, Oct. 30.--Sir lan Hamil ton in his farewell order to the troops of the Mediterranean said: "1 take this occasion of thanking the officers and men of all ranks in this command for the wonderful way in which they have seconded my ef- forts to lead them to a decisive vie- tory, which, under their new chief, 1 have implicit confidence they will UNLAWFUL COMBINATION Railway Must' Dispose Of Its Coal : Its Philadelphia, Oct. 30.--The Unit- | od States District Court deereed that | the ownership of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company by the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey is a combination if restraint of trade, and that the Central Com- pany that coucern i Pte. | must dispose-of its interest in AY, OCTOBER 30, 1915, | | Hl" Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco, 1 MONTREAL, CAN. EE ------ RUSSIA'S PROPOSA MAY OFFER 9 PER CENT FOR $60,000,000 LOAN IN ou. S. New York Hears of Plans to Estab lish a Credit For Payment of Sup- plies Shipped From America. New York, Oct. 30.--Agents of the Russian Government, it was reliably | reported here to-day, are seeking to j establish a credit loan in this coun- | try somewhat similar to the recent | $500,000,000 Anglo-French credit {loan although no bond issue is con=- { teniplated--of from $50,000,000 to [tong pes and more, if it can be obtained. Details of the proposed loin were Packing, but in one quarter it Was re. ported tifit the Russian Government | was willing to pay as high as 9 per cent. interest for a loan of this size. This report added that the loan pro- bably would be for eighteen months, and would be in the neighborhood of $60,000,000, The sum said be sought by Russia would be spent entirely in this coun- try in the' payment of supplied ship- ped to Russia by American export- ers. §8%in Soothed --0 _PAGE THIRTEEN Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition 915 San Diego, 1915 : For Flavor and Quality | $e BAKER'S COCOA is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans: it is skilfully prepared by.a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, conforming te the Canadian Pure Food Laws. All of our goods sold in Canada are made in Canada. Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free on 'request. Walter Baker & Co. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. IF EXPERIENCE COUNTS We Have It. Established 1862. MONTGOMERY DYE WORKS High Class French Cleaners, Dyers and Pressers. 225 Princess Street J. B. HARRIS, Prop. Phone 1114. See us about a Contract. ems Coal The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. Foot of West St. Three Grand Prizes The highest awards possible for Columbia Graphophones and Records at the Panama World's Fair. This is our guarantee, backed by the World's Judges. These long evenings will be brighter and hap- pier for you With a Columbia Grafonola or a few new Records. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess Street, Kingston.' | mn Healed by D.D.D. i { DOROTHY FOSTER, { With "It Pays To Advertise," at the Grand Opera House on Monday, Novem. rer 1st LOOKING OLD TOD SOON The Condition of Too Many Women And Too Many'Girls. Too many women and too many girls look 'old long before they should. Their faces become pale and drawn; wrinkles appear and be wondered at when they so fre- quently have headaches, badkaches and a general feeling of wretched- ness and weakness? In most cases | the blood that is to blame. | From one cause or another the blood | has become thin and watery and it! is a fact that anaemia (bloodless ness) mcre than any other cause, gives women this prematurely aged appearance. It is important that the blood supply of girls and women be regularly replenished--important| not only on the score of looks, but | to restore robust health, which is of | greater value. Dr. Williams' Pink! Pills actually make new blood and restore the system shattered by over- | work or worry. These pills give a| glow of heaith to pale faces and! make tired, weary women and girls feel bright and happy. ~~ With Dr. | Williams® Pink Pills gt hand there girl to jook ill or feel ill. Mrs. J. MeDonald, jr., Hay, Ont., says: "f | honestly believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life. Some years realize the seriousness of the trouble I soon became a completes wreck. I got so weak I could hardly walk. 1 neither ate nor slept well, and could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. At times I had an almost un- bearable pain in my back and would have to remain in bed. I suffered almost constantly from a dull head- ache, and when sweeping I would got so dizzy that I would have to catch hold of something to keep from falling. At times my heart would beat so fast that I would have a smothering sensation. 'My eyes wera sunken asd my hands and limbs would be swollen in the morn- ings. 1 tried several kinds of medi- cine' without benefit and my friends thought I would not recover. Then 1 began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before long could see and i that they were helping me. 1. dly continued the use of the pills !until 1 was completely cured and I cannot say enough in their praise, and I recommend | their eyes lack brightness. Can this!' is no need for any woman or any | ago I had anaemia, and as I did not || There is a pleasant way, distressing itch #ble sores and rashes. With D. D. Prescription, a mild, way, a simple, sp 3 yourself of that 1d those umncomfort= dy Just a few drops wash applied to the sore will instant rellef from all suffering. the D A generous trial bottle for only 25 soothing | cents a > $1 We offer you the Hguid, you can wash out the &nawing | first full ze bottle on the guarantee germs without bother and muss-- | that it will reach your own case or leaving no greasy stain upon the.skin. | your money refunded Ask us about D. D. D. is a scientific compound of|D. D. D Soap It keeps your skin al- oil of wintergmwen,' thymol, Klycerig | ways healthy. and other well known 'healing ingre- dient8. 'For' 15 years it has been the ico. W Standard skin remedy. D rm give Mahood, Druggist, Kingston. is made in Cana er. AfMssssssssscss | Students and Citizens Ld We have a variety of Desk, Table, and Piano Lamps, from $2.00 up. Also a stock of Heators to make your room cozy and warm. Home Lighting our Specialty. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0., { | Phone 441. Imperial Garments for Very 'Pa en x * Combinations Combination suits are growing in popularity for both summer and winter wear. These garments are now included in the well-known Imperial line. They are comfortable and well tailored. Imperial Garments are superior in appearance, material and workmanship and have an instant appeal to the judge of high grade men's wear. Imperial is a "Made in Kingston' brand, Kingston Hosiery Co. r - of this soothing N